St Spyridon News 84 March

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VOLUME XXIX No 3 2nd March, 2012




World Maths Day


ASISSA Swimming Carnival


Vaccinations Years 7 and 10 ISA Swimming Carnival


CIS Swimming Carnival


ISA Cross Country Carnival


Annunciation 25th March celebrations


Twilight Tours SS





Wednesday 14th March, 2012 St Spyridon Church



8.45 a.m. for 9.00 a.m. start 5

Western Good Friday


Lazaros Saturday



At this assembly we will honour the recipients of the following awards:


The Professor Manuel Aroney Award for the highest ATAR in 2011 sponsored by Sydney University Greek Society



Good Friday


Orthodox Easter


Easter Monday


Staff Development Day


University Entrance Scholarship awarded to a student with an ATAR above 97 sponsored by St Spyridon Parish



The 2011 Goldstein Awards for Leadership by Example in memory of the late George N. Pappas A.M., M.B.E. and Marina Pappas


Students return




Junior School Athletics Carnival



Academic Scholarships Year 7, 2012, Year 11, 2012


National Schools Event Adelaide




K-6 Easter Assembly Term Ends

K2013 Parent Information Morning JS


The Head of College Invites you to the


Western Easter Palm Sunday



Year 12 Leadership Workshop

Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin Year 7 Parent Teacher Conference Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS




Student Representative Council Peer Support Leaders








Anna Stamoulis (President), Jim Sialepis (Vice President), Erenie Bourdaniotis (Treasurer), Georgina Panselinos (Assistant Treasurer), Christine O’Reilly (Secretary), Maria Pascalis (Assistant Secretary), executive members including: Maria Cooney-Frazis, Desma Spyridopoulos, Elena Albanakis, Kathy Mastroperous, Rita Georges, Angela Giaras, Angela Vergotis and Alexia Stramotas and committee members including: Martha Nissirios, Angela Kasmas, Joanna Coutts, Julie Kostopoulos, Sophie Pavlidis, Christina Chellos, Poppy Konstantakis, Joanna Konitsas, Michael Sideris, and Helen Makris.

UNIFORM SHOP: Opening hours – Every Wednesday during school Term 8.30 am - 10.00 pm and 2.30 pm - 4.15 pm.

NEW SCHOOL BUS ROUTE 2013 – EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST If you are interested in a bus service and you live in Phillip Bay, Malabar, Little Bay, Matraville or Maroubra, please call Helen on 9313-6899.

We have an array of exciting occasions and activities on our P&F calendar which we will keep you well informed of and look forward to all families and friends indulging, supporting, celebrating and sharing this year’s events.

PARISH HONOURS 2011 Congratulations to Ms M. Mallia (Cleaning Staff Senior School) who received a plaque from the Parish of St Spyridon for 10 years dedicated service.

Mrs M Pascalis Assistant Secretary

AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care fees are now $18 per day and we are able to reduce fees if your family receives the child care benefit. Your family may be eligible to receive help with the cost of child care. See attached fact sheet for more information.


Our operating hours are 3.30pm-6.30pm. At after school care children are given the opportunity to complete homework and play games. There are art and craft activities and a nutritious afternoon tea is served also.

We were truly thrilled with the arrival of many new faces at the P&F AGM on Tuesday 28 February. It was also very comforting to have many old loyal members return to enthusiastically form a new team. The new committee has grown considerably with the entry of much needed new blood with members totalling twenty three. There were other interested parents who could not attend the meeting who are encouraged together with more parents to join the team as soon as possible.

Our Active After School Sports program is back again this year for a 7 week session each term on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Monday sport is tennis and Tuesday sport is softball. First session begins Monday 13 February.

Mrs Stefanou and Mr Economou congratulated the 2011 committee on its eventful and successful fundraisers and its generous donation of $50,000 to the College which will help fund technology for our students. Furthermore committee members were thanked for supporting all major events which celebrated the opening of the Sports and Performing Arts Centre and their efforts to raise the profile of the College and strengthen the public relations between our school, education officials and the wider community.

For enquiries or to book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524. Please Note: Before your child begins attending care, please ensure an enrolment form is filled out and returned to staff at the centre. A copy can be emailed to you, please call Patricia on 9516 2188 or email to receive a copy.

The following parents have formed the new team:



Nicole Stramotas. It took place at Elanora Heights Conference Centre and lasted for 3 days. There were about 15 schools participating from NSW and the ACT, with 4 students from each school.

This week is the first week of Lent. Lent is the 40 day period before Easter. We wish you all Καλή Σαρακοστή!

We were divided into 4 different groups that were named after famous Mathematicians like Plato and Fibonacci. Each group was rewarded with points whenever we thought mathematically. At Maths Camp we learnt problem solving. We were experimenting with patterns and working like mathematicians. We made a lot of new friends and had a lot of fun as well. Thank you Mr Dookie for giving us this opportunity.

