St Spyridon News 87

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VOLUME XXIX No 6 27th April, 2012



MAY K2013 Parent Information Morning JS 9am11.00am Church Hall Cross Country Trials



Year 6 Placement Test National Schools Event Adelaide

2nd nd





Starlight Day JS in Church Hall 1.45-3.00pm


Uniform Change


School Photographs JS


Leadership Afternoon Yr 6 & Yr 12 as SS


ACER SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Scholarships Years 11 and 12 2013-2014 Congratulations to Lena Nesterenko and Panayioti Kapodistrias who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Year 11 and 12, on the basis of the ACER Examinations.




Mothers Day


Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12





Half Yearly Exam Week JS


Greek Play 7 p.m.


Greek Play 4pm



Divine Liturgy K-12

NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9





Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Open Information Morning & Tours 9.30am – 11.00am


HSC and Careers Expo Year 12


Scholarship Year 7, 2013 – Year 10, 2016 Congratulations to Nicholas Lambros who has been granted the 2013 four year scholarship at St Spyridon College on the basis of the ACER Examinations


Musical - A Time to Shine 7pm


Musical - A Time to Shine 5pm


School Photographs SS Anti-bullying Show: Power of One JS


Athletics Carnival SS ICAS Science Comp JS Futsal Championship JS Parish Trip to Greece departs Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday – School closed Peer Support Training JS SPACe Junior School Athletics Carnival

6th th


11th 12th – 13th

The Scholarships are based on the results of ACER scholarship exams held on 25th February, 2012. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students. We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag







grave of Joseph of Arimathea would not be a permanent dwelling place of the Author of Life.


This very reality was proclaimed by the angel to the Myrrh-bearers whose words are still powerful and striking to this very day: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; for He has risen as He said” (Lk 24:5-7).This same Jesus “showed Himself alive ... by many infallible proofs”(Act 1:3):appearing to His disciples, eating with them, walking with them, and teaching them. They felt His presence so vibrantly that their hearts were set aflame. In turn, the Apostles, as eyewitnesses of the resurrection, presented themselves to the world, not as interpreters of how Christ rose from the dead, but as preachers of the fact that He did rise causing those who would subsequently believe in Him to live the resurrection on a daily basis. As a result, the Church herself is a living testimony and witness to the authenticity of Christ’s resurrection and invites its members to participate in this Paschal mystery not annually but frequently. The question is: how?

Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις µνήµασι ζωήν χαρισάµενος. Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.

PASCHAL HOMILY 2012 Christ is Risen Christos Anesti With hearts and faces of radiant joy, we celebrate again this year the Divine Resurrection — the greatest miracle of our faith, and the greatest event in all of history. The entire order of creation stands in fear and awe, amazed in the presence of the great and unspeakable Mystery of the sacred Passion and the glorious Resurrection of Christ the God-Man, and asks: “How is it possible that the source of Life can die? How can a grave become the dwelling place of He Who said: “I am … the Resurrection and the life” (John 14:6).

An answer to this question perhaps lies in the resurrection account given by St. Luke the Evangelist: The Road to Emmaus account. The Gospel of Luke 24:13-32 describes that two disciples, Cleopas and Luke were travelling several miles from Jerusalem where they met the Messiah. They did not recognize the risen Lord, (for their eyes were restrained-for Christ appeared to them in His resurrected state), and they discussed their sadness at the recent events regarding the Messiah’s crucifixion.

The Resurrection of Christ is one of the most central aspects of our Faith. In three of the New Testament Gospels, an event is described in which Jesus Himself was challenged by the leading Sadducees, who rejected belief in the Resurrection of the dead. Jesus countered their denials with an affirmation of its existence. Elsewhere he declared: “I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he dies, he shall have everlasting life” (John 11:25).

They persuaded Him to come and eat with them, and in the course of that meal they recognized Him when the Lord broke bread with them in the same manner as He had broken it at the Last Supper (Lk 22:19), imaging the Eucharist of the New Testament Church. Therefore, what is being suggested is that, as Orthodox Christians, the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ is not some abstract or random event that occurred two thousand years ago or one that is merely commemorated annually. We live the resurrection frequently.

This was ultimately manifested on the third day, where after His crucifixion and death, Jesus Christ Himself became the conqueror over death, sin, and evil, by conquering all of these things through His Resurrection – a death that was not only anticipated but one that He freely accepted. St Gregory of Nyssa, highlighting the sacramental character of the Passion of the God-Man, tells us that Christ did not wait to be forced by Judas’ betrayal and the wickedness of the mob to suffer Passion, but that: “He anticipated this Will of evil, and before being forced, gave Himself freely on the eve of the Passion, by giving His flesh and blood at the Last Supper to His disciples and the Church with the words: Take eat this is my body...Take drink this is my blood.” Nevertheless, with the resurrection of Christ, we know that the

All who commune with the Lord in His risen Body in faith have their eyes opened just as the two disciples had their eyes opened (Lk24: 31) to know Him and to become one with Him: for the crucified and Risen Lord is known most perfectly in the breaking of the bread or in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (Lk 24:35). Hence, in the


crucified, resurrected and glorified body of the Saviour, human nature in its entirety was renewed and liberated from death and corruption; and just as Christ became a human, so we, as children of the Lord, are made holy and are deified by the crucified and risen Lord by consuming His flesh and blood – the very flesh and blood of God Himself. This is the highest goal of humanity: unity with God. In this manner, Jesus’ words ultimately find fulfilment: “and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Χριστός Ανέστη A warm welcome back to all our staff, students and parents. We hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the challenges of Term Two.

