St Spyridon August Newsletter 74

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VOLUME XXVIII No 11 12th August, 2011


AUGUST Futsal State Championships Debating Competition JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed




Greek Play, 5.00pm


Senior School Showcase ASISSA Athletics JS


Debating Competition JS


ISA Finals




The Dormition of the Theotokos 15th August




SEPTEMBER Father’s Day


Sports Presentation Evening


Debating Competition JS




Year 11 Assessments Begin Preliminary Course Final


ISA Athletics Carnival SS


CIS Athletics JS


K-12 Doxology Year 12 Farewell Dinner



Terms ends for students HOUSE GALA DAY Open Day JS


Staff Development Day


Εν τη Γεννήσει την παρθενίαν εφύλαξας, εν τη Κοιµήσει τον κόσµον ου κατέλιπες Θεοτόκε. Μετέστης προς την ζωήν, µήτηρ υπάρχουσα της ζωής· και ταις πρεσβείαις ταις σαις λυτρουµένη, εκ θανάτου τας ψυχάς ηµών.


OCTOBER Staff and students return Vaccinations Year 7 girls, Year 7 boys and girls


Year 5 Divine Liturgy


Year 4 Divine Liturgy


HSC begins Year 10 Final Assessment Week


In birth, you preserved your virginity; in death, you did not abandon the world, Theotokos. As mother of Life, you departed to the source of life, delivering our souls from death by your intercessions.



Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag






Florence John Maree Nicole


Year 6 Science Constantinos Kerryanne Tina Andreas

There is one vacancy for Term 3 and another vacancy will become available in Term 4. If you are interested, please call Helen on 93136899.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT ICAS RESULTS ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) are developed for students in Years 3 to 12 and are sat annually. Each ICAS test is designed to assess students’ academic ability in aspects of Computer Skills, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing. Many students from our school achieved outstanding results when they participated in ICAS Science and Computer skills this year. Those students whose achievements were outstanding were rewarded with Certificates of Credit, Distinction and High Distinction. Below is a list of students who must be commended on their results.

Year 4 Computer Skills Bill Avdalis Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis Sophie Ioannidis Kristina Poulos Eleni Preketes Jordan Roumbas Peter Tsoukalas Chris Vlachos Jade Capitanelis Michael Hatzon Reece Kalergis George Leondios Christina Mazis Georgia Veryinis Peter Synesios William Georgas Connor Giavis Christopher Matsoukas Andrew Papandrew Deahna Simos

Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Year 4 Science Chris Vlachos Credit Connor Giavis Distinction Year 5 Science Nathan Adam Dean Albanakis Stephen Bletsas Christopher Denize Patricia Frazis

Kollias Syros Ventoura Veryinis

Year 3 Computer Skills Stephanie Andreou Ariana Armenakas Georgia Athanasopoulos Katerina Darras-Samaras Jordan Frazis Marcos Hanna Nicki Kondou Alexi Kounnas Angelique Lambrinos Vivika Lynch Steven Mangafas Roza Papas Laura Pitharoulis George Stavrou James Zouroudis Alyssa Alas Nicholas Drakoulis Rose Economou Peter Ganis James Hristeff Andrew Karaniki Katherine Tsingos Anna Papas

Mrs H. Simicos

Year 3 Science George Stavrou Nicholas Drakoulis Rose Economou Samantha Economou Jordan Frazis Marcos Hanna Roza Papas Laura Pitharoulis Nicola Skouteris

Georges Margelis Nikitopoulos Stramotas

Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit


Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction High Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction

Desi Peter Rianna Tiffany

Kapodistrias Nikas Papas Tsoukalas

Year 5 Computer Skills Dominic Augoustis Elaine Andrew Liam Annesley Catherine Dokos Bianca Frazis Nicholas Frazis Patricia Frazis Christina Hatgis John Margelis Sophia Micos Harris Papas Deanna Tzivakis Michael Vetsikas Stephen Bletsas Nikki Cardamis Chrysanthi Diasinos Maree Nikitopoulos Joanna Skouteris Nicole Stramotas Rhea Tsimboukis Dean Albanakis Florence Georges Year 6 Computer Skills Gabriel Cassimatis Jacqueline Burleigh Peter Giokas Mersina Hristeff Paul Janis Antonia Katerinis Jordan Makridopolus Johnny Mouratidis James Panayiotakis George Raptis Jordan Stojkovic Kerryanne Syros John Tsakiris Tina Ventoura Andreas Veryinis Deyarna Xenos Larissa Andrianakos Demetrios Avdalis Giorge Gemisis Constantinos Kollias Jessica Mazis Markella Roditis Giorgen Rokos


Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction

On the 31st July Felicity Ginis (5A) was selected to represent Bunnerong Gym in a competition with other gymnastics schools. Fifteen children were chosen to represent. The children had four routines to demonstrate at the competition. They were bar, beam, floor and vault. There were fifty to sixty children representing and the top ten received a certificate. Felicity came 10th in floor and 7th in bar and received 2 certificates.

Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction High Distinction High Distinction

Congratulations Felicity! Congratulations to Mr & Mrs J. Pappas on the birth of their baby girl Mattea, sister to Rianna 4C and Nicholas 1T. Also to Mr & Mrs Karatasos on the birth of their baby boy William, brother to Sophia in KC.

SPECIALTY PHOTOS – REMINDER Special photos and whole school photo will be taken on Tuesday 30th August. Please ensure that all children are in immaculate full school winter uniform. Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction

FROM THE GROUND UP! This Term in Mathematics, Year 4 are learning about measurement. To reinforce our understanding of this concept, we took on the challenge of constructing a cube representing an area of a cubic metre. Initially, we observed that a unifix cube has 6 faces, so we set out to construct these on a grander scale! The students formed 6 working groups, each group responsible for measuring, cutting and constructing a square metre of cardboard. We discovered that making exact measurements was a very tricky task! Next we looked at a net of a cube and examined how it was put together. We used this knowledge to help us put our 6 faces together. Working as a team, we overcame our many challenges including; stabilising the cube, strengthening the walls, and keeping it all together!

Mr A. Dookie Primary Maths/Science Coordinator


Thank you to the Year 6 Prefects and their parents for their support in organising this fundraising event. The school leaders ensured the day ran smoothly and was enjoyable too! Well done!

By listening to each other, sharing responsibilities and supporting our classmates, we were successful in our mission! Miss Bletsogiannis

Ms D. McCarthy

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT K-12 DIVINE LITURGY It is always a special occasion when our K-12 staff and students gather together to participate in the Divine Liturgy at St Spyridon Church. It was especially moving on Thursday, 11th August, 2011, as this was the first time our newly ordained Deacon, Father Peter Mavrommatis celebrated the College Divine Liturgy along with Father Sotiri Drapaniotis and Father Michael Mescherskij who always joins us on such occasions. We missed the presence of Father Steven Scoutas and wish him a speedy recovery.

JEANS FOR GENES DAY FUNDRAISER Thank you to the school community for their support in raising money towards Genetic Research by participating in Jeans for Genes Day mufti and raffle held on Friday 5th August. Both the students and staff at St. Spyridon Junior School enjoyed wearing their favourite pair of jeans on the day! The ‘Teddies in Jeans’ raffle raised more money than the prefects ever imagined it would. A total of $945 was raised by the Year 6 Leaders on behalf of the St. Spyridon Junior School to go to the Jeans for Genes Day charity. The raffle will be drawn this Wednesday, 10th August at the morning assembly.


