June Newsletter

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VOLUME XXVII No 11th June, 2010



JUNE Parish Trip to Greece departs



Queen’s Birthday Holiday, School closed



Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 5 JS



Parent Teacher Interviews K-Yr 4 & Yr 6 JS



Divine Liturgy



21 – 25


Work Experience, Year 10 (students not in Greece)



ICAS Writing JS and Year 8


Term ends for staff and students



Staff Development Day



Students return


Parent Teacher Conferences Yrs 10 and 11



Year 4 Cyprus Invasion Assembly



CIS Cross Country JS


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 7-9



On Friday, 11th June, 2010, a group of 21 Upper School students set off for the St Spyridon Parish Pilgrimage Trip to Greece and Cyprus. They will be escorted by Mrs Mary Faletas, Mr James Phillips and Mr George Georgoulopoulos. Their journey will take them from the city buzz of Athens to the quiet and peaceful contemplation of the Monasteries of Mt Athos and Ecosifinitsa . They will have the privilege of venerating the Patron Saint of their College, St Spyridon the Wonder Worker on Corfu. They will pay tribute to the past and enjoy the dynamism and vibrancy of present-day life in Greece and Cyprus.


Most importantly they will share these experiences with their peers, strengthening friendships and forging with them life long memories.




HSC Trials begin


ICAS English Competition JS


Australian Mathematics Competition



Year 7 Vaccinations



Dormition Assembly JS



Trial HSC ends


ICAS Mathematics Competition JS



ASISSA Athletics JS



IPSHAA Music Festival JS


Parent Forum Year 9, 2011 For Year 8 students and parents


We wish them “Καλό ταξίδι, Καλή ∆ιαµονή και Καλή Αντάµωση” on their return to Australia on the 18th July 2010. To Mrs Faletas and her fellow guides Mr Phillips and Mr Georgoulopoulos we also wish «ΚΑΛΗ ∆ΥΝΑΜΗ»!





Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


CONGRATULATIONS… …to Natalie Pizanis, on her exquisite rendition of the Australian and Greek National Anthems, at the opening of the Young Matrons’ Ball at Star City on the Saturday, 5th June, 2010. Natalie’s performance, with no accompaniment, epitomised everything that a St Spyridon girl stands for: Strength, Grace and Beauty. Well Done Natalie. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag






A reminder that Term 3 fees are due 16/6/2010. If fees are not paid by the due date a $50 admin fee will be added to all accounts.

15 Doran Street: We are pleased to announce that the contract for the building of 15 Doran Street has now been signed. Building works will commence forthwith and completion, weather permitting, will be the end of October 2010.

Prompt payment of school fees is necessary for maintaining a healthy cashflow for our College.


Sports and Performing Arts Centre

Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus.

Good progress is being made on this exciting project. By next week the Steel and Precast Structure will be finished and work will commence on the Roof Sheeting.

One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way).

Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer/Bursar

The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.



We ask that parents please book your children in for vacational care. This is very important so we are able to prepare our child/staff ratios of 1:15 at the centre and 1:8 on excursions. Booking for excursions must be made 24 hours prior to the day. If you arrive at the centre on an excursion day without a booking, your child may not be accepted.

There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttle bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh.


Please note that Kingsford Vacation Care’s operating hours are 7.30am – 5.30pm. Parents who are late to pick up their children will incur a late fee. According to our policies and procedures, our late fee is $5 per minute. This will be strictly enforced as of the July holiday period.



YEAR 6 MAD HATTER’S TEA PARTY What an eventful and successful fundraiser! Congratulations to Ms Tsokas, Year 6 students and all staff involved who presented an impressive and wellorganised breakfast for our College families. Students had a great time displaying their funniest and coolest hats to their friends while they shared their healthy morning meals together in their classrooms – a unique and fun-filled experience!

