St Spyridon News No 88

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VOLUME XXIX No 7 11th May, 2012






Mothers Day Parent Teacher SPACe


13 Conferences


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9






Half Yearly Exam Week JS


ICAS Computer Competition


Greek Play 7 p.m.


Greek Play 4pm


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Open Information Morning & Tours 9.30am – 11.00am


HSC and Careers Expo Year 12





JUNE Musical - A Time to Shine 7pm


Musical - A Time to Shine 5pm


School Photographs SS Anti-bullying Show: Power of One JS


Athletics Carnival SS ICAS Science Comp JS Futsal Championship JS


Parish Trip to Greece departs


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday – School closed


Peer Support Training JS at SPACe SS



12th – 13th th

Junior School Athletics Carnival


Vaccinations Year 7


VET Work Placement ICAS Writing Competition JS Parent Teacher Interviews JS


Year 6 visit to Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews JS


Divine Liturgy Middle School Assembly SS


Term ends for staff and students






Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag






funds. We thank the St Spyridon community for their lambatha purchases.


Palm Sunday Lunch th

At the College Liturgy on Thursday, 10 May, the College Captain Kostandino Baratsas gave the Reading from The Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16.

Our Palm Sunday lunch was an enjoyable day as community members gathered to enjoy and share a variety of Lenten mezethes and a main meal of BBQed whole snapper or fried calamari with roasted potatoes, village bread with taramamosalata dip and/or skordalia and ending with a traditional Lenten dessert of pasteli and loukoumi. A huge thank you is extended to all those members, parents and friends who assisted with the preparations and management of the meals on the day. We are happy to announce a profit of $3000 for this event.

For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonoured! To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless.

Easter Focus Assembly What an impressive exhibition of both creative and performing arts of our Junior School children! Our College offers an elegant, accurate, rich, colourful and thorough presentation of the Easter story at this assembly. Our sincerest congratulations are expressed to our talented students and their hardworking teachers who raised our Easter spirit and prepared us all for Holy week.

And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; Being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you.

Greek Comedy “The Greedy One” available

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

- kiosk

We are all ready to have a great laugh as we await the successful famous comedy written by Dimitrios Psathas and presented by the theatrical company Avlea. Many thanks to our tireless and talented Director, Mrs Mary Faletas and her team for staging this performance which must not be missed. The P&F will be selling drinks and snacks at both performances – Friday 25 May at 7pm and Sunday 27 May at 4pm. We truly look forward to seeing you there!

Therefore I urge you, imitate me.

PARENTS AND FRIENDS EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Lambatha Stalls Our traditional Lambatha stalls were well supported this year reaching an impressive fundraising total of $3500. We do get excited about the financial result as this will go directly to our students to contribute to the higher standard of facilities they will benefit from in the immediate future. We look forward to giving you details very soon as to which facilities or resources will be purchased with these funds. However, let us remember the cultural and religious significance of the lambatha during Easter. It is our role as the P & F Committee to raise awareness as well as

Mrs M Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary




Establish a routine. This has to be one of the most important aspects for a successful transition to school. If children are loved, understand consequences for inappropriate behaviours, and are cognisant of clear and demonstrative routines that they can follow, they will feel safe, and thrive in the environment you have created for them. The Kindergarten teacher will become the most important person in your child’s life at school. They have your child’s best interest at heart, and are professionals in their field. Respect their expertise, and ultimately the transition to school should be an enjoyable one for you and your family.

On 1st May, the Junior School held its Information Morning for the parents of the children who will be commencing Kindergarten in 2013. It was a wonderful morning with many enthusiastic and nervous parents. Thank you to the P&F who again provided a wonderful morning tea and spoke of the wonderful role of the P&F in the school. The Infants Coordinator Mrs Kipriotis also spoke to the parents and below is an excerpt of her address to the parents. I think it is worthwhile for all of us to read it and refresh our memories of what we should all be doing. Excerpt from an address given by Mrs Kipriotis to parents of new Kindergarten enrolments 2013.

Mrs Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator

As parents it is our job to prepare our children for the next stage in their lives. Transition to school is one such crucial stage. Taking inspiration from Dr Michael Carr- Gregg, nationally registered child and adolescent psychologist, I would like to identify four major elements that should be addressed and demonstrated for a smooth transition to school. •

are taught at home and then reinforced at school, you are their first teacher. Label everything! If it’s labelled you have a much better chance of having it returned.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Congratulations to the following students who have completed the Challenge for 2012. Kindergarten Gabriella Gouveros , Myles O’Reilly, Tara Zinopoulos.

