VOLUME XXVII No 6 14th May, 2010
MAY Greek Play 6.30pm, St Spyridon Church Hall
Greek Play 4pm, St Spyridon Church Hall
Parent Teacher Conferences, Years 7 & 12 3.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
School Photographs K-12
K2011 Information Morning 9am-11am
Half Yearly Exams, Years 10 & 11 begin
ICAS Computer Skills JS
Open Information Morning & Tours 9.30-11am
Fast of the Apostles begins
to everyone for their participation in the 2010 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese National Schools Event. The sixty-five strong squad looked and played to the best of their abilities, strengthening resolve and relationships across the seven Greek Orthodox Schools. Students’ standards of dress and sportsmanship were outstanding. They were a credit to themselves their families and their school. Special commendations to the Sports Captains Connie Bouhoutsos and Gregory Lazaridis. As Leaders, together with all Year 12 students, they were outstanding role models for younger students, who themselves expressed their admiration and appreciation on the day.
Congratulations to all Team Captains and coaches. Mr P. Meintanis, Manager of this event and accompanying teachers, Ms K. O’Shea, Mr P. Mavrommatis, Mr V. Zafiropoulos, Ms C. Savva, Ms E. Gambriell and Mr A. Condous, are warmly thanked for their hard work and commitment to this highlight event.
Parent Forum, Year 11 2011 7.00 p.m.
ASISSA Cross Country JS
HSC & Careers Expo, Year 12
Athletics Carnival K-6
Parish Trip to Greece departs
Queen’s Birthday Holiday, School closed
Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 5 JS
Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 4 & Yr 6 JS
Divine Liturgy
P & F Trivia Night
21 – 25
ICAS Science JS
Work Experience, Year 10 (students not in Greece)
Congratulations to the Girls Netball, Basketball and Indoor Soccer Teams on being placed First in their sport.
ICAS Writing JS
Term ends for staff and students
JULY Staff Development Day
19 th 20
Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag
Students return
K-12 NEWS OUR SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs Bouziannis and her children Sara (School Captain 2004) and Steven (Prefect 2006) at the recent loss of their husband and father. May God grant them strength in this difficult time.
CONGRATULATIONS… …to Mr P. Meintanis, Dean of Senior Programs on the wedding of his daughter Natalie (Senior Prefect 2001) to Arthur Bountros.
…to Mr & Mrs Liaromatis and Phillip (1T) on the birth of their son and brother Alexander. May Christ bless them with long, happy and healthy lives. Να σας ζήσει!
SCHOOL FEES A reminder to pay all fees outstanding for Term 2 as Term 3, 2010 will be charged to your account on Thursday, 13th May 2010. Should you wish to discuss payment, please call the Parish Office on 9313-6899.
TROLLEY BAGS A new manufacturer will be supplying the school trolley bags. If you would like to order a trolley bag please call Helen on 9313-6890.
…to Mrs A. Skerman, Careers Adviser on the birth of her second grandchild – Jack.
CASUAL BUS PASSES FOR THE SCHOOL BUS Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus. One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way). The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.
…to our new Byzantine singing teacher Mr. Psilacos on the book he compiled containing the words to the most widely used hymns of the Greek Orthodox Church. Each hymn is presented on two facing pages including the Greek version, the English and the transliterated version for those who can’t read Greek. At the back of the book is a CD. This is a wonderful initiative of our Archdiocese and an invaluable resource for any Orthodox home. Please see the school or parish office to secure your copy. Cost is $30.
CANNON SHUTTLES BUSES DOOR TO DOOR There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttles bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh.
We look forward to thanking them in writing, individually and officially in the immediate future. The committee sincerely thanks the College and Parish executive - Mrs Stefanou-Haag, Mrs Tsaconas, Mrs Synesios and Mrs Hatzakos for taking time out of their busy lives at work to share and support this celebration. Furthermore we express a very warm thank you to Mrs Hamer for making the effort to come and bond with the mums. We were also fortunate to enjoy the great company of Mrs Tolios, the wife of the Consul General for Greece in NSW.
