St Spyridon Newsletter #83

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VOLUME XXIX No 2 17th February, 2012






Swimming Carnival SS


Swimming Carnival JS


ACER Scholarship Exam


Lent begins







MARCH Year 12 Leadership Workshop




ASISSA Swimming Carnival


Vaccinations Years 7 and 10 ISA Swimming Carnival


CIS Swimming Carnival


ISA Cross Country Carnival


Annunciation 25th March celebrations


Twilight Tours SS






APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin Year 7 Parent Teacher Conference Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS


K-6 Easter Assembly Term Ends


Western Good Friday


Lazaros Saturday


Western Easter Palm Sunday






Good Friday


Orthodox Easter


Easter Monday


Staff Development Day


Students return


Everyone has something special and different to offer…. so please be in it for the education and future success of our children.







items that have not be picked up by week 4 of term will be donated to good will as we do not have the space to store them any longer.


Vacation Care Dates for 2012

We hope to see many parents, old and new at the P & F AGM which will be held on 28th February, 2012 in the Junior School library at 6.30pm.


April Holidays Tuesday 10th to Friday 20th April (Friday 13th centre closed – Orthodox Good Friday)

Opening hours – Every Wednesday during school Term 8.30 am - 10.00 pm and 2.30 pm - 4.15 pm.

June/July Holidays Monday 25th June to Friday 13th July


September/October Holidays September to Friday 5th October

If you are interested in a bus service and you live in Phillip Bay, Malabar, Little Bay, Matraville or Maroubra, please call Helen on 9313-6899.

Christmas Holidays Monday 10th to Friday 21st December



To receive more information about vacation care please call 9516 2188 or email

AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care fees are now $18 per day and we are able to reduce fees if your family receives the child care benefit (please see newsletter attachment). Our operating hours are 3.30pm6.30pm. At after school care children are given the opportunity to complete homework and play games. There are art and craft activities and afternoon tea is served also.

SINCERE CONDOLENCES It is with great sadness that we offer our condolences to Mr Chris Andrianakos, Steven, Larissa (Yr 7) and George (Yr 6) on the death of their wife and mother Kathy on Wednesday morning. Kathy was a wonderful, strong woman who loved her family and fought against her cancer for many years, so she could be with them. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the Andrianakos and Siagos family on their tragic loss. May God rest her soul, we will all miss her.

Our Active After School Sports program is back again this year for a 7 week session each term on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Monday sport is tennis and Tuesday sport is softball. First session begins Monday 13 February. For inquiries or to book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524.

Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Provider number for After School Care is 407 282 453C. Provider number for vacation care is 407 282 463V.



Lost Property

It is with great sadness that we farewell Ka. Artemisia Ieroklis from our Greek Language Staff. Mrs Ieroklis will be retiring for family reasons as of Tuesday 28th February, after over 20 years of service at the Junior School and more than 40 years of service to the Parish and the Archdiocese. She will be missed as a fantastic

At vacation care we have built up quite a collection of unlabelled lost property. Jackets, hats, lunchboxes and other bits and pieces have been found and kept for its rightful owners to pick up. Please come and have a look if you think your child/ren have left their things behind. Those


6.30pm for refreshments and 7pm meeting will commence. Please come and meet other parents find out about the P&F and all the wonderful activities they have throughout the year. Be part of your child’s education in a fun and enjoyable way.

teacher, a truly loving caring person and a wonderful role model to us all. Although Mrs Ieroklis is officially retiring she has promised us that she will visit us regularly to make sure that we continue the traditions of our culture and faith.



We welcome to our school and to our Greek Language team Miss Athena Sirmanoglou. Miss Sirmanoglou lived in Greece until Year 7 then came to Australia and enrolled at All Saints Grammar before moving on to University to complete her teaching degree. We hope that she will enjoy her time with us and be committed and enthusiastic about our Greek program.

The Greek Attainment Certificates will again be offered to students this year. The program will be run by Mr Amditis. A separate letter with further details will follow. Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT JUNIOR SCHOOL

We welcome Mr Boucas from St Andrews Theological College who will be teaching Byzantine Chanting to Years 3 – 6 and Orthodox Studies to Year 5 and 6. Mr Boucas will be taking Mr Psilacos position for the next few months. Mr Psilacos has gone to Africa to do missionary work. We wish both gentlemen all the best in their endeavours.

