News 197 8 2018

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VOLUME XXXV No 8 8th June, 2018



JUNE Queen’s Birthday – Public Holiday – School Closed




Athletics Carnival SS


Divine Liturgy


Athletics Carnival JS


K-6 Incursion ‘Mr Huff” Performance


Parish Trip departs


Year 1 Excursion to Centennial Parklands Reports to Parents K-6


Parent/Teachers interviews JS K-3&5


Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 9 Parent/Teachers interviews JS K-4&6


Year 6 visit Senior School Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 11


Term 2 ends for staff and students


th th th st

nd th


th th


Parish group 1 returns from Greece


Staff development day


Students return for Term 3


Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 8


Parish group 2 returns from Greece


Parent/Teacher Conferences SS Years 7&10


SRC SHARE WITH AFRICA Congratulations to the Student Representative Council that recently banded together to bake and donate a vast array of tasty treats for their "Share with Africa" cake stall fundraiser. A real sense of team work was visible as students packaged biscuits, cut up cakes, set up tables, worked out prices, experimented with table displays and sold the items they had brought in. Congratulations and thank you to all SRC's for your enthusiasm, and to all other students and staff, for your purchases! As a result, the SRC cake stall raised an outstanding $1500 for the "Share with Africa" appeal. The team work, leadership and support shown by all are inspirational. Thank you Ms Kokinelis, for your leadership in this important initiative.

AUGUST Vaccinations Years 10 and 11


Trials HSC Begins


The Dormition of the Theotokos School Closed


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

K-12 NEWS accordance with His Will. Only then will the Holy Spirit, ‘the treasury of good and giver of life,’ come and dwell within us and illuminate our hearts, minds, souls and bodies.

HOMILY FOR PENTECOST 2018 Pentecost, one of the twelve great feasts of the Orthodox Church, commemorates the descent of the all-Holy Spirit into the world. According to St. John Chrysostom: “The earth has become heaven today, not that the stars have descended from the sky… but the apostles have been raised to the heavens, because the grace of the Holy Spirit has been poured out” (St. John Chrysostom, On Pentecost Homily One). The historical account of Pentecost is found in the New Testament. In the Book of Acts, St. Luke tells us that the Holy Apostles were gathered together in one place with the Theotokos, the Mother of God, and then suddenly, a sound came from heaven like a rushing wind that filled the entire house where the apostles had gathered. Then, tongues of fire appeared and one sat upon each of the apostles. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in diverse languages as directed to them by God (Acts 2: 1-4).

Mr A. Picardi Orthodox and Legal Studies Teacher NEW INFANTS SCHOOL BUILDING In the presence of His Grace Bishop Seraphim, representing His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, the 59th Annual General Meeting of St Spyridon Parish was held last Wednesday. There were two items on the agenda: 1. Whether the construction of the proposed new Infants School should proceed, and 2. The election of new Board Members. The first issue was resolved with a resounding ‘yes’. As a result, construction will commence as soon as possible on the new Infants School.

In interpreting this passage of scripture, St. Gregory Palamas, the Archbishop of Thessalonica (14th Century), teaches us that, the Holy Spirit, Who spoke through the prophets of the Old Testament and worked miracles through the apostles in the New Testament, revealed Himself through tongues of fire. By sitting enthroned as Lord upon each of the disciples, the Holy Spirit was entirely present and active, making each of them instruments of His power. The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire to demonstrate that He shared the same nature as Jesus Christ, the Word of God, because there is no relationship closer than that between the spoken word and the human tongue. Furthermore, to preach Christ’s Gospel throughout the world, the disciples needed a new tongue, one that was full of grace (St. Gregory Palamas, Homily 24 On How the Holy Spirit was manifested and shared out on Pentecost).

The new Board of Directors is comprised of the following: President: Dr Thomas Savoulis Vice President: Mr Con Livissianis Hon. Secretary: Mr Elia Economou Treasurer: Mr Manuel Arapidis Assistant Treasurer: Mr Con Pavlou Directors: Mr James Phillips Mrs Sue Mayson Mr Nicholas G. Pappas Mr John Georgopoulos Mr Alex Nicolaou-Yules Ms Anna Stamoulis

As members of the Orthodox Church, we continue to experience the events of Pentecost in a very personal way. In the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Chrismation, Orthodox Christians receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit but due to human weakness, these gifts are often neglected. In his Homily for the Feast of Pentecost, St. Luke the Surgeon, the Archbishop of Simferopol, a Russian Orthodox saint of the 20 th century, teaches us that all are given the grace of the Holy Spirit, but not all have preserved it because the Holy Spirit lives only in pure hearts. Sin however, pollutes our hearts. In order to regain a pure heart, we must dedicate our whole lives to God, we must strive to follow God’s commandments and we must pray to Him for courage and strength so that we may live in

