VOLUME XXVII No 10 30th July, 2010
HSC Trials begin
ICAS English Competition JS
Australian Mathematics Competition
Year 7 Vaccinations
Dormition Assembly JS
The Dormition of the Theotokos
Trial HSC ends
ICAS Mathematics Competition JS
ASISSA Athletics JS
P & F Trivia Night
IPSHAA Music Festival JS
Parent Forum Year 9, 2011 For Year 8 students and parents
HSC Assessment Period Ends
Year 12 VA BOW due
Specialist Photos JS
We welcome back all our students and staff as well as all the new students who have joined us this Term. I take the opportunity to wish the HSC class of 2010 every success in the forthcoming HSC Trial Examinations. We are happy to share photos and an update on our new Sports and Performing Arts Centre, prepared by our Parish Executive Officer Mrs Christina Tsaconas.
Snapshots at NIDA Playhouse Theatre
K-2 Father’s Day Assembly
Fathers Day
CIS Athletics JS
15 -17
Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS
CIS Athletics JS
Year 12 Farewell Assembly
Term ends for students K-12 Doxology Year 12 Farewell Dinner and Vespers House Gala Day SS Open Day JS
Staff Development Day
Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assessments begin Year 9 Camp
Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag
K-12 NEWS BUILDING WORKS Sports and Performing Arts Centre - Maroubra • • • • • • •
The concrete to the suspended slabs including the plant platform slab have been completed The Precast concrete has been completed The structural steel to the main hall is completed The roof to the lower roof is completed and the main hall roof commencing this week. The blockwork walls under the mezzanine have commenced and are scheduled to be completed this week. next step - installation of windows and the FRP basketball court fill is scheduled for next week.
15 Doran Street, Kingsford • Footings completed • Slab pouring is scheduled this week. • Structural steel and brick work to commence after the pouring of the slab
One of the problems that we are facing is the inclement weather.
AIR CONDITIONERS FOR JUNIOR SCHOOL We have ordered 17 heavy duty air conditioners for the Junior School. Delivery is expected at the end of next week; installation commencing Saturday 30th July. Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer/Bursar
FAREWELL AND WELCOME We farewell Mrs. Mansour who has resigned and wish her every happiness in her future life. We thank her for her contribution to our College.
UPCOMING EVENTS - 2010 Trivia Night Fathers Day stalls Spring Fair
Saturday 21 August From 23 August- days TBA Sunday 31 October
We are very pleased to announce that Mr. BarringtonHiggs has been appointed to the position of Year 3S teacher. Mr Barrington-Higgs is a highly qualified and experienced teacher, who has taught in independent schools both in Australia and overseas. He has also lectured at Charles Sturt University.
It is with great enthusiasm and energy that P&F members welcome Term 3 as our most eventful fundraisers for the year are approaching fast.
We warmly welcome Miss Xenos who will be taking 2C this term while Miss Kollias is away.
TRIVIA NIGHT A night definitely not to be missed as we await a very entertaining guest star, Effie Stefanides (Mary Coustas) to host many fun-filled games and activities. It will be a night of giving as all participants that night will have a great chance of winning an assortment of countless prizes from raffles, lucky dips and lucky door entries and more. Complimentary nibblies will be on offer and after the Trivia competition, the dancing will commence. Tickets are available and currently selling fast so see the full page flyer in this newsletter for all the details to book a table for your team.
CONGRATULATIONS ……. to Mr. & Mrs. Veryinis, Andreas (5A) and Georgia (3A) on the birth of the newest member of their family, baby William. May Christ shower them with His blessings.
SPRING FAIR – STALLS FOR HIRE Members have already started preparations for this grand event. Like last year, the committee will be offering stalls for hire on the day. Before we approach external businesses we would like to invite families of the College to take this opportunity to book a stall and sell their goods. If you are interested , please contact Maria Pascalis on 0414244695 for all the details and arrangements.
… to Miss Kollias and Mr George Karpouzos on their recent marriage. We wish them life long happiness.
Ms F Diakoumis & Mrs M Pascalis P&F Association
It is with great pleasure that I welcome back all our students, teachers, parents and grandparents. Some of us have enjoyed the cool temperatures of Sydney whilst others have clearly enjoyed the European summer and others, the hospitality of our Asian Pacific neighbours. Welcome back everyone!!
SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Haskas and family on the passing of their beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Eleni Vardavas. May her memory be eternal.
SPORTS DAY CHANGES During Term Three, Kindergarten to Year 4 will be participating in the Footsteps Dance Program for PE. They will need to wear their sports uniform to school on Wednesdays for this.
