St Spyridon News #80

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VOLUME XXVIII No 17 18th November, 2011








Young Leaders Day SS


Year 4 visit to SS


Year 5 visit to SS


Parish Trip to Greece meeting 7.00pm



Last Day for Year 10



Orientation Day Year 7, 2012


P & T Interviews K-4 & 5


Musical Showcase Dress Rehearsal JS


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6





Jennifer – Eve CONTOMINAS




Christopher KUMAR



Divine Liturgy


Musical Showcase JS


Awards Assembly – 2nd, 3rd, 4th placing Years 7-9, 11




Year 6 Graduation K-6 Awards Presentation Morning


Term ends for students Speech and Prize Giving Afternoon 12.30pm SS Christmas Carols JS


Staff Development Day


Nicholas KOLLIAS



St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day



Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag









Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Hadjiparaskeva, Fotoulla (3S) and Costa (2C) on the birth of their daughter and sister Penny.

Congratulations to 2012 Captains and Prefects

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Sideridis and Anthony Pascalis (5I) on the birth of the newest member of their family baby Katherine.

Last week the students from Years 3-6 voted for the students that they wanted as their 2012 leaders. All Year 5 were given the opportunity to give speeches to the other students. However, students were also told that they were to consider not only the speeches but the behaviour and attitude that they have shown over the years. Thank you to all the students who voted, congratulations to all those that have been given leadership titles. A reminder to all those who missed out, that does not mean you cannot be a leader as you will still be a Peer Support Leader and a Buddie to Kindergarten. You still have many skills and talents that will be regonized in your final year of Primary.

May Christ bless them.

UNIFORM SHOP The uniform shop will be open Wednesday, 18th January and Wednesday, 25th January, 2012 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. Mrs H. Simicos

GWC KINGSFORD OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Parents, I would like to ask for those who are in the mood for some spring cleaning at home, please keep the after school and vacation care centre in mind. Things like: old clothes for dressup, cheap makeup and nail polish for dramatic play, cereal and other food boxes, books, games, puzzles, recycled paper, sports equipment, soft toys, lego, duplo, etc. Please stop by after school care 3.30-6.30 on weekdays in Doran House to let us know if you have anything to donate. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Please call Patricia on 9516 2188 should you have any questions.

END OF YEAR Yearly Assessments have been completed and teachers are busily marking the papers and writing up reports. Reports will be sent out to parents on the Friday 25th November and will be followed by Parent/Teacher meetings on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th November. These meetings are not compulsory but parents who have concerns about their child’s progress are encouraged to attend so are those who the teacher has invited to attend because he/she has concerns about the child’s progress or behaviour.

Vacation Care


Vacation Care will be operating before and after Christmas during the school holidays. Programs will be available very soon. Dates are: >December Vacation Care – Monday 12th to Friday 23rd December 2011 >January Vacation Care – Tuesday 3rd January to Friday 27th January 2012. Please note that we do accept pre-school age children in the Dec/Jan holiday period under the condition the children are enrolled to start school in 2012. We encourage and invite parents to bring your children to the centre, meet the other children and staff, and familiarize themselves with their new surroundings before their first day. Please call Patricia on 9516 2188 for more information.

Last Tuesday and this Wednesday we had the pleasure of having our Kindergarten 2012 coming in for Orientation. What a wonderful group of children, absolutely delightful and very ready to start school. Not a tear in sight, we look forward to having them here next year.

HEAD LICE Infants have reported head lice, could all parents please check their children and take appropriate action.

MUSICAL SHOWCASE Kindergarten – Year 6 will be sharing their musical talents on Friday 2nd December at the

Miss P Doyle


Hatgis, Evan Hatzigiakoumis, Anthony Kougias, Jordan Leondios, John Micos, Demi Mikhail, Juval Perdikakis, Madelyn Poulos, Anastasi Pyliotis, Franklin Spyridopoulos, Valentina Synesios, Vicki Vlahos, Michael

Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe) at the Senior School Campus. The performance will be commencing at approximately 12.30p.m. More information will be issued in a Bulletin next week.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Congratulations to the students who participated in the annual Premier’s Reading Challenge. This Program improves reading accuracy, fluency and expression and is a wonderful way to broaden vocabulary and insights into people and places. It also teaches the students universal themes such as kindness, patience and honesty. The students who have participated for four consecutive years receive a Gold Certificate of Appreciation.