We ask all parents, once you have signed your child out, to promptly leave the Centre. Miss P. Doyle


A sincere thank you to the Year 6 parents who contributed to the Morning Tea feast offered to all parents in the old KC cottage classroom where P&F assisted in the set up of tea and coffee and arrangement of delicious homemade finger food. We appreciate the support with this major College fundraising event for Cancer research. P&F members and College staff happily came to the party appropriately dressed in their Mad Hatter’s Hats.

The next College Divine Liturgy will be held on Thursday, 17th June, 2010. All students are to come in full Winter Uniform, including the blazer. All Orthodox staff and students are encouraged to prepare appropriately to receive Holy Communion.







With the term quickly winding to an end, it is fitting that we take the time to acknowledge the efforts made by our children.

P&F members prepared and offered some homemade and ready made savoury and sweet snacks for all the participants at the Carnival. A sincere thank you is expressed from the committee to all those College members who assisted with the preparations for this operation including the packing, unpacking and transporting of food and drink items. A substantial profit of $654 was raised. Thank you to all those people who supported the kiosk.

Over the last week you would have received the formal assessments completed by your child and by the end of this week you should have their Half Yearly Reports. I encourage you to take the time to speak to your child, and ask them about how they feel they have progressed and set some goals for next term. Please always be mindful that each child develops at their own rate.


Please ensure you return all assessment papers as they are official school records.

The P&F committee has announced a new date for Trivia Night with a Dance Twist – Saturday 11 September 2010. Please pencil this worthwhile funfilled event in your social organisers. We look forward to bringing you more exciting details about this night very soon. Keep reading your College newsletter to find out more!

CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations are extended Mrs Kipriotis, Infants Coordinator and support teacher who completed a Graduate Certificate in Special Education (Distinction).

FINAL TOTAL OF MONIES RAISED 2009 Fundraiser Taverna Night Easter Stall Palm Sunday Lunch Mother’s Day Stall Mother’s Day Brunch Entertainment Book Sports Carnival Father’s Day Stall Father’s Day Raffle Trivia Night Open Day Spring Fair Total 2010 FUNDRAISING TOTAL Year to Date Fundraiser Taverna Night Lambathes Palm Sunday Lunch Mothers Day brunch Mothers Day stalls JS Athletics Carnival kiosk


Total Raised $ 6 500 $ 3 000 $ 3 000 $ 2 700 $ 2 600 $ 767 $ 138 $ 3 141 $ 800 $10 000 $ 1 033 $10 000 $43 679

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Monday 7th June our Annual Athletics Carnival was held at E S Marks Stadium. Results will be posted in our next newsletter.

Total Raised $15 000 $ 2 700 $ 5 000 $ 3 045 $ 3 150 $ 654

Thank you to all the parents who assisted on the day as we could not have done this without you. Thank you to the P&F for preparing all the yummy food. Due to technical difficulties that were out of our control the office could not send SMS messages to all parents that the carnival was going ahead as planned. A message was recorded on our answering machine

$29 549

Ms F Diakoumis & Mrs M Pascalis P&F Association


and we do apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

CRUNCH ‘N’ SIP Crunch ‘n’ Sip has been very well received by our Infants students.


Could I remind parents that this is a snack. It is not to be the same size as recess or lunch. It is intended that students continue with their class work while they consume this.

Over the last few weeks, the students of the Primary school have discussed at length with their teachers, the school’s behaviour management plan. Please note that students who continue to disturb the learning of others and disregard the instruction of teachers, will be required to complete a Reflection Sheet during lunch time. This will come home to you to sign and return to the roll class teacher. Please note that if you get such a note, your child has been consistently ignoring teacher instruction. Could you please explain to your child that they are wasting the learning time of their peers and their own and this does not promote a positive learning environment.