Responsibility - Start thinking about what age and stage appropriate activities you can delegate to your children. For example encourage your child to dress themselves including tackling the art of doing up shirt buttons, putting on socks and shoes, including tying up laces. I see no reason why children cannot participate in the kitchen, under correct supervision children can help prepare their sandwiches, pack their lunch box etc. Children are most curious when it comes to gardening, so start a veggie patch and start getting them involved in daily chores.

Year 1-Year 6 Jamyson Gouveros, Patricia Hardas, Alexander Nikitopoulos, Evangeline O’Reilly, Erin Zinopoulos, Marissa Diakoumis, Nicholas Drakoulis, Laura Pitharoulis, Georgia Varvaritis, and Peter Nikas. Once children have read, and filled in their forms, could they please be returned to the Library, where they will be processed. Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian

Create a hub where you get together at the end of the day and talk. Try to discuss what interests them and learn from what they have to tell you. Celebrate their achievements and help them to understand better behaviour management if warranted. Remember manners and values

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Odisho and Anastasia (1E) on the birth of their son and brother. We wish them every happiness.


Jane, played by Demi Koutelis, Fiona’s mum and dad, played by Rena Lambos and Anthony Theofanidis and the school Principal and Maths teacher, played by Anthony Vasili and Alexia Rizzo, the journey of this unlikely pair is sure to warm your heart and inspire you. Jam packed with well known and loved musical songs like ‘The New Girl In Town’, ‘There’s No Business Like Showbusiness’ and ‘We’re All In This Together’ and showcasing the talented singers, dancers, actors and musicians we have at St Spyridon, this production really does give our students “a time to shine.” Performances will be held on Friday 1st June at 7pm and Sunday 3rd June at 5pm in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. Tickets are available through the college office.

WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN 2012 The Woolworths Earn & Learn Program is on again this year. From the 9th May till 1st July, when you shop at Woolworths you can collect stickers from the checkout operator and place them on sticker cards, there will be 1 sticker for every $10 spent. Once completed, you can place your sticker cards in the collection box at our school. Please collect sticker cards from the office.

Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Ms Laura Davis Drama/English Department


Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT On Wednesday, 2nd May, 2012 to Friday 4th May, 2012, St George College, Adelaide hosted the Annual National Schools Event. Congratulations to all students and Teachers who represented St Spyridon College at this event.



“When kids volunteer it tells others that they don’t have to be perfect or famous or even grown up to make a difference” Annonymous

We are pleased to report that St Spyridon College came first in: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Netball and Boys Futsal.

This term Year 9’s, the leaders of our Middle School, step up to examine our unequal world through the topic Community Awareness and Responsibility. Here students will learn about matters that affect our community such as poverty and homelessness and what they can do to help. This may take various forms, from engaging in fund raising activities, bringing in donations of food, clothing and books, to serving at the Soup Kitchen and engaging in random acts of kindness. In this way St Spyridon students get to experience what 5 million other Australians do annually, i,e volunteer their time and talents to charitable, educational and other worthwhile activities, that benefit others. It is hoped that the examples introduced to them here at school will continue on after they leave us to take their place in the community as informed citizens with a keen sense of identity and responsibility.

Thank you to St George College for hosting this event with professionalism, warmth and hospitality. Next year’s event will be held in Melbourne.

2012 SCHOOL PRODUCTION: A TIME TO SHINE Students from Years 7-10 have been working tirelessly on our 2012 musical production A Time to Shine. In this tale of friendship and self-belief, new girl Fiona, played by Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, is desperate to seek the approval of the very popular Tilly, played by Nansia Koukounaris. However, Tilly has made it her goal to make Fiona’s life difficult. But why is Tilly so threatened by this bubbly new student and what is she hiding that could bring her and Fiona closer together than they thought? Surrounded by colourful characters such as the school jock Toby, played by Elias Hatzon, the warm and friendly


campus, as well as engage in group discussions leading towards the development of a single St Spyridon Student leaders emblem and motto. Both teams enjoyed the opportunity to interact in this way and look forward to planning other activities together in future.

