St Spyridon April Newsletter 68

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VOLUME XXVIII No 5 8th April, 2011


APRIL ACER Registrations close Easter Assembly Junior School Term ends


Easter Monday Public Holiday


Anzac Day Public Holiday


Staff Development Day






NSWCIS Swimming NSWCIS Swimming


MAY UNIFORM CHANGE Co Curricular Activities recommence Yrs3-6 National Schools Event SS

2nd 4th – 6th

ISA Girls and Boys Football Trials Year 5 Anzac Day Assembly 2.15pm Hall


Year 2 Mothers Day Assembly 2.30pm in Hall


Mothers Day


All Schools Swimming Championships


NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 and 7 & 9 Greek Attainment Certificate


NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 and 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 and 7 & 9


ISA Netball Trials


ACER Scholarship Exam


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 7 and 12


School Photos SS and JS


K – 2012 Information Morning


Official Opening of Sports & Performing Arts Centre K-12 9.30am at Senior School


National Maths Day


ICAS Computers JS


Information Morning and Tour JS

Καλό Πάσχα σε όλους



Happy Easter 1





Wednesday, 27th July 2011 and Wednesday, 3rd August 2011



Mrs H. Simicos

All students are invited to attend the services and to be present or assist with the following Holy Week activities:


Saturday, 16th April, 2011– Lazaros Saturday ¾ The making of Palm Sunday crosses from 12.30 p.m. at St. Spyridon Church

We are pleased to inform you that GWC Kingsford Vacation Care will be extending their operating hours due to parent requests for a trial run, as of April Vacation Care 2011.*

Sunday, 17th April, 2011 – Palm Sunday ¾ P & F Palm Sunday Luncheon Adults $35.00 Children $15.00 from 11.30 a.m. at St. Spyridon Church Hall

VACATION CARE OPEN: 7.30am – _6.00pm_* Please note that due to this extension of our operating hours, there will be an enforced late fee of $5 per minute as per our schedule of fees, attachment 5 in our Family Handbook.


Friday, 22 April, 2011 – Good Friday Morning ¾ Decoration of the Holy Epitaphio from 10.00 a.m. at St. Spyridon Church Hall Good Friday Evening ¾ At 6.00 p.m. Year 10 students to meet in St. Spyridon Church Hall to prepare for the Lamentation Hymns. All other students across all years are welcome. Students to be dressed in Summer School uniform including blazer. ¾ At 7.00 p.m. Year 11 boys, who will carry the Epitaphio, to meet in the Church Hall for instructions. Students to be dressed in School Uniform including Blazer.

For any questions, bookings or enquiries please call me on 9516 2188. Kind Regards Miss P. Doyle Children’s Services Coordinator

PARENTS AND FRIENDS REPORT 25 MARCH CELEBRATIONS It was unfortunate that the wet weather interfered with the traditional march of Greek Independence day celebrations at Martin Place. The P&F committee, as always, was prepared to offer all students of the College who proudly participated in this special event, a bottle of water and a savoury snack. It is at this point, that we wish to wholeheartedly thank and acknowledge the highly generous donation of 700 bottles of water which has been kindly offered each year by Mr George Milios for at least the last seven years. Mr Milios has been a valued parent who has been a helping member of the committee in the past and has made regular prize donations to our events. We truly thank him for his generosity and long term commitment to P&F activities. A special warm thank you is expressed to Father Sotiri who went well beyond his call of duty and very kindly helped P&F members to move drinks and snacks. We are ever so grateful for his efforts. A further thank you is extended to all the parents who helped to pack and move the bottled water and snacks especially in such unfavourable weather conditions.

TERM TWO Term Two will begin for all students K- 12 on Thursday 28th April 2011.

UNIFORM CHANGE – WINTER UNIFORM All Students are to come dressed in Winter School Uniform on Monday 2nd May. The Uniform Shop will be open on Wednesday 27th April, between 8.30am to 10am in the morning and 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the afternoon. Please note that the Uniform Shop is closed during school holidays.