Year 3 Andreou, Stephanie Armenakas, Ariana Athanasopoulos. Georgia Constantopedos, Emmanuel Diakoumis, Marissa Drakoulis, Nicholas Economou, Rose Ganis, Peter Hristeff, James Karaniki, Andrew Kezalas, Victor Kondou, Nicki Koukos, Dominique Kounnas, Alexi Kouzoukas. Marissa Mangafas, Stephen Mouratidis, Thomas Papas, Anna Papas, Roza Pascalis, Frances-Lee Pitharoulis, Laura Skouteris, Nicola Tsingos, Katherine Tzavaras, James Varvaritis, Georgia Zouroudis, James

Below is a list of all children who have completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Kindergarten Aroney, Anne Marie Koukos, Peter Marinos, Alexander Marinos, Zachary Pyliotis, Jennifer Year 1 Antoniou, Michael Cooney, Jorge Drakoulis, Nicholas Economou. Sophia Gemisis, Stefan Giavis, Paul Ginis, Heleena Gouveros, Jamyson Hardas, Patricia Kezalas, Penny Knight, Taylysse Kounnas, Nixon Leondaris, Lucas Manos, Sia Michos, Nicholas Nikitopoulos. Alexander O’Reilly,Evangeline Pascalis, Christina Patsalis, Maria Angela Pitharoulis, Michael Stamoulis, Alex Zinopoulos, Erin

Year 4 Bounatsos, Melanie Giavis, Connor Hatzigiakoumis, Vivienne Kapodistrias, Desi Ktenas, Stella Preketes, Eleni Raptis, Katherine Synesios, Peter Tsoukalas, Tiffany Vasilakis, Maria

Year 2 Aroney, Emmanuel Bletsas, James Borean, Christina De Pasquale, Isabella

Year 5 Albanakis, Dean Borean, Anna-Maria Contominas, Jennifer-Eve Georges, Florence


body, healthy mind and the importance of Faith in our lives. Students require, hard work, dedication, resilience and persistence to succeed. He concluded with a quote from Proverbs 13:20 – “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but he who keeps company with fools will be destroyed.”

Ginis, Felicity Hatgis, Christina Mastroperos, Eleni Micos, Sophia Nikitopoulos, Maree Skouteris, Joanna Stramotas, Nicole Zois, Victoria

Year 10 students were then presented a Graduation Certificate by both Mrs Stefanou and Mr Katsogiannis.

Year 6 Adam, Nathan Dalakiaris, Phoebe Mouratidis, Johnny Papadakis, Merissa Raptis, George Zouroudis, James

Other highlights so far have included a visit to Pantanassa and Holy Cross Monasteries, guest speakers, an introduction to their subjects for 2012 and the Year 10 Dinner.

Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

MARY POPPINS The Junior Choir was thrilled to attend a matinee performance of Mary Poppins at the Capital Theatre on Wednesday, 26th October. Mary worked her musical magic and the choir was truly entertained and inspired by the production. The cast and staging was fantastic. The children playing Michael and Judy Banks were exceptionally talentedbut the highlight for our children was surely the finale when Mary flew over their heads. It was truly a wonderful experience of musical theatre for our students. Thank you to Mrs Hamer and the parents of the junior choristers for supporting this enriching educational opportunity. Thank you also to all the children who have worked so hard to be a wonderful choir through the year. Mrs Coyne Music Teacher




Parents and students of Years 9 and 10, 2011 are invited to attend the first meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 23rd November, 2011, 7.00 p.m., at 15 Doran Street, Kingsford (Junior School Campus.

The 11 day program was opened by Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, Commander Gangs Squad, NSW State Crime Command. Mr Katsogiannis spoke to students about his background, his experiences in the NSW Police Force, and in particular the Gangs Squad; healthy

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




WELCOME BBQ AND PARENT FORUM On Tuesday 8th November a welcome BBQ and Parent Forum for Year 7, 2012 and their parents was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre at the Senior School. Current Year 9 Peer Support Leaders applicants were also present to welcome and assist with the proceedings. It was a wonderful event with excellent attendance. Congratulations to all 220 of you who braved the torrential rain to join us! After mingling and enjoying some very tasty souvlaki with pita, courtesy of Mr Zafiropoulos, all new students and their families gathered for the forum where important information relating to preparations for entry into the Senior School were given. Three Year 9 representatives, Eleni Mavrolefterou, George Karapanayiotides and Georgia Giatsios also spoke sharing some of their own experiences at the Senior School.