SOUP KITCHEN DUTY BEGINS Year 9 began their Community Service this week at the Soup Kitchen in Newtown and will continue to do so until the end of Term 3. While the first group was a little nervous, their anxiety dissipated quickly once they focussed on their assigned duties…serving up food, clearing, and cleaning. Seeing the volume of individuals who use this facility was confronting, and met with a mixture of reactions. There were some colourful and flamboyant characters not encountered before by our students, there were some teenagers (street kids) of similar age to the Year 9’s, and an African American who introduced himself as Father Nectarios’ ‘assistant’. A title the students believe was of his own manufacture. Nevertheless he was friendly, and helpful. The Soup Kitchen on close inspection reveals a wide array of people. Students were also surprised to see seemingly regular people, and older Greek folk sitting amongst those who were obviously struggling, yet all seemed to be at ease with the mix. Many had a lunch box, or two, ready to fill up to take away with them for later, or for others who were unable to come. Some were impatient at having to wait for their plate, others complained about there being too much fat on the meat that was being served. Regardless everyone left content and the students came back enthused and ready to do it again. Well done Kristian Kontakos, Simeon Kerameas and Michael Savic you have all helped make a difference.



Last week a mix of Year 9 & 10 students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre, to watch the Australian Wheel Chair Rugby Team, who were ranked 2nd at the 2008

On Wednesday, Prefects from both Senior and Junior School united for the first time to meet, learn about how leadership is developed at each


Beijing Paralympic Games, play against Japan, ranked 7th at Beijing in 2008. Students also were lucky enough to witness the opening ceremony and listen to entertainers such as Jimmy and Malia Barnes. The Aussie Wheelchair Rugby team have qualified for the London Paralympic Games and after bringing home the silver from Beijing in 2008, they are now pushing for gold in 2012. This event provided a rare opportunity for students to witness this incredible sport first hand and appreciate the ability of these inspirational players.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε µια εργασία µαθήτριας της Α΄ Γυµνασίου σχετικά µε τον εαυτό της και την οικογένειά της. Επίσης σας υπενθυµίζουµε ότι σύντοµα και συγκεκριµένα στις 25 και 27 Μαϊου ανεβαίνει η θεατρική µας παράσταση «Ο Αχόρταγος» του ∆ηµήτρη Ψαθά. Αν έρθετε θα γελάσετε µε την καρδιά σας και θα τιµήσετε και τις προσπάθειες των πρώην και νυν µαθητών µας. Καλή ανάγνωση! Μ. Φαλέτα Ηλεκτρονικό µήνυµα σε έναν φίλο Από: Ζωγραφιά Προς: Μαρία Θέµα: Η γνωριµία µας Αγαπητή Μαρία, Σου στέλνω αυτό το µήνυµα για να σε βοηθήσω να µε γνωρίσεις καλύτερα. Αρχικά, θα ήθελα να σου περιγράψω την εµφάνισή µου. Είµαι µετρίου αναστήµατος, έχω καστανά µαλλιά και καστανά µάτια. Είµαι λεπτή και το πρόσωπό µου είναι ωοειδές και τα χείλη µου είναι ροζ. Τα µάτια µου είναι µεγάλα µε µακριές βλεφαρίδες. Τα πόδια µου και τα χέρια µου είναι µακριά. Τώρα θα σου πω λίγα λόγια για τον χαρακτήρα µου. Είµαι ευαίσθητη γιατί κλαίω εύκολα , κάποιες φορές για µικροπράγµατα. Είµαι καλόκαρδη γιατί νοιάζοµαι για τους γύρω µου και τους βοηθώ σε κάθε τους ανάγκη όπως και όσο µπορώ. Επίσης είµαι κοινωνική γιατί πάντα προσπαθώ να κάνω νέους φίλους και


ανοίγοµαι εύκολα στους άλλους. Είµαι βέβαια και αποφασιστική και υπερασπίζοµαι την γνώµη µου παρόλο που σέβοµαι και την γνώµη των άλλων.