Congratulations to the new Board of Directors and Board of Governors. Together with the Parish Executive Officer/Bursar Mrs Christina Tsaconas, we congratulate the new Board. We look forward to continuing our work with Father Steven and Father Sotiri and the Board, for the benefit of our children, our Church and community. We are especially proud of Mrs Stamoulis, a past P&F President and parent of the College on her selection to the Board. 2

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Congratulations to Mrs Diavatiotis, Mr Volas, Miss Galanis and Mr Amditis on the recent success of our Futsal Teams at the Regional Championship. We are happy to report that our Senior Boys were the Grand Final winners after defeating Newington College and our Senior Girls were the runners up to the Emmanuel School. Both teams are off to the State Championships later in the year. TRAFFIC FLOW Parents are reminded NOT to come to the School via Doncaster Avenue and Doran Street. Doran Street is one way from Mary Hamer Lane to Doncaster Avenue for school traffic. Local residents may travel both ways.

On Tuesday 22nd May our Senior Futsal teams took part in the Regional Futsal NSW Competition held at Menai Sports centre.

I respectfully ask that you give way to our neighbours and to any veterinary emergencies.

Both the Boys and Girls teams had a fabulous day and progressed to the finals. The Boys finished the day undefeated, beating Newington College in the Grand final and were crowned the Regional Champions. The Girls lost by one goal in the Grand Final against the Emanuel School and finished up as Runners up taking home their silver medals. Mr Dookie and the coaches were very pleased with the way our students conducted themselves throughout the day. They are off to the State Championships later in the term.

TOILETS We respectfully ask that adults DO NOT USE the children’s toilets. If you need to use the bathroom, there are adult toilets in the Administration. JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM Tuesday 8th May marked our annual Cross Country Carnival. 8 girls and 8 boys from each age group have been selected to participate in ASISSA Cross Country event to be held at Queens Park on Thursday 7th June. Good luck to all involved.

Our early morning training sessions at All Sorts Indoor Sports Centre run by their amazing coaches and with staff from the school Mr Amditis, Mr Volas and Miss Galanis have certainly paid off!


The friendly games that we scheduled with the Year 7 Futsal teams from the Senior School also give our teams some experience and preparation for our competitions. We thank Mr Kaldis and Ms O’Shea for their support.

On Thursday 31st May we took a Boys team and a Girls team to the TIGS Soccer Trophy in Wollongong. The Girls started slow with a draw, they won their second game, lost their third game and finished off with a win against the Emanuel School for their last game of the draw. The girls were very excited they were able to take that win after they lost against Emanuel School in the Grand Final at the NSW Regionals Futsal comp. That win sent them to the Quarter Finals against Cedars Christian College. With no goals, they progressed to penalty shoot outs. Unfortunately, our girls lost in the penalties. I was very proud of the way they worked as a team and supported each other throughout the competition and really impressed with how much they have improved over the past few months from all the hard work they put in at Futsal training and ASISSA Soccer Interschool Sport. The Boys started strong, they won majority of their games, progressed to quarter finals, won and then played Shellharbour Anglican School in the Semi Finals. They certainly played the better game but it was 3-3 by full time so they also had to go to Penalty shootouts. Unfortunately it’s anyone’s game when it gets to that stage. Our Boys were unlucky and were knocked out.

Congratulations to Ioanna Panayi, Alexandra Bizannes, Julia Costa, Sophia Paparsenos, Georgia Karatasos, Gabriella Gouveros, Angelique Drakakis. Miles O’Reiley, George Manos, Peter Bebonis, Stephen Varvaritis, Sotiris Demetriou, Zane Rallis, George Agiasotis.

All our students gave it their best and there were some exciting breakaway moments. I would like 4

to praise the outstanding effort and sportsmanship of all students involved. It was a pleasure to watch each and every one of them strive for their personal best.

before entering the Senior competition in the years to follow. All games were played in good spirits and our students conducted themselves in an exceptional manner. We thank Miss Galanis and Mr Amditis for their efforts. Upcoming Sporting events:   

Angelique Drakakis, Alexandra Bizannes, Ioanna Panayi, Gabriella Gouveros, Sophia Paparsenos, Isabelle Zeiderman, Chrissy Drakakis, Nicola Lisgaris, Julia Costa, Georgia Karatasos.