ORIENTATION DAY Next Friday, the 25th November, we look forward to welcoming Year 7, 2012, once again for their Orientation Day. Parents are reminded that all forms included in the Information Pack, as well as the deposit for camp must be returned on this day. Students must wear their current school sports uniform on the day, bring a bag containing their pencil case as well as food and drink for recess and lunch. All students must assemble outside the Administration building by 8.45am so that we may begin the program by 9am. Pick up will be at 2.30pm from the school oval area.

PEER SUPPORT LEADERS This week all Year 9 participated in a Leadership Development Program that will help prepare them for the Upper School and also assist with selection of the 2012 Peer Support Leaders. This group will assist the new Year 7 at Orientation Day, by familiarizing them with the Senior School campus, facilitating group sessions and accompanying them to the days ‘taster’ lessons. Next year their duties will continue to develop their relationship with Year 7.


soon as possible. Please phone Doreen Boutsalis to discuss this position.

tsfx Summer School Head Start Program 2012 will be conducting lectures for Year 12

students from 6th January to 22 January at the University of Sydney. You will receive thorough A+ notes and bonus lectures and resources from qualified HSC teachers and markers. See the website for more information or phone 1300 364 065. Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser



At this time, as we prepare for the Holy Season and reflect upon our lives, Year 7 students make Christmas cards for the residents of St Basils Nursing Home which are delivered in person by Year 10 as part of their Preparing for the Preliminaries Program. Students enjoy being creative and are always happy to contribute knowing that their efforts bring a smile to the faces of the elderly who receive their card.

CAMP YEAR 6 Day: 1



On the 9th of November 2011, extremely early in the morning, Year Six set off for Canberra. We loaded our bags onto the coach and, after everyone was seated and counted, we were on our way. Half asleep we chatted away, shared lots of interesting gossip and had a fun 4 hours. As soon as the bus driver told us we had arrived in Canberra we were all very excited! Our first stop was at Parliament House. When we arrived we all went inside a smaller but a very well replicated version of the House of Representatives; everything was the same from the sandboxes to the despatch boxes, to the Mace. In the replicated House of Representatives everybody got a job to do. Whether it was to be Miss Julia Gillard or Mr Tony Abbott, our debate was ‘Animals should not work in the circus.’ The end result was the Government (Labour Party) winning and the bill was passed: Animals would not suffer cruelty any more. Then we got to enter the House of Representatives on a guided tour. The setting was all very advanced and proper, but much smaller than we expected it to be; although it was still very big. After visiting the House of Representatives, where we had just learnt what everything is used for and who sits where, we visited the Senate and watched a couple of minutes of a live debate; it had to be silent in there so we were in a sound proof room high up above the Senate Chamber. So that covered our parliament nowadays but we still wanted to see what Old Parliament House was like. When we got to Old Parliament House we walked into a small holographic cinema, where a movie informed us of the history of Australia’s

STUDENT LEADERSHIP Today all Year 11 students attended The National Young Leaders Day Convention, at the Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour. Over 3,500 young potential leaders from across three States attended this event. Year 11 witnessed a very exciting program which challenged them to reach their own personal goals as well as motivated them to achieve the goals of those they are leading. An array of inspirational speakers such as Jessica Watson, who at the age of 15 sailed around the world, addressed the students, sharing her special story and giving some wise advice. Students also had the opportunity to record their ideas on what 3 things they would do to change the world if they could. These ideas were filmed in a dynamic manner on movie sets so they could be shared with others….and hopefully lead to future action.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

CAREERS First Year Apprentice in Hairdressing Opportunities exist for 4 positions at Characters Hair Cutters at Royal Randwick Centre starting as


Unknown Soldier: it was very beautiful and covered in gorgeous flowers. Everyone was very considerate and respectful, we then were socialising with some kids from other schools in the foyer.

