St Spyridon News 90

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VOLUME XXIX No 9 8th June, 2012



JUNE Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday – School closed Peer Support Training JS at SPACe SS



th th 12 – 13 th

Junior School Athletics Carnival CIS Cross Country


Vaccinations Year 7


VET Work Placement ICAS Writing Competition JS Parent Teacher Interviews K-5 JS


Year 6 visit to Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews K-4 & Yr 6 JS


Divine Liturgy Middle School Assembly SS


Term ends for staff and students





JULY Staff Development Day Parish Trip to Greece returns


Students return


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 7-9


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 10 & 11


K2013 Interviews


K2013 Interviews UMAT Exam


HSC Trials begin K2013 Interviews



AUGUST K2013 Interviews


K2013 Interviews


State FUTSAL U14’s boys K2013 Interviews

“A Time to Shine” written and directed by Ms Laura Davis, did indeed give the opportunity for fifty young people to shine on stage. Together with Ms Christina Savva and a strong team of co-workers, Ms Davis’ first major production at our school, was an unqualified success. The students astonished the audience with their many talents in acting, song, dance and instrumental music. If the true purpose of education is to provide young people with the drive to discover the “treasure within”, we can say that we are blessed at St Spyridon College to have teachers that actively seek to do this. On Thursday 7th June, we said farewell to our students leaving for the 2012 Parish Trip to Greece. Forty students in all, will share a lifetime experience and we wish them a happy and safe journey. As a special treat this year the Australian Ambassador to Greece Ms Jenny Bloomfield, has invited our students to her home for Afternoon Tea. We wish their guides Mr Elia Economou (Group Leader), Mr George Georgoulopoulos, Mrs Mary Faletas and Mrs Christina Tsaconas, all strength and every success.


Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag th



ICAS Mathematics Competition JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed



Within the space of two weeks, St Spyridon College has held two outstanding theatrical productions in the new SPACe. The Greek theatre production of “The Greedy One” directed by Mrs Mary Faletas, with a cast of alumni and present students, brought tears of laughter to our faces with its caustic and timely humour. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos commended the actors for their superb interpretation of their roles, who as “amateurs”, who work only for the love of the art-form, are praiseworthy for their high level of professionalism. His Grace Bishop Seraphim, commended the students, their teacher and the school, on the cultivation of the Greek language at such a high level. We congratulate and thank the actors and Mrs Mary Faletas.

st nd 1 &2

Debating Competition JS













out and returned to staff at the centre. A copy can be emailed to you, please call Patricia on 9516 2188 or email to receive a copy.

NEW UNIFORM SHOP HOURS… …are as follows:-

Miss P. Doyle

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. every Wednesday during school Term.




Term 3 fees are due 15 June 2012. Please note that a $50 admin fee will be added to every account if fees are not paid by due date.


Thank you St Spyridon Accounts Department

MOTHERS DAY STALLS The children enjoyed their shopping experiences in their efforts to spoil their mums, grandmothers, aunts and godmothers at the Mothers Day stalls in the Hall in the week leading up to Mothers Day. We are happy to report a profit of $3000. Many thanks to all the families for their support.

VACATION CARE Our vacation care program for the fast approaching June/July Holiday period is available and we are now taking bookings. The program is attached to this newsletter. Should you wish to enrol and book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524 or email Patricia

JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS CARNIVAL - P&F catering available on Thursday 14 June. It’s winter! It’s cold! We’re hungrier than ever and thirsty for hot drinks! P&F WILL OFFER FOOD SNACKS - BOTH SAVOURY & SWEET, HOMEMADE & READY MADE Plus HOT/COLD DRINKS… at small kiosk in the Grand stand (like last year) to satisfy our fierce athletic competitors, our supportive spectators, our hardworking staff and super parents.

As it is the nature of our centre to have fluctuating attendance numbers, I ask that parents please book your children in ahead of time to ensure your child’s position at vacation care for that day and to ensure the correct staff/child ratio is met for the day.

AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care fees are $18 per day and we are able to reduce fees if your family receives the child care benefit. Your family may be eligible to receive help with the cost of child care.

