St Spyridon Newsletter 07 May 2010

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VOLUME XXVII No 7 28th May, 2010



MAY Fast of the Apostles begins


To Martha Spilioti who competed for CIS in the NSW All Schools Carnival where she received: 1 Gold and 1 Silver. This performance has earned her a position to represent NSW All Schools in the School Sport Australia Championships to be held in Brisbane Queensland from 5th to the 11th of June.



Parent Forum, Year 11 2011 7.00 p.m.


ASISSA Cross Country JS


HSC & Careers Expo, Year 12



Athletics Carnival K-6



ICAS Science JS



Parish Trip to Greece departs



Queen’s Birthday Holiday, School closed



Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 5 JS



Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 4 & Yr 6 JS



Divine Liturgy



21 – 25


Work Experience, Year 10 (students not in Greece)




ICAS Writing JS and Year 8


Term ends for staff and students



JULY Staff Development Day


19 th 20

Students return

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


GREEK PLAY PHOTO GALLERY Congratulations to Mrs Mary Faletas her cast and crew, and to everyone who helped on the night to make it a memorable one. We thank Bishop Seraphim for attending this night with us. Hon. Consul General of Greece Mr Tolios is also warmly thanked for his presence.







DIVINE LITURGY ST SPYRIDON STUDENTS HAVE TALENT! The next College Divine Liturgy will be held on Thursday, 17th June, 2010. All Orthodox staff and students are encouraged to prepare appropriately to receive Holy Communion.

P&F members together with the rest of our College community were well entertained by a most delightful Greek comedy performance Miss 39 years old. Our committee wishes to sincerely congratulate the students who, with their talented acting skills and Greek language fluency, successfully brought to life an impressive play by Alex Sakellariou and Chris Giannakopoulos. We express great praise to their Greek teacher and director of the play, Mrs Mary Faletas who always produces College performances of a high standard. Well done also to all the staff and students who worked hard behind the scenes to bring the performance to the great success it achieved.

CONDOLENCES Sincere condolences are extended to George Tsoukalas, P & F Vice President, Susan and their extended family on the loss of their dearest father Gregory Tsoukalas. Our deepest sympathy is also extended to Mr Peter Arnott on the loss of his own dear father. Life to all.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our warmest congratulations to our very own long time P&F member Jim Sialepis and his wife Vicki whose son, George was the rising star of this show as well as in many other productions the College has staged both drama and musical in the past. He is truly gifted – Well done George! We’re sure his talent and those of the other Year 12 students will be missed. We wish them well in their final year of school.

TROLLEY BAGS A new manufacturer will be supplying the school trolley bags. If you would like to order a trolley bag please call Helen on 9313-6890.



Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus.

It is with great regret that we commiserate for the sudden loss of George Tsoukalas’ (P&F Vice President) beloved father. This great loss cannot escape our minds. All members express their warmest and sincerest condolences to Mrs Tsoukalas, George, Susan, Athena, Greg (1E) and Sienna and extended family for this very sad loss. We would like them to know that we all think and pray for all of them and that they have our full support especially at their time of grief.

One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way). The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.

CANNON SHUTTLES BUSES DOOR TO DOOR There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttles bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh.

TRIVIA NIGHT It has been decided by the committee that out of respect to George Tsoukalas and his family….. TRIVIA NIGHT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.


JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS CARNIVAL P&F CATERING AVAILABLE ON THE DAY Its winter! Its cold! We’re hungrier than ever and thirsty for hot drinks! P&F WILL OFFER FOOD SNACKS - BOTH SAVOURY & SWEET, HOMEMADE & READY MADE Plus HOT/COLD DRINKS at a small kiosk in the Grand stand (like last year) to satisfy our fierce athletic competitors, our supportive spectators, our hardworking staff and super parents. A flyer will go home to families with details. Ms F Diakoumis & Mrs M Pascalis P&F Association.