EASTER FOCUS ASSEMBLY Congratulations to all staff and students for a wonderful Easter Focus Assembly last term. It was a very memorable event with every child participating in either English or Greek. Parents and visitors were delighted and moved with all classes’ wonderful presentations. Thank you to all staff and students for such a moving and special assembly. The traditional items were prepared by the students, red eggs, koulourakia and this year flaounes.


JUNIOR SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos have been scheduled to take place on Tuesday 8th May 2012. Every student from Kindergarten to Year 6 should have received an Order Envelope and Package selection form last term. Please read carefully the instructions on the envelope on “How to order”. All envelopes with payment are to be handed to your child’s class roll teacher by Friday 4th May at the latest. The photographers will not accept any late orders. Junior School Classes, Individual and Family Photos will be taken on this day. All children must be in full school winter uniform. They must have their blazer and girls are to wear navy tights, not white socks. All students to be neatly groomed, girls’ hair must be tied back and boys’ hair to be cut so that it is off their faces and above their collar. Please make sure that blazers have buttons and shoes are polished.

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL K – 6 CHANGE OF DATE THURSDAY 14 JUNE 2012 St Spyridon College – Junior School Annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 14th June 2012 at E.S. MARKS ATHLETICS FIELD. More details to follow.

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Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School


What is Starlight? A program to support children and their families cope with Cancer. The ultimate goal of fundraising is to enable each and every child to have access to Starlight programs.


Starlight programs are integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while the doctors treat the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child – giving them the opportunity to laugh and play and be a child again. What is the aim of Starlight Day? Starlight Day is Starlight's biggest annual fundraising event. During the month of May we hope to raise much needed funds to bring together and support back into the lives of seriously ill children and their families. This Starlight Day the Foundation has a big target of $2 million and with your help we know we can do it. When is it? Friday, 4th May. When will we have it at the Junior School? On Friday, May 4th (Friday, Week 2) St. Spyridon will host the following: Please wear purple and gold clothing on the day. Star Party (from lunchtime onwards)Entry will be gold coin donation. Parents are also welcome to donate Colouring Competition (at the Star Party) to raise money for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. What will the Year 6 leadership plan? Party invitations with donation outline (students, teachers and parents/grandparents) Party activities Party entry rules Party decorations Party music and sound system set up Advertise blog around school/ in newsletter Party computer set up for parent donations using online blog: celling Colouring Competitions, pencils, crayons. Speeches at the partywelcome, activities/games/music, “stars in our community” slideshow, thank you for coming. Can we buy Starlight Day Merchandise? Yes, but ask your parents first. Visit: What will the staff do to raise donations? Host a staff luncheon: Staff bring in a plate of food to share and donate what they can to participate in the luncheon. Join us online at our BLOG: celling



Χριστός Ανέστη

On Tuesday the 3rd of April, Year 11 Modern History students attended the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park.

GOOD FRIDAY Congratulations to the students of Year 10 who chanted the Engomia at St Spyridon Church on Good Friday evening. They were joined by students across the years including the Junior School. Thank you to Mr Picardi and Mr Boucas for preparing and Ms O’Shea for supporting the students.


During World War One, 330 000 Australians fought overseas. Australia’s casualties were amongst the highest of any nation that fought in World War One: 60 000 Australians died and 170 000 were wounded. Such was the enormity of Australian casualties, it was important that those who had offered themselves be honoured and the war not be forgotten.

Congratulations also to the Year 11 boys for carrying the Epitaphios. A wonderful, moving experience and blessing for all:

Students honoured the sacrifices made by the Australian servicemen and women by laying a wreath at the top of the ANZAC Memorial steps in Hyde Park. There were representatives from both Public and Independent schools at this event. It was very moving to witness the respect and honour shown for the fallen soldiers.

Michael Arfanis, Alexander Coplin, Louis Alexandrou, Alex Moraitis, John Kirkis, Valanti Toras, Nicholas Stasos, Dean Michos, Alex Spiropoulos, Sotiri Kastanas, Mathew Kambos, Theodore Kipriotis and Leonidas Andrew.

WINTER UNIFORM – 7th May, 2012 A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from school. On days students are allowed to come wearing sports uniform e.g. Thursday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit.

YEAR 12 As of Monday, 30th April, students will be able to view their personalised HSC timetable on Students Online. To access their timetable they all need their PIN Letter Package, distributed from the Board of Studies by their Year Adviser Ms Kalithrakas.

Ms E. Gambriell Year 8 Adviser History Teacher

YEAR 12 SAYS THANK YOU... to Mr and Mrs Bergmann, (parents of Brannon in Year 12), for their very generous gift of an “air conditioner” in the Year 12 Common Room.

YEAR 9 ST BASIL'S VISIT Year 9 went to St Basil's Home to visit and give Easter Cards which Year 7 prepared. It was an eye opener for all students especially for some girls who were very emotional.