best. To reduce this downward spiral, parents must ensure their children attend regularly and are not late. It is for all these reasons that we have provided this information in this issue of our newsletter. The law in NSW places the responsibility on parents to ensure their child is enrolled at a government or non-government school and attends the school when teaching is provided. Under Section 22 of the Education Act 1990 parents have a legal duty to ensure their schoolaged children attend schoo1. School support – Senior School Procedures Here at the Senior School we consider absences of 10 days or more in a school year (without a diagnosed medical condition) to be unacceptable. In such cases parental contact will be made, a meeting arranged and an improvement plan developed. Being punctual to school is also important to the student and the school. It is the student’s responsibility to get to school on time. A student will be considered to be late to school if arrival time is after the 8.33am bell, marking the end of Home Room. Any student who is late to school must go to the front office to have their planner stamped and signature registered. They must also bring a note from home explaining their lateness The following excuses are considered as being late without good reason: oversleeping, disorganised, no reason, 2 or more late arrivals to school eg. due to transport (exception = private school bus). Disciplinary Action for lateness can include: Counselling by Year Adviser, Parent Contact – via phone – sms, Improvement Plan, Referral to relevant Dean, Detention. All parents are to ensure their children both attend school every school day and every school organised activity e.g. Divine Liturgy, Carnival, Excursion, and are on time. Further, that parents should contact the School to inform of their child’s absence and then provide a note.

ENFORCEMENT OF COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Some parents may not be aware of the Government policies in relation to regular attendance requirements for students enrolled at school. School absences on a regular basis and habitual lateness are of concern as it has a negative impact on student outcomes. Understanding of curriculum becomes disjointed and essential foundation learning is missed. As a result, achievement levels fall, students begin telling themselves they are not good at school, self confidence drops and they stop trying to do their

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




issues. The effectiveness of such programs however is limited if parental guidance and effective monitoring in the home does not occur. To keep children safe, a partnership between the school and home is essential. We understand everyone’s lives are very busy, however the safety and well being of children is paramount. It is therefore important that all parents understand their responsibilities in relation to what their children do when using information communication technologies (ICT’S) i.e., the computer, the internet, and their mobile phones. Parents must educate themselves by visiting websites dedicated to cybersafety, and reading material provided by the school such as this in newsletters.

JEANS FOR GENES DAY Thank you to all students and staff who supported this event. Your efforts have resulted in over $500 being donated towards this worthy cause! An extra big well done to the following SRC’s who assisted with the selling of Denim Donuts; Kosta Baratsas (Yr 11), Daniel Daneshzand (Yr 10), Dylan Kontos (Yr 9), Nikolas Baratsas (Yr 9), Kalioppe Kefalas (Yr 8), Aaron- Paul Kostandakis (Yr 7). Nicole Adam (Yr 7).

GET INVOLVED $15 to Save a Life

Children can use the internet for many reasons. These could include to: • find assistance with school assignments • learn skills • gain knowledge • meet new people who share similar interests and • keep in touch with friends.

With famine in southern Somalia and more than 13 million people in need of food assistance, countless lives hang in the balance. An emergency donation of $15 will provide food for an entire month to a child or mother who desperately needs it. To donate now and save lives log on to

But there are risks. Knowing how to use the internet safely is essential to having a positive online experience. For parents and their children, it is important to know how to apply these skills at home, at school and in public places such as the library and internet cafés.

UNDERSTANDING TECHNOLOGY AND KEEPING OUR STUDENTS AND YOUR CHILDREN SAFE The internet has become an integral part of life. It is a powerful resource, enabling people of all ages to learn and communicate in a myriad of new ways. For children, growing up in a world where the internet has always been available, it is an essential tool. They are the ‘digital natives’— always surrounded by online technology, and using the internet from an increasingly early age. As a result schools are increasingly encountering a number of issues which they have to deal with as a result of inappropriate use of this resource, especially in the home. Parents are sometimes not aware of how essential their role is in monitoring and guiding their children’s use of the internet and other communication technologies, including mobile phones.