UNIFORM SHOP Please note in your diaries that the Uniform Shop will be closed on the following days. Wednesday, 20th July 2011



It was great to see parents and students arrive enthusiastically to contribute their creativity and individual touch to the preparation of 150 lambathes, all beautifully and traditionally dressed and ready for the Lambatha stalls which have taken place from 31 March until 8 April during pick up time of school days. The committee sincerely thanks our Parish Executive officer, Mrs Christina Tsaconas for the supply of both white and beeswax quality candles. Mrs Tsaconas is always ready and so willing to fulfil all P&F requests. LAMBATHES WILL CONTINUE TO BE SOLD BY THE P&F COMMITTEE AT PALM SUNDAY LUNCH AND DURING HOLY WEEK OUTSIDE THE FRONT OF CHURCH.

Mrs M Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT 25TH MARCH COMMEMORATION Congratulations to all those students who braved the weather to commemorate the 25th of March by attending Church and the memorial at Martin Place Cenotaph. Unfortunately the weather did not allow the festivities to go ahead but the fact that we were all gathered together was significant enough.

Thank you to all our families who came to the workshops to help and thank you to our community who supported this fundraiser with their purchases.

Well done to Constantinos Kollias for the way he recited the poem “Messolongi” with diction and clarity in Church. We also thank all the students of the Junior School who were part of the Combined Greek Orthodox School’s Choir. Our thanks are extended to our Greek teachers for teaching the children the songs and especially Ka. Ieroklis our choir mistress on this occasion.

PALM SUNDAY LUNCH The P&F committee has over the years prepared the Palm Sunday lunch and has welcomed the Parish and College community to come together and share a traditional seafood and Lenten meal in our Church hall. We look forward to that honour once again this year and remind all members of our community that bookings can be currently made with Erenie Bourdaniotis 0410 318 053 and Rita Georges 0414 639 947. Please see separate flyer in this newsletter for details. UPCOMING EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Palm Sunday lunch Mothers Day stalls

2 May until Friday 6 May Thursday 12 May

Sunday 17 April from Monday




…… from Olive Picking to Olive Tasting

We are happy to announce the birth of Markella Economou, first child of Mr and Mrs Economou.

Πριν απο δύο περίπου εβδοµάδες, τα παιδιά της `Εκτης τάξης του ∆ηµοτικού µας, µαζί µε τις δασκάλες τους, βρέθηκαν στους χώρους του Γυνασίου µας, για να µαζέψουν ελιές. Η Κα. Στεφάνου µας περίµενε και µας καλωσόρισε. Με καλαθάκια, πανεράκια και διάφορα ‘µπολες’ τα παιδιά ρίχτηκαν στη δουλειά και δεν χόρταιναν να µαζευουν και να ξεσυνερίζονται, ποιος θα µαζέψει περεσσότερες. Στν συνέχέχεια οι ελιές τσακίστηκαν, ξεπικράθηκαν, µπήκαν στην άρµη και τέλος αστυµένες ήταν έτοιµες για φάγωµα. Το γεύµα όπως συµφωνήσαµε θα ήταν ξηροφαγία (αυστηρά νηστίσιµο) και παρατέθηκε στην αίθουσα της `Εκτης τάξης. Τα παιδιά έφεραν από τα σπίτια τους λαχανικά (ντοµάτες, αγγούρια, πιπεριές, καρότα, σέλινα, µαρούλια), ταραµοσαλάτες, χοίµους, ψωµιά, πίτες. ελιόψωµα και άλλα νηστίσιµα.

Congratulations also to Mr and Mrs Haskas on the birth of their fourth grandchild – Taj.

`Εστρωσαν το τραπέζι και στάθηκαν γύρω-γύρω σε µια προσευχή, όπου η αγάπη και η σκέψη τους πήγε σ’όλο τον κόσµο.

We wish both families long and happy lives filled with good health.


Γεύτηκαν τις ελιές του ‘κόπου’ τους και η όρεξη ήταν ασταµάτητη. Τις τίµησαν δεόντως. `Ηταν χάρµα οφθαλµών, να το βλέπεις, να τα χαίρεσαι και να τα καµαρώνεις και να χορταίνεις τη χαρά τους.