Brannon’s parents were kind enough to donate the air conditioner and pay for the installation. On behalf of all of Year 12, we THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! A great addition to the Year 12 Common Room, in which current and future Year 12’s will appreciate and enjoy. Ms Kalithrakas Year 12 Adviser


Steven with his Grandfather

Mr A. Condous Year 9 Adviser Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder” Welcome back to Term 2 ! I hope everyone is well rested because looking at this terms calendar, it is going to be extremely busy. All students need


and almost everyone else has won at least one bronze (25 maples) or silver (50 maples) certificate. Well done everyone! We also saw 54 student’s from across the Middle School proving their love of school, and resistance to illness, by never missing a single day. It will be interesting to see who will be able to maintain this fantastic record.

to be clear on what they wish to achieve and how they plan to realise their goals. As the quote given above suggests, focus and direction is needed if objectives are to be reached. Work done this term will also help provide teachers, students and parents with a clearer idea of the efforts being made in the first semester. The Half Yearly reports issued at the end of Term 2 will show strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement, an assessment mark (summary of all work done), year group average and a place in the year.

Large chocolate Easter eggs were for the first time given out as an acknowledgement of the positive efforts of those students who did not receive any negative comments at all throughout the Term. This is quite a feat, considering it represents positive behaviour and attitude over approximately 50 school days, or 250 lessons!!! Keep up the great work!

For students to perform at their best, regular time needs to be set aside for Home Study each night. This time should be made up of the following: completing homework set by teachers that day, working consistently on assessment tasks, reading and highlighting keys point written in class for each subject, and if time permits, creating summary notes of these. For each year group in Middle School, the minimum recommended time for Home Study should be around 1.5-2hrs inYr 7, 2 – 2.5hrs in Yr 8, and 2.5 – 3hrs in Yr 9.

Congratulations to Year 7 SRC’s, George Dimas and Constantinos Kollias for the great job you did in hosting the first Middle School assembly for this year, and to all other SRC’s for your informative and entertaining Term in Review reports.

There has always been debate over the value of Home Study. Those against will often argue, that after students have been at school all day they deserve to rest. While this may be true to an extent, when the 7 or 8 hours gap between the end of school and bedtime are considered, it can also be said that doing school work during some of this time is not an unreasonable expectation. The supporters of Home Study as well as those who research its value, have proven that students who do regular Home Study develop valuable skills in the areas of time management and planning, while also practising how to prioritise. Additionally, students’ learning is deepened, recall is heightened, gaps are identified, and challenges set through extension activities. Parents are encouraged to have regular dialogue with their children about Home Study, be aware of what work has been set and completed, and have awareness of the assessment have been given each term and their due dates. From Term 2, an assessment calendar for Middle School students will be given to assist with management and planning.

Year 7 Gold Awards Winners


At the end of each term a Middle School Assembly to celebrate the accumulated achievements of students is held. I am very pleased to report that numerous students have already achieved Gold Awards for 100 maples,


Year 9 Gold Award Winners

Year 9 Pat on the Back Award

GIRLS NIGHT IN From 6pm Tuesday 24th April until 8am Wednesday 25th April, in the SPACe, all Year 12 female students along with a number of female teachers, took part in a sleep in, called ‘GIRLS NIGHT IN’ . This event was hosted on behalf of the Cancer Council with the aim of raising money for women’s cancer research, prevention programs and support services. ‘Girls Night In’ gave everyone a chance to have some fun, share in laughter, talk about everything …and nothing, get to see each other in a different light (especially teachers), and also learn a little more about cancers that affect women, some of the early symptoms, and steps to lower ones risk. All participants contributed a sum of money in order to participate, resulting in a very healthy $1395 being collected for this worthy cause. Thank you and well done to Year 12 Prefects, Despina Carpis and Sarah Hatzon, for assisting with the promotion and coordination of this event, and to all other Year 12 students and staff members for all your input.

Stanley Condous Year 7 receiving his Principal’s Award

Year 7 Pat on the Back Award

Year 8 Pat on the Back Award


as care packages ready to be delivered to members of the community who struggle to make ends meet. We are very proud to be involved in this wonderful community service.


At the end of last term Year 9 organised an Easter Raffle in which a family pass to the Easter Show and 4 large chocolate egg and bunny baskets were offered as prizes. Congratulations to the following students who won these prizes: Michael Dimas, Sylvana Stavrou, Leah Balayannis, Theodore Kipriotis and Constantinos Kollias. Through this raffle $967 in tickets sales was collected. This money will be used to purchase much needed supplies for the Soup Kitchen in Newtown, which is run by Father Nectarios, of St Constantine and Helens Greek Orthodox Church. Father and his team of volunteers work tirelessly to raise funds in order to provide this invaluable service to the local community. Five days a week, throughout the year, hot meals are cooked on site and served each lunch time to anyone who chooses to walk in off the street. Every year since 2007, Year 9 students are given the opportunity to assist with serving this food and cleaning up afterwards at the Soup Kitchen. From Week 2, Year 9 2012, will begin their eye-opening community service duties. We look forward to reports of their experiences.

Senior School students across the school, led by Home Room SRC’s will begin their support of the Earth Hour Movement by going beyond the hour. From Week 3 until the end of the year, during every period 4, all non- essential lighting and appliances will be switched off. This act not only saves resources, but also serves as a reminder to students about wise practices that can be easily used in their own homes as well. Switching off electricity at the wall source not only saves dollars, it reduces resource consumption and the release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. MOBILE MUSTER >>>>>2011 Final Results For the first time at the end of last year our school participated in the National Mobile Muster Schools Recycling Challenge.