The internet is an incredible tool. It offers the chance to become part of an enormous virtual community connected by mutual interest rather than geography. The internet can provide young and old users benefits, including: • independent learning and research skills and • improved communication skills, through experience with learning technologies to access and create resources, and communicate with others. Children access the internet for entertainment, research, school assignments and to communicate. In doing so they can also, often unknowingly, place themselves in risky situations. This includes by: • giving out personal details about themselves to people or organisations they don’t know • posting unsuitable information online

Unfortunately, cyberbullying and the accessing of inappropriate content often occurs in the safety of the home, unbeknown to parents, and at some point the impact of this filters through to other areas including the school. At St Spyridon, through the Pastoral Care Program, all students beginning in Year 7, participate in ongoing programs designed to build an awareness of cybersafety and digital citizenship


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agreeing to meet people they’ve only ever met online, without speaking to a parent or carer using provocative pseudonyms sharing passwords posting public profiles about themselves unsafe browsing or searching opening messages from people they don’t know responding to unpleasant or suggestive messages using online games or virtual worlds for people over 18 only accessing inappropriate or illegal material.

Not all internet users will experience problems. However, ensuring children understand these risks and have the knowledge to be cybersafe is important when accessing the internet at home, at school and in public places.

Parents can: • check the privacy settings for your internet services • visit the Cybersmart website for cyberbullying information • use support services such as the Kids Helpline or the Bullying No Way website • talk to the child’s school if cyberbullying involves another student • report threatening messages to the police • contact the Cybersafety Contact Centre on 1800 880 176 for advice.

Cyberbullying Children using the internet can be cyberbullied or harassed through internet services like email, chat rooms, instant messaging, social networks or through websites. Bullying through mobile phone technologies such as SMS is also considered cyberbullying. Advice for parents Cyberbullying includes teasing, spreading online rumours and sending unwanted or threatening messages or defamatory material. While it can have a damaging effect on children and young people, parents can encourage them to take control of the situation. This may be done by: •

• • •

parents, or the authorities, if necessary, to find out who is sending them keeping usernames and passwords secret. If someone misuses a username and password to post damaging information about a child it can be difficult to remove children recognising that if messages are threatening, a parent or carer should be told immediately. Cyberbullying, if threatening, is illegal and can be reported to the police contacting the website administrator (often known as the webmaster) to ask for content to be removed, if bullying information has been posted on that website.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



ICMS, International College of Management’ s Open Day will take place at the Manly campus on Darley Road on Sunday 21 August from 10am to 3pm. ICMS offer diploma and bachelor programs in Business Management, Event Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism, Property Services Management, Retail Services Management and Sports Management. All their programs include industry training. For more information, go to or call 1800 657572.

placing the computer in a high traffic area and in a manner that enables the screen to be visible, and not allow the computer to be used in an unsupervised area such as the bedroom limit access to social networking sites to set times after all school work has been completed, or even to set times on the weekend, especially if children are under the age of 15 years. Unlimited and unsupervised ICT usage is not advisable advising children not to reply to any messages from a bully. Often if bullies don’t receive a response they will give up learning how to block a bully, so they can’t make contact keeping a record of the harassing messages and any replies. This may help

The Optus Engineering Cadet Program 2012 Applications for this program will close on 31 August. If you are interested in engineering and technology, are sitting for the HSC in 2011 and want to combine on-the-job training with studying at Lidcombe TAFE in telecommunications networks and engineering, then look at to see an overview of the cadet program.


University of Notre Dame is a private Catholic university with two campuses in Sydney. Applications are made directly to the University and students cannot apply through the University Admissions Centre (UAC). Applicants are required to supply the following by 30 September: o a completed “Undergraduate Application Form for Admission 2012” nominating your course preferences – available in Prospectus, o a Personal Statement in the form of an essay of approximately 300 words in length, outlining the reasons for your preferences o relevant supplementary documentation o full academic records for year 11 and Semester 1 and/or trial results of year 12 – if available. Each application is considered on an individual basis. Applicants who have met admissions requirements, will be invited for an interview which will be conducted by a member of the academic staff. After the interview, the university will decide whether they made you an offer to one of your preferences.