FUNDRAISING TOTALS 2009 & 2010 Year to Date Fundraiser Taverna Night Easter Stall Palm Sunday Lunch Mother’s Day Stall Mother’s Day Brunch Entertainment Book Sports Carnival Father’s Day Stall Father’s Day Raffle Trivia Night Open Day Spring Fair Total
Total Raised $ 6 500 $ 3 000 $ 3 000 $ 2 700 $ 2 600 $
Fundraiser Taverna Night Lambathes Palm Sunday Lunch Mothers Day brunch Mothers Day stalls
Total Raised $15 000 $ 2 700 $ 5 000
The P&F committee is grateful to Anna Arsenis, a parent of the College who publicized our event in Parikiakos Palmos and Kosmos newspapers. Finally, to all our mums who enjoyed the day, we express a big thank you for your presence, support and positive feedback.
$ 3 045 $ 3 150
$ 3 141 $
$10 000 $ 1 033 $10 000 $43 679
Upcoming Events Trivia Night
$28 895
Saturday 19 June 2010
MOTHER’S DAY EVENTS ST SPYRIDON MUMS CELEBRATE OVER BRUNCH AT BONDI BEACH Seventy St Spyridon mums sipped champagne, smiled and socialized in a sun-soaked scenic setting at Nick’s Seafood…. and so Mother’s Day brunch 2010 goes down in history as another ever-so-popular and successful event for the P&F Association. Guests indulged in a scrumptious savoury and sweet buffet with the highlighted culinary feature of a gourmet omelette made fresh on the spot in their presence. It was a day of giving generously as mums received complimentary Dove bags, mini Tupperware packages and a sensational $50 gift voucher from MD Cosmedical Solutions on arrival. Rich were the raffle and lucky door prizes for selection and for this the P&F wholeheartedly thanks all the generous and thoughtful donors who offered countless quality gifts.
'STOP THINK DO' In the Infants Department we are about to run a social skills training program called STOP THINK DO.
Members of the P&F prepared some exciting and practical gifts for their Mother’s Day stall. It ran over 3 days and received an overwhelming response from our Junior school students who frantically shopped to shower their mums, γιαγιάδες, nanas, godmothers and aunts with mugs, jewellery, jersey cow candles and winter accessories (to name a few). This stall project resulted in a fantastic profit of $3150. Thanks must go to the fathers who reached deep into their pockets to help the children spoil their mums.
The aim of the program is to develop a more positive classroom and playground environment for all students. Students learn better when they are getting on well with other students and their teachers. The program aims to teach children to: • Listen to and talk with others • Understand other people's feelings • Express their own feelings appropriately • STOP and THINK before they act, and thus • Make good decisions and choices • Make and maintain friendships • Be assertive in a positive manner • Develop resilience • Work with their peers to help each other • Feel positive about themselves, their class and their school. Parents are an important part of this program. You can help your child learn and practise these skills by looking for positive changes in your child's attitude or behaviour and praising them for it.
Ms F Diakoumis & Mrs M Pascalis P & F Association
From the honesty and innocence of the Infants at the Mother’s Day assembly to the depth of understanding about the human spirit at Year Five’s Anzac Day assembly, we acknowledge the significant importance of attending a school where values and traditions are honoured and respected. We congratulate the teachers involved for their assistance in preparing the students for these special assemblies.
Parents are also encouraged to talk to their children about what they are learning, and to reinforce these principles at home. Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants' Coordinator
SCHOOL PHOTOS On Tuesday 18th May, students will have their class and individual photos taken. Please ensure students are at school on time as the whole school photo will be taken at 8:30am. Students need to be dressed in full school uniform including blazers. Please ensure shoes are polished and blazers have buttons. Girls need to have their hair tied up and boys need to be suitably groomed.
The NSW Board of Studies has provided parents in government schools with copies of the Parent’s guide to the NSW Primary syllabuses. This document helps parents understand what children will learn about in school, how much time will be spent on each subject and provides examples of work A – E.
WINTER UNIFORM Students need to come to school dressed in their full school winter uniform each day. This includes wearing their blazer to and from school. If it is cold during the day, they need to wear their jumpers in the playground. The winter sports uniform is the tracksuit with the school polo top. White skivvies may be worn in place of the polo top on really cold days. Please consult the student planner for further details.