Thank you to all who sold, and purchased raffle tickets. Your contributions will be much appreciated by all those who rely on the soup kitchen.

Over 570 schools and 270,000 students participated in this event. We collected a total of 3.2 kgs and were ranked 141 out of 570 schools who participated. This year we aim to better last year’s result. Soon a collection box will be set up in the main entrance corridor. Students and staff will be encouraged to bring in as many old/damaged:- mobile phones, i-pods, phone accessories and phone batteries for the 2012 campaign. If we are able to collect 8 or more kilograms of these items this year, then the top 5 students in our school who bring in the most will be in the running to be rewarded with i-pods.

TIN CAN APPEAL Without the generosity of St Spyridon students and staff , the annual donation of hundreds of nonperishable food items for the Greek Welfare Centres’ Easter Appeal would not be possible. This year 10 large boxes were filled to capacity, and sent to the community collection centre at Marrickville Town Hall. There they were unpacked by volunteers, sorted, and re-assembled


More importantly, as a school community we have an opportunity here to once teach our students about recycling and its value to the environment and our world.

την πρωτοβουλία της να διοργανώσει τηλεδιάσκεψη σχετικά µε την γιορτή των ANTZACS και να µας καλέσει να πάρουµε µέρος σ’ αυτήν.

Nationwide, school students collected more than 5,500 mobile phone handsets, 7,600 batteries and 770kgs of accessories. The environmental benefits of the 2011 Schools Recycling Challenge was significant with 7.5kgs of heavy metals such as cadmium and lead being diverted from landfill and recovered for reuse, along with 15 tonnes less gold ore that will need to be mined. This was an excellent effort. The students of St Spyridon College Senior School should feel proud for having contributed to this!

Στην τηλεδιάσκεψη αυτή εκτός των συµµετεχόντων µαθητών του Γυµνασίου Λιβαδοχωρίου, παρευρέθησαν η εξοχωτάτη πρέσβειρα της Αυστραλίας στην Ελλάδα κυρία Jenny Bloomfield µετά του συζύγου της, άλλοι επίσηµοι και καθηγητές του εν λόγω σχολείου. Από µέρους µας, την τηλεδιάσκεψη παρακολούθησαν: ο Γενικός Πρόξενος της Ελλάδας στο Σύδνεϋ κύριος Βασίλειος Τόλιος, ο Ιερατικώς Προϊστάµενος της Ενορίας µας πατέρας Στυλιανός Σκούτας, ο Πρόεδρος της ενορίας µας κύριος Ηλίας Οικονόµου, η Γενική ∆ιευθύντρια του Κολλεγίου µας κυρία Ευφροσύνη Στεφάνου, η κυρία Αιµιλία Κατσογιάννη, ∆ιευθύντρια του ΓυµνασίουΛυκείου, η καθηγήτρια των Ελληνικών και Ιστορίας δεσποινίς Παρασκευή Γαµβρέλλη, ο καθηγητής Πληροφορικής κύριος Γιώργος Γεωργουλόπουλος καθώς και η υποφαινοµένη, συντονίστρια γλωσσών, κυρία Μαίρη Φαλέτα.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Χριστός Ανέστη! Σαν αστραπή πέρασαν οι πρώτες αυτές σχολικές διακοπές και είµαστε και πάλι στο «πόστο» µας. Η δεύτερη σχολική περίοδος αρχίζει και θα είναι πολύ φορτωµένη. ∆ιαγωνισµοί Β’ εξαµήνου, έλεγχοι, θεατρικές παραστάσεις και µουσικές βραδιές, ταξίδι στην Αδελαϊδα και συµµετοχή µας στο εκεί «Spoken Arts Festival» καθώς και το µεγάλο ταξίδι µας στην Ελλάδα.

Ευχαριστώ τους µαθητές και µαθήτριές µας που παρατίθενται στη λίστα παρακάτω για τη συµµετοχή τους στην τηλεδιάσκεψη µε το Γυµνάσιο Λιβαδοχωρίου Λήµνου, στις 22/4 σχετικά µε την γιορτή των ANZACS. Λίστα µαθητών και µαθητριών Από Α΄ Γυµνασίου: Ζωγραφιά Κανλή, Σταυρούλα Παπαδοπούλου, Χαράλαµπος Γαβαλάς. Από Β΄ Γυµνασίου: ∆ανάη Κυριακάκη, Λία Αλµπανάκη, Νικολέττα Αδάµ, Πηνελόπη Αλεγιάννη. Από Γ΄ Γυµνασίου: Μαρία Μπλέτσα, ΆνναΜαρία Ξένου, Καλλιόπη Κεφαλά, Αντώνης Τσούστας. Από Α΄ Λυκείου: Κατερίνα Αρβανιτάκη, Παναγιώτης Καποδίστριας, Ελένη Μαυρολεύθερου