¾ Appropriate safety signs e.g. “No Parking” have been installed to aid the flow of traffic and remind drivers of the presence of children. ¾ Randwick Council has responded to both school and parent concerns about traffic movement around the school. Safety signs and speed zones have been installed as a result of these representations. ¾ Police regularly patrol the Speed Zone in Gardeners Rd. during designated school zone times. ¾ Limited staff parking is available on site – Day Lane. All extra vehicles park on the street.

On Wednesday 15th February, during morning Assembly we also had the pleasure of Mr Scott Nash Mayor of Randwick and Mr Anthony Andrews Councillor at Randwick Council and father of Harrison KC. Mr Nash thoroughly enjoyed his brief visit and looks forward to working closely with our community.



Co curricular infants sport with After School Care will start on Monday 20th February with Tennis and Tuesday 21st February with Softball. As well as the After School Care and Sports Supervisors one of our teachers will be there to also supervise. Please note that co curricular concludes at 4.30pm

Observance of the following school procedures will greatly assist in the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of the students. 1. ALL cars are to come to the college via DONCASTER AVENUE, then turn into DORAN STREET.

After 4.30pm the children who have not been picked up will become the responsibility of After School Care and parents will then have to pay accordingly.

2. After entering DORAN STREET all cars should EXIT through DAY LANE - turn left for Kensington or right for Gardeners Road.

Term 1 - Infants Co curricular concludes on Tuesday 27th March. Co curricular for Term 1 Primary commences on Monday 27th February and concludes on Wednesday 28th March.

3. Infants may park on BRUCE ST. and enter the school grounds via the Bruce St. Gates. 4. Under no circumstances must cars come to the college through DAY LANE (morning and afternoon peak hours).

KINDY AND NEW PARENTS A reminder that the P&F AGM will be held in the Junior School Library on Tuesday 28th February


5. Parents MUST NOT park in any driveway either the neighbours or the college at any time. 6. The practice of parking or stopping in the middle of the road is illegal.


7. Attention is drawn to the extreme danger of leaving motors running while leaving the car to drop off or pick up students from the college, particularly when smaller children are left in the car.

Mr M. Staker will be replacing Mrs Koutsoukis for the Term. Mr Staker is a highly experienced teacher of English and HSC marker.

Following her husband’s major operation, Mrs I. Koutsoukis will be on carers leave for the rest of Term 1.


8. Parents pick up their Infants child from their classroom in the afternoon or from the Infants playground – Shelter after 3.15pm. Primary children from the Primary playground – Undercroft Area.

Year 12 Sponsor-parents Last year (2011) the current Year 12 cohort (who were then Year 11), proposed an idea to me and it went a little something like this; It was at the beginning of a Pastoral Care lesson and one student asked: “Ms K, instead of adopting an apple tree, can our group adopt a kid from a poor country?” The whole group got very excited about this idea and some even suggested that they should sponsor five children!

These procedures are necessary due to the limited parking space surrounding the College.


The result of this discussion is that now, Year 12, Class of 2012 are proud “sponsor-parents” of a boy named ANTHONY A SOLORZANO GUTIERREZ, who is 6 years old and lives in Nicaragua. Also, since Year 12 couldn’t decide if they wanted to sponsor a boy or girl, they decided to sponsor both, a boy and a girl. So, Year 12 are also proud “sponsor-parents” of a girl named MONALISA BULAIMU, who is 12 years old and lives in Zimbabwe.

On Tuesday, 14th February, 2012 Father Steven and Father Sotiris blessed the staff and students of the Senior School and then blessed classrooms and play areas.

Year 12 Sponsored Children

Anthony A Nicaragua


All Years 7-9 students will participate in this global event on Wednesday, as students from across the world unite (over 235 countries involved) in their quest to set a world record in answering mental arithmetic questions. Year 7-9 students will be part of this fantastic educational event involving more than two million students. Prizes will be given to the students who answer the most questions correctly, in each year and ALL students will be receiving a ‘PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATE’ to commemorate this great day. Last year, we had a fantastic result from PANAYIOTI KAPODISTRIAS, who received a ‘GOLD MEDAL’ for 5th place in Australia. He accumulated 4024 points!

Monalisa Zimbabwe

So, come on students, the challenge is on!!

Year 12 raised $1032 and this money will keep Anthony and Monalisa sponsored until December, 2012. The money will help provide:

All students will have their ‘username’ and ‘password’, by week 4 so then, they can go online and start practicing for the BIG day.