You can access this document on http://k6.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/go/ parents
JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION (JDRF) The month of May is jelly baby month and our school will be participating to help find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. A guessing competition and fundraiser will be held the week beginning 17th May. Look out for the flyer for further information. We thank Giorge Gemisis of Year 5 for initiating this.
THANK YOU Thank you to the following parents for assisting with the covering of Readers for K-2. Mrs Lambrou (Anastasia, KC), Mrs Chellos (Angus, KJ), Mrs Nikitopoulos (Alexander, KC) and Mrs Zois (Lucia, KR). We also thank the P & F President Mrs Stamoulis and her team for their amazing efforts this year. The Mother’s Day brunch was a great success and gifts on offer at the Mother’s Day stall were amazing. Each year you outdo yourselves. We look forward to the Trivia Night in June. Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School
PRIMARY CHESS COMPETITION Congratulations to the following children who won their chess matches against Malabar and Coogee Prep. On Friday: Constantine Tsingos, Nicholas Frazis, Leo Bae, Patrick Langlands, and Tina Ventoura. Well done.
YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE… Year Four is learning about ecosystems and what environmental factors affect an ecosystem. Specifically, we are looking at how plants use light, water and air to make food (photosynthesis), and how controlling the amount of light, water and air will affect the growth of the plant. We set up an experiment to observe and record changes in plants that receive sunlight, air and water and those that do not. We will observe and record these changes over a 5 week period.
On Thursday 6th May, a number of Year Three children were introduced to the game of chess. The College invited a member of the Chess Academy of New South Wales to give a demonstration lesson, which, according to the comments after the lesson, was very well received. Our tutor, Sunil, was extremely capable and we hope to see him again in the near future.
Miss Bletsogiannis & Mrs Dimitrelis
A note will be going home to all Year 3 and Year 4 students, initially, who would like to participate in learning the game of Chess. The games will take place on a Thursday at lunch time. Depending on the response, the lessons may be opened to all Primary. Mrs C. Bartlett Chess Coordinator
SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School Photographs will be taken on Tuesday, 18th May, 2010. Envelopes with instructions have been distributed to students. They are to return the completed envelope with the exact money on the day and give it directly to the photographers.
A BUSY TIME The lives of St Spyridon students are generally very full and busy. However, over these past two weeks the pace has been almost frenetic. Numerous students participated in the Greek Orthodox Schools National Sporting Competition and won a number of events, Year 7 & 9 sat for the new National Assessment Program, Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN), ACER Scholarship examinations were conducted, and budding students ‘actors’ are rehearsing for the annual Greek play “Miss 39 is looking for a Groom”. Congratulations to everyone who participated in all these activities.
Students must be dressed in full winter uniform and adhere to all of the expected appearance and grooming rules. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School
PARENT FORUM Transition To Year 11, 2011 For Year 10 Students And Their Parents
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyses life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.”
On Wednesday, 2nd June, 2010 at 7.00 p.m. a meeting will be held for all students of Year 10 and their parents. The Board of Studies Liaison Officer (BOSLO) Ms Kim Owens will be present to talk about the Preliminary and Higher School Certificate requirements. We will also distribute the Upper School Handbook to assist subject choice. It is expected that all students of Year 10 will attend with their parents – 7.00 p.m. Technology Wing.
Harry Emerson Fosdick American liberal Protestant minister, teacher, and author 1878–1969 Bitterness stems from losses or failures that dent our confidence, alter our perceptions and cause us to approach our future with more reticence. Bitterness may occur when we are deeply disappointed or hurt by others, when we fail at something we have tried hard to achieve, and even when we see other people succeed ahead of us. Jealousy, anger and resentment are added bi products of the bitterness pill. They act like heavy weights that slow us down and cast unhealthy dark shadows of negativity into our lives. When bitterness creeps in, it allow situations to infect the person we are on the inside, causing us to quit, instead of meeting challenges head on. Having faith, learning to forgive, accepting, being resilient and moving on, leads to a stronger you and a brighter future.