Year Three and Year Five students had the rare privilege to experience the Divine Liturgy more personally. Father Steven conducted the service on the Solea of the Church. This was a first for a Greek Orthodox School in Australia. The children were also able to chant the hymns and responses they have been taught by Mr. Psilacos. For those of us present, it was an unforgettable experience. We thank Fr. Steven for this wonderful initiative and look forward to sharing it with other grades.

CONGRATULATIONS ….. Giorge Gemisis of Yr 5 for organising and running a very successful fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes. Over $800 was raised through the selling of merchandise and a jelly baby guessing competition. The winner of the Jelly baby guessing competition was Electra Athanasatos of 5I who won an ipod Nano donated by Mrs. Gemisis. The second closest guess was made by Kerryanne Syros of 5I who took home the jar of jelly babies.


giant one metre cube and discussed the properties of the new shape compared to a two-dimensional shape. The lesson assisted the students to use the language of mathematics to solve problems and work as a team to achieve the desired outcome. From these pictures you can see the lesson was also great fun!

CO CURRICULAR Please note that Co curricular ends on the 8th of June this term.


Mrs Dimitrelis and Miss Bletsogiannis (Year 4 Teachers)

Parent Teacher meetings will be held this term. Please see dates below: K – Year 4 on Tuesday 15th June and Wednesday 16th June. Year 5 on Tuesday 15th June Year 6 on Wednesday 16th June Half Yearly exam papers will be sent home week beginning 1st June. They will need to be signed by parents and returned to the class teacher.

SCHOOL ZONES Over the next two months, triangular road markings or “Dragon’s Teeth” will be painted at the start of each school zone. This will increase visibility of school zones for motorists and provide constant reinforcement to slow down to 40kmh around schools between 8am – 9:30am and from 2:30pm till 4pm. The minimum penalty for speeding in a school zone is $141 fine and the loss of 2 demerit points.

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School

MATHEMATICAL INVESTIGATIONS Year 4 investigated perimeter and area during Mathematics. As part of the “Working Mathematically” strand, Year 4 were divided into six teams and constructed a square metre out of cardboard. As a class they turned the six square metres into a net of a cube and discussed the area of the net compared to its perimeter. 4T and 4C then turned their net into a





information, thinking, and exercising your brain power. Fear expressed as silence stifles growth and the opportunity to learn.

REMINDER PARENT FORUM Transition To Year 11, 2011 For Year 10 Students And Their Parents

Socrates, who was one of the world's greatest philosophers, used a form of questioning to empower his students with knowledge. The Socratic Method encourages: 1. Questions for clarification 2. Questions that probe assumptions 3. Questions that probe reason and evidence 4. Questions about viewpoints and perspectives 5. Questions that probe implications and consequences 6. Questions about the question to think critically and process the information we are taught. It is important to reflect (think back over what we have heard, read, done). Asking questions helps us do this. As the Middle School assessment period gets underway, make a commitment to ask at least one question in each class. Remember the fool wonders, wise people ask.

On Wednesday, 2nd June, 2010 at 7.00 p.m. a meeting will be held for all students of Year 10 and their parents. The Board of Studies Liaison Officer (BOSLO) Ms Kim Owens will be present to talk about the Preliminary and Higher School Certificate requirements. We will also distribute the Upper School Handbook to assist subject choice. It is expected that all students of Year 10 will attend with their parents – 7.00 p.m. Technology Wing.

PLACEMENTS WANTED - ATTENTION HOSPITALITY BUSINESS OWNERS Year 12 Hospitality students have now completed their work placements. They are working towards completing their Certificate II in Hospitality and need to attend their final placement. It would be appreciated if any parents or friends who own or manage a hospitality establishment (café, restaurant), could assist us by taking a student on board to help them complete their course. Please contact the Senior School for further details: Tel: 9311 3340.

PYRAMID GAME SHOW AUDITIONS Today, representatives from Ambience Entertainment, the company responsible for Pyramid, a fun, fast paced word game show which screens daily on Channel 9 at 4 p.m., will be coming to the Senior School to audition Year 7 and 8 students who are interested in competing. The filming of the episode involving our school students will occur towards the end of June. In the next newsletter we will have further information on selected students made and screening dates.