MEDICAL UPDATES If your child is under the care of a medical specialist, you need to make this known to the school. Students with specific medical conditions such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis etc need to provide the school with an action plan.

CONGRATULATIONS Medication kept at school needs to be current. Parents are requested to check this regularly and replace as needed.

Congratulations to Miss Theodossiou on running her first Swimming Carnival. It is always daunting doing something for the first time but the day flowed smoothly,. BRAVO!

Contact details of parents needs to be updated also in case of emergency.



Co curricular activities have commenced. Students not collected by 4:30pm will be placed into After School Care.

Last year’s 11 year old 800m boys record was broken by Alexander Nissirios. Time 2.50.84. Well done Alexander!



Congratulations to Liam Annesley, Sarantos Makris, Georgina Mandadakis and Anna – Maria Borean who have been selected as Library Assistants this year.

LIBRARY PARENT HELPERS Parental assistance is requested on Wednesday mornings following assembly. If you have some free time and like covering books, we would appreciate your help. New readers have been purchase for classrooms and we would like to make them available to students as soon as possible. Please meet in the Library. Coffee provided.

Last week 4 students from Year 6 at St Spyridon College were invited to go to Maths Camp, Dean Albanakis, Stephen Bletsas, Florence Georges and



Appropriate safety signs e.g. “No Parking” have been installed to aid the flow of traffic and remind drivers of the presence of children. ¾ Randwick Council has responded to both school and parent concerns about traffic movement around the school. Safety signs and speed zones have been installed as a result of these representations. ¾ Police regularly patrol the Speed Zone in Gardeners Rd. during designated school zone times. ¾ Limited staff parking is available on site – Day Lane. All extra vehicles park on the street. TRAFFIC PROCEDURES Observance of the following school procedures will greatly assist in the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of the students.

Mrs A. Synesios Deputy Principal



1. ALL cars are to come to the college via DONCASTER AVENUE, then turn into DORAN STREET.



2. After entering DORAN STREET all cars should EXIT through DAY LANE - turn left for Kensington or right for Gardeners Road. 3. Infants may park on BRUCE ST. and enter the school grounds via the Bruce St. Gates. 4. Under no circumstances must cars come to the college through DAY LANE (morning and afternoon peak hours). 5. Parents MUST NOT park in any driveway either the neighbours or the college at any time. 6. The practice of parking or stopping in the middle of the road is illegal. 7. Attention is drawn to the extreme danger of leaving motors running while leaving the car to drop off or pick up students from the college, particularly when smaller children are left in the car. 8. Parents pick up their Infants child from their classroom in the afternoon or from the Infants playground – Shelter after 3.15pm.

GREAT LENT Great Lent began on Monday, 27th February. During Lent Senior School students recite the following prayer as part of our preparation and efforts for Lent. Prayer of St Ephraim Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, meddling, love of power and idle talk. But grant me, Your servant, A spirit of soberness ,humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults, and not condemn my brother; For blessed are you, to the ages of ages. Amen

Primary children from the Primary playground – Undercroft Area. These procedures are necessary due to the limited parking space surrounding the College.

Homily on the occasion of Holy and Great Lent 2012 by Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher Today, we officially enter the period of Holy and Great Lent. In the Lenten vespers of Forgiveness chanted last night we heard the sacred hymnographer urging us to “begin the time of fasting with joy, submitting ourselves to spiritual struggle” in preparing to welcome the great Passion and joyful Resurrection of our divinehuman Lord.

Bruce St

St. Spyridon College Infants Campus

Day Lane

D o r a n

† St. Spyridon College Primary Campus

The preparation for Great Lent however begins soon after the feast of the Theophany of the Lord corresponding to its historical commemoration that soon after His baptism, Jesus Christ left for the desert for a fast, in commemoration of which the Holy Forty Day Fast was established. Beginning with the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, the preparation for Great Lent comes to an end with Cheesefare Sunday.