All parents and students should be aware of the Parent Teacher Conference to be held on Monday, 17th May, 3.30 pm – 6.30 p.m. This event provides opportunity to meet with class teachers in order to gauge where students are at. Parents and students also have opportunity to raise any concerns they may have with individual teachers. We encourage all who have made appointments to be on time so that booking schedules can be maintained.
EXAMS YEARS 10 and 11
Don't allow your past to pollute your present, and poison your future. Bitterness is an attitude. You can choose to release it! Don't get bitter, GET BETTER!
Students will be sitting examinations in Week 6. Year 11 exams begin Monday, 24th May for one week. Year 10 exams begin Wednesday 26th May for three days. Timetables have been distributed to students. The examination rules are printed on the reverse side of the timetable. Students need to be aware of these requirements.
STUDENT COMMUNITY SERVICE – Soup Kitchen This week two Year 9 students Lantou Georgou and Penny Bounatsos, began Soup Kitchen Duty. The girls have to be commended for overcoming their initial
specialist presenters. The aim of these is to extend the experiences of our students in the areas of Personal Development and Study Skills. Students are reminded that all money must be returned to the office in a clearly marked envelope by the set due dates.
feelings of apprehension and carrying out their duties efficiently on the day. Well done. The Soup Kitchen Community Service Program will continue throughout the remainder of the year with two students attending each week with either Mr Condous, Year 9 Adviser, or myself. If any parent has any concerns, please contact the school.
Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School
CAREER NEWS The Institute of Chartered Accountants is holding an event for Year 10 and 11 students who are interested in becoming accountants via a cadetship. (This is where you combine studying part time at university and working full time in an accounting firm for part of your degree). “Meet the Business Leader” is an opportunity for younger students to meet and network with young and experienced chartered accountants on Wednesday 18 August from 4.30pm at The Institute of Chartered accountants at 33 Eskine Street in the CBD. Register at www.charteredaccountants.com.au/students
University of Sydney Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings provide information to current Year 10 students on subject selection for Years 11 and 12, as well as the process of applying to university. The dates are the 3rd, 7th and 8th of June. To register and for more information, head to sydney.edu.au/year_10_evening.
Our Student Council Representatives and Prefects have recently been promoting the annual Loud Shirt Day which aims to raise funds for deaf and hearing impaired children on behalf of The Shepherd Centre. All participating students made a gold coin donation and came to school wearing a loud shirt in support of this event. A big round of applause for all!!
Registrations for this event are open from Monday 17 May to Friday 28 May. Please note that this event is very popular, and all three evenings fill out quickly.
In Week 6 all SRC’s will be selling cup cakes at recess and lunch to raise funds for the Cancer Council. Students are encouraged to bring in some extra money to make a special cup cake purchase on Thursday, 27th May. Teachers will also be holding their own morning tea in support of this worthy occasion.
JMC Academy of Music will be holding a 2 hour Bass Guitar Workshop for high school students on Tuesday 18 May from 6 to 8pm at JMC, 15 Cooper Street in Surry Hills. This is a brilliant opportunity to learn from three guitar legends. The cost is $10 per student. Enquiries phone 9281 8899. Interested students must complete and send a booking form no later than 7th May. See Mrs Skerman for the form.
BULLYBUSTERS All Year 7 will be entertained and educated by the Class Act Theatre Group through their performance of the play ‘Bullybusters’ next week in Pastoral Care. All students in Year 7 should have paid for this performance. We look forward to reading Year 7’s reviews of this performance in our next Newsletter
The Open Day at JMC Academy will be held on Saturday 15th May at 41 Holt Street. Two sessions are available at 11am or 2pm. Please register by phoning 9281 8899. JMC offer courses in Film and Television, Digital Media or Music.