* Access to safe, clean drinking water * New classrooms and school supplies * Agricultural skills training, to grow more food * Improvements to local healthcare facilities * Training for local health workers * Training in breeding and raising farm animals * Health and nutrition education for parents * Cultural and recreational activities for children and youths.

So, let the games begin!! Ms Kalithrakas Mathematics Team Year 12 Adviser

OPENING OF LAW TERM 2012 Students of the Year 12 Legal Studies class together with their teacher Miss Kladakis, attended the 31st Annual Pan-Orthodox Church Service to mark the opening of the Law Term for 2012. The service was held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation on the 7th of February 2012 and was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia.

Year 12 will be kept informed of what is being achieved in Anthony’s and Monalisa’s communities and Year 12 also have the opportunity to write letters to their sponsored children. Here’s part of what WORLD VISION wrote in the thank you letter to Year 12; “Thank you for deciding to sponsor two children, Monalisa and Anthony through World Vision. We are very grateful to you for making the decision to reach out to children in need.”

The procession to the Cathedral was led by the newly appointed Chief Justice of New South Wales, the Hon. Tom Bathurst and commenced from the Rectory of the Archdiocese. The students noted that one of the highlights of the evening was when the legal practitioners entered the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation dressed in their robes. Year 12 Legal Studies students Michael Horafios, Yanni Vlahopoulos, Targreed Asaad and Stephanie Retsas also had the opportunity to speak with prominent legal professionals such as the Hon. Tom Bathurst, who wished them well for their HSC examinations.

Well done Year 12.

WORLD MATHS DAY: WEDNESDAY 7th MARCH “WORLD MATHS DAY’ is on Wednesday 7th March and it involves students from all over the world playing against each other, online, in realtime battles of mental arithmetic.


εντυπωσίασε το λεξιλόγιο και οι ιδέες της καθώς και η εκφώνησή της και είπαµε να την κρατήσουµε για την έναρξη της φετινής χρονιάς. ∆ηµοσιεύουµε επίσης µια ακόµη περυσινή εργασία σχετικά µε τη διασκέδαση. Καλή ανάγνωση και καλή σχολική χρονιά!

Overall, the students felt privileged to have been invited to this event which solidified the connection between God’s law and the Legal System.

Θέµα: Το σχολείο µου Το σχολείο όπου σπουδάζω είναι το Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Το Κολλέγιο είναι ιδιωτικό, µικτό σχολείο και ιδρύθηκε το 1983 από την ενορία του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα, κάτω από την υποστήριξη της Ελληνικής, Ορθόδοξης Αρχιεπισκοπής της Αυστραλίας. Το Κολλέγιο βρίσκεται στην περιοχή Μαρούµπρα, µακριά από το καυσαέριο και τη φασαρία της πόλης. Το σχολείο µου είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα σχολεία της περιοχής, µε έξοχο περιβάλλον και άριστες εγκαταστάσεις. Οι σύγχρονες εγκαταστάσεις του σχολείου περιλαµβάνουν εκτός από τις αίθουσες διδασκαλίας, δύο αίθουσες Εικαστικών Τεχνών, µια άριστα εξοπλισµένη αίθουσα ∆ιατροφής και Τεχνολογίας, δύο χηµεία, δύο αίθουσες ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών καθώς και µια βιβλιοθήκη εξοπλισµένη µε µεγάλη συλλογή βιβλίων, ταινιών και δίσκων.

Our students with the Chief Justice of NSW, The Hon. Tom Bathurst and His Eminence

Το σχολείο µου επίσης διαθέτει γήπεδα τέννις, καλαθοσφαίρησης και αντισφαίρησης καθώς και αίθουσες Μουσικής και ∆ραµατουργίας. Η διευθύντρια του σχολείου µου είναι η κυρία Κατσογιάννη η οποία µαζί µε τους καθηγητές διατηρούν την πειθαρχία σε όλο το σχολείο. Οι καθηγητές µας είναι αυστηροί όταν πρέπει, αλλά είναι δίκαιοι και προσπαθούν να µας οδηγούν στο σωστό δρόµο.