May I suggest for your convenience, that you prepare from one of the following options:- one vegetable cut up and placed in a glad snack bag, a piece of cheese. (These can be bought as individual portions from your supermarket and can provide a variety of choices), a small tetra pack of juice, one piece of fruit cut up and placed in a small container, sultanas in snack boxes, rice crackers, half a sandwich, cold cuts of deli meat, small tetra packs of long life flavoured milk, small home baked muffins that can be frozen and pulled out in the morning and popped into plastic bags. These are some of the things I have used in the past and continue to do so for my own children.

CO CURRICULAR Please note that co curricular for Infants and Primary concluded on the 8th of June. It will recommence again on Monday 26th July.

Please talk to your child about crunch and sip sessions and let them know what you think is appropriate and allow them to choose from options that you have set. Also remember to vary the choices so that they don't get bored with the same things.

PARENT INFORMATION Parents are reminded to provide their change of details to the school office as soon as address, phone or other information changes.



I would like to remind parents that as the Infants Coordinator I am available for consultation after you have spoken with the class teacher. I am available at the following times: Monday / Wednesday mornings 8:15 – 9:00 Tuesday Morning 8:40 – 9:00 Monday / Tuesday afternoons 2:30 – 3:30pm.

Please do not send sick children to school. It is very distressing for the child to have to wait in sick bay for someone to come and pick them up. Please remember to inform the school if your phone numbers have changed as we are finding many parents forget to inform the school of change of details, therefore, making it very difficult for the secretaries to find a contact to pick up the sick child.


An appointment may be made by phoning the secretaries. Please be mindful that I also have a teaching role and am on class at other times.

Many items of clothing are finding their way into the lost property box. Please remember to clearly label all items of clothing and check the lost property in front of the administration office for lost items.

Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School





Roll Call each morning. Any non compliance will be noted in student planners. As the days become colder it has also been noted that a number of girls are wearing white socks beneath their blue stockings. This is not permissible. Girls are advised to wear dark blue tights with a heavier denier, instead of stockings in order to stay warm and maintain our uniform standards.

PLACEMENTS WANTED - ATTENTION HOSPITALITY BUSINESS OWNERS Year 12 Hospitality students have now completed their work placements. They are working towards completing their Certificate II in Hospitality and need to attend their final placement. It would be appreciated if any parents or friends who own or manage a hospitality establishment (café, restaurant), could assist us by taking a student on board to help them complete their course. Please contact the Senior School for further details: Tel: 9311 3340.

LATE COMERS AND ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL It is important that set procedures be followed when a student is late or absent from school. In the case of lateness, all students must sign in at the office on arrival and have a late stamp placed in their planner. Failure to do so will result in the student being marked as absent for the entire day and sms alert being sent home to parents. This causes unnecessary concern for parents and places an additional strain on our administrative staff. In the case of student absence, a phone call to the office would be appreciated. On the day of return, a note of explanation must be written by a parent/caregiver and passed on by the student to their Home Room Teacher in Roll Call. Your cooperation in supporting these procedures is important in assisting the school meet its duty of care requirements.

Mrs V. Grillakis Hospitality Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Success Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. Dale Carnegie


CYBER SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK Technology is a wonderful tool, with many benefits using technology especially the internet, for work and social purposes has become a big part of many peoples lives, especially young people.


To increase student awareness of Information and Communication Technologies, Years 8 have been spending significant time in Pastoral Care recognizing and understanding the possible dangers associated with the use of technology as well as the different forms that cyber-bullying and harassment can take. Students have explored precautions to stay safe, and where to get further assistance if needed. Parents who may not be up to speed with this issue can easily find information by visiting any of the numerous websites dedicated to this topic. Students have also been provided with a pamphlet containing specific web links. This week a Senior Constable from Mascot Police gave a very interesting talk to Yr 8 about internet safety and the implications for those who break the law. Students were very interested and asked some very interesting questions.