Careers Days for students interested in Sport. The NSW Sports Federation is hosting special interactive sports careers days at Sports House at Sydney Olympic Park. Guest speakers will be from a variety
Students in Year 7, 11, & 12 have all received information letters about up coming Pastoral Care activities which have been booked with outside
Προσωπικά, συµφωνώ µε αυτή τη δήλωση και µάλιστα απόλυτα και στην συνέχεια θα σας εξηγήσω γιατί.
of careers in sport from players to managers. See the website for more details. Visit www.sportnsw.com.au and under “Education” and then “School Workshops” to see details of times and costs. For further information, please call 8116 9740 or email julie.stafford@sportnsw.com.au
Τα λόγια «∆ιαφωνώ µε αυτό που λες αλλά σου αναγνωρίζω το δικαίωµα να το λες» είναι πολύ σηµαντικά στην εποχή µας επειδή υποστηρίζουνε την αποδοχή και την ανοχή του διαφορετικού µέσα στην κοινωνία που ζούµε.
Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser
Πιστεύω ότι όλοι έχουν το δικαίωµα να έχουν τη δική τους γνώµη για διάφορα θέµατα και να έχουν την ελευθερία να την εκφράζουν, δηλαδή, να έχουν την ελευθερία του λόγου.
Κυρίες και κύριοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε την οµιλία µιας µαθήτριας της Β΄Λυκείου, η οποία παρακολουθεί τα µαθήµτα της Γ΄Λυκείου για τα Ελληνικά.
Με την αποδοχή αυτού του γεγονότος µπορούν ελεύθερα να εκφραστούν οι σκέψεις και οι ιδέες των ανθρώπων και µε την αναγνώριση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωµάτων ο κόσµος γίνεται ανεκτικός, µε κατανόηση για τις διάφορες απόψεις, οι οποίες προκύπτουν µέσα από τους διάφορους πολιτισµούς και τις θρησκείες που υπάρχουν στην κοινωνία µας.
Το θέµα της είναι «∆ιαφωνώ µε αυτό που λες αλλά, σου αναγνωρίζω το δικαίωµα να το λες». Η οµιλία αυτή ήταν µέρος των διαγωνισµών του Α΄τριµήνου για την Γ΄Λυκείου. Επίσης θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τους µαθητές και τις µαθήτριες του κολλεγίου µας, οι οποίοι πήραν µέρος στο Φεστιβάλ Προφορικού Λόγου – Spoken Arts Festival, που διεξήχθη στο κολλέγιο της Αγίας Ευφηµίας την Τετάρτη, 5 Μαϊου. Όπως γνωρίζετε, µαθητές και µαθήτριες των κολλεγίων της κάθε Αυστραλιανής πολιτείας επισκέφτηκαν το Σύδνεϋ για διάφορες αθλητικές αναµετρήσεις και κάποιοι πήραν µέρος και στο εν λόγω φεστιβάλ. Η δική µας συµµετοχή ήταν µε τους/τις µαθητές/ριες: Αγγελική Φλώκη, Μαρία Τσαλίκη, Αναστασία Πιζάνη, Γιώργο Σιαλέπη και Γρηγόρη Λαζαρίδη, οι οποίοι παρουσίασαν µια σκηνή από το θεατρικό έργο που ανεβαίνει στις 14 και 16 Μαϊου, «∆εσποινίς ετών 39» Επίσης οι: Aleksandra Djordjevic, Milica Simonovic, Milica Janjetovic and Ivana Bojanovic, απήγγειλαν ένα ποίηµα στα Σέρβικα µε κύριο θέµα τη διατήρηση της γλώσσας του καθενός ανεξάρτητα από το πόσες άλλες γλώσσες µπορεί κάποιος να µιλά. Η Αλεξάντρα µάλιστα στο τέλος απήγγειλε ένα µικρό ποίηµα του Σεβασµιωτάτου Αρχιεπισκόπου Αυστραλίας κ.κ. Στυλιανού, σχετικά µε την αγάπη. Εΰχαριστούµε και συγχαίρουµε και πάλι τους παραπάνω µαθητές και µαθήτριες για την άψογη εκπροσώπηση που έκαναν στο σχολείο µας.