WHAT IS CAREER DEVELOPMENT? Career development is the process of managing life, learning and work over the life span. Career success takes more than good luck – it takes career management. Why is career development important? The following principles can help you as you navigate today’s ever-changing career landscape. o Change is constant – embrace it! Recognise that the world around you is constantly changing. Be open to change and remain alert to new opportunities. o Learning is ongoing. Strive for continuous personal improvement. Stay motivated by learning new skills and developing new talents and be ready for future opportunities. o Focus on the journey. Don’t focus on one destination only. Recognise that your career journey will be throughout your lifetime. Appreciate and value each experience along the way – even temporary opportunities may broaden your skills set. o Know yourself, believe in yourself and follow your heart. Pursue your passion to find fulfilment. Discover ways to combine your interests and career opportunities.

UNIVERSITY OPEN DAYS are being held from mid August to mid September. The list of days has been on the noticeboard for several weeks. The Broadway universities, (Sydney, UTS and Notre Dame) will hold their days together on 27 August. Uni of Western Sydney’s Open Day is on 28 August at Parramatta, UNSW will be 3 September, Macquarie on 10 September and Australian Catholic Uni on 3 and 10 September. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend these days as they can be fun as well as being informative. Ask a couple of friends to go with you or go with your parents.

Access your allies. Rely on the support of your family, friends, mentors, colleagues and peers. Career success can be a team effort. Your networks (the people and contacts you know, both personal and business) are very useful if you are looking for a new job.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να διαβάσετε δυο από τις εργασίες της Β΄ Γυµνασίου σχετικά µε την εκδροµή τους στην ταβέρνα «Μύθος» στα µέσα Ιουνίου. Η εκδροµή αυτή γίνεται κάθε χρόνο µε την τάξη αυτή στο τέλος της ενότητας «Ας φάµε ελληνικά» Καλή ανάγνωση!

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser


On Wednesday 24 August, I will give a presentation, talk and handout to all the Year 12 students during Pastoral Care. This talk will cover the various aspects of post Year 12 options – universities, TAFE Colleges, private colleges and university colleges and the procedures for applying to them. Parents should ask their Year 12 student to show them the notes of the talk and to discuss what options that they are looking towards. I am hoping to see all of the Year 12 students in the next few weeks after their Trials are over. Please make an appointment now during one of your study periods to see me.


κ. Μ. Φαλέτα 16/6/2011 Αγαπητό µου ηµερολόγιο, Σήµερα ήταν µια από τις καλύτερες ηµέρες του τριµήνου. Στο µάθηµα των Ελληνικών


κουβεντιάζαµε µέχρι να µας φέρουν το επόµενο πιάτο. Μας έφεραν πίτα µε ταραµοσαλάτα και τζατζίκι. Η πίτα τέλειωσε γρήγορα και η σερβοτόρα µας έφερε ένα άλλο πιάτο γεµάτο µε πίτα. Μου άρεσε το τζατζίκι περισσότερο από την ταραµοσαλάτα. Μας πρόσφεραν και χαλούµι. Όταν η σερβιτόρα ήρθε µε το χαλούµι, µπορούσαµε να το µυρίσουµε πριν φτάσει στο τραπέζι µας! Το χαλούµι ήταν νόστιµο και ευτυχώς άρπαξα και ένα ακόµα κοµµάτι πριν τελειώσει. Μετά µας φέρανε ζεστά καλαµαράκια και στη συνέχια µας έφεραν τηγανητές πατάτες. Στο τραπέζι υπήρχαν αναψυκτικά, κόκα-κόλα και λεµονάδα για να πιούµε. Τα επόµενα δύο πιάτα που µας έφεραν ήταν εξαιρετικά νόστιµα! Ήταν αρνίσια σουβλάκια και κοτόπουλο σουβλάκια.