Mrs V. Grillakis Hospitality Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School





Congratulations to all SRC who made and sold cup cakes today, and to all the students who supported this event by purchasing the yummy offerings. Also, well done to all staff who brought in cakes, savoury food items and made monetary donations for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Proceeds from both events will go towards Cancer Council research projects.

It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question." Decouvertes For some the pathway to acceptance is to not stand out, to play it safe and not ask too many questions. In the classroom silence may be translated as all is understood, or it may be read as I don’t want to be noticed. Trying to slide under the teacher’s radar is generally a sign of a lack of confidence, and a fear of being wrong. "I don't want to ask a question just in case it's a silly one, and I don’t want to answer one either in case I am wrong". This is often the mantra for those wishing to wear the cloak of invisibility.

PASTORAL CARE HIGHLIGHTS Year 7 have been learning about different forms of put-downs as part of their anti-bullying unit, Year 8 began their study on Cyber-bullying, Year 9 are learning about the value of kindness and giving, Year 10 and 11 have been brushing up on their study techniques, while Year 12 have been learning about a variety of Stress and Emotion Management

The truth is, there is no such thing as a silly question or thoughtful response. Every question helps you see an issue from a different perspective, while every answer you give shows that you are processing


International Film School Sydney will be holding an Open Day on Saturday 29th May at 27 Rosebery Avenue, Rosebery from 10am to 2pm. For more information, look at the website IFSS offers an advanced Diploma of Screen and Media which encourages their students to make 8 films over the 2 year full-time course.

Techniques, which will help them prepare for the challenges awaiting them in the coming months. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

The Sydney Morning Herald HSC and Careers Expo will be held over 3 days from 4th to the 6th June at Randwick Racecourse. The Expo features over 120 exhibitors, seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, career and study advice. Admission is $10 and is valid over the 3 days of the Expo. We are taking our Year 12 students on Friday afternoon as an excursion. This Expo would be beneficial to all our senior students in helping them with this important decision making task. Entry is via the main racecourse entry in Alison Road, west of Darley Road. Parking is available in the public car park within the grounds. See for more information.

GREEK NEWS Κυρίες και κύριοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε τα γραπτά µιας µαθήτριας της Β΄Λυκείου, η οποία παρακολουθεί τα µαθήµατα της Γ΄Λυκείου για τα Ελληνικά. Τα θέµατα των δύο γραπτών παρατίθενται παρακάτω µαζί µε την ανάπτυξη του καθενός. Επίσης θα ήθελα να συγχαρώ τα παιδιά που συµµετείχαν στη φετινή, θεατρική µας παραγωγή «∆εσποινίς ετών 39» όχι µόνο για την τέλεια ερµηνεία τους αλλά και για τη συνεργατικότητά τους. Μας έκαναν για µία ακόµη φορά ΠΕΡΗΦΑΝΟΥΣ! Καλά να περνάτε!

UTS Insearch, a business arm of UTS will be holding Information evenings on Wednesday 2nd and Tuesday 8th June on Level 8, 187 Thomas Street, Haymarket from 5 to 7pm. This includes a Campus Tour and an Information Session. Insearch provides students with an alternate access to UTS if their ATAR is not high enough for direct entry to UTS. See for more information

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέµα: Read the poem Kallipateira and write a persuasive speech for the judges who caught you entering the stadium illegally.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants is holding an event for Year 10 and 11 students who are interested in becoming accountants via a cadetship. (This is where you combine studying part time at university and working full time in an accounting firm for part of your degree). “Meet the Business Leader” is an opportunity for younger students to meet and network with young and experienced chartered accountants on Wednesday 18 August from 4.30pm at The Institute of Chartered accountants at 33 Eskine Street in the CBD. Register at