Για παράδειγµα, η Αυστραλία είναι µια πολυεθνική χώρα, στην οπία υπάρχουν διάφορες θρησκείες, κολτούρες και γλώσσες, άνθρωποι µε διαφορετικά ήθη κι έθιµα, αλλά όπως βλέπουµε, οι περισσότεροι ζουν ειρηνικά, ήρεµα, χωρίς να υπάρχουν λόγοι για φασαρίες µεταξύ τους. Είναι µεµονωµένες οι περιπτώσεις που είδαµε µερικούς να δηµιουργούν επεισόδια µε κάποια άλλη εθνικότητα, επεισόδια που κυρίως οφείλονται σε πολιτικούς ή θρησκευτικούς λόγους, π.χ. οι φασαρίες που έγιναν στο προάστιο Κρονάλλα το 2005 µεταξύ των Αυστραλών και νεαρών κάποιας άλλης εθνικότητας. Ο κάθε άνθρωπος έχει τη δική του προσωπικότητα. Έχει το δικαίωµα, µαζί µε άλλους που συµφωνούν µαζί του, να εκφράζουν την άποψή τους. Σε άλλα µέρη του κόσµου υπάρχουν µεγάλα προβλήµατα, που δηµιουργούνται από κάποιους µε πολλή εξουσία στα χέρια τους και συνήθως για οικονοµικούς, πολιτικούς ή θρησκευτικούς λόγους. Για παράδειγµα το Ισραήλ µε τους Παλαιστίνιους και πιο πρόσφατα το Ιράκ µε την Αµερική. Το χειρότερο πράγµα είναι η ισχυρογνωµοσύνη που συχνά µας οδηγεί στον πόλεµο και φυσικά στο θάνατο αθώων ανθρώπων. Πιστεύω ότι πρέπει να παραδεχτούµε όλοι ότι οι άνθρωποι δεν είναι πλασµένοι για να συµφωνούν µε όλους τους άλλους γύρω τους. Ο κόσµος µας δεν είναι τέλειος. Πρέπει, λοιπόν, να δείχνουµε αποδοχή, ανοχή και κατανόηση για τις ιδιαιτερότητες των άλλων για να διατηρούµε την ειρήνη µεταξύ µας.
Καλά να περνάτε! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα
Είµαι σίγουρη ότι ακόµα και µέσα στην ίδια την οικογένειά µας υπάρχουν διαφορές σε σκέψεις και αντιλήψεις γιατί όπως είπα και παραπάνω, κανένας δεν έχει ακριβώς τον ίδιο χαρακτήρα µε κάποιον άλλο. Για κάθε θέµα, θα υπάρχει πάντα κάποιος που διαφωνεί και κάποιος που συµφωνεί. Παρόλες τις διαφορές, πρέπει να έχουµε υποµονή και να ακούµε τη γνώµη του καθενός για να ζούµε αρµονικά.
Γνωρίζοντας έναν τόπο, βασικό είναι να γνωρίσεις και τους ανθρώπους του. Να γνωρίσεις τις συνήθειές του, τον τρόπο ζωής και κυρίως την κουζίνα. Λατρεύω το φαγητό και θέλω να δοκιµάζω καινούριες γεύσεις. Όπως λέει και ο θείος Αιµίλιος από το φαγητό µπορείς να καταλάβεις µέχρι και πόσο σε θέλει µια γυναίκα. Ειλικρινά, θα ήθελα να δοκιµάσω πολλά φαγητά εάν είναι έτσι. Ελπίζω µια µέρα να µπορέσω να κάνω το ίδιο µε το θείο µου. Βέβαια, αγαπώ τον τόπο µου, αλλά, αγαπώ και την περιπέτεια! Ποτέ δεν µπορείς να ξέρεις...
Για όλους τους παραπάνω λόγους, ανέφερα στην αρχή ότι συµφωνώ και µάλιστα απόλυτα µε τα λόγια «∆ιαφωνώ µε αυτό που λες, αλλά, σου αναγνωρίζω το δικαίωµα να το λες.»
Ben Papadopoulos Year 12
Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι στον κόσµο πάντα θα βρίσκουµε θέµατα µε τα οποία διαφωνούµε, αλλά, θα πρέπει να δεχόµαστε τις διάφορες γνώµες των άλλων γιατί είναι προσωπικές τους και έχουν το δικαίωµα όπως κι εµείς να τις εκφράζουν.