CIS Cross Country: Thursday 14th June St Spyridon Athletics Carnival: Friday 15th June, Hensley Oval Randwick Netball Association Regional Competition: 27th June

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sport Coordinator Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

Stephen Varvaritis, Peter Bebonis, George Manos, Sotiris Demetriou, James Kefalouros, Zane Rallis, George Kakakios, Gabriel Leondaris, Ari Kougias, Connor Kristallis, Andrew Georgiou, George Agiasotis, Myles O’Reilly. On Tuesday 5th June our U10 Futsal teams competed in the NSW Futsal Regionals in Bankstown. The Junior tournament is noncompetitive but it gives our students a great stepping stone experience in the fast paced sport 5

others come every now and then and there are those who are the ‘regulars’ we see each week. Angelina met some of the ‘regulars’ this week. They were elderly people of Chinese background. She was able to converse with them in her native language and tell them a little about herself and the school. It was wonderful to witness the exchange.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT HALF YEARLY REPORTS YEARS 7-11 Years 7-11 will receive their Half Yearly Reports by the end of Term 2. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe from 3.30pm7.00pm. Students need to make appointments directly with their Teachers. Year 9: Monday 25th June 2018. Year 11: Wednesday 27th June 2018. Year 8: Wednesday 25th July 2018. Years 7 and 10: Monday 30th July 2018. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College


STUDENT LEADERSHIP SOUP KITCHEN This week Theresa Sevastopoulos, Angelina Yao and Alannah Vezos travelled to Newtown to assist at the soup kitchen. While it is a new experience for all our students, it was especially eye opening for Angelina who is an International student from China. The Soup Kitchen, as mentioned in previous newsletter reports, is open to all individuals who step through its doors. Some come once and are not seen again, 6

STUDENTS TRAVELLING OVERSEAS Here are some suggestions about how to put more joy into parenting given all the new stressors that have come with today’s tech revolution. 1. Have technology do some of the parenting work for you. Rather than constantly repeating, “Time to shut it off,” why not have your wifi at home set to automatically turn off at a specific time. Circle, for example, is a device that enables you to set individual filters and wifi access times on all your devices. With the Circle app, you can monitor data usage times for all the apps on your families’ phones. Some internet services like Xfinity also allow customers to set internet access times and limits for specific computers. Also, remember that phones can still be put away at bedtime because kids are constantly finding workarounds to mobile data control apps.

In the coming weeks a number of students across Years 7-11 will be travelling overseas. All students who are not part of the Year 10 Parish trip are expected to have spoken to Ms Kokinelis and picked up and filled an extended leave form. This form is used to provide the relevant Year Adviser with further information that will facilitate the collection of Catch Up Work from each students teachers. Once all teachers have detailed the work to be completed, it will be collated by the Year Adviser and passed on to the student before they leave for their holiday.

2. Adjust your thinking about “fighting.” Think about the upsides of arguing: Teens consistently report feeling much less stressed about arguing than their parents do. So how about as parents, decide to be less bothered by it too—after all, fair is fair. Research shows many benefits that teens get when they have productive arguments with parents. Healthy, productive arguing, from the teen perspective, is when the parents listen well to their claims and will change rules at times based on good sound input from the teens.

TECH TALK FRIDAY SCREENAGERS DOCUMENTARY Last week all Middle school gathered in the SPACe for a special screening of the documentary “SCREENAGERS: GROWING UP IN THE DIGITAL AGE” that probed into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and showed some of the messy struggles over social media, video games, and effects of internet addiction. Also, through insights from authors and brain scientists, delivered in a manner that was easily understood by all, solutions on how children can be empowered to best navigate the digital world were provided.

3. Optimize good times with your kids. There is a study that examined happiness and scarcity where college students were instructed to imagine they had only one month left in the place they lived. The control group did not get this instruction. After a month, the students that imagined time was coming to an end had branched out and done more interesting things and saw more people they cared about than the control group had. Why not try that with your family?

HOW TO OPTIMIZE PARENTING Thirty percent of adults and the same percentage of youth report that they argue daily about screen time at home. That is millions of kids, teens, and parents fighting every single day about screen issues and many millions more who fight often, though not daily. 7

PARENTING APPS TIME APPS Pocket Points Circle with Disney WiFi router  

Small box as well as an app that pairs with your router  Pause the Internet button  Easy to customize individual profiles and filters for each family member  Set time limits for apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Netflix and more  Set bedtimes for devices to automatically disconnect from the internet  Set times to disconnect devices from the internet for homework or other times OurPact (Cost: Free version or premium)   

  

Protect Your Kid     

The control phone can block other phones for any period of time and unblock at any time Set a recurring device schedule Block specific apps

 

   

Set limits on screen time Set a recurring device schedule Get usage reports Remotely turn off the internet to an individual device or to all devices iPhone Settings iPhone users can see the time they spend on apps by going to Settings>Battery then click the clock in the upper right hand corner of the menu You can see how many hours are spent on what apps in the last 24 hours or the last 7 days

Set limits on screen time Set bedtime and school time restrictions for specific apps Pause a device or give Bonus time Block all apps at lights out