Σεβαστοί ελλανοδίκες, Καταλαβαίνω ότι ο νόµος απαγορεύει τη συµµετοχή των γυναικών στους Ολυµπιακούς Αγώνες ακόµη κι ως θεατές. Επίσης καταλαβαίνω ότι αυτό που έκανα είναι παράνοµο και έχει τις συνέπειές του όµως δεν µπορώ να ζητήσω συγνώµη για τις ενέργειές µου. Ήξερα ακριβώς τι έκανα όταν µπήκα στο στάδιο και δεν λυπάµαι γι’ αυτό καθόλου! Πρέπει να καταλάβετε όµως ότι η υπερηφάνεια και η αγάπη της µάνας για τα παιδιά της, υπερισχύει κάθε λογικής σκέψης. Ο γιος µου προετοιµάζεται από όταν ήταν µικρό παιδί για να συναγωνιστεί στους Ολυµπιακούς Αγώνες και δεν µπορούσα να χάσω την ευκαιρία να τον δω! Γι’ αυτό ντύθηκα ως άντρας και µπήκα στο στάδιο ως θεατής για να παρακολουθήσω τους Αγώνες και να καµαρώσω το παιδί µου! Η οικογένειά µου έχει µια µεγάλη ιστορία συµµετοχής στους Ολυµπιακούς Αγώνες και από όταν ήµουν µικρό κοριτσάκι άκουγα ιστορίες για τις επιτυχίες και τους θριάµβους των αθλητών της οικογένειάς µου. Ασφαλώς θα γνωρίζετε ότι ο πατέρας µου ήταν

University of Sydney Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings provide information to current Year 10 students on subject selection for Years 11 and 12, as well as the process of applying to university. The dates are the 3rd, 7th and 8th of June. To register and for more information, head to Registrations for this event are open from Monday 17 May to Friday 28 May. Please note that this event is very popular, and all three evenings fill out quickly.


Ολυµπιονίκης όπως ήταν και τ’ αδέρφια µου. Η οικογένειά µου, όπως βλέπετε, έχει συµµετάσχει στους Ολυµπιακούς Αγώνες µε πολλούς κι εξαίρετους αθλητές και γι’ αυτό πιστεύω πως κανένας δεν έχει µεγαλύτερο δικαίωµα από µένα, τουλάχιστον στο να παρακολουθήσει τους ευγενείς αυτούς αγώνες. Μπορείτε να µου επιβάλετε όποια τιµωρία θέλετε, αν νοµίζετε πως την αξίζω. Σας ευχαριστώ που µου δώσατε το δικαίωµα αυτής της εξήγησης.



Renee Hatzistergos Year 12


Θέµα: Imagine you are the writer for a TV quiz program and you have been asked to write the questions and answers on the topic: The Ancient Olympic Games.


Κυρίες και κύριοι, Καλωσορίσατε στο πρόγραµµά µας. Απόψε οι ερωτήσεις µας σχετίζονται µε τους αρχαίους Ολυµπιακούς Αγώνες. Οι αγώνες αυτοί καθιερώθηκαν στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, στην Ολυµπία, µια ειρηνική, καταπράσινη κοιλάδα της δυτικής Πελοποννήσου και αποτελούσαν µέρος της θρησκευτικής ζωής των αρχαίων Ελλήνων επειδή ήταν γιορτή αφιερωµένη προς τιµή του βασιλιά των θεών και των ανθρώπων, του θεού ∆ία. Για να συµµετέχετε στο πρόγραµµά µας, τηλεφωνήστε στον αριθµό που βλέπετε στην οθόνη σας. Πρώτος τηλεθεατής, εµπρός! - Γεια σας! - Γεια σας! Πώς σας λένε; - Μαρία. - Ωραία και από πού µας τηλεφωνείτε; - Από την Αθήνα. - Μπράβο, είστε έτοιµη να αρχίσουµε; - Ε, είµαι λίγο νευρική, αλλά εντάξει. Συνεχίστε. - Ωραία! Πρώτη ερώτηση: Κάθε πόσα χρόνια γίνονταν και γίνονται οι Ολυµπιακοί Αγώνες; - Κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια. - Μπράβο! ∆εύτερη ερώτηση: Τι γινόταν στην διάρκεια των Αγώνων στην αρχαία Ελλάδα και ειδικά µε τις πόλεις που είχαν πόλεµο; - Για να γίνουν οι Ολυµπιακοί Αγώνες, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση ήταν να σταµατήσουν οι πόλεµοι µεταξύ των ελληνικών πόλεων, τουλάχιστον αυτών που συµµετείχαν στους Αγώνες. - Σωστά! Και ποιοι µπορούσαν να συµµετέχουν στους Αγώνες; - Μόνο οι άντρες, αθλητές, προπονητές και θεατές µπορούσαν να συµµετέχουν στους Αγώνες. Μάλιστα, µόνο οι ελεύθεροι