The Holy Church for a long time begins to prepare the faithful for Great Lent as a redemptive time for a general spiritual cleansing and sanctification. This cleansing and sanctification are possible only under the condition of the complete remission of sins, the complete change of a life view in ideas, feelings and actions, a complete renewal and spiritual revival. However, such revival requires the sustained, serious, painful and even tenacious spiritual struggle– for


Doncaster Ave

Drawing not to scale


and spiritual. Let us allow ourselves to take advantage of the spiritual riches of the Church. Let us use the precious gifts given to us by Christ and His Church: through its sacramental life and through its celebrations of the central mysteries of our salvation in Christ. Let us use our spiritual weapons now during Lent: namely faith, repentance, abstinence from sin, prayer, fasting, Christian charity and finally love for our fellow human being. By using these spiritual weapons, the Church guarantees us (as it is written in the prayer of the Pre-sanctified Divine Liturgy) that we will be able: “to fight the good fight, to walk the way of fasting, to crush the heads of the invisible dragons, to prove ourselves victorious over sin, and without condemnation to reach our goal of worshipping the Holy Resurrection.”

even Christ teaches us that: “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life” (Matthew 7: 14). It is for this reason that many of the Fathers of the Church, and amongst them, St Basil the Great, teaches us that fasting is not merely about abstaining from food alone: it is, first of all, abstaining from sin - the complete change of a life view in ideas, feelings and actions, the complete renewal and spiritual revival. Grounded in scripture and in the teachings of the Fathers, the Church in its hymnology describes fasting as the mother of chastity and prudence, as the accuser of sin and as the advocate of repentance – the life worthy of angels and the salvation of humans! Besides this, the determination for such a spiritual struggle and its persistence also depends on us, but it depends more on the mercy of God, who revives it in the heart and is accomplished by His all-acting grace.

I wish everyone, both a safe and blessed Holy and Great Lent 2012! Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Therefore we should pray with diligence, so that the Lord will send us to the door of repentance, to break the hardness of our hearts and to stir up grief about our sins, without which there cannot be true repentance; to inflame our heart with love for Him, without Whom even the most sincere repentance would not be strong enough; to enliven and give wing to our spirit with hope.



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε µερικές εργασίες της περυσινής χρονιάς από τους µαθητές που τότε ήταν στην Β΄Λυκείου και τώρα στην Γ΄Λυκείου. Οι εργασίες αυτές παρουσιάστηκαν ως προετοιµασµένες οµιλίες (pre-prepared speeches) ως µέρος των προφορικών της τάξης αυτής. Καλή ανάγνωση!

That is why the Holy Church prepares us beforehand for our entrance into the sacred and redemptive days of lent and repentance, and beforehand makes an effort to remove everything that interferes with our coming to true repentance, and beforehand makes an effort to teach us that the sincere spirit of humility and contrition to be acquired is required from us. In preparing the faithful for Lent, the Holy Church in its services, according to its own expression, acts as the commander who with timely and wise words encourages the warriors before doing battle with the enemy.

Topic: Try to convince your friend’s parents, who look for a new place, to move to your neighbourhood. Κύριε Βενέτη, Τις προάλλες, άκουσα από το γιο σας, που είναι συµµαθητής µου και πολύ στενός µου φίλος, ότι έχετε ήδη αποφασίσει να πουλήσετε το σπίτι σας για να αγοράσετε ένα µεγαλύτερο.

Therefore in its preparatory services it does not forget to tell everything that may position the faithful for fasting and repentance. In its sacred commemorations it returns to the first days of the world and humankind, to the blessed condition of the forefathers and their fall, to show the beginning of sin and to awaken in us contrition for our sins, and to the time of the coming on earth of the Son of God for the salvation of humankind in order to turn us to God. In total, it is most appropriate to prepare for this celebration through a liberating fast, both material

Όπως καταλαβαίνω, θα πρέπει από τώρα κιόλας να έχετε αρχίσει να κάνετε σχέδια και έρευνες για την τοποθεσία της καινούριας σας κατοικίας. Σκέφτηκα, λοιπόν κι εγώ και πήρα το θάρρος, σαν κολλητός του γιου σας, να σας προτείνω την περιοχή που µένουµε εµείς εδώ στο Sutherland Shire. Ο λόγος, για τον οποίο σας κάνω αυτή την πρόταση, είναι επειδή πιστεύω ότι η περιοχή αυτή


παρουσιάζει πάρα πολλά πλεονεκτήµατα σε σχέση µε άλλες περιοχές που βρίσκονται κοντά στο κέντρο.

1. Describe to a friend your feelings for the end of your school years. (What you will remember, what you want to forget, how you feel and why?)

Το πρώτο πράγµα που συναντάει κανείς όταν µπαίνει στην περιοχή είναι η απλοχωριά και ο καθαρός αέρας. Έχουµε µεγάλους ευρύχωρους δρόµους που οι περισσότεροι είναι και δεντροφυτεµένοι. Τα σπίτια είναι κτισµένα σε µεγάλα οικόπεδα οπότε όχι µόνο βρίσκονται σε κάποια απόσταση από τον δρόµο, πράγµα που δεν συµβαίνει σ’ άλλες περιοχές, αλλά έχουν και το περιθώριο να διαθέτουν µεγάλες αυλές. Το αποτέλεσµα είναι να υπάρχει αρκετός χώρος για παιχνίδι στο γρασίδι και κήπος για λουλούδια και λαχανικά και δέντρα, συνθήκες ιδανικές για το µεγάλωµα παιδιών.