Year 12 Legal Studies class Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


Η ρουτίνα του σχολείου αρχίζει καθηµερινά µε το κουδούνι να χτυπάει στις οχτώ και είκοσι. Κάθε ∆ευτέρα και Παρασκευή έχουµε τη γενική συγκέντρωση στην αυλή του σχολείου και αρχίζουµε µε προσευχή. Μετά τη γενική συγκέντρωση όλοι οι µαθητές κατευθυνόµαστε ήσυχα στις τάξεις µας όπου αρχίζει το προγραµµατισµένο µάθηµα.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Πίσω στα θρανία και πάλι. Ελπίζω να είχατε καλές διακοπές και να ξεκουραστήκατε! Θα ήθελα πρώτ’ απ’ όλα να συγχαρώ τους µαθητές µας που µας έκαναν περήφανους µε την απόδοσή τους στις τελικές εξετάσεις ( HSC ) του 2011. Σ’ αυτό το πρώτο τεύχος θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε την εργασία µιας µαθήτριας της φετινής Β΄Γυµνασίου. Η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάστηκε ως µια άψογη οµιλία στο τέλος της περυσινής χρονιάς, στα πλαίσια των διαγωνισµών του Β’ εξαµήνου. Μας

Υπεύθυνος της τάξης µου είναι ο κύριος Ζαφειρόπουλος, ο οποίος µας διδάσκει Γεωγραφία και Φυσική Αγωγή. Στο σχολείο µου, εκτός από τα µαθήµατα έχουµε και άλλες δραστηριότητες. Μια από αυτές τις δραστηριότητες είναι ο αθλητισµός. Κατά τη



διάρκεια της εβδοµάδας προπονούµαστε στο σχολείο και κάθε Σάββατο πηγαίνουµε και παίζουµε µε οµάδες άλλων σχολείων. Επίσης δυο φορές το χρόνο έχουµε τις θεατρικές παραστάσεις όπου κάθε παιδί έχει την ευκαιρία να ξεδιπλώσει το ταλέντο που κρύβει µέσα του.


Welcome back to our students and their parents and welcome to all our new students. We look forward to an exciting and challenging year ahead. Congratulations to our Year 12 students of 2011. I am still tracking the 2011 destinations of the students. Unfortunately for me, they are not at home waiting for my phone call. Many of our students have already accepted offers for university places in 2012. About 80 % of our students will undertake bachelor degree courses at universities and colleges this year. The other students have enrolled or are in the process of enrolling in courses at TAFE and private colleges or are commencing a ‘GAP’ year, working or travelling overseas and delaying further study for one year. We wish them well in the next stage of their career journeys.

Το σχολείο µου είναι για µένα το δεύτερο σπίτι µου και αποτελεί το θαυµαστό κόσµο της δηµιουργίας, της χαράς και της ψυχαγωγίας. Όσο για τους καθηγητές µας, µας δίνουν τον καλύτερο εαυτό τους και µας ανοίγουν το δρόµο για να βαδίσουµε στην ζωή µε τα κατάλληλα εφόδια. Αγαπάω το Κολλέγιο του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και νοιώθω υπερήφανη που ανήκω σ’ αυτό. Penelope Aleyiannis Year 7GKA 2011 Θέµα: Ο ρόλος της διασκέδασης στη ζωή µας ∆ιασκέδαση είναι οποιαδήποτε δραστηριότητα η οποία κάνει τους ανθρώπους χαρούµενους και χαλαρούς κατά τον ελεύθερο χρόνο τους.

Costs of Learning. These notes may help our present students and their parents to understand about the costs of studying. These tuition costs do not include books and equipment. On average, the Government pays for about threequarters of the cost of students’ study in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) – ie a business or law course may cost the government about $30 000 but the student only pays about $9000 per year. Each university sets their own contribution amount, up to a ceiling which is imposed by the Government. Student contributions will therefore vary between institutions and courses. This year, students will pay up to $9000 annually for law, dentistry, medicine, veterinary science, accounting, administration, economics and commerce courses; up to $7756 for computing, engineering and health courses, and up to $5442 for education, humanities, arts, behavioural science, nursing, foreign languages and visual and performing arts courses. Mathematics, science and statistics have been declared “national priority” courses and have a ceiling of $4355. A student may pay the student contribution up front and receive a discount or they may request a HECS-HELP (Higher Education Loan Programme) loan and repay the loan later. Repayments are based on the graduate’s income and are made through the taxation system at a later date when the students commence working and their income reaches a certain threshold eg in the past, $47,196. TAFE students are required to pay their fees on enrolment day. These yearly fees are far less than the uni fees and vary with the level of the course.