Έλληνες πολίτες. Οι σκλάβοι έπαιρναν µέρος µόνο ως θεατές. Πότε σταµάτησαν οι Αγώνες και γιατί; Οι αρχαίοι Ολυµπιακοί Αγώνες διατηρήθηκαν για πάνω από χίλια χρόνια µέχρι το 394 µ.Χ. Ο βυζαντινός αυτοκράτορας Θεοδόσιος τους σταµάτησε µε το σκεπτικό ότι ήταν ειδωλολατρική εορτή. Τι έπαθλο έπαιρναν οι αθλητές που κέρδιζαν στα διάφορα αθλήµατα των Ολυµπιακών Αγώνων; Το έπαθλο για τους αθλητές που είχαν έρθει πρώτοι ήταν ένα στεφάνι από τα κλαδιά µιας αγριελιάς. Ο δεύτερος έπαιρνε ένα δάφνινο στεφάνι. Οι αθλητές τότε αγωνίζονταν µόνο για την τιµή. Πολύ ωραία! Η Μαρία, µέχρι τώρα έχει κερδίσει πεντακόσια ευρώ. Θα σας αφήσουµε τώρα για λίγα λεπτά, θα κάνουµε ένα διάλειµµα για διαφηµίσεις και θα γυρίσουµε σε λίγο να δούµε πόσα χρήµατα θα κερδίσει ακόµη η Μαρία.

Renee Hatzistergos Year 12

LISTENING TO OUR STUDENTS PERSONAL PROFILE Name: George Sialepis Age: 17 Year: 12 How long at St Spyridon College: Since 1998 (Kindergarten to Yr12) Subjects currently studying: • English advanced • English extension 1 • English extension 2 • Mathematics (2 unit) • Physics • Legal Studies • Ancient History • History extension. Future aspirations: • Continue advancing knowledge and ability in music, particularly with the bouzouki. • Get into university (not sure which degree) Achievements: sport, drama, music and choir (2005 2010) Hobbies/interests outside of school: • Sport – soccer, basketball, swimming • Music (Greek) – bouzouki and other Greek instruments


• Going to the beach whenever possible • Watching sport on TV Role models: Sir Alexander Ferguson (football legend), Manolis Hiotis (bouzouki expert) My family, Christopher Stasos, Mr Meintanis (legendary teacher☺) Favourite sporting team: Manchester United Favourite quote: “I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.” Favourite Superhero and why? Iron man – besides the fact that he is practically invincible, and incomprehensibly intelligent, he has an unyielding necessity to muck around! He combines the seriousness of his duty with fun and style, resulting in a balanced superhero!

everything that happens in between can be dealt with” Michael Jackson Role Models: Mum and Dad Achievements: ISA Netball 2005-2006, Greek Play, 2006-2008 & 2010, Snapshots 2005-2007 & 2009, Accelerated Modern Greek HSC 2009, Contribution to Choir, Work Experience (Australian Consolidated Press), Working for Guess Australia and Kalanta.

YEAR FOUR TAKES OVER RANDWICK COUNCIL CHAMBERS On Thursday 20th May Year 4 went to the Randwick Council. We travelled there by bus. When we got there, we saw a lady named Mrs. Paras. She works at Randwick council and is responsible for organising council events. She told us about the building and how the council tries to keep old buildings and make new ones.