µαθαίνουµε για διάφορα ελληνικά φαγητά και γι’ αυτό οι δασκάλες µας οργάνωσαν µια εκδροµή σε ένα εστιατόριο που ονοµάζεται «Μύθος». Το πρωί όταν φτάσαµε στο σχολείο, είχαµε µόνο µιάµιση ώρα µάθηµα και µετά το λεωφορείο του «Μύθου» ήρθε και µας πήρε στο εστιατόριο. Εκεί, για τις πρώτες δύο ώρες µας σέρβιραν διάφορα ελληνικά φαγητά, π.χ. τυρόπιτες, χαλούµι, ψωµί µε ταζατζίκι και ταραµά, σουβλάκια και άλλα. Το φαγητό ήταν πολύ ωραίο και µου άρεσε πολύ. Μετά από το φαγητό, σχεδόν όλοι σηκώθηκαν πάνω και ο σερβιτόρος έβαλε ελληνική µουσική και άρχισαν να χορεύουνε. Εγώ και µερικοί από τους φίλους µου δεν θέλαµε να χορέψουµε. Εµείς τριγυρίζαµε στο εστιατόριο ενώ όλοι οι άλλοι και οι δασκάλες µας χόρευαν καλαµατιανό, ζεµπέκικο και άλλους χορούς.

Όταν φάγαµε και τα σουβλάκια, το προσωπικό της ταβέρνας έβαλε ελληνική µουσική για να χορέψουµε. Όλοι σηκωθήκαµε να χορέψουµε στην πίστα.

Μετά από λίγη ώρα έπρεπε να πάµε πίσω στο σχολείο. Ευχαριστήσαµε τους σερβιτόρους και µπήκαµε στο λεωφορείο και επιστρέψαµε στο σχολείο.

Μετά, ξανακαθίσαµε στο τραπέζι για να φάµε το τελευταίο µας πιάτο που ήταν λουκουµάδες. Ήταν τόσο νόστιµοι, που έγλειψα το µέλι από τα δάχτυλά µου. Χορέψαµε ξανά ώσπου ήταν ώρα να φύγουµε και να επιστρέψουµε στο σχολείο. Συνολικά, ήταν µια ευχάριστη και διασκεδαστική µέρα και θα ήθελα πολύ να ξαναπάω εκεί!

Εγώ προσωπικά είχα µια πολύ ωραία ηµέρα! Εδώ σ’ αφήνω. Θα τα ξαναπούµε. Χρίστος

Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και θα τα ξαναπούµε σύντοµα. Μανόλης

Christos Kollias Year 8

Emmanuel Kapodistrias Year 8



Αγαπητό µου ηµερολόγιο, Στις 15 Ιουνίου, η Β΄ Γυµνασίου πήγε µια εκδροµή σε µια ελληνική ταβέρνα που ονοµάζεται «Μύθος» Η ταβέρνα βρίσκεται στο Λάικαρτ, περίπου µισή ώρα απόσταση από το σχολείο µας.



KINDERGARTEN I had to put my ‘ed’ words into sentences… My dad’s tool box is in the shed because it is really special. My bed is big because I am big. I fed my bird because he was hungry. In the middle of the sun it is red because it is hot. Nektarios Kollias

Φύγαµε από το σχολείο περίπου στις δέκα η ώρα µε διώροφο λεωφορείο. Στη διαδροµή ακούγαµε ελληνική µουσική και τραγούδια στο λεωφορείο. Φτάσαµε, µπήκαµε και είδαµε µακριά τραπέζια στην αριστερή και δεξιά µεριά της ταβέρνας και ένα µπαρ στη µέση. Τα κορίτσια κάθισαν στα τραπέζια στη δεξιά πλευρά και τα αγόρια στην αριστερή. Στους τοίχους κρέµονταν διάφοροι πίνακες µε ελληνικά µοτίβα.