IPSHA PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL We also thank Mrs Dimitrelis and the students who represented the Junior School at the commemoration service on Sunday 25th July at Martin Place Cenotaph: Sebastian Zois, Lia Albanakis, Manuel Margelis, John Margelis, Anastasia Barton, Eve Barton, Demi Nikas, Christina Balayannis, Melanie Stramotas, Nicole Adam and Mariah Stavrou.
St. Spyridon College Junior School will be performing at the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia, Performing Arts Festival at City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney on Tuesday 24th August 2010. They will perform their own piece as well join students from Shoalhaven Anglican, Knox Grammar, Mount Sinai College, Ravenswood School for Girls and Pittwater House, to perform combined pieces. It is a wonderful evening not to be missed. Tickets for the event are available through http://www.cityrecitalhall.com/book/id/729.
ICAS COMPUTER SKILLS COMPETITION All of our students from Years 3-6 participated in the International Competition and Assessment for Schools – Computer Skills. We were awarded 3 High Distinctions, 28 Distinctions and 50 credit certificates. This year we received more than double the amount of distinctions than we did last year. Congratulations to all the students who participated and to Mr. Arnott for preparing them.
YEAR FOUR ASSEMBLY Congratulations to Year Four and their Greek Language teachers, Miss Theodossiou, Miss Argyrou and Mrs Kordi on a very moving assembly on the Invasion of Cyprus. The students recounted stories of Cypriot children who lived through the invasion and how they longed for a unified Cyprus.
High Distinction (top 1% in State) Year 3 Nicola Cafcaros Year 4 Florence Georgas Year 5 Tina Ventoura Distinction (top 10% in State) Year 3 Peter Tsoukalas, Deahna Simos, Connor Giavis, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Sonya Paradisis, Peter Nikas, Reece Kalergis Year 4 Deanna Tzivakis, Cardamis
Distinction (top 10% in state)
Year 5 Constantine Tsingos, Kerry-Anne Syros, Jordan Stojkovic, George Raptis, Johnny Mouratidis, Jordan Makridopolus, Constantinos Kollias, Demetrios Avdalis
Year 3 Peter Nikas, Connor Giavis Year 4 Joanna Skouteris, Mariana Ioannou , Christopher Denize, Florence Georges, Harris Papas , John Margelis
Year 6 Sebastian Zois, Elisa Tsounis, Melanie Stramotas, Mariah Rose Stavrou, Manuel Margelis, Paul Langlands, Hope Diasinos, Alexander P. Cardamis, Yiani Baratsas, Nicole Adam
Year 6 Nicole Adam
Credit (top 35% in State) Credit (top 35% in state) Year 3 Sophie Ioannidis, Dyana Chakos, Jordan Roumbas, Christopher Matsoukas, Stella Ktenas, Georgia Veryinis, Peter Synesios, George Leondios, Desi Kapodistrias, Michael Hatzon, Jade Capitanelis, Stephanie Augoustis
Year 3 Rianna Papas, Peter Tsoukalas, Kristina Poulos, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis, Tiffany Tsoukalas, Georgia Veryinis, George Leondios, Christopher Matsoukas, Jade Capitanelis, Christine Frangoulis, Arianna Baltatzis, Stephanie Augoustis, Katherine Raptis
Year 4 Rhea Tsimboukis, Nicole Stramotas, Harris Papas, Sophia Micos, John Margelis, Mariana Ioannou, Christina Hatgis, Erin Giaras, Lucas Dedes, Jennifer Contominas, Jesse Bowler, Stephen Bletsas, George Andrianakos, Dean Albanakis, Nathan Adam
Year 4 Jennifer Contominas, Sophia Micos, Christopher Kumar, George Andrianakos, Chrysanthi Diasinos, Rhea Tsimboukis, Nicole Stramotas, Jesse Bowler, Nathan Adam, Anna-Maria Borean, Stephen Bletsas, Deanna Tzivakis
Year 5 Andreas Veryinis, Giorgen Rokos, Markella Roditis, Steffie Papadopoulos, Leon Kouzoukos, Paul Janis, Mersina Hristeff, Giorge Gemisis, George Contominas
Year 5 Tina Ventoura, Jordan Makridopolus, Johnny Mouratidis, Andreas Veryinis
Year 6 Alexander Stamoulis, Demitra Nikas, Kiri Kondou, Natasha Karagiannis, Michael Hatzon, Elias Hatzon, Ariadne Harbilas, Themis Giaras, Joseph Gemelas, Anastasia Barton, Christina Balayannis, Panos Armenakas, Lia Albanakis, Athanasios Athanasiou
Year 6 Kiri Kondou, Manuel Margelis, Mariah Rose Stavrou, Athanasios Athanasiou
SCHOOL MORNINGS How things go at home in the morning can set the tone for the day. Children who arrive at school calm, relaxed, fed and ready can make the most of the first few hours of the day (also the best learning time). 他 Getting up an extra 15-30 minutes earlier might help things run more smoothly. 他 Mornings are easier if your child can do things for themselves. Prepare a list of things they can do to help. Your child may make mistakes at first but they will learn with practice. Once your child is really good at preparing for themselves, it will be one less thing you have to do. 他 TV can distract children from getting ready (or even hearing you) so consider leaving it off. 他 Remember being punctual is showing respect for the teachers and for other members of the class.