All co curricular activities will resume in Term 2, beginning Week 2 on Monday 2nd May 2011. Infants After School Sports Program will also commence on Monday 2nd May.

Κα. Αρτεµισία Ιεροκλή ∆ασκάλα Ελληνικών

ASSEMBLIES FOR TERM TWO Please note the following dates in your diary for upcoming Junior School Assemblies. ¾ Wednesday 4th May, Yr 5 will present Anzac Day Assembly in the Church Hall at 9am. ¾ Friday 6th May, Yr 2 will present Mothers Day Assembly in the Church Hall at 2.30pm. Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School


Randwick City Council encourages community participation in the development of local parks and reserves, tree planting and the raising of awareness of environmental issues. The Council project, coupled with classroom HSIE lessons, provided our Year 4 students with the opportunity to explore ways in which environments, social systems and structures meet people’s needs, influence the lifestyles of people and, contribute to community identity. Furthermore, the students were provided with the opportunity to become responsible, cooperative community members. The Year 4 students of 2011, look forward to the prospect of growing old together with the trees they helped plant and, bringing their future grandchildren to see the link to their past and the hope for their future. Miss Bletsogiannis Year 4C Class Teacher

PLANTING OUR ROOTS On Monday 4th April, Year 4 took part in Randwick Council's ‘Community Street Tree Planting’ project. The project greens our streets, brings neighbours together, and ensures that street trees are planted and maintained by the community that most benefits from them. The Year 4 students assisted in the planting of 3 trees on the footpath of Bruce Street and, will be responsible for their maintenance during their initial establishment period.



ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATION Students from Year 10 History and Year 11 Modern History attended an ANZAC Service at the ANZAC Memorial, Hyde Park. Thank you to Dr Hickie for organizing and accompanying students.


25 MARCH CELEBRATIONS Congratulations and thank you to all staff and students who attended this year’s celebrations. Congratulations to Elena Ganis, Stephanie Mio and Georgia Giatsios Year 9 for reciting their poem with such confidence in St Spyridon Church on Sunday 27th March, 2011.

INTERIM REPORTS By the end of Term 1 all students Years 7-11 will receive an Interim Report on their progress so far. In this report we share what is going well and in particular highlight issues of concern. Parents will be able to make time to discuss their child’s progress at the future Parent Teacher Conferences.

ACER SCHOLARSHIPS On Saturday 14th May, 2011, Year 6 and Year 10 students will have the opportunity to sit for the external ACER examinations on the basis of which Scholarships will be offered. A reminder that Registrations close Friday, 8th April, 2011.

PROGRESSION A reminder to Year 10 students that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM This week selected Year 9 students participated in a new program which aims to address the issues of cultural and religious ignorance associated with intolerance. Students from a variety of cultural backgrounds from Moriah College (Jewish School), Kambala (Anglican School) and ourselves attended.

EARTH HOUR UPDATE A number of our students reported back on some of the activities they engaged in during this years EARTH HOUR. These included some interesting and novel ways of supporting this event: • Turned off all lights at 8.30pm and went to sszzzzzzzzleep early • Switched off all electricity to the house from the main switch for the whole night • Attached battery powered magnetic mini torches to metallic surfaces in the house …prevented accidents • Used candles and torches instead of electricity • Didn’t use the computer, or play Xbox games that night • Turned everything off except for the DVD player. Had a DVD marathon night • Cooked on the BBQ instead of in the kitchen and used kerosene lanterns to light the garden area • Switched everything off at home and drove into the city. Clapped with the crowds having picnics under the Harbour Bridge as we all watched the city building lights go out.

The program is made up of three whole day meetings spread throughout the year. The first was on Tuesday. On this day participants listened to presentations from each school, engaged in discussions and Q & A sessions with experts on each one of the cultures/faiths represented by the schools. Students found their Day 1 experience to be enjoyable and thought provoking. We look forward to reading their report in our next newsletter.