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings UNSW offers popular Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings designed specifically for current year 10 students and their parents. The evening provides excellent information for students who are considering university study in the future. Information on UNSW's admission processes, bonus points and degree specific assumed knowledge is presented along with comprehensive HSC subject selection information provided by a Board of Studies NSW Liaison Officer. Additionally, representatives from all UNSW faculties, as well as staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions, Scholarships and other student support services are available to answer your questions on degree options and student life at UNSW. A number of Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings during the month of May. Select the date and location that best suits you. The program for each evening is the same. There is no need to attend multiple evenings. Parking permits are only available for the UNSW Kensington Campus. Space at these evenings is always limited. Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Η οικογένειά µου δεν είναι µεγάλη. Αποτελείται από τρία άτοµα. Τη µαµά µου και τον µπαµπά µου – που είναι και τα πιο βασικά σε µια οικογένεια – και εµένα. Η µαµά µου δουλεύει ως σερβιτόρα και την αγαπάω πολύ γιατί κάνει πάντα το καλύτερο για µένα. Ο µπαµπάς µου πάλι είναι µάγειρας σε ένα ελληνικό εστιατόριο. Κάνει ό,τι µπορεί για να είµαι χαρούµενη και γι’ αυτό τον λατρεύω! Υπάρχουν και κάποια πράγµατα που µου αρέσουν αλλά και που δεν µου αρέσουν, τα γούστα µου όπως λέµε. Μου αρέσει να µιλάω µε φίλους, να ακούω µουσική, να χορεύω και να περνάω χρόνο µε τον µικρούλη ξαδερφούλη µου. Επίσης µου αρέσει να περνάω τον ελεύθερο χρόνο µου µε την κολλητή µου, που επειδή βρίσκεται στην Ελλάδα µιλάµε µέσω SCYPE . Μου αρέσουν κι άλλα πράγµατα αλλά δεν στα γράφω όλα γιατί ίσως να σε κουράσω... ∆εν µου αρέσουν πράγµατα όπως: τα ψέµµατα, οι καβγάδες και... µην γελάσεις... οι µαΙµούδες! ∆εν µου αρέσουν τα κύµατα αλλά, λατρεύω το κολύµπι και ό,τι άλλο έχει σχέση µε την θάλασσα όπως να µαζεύω κοχύλια. ∆εν µου αρέσει το κρύο αλλά η ζέστη και προτιµώ τη θάλασσα από το βουνό.

May 22 – UNSW Kensington Campus, Scientia Building May 21 – Riverside Theatre, Parramatta May 28 – Wenona School, North Sydney

Περιµένω σύντοµα την απάντησή σου. Ζωγραφιά Κανλή

Go the Network Schools site to register. Enter the school name and do a search for Term 2 activities. Look for the “Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evening” to register.

ΥΓ. Ελπίζω να µε συµπάθησες τώρα που έµαθες περισσότερα για µένα! Zoe Kanlis 7GKA


Science Parent & Student Night The


UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - lunchtime presentation. On Thursday 17 May, a representative will come to the College to give a presentation on the university courses and the application process involved in applying to this university. Instead of using the UAC process, students apply directly to UND and this process involves an interview with a senior member of the academic staff. A successful student will receive a conditional offer for a course often before the HSC exams. Come along to hear all about the University on Thursday 17 May at 1.25 pm in T1 during your lunchtime.


UNSW Faculty of Science invites Year 11 and Year 12 students and their parents to attend an Information Evening on Science and Mathematics at UNSW on 17th May at 6pm in The John Niland Scientia Building. Program covers *Introducing the Faculty of Science, *Science Career Opportunities, *Overview of Science Degrees, *Student Life at UNSW. Guest speaker Wilson da Silva, science journalist, editor and documentary filmmaker. Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to speak with some current students and academic staff.

information sessions regarding is attend cadetships and receive tips on the recruitment process. Meet the Business Leader, which will be held on Wednesday the 22 August from 4:30pm at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Sydney. This event will give Year 10 and 11 students a great opportunity to meet and network with young and experienced Chartered Accountants from a variety of business professions.

Registration essential.

Study Assist is a website that provides information to students about Australian Government assistance for financing tertiary study. Find out about HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP at

UMAT 2012 Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test is a 3 hour multiplechoice test developed and used specifically to assist with the selection of students into medicineand some health science degree programs at undergraduate level. Refer to the websites of the universities to which you intend to apply and for more details. Registrations close on 1 June.