Federation and voting system. The cinema had a very interesting way of teaching us. After the educational movie we went inside and had our own election about which fruit we would like to run our country…….Out of the peach, banana, apple and orange. We all placed our votes in the ballot box. In the end, the victory was bananas!!! Yes our new Prime Minister, according to Year 6, is Mr Banana. Oh, good times! We then stopped off at a very high mountain called Mount Ainslie to view the whole of Canberra; it was amazing! After taking a few photos we finally got to Gold Creek Tourist Resort. We knew this was going to be an interesting CAMP! As we unloaded the coach and received our luggage, the amount of excitement in the air was not going to be easy for the teachers to handle, our instructions were to get changed and unpack and be at dinner by 6pm. The dinner the first night was very simple and wasn’t suiting many tastebuds, although after dinner the teachers were kind and organised us to have 10 minutes to go get changed to go for a “ Fun Activity.”’ This was our recreation activity for the day ;). We decided that everybody still had rumbling stomachs, so we decided to order a late snack, as we had the closeto-midnight munchies. It was time for bed but, before that, we made friends with the school next to our cabins.

We sat down for lunch, sausage rolls and meat pies, very Aussie for Australia’s Capital Territory, just to get us in the ‘Aussie Mood. ’We were all very excited as we learnt that we were going to the Australian Institute Of Sport (AIS) for a tour. When we first got there, we were led into a sporting facility called Sportex where we did lots of fun activities; targeting; well known sports such as basketball, gymnastics, rowing and cycling. We watched a movie on how the AIS works and what athletes do there, afterwards we had a guided tour and got to see some stuff in action, the gym, the pool and volleyball arena. After finding out the cost of the whole facility we realised we didn’t want to break anything!! Back at the accommodation we had time to get changed and be ready for dinner by 5.30pm. Once we had eaten we walked down to the National Dinosaur Museum. We met our tour guides and they told us about fascinating Australian dinosaur facts; what the dinosaurs were, what they ate and how they lived. We got to touch a real dinosaur bone and other replica models that were life-size. So they were pretty big considering they were only of baby dinosaurs. By then we were all pretty exhausted, we went for another walk! The final night’s recreation activity was lots of fun and very TASTY! Off to bed we went and, although we were shattered, we still managed to stay up until the point came when finally we all needed our beauty sleep.

Once it was bed time, our cabin members took all the combined junk out and had a mini Pringles Party with Miss McCarthy whilst all the other cabins where in bed! We were later joined by Mr Volas and Mrs Bartlett who just wanted some food. Then our friend we made, who was a teacher from another school, called Mr Brad came to join us ……. We were all very hyper and we got all the teachers to say ‘Miss Bessie’ in a funny voice.☺ After long hours of quiet laughter (as we did not want to wake anybody up ) we crashed for about 3 hours.

Day: 3 GOODBYE GOLD CREEK TOURIST RESORT Morning came and it was time to pack. We had woken up looking like the dinosaurs we had seen the previous night as we were so exhausted. It was also sad because it was time to leave our last Primary School Camp with all our friends. We soon went down to breakfast. The hot breakfast forced us awake and got us ready to finish packing. As we were packing up our cabin, we discovered clothing that wasn’t even ours? Well, that put a smile on our faces. We brought our bags down and jumped onto the bus. First stop for day three was the National Museum of Australia. We saw very realistic models of how life during the Wars and Gold Rushes were extremely hard. The Indigenous and other artworks there told a story of Australia’s history: they were very beautiful. And

Day 2: Early start to the day, we were up at 6am getting changed and ready for breakfast; half asleep we lined up to get our bacon and eggs. We were all groggy from the lack of sleep from the previous night (or morning) although that was not going to stop us from having an awesome day! The first stop of the day was at the National Capital Exhibition Centre, where we learnt about the history of Canberra and how it was formatted. Next we visited the Australian War Memorial; there it was very sacred, quiet and peaceful. We looked through a couple of the exhibits that were very interesting, we then saw the Tomb of the



lastly, the part we were all waiting for: QUESTACON!


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε την εργασία δυο µαθητών της Γ’ Γυµνασίου που τελειώνουν φέτος την Α΄Λυκείου στο µάθηµα των Ελληνικών. Η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάστηκε προφορικά ως οµιλία, µέρος των διαγωνισµών του Β΄εξαµήνου. Καλή ανάγνωση! κ. Μ.Φαλέτα

Questacon was such an awesome place. We learnt lots of science, got to play on rides such as the rollercoaster simulator, the giant slide called the free fall, the earthquake simulator and many more. After looking at a couple of experiments, we looked through the gift shop on our exit. By then we were all very hungry so that of course called for a ….. SAUSAGE SIZZLE! It was time to get on the bus and get back to our parents who must have missed us dearly (or some maybe not so much).