I had to put my ‘oa’ words into sentences… I have a red boat. I have an orange coat. My goat eats green grass. I float like a starfish. I see an ugly toad. Anthea Preketes

Μετά από λίγη ώρα µας σέρβιραν το πρώτο µας πιάτο, το οποίο ήταν µια ελληνική, χωριάτικη σαλάτα. Μου άρεσε η σαλάτα πολύ, ειδικά η φέτα! Στη συνέχεια, εγώ και οι φίλοι µου


Peter Fotopoulos, Peter Kolistasis, Peter Zinopoulos, Peter Theodosi, Rena Lambos, Sandra Milisavljevic, Simeon Kerameas, Sophia Rizzo, Sotiri Kastanas, Stefan Petrovski, Stephanie Pizanis, Theodore Geortsis, Tiana Milisavljevic, Vicky Papadopoulos, Yianna Criticos.

We read this story ‘Alexander’s Outing’ by Pamela Allen, and then I wrote my own recount… One day there was a duck called Alexander and he was a little duck. He didn’t listen to his mum, then he fell into a hole. A man who had long arms couldn’t rescue him so then a little boy spilt his drink into the hole. Then they all went home. Mia Paras

CONGRATULATIONS …… Junior Girls Soccer team as they defeated Central Coast Grammar School last Saturday. Central Coast Grammar School are currently first position and have scored 60 goals and conceded nil that is until they played St Spyridon. The girls successful 2-1 win has placed them in 3rd place and secured a semi finals place.

I wrote a recount about my weekend… On the weekend I went to my pappou’s house and we watched football. First I had three chocolates and my yiayia gave me a box, a little box. Then I watched football. Next I was playing with my baby. Finally I went home. Anne-Marie Aroney

The team improvements have been significant as last time they met Central Coast Grammar they were defeated 6-0. The Semi Finals should be an exciting competition especially if we have our full team.

I wrote a recount about my weekend… On the weekend I went to a shop and I got new shoes. First I looked around. Then I watched my dad get some shirts. Next I watched my mum get me and my brother a jacket. Finally I went to another shop. I had fun. Thomas Pambris


Good Luck Year 8, Year 7 Football Players and Dr Lakshmi.


SENIOR SCHOOL ATHLETICS 2011 The following students have been selected to compete at the ISA carnival to be held at Sydney Athletic Centre, Homebush on Tuesday 13th September 2011. Further information regarding training and event details will be posted shortly. Aaron Kostantakis, Alexander Georgiou, Alexander P. Cardamis, Alexander Stamoulis, Anastasia Barton, Anastasia Gousetis, Andrew Toras, Andrianne Efstratiou, Veniamin Papadopoulos, Cassandra Georgiou, Christina Andrew, Christopher Kolistasis, Christos Kollias, Costas Mavrolefterou, Dane Ivanovic, Daniel Arzani, Daniel Daneshzand, Daniel Miliovanovic, Daria Sheptitskaya, Dion Alexander, Erin Criticos, Ethan Tsiribis, Eve Barton, George Dokos, George Mandilis, Georgia Koukounaris, Jack Rodrigues, Landou Georgiou, Lena Nesterenko, Leonidas Andrew, Lia Albanakis, Louis Alexandrou, Michael Hatzon, Michael Savic, Milos Arsenic, Nansia Koukounaris, Natalia Fallas, Natalie Michos, Nicole Adam, Nicolette Kontakos, Niko Fotopoulos, Nikolas Baratsas, Panos Armenakas, Peter Contominas,

PLEASE SUPPORT OPEN GIRLS NETBALL TEAM With the last round to take place this Saturday at the Sports and Performing Arts Centre we encourage everyone to support all teams as well as farewell the Year 12 students Deanne Constantinou, Nicole Kalofonos and Renee Hatzistergos as they play their last game. Both the Intermediate C and Open teams in comfortable first place position and the Junior and Intermediate D’s need to win to help increase their chance of a semi final position.