PERSONAL PROFILE Name: Natalie Pizanis Age: 17 Year: 12 How long have you been attending SSC: Kindergarten – Year 12 Future aspirations: NSW University studying Media Communications and Journalism or Law. Subjects currently studying: Legal, Business, Math Advanced, English Advanced, English Extension, Biology and I completed 2 units of Modern Greek last year as an accelerant. Hobbies, interest outside of school: Ballroom dancing, singing. My favourite superhero: Superman Favourite sporting team: Roosters Favourite quotes: “Ignorance is bliss” “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then

Mrs. Paras took us inside into the hall way of the Randwick Council Town Hall. It had all the names of the people who had become mayors. Then she took us up stairs to go inside the Randwick Council Chambers. Mrs. Paras talked to us about how much responsibility it takes to be a councilor. After that we got to watch a short video about the council responsibilities. It showed us that the council has a lot of things to watch and take care of. Next we got to sit in councilor’s chairs and pretend to have two debates. The first debate was, ‘Should Maroubra Beach have a hotel?’ The against people won! They said that it was rubbish! The other debate was, ‘Should Anzac Parade be closed?’ The against people won again!


Finally, when we were leaving, Mrs. Paras gave us Randwick Council show bags. Inside there was a ruler, a pen, a pencil and leaflets about how to be a responsible community member. It was a fun and an educational excursion. Joanna Skouteris 4C

JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION In week 5, we held a fundraiser for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, type 1, to help find a cure. The merchandise that we sold included wristbands, stamps, badges and coloured pencils. We also had a jar of jelly babies for the students to guess how much there were for a small donation. The winning prize was an iPod Nano and the runner up was the jar full of jelly babies. Congratulations to Electra Athanasatos (5I) for winning the iPod Nano and Kerryanne Syros (5I) for winning the jelly babies. Thank you Johnny Mouratidis, Jessica Mazis and Constantinos Kollias for helping me to sell the merchandise and putting their time and work on doing all of this for the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Also thank you Jordan Makridopolus, Leo Bae, Mariah Zouroudis, Lewis Athanasopoulos, and George Raptis.


We also thank everyone who bought merchandise, and had a guess. We raised an astounding amount of $847 !!! All this money will go towards JDRF The money will help scientists find a cure for Diabetes type 1.


place on Monday 8th March 2010 at Ryde Aquatic Centre, hosted by St Euphemia College. Once again, we returned with the trophy but this time with a very small winning margin separating us from second place. Congratulation to all the students listed below.

Eve Barton, Kiera Kipriotis, Kiri Kondou, Elisa Tsounis, Alexander Michos, Sebastian Zois, Lia Albanakis, Natasha Karagiannis, Anastasia Barton, Nicole Adam, Eleanna Kampyli, Athanasios Athanasiou, Michael Hatzon, Alexander Cardamis, Elias Hatzon, Larissa Andrianakos, George Contominas, Mitchell Knight, John Tsakiris, Gabriel Cassimatis, Michael Constantopedos, Maree Nikitopoulos, Sophia Micos, Marianna Ioannou, Felicity Ginis, Victoria Zois, Nathan Adam, Haris Papas, Carissa Frazis, Jennifer Contominas, Nicholas Frazis, Dean Albanakis, Dominic Augoustis, Desi Kapodistrias, Stephanie Augoustis, Christina Vlahos, Deahna Simos, John Dalakiaris, Peter Tsoukalas, Jonathan Lynch, Conner Giavis.

Giorge Gemisis 5A



took place on Thursday 4th May at Queens Park. We had seven students from our College try out. Jordan Makridopolus, Mitchell Knight, Alexander Cardamis, Michael Hatzon, Elias Hatzon, Peter Giokas, Panos Armenakas.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT SWIMMING AGE CHAMPIONS 12 Years Boys: Elias Hatzon Girls: Anastasia Barton

All the boys performed well and four of our boys made the ASISSA Team. Once again we would like to congratulate these boys because they made it all the way to the Grand Final beating IPSHA 2:1, for the first time since this competition started fifteen years ago.