LISTENING TO OUR STUDENTS 4T REMEMBERS THE ANZACS As part of Australian studies 4T analysed the ANZAC Day logos which had been created in years gone by to remember our Diggers. Here are some logos created by students.
Leah Balayiannis Year 12 Κυρίες και κύριοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε τα γραπτά δυο µαθητών της Β΄Λυκείου, οι οποίοι παρακολουθούν τα µαθήµτα της Γ΄Λυκείου για τα Ελληνικά.
“My logo has the ANZAC Day badge, two rifles which show the battle and two trumpets which play the last post. My logo is significant because it has the Australian flag to remind us that we need to think of the people who died in war.” Sophia Micos 4T
Τα θέµατα των δύο γραπτών είναι παραθέτονται παρακάτω µαζί µε την ανάπτυξη του καθενός. Καλά να περνάτε! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέµα: Γράφεις στο ηµερολόγιο σου για την επηροή που εξασκεί ο θείος Αιµίλιος – φιλµ: Πολίτικη κουζίνα – επάνω σου.
“My logo is significant to ANZAC Day because it has a wreath that we lay to remember the people who died and a poppy. This flower was the only thing that grew when everything was destroyed.” George Makris 4T My poppy symbolises the only living plant during the war because it kept growing. The poppy also symbolises survival. The Australian flag represents the Australian soldiers who fought in war. The badge was given to the soldiers to wear during the war and they wore it on their hats. The rosemary plant was used to decorate the soldiers graves because was the only greenery at the time.” Nicole Stramotas 4T
Αγαπητό µου ηµερολόγιο, Σήµερα πέρασα µια υπέροχη ηµέρα µε το θείο Αιµίλιο! Ειλικρινά, όταν µου διηγήθηκε όλες τις περιπέτειές του, µπορώ να πω ότι κατά κάποιο τρόπο ζήλεψα. Μου ήρθε στη σκέψη πόσο υπέροχα θα είναι να µπορείς να ταξιδεύεις και να γνωρίζεις τόσα πολλά µέρη όπως ο θείος. ∆εν είναι µόνο η οµορφιά του τοπίου όταν βλέπεις κάτι καινούριο. Είναι κάτι πιο βαθύ. Βλέπεις καινούρια και παλιά κτίρια1 Βλέπεις τον τρόπο ζωής ανθρώπων µε διαφορετική κουλτούρα και διαφορετικές συνήθειες. Βλέπεις και ζεις µέσα από όλες αυτές τις εικόνες µπροστά σου την Ιστορία και το παρελθόν ενός τόπου. Φαντάζεσαι το µέλλον και σκέφτεσαι τις οµοιότητες µε τον δικό σου τόπο. Κάποια φορά σε κάνει να θέλεις να πας στον τόπο σου και να δηµιουργήσεις κάτι που είδες σε κάποια άλλη χώρα σε ένα από τα ταξίδια σου και άλλες φορές σε κάνει να χαίρεσαι που ο τόπος σου είναι καλύτερος και οµορφότερος από αυτόν που επισκέφτηκες.
Mrs S. Dimitrelis
CONNIE BOUHOUTSOS (SPORTS CAPTAIN) PROFILE 2010 Name: Constantina Bouhoutsos (Connie) Age: 17 years old Year: 12M DOB: 4th August, 1992 Favourite Colour: White Favourite Food: Rack Of Lamb With Roasted Vegies And Potatoes How Long At School: Since Kindergarten (13 Years)
Subjects Currently Studying: English (3units), Modern History, Extension History, Business Studies, Economics, and Legal Studies. (Note: No Maths!) Hobbies: Netball and Basketball, Cooking, Driving!! Favourite Sports Teams: Arsenal Fanatic (I Could Name the Starting Line Up), Panthanaikos, South Sydney, and Sydney FC. Favourite Quote: “Behind Every Successful Man, Lies An Exhausted Woman”. Achievements: Open As, Netball and Basketball since Year 8, ISA Basketball Under 16’s, Peer Support Leader, SRC, Open As Netball And Basketball Captain, Prefect, Sports Captain. Role Models: Mum and Dad—But I’m trying to be a good Role Model for my younger brother.