NETBALL GAME TIMES SPORTS AND PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Open A’s – 10am Inter C’s- 8.30am Inter D’s- 10am Junior B’s- 8.30am & 11.30am

Firsts won 3 – 1 George Docos scored 1 Peter Theodosi scored 1 Chris Kolistasis scored 1 FIRSTS (Mr Kaldis and Mr Zafiropoulos)) Game Time: 10AM (Campbell Fields) Venue: Macquarie University Sports Fields, Culloden Road Marsfield BUS TIMES: BUS 1 WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 7:30am St Spyridon Church 7:45am Arrive back at about 1pm

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

BOYS SPORTS SOCCER Congratulations to all teams for round 9 v St Andrew’s. Its been a long time since all teams have won.

14’s (Coach: Mrs Dalakiaris) Game Time: 9:00am Macquarie University Oval 1 Venue: Macquarie University Sports Fields, Culloden Road Marsfield BUS TIMES: BUS 1 WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 7:45am St Spyridon Church 8:00am Arrive back at about 1pm

13’s won 1 – 0 Ethan Tsiribas scored

13’s (Coach: Mr Croft) Game Time: 12:00pm Macquarie University Oval 1 Venue: Macquarie University Sports Fields, Culloden Road Marsfield BUS TIMES: BUS 2 WILL BE LEAVING Brighton 10:30am St Spyridon Church 10:45am Arrive back at about 1:45pm 14’s won 3 – 0 Christos Kollias scored all 3 goals

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport






Despina Carpis 11B Drawing, painting, playing soccer and I would like to travel to see different places/countries. Previous Leadership: I have been an SRC before in Year 7 2007 as well as being a peer support leader. Favourite Quotes: Pablo Picasso “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up.” Albert Einstein "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." Future Goals/ Aspirations: I would like to study at university to become an architect, an Art Gallery Curator or a Graphic designer.

Name: Class: Hobbies:

Elias Connor Hatzon 7G- Mr Giles is my homeroom Class Teacher I enjoy many activities but my most favourite past time is swimming and playing soccer with my friends. I particularly enjoy mucking around with my friends at my utmost favourite part of the day... LUNCH!!!!!! I love watching adventure and action movies; they get me wondering why our world is not the same as the creative minds of the famous directors of our Generation, well my parent’s generation. I enjoy playing with my dogs, they are so adorable, but it is their fault that I’m not getting any rest, my new and miniature puppy yelps all night, it’s so cute and so annoying.

Leadership Experiences: When I was in Year 1 I was voted class SRC; in Year 2 I was also voted class SRC; in Year 3 I was voted SRC and Librarian (no one told me about it until they revealed who the librarians were, my fellow students nominated me without ME knowing, Sneaky, Cheeky and I didn’t really enjoy it that much but I was also grateful for it). In Year 6 I was voted Prefect of the St Spyridon College body, it was a tremendous experience and would like to become a prefect in the future of the St Spyridon College Senior School. This year I am in Year 7 and have become an SRC Student Representative, yet again unexpectedly. Future Goals: My future goals are to travel the world. I’d like to travel all over America, it’s just so fascinating and I would like to see where all the action and adventure happens, what we see on TV, to be able to see it in real life. To become a prefect here at Senior School and to enjoy the new Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Favourite Quote: Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!!!!!




O ΘΙΑΣΟΣ «ΑΥΛΑΙΑ» ΤΟΥ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΣΠΥΡΙ∆ΩΝΑ που απαρτίζεται κυρίως από πρώην µαθητές του, σας παρουσιάζει την κωµωδία των Α. Γιαλαµά & Κ. Πρετεντέρη

«Μιας Πεντάρας Νιάτα»


Κυριακή 21 Αυγούστου 2011, 5 µ.µ.


Μεγάλοι $15 Συνταξιούχοι & παιδιά: $10

Οι παραστάσεις θα γίνουν στο Καλλιτεχνικό Κέντρο του Κολλεγίου 1130 Anzac Parade Maroubra Για κρατήσεις τηλεφωνήστε: 9311 3340 16

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