TWILIGHT TOURS Congratulations to the following Student Leaders who were able to assist with Twilight tours last week. Aaron –Paul Kostantakis, Nicole Adam, Kalioppe Kefalas, Maria Mio, Alex Stellatos, Constance Synesios, Estelle Krassas, Landou Georgou, Nicholas Stasos, Mathew Kambos, Leonidas Andrew, Michael Arfanis, Ellen Tsoukalas, Alexandros Moraitis, Stephanie Pizanis, Despina Carpis, Leah Balayannis, Bianca Anastasas, Deanne Constantinou, Renee Hatzistergios, Nicole Kalofonos. These students warmly welcomed the 130 or so visitors and enthusiastically conducted tours of the school campus, impressing all with their honest and positive commentaries.


MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSESMBLY Congratulations to all Maple Award Certificate recipients for beginning the year with enthusiasm. Maple Certificates Year 7G

EASTER FOCUS YEAR 7 have once again shown how creative and caring they are by making beautiful Easter Cards for the residents of St Basils Nursing Home, and decorating Lambathes for their own use during Easter Church services, or to give to younger family members. There was clear evidence of their enjoyment through the hive of activity, laughter and even some clapping along the way, especially after learning how to convert a ribbon into a perfect bow !

Year 9 Pat on the Back Awards

Perfect Attendance Awards Year 8

Year 9 and the Student Representative Council members have helped promote and collect donations of food for the annual Donate a Tin Can Appeal. The tables set aside for this purpose are once again over flowing with the very generous contributions made by students and staff. Well done everyone!! Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




Meet the Business Leader, which will be held on Wednesday the 24 August from 4:30pm at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Sydney. This event will give Year 10 and 11 students a great opportunity to meet and network with young and experienced Chartered Accountants from a variety of business roles. Chartered Accountants Australian Economics and Business Studies Competition, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia currently sponsors the ‘Chartered Accountants Australian Economics and Business Studies Competition’. For further information and competition details register at Furthermore, their website is an excellent tool for students to access a wide variety of information, including study support, event calendars, career advice, industry updates, etc

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW is providing a series of popular Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings for current Year 10 students and their parents. The evenings provide excellent information for students who are planning to attend university. Information on UNSW’s admissions processes, bonus points and course specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information presented by the Board of Studies NSW. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, along with staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available on the evening to answer your questions on program options and student life at UNSW. Please note that parking permits are only available for evenings held on the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is limited so please register as early as possible to avoid disappointment. The dates are as follow: May 9, 11, 23 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building May 12 – Riverside Theatre, Parramatta May 19 – Wenona School, North Sydney Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register.

Course Information Day at JMC Academy (for diploma, associate degrees and degrees in Audio Engineering and Sound Production, Film and Television Production, Digital Media and 3 D Animation, Popular Music and Performance and Entertainment Business Management) will be held on Saturday 14 May at 41 Holt St, 11am and 2pm sessions. Phone 9281 8899 to register or book on-line at JMC Academy will also be holding a 2 hour Bass Guitar Workshop for Year 9 to Year 12 students on Thursday 5 May from 6 to 8 pm conducted by 3 legendary bass guitarists. Only $10 per student. See Mrs Skerman for booking form. Booking and payment is required by 28 April. Ph 9281 8899 for more information.

UNSW Law School Parent & Student Information Evening – Thursday 12 May UNSW Law School is inviting Year 11 and 12 students and their parents to a night of information and insights into what studying law is really like. It will take place from 6 to 8pm in the Law Building, UNSW Kensington Campus. Apply early as places are limited. Registration is essential at

‘A Day in the Life’ Programs These programs ( run by Think Education Group) give students the opportunity of experiencing what some career areas would be like. Be a Designer, Hotel Manager, Events Manager, Head Chef, Photographer, Interior Designer or Graphic Designer. Designer - Saturday 10am to 4pm 28 May, 18 June or 23 July $80 For more Information Ph 1300 851 245 Hospitality Management Wednesday 13 April, Wed 6 July or Thurs 14 July $50 For more Information Ph 1300 851 237 Photography, Interior or Graphic Design 2 day workshop. 21 & 22 May or 9 &10 July $160 For more information Ph 9251 0029 Costs include lunch

The Institute of Chartered Accountants will host some exciting and informative events for students who are interested in a career in business or commerce. There are 3 different events. Chartered Accountants Cadetship Evening, which will be held on the Wednesday 18 May from 4:30pm at the Sydney Convention Centre. This is an excellent opportunity for Year 12 students to engage with over 25 employers, attend information sessions regarding cadetships and receive tips on the recruitment process.