Κυρία Φαλέτα και αγαπητοί συµµαθητές, Σήµερα θα σας µιλήσω για το θέµα «Γιατί η διασκέδαση είναι σηµαντική στη ζωή µας»

After the long bus ride where many people had fallen asleep, music began playing , whispers were heard and laughter filled the air. WE WERE BACK!! Hello Sydney! Our parents were there waiting to greet us realising their holiday away from us had ended. The first thing on everybody’s mind was to go to bed! It was an amazing camp and it will never be forgotten.

Η διασκέδαση είναι µια σηµαντική δραστηριότητα στη ζωή µας, που κάνει τους ανθρώπους χαρούµενους και χαλαρούς κατά τον ελεύθερό τους χρόνο. Οι άνθρωποι κουράζονται εύκολα µε τις καθηµερινές τους δουλειές, το νοικοκυριό, τα προβλήµατά τους, την καθηµερινή τους ρουτίνα. Γι αυτό χρειάζονται τη διασκέδαση για να ξεφύγουν από το άγχος τους για λίγη ώρα..

Markella Roditis and Kerryanne Syros

Μια ζωή χωρίς διασκέδαση θα είναι πολύ «θαµπή», βαρετή και ανθυγιεινή. Είναι απαραίτητο να βρούµε ώρα για διασκέδαση στη ζωή µας. Στην εποχή µας υπάρχουν πολλοί απλοί και θετικοί τρόποι για να διασκεδάσουµε την πολυάσχολη ζωή µας. Για παράδειγµα, µπορεί κανείς να δει µια ταινία στον κινηµατογράφο, να πάει σε µια συναυλία ή χορευτική παράσταση, µια βραδιά έξω µε φίλους ή ένα απόγευµα στη θάλασσα...Επίσης, η τηλεόραση, το ραδιόφωνο και το διαδίκτυο είναι µερικά από τα ηλεκτρονικά µέσα που µας προσφέρουν διασκέδαση µέσα στο σπίτι µας. Πέρα απ’ αυτό, αν θέλουµε να χαλαρώσουµε και να ξεκουραστούµε, µπορούµε να το πετύχουµε µ’ έναν απλό περίπατο γύρω απ’ το τετράγωνο, διαβάζοντας ένα ωραίο βιβλίο ή εξασκώντας το χόµπυ µας. Όποια διασκέδαση κι αν διαλέξουµε θα είναι καλή αρκεί να είναι ωφέλιµη. Όταν συµµετέχουµε µε την καρδιά µας σε κάποια από τις παραπάνω δραστηριότητες νιώθουµε χαρούµενοι επειδή αποβάλλουµε το άγχος. Το γέλιο βοηθάει τον οργανισµό µας γιατί όταν γελάµε παίρνουµε περισσότερο οξυγόνο και κάνουµε µια καλή εξάσκηση σε όλους τους µύες του σώµατός µας. Το γέλιο είναι σηµαντικό για


ξεκουράζει το σώµα και το µυαλό του. Τίποτα δεν το πετυχαίνει αυτό καλύτερα από τη διασκέδαση! Πρέπει να αφήνουµε τον εαυτό µας ελεύθερο, να γελάµε, να χορεύουµε, να τραγουδάµε... Μπορούµε να διασκεδάζουµε µε πολλούς τρόπους, αλλά ένας από τους καλύτερους είναι ο Ελληνικός χορός. Ακόµη και οι µη Έλληνες το λένε: «Έχει κάτι µαγικό η ελληνική µουσική και ο ελληνικός χορός!»

την υγεία µας γιατί όπως λένε οι γιατροί, «το γέλιο µακραίνει τη ζωή». Η διασκέδαση µας µεταφέρει σε µια ατµόσφαιρα ελευθερίας και είναι µια διαφυγή από την πλήξη και την ανία της καθηµερινότητάς µας. Επίσης, µας µεταφέρει στον κόσµο της φαντασίας, προπάντων όταν βλέπουµε κινηµατογραφικές ταινίες ή ακούµε µουσική. Η διασκέδαση µας κάνει να νιώθουµε ζωντανοί και γι’ αυτό είναι απαραίτητη για την ψυχική µας υγεία.