Students and Parents are reminded that as part of our winter school uniform policy; Blazers must be worn to and from school. Uniform checks will be conducted at

Recent Prefect Body discussions have centered on the promotion of their upcoming fundraiser, discussions on how to positively influence younger members of

In recent times there has been extensive media reporting and focus on the dangers associated with the use and misuse of information communication technologies (ICT’s). All parents need to be alert and vigilant in monitoring children’s use of the computer and mobile phone. The personal and legal ramifications students and families may face, as a result of a lack of awareness and their misjudgments, are not only very real, but are also becoming more prevalent and problematic.


πρόβληµα έχεις δεν µπορεί να είναι τόσο φοβερό και σοβαρό που δεν µπορείς να το υπερνικήσεις. ∆εν υπάρχει ανάγκη να φύγεις από εδώ και να µεταφερθείς κάπου αλλού. Και πού θα πας; Πού θα µείνεις; Το σχολείο σου, οι φίλοι σου και η οικογένειά σου, όλοι βρίσκονται εδώ. Πώς θα τα καταφέρεις µόνη σου; Καταλαβαίνω ότι τώρα έχεις στενοχώρια, αλλά είµαι η καλύτερη φίλη σου και θα σε βοηθήσω να τα καταφέρεις! Ο παππούς µου παραθέτει πάντα τα λόγια του διάσηµου ποιητή µας Κωνσταντίνου Καβάφη, που σ’ ένα ποίηµά του έγραψε: «...καινούριους τόπους δεν θα βρεις, δεν θά ‘βρεις άλλες θάλασσες. Η πόλις θα σε ακολουθεί...» Στην κατάστασή σου είναι απαραίτητο να καταλάβεις ότι αποκλείεται να ξεφύγεις από τα προβλήµατά σου µε το να θέλεις να φύγεις αδιαφορώντας για το πού θα ριζώσεις. Να θυµάσαι ότι «η πόλις θα σε ακολουθεί», δηλαδή τα προβλήµατα και οι ανησυχίες σου. Αν έχεις άγχος, είναι καλή ιδέα να βρεις έναν τρόπο ψυχαγωγίας, κάτι που να σε διασκεδάζει. Έχει αποδειχτεί ότι ο νέος της εποχής µας έχει ανάγκη από ψυχαγωγία επειδή ζει µέσα σ’ έναν κόσµο γεµάτο ανασφάλεια και άγχος. Έτσι, πρέπει να ξέρεις ότι δεν είσαι µόνη σου. Όλοι οι φίλοι σου είµαστε εδώ να σε βοηθούµε και να σε ακούµε όποτε έχεις ανάγκη και θέλεις να µιλήσεις. Βγάλε, λοιπόν, από το µυαλό σου την ιδέα αυτή, «... δεν έχει πλοίο για σε, δεν έχει οδό...» όπου και να πας τα ίδια λάθη θα κάνεις. ∆έξου το χαρακτήρα σου, µάθε να ζεις µ’ αυτόν, προσπάθησε να πετύχεις µικρές αλλαγές στη ζωή σου, αλλά Ε∆Ω, στο σπίτι σου, στο σχολείο σου, ανάµεσα στους ανθρώπους που σε αγαπούν.

the student body, and the form of thier involvement in the Term 3 Athletics Carnival The Student Representative Council often engages in some lively discussions concerning measures which they believe need to be undertaken to improve facilities around the school. As a result, I am happy to report that new backboards and rings have been placed in the courts area, bubbler issues have been resolved, and certain fixtures in the girls bathroom have been repaired. Well done everyone !!