Favourite Quotes: - “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” - Muhammad Ali - “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Role Models: Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Kenny George just to name a few.
SPORTS REPORT GIRLS SPORT CONGRATULATIONS In preparation for the National Schools Event and the beginning of the ISA season both the Opens Netball and Football teams competed against Bankstown Grammar in a friendly match during their ISA training session. Both teams were successful and gained some excellent preparation. Congratulations to Martha Spilioti, Makrina Spilioti and Angelina Flokis who competed for the ISA in the NSWCIS Swimming Championships late April. All swimmers represented the ISA proudly with exceptional results from Martha Spilioti who will now represent NSWCIS in the NSW All Schools Championships in the following events 200m Fly 100m Fly 400IM
On behalf of St Spyridon College we wish her the best of luck and look forward to hearing about her further success.
Name: Gregory Lazaridis – Sports Captain Age: 17 Year: 12 How long at SSC: Since Kindergarten (13 years) Subjects: 2 Unit Maths, Business Studies, Economics, Physics and English. (Completed Greek Continuers last year) Future Aspirations: Commerce/Business, Economics or Engineering at UNSW. Hobbies/Interests: Watching sports such as soccer, NRL and NBA. Playing almost any sport such include Soccer and Basketball. Watching Top Gear and Survivor. Favourite Superhero: Batman, as he does what is right to serve the community even though he does not have super powers. Favourite Sports team: Liverpool FC, Sydney Roosters, Sydney Swans and Orlando Magic. Achievements: Soccer 2005- 2010, Basketball 20052010, Greek Play 2007-2010, Choir 2005-2010, Academic achievements and becoming Sports Captain.
Congratulations to Nansia Koukounaris who competed for the ISA in the NSWCIS Basketball Championships; she performed well against many talented athletes and was the youngest in her squad. Furthermore, congratulations to Ivana Bojanovic who competed for the ISA in the NSW Football Championships on Wednesday. Ivana was selected to represent NSWCIS at the NSW All Schools Championships we wish her the best of luck.
ISA NETBALL Winter Season has begun and proved to be a fantastic start. St Spyridon fielded five Girls Netball teams; Open A’s Division 3 consisting of talented students from various year groups ranging from Year 8 to Year
12 coached by Mr Meintanis and managed by Mrs Kiejda. Intermediate C’s consisting of Year 10 students. This team will experience a difficult challenge as many students will be travelling to Greece. However, the girls always give their best. Intermediate D’s consisting of Year 9 students and the one and only student from Year 7 willing to play Netball. Coached by Mrs Dalikaris and Mr Meintanis. Junior A’s consisting of Year 8 students. They continue to exceed all expectations - placed in an extremely competitive division, the girls have won both their first games. Coached by Mrs Mulligan this team displays exceptional potential. Junior C’s also consisting of Year 8 students; they have also made a tremendous start, winning both their first games. Coached by Miss Gambriell.
your passion and time towards Girls Football is much appreciated.
Netball looks to be in great shape. Good luck to all teams for the season, remember to adhere to the code of conduct, display sportsmanship at all times and represent your school with pride.
Well done.
Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport
SPORT Congratulations to the following boys who won the Under 16’s Regional Futsal Championships at Narrabeen. These St Spyridon players are either 14 or 15 and played exceptional against teams who have players 16 years old. They even beat Sports High Schools such as Narrabeen Sports High School. Leonidas Andrew, Chris Kolistasis, James Andrew, Alex Spiropoulos, Alex Coplin, Nicholas Stasos, Niko Fotopoulos, Petros Stefadouros. Coach Mr Kaldis.
ISA GIRLS FOOTBALL For the first time St Spyridon fielded a Junior Football Team in the ISA competition. Most girls represented from Year 7 have a keen interest in Football and have competed well in the first two rounds. With many of our talented Football players finishing school it is important to rebuild the quality of Football players within our school. The future looks optimistic as many of the young girls have demonstrated exceptional skills. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport
Thank you to Mr Kaldis for hosting the Home Match verse Chevalier and organising a Morning Tea BBQ;