Torch WiFi router    

Pause the internet by profile, or for all Set customizable recurring device schedules See amount of screen time Create a unique profile for each device

Mobicip (Cost: Free)    

Moment  

Set limits on screen time Block access to apps Organize apps into groups and set rules Set recurring device schedule Block content

Screen Time Parental Control

unGlue (Cost: Free version or premium)    

A great app for students Gain points by keeping your phone locked when you’re on campus Use points to get discounts and coupons to businesses near you Pocket Points is popular among college students and is trying to grow their high school presence You can request a high school or university on the app

Set limits on screen time Tracks how much you use your phone during the day Gives usage reports


Set limits on screen time Set a recurring device schedule Set content filters Block apps and internet usage

GIRLS NIGHT IN FUNDRAISER FOR BRAIN CANCER RESEARCH On Friday 25th May all Year 12 girls and a number of female teachers joined together to spend some time away from books and the pressures of normal school routine, to enjoy each other’s company, share memories of great times with old and new friends, as well as reflect on the fact that we had all gathered in support of raising awareness and much needed funds for brain and breast cancer research. To gain insight into the impact of disease on individuals, we watched a short video: “Dying to Live, Living to Die” about a girl of a similar age to our students who had been diagnosed with brain cancer. Even though there was a sobering and tear filled silence afterwards, knowing that $2,500 had been raised from our event, made everyone feel proud to have contributed towards funding cancer research that hopefully one day will lead to cure.

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY Good morning Mrs Stefanou Head of College, Mrs Katsogiannis Deputy Head of College, Mrs Synesios Principal of the Junior School, the Honourable Matt Thistlethwaite Member for Kingsford Smith, Dr Savoulis President of St Spyridon Parish, Parish Board Members, Teachers, Parents and beloved students of our college. My name is Dean Albanakis and I am honoured to be the College Captain for 2018. It is my privilege to be speaking to you at today’s leadership assembly. I am very honoured to be representing all the leaders of our college here today. By definition, a leader is the ability of an individual to lead or guide other individuals and teams. The role of a leader is to motivate and inspire others by setting a good example. When elected captain my initial thought was “What big things can I do to help the school” and “How can I make a difference” but then I realised as Martin Luther King Jr said. “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way”. Each and every one of you can aspire to be a great leader, if you have the right growth mindset. A good leader doesn’t happen without the support of a leadership team. I am grateful to have Joanna and Anastasia as well as the entire prefect body to assist me with decision making, in the best interest of the school. Everyone here today is surrounded by role models, whether it be your parents, roll call teacher, your soccer coach or even an older sibling. Throughout my 13 years of education at St Spyridon College, I have been influenced by many educational leaders such as Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Synesios and the late Mrs Hamer. Moreover, both Father Steven and Father Sotiris have also influenced me significantly as I have been an altar boy for St Spyridon Church for almost 11 years, working under their guidance. As College Captain, I understand how privileged we are to not only have the right to an education but to have an education here at St Spyridon College. We should embrace our school and its family and show pride in it. Our faith and culture are incorporated in our learning thus allowing us to develop our mind, body and soul. Our school motto “forever excelling” fits perfectly with the schools ethos. Leadership begins with an act of generosity. And, that generosity originates from outside of us. As leaders, we have volunteered at events such as the Brain Cancer Group and have represented the College at the recent ANZAC Day Memorial Services and the Battle of Crete Memorial Commemoration; most recently the student body raised $1500 for the Archdiocese “Share With Africa Appeal”. A great leader understands that it is the people they lead that ultimately determines the success or failure of any venture. For this, I thank my leadership team and their assistance and support so far this year. Congratulations to all Junior and Senior School leaders who received /are receiving awards today and we would like to thank Mr Thistlethwaite for recognising leadership in our school and for always supporting St Spyridon College. Dean Albanakis College Captain


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Margarita Psaras Number of years at St Spyridon College: 2 Previous Leadership Roles: (Cyprus) School volleyball Team Captain, former member of the Duke of Edinburgh National Award representing my School. Subjects I am currently studying: Advanced English, Chemistry, Maths Extension 1, Maths Extension 2, Modern Greek Continuers, Modern Greek Extension. Hobbies: volleyball, singing, dancing, running, video-chatting my friends overseas. My Future Aspirations: I would like to study at University and have a job that will offer me financial stability, which is a crucial living factor in today’s world. I also wish to go on an internship overseas My Role Models: My father. Being the only permanent working member out of me and my mother, he has always worked consistently hard in order for us to live healthy and comfortable, both in Australia and overseas. He is at the same time a mentor who has taught me how to be patient and to set my mind onto a goal. Favourite quote: “No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Bard My proudest moment: Being accepted as part of the Gifted and Talented Program run by Macquarie University upon arriving to Australia. One Student Principle that is the most meaningful to me and why: Student Principle 9: “We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again.” Upon moving back to Australia a year ago, I had no choice but to start again with my family. I left everything I had known behind: my house, my relatives, my school, my friends, my beloved volleyball teams inside and out of school which I had the honour to be the captain of, and this was definitely a huge difficulty for me after 11 years of living in Europe. However I tried to put aside my fear for the new, I accepted these tough changes and responded to them with patience, dignity and faith. Consequently, I managed to adjust to my new school environment, by being dedicated to my studies despite the different education system in front of me. Through all the people I’ve met and luckily had the opportunity to form unique bonds with, I expanded my knowledge and experiences, I received precious advice, I’ve become a leader of my own future as I’ve being consistently encouraged to set goals, and above all I felt welcome!