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser





Η Ελληνική σηµαία Η ελληνική σηµαία έχει δύο χρώµατα.Τα δύο χρώµατα είναι το µπλε και το άσπρο. Αυτά τα χρώµατα συµβολίζουν τα διάφορα χαρακτηριστικά της Ελλάδας.

Γράφω για τον εαυτό µου και για το καλύτερο µου µάθηµα Ονοµάζοµαι Ιωάννα Σκουτέρη. Είµαι δέκα χρονών και πηγάινω στην Πέµπτη τάξη στο Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδώνα. Μου αρέσουν όλα τα µαθήµατα που κάνουµε στο σχολείο. Το µάθηµα που µου αρέσει όµως περισσότερο απ’όλα τα άλλα µαθήµατα είναι τα Ελληνικά. Στα Ελληνικά µαθαινουµε πολλά πράγµατα. ∆εν µαθαίνουµε µονο γραµµατική αλλά µαθαινουµε για τα ήθη και τα εθιµά µας, για τη πλούσια ιστορία και γλώσσα µας, για τη µυθολογία, για τη θρησκεία, και για τον αθάνατο ελληνικό πολιτισµό. Επίσης στης µεγάλες εθνικές µας γιορτές µαθαίνουµε ποίηµατα και τραγούδια .

Υπάρχουν εννέα ρίγες (γραµµές) και ένας άσπρος σταυρός πάνω στη σηµαία. Οι µπλε συµβολίζουν την αλήθεια ,την πίστη ,την επαγρύπνηση,την επιµονή,τη δικαιοσύνη και το γαλάζιο της θάλασσας.Οι λευκές συµβολίζουν την ειρήνη,την ειλικρίνεια,την ελπίδα,και τη λευκότητα του ελληνικού κύµατος. Ο σταυρός συµβολίζει την ελληνική Ορθοδοξία. Όταν βλέπω την ελληνική σηµαία θυµούµαι πόσο όµορφη είναι η Ελλάδα µας και αισθάνοµαι πολύ υπερήφανη που είµαι ελληνίδα. Μαστροπέρου Ελένη



Για τη γιορτή της 25 Μαρτίου µαθαίνουµε ηαι τους ήρωες του 1821 που θυσιάστηκαν για την ελευθερία της Ελλάδας, από τους Τούρκους.

On Thursday 24th March, Year 4 went on an excursion to Randwick Council. We travelled there by bus. Upon arrival we were welcomed by Mrs. Paras, the Randwick Council Events Cocoordinator. She told us about the council building. Part of it the building is old and part of it is newer. We learnt that the council tries to preserve many old buildings by making them heritage listed.

Είµαι υπερήφανη που είµαι Ελληνίδα και που έχω την ευκαιρία να µαθαίνω Ελληνικά στο σχολείο µας. Ιωάννα Σκουτέρη Ε1

Mrs. Paras led us into the Randwick Council Town Hall. Written on the walls were all the names of the people who had become mayors. Then, she took us upstairs to the Randwick Council Chambers. Mrs Paras talked to us about how much responsibility it takes to be a councilor.

Σκέφτοµαι και γράφω (Τάξη Ε΄.1) Η Ελληνική σηµαία Κατά τις εθνικές µας γιορτές και άλλες επίσηµες ηµέρες,στολίζουµε στα µπαλκόνια και στα παράθυρα των σπιτιών τη σηµαία δίνοντας µια χαρούµενη όψη στους δρόµους των πόλεων και των χωριών.

Next we sat in the councilors’ chairs and took part in 2 debates. The first debate was, ‘Should St. Spyridon College build a pool?’ The against team won! They said that it was too expensive and the funding should be spent on other resources. The other debate was, ‘Should the walkways along our community beaches be renovated?’ The against team won again!