PASTORAL CARE HIGHLIGHTS Year 7 : Anti-Bullying; Self- Defence Against Bullying Year 8 : Understanding Cyber-Bullying; Talk by Police Youth Liaison Officer on Internet Safety Year 9 : “Pay It Forward” DVD Study Year 10: Subject Selection Talks by Curriculum Leaders Year 11 ‘Safe Partying’; Talk by Police Youth Liaison Officer Year 12 : Exam Preparation – Creative Writing Workshop Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

GREEK NEWS Κυρίες και κύριοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε τα γραπτά δυο µαθητών µας. Το ένα ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Β΄Λυκείου, η οποία παρακολουθεί τα µαθήµατα της Γ΄Λυκείου για τα Ελληνικά. Το άλλο σε µαθητή της Β΄ Γυµνασίου και ήταν η οµιλία του για το προφορικό διαγώνισµα του Α΄εξαµήνου σχετικά µε την ενότητα «Ας φάµε» στην οποία µαθαίνουµε τα διάφορα φαγητά στα ελληνικά, πώς να παραγγέλουµε σε ένα εστιατόριο και ό,τι σχετικό µε αυτό το θέµα. Με αυτές τις δύο εργασίες σας αποχαιρετούµε µια και στις 11/6 αναχωρούµε µε την οµάδα για Ελλάδα. Καλά να περνάτε!

Renee Hatzistergos Year 12 Μια βραδιά έξω µε την οικογένειά µου Το περασµένο Σάββατο βγήκα έξω µε την οικογένειά µου, δηλαδή, µε τη µαµά µου και την αδελφή µου. Πήγαµε σε µια ελληνική ταβέρνα που λέγεται «Στέκι». Αυτή η ταβέρνα µου θύµισε τις ταβέρνες στην Ελλάδα. Όταν φτάσαµε στην ταβέρνα, καθίσαµε στο τραπέζι µας και παραγγείλαµε τα ορεκτικά µας. Πήραµε ταραµοσαλάτα, τζατζίκι, σαλάτα χωριάτικη, χαλούµι, ελιές και ζεστά ψωµάκια. Μετά τα ορεκτικά, παραγγείλαµε το κύριο πιάτο µας. Εγώ παράγγειλα σουβλάκια µε πατάτες τηγανιτές και µπιφτέκια, η µαµά παράγγειλε χταποδάκι και η αδερφή µου µουσακά. Όσο ο κόσµος έτρωγε, το συγκρότηµα που είχε το µαγαζί έπαιζε µουσική µε κύριο όργανο το µπουζούκι

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέµα: Your friend has a problem and wants to move to another place to start over again. Write your speech to him/her to emphasise why escaping his/her problem is not the answer. Μαρία, άκουσα το µήνυµα που µου άφησες στον αυτόµατο τηλεφωνητή και ήθελα να σου πω ότι διαφωνώ µ’ αυτό που είσαι έτοιµη να κάνεις. Ό,τι


και τραγουδούσε ελληνικά τραγούδια. Η ατµόσφαιρα ήταν καταπληκτική! Μετά το φαγητό, η µαµά, η αδερφή µου κι εγώ συζητήσαµε για το πόσο πολύ µας άρεσε! Και οι τρεις είχαµε την ίδια εντύπωση ότι το φαγητό µας ήταν πολύ νόστιµο και ήµασταν πολύ ευχαριστηµένοι. Φεύγοντας από το «Στέκι», παρ’ όλο που είχαµε πρηστεί από το πολύ φαγητό, µας ήρθε να φάµε παγωτό σε ένα παγωτατζίδικο. Εγώ παράγγειλα σοκολάτα, η µαµά βανίλια και η αδελφή µου µέντα. Το παγωτό ήταν πάρα πολύ νόστιµο και γενικά αυτή ήταν µια πολύ ευχάριστη βραδιά έξω µε την οικογένεια.

What is your favourite Quote? A: The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. What are your Achievements? Contribution to Sport 2005 – 2009 Contribution to Choir 2005 – 2009 Name: Tiffany Koutrouzas Age: 17 Year: 12 How long have you attended St Spyridon College: Since kindergarten (13 years).

Stefanos Tsorbatzoglou Year 8

Subjects: Advanced Maths, Advanced English, Chemistry, Business Studies, PDHPE.