Αγαπητέ φίλε Κώστα, έχουµε φτάσει στο τέλος της σχολικής µας καριέρας και µου φαίνεται σαν να ήταν χτες που πρωτοµπήκαµε στο σχολείο νέοι, ανώριµοι, σαν άσπρο καναβάτσο, διψασµένοι για γνώση και πράγµατα και τώρα έχουµε µεταµορφωθεί και φεύγουµε από το σχολείο ως ώριµα, εξελιγµένα και µορφωµένα µέλη της κοινωνίας. Το σχολείο µας βοήθησε ν’ αναπτύξουµε ζήλο για τη µάθηση κι έτσι καταφέραµε να προχωρήσουµε αποκτώντας γνώσεις και ικανότητες και σε λίγο θα είµαστε ισότιµα µέλη του εργατικού δυναµικού της κοινωνίας µας.

Φυσικά, στην περιοχή µας υπάρχουν και τα µεγάλα πάρκα όπου µαζεύονται οι οικογένειες για εκδροµές και άλλες ψυχαγωγικές δραστηριότητες.

Για όλ’ αυτά, υπάρχουν πολλοί άνθρωποι που πρέπει να τους ευχαριστήσουµε. Πρέπει να δείξουµε την εκτίµησή µας και την ευγνωµοσύνη µας στους δασκάλους και τους καθηγητές µας που µας έδειξαν «το φως» στους σηµερινούς, σκοτεινούς καιρούς µας και µας έκαναν να γελούµε σε στιγµές που το χρειαζόµασταν για να ξεφύγουµε από το στρες. Θυµάσαι όταν ο κύριος Βεσάλας µας τραγουδούσε στο δρόµο που πηγαίναµε για το ποδοσφαιρικό τουρνουά; Είναι στιγµές σαν κι αυτή που θα µείνουν στη µνήµη µας πάντοτε..

Επιπλέον, η περιοχή µας περιζώνεται από άφθονο νερό, έχουµε ποτάµια, κόλπους, όµορφες παραλίες παντού, που προσφέρονται για κολύµπι, θαλάσσιο σκι, σέρφινγκ, βαρκάδα, ψάρεµα και περιπάτους. Με λίγα λόγια, η περιοχή µας είναι προικισµένη µ’ ένα όµορφο, φυσικό περιβάλλον, που κάνει τους κατοίκους να αισθάνονται άνετα και χαρούµενα. Οι άνθρωποι που µένουν εδώ είναι καταδεχτικοί και φιλικοί µε όλους και προπάντων µε τους νεοφερµένους. Σπάνια ακούγονται στις ειδήσεις κρούσµατα βίας ή ληστείας οπότε η περιοχή µας είναι αρκετά ασφαλής, ειρηνική και ήσυχη.

Υπάρχουν επίσης διάφορα περιστατικά που θα µείνουν στο µυαλό µας για πάντα. Όπως όταν ο κύριος Καλδής προπονούσε την ποδοσφαιρική µας οµάδα. Κερδίσαµε το τουρνουά των Ορθοδόξων Κολλεγίων κι ήταν ένα εξαιρετικό γεγονός για το σχολείο και για όλους τους ποδοσφαιριστές της οµάδας µας.

Τέλος, η υποδοµή της περιοχής, καθόλου δεν υστερεί από άλλων περιοχών µια κι έχει µεγάλα εµπορικά κέντρα όπως το Westfield και µικροµάγαζα µε ποικιλία προϊόντων καθώς επίσης και µεγάλα νοσοκοµεία, ιατρικά κέντρα, πανεπιστήµιο, βιβλιοθήκες, σχολεία και διάφορες κρατικές υπηρεσίες. Η δε ∆ηµαρχία της περιοχής διοργανώνει πάντα ποικίλες εκδηλώσεις, σ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου για την ψυχαγωγία των κατοίκων.

Είναι αλήθεια πως υπάρχουν και κάποιες στιγµές που θα ήθελα να ξεχάσω όπως όταν στραµπούληξα τον αστράγαλό µου και δεν µπορούσα να παίξω στο κρατικό, ποδοσφαιρικό πρωτάθληµα µε την αγαπηµένη µου σχολική οµάδα. Τέτοιες δυσάρεστες στιγµές µε πόνεσαν και µ’ έκαναν να µεγαλώσω σαν άτοµο και να µην κάνω το ίδιο λάθος δυο φορές, δηλαδή, µε βοήθησαν να ωριµάσω.

Είµαι λοιπόν σίγουρος, κύριε Βενέτη, ότι αν τελικά διαλέξετε την περιοχή µας, δεν θα το µετανοιώσετε καθόλου!