Κάθε χώρα έχει τη δική της σηµαία σαν σύµβολό της. Το 1822 αποφασίστηκε η ελληνική σηµαία να είναι γαλανόλευκη.Αυτό το γαλάζιο ύφασµα µε το λευκό σταυρό στο επάνω άκρο αριστερά και τις λευκές οριζόντιες γραµµές,είναι που µας γεµίζει συγκίνηση κάθε φορά που τη βλέπουµε να υψώνεται.

Finally, when we were leaving, Mrs Paras gave us Randwick Council show bags. Inside there was a ruler, a pen, a pencil and leaflets about how to be a responsible community member.

Είναι η ελληνική θάλασσα ,ο ουρανός µας,η χριστιανική πίστη µας,η ελπίδα µας.Είναι το σύµβολο της ενότητας της φυλής µας και των αγώνων µας για την ελευθερία.Είναι όλος ο υπερήφανος ελληνικός λαός. Τζιβάκη ∆ήµητρα

It was a fun and educational excursion! Year 4



Προσωπικά συµφωνώ, συµφωνώ απόλυτα µε τη δήλωση αυτή «∆ιαφωνώ µ’ αυτό που λες αλλά σου αναγνωρίζω το δικαίωµα να το λες» και παρακάτω θα σας εξηγήσω γιατί. Η ελευθερία του λόγου είναι ένα από τα σπουδαιότερα δικαιώµατα του κάθε πολίτη αυτής της χώρας. Με το δικαίωµα αυτό µπορεί ο καθένας µας να εκφράσει τη γνώµη του ελεύθερα και αν κάποιου δεν του αρέσει, είναι κι αυτού δικαίωµά του, αλλά βέβαια δεν µπορεί να αφαιρέσει από τους άλλους το δικαίωµα να εκφράζονται ελεύθερα. Φυσικά, όλοι γνωρίζουµε πως υπάρχουν άνθρωποι σε πολλά µέρη της γης, που καταπιέζονται από στρατιωτικές δικτατορίες και άλλου είδους καθεστώτα και αυτοί οι άνθρωποι έχουν χάσει πολλά από τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώµατα και πρώτ’ απ’ όλα το δικαίωµα της ελευθερίας του λόγου. Όπως και να ‘χει, το γεγονός είναι ότι ο καθένας µας έχει µια φωνή για να εκφράσει τις σκέψεις και τις απόψεις του και πρέπει όλοι µας να µάθουµε να αναγνωρίζουµε αυτό το δικαίωµα στους άλλους, όποιοι κι αν είναι, ακόµη κι αν δεν συµφωνούµε µαζί τους. Άλλωστε, έτσι είµαστε πλασµένοι, να διαφέρουµε, να είµαστε µοναδικοί! Ο Θεός, µόνο σε µας έδωσε τη λογική και την ικανότητα του λόγου για να µπορούµε να εκφράζουµε τα θέλω µας, τα πιστεύω µας και τα συναισθήµατά µας. Ωστόσο, δεν πρέπει να χρησιµοποιούµε αυτό το δικαίωµα για να προάγουµε και να ενθαρρύνουµε το ρατσισµό και τη βία στην κοινωνία µας. Αντιθέτως το δικαίωµα αυτό πρέπει να µας κάνει πιο προσεχτικούς και πιο ευγενικούς και πολιτισµένους µια και ζούµε σε µια πολυεθνική κοινωνία, µε πολλές εθνικότητες, θρησκείες, γλώσσες, ήθη κι έθιµα γύρω µας και βεβαίως και µε ανθρώπους που έχουν διαφορετικές γνώµες και ιδέες από εµάς. Πρέπει, αν µη τι άλλο, να ανεχόµαστε αν δεν αποδεχόµαστε τους άλλους και τις απόψεις τους για να µπορούµε να ζούµε ειρηνικά και παραγωγικά στην πολυπολιτιστική κοινωνία της Αυστραλίας και λίγο ή πολύ της κάθε χώρας γύρω µας.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να διαβάσετε δύο από τις εργασίες της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Οι µαθητές της Β΄ Λυκείου που ήδη παρακολουθούν τα µαθήµατα της Γ’ έπρεπε να παρουσιάσουν έναν µονόλογο εκφράζοντας σ’ αυτόν τη δική τους άποψη. ∆ύο από τις εργασίες αυτές θα σας κρατήσουν συντροφιά στην έκδοση αυτή. Καλή ανάγνωση, καλές σχολικές διακοπές και ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Kathy Thimakis Year 12 Extension Course Θέµα: «Σ’ έναν κόσµο που συνέχεια αλλάζει, µερικά πράγµατα πρέπει να παραµένουν όπως έχουν.» Συµφωνώ µε τα λόγια αυτά και παρακάτω θα σας εξηγήσω το γιατί. Όπως ξέρετε, ο κόσµος µας είναι γεµάτος διαφορές. Έχουµε γύρω µας ανθρώπους από