MOTHERS DAY DINNER CELEBRATION Seventy St Spyridon mums and their guests celebrated Mothers Day while dining at Yiamas, St Peters on Thursday 10 May. Guests received a glass of complimentary champagne, a gift bag of treats and surprises on arrival followed by some quality raffle prizes. Everyone indulged in a Greek traditional menu of nine courses ranging from spanakopita to pork souvlakia to fried calamari followed by a highly satisfying bougatsa – may I say, truly, the best in town! The P&F wholeheartedly thanks all the generous and thoughtful donors who offered countless quality gifts. We look forward to thanking them in writing, individually and officially in the immediate future. A special thank you to those

Our operating hours are 3.30pm-6.30pm in the white house on the Infants Campus. At after school care children are given the opportunity to complete homework and play games. There are art and craft activities and a nutritious afternoon tea is served also. We also have the Government funded Active After School Communities program that runs each Monday and Wednesday afternoons. For enquiries or to book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524. Please Note: Before your child begins attending care, please ensure an enrolment form is filled


members who were directly involved with the preparation and organization of this event especially those who endeavoured to gather some impressive prizes. Well done for an outstanding collection! We are happy to announce a profit of $3000. Finally, to all the ladies who enjoyed the evening, we express a big thank you for your presence, support and positive feedback.


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT WARNING – SAFETY FIRST We have rules for the safety and well being of our children. We have teachers on duty all the time but we cannot watch every child every minute particularly when they tell us that ‘My mother said…” Yesterday a mother who double parked in Doran Street, had told her children to leave the school grounds, and cross the street where she would be waiting for them in the car. Instead of staying in the courtyard to wait for their mother to come and pick them up and where there were teachers on duty, these two children followed their mother’s instructions and ran out in front of a car to cross to their mother’s car. The father driving the car down the street came to my office extremely distressed because if he had not been able to brake as quickly as he did, we would have had a double tragedy in our school. Surely a child’s life is more important than a parent being inconvenienced for a few minutes and collect their child. As I am sure you can tell by the tone of this letter I am extremely distressed, as are my teachers and the father who could have killed these two children through no fault of his own. Please everyone for our children’s sake, obey the school rules – there are no exceptions. Please also do not double park and do not park in other peoples driveways or in front of garages. Infants parents I would also ask you to leave as soon as you have picked up your child at 3pm to allow space for primary parents to pick up from 3.15pm.

BEST WISHES Our very best wishes to Mrs Karpouzos (Year 2) who will be taking Maternity Leave as from the commencement of Term 3. Miss Galanis will be taking 2C during Mrs Karpouzos’ absence. Miss Hogan will replace Miss Galanis as the Maths Support Teacher.

Mrs M. Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary




Mrs Synesios and Mrs Kipriotis will commence Long Service Leave this week and will be having a very well deserved rest over the next few weeks. Both ladies will return in Week 2 of Term 3 refreshed and rejuvenated. Mr Dookie assisted by Miss McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator and Miss Bletsogiannis Stage 2 will be responsible during Mrs Synesios absence.

Coles has launched their 2012 Sports for Schools program and we are excited to announce that St Spyridon College Junior School will be participating and collecting vouchers for much needed sports equipment again this year. Vouchers are available in all Coles stores from 13th June to 14th August and we ask that you get involved to help collect vouchers for our school. Remember every time you shop at Coles you can collect one voucher for every $10 spent.

Please contact the office and make appointment to see me, should you have any questions.

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The athletics carnival will be held next Thursday 14th June. All parents are welcome to come and to please offer their assistance. The carnival will be commencing punctually at 8.45am, as some children will need to leave earlier to compete in CIS.

A collection box will be located at the front of reception so please feel free to drop the vouchers in the box or give them to your children to hand into class. Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

Some changes to our program are: 1. The 800m race is only for primary children. If they are in Year 2 and are good athletes and attend Little Athletics etc they may participate. Please understand, however, that they cannot progress to ASISSA unless they are 9 years old. 2. Only 8 Year olds and over may participate in long and high jump. 3. We are using a new computer system to register races, times etc. Therefore every child will be given a number. This number will be written on the inside of their wrist using a non toxic texta. If any parent has a problem with this please notify the class teacher in writing. 4. All children are to wear their house colour T Shirts.

TRIGGER – Short Film I wanted to let you know about a short film I was fortunate to be part of earlier this year called 'Trigger' which was launched a couple of weeks ago. 'Trigger' is a not for profit project created by journalist Grace Farah, to highlight the importance of allergy awareness for children. Grace's daughter is six years old and suffers from severe food allergies - her teacher expressed the lack of awareness for teachers, parents and children in understanding food allergies and how important it is to learn more about it and its severe repercussions. As an allergy sufferer myself, there have been a few times I have had an accidental ingestion and have been lucky to have my Epipen nearby. I wanted to forward this on to you for your teachers and students to view this short 15 minute documentary. By viewing this film, children may have a better understanding and awareness of their friends/family members who may have food allergies.