Όταν κάποιος αισθάνεται αγχωµένος ή στενοχωρεµένος, καλό θα ήταν να προσπα-θήσει ν’ ασχοληθεί µε κάτι που του αρέσει για να φύγει η στενοχώρια και να νοιώσει καλύτερα. Προσωπικά, αν τύχει να είµαι µόνη στο σπίτι, µου αρέσει να παρακολουθώ τηλεόραση γιατί µου κρατά συντοφιά. Ωστόσο, αυτό δεν σηµαίνει ότι αυτό είναι το µόνο µου χόµπυ. Κάθε άλλο, µου αρέσει να ζωγραφίζω στον ελεύθερό µου χρόνο, ν’ ακούω µουσική, να διαβάζω βιβλία, αυτά είναι τα πραγµατικά µου χόµπυ. Σήµερα υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι διασκέδασης όπως το να πάµε για ψώνια στα µεγάλα καταστήµατα ή να κάνουµε διάφορα ταξίδια. ∆ιασκέδαση είναι επίσης και η απλή ξεκούραση στις ανέσεις του σπιτιού µας. Η διασκέδαση είναι σηµαντική στη ζωή µας γιατί µας δίνει µια αίσθηση χαλάρωσης και ηρεµίας και αυτό βοηθά στην υγεία µας επειδή µε την χαλάρωση αποβάλουµε το άγχος που προκαλεί σοβαρά προβλήµατα υγείας. Γι’ αυτό πρέπει κάθε άνθρωπος να βρίσκει χρόνο για διασκέδαση επειδή ο καθένας µας είναι ο µόνος πρωταγωνιστής του έργου που λέγεται «ζωή» και κανένας άλλος. Αν θέλουµε, λοιπόν, να χαρούµε τη ζωή µας πρέπει να έχουµε και κάποια διασκέδαση κι όχι µόνο δουλειά. Stephanie Mio 10GK – 2011



Certificate I and II cost $462, Certificate III cost $724, Certificate IV cost $984 while Diploma courses cost $1308 and Advanced Diploma cost $1570. These courses are subsidised by the Government. Fees at private colleges are not subsidised by the Government and often cost from $10,000 to $24,000 a year depending on the course. Students doing courses at some institutions may be eligible to apply for FEE-HELP which is a different scheme. I have a small number of booklets which I can lend to anyone who is interested in this area. is a website which gives information about ‘Higher Education for Students in Australia’.



SCEGGS LEADERSHIP FORUM On Friday 10th February, Kosta Baratsas (School Captain), Demi Flokis (Vice Captain) and Marielle Pizanis (Senior Prefect) attended SCEGGS Darlinghurst for a leadership seminar. We were spoken to by three speakers, who were advocates for leadership. They used analogies with supermen which taught us that being a leader is not just about the badge, but implementing actions to make us better role models. The Chaplain of SCEGGS spoke to us about leadership and gave a twist to his speech by showing us how leadership can be very exciting, yet with a moral about how leading is about others and not ourselves. After the speakers, we were put into groups and each group was given a question to answer about leadership. We were fortunate to meet many new students and hear about how their school promotes leadership and their prefect role structure. This gave us ideas to implement into our school leadership program. After this workshop was complete we moved back into the auditorium and each group shared their questions and answers, and it was beneficial to hear how other School Captains and Prefects thought about being a good role model. The night was concluded with a nice dinner in the cafeteria and we found ourselves sitting on a table with other Senior Leaders, from schools across Sydney and we shared stories and experiences about being leaders.

VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS Projects Abroad will be running a series of 2 week volunteer trips for students at the end of Year 10 and 11. There will be an Open Event on Saturday 10th March at the North Sydney Community Centre at 220 Miller St, North Sydney from 1 to 5pm. Reserve your place via the link on the webpage See Mrs Skerman for a handout. EF High School Year Overseas an exchange program for students aged 14 to 18years. AUTUMN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Gateway to Engineering 16 to 20 April. This event aims to give Sydney Tear 11 and 12 students a better understanding of what engineering is and how it works in everyday life. Students will meet and interact with professional engineers in a wide range of disciplines. Visits to industry will provide a significant opportunity to gain first hand experience in the role of engineers in a wide range of activities. See Mrs Skerman for more information.

It was a great experience and opportunity for us, as the Senior Leaders of St Spyridon College. The night was truly a success and we, the Senior Leaders, along with the other Prefects, hope we can put into action what we took from the forum, and be great role models and leaders to our school community.

TAX FILE NUMBERS (TFN) I will be running a program here at the College in Term 1 so that students can apply for their Tax File Numbers via the school. They will need these for part time employment now and in the future when they begin full-time work. Students will need to complete some forms with their personal details including their birth certificate details. Please talk to your parents if you think that you may need your TFN at some time in the future. The Application Period for TFN will take place near the end of Term 1.