Future Aspirations: Once I complete my final year of Year 12 I would like to get accepted into university to further my studies in the field of either sports science/physiotherapy/nutrition.

Name: Patrice Calopedos Age: 17 Year: 12

Hobbies and Interests outside school: Outside school I love playing all kinds of sport, in particular soccer as I played at representative level for five years. Besides sports, I love going out with friends, whether it’s for dinner or going shopping. I also love spending time with my family, whether it is at a family barbeque or going away on holidays.

How long have you been at St Spyridon for? From Kindergarten till Year 12 (1998 - 2010) What subjects are you Currently Studying? English Advanced, Mathematics 2unit, Ancient History, Extension History, Economics, Business Studies and Food Technology.

Favourite sporting team: Chelsea

What are your future aspirations? My aim for the future is to attend University and study a Bachelor of Media Communications Degree. I have always aspired to become a journalist and work for a magazine or newspaper.

Achievements within school: Throughout my schooling life at St Spyridon, I believe my greatest achievements are seen through my sporting achievements. This involves sports such as: Outdoor and indoor soccer, touch football, oz tag, basketball and netball. I also was made the ISA soccer girls team three years in a row, represented in the annual Greek Orthodox Carnivals four times along with winning Champions of Champions for athletics three years in a row. I was a SRC in Year 9, a peer support leader in Year 10, and now a Prefect for my final year at school.

Do you have any hobbies/interests or activities outside of school? I was a dancer from the age of 5 until 16. I now enjoy playing netball for the school’s Open A’s Netball Team.

Who is your favourite ‘Superhero’? Why? My favourite superhero is ‘Batman’. Compared to most superheroes, he is the one that does not need any magical powers, as uses his physical strength. He is more realistic than some other superheroes.

Favourite superhero and why: Definitely Batman. This is because I love his outfit, his choice of weapons and of course that outrageous yet amazing bat mobile of his. I also like the story how he grew up and how he became batman.

Who is your Favourite Sports Team? South’s Sydney Rabbitohs.

Role Model: My parents. The reason why I consider my parents my role models is simply because of the


After our tour and seminar at parliament house we had lunch and were given the opportunity to converse with the leaders of other schools as well as various Ministers that were able to take time away from their parliamentary duties.

simple yet vital lessons in life they have taught me which shapes me as a person today. They taught things such as: Respect, honesty, integrity, love, sincerity, patience and forgiveness, which I hope to pass on to my children one day. I also look up to my parents and admire them for all the accomplishments they have achieved in life through a lot of hard work and patience, and hope one day I can become as successful and proud as them.

Following our lunch we went on a tour of the Governor’s House where we learned about the history of the house and the role of the Governor. The Governor of NSW Professor Marie Bashir gave us a talk on her role and the history of Australia and the Governor’s house. We learnt an assortment of relevant and irrelevant information such as: the Governor used to live in the house, the table in the dining room can fit 32 people but can be shrunk to fit only four people and there are five full time cleaners at the house. We were then given the opportunity to talk with the Governor personally.

Favourite Quote: “Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave” Indira Gandhi

PARLIAMENT HOUSE LEADERSHIP SEMINAR On Thursday the 3rd of June, Alexander Vatiliotis (College Captain) and I, Aleksandra Djordjevic (Vice Captain) together with student leaders from other independent schools attended a Leadership Seminar at State Parliament House. Here we were educated about what goes on inside the different houses of parliament and learnt some interesting facts about how parliament really works.