Υπάρχουν όµως και τόσα άλλα πράγµατα που µπορούν να διασκεδάσουν τον άνθρωπο. Γενικά, ό,τι κι αν είναι, εάν µας ξεκουράζει και µας κάνει να ξεχνάµε τις δυσκολίες της ζωής, µπορούµε να το πούµε διασκέδαση. Για παράδειγµα, µπορούµε να δούµε ένα ωραίο έργο στο σινεµά, ν’ ακούσουµε έναν τραγουδιστή, ν’ ασχοληθούµε µε κάποιο σπορ, να πάµε για ψάρεµα, να κολυµπήσουµε σε δροσερά νερά ή απλώς να ξαπλώσουµε και ν’ αφήσουµε τον ήλιο να µας ζεστάνει.

Χωρίς ψυχαγωγία η ζωή µας θα είναι γεµάτη άγχος και µιζέρια και θα νιώθουµε δυστυχισµένοι. Πρέπει, λοιπόν, να µάθουµε να δίνουµε στον εαυτό µας ευκαιρίες για ξεκούραση και χαλάρωση. Εάν το κάνουµε αυτό θα είµαστε πάντοτε σε φόρµα, ζωηροί, ενεργητικοί και χαρούµενοι, αλλιώς µπορεί να καταλήξουµε µε διάφορες νευρώσεις ή κατάθλιψη. Τελικά, η διασκέδαση είναι σηµαντική στη ζωή µας επειδή µας βοηθά να νιώθουµε χαρά, ολοκλήρωση και ότι απολαµβάνουµε τη ζωή.

∆εν έχει σηµασία το πώς διασκεδάζουµε, σηµασία έχει να µην ξεχνάµε να διασκεδάσουµε µε όποιον τρόπο αγαπάµε και µε όποιον τρόπο µας ξεκουράζει. Η ζωή είναι µικρή και περνάει ανάµεσα από τα δάκτυλά µας σαν την άµµο. Γι’ αυτό ακριβώς πρέπει να χαιρόµαστε και να διασκεδάζουµε όποτε µας δίνεται η ευκαιρία.

Panayiotis Kapodistrias Year 9 – 10GKA Κυρία Φαλέτα και αγαπητοί συµµαθητές, Η διασκέδαση στην εποχή µας είναι απαραίτητη για τον άνθρωπο. Η ζωή µας είναι γεµάτη άγχος και αυτό συµβαίνει σε µικρούς και µεγάλους.. Βλέπουµε πως από µικρή ηλικία µας κυνηγάνε µεγάλες απαιτήσεις. Ακόµα και τα µικρά παιδιά, µόλις αρχίσουν σχολείο, µπαίνουν στον αγώνα της ζωής. Αυτός ο αγώνας συνεχίζεται σε όλη την υπόλοιπη ζωή µας και γίνεται όλο και πιο δύσκολος.

Elena Ganis Year 9 – 10GKA

Γι’ αυτό ακριβώς, πρέπει ο άνθρωπος να σταµατάει όσο πιο συχνά µπορεί και να


2012 DATES



Friday 27 January 2012 Monday 30th January 2012 Tuesday 31st January 2012 Wednesday 1st February 2012

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Thursday 5th April 2012

Term ends

Friday 6th April 2012 Sunday 8th April 2012 Monday 9th April 2012

Public Holiday – Western Good Friday Western Easter Public Holiday – Western Easter Monday

Friday 13th April Sunday 15th April

Good Friday Orthodox Easter


Monday 23rd April 2012 Tuesday 24th April 2012 Wednesday 25th April 2012

Staff Development Day Students return Anzac day – Public Holiday

Monday 11th June 2012

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday, School closed

Friday 22nd June 2012

Term ends for staff and students



Monday 16 July 2012 Tuesday 17th July 2012

Staff Development Day Students return

Wednesday 15th August 2012

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Thursday 20th September 2012 Friday 21st September 2012

Term ends for students Staff Development Day



Monday 8 October 2012

Staff and students return

Thursday 6th December 2012 Friday 7th December 2012

Term ends for students Staff Development day




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