11 Years Boys: George Contominas Girls: Keira Kipriotis

Mitchell Knight, Jordan Makridopolus, Michael Hatzon and last but not least Panos Armenakas who also will be representing the NSW CIS Team at the PSSA State Championships this term at Albury.

10 Years Boys: Michael Constantopedos Girls: Sophia Micos

ASISSA NETBALL Trials took place on Thursday

9 Years Boys: Nathan Adam Girls: Carissa Frazis

4th March at Heffron Park. Both our girls, Nicole Adam and Natasha Karagiannis made the team and had a great tournament at the CIS Gala Day on Thursday 29th April at Lidcombe. Well done girls !

8 Years Boys: John Dalakiaris Girls: Desi Kapodistrias

CIS GIRLS BASKETBALL Trial took place on Friday 5th March at North Sydney Indoors Sports Centre, Crows Nest. Lia Albanakis was the only girl from ASISSA to trial unfortunately she missed out, a great effort nonetheless.

Congratulations to all these students we will be seeing you at the Sports Presentation Evening later this year.

CIS CRICKET Trials took place on Monday 15th March at The Kings School. A very brave Mitchell


Knight attended the trials on the day. He was unfortunately not selected but will have a better chance next year. Great courage Mitchell !





took place on Friday 26th March at the Sydney Aquatic Centre Homebush. We would like to congratulate all the students below for participating and making us proud during this very challenging championship.

…to Cassie Georgiou who was firstly selected to represent 15’s and Under ISA Netball Team to compete in the NSW CIS Championships later next term. Secondly, Cassie was also selected to represent CIS at the NSW All Schools U16 selection trial. Unfortunately, not successful but one of the youngest to trial.

Junior Relay Freestyle & 10 Years 50m Freestyle Michael Constantopedos Junior Relay Freestyle Dominic Augoustis Junior Relay Freestyle Dean Albanakis Junior Relay Freestyle Nicholas Frazis 11 Years 50m Backstroke George Contominas 12 Years Butterfly Anastasia Barton

ASISSA FOOTBALL (SOCCER) Trials took place on Monday 19th March at Mamre Anglican School. Once again sole competitor Lia Albanakis did her best but unfortunately just missed out. I would like to congratulate Lia for her fighting spirit and her persistence.

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport



Congratulations to the Firsts Boys Football Team who are currently coming second in the ISA Football Competition. The team consists of the following players:

Thursday 3rd June ASISSA Cross Country Monday 7th June St Spyridon College Athletics Carnival

Sotiri Abouyanni, Gregory Lazaridis, Ben Papadopoulos, Nicholas Piperides, John Zavilikaris, Gregory Rotis, Peter Kolistasis, Peter Kafataris, Alex Vatiliotis, Peter Theodosi, James Andrew, Nikola Simonovic, Alex Georgiou, Milton Spiropoulos, Chris Georgiadis, Michael Horafios, Leonidas Andrew, Alex Spiropoulos. Coach: Mr P. Mavrommatis Manager: Mr V. Zafiropoulos


Thursday 17 June CIS Cross Country Carnival Mr J. Volas Sports Convenor Junior School

Also I must congratulate the Firsts as they defeated St Patricks College 2 -1 last Saturday. This is an


enormous effort to beat a School of more than 1000 boys. Also I would like to thank Mrs Mio for organizing/coordinating morning tea for the First Boys Football teams when we are playing at David Phillips. This Saturday the Boys will be playing St Pius X College (currently coming First):

FIRSTS BUS TIMES: BUS WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 8:15am St Spyridon Church 8:30am Arrive back at about 12:30pm Other Times for boys Football 16’s BUS TIMES: BUS WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 6:15am St Spyridon Church 6:30am Arrive back at about 11am 13’s BUS TIMES: BUS WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 11:15am St Spyridon Church 11:30am Arrive back at about 2:30pm

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport


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