Πρώτ’ απ’ όλα, λοιπόν, εύχοµαι καλή επιτυχία στους: ∆ήµητρα Φλώκη της Γ΄ Λυκείου που θα τραγουδήσει στο εν λόγω φεστιβάλ της ΑδελαΙδας το τραγούδι της Παπαρίζου «Αναπάντητες Κλήσεις» και Αλέξανδρο Μωραϊτη της Β΄ Λυκείου που θα συνοδέψει τη ∆ήµητρα µε το µπουζούκι του και θα παίξει δύο ακόµη τραγούδια, το «ζεϊµπέκικο της Ευδοκίας» και το «µπαξέ τσιφλίκι» Επίσης θα ήθελα να σας κάνω γνωστό ότι το σχολείο µας έχει επιλεγεί ως «σχολείο – κόµβος» στην πολιτεία µας, συµµετέχοντας στο E – Learning, δηλαδή το πρόγραµµα Ηλεκτρονικής Μάθησης που εκπονεί το Ε.∆ΙΑ.Μ.ΜΕ και µέχρι τώρα έχουµε παρακολουθήσει µ’ επιτυχία τέσσερις τηλεδιασκέψεις, δύο στις 11 και 13 ∆εκεµβρίου 2011 και δύο φέτος, στις 11 και 17 Απριλίου ενώ εκπαιδευτικός του σχολείου µας, η δεσποινίς Παρασκευή Γαµβρέλλη, συµµετείχε πέρυσι στο σεµινάριο του πανεπιστηµίου Ρεθύµνου και η δεσποινίς Χριστίνα Θεοδοσίου θα συµµετέχει στο φετινό σεµινάριο τον Ιούνιο.

Συγχαρητήρια στους µαθητές και µαθήτριες και των δύο σχολείων. Χριστός Ανέστη! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Τέλος, θέλω να εκφάσω τις θερµές ευχαριστίες µας προς την κυρία Χαριτίνη Φωτοπούλου, ∆ιευθύντρια του Γυµνασίου Λιβαδοχωρίου για




Building. Program covers *Introducing the Faculty of Science, *Science Career Opportunities, *Overview of Science Degrees, *Student Life at UNSW. Guest speaker Wilson da Silva, science journalist, editor and documentary filmmaker. Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to speak with some current students and academic staff. Registration is essential


OF NOTRE DAME lunchtime presentation. On Thursday 10 May, a representative will come to the College to give a presentation on the university courses and the application process involved in applying to this university. Instead of using the UAC process, students apply directly to UND and this process involves an interview with a senior member of the academic staff. A successful student will receive a conditional offer for a course often before the HSC exams. Come along to hear all about the University on Thursday 10 May at 1.25 pm in T1 during your lunchtime.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants will host some exciting and informative events for students who are interested in a career in business or commerce. There are 2 different events. Chartered Accountants Cadetship Evening, which will be held on the Wednesday 23 May from 4:30pm at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. This is an excellent opportunity for Year 12 students to engage with over 30 employers, attend information sessions regarding cadetships and receive tips on the recruitment process.

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW offers popular Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings designed specifically for current year 10 students and their parents. The evening provides excellent information for students who are considering university study in the future. Information on UNSW's admission processes, bonus points and degree specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information provided by a Board of Studies NSW Liaison Officer. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, as well as staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available to answer your questions on degree options and student life at UNSW. A number of Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings during the month of May. Select the date and location that best suits you. The program for each evening is the same. There is no need to attend multiple evenings. Parking permits are only available for the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is always limited. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. May 9, 15, 22 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building May 21 – Riverside Theatre, Parramatta May 28–Wenona School, North Sydney Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register.

Meet the Business Leader, which will be held on Wednesday the 22 August from 4:30pm at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Sydney. This event will give Year 10 and 11 students a great opportunity to meet and network with young and experienced Chartered Accountants from a variety of business professions. Furthermore, their website is an excellent tool for students to access a wide variety of information, including study support, event calendars, career advice, industry updates, etc

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser




Year 7’s Term in Review Peter and I are very excited at having the opportunity to present Year 7’s first term in Review EVER to the Middle School. Coming to high school has been a journey full of lots of mixed emotions and anticipation, probably because we didn’t really know what it was going to be like. Having survived Term 1’s homework and assignment shocks, as well as the impossibly

Science Parent & Student Night The UNSW Faculty of Science invites Year 11 and Year 12 students and their parents to attend an Information Evening on Science and Mathematics at UNSW on 17th May at 6pm in The John NilandScientia


heavy bags, we AWESOME !!!





In Orthodox Studies we have examined the coming of Christ, researched our patron saints and learnt an interesting fact about the first permanent writing surface…stone. This is very symbolic because just like writing on stone cannot easily be changed, what is written in the bible also cannot be added to or changed either.


Technology at high school is different to what we were doing last year. This is because most of our past experiences with this subject were based on doing work on the computer, but now we see that tech involves much more than this. In recent weeks Mr Sobolevski has introduced us to the wood work room, where we will be busy working on special projects next term. We have had a ball putting on the goggles and aprons, and learning about how to safely use some of the machines.

For English the year began with looking at fairy tales before moving on to creating our own original ones. Year 7 are a very creative and humorous group. This is obvious when listening to the hilarious situations 21st century damsels in distress got into. As the term progressed we moved on to learning about fractured fairy tales and all the twist and turns that make them what they are. We even got to watch lots of fun movies connected to this topic.