Furthermore, their website is an excellent tool for students to access a wide variety of information, including study support, event calendars, career advice, industry updates, etc ts

University of Sydney Year 10 Information Evenings will be held at the

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD HSC AND CAREERS EXPO 2012 will be held from Thursday 31 May to Sunday 3 June at the Royal Hall of Industries Moore Park. There will be over 150 organizations providing HSC, tertiary courses, career, study skills and gap year information and resources. Exhibitors include all of Australia’s major universities. The Expo also features 110 seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, career and study advice. St Spyridon College will be taking our Year 12 students on Thursday from noon. The students will be able to return to the Expo on any other day free of charge. Admission is $10 or $25 for families of 3 or more. Children 14 or under are free.

University on Wednesday 6 and Tuesday 12 June at the Eastern Avenue Foyer from 6 to 8pm. You must register to attend. Registrations open Monday 14 May at 5pm. Type into the blank url space to get the webpage where there is information about the evening with the link to register. Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser


The Hotel School Sydney is holding an Information Evening on Thursday 17th May from 6 to 8pm at 60 Phillip St Sydney CBD. Careers in the hotel management.Register via email





This term, Year 4 is reading the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. It is a nonfiction children's book written by American author Eleanor Coerr and published in 1977.

AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC (AICM) will hold an Open day on Saturday 19 may from 11am to 2pm at 114 Victoria Rd Rozelle for students interested in a career in music.

This true story is of a girl, Sadako Sasaki, who lived in Hiroshima at the time of the atomic bombing by the United States. She developed leukaemia from the radiation and spent her time in hospital creating origami (folded paper) cranes in hope of making a thousand of them. She was inspired to do so by the Japanese legend that one who created a thousand origami cranes would then be granted a wish. Her wish was simply to live. However, she

The Institute of Chartered Accountants will host some exciting and informative events for students who are interested in a career in business or commerce. There are 2 different events. Chartered Accountants Cadetship Evening, which will be held on the Wednesday 23 May from 4:30pm at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. This is an excellent opportunity for Year 12 students to engage with over 30 employers,


managed to fold only 644 cranes before she became too weak to fold any more, and died shortly after. Her friends and family helped finish her dream by folding the rest of the cranes, which were buried with Sadako. They also built a statue of Sadako holding a giant golden origami crane in Hiroshima Peace Park.

You should think about war. Does it gain anything in the world? A few weeks ago, I met a boy that got the atom bomb disease when he wasn’t even born! I found out that he had no family. From then on I have been grateful for my family, friends, food and water and you should be too! Always remember, never give up.

Now every year on Obon Day, which is a holiday in Japan to remember the departed spirits of one's ancestors, thousands of people leave paper cranes near the statue. On the statue is a plaque: "This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace on Earth."

This is my cry. This is my prayer. Peace in the world. From Sadako Anna Papas 4C

The book has been translated to many languages and published in many places, to be used for peace education programs in primary schools. Sadako's story was also dramatised at the opening ceremony of the Goodwill Games 1990 in Seattle.

Dear World I am Sadako Sasaki. I am 12 years old and am suffering from Leukaemia in hospital.

Year 4 students have written a letter to the world, from Sadako’s perspective, to spread a message of peace and hope.

A little message: Live in peace. Never fight, attack and kill people. Love is the right thing to do.

Miss Bletsogiannis 4C

There should not have to be wars. Why are you in the wars fighting when you can be with your family having a great time?

Hello World My name is Sadako Sasaki. I am 12 years old and have not long to live. Why? Because I have Leukaemia. If there was no war, I would be healthy. So stop war!

Just imagine if you were getting killed right now. You have no right to be killing a living creature. Love people and take care of people. From, Sadako

Many innocent people have been killed or injured because of war. Love one another, don’t kill!

Emmanuel Constantopedos 4C

My time is running out but yours is not. Please stop war. Don’t die because of war, die from old age.

Year 4 Haiku Poems "Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

Sincerely yours

Sadako Michael Konitsas 4C

Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognisable to the reader such as animals and seasons.

Dear citizens of the world I am Sadako and I am 12 years old. I have Leukaemia from the atom bomb that was dropped on Japan.

Miss Bletsogiannis

I have been in hospital for a while and might not make it. I have noticed that even through sickness there is still hope.

Let it Rain Let it rain tonight The clouds are grey and scary The rain is heavy Jordan Frazis 4C

I have been trying to make a thousand paper cranes so my wish can come true. My wish is to be healthy.