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Christopher Kumar Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years. Previous Leadership Roles: Prefect (Year 6), SRC (Years 7 and 8), Peer Support Leader (Year 10). Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, 2 units Mathematics, Business Studies, Economics, Biology and PDHPE. Hobbies: Sports (Soccer and Basketball), Listening to Music, going to the gym, spending time with friends. My Future Aspirations: I aspire to finish my schooling to the best of my abilities and get into Business at University. My role models: My parents. Favourite quote: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. – Steve Jobs. My proudest moment: My proudest moment was making the Opens Basketball Team in Year 9. One student Principle that is meaningful to me and why: Student Principle 3: “We work together to achieve a school community whose distinguishing characteristics are those of friendship, compassion and decency”. This is meaningful as we are one school and one community and it is important that we act as one and are friendly, compassionate and decent to each other, by acting this way we can achieve great things both in and out of the classroom.


GREEK COLUMN Αγαπητοί γονείς και φἰλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Β΄ Γυμνασίου σχετικά με την ετήσια εκδρομή που οργανώνουμε για όλη αυτή τη χρονιά, η οποία ασχολείται αυτόν τον καιρό με την ενότητα «Ας φάμε». Μέσα από την ενότητα αυτή, οι μαθητές μας μαθαίνουν τα ελληνικά ονόματα των διαφόρων τροφών που φτάνουν στο τραπέζι μας καθημερινά, πώς να παραγγέλουν σε ένα ελληνικό εστιατόριο και γενικά τις ελληνικές διατροφικές συνήθειες. Φέτος, που η χρονιά έχει τα περισσότερα παιδιά, χρειάστηκε να κλείσουμε μεγαλύτερο χώρο και γι’αυτό η εκδρομή μας έγινε στην Κυπριακή Κοινότητα από όπου και οι φωτογραφίες που θα δείτε παρακάτω.

όλοι, φέρανε σε κάθε παιδί, κοτόπουλο ή αρνί, με πατάτες, ρύζι και γίγαντες. Εγώ έφαγα το αρνί που ήταν πολύ νόστιμο, πολύ ωραίο! Τώρα ήταν η ώρα, μετά από το φαγητό, που βάλαμε ελληνική μουσική και οι περισσότεροί μας, σηκωθήκαμε να χορέψουμε. Χορέψαμε καλαματιανό, σούστα και στο τέλος ζεϊμπέκικο. Όλοι μας, μαζί με τους δάσκαλους, ήμασταν σε κύκλο και χορεύαμε για σαράντα λεπτά. Όταν εμείς χορεύαμε, βάλανε τα γλυκά στα τραπέζια μας, για γλυκό φάγαμε γαλατομπούρεκο ή μπακλαβά. .Ήταν πάρα μα πάρα πολύ νόστιμα!. Η ώρα πήγε δυο, και αν θέλαμε να γυρίσουμε στο σχολείο πριν χτυπήσει το κουδούνι, χρειαζόταν να μπούμε στα λεωφορεία μας στις 2:15 για να ταξιδέψουμε πίσω. Και να είμαστε στην ώρα μας. Έτσι, ευχαριστήσαμε το προσωπικό που μας περιποιήθηκε και φύγαμε.

Επίσης δημοσιεύουμε γραπτό μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου σχετικά με την ενότητα «Για ψώνια», το οποίο όμως παρουσιάστηκε προφορικά ως ομιλία.

Η μέρα αυτή, νομίζω ότι μπορώ να μιλήσω για όλα τα παιδιά και να πω, πόσο ωραία ήταν και πόσο χαρούμενοι ήμασταν όλοι μετά στο λεωφορείο. Ήταν μια πολύ καλή μέρα μαζί με τις φίλες μας και τους καθηγητές μας.