Όλη η σχολική µας ζωή ήταν γεµάτη µε ωραίες αλλά και µε δύσκολες στιγµές που όµως δεν θα την άλλαζα µε τίποτε στον κόσµο. Τώρα που φεύγουµε από το σχολείο λυπάµαι αντί να χαίροµαι. Λυπάµαι γιατί είναι σαν να αφήνω την οικογένειά µου, που ζήσαµε µαζί πάνω από δώδεκα χρόνια για να βγω και ν’ αντιµετωπίσω το

Andreas Nicholson 12GK


TAX FILE NUMBERS (TFN) I am running this program only once this year in Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 1 so that students can apply for their Tax File Numbers via the school. Students in Year 7 and 8 can apply for a TFN even if they are too young to work now. They will need these for part time employment, deferring HECS fees at university and in the future when they begin fulltime work. Students will need to complete some forms with their personal details including their birth certificate details. Please talk to your parents if you think that you may need your TFN at some time in the future. See Mrs Skerman as soon as possible to collect all the information. All completed Application Forms and Consent Forms need to be returned by Monday 12th March. No Forms can be accepted after this date.

«άγριο» περιβάλλον της σηµερινής κοινωνίας. Αισθάνοµαι όµως ότι την ίδια στιγµή είναι και η µεγάλη µου ευκαιρία να αποδείξω ότι είµαι ικανός πια ν’ αντιµετωπίσω τη ζωή µόνος µου µε θάρρος. ∆εν υπάρχει πια κανένας να µου κρατά το χέρι. Θέλω να είµαι υπεύθυνος για τις πράξεις µου. Τέλος, οµολογώ πώς όλοι εκείνοι που έπαιξαν ένα ρόλο στη σχολική µου ζωή, θα µου λείψουν πολύ. Ευχαριστώ δε όλους εκείνους που ήταν συνταξιδιώτες µου σ’ αυτό το σχολικό ταξίδι για τις όµορφες στιγµές που περάσαµε µαζί και τις εµπειρίες που ζήσαµε. Ιδιαίτερα εσένα Κώστα, σ’ ευχαριστώ που ήσουνα πάντα πλάι µου σαν αδελφός. Λοιπόν, πολλά είπα, αλλά προτού τελειώσω να σου θυµήσω κι αυτό: Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος έλεγε «Στον πατέρα µου χρωστώ το ζειν αλλά στο δάσκαλό µου το ευ ζειν». Έτσι κι εµείς δεν πρέπει να ξεχάσουµε ποτέ τους δάσκαλούς µας. Πάµε τώρα, βγαίνουµε τελευταία φορά από αυτή την αυλόπορτα!

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser



Leonidas Andreou 12GK

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” SJ Harris




Year 12 students have settled back into their final year of schooling. Many of the students have already seen me to talk about what courses they may consider doing next year. They will need to continue their careers research throughout the year so that they will know which courses at which institutions will suit them best next year. The SSC Careers Website has been devised so that the research process via the net is made easier for the students. It can be located on the school website on the top banner under ‘Elevation and Careers’. “Careers” will then appear on the left hand side banner. Click this to see the drop down menu. This allows students and parents easy access to hundreds of websites and information on careers. My suggestion for students is to start this process early while there are not so many pressures of assessments and exams. Read about courses and institutions as much as possible. Keep all the information, your ratings of the course and your feelings about them in one location so that you have easy access to it at a later date. I will need to see all students at least once this term to review their research and choices at this point of time. Enjoy this special year at school.

Last week 12 Year 8 students including two 2011 SRC’s, Aaron-Paul Kostantakis and Michael Hatzon travelled to the Bilpin Fruit Bowl, a farm set on 55 acres with 12,000 apple and peach trees, to pick the apples from the tree the SRC adopted last year. Even though it took us 2 hours of travel each way to get to our destination, we all very much enjoyed the experience. Altogether, approximately 80kgs of perfect, unmarked crunchy red Royal Gala apples were collected. These are now available for free to all students from the canteen each recess and lunchtime. Adopting an apple tree may seem like a strange initiative on the surface, however it has served several purposes. Firstly, the apples provide a great example of a healthy snack alternative to our students; students have the opportunity to see the natural environment in which some of our food sources are grown; they learn of the difficulties faced by farmers in sustaining their livelihoods, not only as a result of threats from nature, but also of competition with overseas providers, who flood our markets with cheaper and often inferior fruit causing lower prices to be paid to farmers


for each kilo of produce (often as little as 50c a kilo!!!) It is the vision of the Tadrosse family, owners of the Bilpin Fruit Bowl, and the first farm in Australia to pioneer the concept of adopting a fruit tree, to have the majority of their trees ‘adopted’ out. By doing this both farmers and consumers win. All who adopt a tree for a fee, (that covers the cost of looking after it), are given the option to pick and keep all the apples produced (approx. 60kg per tree), or donate the proceeds from the sale of the apples at market to the Cancer Research Unit of the Children’s Hospital Westmead.