PDHPE has been very interesting because it emphasises good health and fitness through exercise within a safe environment. The topic of safety, as in woodwork has been given a special focus, but from the angle of helping others who are in trouble. We are now more aware of what to do if someone is unconscious, as we know the basics of CPR. A surprising fact we have learnt through all this is that treating unconscious people comes first, over people who are bleeding heavily. So…if you’re about to collapse unconscious and I’m around, I may now be able to save your life !!!!!. a scary thought??? and for those bleeding around me…sorry its going to have to be a case of “wait your turn”5?

Term 1 History has introduced us to the detectivelike skills of a historian that will help us understand the ancient civilizations we will be studying this year. We now know that History is not bunk, that valuable things can be found in a rubbish dump and by examining the contents of a garbage bin, and that we need to thank ancient Greeks like Herodotus, the first Historian, who outlined the value of recording important events, and beginning a study that values knowledge. As Ms Kokinelis says …without history we would be lost and confused travelling in circles, and never going forward.

For many of us Science has been great, especially the experiments, where we get to see amazing things happen. Children are always told not to play with fire but one of the first things we allowed to do was light a Bunsen Burner! . Ironic ha !!We also conducted some cool experiments such as “Does salt make a difference?”. Here we compared the boiling of water in a beaker with salt added, to one with no salt. From this we were able to conclude that adding salt does make a difference, as it makes the water boil faster. So what’s the point of this you may ask??? …well …next time your mum cooks pasta and your hungry… tell her to add salt, the water will boil quicker, and your food will be on the plate faster.

Lots of different things have been covered in Pastoral Care, including getting to know each other, understanding school routines and procedures, as well as and learning how to work more efficiently by organizing ourselves and our study environment at home. Some important tips that are always drummed into us include:- doing homework on the night it is given, and starting work on assessments early ….a lesson some of us haven’t got quite right yet, but we will get there. As part of our Easter focus we have made Easter cards for the Year 9s to take to the nursing homes and had lots of fun decorating lambathes.

Geography is another new and exciting subject that has taught us lots of valuable things like grid and area references on maps and has improved our understanding and knowledge about conserving resources such as electricity, in preparation for earth hour. Ms Kladakis even introduced some creativity to our lessons by showing us how to make the earth hour lanterns on display in the library corridor.

In Music we have enjoyed leaning about different music styles and instruments. One of the highlights so far has been to learning how to play some simple pieces, like the Simpsons tune, on a keyboard. …. Miss Savva says one of her aims for us is to be able to pass a piano and feel confident enough to sit and play something on it. Maths is not boring especially with enthusiastic teachers like Mrs Dalakiaris, Mr Condous and Ms


We are treated like older people, not kids. Jessica Mazis There are more teachers so we don’t get bored with just one…thought it would be scary, but it’s very very fun. Mark Mikhalov It’s much busier than I expected, …I have to leave more time for homework…I am tired every day. Tristan Hollick I like the friends I have made, the amount of work and challenges I have faced …it’s been fun and intriguing. Steven Agiasotis Homework wasn’t like I expected it to be, it kind of hit me at one stage, but now I know how to handle it. Constantinos Kollias I didn’t expect the amount of times we use the planner. Tina Ventoura Time goes quickly, its fantastic here but challenging. Shivan Raj The canteen is great, it has really good food and I like the SPACe, its cool. Michael King I like that there is grass all over the school, its fantastic. Jacob Rawlinson I don’t really like teachers telling me to get organised and I didn’t expect it to be so full on. Gabriel Cassimatis I have learned you have to be prepared…I like the open spaces. MersinaHristeff

Kailthrakas. It’s a subject to look forward to even though we had to sit for our first test last week. So far we have covered the history of numbers, looked at integers, graphs and coordinates. We even managed to draw clowns on graphs using all the knowledge we have gained. Greek has been a bit of a challenge, especially for students who are new to the language. The focus on grammar which involves repeating words and sounds lots of times to get it right, makes us smile because we sound funny, and in Kiria Faletas’ advanced class additional outbursts of laughter can be heard, especially when she tells a hilarious jokes or saying in Greek. Year 7 have realised that Senior School is like travelling in the fast lane, and that there is never a dull moment. Written by Year 7 SRC’s George Raptis, Constantionos Kollias, Giorge Gemisis, Peter Giokas, Lewis Athanosopoulos, George Dimas. Year 7’s First Impressions of Senior School During Term 1 Year 7 were asked to share their thoughts on being part of the Senior School. Below is a summary of some of their comments… Everyone is very supportive and school is fun every day. Larissa Andrianakos Teachers are nice and not mean,…its all new and amazing. Joel Richardson I like walking to different classes, and how strict it is here, …it makes you ready and prepared. Andrew Gratcheva High School is suprcallafragalisticexpialedocious! Constantinos Gouskos I expected it to be fun, but not as organised as you guys are. I like playing football in the SPACe, I feel great. George Dimas I like the pracs we get to do…classes are actually fun…I don’t want to leave. Jordan Stokovic It’s so much more than I expected, it’s a different system and a tough one too, and there are more sports programs …it’s magical! Lewis Athanasopoulos I like all the challenges …I don’t dislike anything… I think I will have a great six years here. Billy Retsas We are allowed to think for ourselves..I have already become an a much more organised person. George Raptis I like that there are smaller numbers in my class. Sophie Andreou