Καλά να περνάτε. κα Μ.Φαλέτα Εκδρομή στην Κυπριακή Ταβέρνα Την Πέμπτη 24 Μαΐου, εγώ μαζί με όλα τα παιδιά της δεύτερης τάξης γυμνάσιου, πήγαμε στην Κυπριακή ταβέρνα, της Κυπριακής κοινότητας του Σύδνευ, στην περιοχή του Στάνμορ, μαζί με τις καθηγήτριες και τους καθηγητές μας, την κυρία Φαλέτα, την κυρία Γαμβρέλλη, τον κύριο Βασιλιάδη, και τον κύριο Μεϊντάνη. Το θέμα που κάνουμε τώρα στα ελληνικά είναι το: ‘Ας Φάμε’, και γι’ αυτό πήγαμε σε ένα εστιατόριο να μάθουμε πώς να παραγγέλουμε φαγητό σε ένα ελληνικό εστιατόριο. Φτάσαμε στην ταβέρνα στις δώδεκα η ώρα, έτοιμοι να φάμε και να περάσουμε ωραία.. Τα τραπέζια ήταν στρωμένα με ψωμί για κάθε παιδί και ποτήρια με νερό, και άλλα ποτά. Όταν καθίσαμε, τα φαγητά ήρθανε αμέσως. Πρώτα φάγαμε Ελληνική σαλάτα, με ταραμοσαλάτα ή τζατζίκι και ψωμί, και μετά όταν τελειώσαμε 13

ήταν πολύ πρόχειρα, πολύ καθημερινά κι εγώ ήθελα να της πάρω κάτι πιο επίσημο. Γι’αυτό, λοιπόν, μπήκα σε άλλο κατάστημα. Ήταν μια καινούρια μπουτίκ που άνοιξε πριν τρεις εβδομάδες. Είχα ακούσει ότι αυτή η μπουτίκ είχε ρούχα από μέρη του εξωτερικού όπως από τη Νέα Υόρκη, το Λονδίνο και το Παρίσι και όταν τελικά μπήκα, πραγματικά ενθουσιάστηκα με ό,τι έβλεπα γύρω μου. Εκεί βρήκα ένα πανέμορφο φόρεμα για την φίλη μου, στο αγαπημένο της χρώμα, το απαλό ροζ. Ήταν στο στυλ της και είχε και έκπτωση! Το αγόρασα, λοιπόν και βγήκα κατευχαριστημένη από την καινούρια αυτή μπουτίκ. Μετά μου ήρθε μια καταπληκτική ιδέα, να της πάρω ένα κολιέ για να το συνδυάσει με το φόρεμα που της αγόρασα. Της αρέσουν πολύ τα μπιζού και θα «πηδούσε» από την χαρά της αν της το έκανα δώρο. Πήγα λοιπόν στο κοσμηματοπωλείο για να δω τα κοσμήματα. Από όλα, μόνο δύο κολιέ μου άρεσαν, το ένα στο χρυσό χρώμα και το άλλο στο ασημένιο. Το ασημί ήταν δέκα δολλάρια πιο φτηνό από το χρυσαφί, αλλά το χρυσαφί πήγαινε καλύτερα με το φόρεμα που είχα ήδη αγοράσει. Αντριάνα Δρακούλη Year 8 Student

Τελικά, το ευχαριστήθηκα που βγήκα για ψώνια για τα γενέθλια της φίλης μου και ευτυχώς της άρεσαν πολύ τα δώρα μου!

Μια μέρα στα μαγαζιά

Ευχαριστώ που με ακούσατε.

Καλημέρα σας κυρία Φαλέτα και συμμαθητές. Σήμερα θα σας μιλήσω για μια μέρα στα μαγαζιά. Το προηγούμενο Σάββατο πήγα στα καταστήματα για να αγοράσω ένα δώρο για τα γενέθλια της φίλης μου. Έκλεισε τα δεκαέξι της χρόνια και γι’αυτό ήθελα να της πάρω ένα μεγάλο, ωραίο δώρο.

Anastasia Gikas Year 9GKH

Στην αρχή δεν ήξερα τι να της πάρω. Θυμήθηκα όμως ότι μου είχε πει, πριν περίπου δύο μήνες ότι της έλειπε ένα ωραίο φόρεμα. Πρώτα απ’όλα, μπήκα σ’ένα μικρό, αλλά ωραίο κατάστημα ετοίμων ενδυμάτων που πουλάει γυναικεία είδη. Μου άρεσαν πολύ όλα τα ρούχα του μαγαζιού, αλλά τα φορέματα που πωλούσαν 14




In round 4 and 5 of Boys Football we have had excellent performances from all the teams which have helped the teams move up on the points table. At the half way point of the season many of the teams are on the right track to play finals football. Highlights from round 4 against Oakhill included our U13 boys who were very unlucky not to win their first game of the year with a 1-1 draw, in addition the First XI boys played out a 3-3 draw in a game that had the lead change back and forward many times. The other highlight from the round included the 2nd XI boys who had an enthralling win against Oakhill 3-2.