Θέµα: « ∆ιαφωνώ µ’ αυτό που λες αλλά σου αναγνωρίζω το δικαίωµα να το λες!»



διαφορετικές εθνικότητες, θρησκείες, γλώσσες, διαφορετικά ήθη κι έθιµα, διαφορετικό χρώµα, διαφορετικές πεποιθήσεις. Αυτή είναι και η οµορφιά του πλανήτη µας γενικά και ειδικά της χώρας στην οποία ζούµε, που είναι µια πολυπολιτισµική χώρα. Η ποικιλία κι όχι η οµοιοµορφία και η ανία. Πέρα από αυτές τις διαφορές, πρέπει να αναγνωρίσουµε ότι ζούµε στον αιώνα της τεχνολογίας. Κάθε µέρα κυκλοφορούν καινούρια προϊόντα για να κάνουν τη ζωή µας πιο εύκολη. Η επιστήµη µας παρουσιάζει καινούρια φάρµακα, καινούριες θεραπείες, καινούριες ιδέες σχετικά µε τη ζωή, τη διατροφή, την υγεία, τη σωµατική και την ψυχική. Ο άνθρωπος έχει πατήσει στο φεγγάρι και παρακολουθεί από κοντά όχι µόνο άλλους πλανήτες αλλά και ο ένας τον άλλο, έχουµε το φαινόµενο του «µεγάλου αδερφού» Οι συγκοινωνίες και η επικοινωνία µας µε τους άλλους αλλάζουν καθηµερινά. Όµως, µέσα σε όλα αυτά που αλλάζουν από τη µια στιγµή στην άλλη, πιστεύω πως κάποια άλλα πράγµατα πρέπει να µένουν όπως έχουν. Αυτά, που πρέπει να µένουν σταθερά όπως έχουν, κατά την άποψή µου είναι η δοµή της οικογένειας και η αγάπη και η φροντίδα των γονιών προς τα παιδιά τους. Χωρίς µια καλή οικογένεια και χωρίς την αγάπη και την φροντίδα, τα παιδιά θα µεγαλώσουν µε ψυχολογικά τραύµατα και ίσως καταλήξουν ως προβληµατικοί πολίτες στην κοινωνία µας. Επίσης οι αρχές και οι αξίες µας, ανεξάρτητα από όλες τις διαφορές µας, πρέπει να παραµείνουν όπως έχουν. Πρέπει, δηλαδή, να µαθαίνουµε από µικροί να λέµε την αλήθεια, να µην αδικούµε τους άλλους γύρω µας, να βοηθούµε όπως και όσο και όποτε µπορούµε, να µην κακολογούµε και να µας ενδιαφέρει για το περιβάλλον και για την προστασία του. Πρέπει να έχουµε το θάρρος να λέµε τη γνώµη µας και να σηκώνουµε τη φωνή µας ενάντια στις αδικίες και στους πολέµους. Πρέπει να προσπαθούµε να µάθουµε ο καθένας τη γλώσσα του αλλά και µια άλλη γλώσσα για καλύτερη επικοινωνία και επαφή µε τους άλλους. Να διατηρούµε τα ήθη και τα έθιµά µας, αλλά να σεβόµαστε και τις ιδιαιτερότητες του άλλου. Μόνο τότε η ζωή µας θα είναι ειρηνική και όµορφη.


JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT ASISSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL was held at Warringah Aquatic Centre on Tuesday 15th March. A small team of 25 swimmers from our College made is proud: Larissa Andrianakos, Tina Ventoura, George Contominas, John Tsakiris, Michael Constantopedos, Jordan Makridopolus, Patricia Frazis, Victoria Zois, Sophia Micos, Maree Nikitopoulos, Nathan Adam, Joanna Skouteris, Carissa Frazis, Jennifer Contominas, Nicholas Frazis, Christina Vlahos, Deahna Simos, John Dalakiaris, Stephanie Augoustis, Desi Kapodistrias, Jonathan Lynch, Destin Chandra, Vivika Lynch, James Zouroudis, Michael Konitsas, Jordan Frazis. I would like to congratulate them all on their great effort on the day and especially the students who came first, second and third and went on to represent ASISSA at the Combined Independent Schools Swimming Championships, which took place on Tuesday 22nd March at the Sydney Aquatic Centre, Homebush. Congratulations once more to the students below who made it to CIS and for the first time ASISSA awarding Age Champions with medal. Jordan Frazis, Nicholas Frazis, Jordan Makridopolus, Michael Constantopedos, George Contominas. This year Age Champion for 11 year old Male was Nicholas Frazis. I would also like to thank the parents below for helping us on the ASISSA carnival: Mrs Skouteris, Mrs Zouroudis and Mrs Nikitopoulos.

ASISSA FOOTBALL BOYS SOCCER TRIALS was held at Queens Park on Thursday

10th March. We sent 7 boys from our College: Jordan Makridopolus, Mitchell Knight, Peter Giokas, Alexander Nissirios, Aaron Nissirios, Nathan Adam, Harris Papas.

All seven boys did exceptionally well and five from seven boys got selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS Boys Football Primary Championship on Thursday 7th April at The Kings School. Congratulations to the boys below and we wish them good luck at the Championships. Jordan Makridopolus, Mitchell Knight, Aaron Nissirios, Alexander Nissirios. Reserve: Peter Giokas.

Nicolette Kontakos Year 12 Extension Course




Monday 9th May St Spyridon College Cross Country at School Thursday 2nd June ASISSA Cross Country at Queens Park Thursday 16th June CIS Cross Country at Eastern Creek Monday 20th June St Spyridon College Junior School Athletics Carnival K-6 at E.S. Marks Wednesday 22nd June FUTSAL Regional Championships Sutherland Region at Menai

FUTSAL Thursday 24th March three Girls teams represented St Spyridon College at the Regional Futsal Championships held at Penrith Sports Stadium. The teams varied in ability, with different aims for each Team. One team consisted of Year 7 girls, although unable to win a game they learnt to cope with the demands of such an overwhelming day, encouraging team members, playing fair and most importantly having fun! Year 8 girls demonstrated their capabilities as they only narrowly missed out on a semi finals position.

ASISSA NETBALL GALA DAY On Thursday 24th March, a group of girls from Years 5 and 6 represented our school at the ASISSA Netball Gala Day. They competed in six consecutive games. The games were a way of selecting the ASISSA Netball team to compete at the CIS Netball Gala Day.

Finally, the team which consisted of Year 7 and Year 8 girls finished as Regional Champions. Finishing first in their pool and defeating the opposition in a penalty shoot out. The girls will now compete in the State Futsal Championships in August.

Even though our girls were not selected, a huge congratulations is extended to Elana Dionys, Stavroulla Mavrolefterou, Markella Roditis, Christina Theofanidis, Tina Ventoura, Jacqueline Burleigh, Mersina Hristeff, Antonia Katerinis and Jessica Mazis who played extremely well and were great representatives of our school.

Congratulations to all competitors and best of luck at the next level. Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

We also thank Miss Sotiras for coaching, encouraging and supporting our girls. Mr J Volas Sports Coordinator

Dear Parents, UNDER 9 YEAR OLD BOYS AND GIRLS The Olympic Eagles Football Club (St Spyridon) is looking for another 4 or 5 players for this years under 9 team (Turning 9 this year). If you are interested please contact John Peridis on 0403 878 182 Anna Glokas 0412 288 727 Con Pavlou 0413 877 799 All games are played on Saturday mornings, and training is every Tuesday afternoon.






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