OUR EXCURSION TO THE VISION CENTRE! On Thursday 29th March 1E went on an excursion to the Eye Centre at the University of New South Wales. We went to get our eyes tested! First we got into our lines at school and made sure we had everybody and our bags. Then we got onto the bus to go to the Eye Centre. Once we got there, our names were called out and we went into a room to get our eyes checked. After we finished, we all went upstairs and ate recess. We got biscuits, juice and water. Yum! Michael, (our teacher) showed us a model of our eye and we learnt about the different parts of the eye. Did you know that our pupils are clear, not black? Next we played with funny glasses, telescopes and different lights. It was lots of fun! Finally, the bus came to take us back to school. Overall, we had an exciting day and we learnt a lot about our eyes! by 1E ☺


Dominic Augoustis, Dean Albanakis, Nathan Adam, Nicholas Kollias, Harris Papas, Deahna Simos, Stephanie Augoustis, Johnny Dalakiaris, Andrew Papandrew, Christina Vlahos, Steven Stamoulis, Desi Kapodistrias, Vivika Lynch, Frances-Lee Pascalis, Nicola Skouteris, Jordan Frazis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Eleni Haralambides, Athena Demetriou, Michael Vlahos, Jonathan Mournehis, Nio Tsakirios and Anthony Hatziakoumis. It was a great day bringing home several ribbons! We won quite a few of our heats and overall students, parents and teachers were happy and proud of the results we achieved. I was very impressed with the sportsmanship of our students, encouraging and cheering on their peers, even congratulating their competitors. Three of our students made it through to CIS. Congratulations to Nicholas and Jordan Frazis and Sophia Micos.

CIS SWIMMING The CIS Swimming carnival took place at the Homebush Aquatic Centre on Thursday 22nd March. These are the events our students qualified to enter: Jordan Frazis 10yrs Boys 10 50m Freestyle 8-10yrs Boys 50m Breaststroke 8-10yrs Boys 50m Backstroke 8-10yrs Boys 50m Butterfly

8‐10 yrs Boys 200 IM Nicholas Frazis 12-13yrs Boys 50m Freestyle 12-13yrs Boys 50m Breaststroke 12-13 yrs Boys 50m Backstroke 12-13 yrs Boys 50m Butterfly 8-13 Boys 100m Freestyle

11‐13 Boys 200 IM Sophia Micos 12-13 Girls 50m Butterfly Well done to these students. A great effort!




This is a tough competition and very difficult to get through so congratulations to Sophia Micos who will be representing St Spyridon and ASISSA in the CIS Basketball team! She made it through with flying colours and we wish her the best of luck in the tournaments that are coming up.

JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT ASISSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL The following students represented St Spyridon at the ASISSA Swimming Carnival on Monday the 12th March: Sophia Micos, Maree Nikitopoulos, Victoria Zois, Carissa Frazis, Jennifer Contominas, Joanna Skouteris, Nicholas Frazis,


the carnivals so far and answering all the questions I have in my new role.

ASISSA SOCCER On the 15th March the ASISSA Soccer trials took place at Queens Park and 12 boys from St Spyridon attended. It was a very high standard and there was some very good football being played. I was one of the selectors and although watching these talented students playing was great, the selection time was tough. Most of our students were in the final selection round. Congratulations to the four boys who made the team: Aaron and Alexander Nissirios, Connor Giavis and Nathan Adam.

The Senior School Year 9 students who were sent to assist on the day were amazing. These are the names of the students who came: Anja Djukic, Peter Contominas, Christos Raptis, Sophia Rizzo, Theoni Thimakis and Kalliope Kefalas. They were polite and professional in their duties, reliable and overall did a great job. A special thank you to Mrs Katsogiannis for allowing them to take part and to Mr Meitanis and Miss OShea for making the arrangements. To all our parent helpers for always offering a helping hand. Mrs Kougias, Mrs Koukos, Mrs Vlahos, Ms Stamoulis, Mr Contominas, Mrs Frazis, Mrs Pascalis, Mrs Hatzgiakoumis, Mrs Skouteris, Mrs Mournehis and Mr Haralambides.

They will be competing at the CIS Soccer Gala Day at the Kings School on Friday 27th April. We wish them all the best on this exciting day.



To Mr Nissirios who brought his tents even though his sons were not involved in the event. A huge thank you for all the support he has provided us this term. And last but not least to Mrs Giaras for organising the food platters for the day.


On Monday 2 April the Combined Greek Orthodox Swimming carnival took place and this year St Spyridon was the host. The following students were involved: Sophia Micos, Maree Nikitopoulos, Victoria Zois, Carissa Frazis, Jennifer Contominas, Joanna Skouteris, Nicholas Frazis, Dominic Augoustis, Dean Albanakis, Nathan Adam, Nicholas Kollias, Harris Papas, Deahna Simos, Stephanie Augoustis, Johnny Dalakiaris, Andrew Papandrew, Christina Vlahos, Steven Stamoulis, Desi Kapodistrias, Vivika Lynch, Frances Lee Pascalis, Nicola Skouteris, Jordan Frazis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Eleni Haralambides, Athena Demetriou, Michael Vlahos, Jonathan Mournehis, Nio Tsakirios, Anthony Hatziakoumis, Dominique Koukos, Angelique Giokas, Jordan Kougias, James Zouroudis, Marissa Diakoumis, Jonathan Lynch, Connor Giavis, Felicity Ginis, Rose Economou and James Bletsas.