KostaBaratsas (School Captain) Demi Flokis (Vice Captain) MarielelPizanis (Senior Prefect)

KINDERGARTEN FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL We are so proud of Kindergarten and how quickly they have settled into the routine of ‘big school’. They have made many new friends and have shown enthusiasm and perseverance when

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser


completing tasks in class. We asked the children what they enjoy about school and here are some of the things they said............ I love going to school because I can play on the equipment with my friends at lunchtime. Andrew Georgiou KC I like to learn new things at school, meet new friends, have fun and play Sport with my teacher. George Manos KJ Wacky Doos and Q-Bear make me happy. I like when Q-Bear plays with me at school. Georgia Miller KC I like school because we play with the threading beads, we learn how to write and just have to try to do our best. We also met our year six buddies. Sara Theocharidis KJ I listen to my teacher when she reads stories. I like stories about Spot going to the circus. Ciana Foti KC

At school I like to build things with the blocks and learn how to write. Connor Kristallis KJ

At school I like to read stories with my teacher and to do Greek Dancing with the dancing teacher. Stella Tsoukleris KJ I like school because I can play on the computers with Mr Arnott. Jordan Haramis KC At school I like to play in the playground, I like my teacher, and I like to learn new sounds and draw pictures. Julia Kamaras KJ

I have lots of friends at school and I love them. I play Hide-and-Seek with Jasmine. Maria Kappatos KC

I love everything at school! Gabriel Leondaris KC



I like dancing and playing games with the teachers. I like visiting my Year 6 Buddy. Alexandra Bizannes KC


HOUSE CAPTAINS 2012 Olympians – Niko Fotopoulos Lantou Georgou

I like school because we learn lots of things, we get to go across the road to see our buddies and go to the library. Angelique Drakakis KJ

Nemeans – Stephanie Pizanis Christopher Kolistasis Delphians – Daniel Daneshzand Joanna Karageorges Corinthians – Petros Stefadouros Beatrice Plyuschava

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE SWIMMING CARNIVAL - 2012 Compulsory for Years 7-12 Date: Thursday 23rd February 2012 Time: 8:30am – 2:00pm Venue: Des Renford Aquatic Centre (Heffron Pool) Students are to make their own way. Students need to bring lunch with them.


Mr A. Condous Boys Sport


Prefect Profiles Name:

Sarah Hatzon.

Subjects Studying:

Business Studies, General Maths, Standard English, Hospitality & Visual Arts.

Hobbies & Interests: Music, Design, Travel, Film. Favourite Quote/s:

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no-one is watching” & “Many people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could”. Both sources unknown.

Future Aspirations:

I would love to work with music sometime in the future; To hear my own song on the radio would be a dream come true for me, also another dream of mine is to work on film sets, maybe to design sets or work with the cinematography team, however of course that might never happen so I have a backup which is to study some form of design, whether its architecture or interior design at university and branch off into development.

Where I would like to be in 10 years: I would like to see myself working in the film industry the most out of my future aspirations. The whole movie industry is very interesting and exciting and even if my job isn’t major I’d still be happy to even be part of it. Role Models:

My Mum & Dad mostly, I haven’t really considered other people to look up to at this point.

Name: Subjects:

Despina Carpis Advanced Maths, Advanced English, Ancient History, History Extension, Visual Arts, Business Studies, Modern Greek Continuers (Accelerant) and the HSC Intensive Art Studio Practice (Year 11). Hobbies and Interests: I love to paint and draw as well as travelling overseas, especially around Europe. I also like to play soccer. Favourite Quote: Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. Leon J. Suenes With God all things are possible Luke 1:37 Future Aspirations: Next year I would like to go to UTS and study architecture, if not I would like to study interior architecture at UNSW and then transfer. I would also like to become a graphic designer and possibly go into advertising, a history professor lecturing at a university or running my dad’s chemical engineering company. Where would I like to be in 10 years time? In ten years time I would like to be running my own architectural firm (or at least on the way), living in a nice house which I would design and hopefully be married with at least one child before I turn 30. However regardless, if I will be living in a nice house, running my own firm etc or if a take on a different path which could be just as great, I hope that I will be living a life filled with happiness. Role Models:

My role models include my family especially my parents and grandparents, Frida Kahlo and Jesus Christ.




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