The quality of the fruit is exceptional, and they are home grown Australian! Teaching our students to be responsible and informed consumers and citizens is important to the well-being of our environment and community. Young people are our future and tomorrow’s leaders’, thus by making them aware of a variety of issues affecting our world both local and global, we assist in creating a better world for all.

As students are spending more and more time engaged in a variety of online activities, it is becoming increasingly more important to keep them safe through constant reminders relating to responsible internet use. All parents should spend some time talking with their children about their online activities and the safety measures that should be used. Below is a list of some useful cybersafety tips parents may find useful. 1-Reinforce the public nature of the Internet and let your adolescent know you will supervise online activity. 2-Adolescents are more likely follow the rules when you let them know you will be monitoring them. 3-Limit the amount of time spent online 4-Use filtering software 5-Monitor increased independence. Even though adolescents may appear as though they can “handle” certain situations, they actually require and unconsciously seek adult guidance and supervision 6-Explain where it is appropriate for your adolescent to have privacy: confiding in close friends face-to-face, writing in a paper journal, in his/her bedroom, etc. 7-Reinforce that there is no privacy on the Internet 8-Know their passwords, screen names, and the friends they are communicating with online 9-Monitor the use of webcams and mobile phones, as well as the posting and exchanging pictures/video online 10-Explain that once a picture is sent online they lose control of what is done with it (it may never be completely removed from the Internet) 11-Teach them that it is illegal for people to manufacture, possess or distribute naked or sexually explicit pictures of children under 18 years of age. Explain that they need to tell a

If any family would like more information about adopting a tree go to


must record their Medicare Number (including the 10 digits) on the consent form.

trusted adult if they are presented with this situation 12-Teach them that it is illegal for adults to offer them gifts or money in exchange for sexual activity 13-Discuss dignity and self-respect and how it can be preserved or destroyed by messages sent online and offline 14-Discuss the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships 15-Explain that they should never meet in person someone they first meet online without a parent or guardian 16-Discuss online and offline high-risk behaviour and create “what if” scenarios together to help your adolescent recognize dangerous situations and practice responses 17-Encourage open communication and be aware of your adolescent’s sensitivity to social judgment. S/he may be hesitant to share personal experiences 18- Monitor and verify any job offers made, and accompany the youth to interviews

A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student once vaccinations have been conducted. Parents should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination. It is also recommended that your GP be informed so that they can update your child’s record. If your child misses a dose of the vaccine at school, provided a consent form has been returned, they will be able to catch up at the next scheduled vaccination clinic at school. The first round of vaccination will be held at school on Friday 16th March, 2012.

SRC SPEECH PRESENTATIONS AND VOTING This week students from Year 7 to Year 11 presented speeches in front of their Home Room class outlining why they should be voted in as their class Student Council Representative. Successful students will be announced at assembly in Week 6 and will be formally presented with their badges at the annual Scholarship and Leadership Assembly to be held on Wednesday 14th March. The first SRC meeting for the year is scheduled for Tuesday 20th March at lunch in the Lecture Theatre.

2012 SCHOOL IMMUNIZATIONS Each year NSW Public Health Units offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council for adolescents as part of the school-based program. In 2012 the following vaccines will be offered: Hepatitis B will be offered in a catch –up program for all Year 7 students who have not already been vaccinated with 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine when they were a baby/younger child.

YEAR 7 & 8 CAMP In Week 3 the annual Outdoor Education camp program for Year 7 and their Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, as well as Year 8 was held at the Gosford Centre at Mangrove Mountain. Students participated in a variety of activities that tested their resolve. There were a few tears caused by a fear of heights and unfamiliar surroundings, however through the encouragement provided by Year 10 Peer Support Leaders , teachers and camp activity personnel, the challenges were overcome!! Well done to everyone for your efforts and thank you to all staff who attended: Year 7 Home Room teachers: Ms Davis, Ms Firulovic, Ms Kladakis, and Mr Condous (our resident photographer), Year 8 Adviser Ms Gambriell, Year 8 Home Room Teacher Mr Zafiropoulos, and Mr Sobolevski.

Varicella (chickenpox) vaccines will be offered in a catch-up program for all Year 7students who have not already been vaccinated or had chickenpox disease. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be offered to all Year 7 girls as a 3-dose course. Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (Whooping Cough) will be offered to all Year 7 & Year 10 students. Parent information Kits have been sent home to parents. To consent to the vaccination of your child, parents are advised to read all the information provided, complete the consent form, and return it to school as soon as possible. Parents who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so in writing to the school Principal. Please note that for HPV only, parents






JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT On Friday 24th February the Junior School Swimming Carnival took place at Des Renford Aquatic centre. Thankfully Mother Nature was good to us after all the rain we have had, and it was a beautiful summer’s day! At 8:30am the pool gates opened and the stands began to fill up with bright coloured children, covered in zinc and streamers. The house captains began to lead their groups with lots of fun cheers and songs which set the mood for this exciting day. Once all the students arrived, Mr Arnott announced the first race and the marshallers got the 12 year old boys in their positions for their 50m freestyle race. It was a great start to the day with our first broken record in that first race by Nicholas Frazis. Well done Nicholas! That wasn’t the only record that was broken by Nicholas; in fact all the records broken in this carnival were by Nicholas! The 50m Freestyle, the 50m backstroke, the 50m butterfly and the Open boys 200m freestyle! The day was a success! Congratulations to the Olympians who were the winning team, although everyone did really well. Huge determination was shown by the twin brothers Christo and Gianni Keramitzis. This was their first carnival but they were brave enough to compete in the 200m races and they successfully finished. They just would not give up! A special thank you to all the volunteers and helpers that made this day possible. Firstly, I would like to thank Mr Volas for his assistance in the organising and the running of this event. To all the parents: our Head Chief Judge, Mrs Frazis and proud mother of her two boys Nicholas and Jordan who came first in all their races, to the Starters - Mr Contominas and Mr Tsimboukis, our Marshallers - Mrs Georges, Mrs Kounnas, Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Fatouros and to our Time Keepers and Judges - Mrs Adam, Mrs Albanakis, Mrs Drakoulis, Mrs Zois, Mrs Karagiannis and Mrs Giavis. Also to the Year 10 students from the Senior School who came to help with the running of the day. Christina Andrew, Yianna Criticos, Andriane Efstratiou, Luka Kasalovic, Dylan Kontos, Natalie Michos, Anthony Vasili, Nikolas Baratsas, Nicola Demetri, Cassandra Georgiou,

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


Dane Ivanovic, Nansia Koukounaris, Evelyn Tzivakis and Aiden Xydis. They did a great job, and hard work throughout the day, not to mention their lovely manners. A big ‘thank you’ to Mrs Giaras and Mrs O’Reilly for preparing the lunches for the teachers and helpers. And last but not least, thank you to all the teachers who were present on the day and helped out. 12 years: Nicholas Frazis and Sophia Micos. Broken records: EVENT




12 years Boys 50m Freestyle 12 years Boys 50m Backstroke 12 years Boys 50m Butterfly Open Boys 200m Freestyle

Nicholas Frazis Nicholas Frazis



Nicholas Frazis



Nicholas Frazis



Other Sporting news:

FUTSAL Congratulations to those who made the futsal teams. We are entering a 10 year old and 12 year old Boys teams, and Girls this year we are entering a 10 year olds and 12 year old Girls teams as well. A third mixed team who will play in the 12 year olds tournament. This is the first year that we are taking more than one team. This will be a great experience. All teams will be playing in the Sutherland region tournament in June. A special thanks to our coaches Mr Nissirios and Mr Tsekenes who ran the trials for the boys’ teams and who will be their coach and to Mr Meintanis from the Senior School who ran the trials for the girls and who will be coaching the teams with me.

Overall Scores: PLACE 1 2 3 4

HOUSE Olympians Corinthians Delphians Nemeans

POINTS 328 303 270 268

ASISSA Basketball Last Thursday some Year 6 students tried out for the ASISSA basketball team. Congratulations to James Karayiannis, Christopher Kumar and Alexandros Gousetis who made it through to the next round. These students along with Sophia Micos from Year 6, will be going to the CIS trials this Friday. Good luck to these students. Information regarding the ASISSA Swimming Carnival will be available shortly. The students selected to attend will be announced in next Wednesday’s assembly. Miss C. Theodossiou Sports Convenor


Delphians: Joanna Karageorgis & Daniel Daneshzand

BASKETBALL SEMI FINALS The 2011/12 basketball season so far has many exciting moments. Excellence has always been at the forefront whenever students are involved in representing the College. Of the three teams representing the College in the ISA boys basketball, ALL 3 HAVE PROGRESSED TO THE SEMI FINALS – 13’s, 14’s and Opens.

Secondly, participation was outstanding with the carnival running over time due to the number of swimmers competing and the highest total points achieved. Well done to all students who competed, your participation contributed to your team’s final result.

The boys exhibited not only good sportsmanship on and off the court but endeared themselves to the many people who watched them play. So far this season that has particularly been memorable for me as a sports master was the resilient attitude and pride they adopted the moment they ran onto the basketball courts for their College.