Now for the results: Broken records: EVENT NAME 11yrs Girls 50m Freestyle 12/13yrs Boys 50m Freestyle 11yrs Girls 50m Breaststroke 12/13yrs Boys 50m Backstroke 11yrs Girls 50m Butterfly

Mariah Moshovis (All Saints) Nicholas Frazis (St Spyridon) Mariah Moshovis (All Saints) Nicholas Frazis (St Spyridon) Mariah Moshovis (All Saints) 12/13yrs Nicholas Boys Frazis (St Butterfly Spyridon) Open 100m Nicholas Boys Frazis (St Freestyle Spyridon)

Mother Nature was again very kind to us! It was a gorgeous day. Once All Saints Grammar and St Euphemia College arrived we had our warm up and at 9:30am the carnival began. The carnival ran smoothly and the day was a success, thanks to all the wonderful helpers. The teachers from All Saints and St Euphemia were a great help. They assisted with the timekeeping and judging. A huge thank you to the teachers from St Spyridon. Mr Arnott was our announcer and as usual kept us entertained all day, Mr Amditis and Miss McCarthy our timekeepers, Mr Dookie the head judge, and Mr Volas the referee. Mr Volas has been very helpful in helping me prepare for all

OLD TIME 34.24

NEW TIME 31.94













Overall results: 1st Place St Spyridon 324 points College 2nd Place All Saints 271 points Grammar 3rd Place St Euphemia 232 points College


sports term and we thank you for doing such a wonderful job in your first term as our sports coordinator.

Thank you to all who came and supported our school in this event. Miss Theodossiou Sports Convenor

Congratulations also to our students who participated not only for their success but also for their great sportsmanship.


Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Congratulations Miss Theodossiou for organising all our sports and carnivals in such an efficient and effective manner. It has been a very busy

SENIOR SCHOOL SPORT GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT On Wednesday, 2nd May, 2012 to Friday 4th May, 2012, some 350 students across the seven Greek Orthodox Archdiocese schools, will be hosted by St George College, Adelaide, for the Annual National Schools Event. Students will compete in Basketball, Table Tennis, Indoor and Outdoor Soccer and Volley Ball. A Spoken Arts Festival will be held with presentations in Greek, Serbian, Italian and Chinese. We wish all students every success together with Mr Meintanis, Mr Condous, Ms O’Shea, Mrs Faletas and accompanying teachers. Date

Activity and Time



Blessing/Opening Ceremony 8:15am –9:00am Basketball (Boys) 10.30am – 3.00pm Basketball (Girls) 10.45am – 3.15pm Volleyball (Boys and Girls) 11 :30am – 4:15pm

St George Church 60 Rose St Mile End

2nd May

Dinner 7.00pm – 8.30pm Thursday 3rd May

Outdoor Soccer (Boys) 9:30am – 4:00pm Netball (Girls) 10.00am – 3.30pm Dinner and Spoken Arts Festival 7:00pm – 10:30pm

Friday 4th May

Adelaide Arena 44a Crittenden Rd Findon Wayville Sports Centre Rose Tce, Car Park 3, Wayville Marion Leisure & Fitness Centre Corner Oaklands Rd & Rosedale Ave Morphettville Flagstaff Hotel 1497 – 1503 South Road Darlington West Adelaide Blue Football Club, Park B27 Park Tce Bowden (opposite the Clipsal Building). Marion Leisure & Fitness Centre Corner Oaklands Rd & Rosedale Ave Morphettville St George College Performing Arts & Sports Centre 73 Rose St Mile End

Indoor Soccer (Boys) 9.30am - 2.10pm Table Tennis (Boys and Girls) 9:30am - 2:50pm Indoor Soccer (Girls) 10.00am – 2.00pm

St Clair 109 Woodville Rd Woodville

Presentations and Concluding Ceremony 4:00pm - 5:00pm

St George College Performing Arts & Sports Centre 73 Rose St Mile End

Woodville District Table Tennis Club 39a Windsor Ave Woodville Park Adelaide Arena 44a Crittenden Rd Findon

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport


Prefect Page Name:

Marielle Pizanis

Subjects Studying:

English Advanced, English Extension, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension, Business Studies, Economics, Ancient History

Hobbies and Interests: Netball, gym, shopping, hanging out with family and friends, and watching movies Favourite Quotes:

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope” - Martin Luther King Jr. and “Be the change you want to see in the world”-Gandhi

Future Aspirations:

Attend University of New South Wales studying International Business or Commerce and studying and working abroad in the United States Where would I like to be in ten years time: I would like to be married with children whilst still working either in Australia or United States Role Models: Barack Obama and my parents


Yianni Vlahopoulos

Subjects Studying:

Information Process and Technology, Information Technology, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Standard English, General Mathematics

Hobbies and interests: My hobbies include tinkering with IT equipment and going on long drives. I have a strong interest in electronics. I enjoy tinkering with computers and gadgets, learning how they tick and broadening my knowledge of them by discussing them with friends. If I can help someone learn a thing or two about electronics, particularly computers, then I feel like I have benefited them. Favourite quote:

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Politician, President of the United States

Further aspirations:

To be involved in the Business world

Where would I like to be in 10 years’ time?: In a stable work environment My role model(s):

My Parents



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