Alexander Vatiliotis Year 12


We were first greeted by several politicians from different areas of NSW and different political views, who gave us an insight into their everyday lives and what it takes to become a politician. Some knew they wanted to be involved in politics from an early age while others stumbled upon the political path by chance. A few jokes were cracked through out to in an attempt to sugar-coat our stereotypical view of politicians that we see on TV. The most entertaining part of the day by far, was getting to sit in the lower and upper house and to observe the debates between the various political parties. It amazed us how they played theatrical games to assert their point of view and were not afraid to verbally insult each other. Whenever a question was asked the Minister to whom the question was aimed seemed to always diverge onto another idea if they didn’t want to answer the specific question. For us, it was very interesting to see such a different environment and behaviour to what we are taught at school, such as don’t speak when other people are speaking and respect each other’s opinions. An interesting fact we did learn was that the width of the table separating the ministers from opposite parties is two sword lengths. This is so Ministers, back when they used to have swords could not stab each other when things got too heated! Luckily they didn’t have guns in those days.

On Tuesday night I made a human. First I used my school uniform. Next I gave it a Homer Simpson head and an I-Pod with an umbrella. Third we took a photo of it for my news day. Finally we printed it and I took the photo to school. My teacher Miss Rogaris laughed and loved it. Miss Finikakos saw it too. Here it is! Nicholas Papas KJ On Thursday KJ went to see Healthy Harold. First we met Harold and Miss Nadia. Miss Nadia was nice to us. We watched a DVD about Possum’s Party. I had fun at Harold’s. Stephen Koutoulogenis KJ



their improvements. The youngest team in the competition have set small goals such as learning to play as a team, developing their skills and perhaps scoring a goal. These skills will be the building blocks for a successful team in years to come. Keep persevering, Girls!

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Date: 27th July (2nd week back next term) Venue: ES Marks, Kensignton

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Students MUST wear the House T-shirt and their House Colours.




Once again congratulations to Ivana Bojanovic who competed on Monday and Tuesday at the NSW ALL Schools Football Championships. Ivana has been a member of this team for the past three years, she displayed an excellent performance over the two days. Well done!

Training is on every lunch time this week and next week. Please make sure you read bus times carefully.


Secondly, congratulations to Mr Mavrommatis who was selected to coach the NSWCIS Girls Football team. The team performed well the Championships. His experience and knowledge at this level of competition, no doubt is beneficial in the development of football within our school.


Date: Friday, 18th June Venue: EG Whitlam Leisure, 90a Memorial Avenue, Liverpool Bus: Bus will leave St Spyridon College at 6.30am and will return any time between 2 and 4 pm.

Half way through the season and most teams look in good stead for the finals.

Please wear St Spyridon College PE shirt and shorts, shin pads and indoor shoes (or sport shoes).

Current placings: OPEN A’s Equal 3rd Inter C’s Equal 1st Inter D’s 5th Junior A’s 4th Junior C’s Equal 3rd

The following students have State Championships on 26th July. Good Luck.


Petro Stefadouros, Leonidas Andrew, James Andrew, Nicholas Stasos, Alex Coplin, Alex Spiropoulos, Niko Fotopoulos, Chris Kolistasis Coach: Mr F. Kaldis. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport

GIRLS FOOTBALL Yet to win a match however, the girls’ enthusiasm and dedication continue to be the driving force towards








2011 DATES

TERM 1 Thursday 27th January 2011 Friday 28th January 2011 Monday 31st January 2011 Tuesday 1st February 2011

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Monday 7th March 2011

Lent begins

Friday 25th March 2011

Annunciation – school closed

Friday 8th April 2011

Term ends

Friday 22nd April 2011 Sunday 24th April 2011 Monday 25th April 2011

Public Holiday – Good Friday Easter Public Holiday – Easter Monday, Anzac Day

TERM 2 Tuesday 26th April 2011 Wednesday 27th April 2011

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 13th June 2011

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday, School closed

Friday 24th June 2011

Term ends for staff and students

TERM 3 Monday 18th July 2011 Tuesday 19th July 2011

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 15th August 2010

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Thursday 22nd September 2011 Friday 23rd September 2011

Term ends for students Staff Development Day

TERM 4 Monday 10th October 2011

Staff and students return

Thursday 8th December 2011 Friday 9th December 2011

Term ends for students Staff Development day


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