ICAS SCIENCE SKILLS COMPETITION 178 children participated from our school. 33 students achieved a Credit award, 10 students earned the Distinction certificate and 1 student was rewarded with a High Distinction. High Distinction (top 1% in state) Year 6 Sebastian Zois
Of course this amount and event would not have been possible without the help and generosity of the following people: • Mr Kaldis, whose support and generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you for supplying the BBQ and for donating the bread rolls. • PARKSIDE SUPERIOR MEATS of Hurlstone Park (Owner Mr Kefalouros) for his extremely generous donation of all the delicious sausages. We had many teachers and students coming back for seconds and even thirds. • Mrs Kefalouros for her tireless efforts and continual support to Year 10 and myself. Your assistance on the day is what made this day run smoothly. THANK YOU. • A ‘Big thank you’ also to: -Ms Savva -Mrs Koutsoukis -Mrs Grillakis.
Your child will also not have missed out on instructions and information that could impact on their vital learning. Mrs. M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator
STUDENT MEDICAL RECORDS Student Medical details need to be updated regularly. All contact phone numbers, emergency contacts and address must be current. Parents must notify the school in writing of any allergies, treatment, medications, etc. If you need medication stored in sick bay for your child please make sure the medication is clearly labelled with child’s full name and class, with correct dose to be given. If your child suffers allergies the sick bay will require a medical plan from your doctor or specialist. All epipens must have a current use by date with child’s name and class clearly labelled. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that all medications are current and have not expired.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE Please note if you require After School Care it is the parent’s responsibility to notify After School Care and the class teacher, preferably the day before as arrangements need to be made for After School Care staffing/catering and for the class teacher to be aware. Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School
ATHLETICS CARNIVAL TUESDAY 27TH JULY 2010 The athletics carnival took place on Tuesday 27th July and Year 10 was invited to host a ‘Sausage Sizzle’. The money raised will go towards the Year 10 Dinner at the end of the year. Thankfully, the weather was kind to us and a great day was had by all. Year 10 were busy feeding the whole school a delicious sausage sizzle ALL day. The total money raised on the day was $1357.50. So a big thanks to all the teachers and students for your kind support. Ms M. Kalithrakas Year 10 Adviser
2C surprised Miss Kollias with a wedding gift as she was getting married in the July holidays. We were lucky that Mrs Hamer called her out of the room for a pretend meeting which helped us get ready for the surprise. Each student’s family had put some money towards a gift and we bought a gift voucher from Myer and a purple glass vase. We chose purple because it is her favorite colour. We gave her a massive collage card with a colourful drawing and a wedding wish from each student. We presented the gift, together with some parents, on Thursday 24 June at 3pm. Katrina’s mum, Ms Darras-Samaras, kindly made delicious cup cakes for the class to eat and celebrate this wonderful occasion. Ms Kollias was so surprised and happy.
Congratulations to all students who participated in the carnival; it was a great success. Also a thank you to all teachers for your assistance yesterday. The efficiency of field and track staff allowed for smooth running and an early finish; all teachers seem to have vast experience with their duties now which has allowed for a problem free event. As for the House Patrons, I truly believe this has been a useful addition to the carnival. The students were well informed and very organized; this allowed for a smooth transition between events. Thank you, to Ms Kalithrakas and Mrs Kefalouros and Year 10 for organising the BBQ and providing lunch for all of us.
We all wish her well in her new married life. We will miss her very much. We look forward to her news when she returns to us in Term 4.
Congratulations to the Nemeans who won the 2010 SSC Athletics House Trophy.
Frances-Lee Pascalis 2C
Middle School Points Nemians 558 Corinthians 364 Delphians 339 Olympians 311 Upper School Points Nemians 337 Delphians 253 Corinthians 228 Olympians 175 Champion of Champions Cassandra Georgiou and Phillip Fotiou - Congratulations Mr A. Condous Boys Sport and Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport