St Spyridon News 65-2a February 2011

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VOLUME XXVIII No 2 25th February, 2011

FEBRUARY Vaccinations Yr 7 girls, Yr 7 boys and girls and Yr 10


MARCH P & F AGM World Maths Day


NSWCIS girls & Boys Basketball Trials JS

4th th

Lent begins


Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS


Spalding Parent Course JS


Scholarship and Student Leadership Assembly ASISSA Soccer Trials JS


ISA Finals


NSWCIS Cricket Boys Trials JS


ASISSA Swimming Carnival SS Spalding Parent Course JS


ISA Swimming Carnival SS


CIS Swimming Carnival JS Spalding Parent Course JS


NSWCIS Softball Trials JS


Year 5 Vision Centre ASISSA Netball Gala Day JS

24th th

Annunciation – school closed


ISA Cross Country SS PSSA Swimming Carnival JS


25th March Celebrations


NSWCIS Girls Soccer JS


Spalding Parent Course JS


Twilight Tours SS


APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin


Spalding Parent Course JS


ACER Registrations close Term ends





Only four weeks into the year and we are in the full swing of things, with swimming carnivals held, camps returned and assessment tasks set and completed. New students have settled in and established their own niche in the classrooms and playground. This is the beauty of our school – youthful energy, matched by dynamic teachers and supported by loving parents. Together we provide the best setting for the education of young people. The Sports and Performing Arts Centre has breathed new life into our programs and already alumni are rehearsing for their play in Greek directed by Mrs Faletas. The Opens, together with alumni, are coaching younger teams, leading to ISA successes. We commend our Senior students who represented the College at the historic occasion of the Ordination of the first Australian-born Greek Orthodox Bishop, His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Militoupoleos, at the Cathedral of the “Annunciation of Our Lady Theotokos”, Redfern. The Parents and Friends Committee will hold its AGM in Doran House on the 1st March, 2011 at the Junior School and we encourage everyone to come and contribute as well as to enjoy the fellowship of this most excellent group. We draw the attention of Year 6 and Year 10 students and their parents to the opportunity to sit for ACER Scholarships on In closing, we congratulate Makrina Spilioti who qualified for the finals of the Open Age State Championships where she competed against Olympic swimmers including Liesel Jones, Stephanie Rice and Emily Seebohm. Martha managed to finish top 20th in the Open Age State Championship, at 14 years of age, this is a fantastic achievement. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag



On Saturday the 19th of February, members of the Prefect Body attended the funeral service of Professor Manuel Aroney. Most St Spyridon students remember him from the annual presentation assembly at church where the highest achievers in the HSC are acknowledged and rewarded for their efforts. Sydney University Greek Society always awards a scholarship for the highest HSC mark in his honour. He was an active member of the St Spyridon community and his work and efforts will forever be remembered and highly appreciated. It was always inspiring to hear his various achievements detailed at the annual assembly-those who knew him are very fortunate indeed. Just some of Professor Aroney’s achievements include becoming a Chemistry lecturer at the University of Sydney and being appointed a Commissioner of the Commonwealth Human Rights Commission. For his services to the University and the community he was granted the honour Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and for his work in the area of multiculturalism and with the Greek community he was also awarded the Member of the Order of Australia. Throughout his life Professor Aroney was also very involved in the work of the Church. Our thoughts and our prayers are with his family. On Sunday the 20th of February members of the Prefect Body also attended the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation to witness the ordination of Bishop Iakovos of Militoupoleos. This occasion was particularly significant because Bishop Iakovos is the first Australian-born graduate of St Andrews Theological College to be ordained a Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. The enormous number of people inside and outside the church; was evidence enough of the importance of the event. The highlight of the event for me personally was when Bishop Iakovos was presented with the vestments and the congregation proclaimed “Axios!” meaning “he is worthy”. The St Spyridon Prefects were privileged to have the opportunity to stand at the front of the church and be closer witnesses of the service than anyone else. At the end of the service, the line for Antidoron extended well beyond the church doors! It was very moving to see the excitement on everyone’s faces as they waited amongst the large crowd of people, eager to receive the Antidoron from Bishop Iakovos himself. This is an opportunity we may very well never experience again and we will cherish it for a very long time. Ashli Bergmann College Captain


ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE The Head of College Invites you to the

SCHOLARSHIPS AND STUDENT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY Thursday 10th March, 2011 St Spyridon Church 8.45 a.m. for 9.00 a.m. start At this assembly we will honour the recipients of the following awards: The Professor Manuel Aroney Award For the highest ATAR in 2010 sponsored by Sydney University Greek Society University Entrance Scholarship Awarded to a student with an ATAR above 97 Sponsored by St. Spyridon Parish The 2010 Goldstein Awards for Leadership by Example in memory of the Late George N. Pappas A.M., M.B.E. and Marina Pappas Academic Scholarships Year 7, 2011, Year 11, 2011 Student Representative Council Peer Support Leaders





University Greek Society and Mr Michael Comninos, a former student of St Spyridon College and eventual President of S.U.G.S. On the 10th March 2011, Alexander Vatiliotis will be presented with this award at the ‘Scholarships and Leadership Assembly’.

CONDOLENCES Professor Manuel James Aroney AM OBE 31st August 1932-15th February 2011

In 2009, Professor Manuel Aroney and his wife Anne were very proud to attend the first day of their grandson Emmanuel’s schooling at St Spyridon College, together with parents Stephen and Sophia. Unfortunately, Manuel was too ill to be present for Anne Marie’s first day on the 1st February 2011.

Professor Manuel James Aroney, AM, OBE, passed away peacefully on 15th February 2011 at the age of 78, leaving behind him a legacy of excellence, passion and achievement that has enriched the Greek Australian presence and Australian society at large. Professor Aroney was born in Sydney Australia, in 1932 of Kytherian parents, in an era of hardship and struggle, following the Great Depression and World War II.

We extend sincere condolences to his wife Anne, to Stephen and Sophie, Emmanuel and Anne-Marie, as well as to Jim and Theodore, to daughters-in-law Evelyn and Felicia, and to grandchildren James, Michael, Alannah, Emeil, William and Demitra.

Undaunted by countless challenges, he commenced his illustrious academic career as a Commonwealth Scholarship winner at the University of Sydney, where he gained the Degrees B.Sc (1955), M.Sc (1956) and Ph.D (1961). He went on to become internationally recognised as a “true grand-master” in his chosen field of scientific research in atomic bonding and molecular structure investigated by a range of techniques of Physics.

Professor Manuel Aroney will be much missed by all of us. May His memory be eternal.

His spectacular distinction as an academic of international standing, was matched only by his passion for dynamic community service, his demonstrated pride in his Kytherian and Greek Orthodox heritage, his support of Greek Orthodox education, his commitment to Multiculturalism, Human Rights and Social Justice.


He was bestowed numerous Awards, including the most prestigious Australian honours Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) 1980 and Member of the Order of Australia (AM) 1989. The Greek honour, Commander of the Order of the Phoenix, was bestowed upon to him in 1998 by the President of the Hellenic Republic.

SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2012 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships: Year 6 (Year 7, 2012) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years, from Year 7 to Year 10. Year 10 (Year 11, 2012) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years. Closing date for applications is Friday, 8th April, 2011. ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 14th May, 2011.

For us at St Spyridon College, Professor Aroney was a founding member of the Board of Governors in 1981, and continued to guide, lead and exemplify what is best in a Governing or Board member until recent months. Always a voice of reason and logic, he used his deep appreciation of the complexities of establishing and building a vibrant educational institution, to impact in the most positive and productive way possible on the growth and development of our wonderful College.

Forms and information are available online on or from:

In 1993, St Spyridon College established an annual award for the highest HSC Aggregate in his honour, aptly named ‘The Professor Manuel Aroney Award’. To this day this award is sponsored by Sydney

Principal Senior School Mrs A. Katsogiannis Tel: 02 9311 3340 Fax: 02 9311 4532 E:


BUILDING WORKS – Senior School


After much hard work and many challenges, we were very happy that the Sports and Performing Arts Centre was ready in time for the students commencing 2011 school year. The response from the students, alumni and teachers is overwhelming and positive and we look forward to seeing all parents K-12 at the Opening on the 19th May 2011.

Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed on the following days. Wednesday, 20th July 2011 Wednesday, 27th July 2011 and Wednesday, 3rd August 2011 Mrs H. Simicos

New Security Fence: The building of the new fence has commenced and completion should be by end of March. The fence has a brick base and brick piers to the height of 2.37 metres. Between the brick piers there will be powder coated galvanised Bars to the height of 1.9 metres. The majority of Gates will be electronically operated.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT BEFORE SCHOOL CARE Anyone wishing to use Before School Care please notify the school office. If we have sufficient numbers to make it financially viable we may be able to reinstate the program.

Modifications will be carried out to Gate 1 so that private buses and parents can drive into the school grounds and drop off and pick up students.


More details of the traffic flow will follow soon.

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Perdikakis and Madelyn in 2C on the birth of their new baby Annalise and Mr & Mrs Ioannou & Kosta 2C on the birth of baby Anna.

JUNIOR SCHOOL Doran House, at 15 Doran Street is now fully operational and is already in use for classes and Out of School Hours Care. The P & F is holding its AGM in Doran House and we hope to see everyone there.

APOLOGY We apologise to Marie Vasilakis Year 4 for leaving her name out of the last newsletter, but warmly welcome her to our school.

In addition, new artificial grass has been laid in the Infants playground.

REMINDER PARENT SPALDING COURSE On behalf of the Parish and College I would like to thank all the parents who have contributed to the Building Fund and made the above works possible.

Parents a reminder that there are still a few vacant positions for the Parent Spalding course due to commence on Tuesday 8th March. If you are interested in attending, please contact the office. It is an excellent course that gives you an insight into how your child will learn to read and write in our school and how you will be able to assist him/her.

Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer


MEDICAL UPDATES Parents please notify the office if there has been any change in your child’s medical condition. Also any child that has a more severe illness requires an Action Plan. Please provide an updated Action Plan. These must be updated annually.

There is one vacancy on the Canon Shuttles Bus. If you are interested, please call Helen 9313-6899.



Uniform Shop help is needed every Wednesday afternoon between 2.45 pm and 4.15pm. If you would like to volunteer your services, please call Helen at the Parish Administration Office on 93136899.

Parents who have provided the school with medication that is required regularly, please check expiry date and provide new medications.



SWIMMING CARNIVAL Last Friday we had a wonderful day at our Annual Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to all our children Years 3 to Year 6 who participated and I also commend them for their enthusiasm and their excellent behaviour.

WORLD MATHS DAY: TUESDAY 1st MARCH “WORLD MATHS DAY’ is on Tuesday 1st March and it involves students from all over the world playing against each other in real-time battles of mental arithmetic using the newly updated Live Mathletics game engine.

Thank you to Mr Volas for a very organised day and to all the parents and Year 9 students who assisted so efficiently.


All Years 7-9 students will participate in this global event on Tuesday, as students from across the world unite (over 235 countries involved) in their quest to set a world record in answering mental arithmetic questions. Year 7-9 students will be part of this fantastic educational event involving more than two million people.

Co curricular activities will commence on Monday 28th February. Children are to gather in the courtyard where the allocated teachers will meet them and take them to the set areas. Co curricular activities are as follows: Monday 3.30pm-4.30pm ¾ Afternoon Spalding Yr 2/3 ¾ Logic club Yr 5/6 ¾ Dance ¾ Basketball ¾ Cooking Yr 3/4 ¾ Certificate of Attainment in the Greek Language Monday/Tuesday 3.30pm-4.30pm ¾ Infants Sport Tuesday 3.30pm-4.30pm ¾ Debating ¾ Netball ¾ Cooking Yr 5/6 ¾ Artists in the Making Wednesday/Thursday lunchtimes ¾ Choir Yr 3-6 Friday 3.30pm-4.30pm ¾ Chess Competition

Prizes will be given to the students who answer the most questions correctly and ALL students will be receiving a ‘PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATE’ to commemorate this great day. All students now have their ‘username’ and ‘password,’ so they can now go online and start practicing for the BIG day. So, let the games begin!!

MUSIC TUITION Private music tuition is available with the following people. Parents wishing to have their child tutored in 2011 need to contact the individual tutor. Mr Sam Podjarski for Violin Contact Number: 0411 366 058 Ms Janet Silverton for Piano Contact Number: 0417 657 178 Mr Leonidas Kourmadas for Piano, Guitar & Theory Contact Number: 0421 198 747 Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Ms M. Kalithrakas Mathematics Team


YEAR 8 CAMP “At St Spyridon College we endeavour to develop the whole person – strong in mind, healthy in body……..” The camp program is an integral part of the students development. Camps organised by Ms Kokinelis (Dean of Middle School) have provided Year 8 an outdoor learning environment which offers an important adjunct to the classroom. They help to develop self awareness, aesthetic appreciation, problem solving, interpersonal skills and a sense of community. • • • • • •

¾ The Year 8 camp has specific aims: To promote personal growth and group development To develop a sense of competence in dealing with the natural environment To understand and deal with the dangers of any risk taking activity To challenge the individual by combining physical and developmental activities so as to enhance a students self – reliance. To increase the confidence in a students own ability To further develop co-operation and social skills

Together these help Year 8 students to see themselves in a social and independent way. Perhaps the highlight of any camp is the return of the group bubbling with excitement and full of stories. One only needs to listen to these students to realise that camp is more than worthwhile. It is always great to see students who are not necessarily strong in a class room situation excel in the activities offered at camp. Similarly it is always great to see students encourage others to succeed in challenging activities. Thank you to Ms Kokinelis, Mr Reynolds and Ms Davis who attended this camp, its not easy to leave your families behind for 3 days.

Mr A. Condous Year 8 Adviser Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School





2011 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM As part of the NSW Adolescent School-based Vaccination program, next week NSW Health is offering vaccinations for prevention of cervical cancer (HPV to all Year 7 girls in three doses), Hepatitis B to all Year 7 students, and Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis for all Year 10.. Any parent/caregiver who is not having their child immunized at school is advised to consult with their GP.

YEAR 7 & 8 CAMPS The annual camp program for Year’s 7 & 8 was vey successful. Students found their experiences to be challenging, exciting and most importantly fun. Lots of new friendships were strengthened and much laughter shared with teachers who attended. Thank you to Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Giles, and Miss Gambriell for assisting with Year 7, plus Mr Condous (Year 8 Adviser) and his Pastoral Care Team, Mr Reynolds and Ms Davis for all your enthusiasm.


The three Senior Prefects:- Ashli Bergmann, School Captain, Stamati Margelis, Vice Captain, and Elenni Mavrolefterou, Senior Prefect, attended the annual Prefect Seminar hosted by SCEGGS, Darlinghurst. At this event student school leaders had an opportunity to liaise with Prefects from many varied Sydney Schools, listen to inspirational speakers and participate in leadership workshops. We look forward to reading their reflections of this event in the next newsletter Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Year 12 students have settled back into their final year of schooling. Many of the students have already seen me to talk about what courses they may consider doing next year. Last term I gave a talk titled “Career Options for 2012” to the whole year group. I gave each student the notes on the talk. They will need to continue their careers research throughout the year so that they will know which courses at which institutions will suit them best next year. The SSC Careers Website has been devised so that the research process via the net is made easier for the students. It can be located on the school website on the top banner under ‘Elevation and Careers’. “Careers” will then appear on the left hand side banner. Click this to see the drop down menu. This allows students and parents easy access to hundreds of websites and information on careers. My suggestion for students is to start this process early while there are not so many pressures of assessments and exams. Read about courses and institutions as much as possible. Keep all the information, your ratings of the course and your feelings about them in one location so that you have easy access to it at a later date. I will need to see all students at least once this term to review their research and choices at this point of time. Enjoy this special year at school.

PASTORAL CARE Student nominees from Year 7, 9, & 11 gave speeches this week in a bid to convince peers of their suitability for election to the Student Representative Council. Congratulations to all for your efforts. Students from Years 8 & 10 will present next week, and results of all the elections will be published in our next newsletter. Good luck to all nominees.

LEADERSHIP Prefects represented the students of our college at the funeral of Professor Aroney, an esteemed academic and enthusiastic supporter of the school. His presence will be missed, especially at our annual Scholarship and Leadership Assembly where he always gave an address and presented the Aroney Awards for Academic Excellence to the highest ATAR recipient. May he rest in peace.

“Studying in the US Night” A consultant from College Consulting International, will be in Sydney on Tuesday 1st March to conduct an outline of the US College Admission Process. If you are interested in studying in the US in the next few years, NOW is the time to start that process. The evening will be held at the Department of State and Regional Development, NSW Trade and Investment Centre, Level 47, MLC Place, CBD at 7pm. RSVP

Additionally last Sunday, Prefect representatives along with many other students and their families, also attended the ordination of Bishop Iakovos of Militoupoleos.

TAX FILE NUMBERS (TFN) I will be running a program here at the College in Term 1 so that students can apply for their Tax File Numbers via the


school. They will need these for part time employment now and in the future when they begin full-time work. Students will need to complete some forms with their personal details including their birth certificate details. Please talk to your parents if you think that you may need your TFN at some time in the future. The Application Period for TFN will take place near the end of Term 1.

Γεωργία: Θα τα πληρώσω εγώ και τα δύο γιατί θέλω να σου κάνω ένα δωράκι, Ελένη, για τα γενέθλιά σου που είναι σε λίγες ηµέρες και δεν ήξερα τι να σου πάρω. Ορίστε, µαντάµ, $104.00 και ευχαριστούµε για την εξυπηρέτηση. Καλή σας µέρα! Ελένη: Αχ, Γιωργία µου, σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ! ∆εν ήταν απαραίτητο να µου κάνεις δώρο. Τι καλή φίλη που είσαι!

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

Georgia Giatsios Year 9GKA




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Καλή χρονιά! ∆εν είναι παρά λίγες εβδοµάδες που γυρίσαµε ξανά στα θρανία και θα σας κρατήσουµε και πάλι συντροφιά µε τα γραπτά των µαθητών µας. Το πρώτο µας γραπτό για φέτος ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Γ’ Γυµνασίου και είναι σχετικό µε την ενότητα «Για Ψώνια». Καλά να περνάτε! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα


JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT 2011 SWIMMING CARNIVAL Our annual St Spyridon Junior School carnival was held on Friday 18th February at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. Congratulations to all students for their enthusiasm to cheer on their teams and to all House Captains who led by example. Well done to all the students who competed and contributed to their teams final results.

Στη µπουτίκ

Thank you to our Senior School Students from Year 9 who assisted on the day in particular to the following students:

Γεωργία: Αχ τι ωραία µπουτίκ είναι αυτή! Όλα τα ρούχα τους είναι τρέλα! Ελένη: Λοιπόν, ας τα δούµε όλα από την αρχή γιατί έτσι που πας εσύ δεν θα βγάλουµε άκρη. Πωλήτρια: Γεια σας, κορίτσια. Πώς θα µπορούσα να σας βοηθήσω να διαλέξετε κάτι σήµερα; Ελένη: Η φίλη µου θέλει να πάρει ένα βραδινό φόρεµα µε νεανικά χρώµατα κι εγώ θα ήθελα να πάρω ένα µπλουζάκι σε µπεζ χρώµα. Νοµίζω ότι το µπεζ ταιριάζει µε πολλά χρώµατα. Πωλήτρια: Μάλιστα, ελάτε να σας δείξω τι έχουµε. Αυτό το φορεµατάκι είναι πολύ όµορφο και φοριέται και για βραδινό, αλλά και την ηµέρα. Τι νούµερο φοράτε; Γεωργία: Το οκτώ, µπορώ να το δοκιµάσω; Πωλήτρια: Βεβαίως, ορίστε το οκτώ νούµερο. Εσείς δεσποινίς θέλετε ένα µπεζ µπλουζάκι. Νοµίζω πως αυτό εδώ είναι καταπληκτικό! Σας αρέσει; Ελένη: Ναι, αλλά το έχετε στο νούµερο οκτώ και πόσο κάνει; Πωλήτρια: Ορίστε δεσποινίς το οκτώ και το έχουµε µε 50% έκπτωση επειδή τελειώνει η καλοκαιρινή σαιζόν. Ελένη: Τέλεια! Θα το πάρω γιατί µου αρέσει και το µπλουζάκι, αλλά και η τιµή! Να δω τώρα τι κάνει η φίλη µου. Γεωργία: Μου πάει πολύ ωραία πάνω µου, δε νοµίζεις; Αλλά µου φαίνεται ακριβό. Πωλήτρια: Όπως είπα και στη φίλη σας, έχουµε 50% έκπτωση σε όλα µας τα ρούχα. Γεωργία: Αν είναι έτσι θα το πάρω. Πωλήτρια: Λοιπόν, το µπλουζάκι κάνει $39.00 και το φόρεµα $65.00 µετά από την έκπτωση, δηλαδή σύνολο $104.00 παρακαλώ.

Christina Andrew, Nikolas Baratsas, Yianna Criticos, Nicola Demetri, Cassandra Georgiou, Dane Ivanovic, Luka Kasalovic, Nansia Koukounaris, Natalie Michos, Martha Spilioti, Evelyn Tzivakis, Anthony Vasili, Aiden Xydis, Thien Ngo. I would like to thank Ms O’Shea, (PDHPE Girls Sport) from our Senior School Staff, her contribution was vital to the success of the carnival. I would also like to thank all the parents for their assistance on the day. Congratulations to the Nemeans the champion house and to all our age champions and record breakers.


RESULTS: First Place Second Place Third Place Fourth Place

Nemeans Olympians Delphians Corinthians


387 Points 356 Points 344 Points 321 Points

Martha Spilioti (Year 9) competed in both the Age State Swimming Championships and also the Open State Championships recently. Martha achieved first place in the 200m Butterfly race at the Age State Championships receiving a gold medal. Furthermore Martha qualified for the finals of the Open Age State Championships where she competed against Olympic swimmers whom included Liesel Jones, Stephanie Rice and Emily Seebohm. Martha managed to finish top 20th in the Open Age State Championship, at 14 yrs of age this is a fantastic achievement.

RECORDS BROKEN: 8 Years Girls 50m Freestyle Destin Chandra (3A) Time: 57.87


We look forward to watching her success in the School Swimming Carnivals as they approach. Cassandra Georgiou (Year 9) competed in the NSW Oztag State Championships recently. Cassandra represented St George District and qualified for the finals. Unfortunately, her team was defeated 2-1 by South Sydney. 8 Years Boys Michael Konitsas (3S)

Nansia Koukounaris and Andriane Efstratiou have been selected to represent ISA Under 15’s at the CIS Basketball Championships. Well done girls!

8 Years Girls Nicola Skouteris (3S)


9 Years Boys Jordan Frazis (3S)

The following students were voted by their Year Group to be the House Captains for 2011.

9 Years Girls Stephanie Augoustis & Desi Kapodistrias (4C)

Corinthians: Delphians: Nemeans: Demi Flokis Olympians: Mantzavrakos

10 Years Boys Nathan Adam (5A) 10 Years Girls Carissa Frazis (5I)

John Patis and Kayla Want Kosta Baratsas and Kate Kalergis Peter Kolistasis, Erin Criticos and Irene




These students will be significant leaders at all sporting events such as the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals. They will encourage house spirit and motivate all house members to compete and participate to their best ability. Good luck!

11 Years Boys Nicholas Frazis (5I) 11 Years Girls Sophia Micos (5A)

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

12 Years Boys George Contominas (6P)


12 Years Girls Larissa Andrianakos (6P)

Des Renford Aquatic Centre was the venue chosen again for the 2011 annual St Spyridon Senior School swimming carnival. As students eagerly arrived to this destination early Tuesday morning, it became apparent that today was going to be a complete

Mr J. Volas Sports Coordinator Junior School


success, and that it was. Students across year’s seven to twelve made a very good effort to attend to make this year’s swimming carnival something special and successful in terms of house spirit and Participation. As Boys Sportsmaster my first duty along with the Girls Sportsmistress and all the Year 12 leaders had to separate students into their house colours by situating banners(fundraised last year) in four areas of the grandstand. At the completion of this first duty, the grandstand was not filled with students, rather four colours, each one in unity, ready to barrack was there representing swimmers. The crowd cheered as the first race of Year 7 students dived into the pool and competed for a win. Race after race, the day continued as we saw students of all ages attempt to not only win a race but also to represent their house. The atmosphere began to rise as the day began to climax, and before we new it, it was relay time. The fastest female and male students represented their house colours in an exciting and very competitive race. Their goal of course to try and win but also ultimately to earn double house points in order to edge their house ever so closer to winning the title for the day. Finally, last but not least, the Champions of Champions races, where this time the students would battle as individuals, to see which female and male would be crowned the fastest swimmers at our school. The entire grandstand was roaring in excitement and eagerness to know who would win these races. Champion of Champions for 2011 Martha Spilioti Theodore Kipriotis With a final applause, the day’s program came to an end. The winners received their trophies, the losers received congratulations. This years carnival was truly a success especially with our Year 11 House Captains who did a marvelous job. Nemians Olympians Delphians Corinthians

1007 (Middle School 423 Upper School 59) 493 (Middle School 354 Upper School 139) 482 (Middle School 423 Upper School 59) 332 (Middle School 229 Upper School 103)


Mr A. Condous Boys Sport





JUNIOR SCHOOL CAMPUS Doran House ALL PARENTS & FRIENDS OF THE COLLEGE COMMUNITY ARE WELCOME! Everyone has something special and different to offer…. so please be in it for the education and future success of our children. 14

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