The Schools Opens teams, together with the coaches, enjoyed a Thursday breakfast together, an opportunity for the School’s Senior teams and students to come together and discuss all things sport. Well done to all involved and good luck with the remainder of the season. SOCCER TRAINING

Round 4 Results: U13 v Oakhill 1-1 U14 A 5-0 win v Oakhill U14 B 0-4 loss v St Patricks College U15 A 2-1 win v Oakhill College U15 B loss 3-1 v Oakhill College U16 0-4 loss v Oakhill College 2nd XI won 4-3 v Oakhill College First XI v Oakhill 3-3

This year the School has embarked on after school soccer training at Heffron Park from 3:05pm – 5:00pm every Thursday for all our junior boys teams. The boys have benefited greatly from the additional training and are definitely enjoying training on the soccer pitch using the goals and trying to develop their skills as well as add to the team dynamics. I commend the boys, the coaches and staff for helping to make this a reality.

Round 5 has easily been one of the best rounds of football for the boy’s teams with success in nearly all games. The highlight was most definitely the U13s who managed to back up the great performance against Oakhill to defeat St Andrews 3-1. This is an excellent result considering our U13 team lost their first round encounter to St Andrews. The U15 B was also unlucky not to record their first victory of the season recording a 1-1 draw. The U16 boys were relentless and like the U13s reversed the earlier result from the first round winning the game on the back of excellent attacking football. Our First XI also continue their positive form winning an interrupted game 2-0 and remain undefeated heading into their clash against St Pius X College, when both undefeated teams meet for the first time. The U14 B continues to improve every week and goal keeper James Cardamis was again wonderful in the goal saving yet again another penalty. James has made a habit of being one of the Schools best 15

shot stoppers and is leading the team exceptionally well. Congratulations to the team for their outstanding win and resolve. The U15 A boys were in a tough battle against St Andrews, it was a very good game of football with both teams well organised and trained. Our boys hit the wood work three times throughout the game and were denied on several occasions from their keeper, it was a great volley strike from Paul Giavis which helped the boys to their 4th consecutive win for the season defeating St Andrews 2-1. Round 5 Results Cathedral School: U13 won 3-1 U14 A won 3-0 U14 B won 4-0 U15 A won 2-1 U15 B 1-1 draw U 16 won 1-0 2nd XI won 3-0 First XI won 2-0



CROSS COUNTRY Cross country is a contest of endurance, a contest of strength of the body and mind to push the boundaries and limits of athletic performance. It is a grueling sport and one that does not appeal to many because of the length and terrain involved in the contest. It is perhaps one of the most difficult and for this reason, rewarding event to compete in. On Wednesday 30th May our School team competed in the annual ISA cross country carnival at Sydney Equestrian Centre. With students competing in various distances dependent on their age and in some age groups competing against up to 90 students.


It is the solitary nature of the event and the relentless battle between an athletes mind to push their body beyond its limits to achieve success that drives people to compete in such grueling and testing conditions. This year was a special year for the School as Larisa Arnautovic placed an amazing 2nd in the U13 girls. Watching Larisa in the closing stages was a real inspiration. Larisa entered the equestrian centre for the final lap of the race much like victorious Olympians do at the conclusion of the marathon: Larisa had second place all to herself. Larisa had committed to maintaining her pace throughout the 3km event and served a reminder to her peers that it is indeed possible to place in arguably the most difficult of competitions on the School Sport Calendar. We wish Larisa the best of luck in the CIS Cross Country Carnival to be held on the 14th June. While Larisa’s success was emphatic it was her peers who also inspired many throughout the day with Benjamin Hickman placing 13th in the 13 years boys 3km race, an outstanding achievement considering there were 98 competitors in the race. Gabriella Guerrera also placed 11th in the girls 13years 3km event. This achievement earnt her a place in the ISA team for 2018. To have both Gabriella and Larissa attend the CIS Cross country is an amazing achievement for the College. Well done to both girls.


While these students enjoyed the best results for the day, it was encouraging and pleasing to watch all students complete all their respective races to the best of their ability. Congratulations to all the students and thank you to Mr Magoulias for his ongoing support and for dedicating his time to train and adequately prepare the students for the event.

FUTSAL The junior boys and girls attended the Bankstown region futsal tournament on Wednesday 6th June. All the teams played well and enjoyed the day. One of our Junior Girl teams progressed, passed the pool stage to play in the semifinal. Unfortunately the girls lost that game 3-0, but they were relentless in their approach and determination. The team improved in every game and no doubt will be better for the experience in next year’s tournament. Congratulations to the girls. For the boys, one of our teams progressed to the quarter finals winning in extra time to seal a spot in the semifinals. In the semifinals the boys were down 1-0 for much of the game before they came back to score a late equalizer to take the game to extra time. The teams could not be separated and the teams played in a penalty shootout with the St Spyridon boys winning the penalty shootout 3-2. In the final the boys were flawless winning the game comfortably 4-0.

Larisa Arnautovic (centre)

The boys were outstanding showcasing their skills, and positive team work throughout the entire tournament. Congratulations to all the students and well done to the Schools U14 boys team which now progresses to the state finals in early August. Congratulations and well done to their coach Mr Magoulias, who has helped to shape their playing style and relentless belief in each other. Gabriella Guerrera

Cross Country Team


ROUND 4 TEAM OF THE WEEK Congratulations to the Junior A Football team for a tremendous start to the ISA season especially during round 4 with a 8-1 winning over OXLEY. This team consists of girls from Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 competing in Division 1 for ISA. A reasonably young team who are playing to the best of their abilities each week, determined to win and be competitive each match. Their results this season have been positive and we are excited to continue to watch them progress through the back end of the season.


St Spyridon College Senior School Athletics Carnival Wednesday 13th June @ Hensley Athletics track Round 6 Boys football v St Pius X College Saturday 16th June @ Oxford Falls Round 7 Boys football v St Patricks College Saturday 23rd June @ Chifley Reserve

GIRLS SPORTS ROUND 4 TEAM OPEN A Netball OPEN A Football Open B Netball Open C Netball Intermediate Netball Junior A Netball Junior A Football Junior B Football Junior C Netball Junior D3 Netball Junior D4 Netball


RESULT 51-38 WIN 3-0 WIN 39-33 WIN 37-46 LOSS 26-39 LOSS 18-43 LOSS 8-1 WIN 0-0 DRAW 26-4 WIN 30-5 WIN 9-10 LOSS

TEAM OPEN A Netball OPEN A Football Open B Netball Open C Netball Intermediate Netball Junior A Netball Junior A Football Junior B Football Junior C Netball Junior D3 Netball Junior D4 Netball 18





7 students varied in their swimming abilities but each student was graded accordingly and was provided with an opportunity to improve their skills in the water environment which is an important life skill.

ROUND 5 TEAM OF THE WEEK The Open C netball team consisting of Year 10 girls secured their first win in Round 5 against Redlands. These girls are one of the most committed teams, with each girl attending training each week and giving their maximum effort in all games. Finally their hard work and persistence has paid off and we are looking forward to watching their growth throughout the remainder of the season.

This Term we have provided the Year 8 students with a similar experience however, in a much different environment. The Year 8 students have been attending Bunnerong Gymnastics’ Centre where they have been provided the opportunity to participate in a variety of movement activities to demonstrate and enhance body control, body awareness and demonstrate their movement skills in a variety of gymnastics activities.

BEYOND THE CLASSROOM IN PDHPE and PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS STUDIES As a part of the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education curriculum the students across from 7-10 are required to participate in a number of physical activity opportunities. This year the PDHPE team has provided students with a chance to participate in activities beyond the school environment. Outcome 4.4 A student demonstrates and refines movement skills in a range of contexts and environments. A requirement in the Stage 4 PDHPE Syllabus requires the students to demonstrate movement skills through a range of experiences including: – aquatics activities such as water safety skills, water games and swimming skills In order to achieve this outcome Year 7 were involved in a week long intensive swimming program which was held at All Sort Swimming Centre in Alexandria during Term 1. The Year 19

students thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt some important information about beach safety as well as participating in some fun but challenging activities. The students will be provided with some more opportunities throughout the year in order to achieve the above outcomes and we look forward to sharing them.

Whilst both of these activities have forced some students to participate in activities that may not be familiar with them or perhaps not something they don’t excel in however, these opportunities allow the students to be challenged in a foreign sporting context and help to develop their physical skills as well as their resilience. Likewise the Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) students are required to participate in a variety of activities. PASS is an elective course from Year 9-10 which acts an extension to the compulsory PDHPE classes. The Year 9 and 10 Pass students were given the opportunity to explore the following outcomes; 

1.2 A student recognises the benefits of participating in a range of physical activities and/or sports.

3.1 A student demonstrates skills and strategies for participation in physical activity and/or sport.

3.2 A student recognises factors that enhance participation in physical activity and/or sport.

During Term 1 the Year 9 and 10 PASS students participated in a variety of Beach activities held at Maroubra Beach. The students walked from school to the beach where they participated in surfing lessons, body board activities and some surf lifesaving activities such as flags. The

Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sports Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sports



HENSLEY ATHLETIC FIELD 79 Corish Circle, Eastgardens

COMPULSORY SCHOOL EVENT Students are to wear Full School Sports Uniform and House shirt. Bring plenty of food and water. Canteen facilities may be available. 21





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