Nature in the Wind The breeze is so calm The rain is very noisy The wind is so cold Nicki Kondou 4C Cats Playing Cats playing around Playing on the wavy grass Hiding in the trees Stephanie Andreou 4C

YEAR TWO To culminate our H.S.I.E topic The Way We Were, Year Two went on an excursion to Susannah Place Museum. Located in the heart of The Rocks, Susannah Place is a rare surviving example of a simple working-class terrace. Built in 1844, by Irish immigrants and continuously occupied until 1990 this typically English terrace was home to over 100 different families. The museum tells the stories of the often overlooked lives of working class people and the neighbourhood in which they lived, played, worked and struggled. The Youngein family run corner store of 1915 has been faithfully re-created and sells goods from the era.

THE BEST EXCURSION THAT WE HAVE BEEN ON SO FAR‌ On Tuesday we went on an excursion with all of Year Two to Susannah Place Museum. First we got on the bus to go to the city. We all sat together on the bus. Next we got off the bus and we all walked to Susannah Place Museum. We sat on the steps and ate our recess. We were in the orange group with Mrs Karpouzos and Mrs Lambrou.

Read the following recount and see what Year 2 had to say about their excursion‌. Mrs Karpouzos Year 2C Class Teacher

After recess, our group met Helen our tour guide. She showed us where to leave our bags. Then we went inside the first house. The house



was very old and had no electricity so it was quite dark in there. We went inside and looked at the first room which was the parlor. The parlor was a special room which was used only on special occasions like a formal living room. Next we saw an old kitchen. It had an old stove and an old iron. We saw the little dining table in the kitchen. Then we spoke about what we have today in our dining rooms.


JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT On Friday 27th April the CIS Soccer Gala Day took place at the Kings school in Parramatta. Aaron and Alexander Nissirios, Nathan Adam and Connor Giavis were the four boys who were selected from our school to represented ASISSA in this tournament.

After that, we went upstairs and the stairs were very steep and very small. Upstairs we looked at the old bedrooms. Helen told us that the lady in this house had two children and at night the youngest one slept in a small cot which we saw. In the big bed, four people slept in it, two people at one end of the bed, and two at the other end of the bed. Under the bed, there was a small potty and if anybody needed to go to the toilet they did it in the potty. The youngest person in the family had to go downstairs and clean the potty the next morning.

It was a full day of soccer and the ASISSA team did extremely well. They drew their first game 0-0. Then they won their next four games. They played so well although they didn’t make the finals by one goal! They played for 3rd/4th place and ended up winning 3-0 and coming 3rd. Aaron Nissirios was the leading goal scorer with 9 goals I was very impressed with the quality of soccer I saw out on the field. The determination was fierce and the technique and skills of some of these boys were outstanding.

Next we went out the back and saw the old toilet and old bathtub. The bathrooms were not inside the houses, they were outside. Then we played a quick game of coits in the small concrete backyard.

Out of 120 students, 15 were going to be chosen to represent NSWCIS in the NSW PSSA State Titles. The selectors were watching the games throughout the day and putting together their ‘possibles and probables’ list.

Finally we went to the old shop and Helen gave us all an apron to wear. We had a shopping list and a basket and we were shop assistants and we had to wrap up the eggs in newspaper and had to put other items in paper bags and tie them with string. We had to weigh foods like beans and the lady weighed up some beautiful raspberry lollies because we were good shop assistants.

After the presentation the 20 boys were announced. The coach ran a final selection round and 5 more boys were eliminated. Aaron Nissirios was selected in the team! There was only one other boy from ASISSA who made it through. A great achievement for Aaron! He will be away for a week in the Central coast this month and we wish him all the very best.

Next we said goodbye and walked to Ken Done’s Art Gallery and saw some colourful and bright paintings of the Sydney Harbour and we watched a video of Ken Done making his artworks.


After that, we walked down to the Sydney Harbour and took a group photo with the Harbour Bridge and Opera House behind us. We then went and had lunch on the grass area and we played.

On Tuesday 1st May the Cross Country trials were held at the Astrolabe Park. Miss McCarthy, Miss Bletsogiannis, Mr Dookie and I took the students and made our way to the park after lunch. The juniors (8-10 year olds) had to run 2 laps (2kms) and the seniors (11-12 year olds) had to run 3 laps (3kms).

Finally we got on our bus and went back to school. Overall, we had a fantastic day and we would like to go back again!