Thankyou to all staff who assisted on the day your contribution was vital in the success of the carnival.

Firsts Bus -

Middle School 1st Place Nemeans 2nd Place Delphians 3rd Place Olympians 4th Place Corinthians

14’s Bus


13A’s Bus -

Congratulations to Nemeans the champion house who not only achieved brilliant participation in the pool but also showed admirable House spirit.

5.00pm leaving Church at 3.30pm, Brighton 3.15pm. Arrive back at Church 7.00pm 12.00pm leaving Church at 8.30am, Brighton at 8.15am. Arrive back at Church 2.00pm 10.00am leaving Church at 8.30am, Brighton at 8.15am. Arrive back at 2.00pm

Upper School 1st Place Nemeans 2nd Place Corintheans 3rd Place Olympians 4th Place Delphians Congratulations to the Champion of Champions Theodore Kipriotis and Maria Mio who despite a recent knee surgery still competed well. Also to the students who broke many school records:

All games will be played at St Pius X College – Dreadnought Road, Oxford Falls. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport

Anastasia Barton: 14yrs 25m Butterfly 17.33 Peter Kolistasis Open Boys 25m Freestyle 11.21 Niko Fotopoulos: 16yrs 25m Freestyle: 11.91 16yrs 50m Freestyle: 26.14 16yrs 100m Freestyle: 59.20 16yrs 25m Butterfly: 12.23 16yrs 50m Butterfly: 29.20

SWIMMING CARNIVAL The annual St Spyridon Swimming Carnival was held on Thursday 23rd February at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. House Spirit and Participation were the focus areas this year and both succeeded beyond expectations. Firstly, the enthusiasm of students to cheer on their team was outstanding. House Spirit was evident more than ever before which was successfully lead by the Yr 11 House Captains:

Theodore Kipriotis: Opens Boys 25m Butterfly: 12.75 Opens Boys 100m Freestyle: 57.57

Nemeans: Christopher Kolistasis & Stephanie Pizanis Corinthians: Beatrice Plyuschaeva & Petros Stefadouros Olmpians: Lantou Georgou & Niko Fotopoulos


ISA SWIMMING SQUAD 2012 Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to represent St Spyridon College at the ISA Swimming Carnival to be held Friday 16th March 2012 at Hombush Aquatic Centre from 3.00pm-10.30pm. Students have already participated in their first training session this week. Further information will be delivered to all participants shortly. Good luck to all participants on the day Nicole Adam Lia Albanakis Leonidas Andrew Kosta Baratsas Brannon Bergaman Anastasia Barton Eve Barton Alexander P Cardamis Alexander Cardarmis Michael Constantopedos Peter Contiminas George Contiminas Erin Criticos Yianna Criticos Phoebe Dalakiaris Demi Flokis Niko Fotopoulos Harris Fotopoulos Cassie Georgiou Elias Hatzon George Karapanayiotidis Emmanual Kapodistrias Antonia Katerinis Panayioti Kapodistrias Keira Kipriotis Theodore Kipriotis Peter Kolistasis Irene Koukounaris George Malomitis Natalie Michos Maria Mio Stephanie Mio Lena Nesterenko Adonis Tsoustas Sebastian Zois

CONGRATULATIONS…….. Girls have three teams that will be competing in the ISA Semi Finals this weekend at Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre. Good luck to the following teams and coaches: Junior C’s : Year 8 Girls and Miss Savva Intermediate B’s: Year 10 Girls and Miss Kladakis Open B’s- Year 10 and Year 12 girls who are currently undefeated Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport


Prefect Page Stephanie Satouris Advanced English, Advanced Maths, Extension Maths, Ancient History, Extension History, Biology, Business Studies. Hobbies and Interests: Netball, Basketball, Greek dancing, music. Favourite Quotes: “Fear Not, Believe Only”- Luke 8:50, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”- Aristotle Future Aspirations: To study at University and achieve success in everything I do. Where I would like to be in 10 years time: Working possibly as a teacher or lawyer. Role models: My mother, Delta Goodrem. Name: Subjects studying:

Erin Criticos English advanced, Maths advanced, Extension History, Modern History, Ancient History, Food Technology, PDHPE. Hobbies and interests: I enjoy playing team sports like basketball and netball. In my spare time I love going shopping and going out with my friends. Favourite Quote: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein Future Aspirations: I hope I have the opportunity to travel to different parts of Europe, America and Africa. Where I would like to be in 10 years time? In the future I would liked to be finished university and working as a teacher. I would also like to be married. Who are your role models? My role models are Cathy Freeman and Grant Hackett Name: Subjects Studying:

PREFECTS LUNCH Last Wednesday, 22nd February, our Head of College and Principal Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. We would like to thank Mrs Lambi for her support and expertise for all such occasions.



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