The first 6 students from each age group will go to the ASISSA Cross Country competition on Thursday 31st May.

Anastasia Lambrou, Anika Vlahakis, Leanna Papaleonidas, Heleena Ginis and Taylysse Knight 2C


These are the students who made it through:

they will be able to take part in their events at the Athletics Carnival, then make their way to the Cross Country Competition).

8-9 Year Old Girls: Dominique Koukos, Sophia Mavrolefterou, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Angelique Giokas, Vivika Lynch, Caroline Makridopolus.

Miss Theodossiou Sports Convenor

8-9 Year Old Boys: Juval Mikhail, Peter Petrides, Paul Giavas, Nicholas Papas, Nio Tsakirios, Jameson DarrasSamaras.


10 Year Old Girls: Alyssa Alas, Rose Economou, Roza Papas, Desi Kapodistrias, Katerina Darras-Samaras, Stephanie Augoustis.

We congratulate the St Spyridon Blues (Year 8) who became U14 Regional Champions and the U14 Green's (Year 7) who made it to the semi finals where they were defeated by St Spyridon Blues.

10 Year Old Boys: Jordan Frazis, Andrew Papandrew, Christian Jenkins, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Harry Mavrolefterou, Nicholas Tsintominas.

Year 7

11 Year Old Girls: Carissa Frazis, Jennifer Contominas, Rhea Tsimboukis, Eleni Preketes, Riana Papas, Yana Vergotis. 11 Year Old Boys: Connor Giavis, Nathan Adam, Jonathan Lynch, Manny Giokas, Bill Avdalis, Bill Malomitis. 12 Year Old Girls: Maree Nikitopoulos, Elaine Andrew, Victoria Zois, Nicole Stramotas, Felicity Ginis. 12 Year Old Boys: Alexander Nissirios, Aaron Nissirios, Dominic Augoustis, Sarantos Makris, Nicholas Frazis, George Makris.

Daniel Arzani, Gabriel Cassimatis (Keeper), Stanley Condous, George Contominas, George Gemisis, Andrew Gratchev, Michael King, Constantinos Kollias, Nicholas Xeras.

Well done to all those who made it through!

Year 8

Dates for the Diary: • ASISSA Cross Country: Thursday 31st May- Queens Park • Futsal Regional Championships: Wednesday 6th June- Menai Indoor Sports Centre. • Annual St Spyridon College Athletics Carnival: Thursday 14th June – ES Marks Stadium. • CIS Cross Country: Thursday 14th June (Students who make it to the CIS Cross Country will have to choose whether they would like to do both. It does not start till the afternoon so



Steven Antoniou, Michael Hatzon, Aaron Paul Konstantakis, George Mandilis, Alexander Michos, Michael Savic, Alexander Stamoulis (Keeper), James Stathis, Ethan Tsiribas.

…to Petros Stefadouros and James Andrew for being selected in the ISA Boys Football Squad.

CONGRATULATIONS… …to Michael Constantopedos who was the only St Spyridon College student to go to the NSWCIS Swimming carnival and to represent ISA. He came 4th in the 50m freestyle. Well done.

Petros Stefadouros Mr A. Condous Boys Sport



James Andrew


Prefect Page Name:

Kostandino Baratsas

Subjects studying:

English, Mathematics Extension 1, Information Processes and Technology, Information Technology VET, Business Studies.

Hobbies and interests: Basketball, Computers, Juggling. Favourite quote:

“Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right." - Henry Ford

Further aspirations: Further my education to gain the knowledge required to operate a successful business, sink a full court shot and juggle 5 balls. Where would I like to be in 10 years?: I would like to run a successful business and own my own house. Also possibly have a life partner. Who is my role model: No one person is perfect; therefore I don’t solely look up to one person. There are many aspects of people that I find inspiring and would rather look up to many people who share numerous positive traits.


Sofija Belajcic

Subjects Studying: English Advanced, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Modern History, Economics, Serbian, Music 1 (completed in Yr 11) Hobbies/Interests:

Being with my friends and family, playing piano, reading, running, watching sport on TV especially tennis and football

Favourite Quote:

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold. Proverbs 3:13-14 Only one thing makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure –The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Future Aspirations: Study at university, Learn another language Where I will be in ten years time: Working and travelling Role Models:

My mum and my late father; My piano teacher Novak Djokovic.




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