We are looking forward to another wonderful exciting day and hopefully be able to break more records.

WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN 2012 The Woolworths Earn & Learn Program is on again this year. From the 9th May till 1st July, when you shop at Woolworths you can collect stickers from the checkout operator and place them on sticker cards, there will be 1 sticker for every $10 spent. Once completed, you can place your completed sticker cards in the collection box at our school. You may collect sticker cards from the office.

Here is the link to the



Miss P. Doyle LOST AND FOUND If anyone has lost a bracelet please see the staff at the office Junior School .






Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success. Anon.

On Saturday, 26th May, 2012 Sofija Belajcic of Year 12 received her Diploma for A.Mus.A which is an award that is above grades for piano. Amus is the 2nd highest achievement in Piano examinations. With this qualification Sofija can now teach Piano.

A TIME TO SHINE Middle School students, who made up the majority of cast members in our first musical held in the SPACe on Friday and Sunday, certainly SHONE !!! They were in fact magnificent. Many audience members, including parents and teachers, had tears of pride and joy streaming down their cheeks as they watched the cast deliver their song and dance routines with great enthusiasm, precision and passion. Fifteen weeks of rehearsals certainly paid off. A wonderful effort from both students, and Miss Davis who was the chief creative director and producer, Mr Zafiropoulos for supervising and coordinating the technical aspects to and all the staff who assisted backstage.

On behalf of St Spyridon – congratulations.

HALF YEARLY REPORTS Years 7-11 All students, Years 7-11 Half Yearly Reports will be posted at the end of Term 2.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Years 7-9 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, 18th July, 2012 for students in Years 7 to 9. Years 10 and 11 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, 23rd July, 2012 for students in Years 10 and 11. Appointments are to be made directly with Teachers by the students. Parents are asked to attend the Parent Teacher Conference with their child. I will be on Long Service Leave until late July. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


The service comes with costs - of $2 per week, and for every question answered by 'BONGO' a charge of $4.50 will apply. Some young people will have already supplied their numbers and postcode to 'BONGO CLUB' without reading the fine print. Information regarding The 'BONGO CLUB' Service can be obtained via the website

STAFF AND SRC FUNDRAISING Efforts On Tuesday 29th June the Senior School staff held their annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser for the Cancer Council while the SRC did the same on the following day. Altogether $770 was collected. Thank You to: Mrs Mio for coordinating the staff event and all who brought in food and gave donations, to the SRC’s who assisted with serving at the student event, as well as all students who bought hot chocolate, cookies and muffins!

Please be advised Police are in no way promoting or defaming the company and it's service. School police are responding to a concern made by a community member that the costs incurred may go unnoticed by young persons at the time of registration. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

An additional round of applause needs to be given to the following SRC members for helping man the canteen during our recent musical performance “A Time To Shine”, your enthusiasm is very commendable:- George Raptis (7K), George Dimas(7F), Constantinos Kollias(7K), Giorge Gemisis (7D), Sebasian Zois (8), Peter Contominas, (9), Sandra Milisaljevic, (10), Demi Flokis (Vice Captain), and Konstandino Baratsas(College Captain).


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Πρώτα πρώτα θέλω να συγχαρώ όλα τα παιδιά που συµµετείχαν στη φετινή µας θεατρική παράσταση µε την κωµωδία του ∆ηµήτρη Ψαθά «Ο Αχόρταγος». Όσοι παρακολούθησαν τις παραστάσεις έχουν να πουν τα καλύτερα λόγια για τη δουλειά µας.

WORLD VISION GLOBAL LEADERS DAY at Luna Park On Friday, 1st June, 8 Year 10 students travelled to Luna Park for the World Vision Global Leaders Day. There they listened to inspirational stories from World Vision Youth Ambassadors, learnt of the hardships faced by many people in third world nations, like this year’s focus country Ethopia, participated in a simulation about the world food crisis with thousands of other student leaders who attended the day, as well as began preliminary planning for the 40 Hour Famine Appeal which will be held over the weekend of 17th - 20th August.



Επίσης θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τον Σεβασµιώτατο Αρχιεπίσκοπό µας κ.κ. Στυλιανό, τον Θεοφιλέστατο Επίσκοπο κ. Σεραφείµ, τον Γενικό Πρόξενο της Ελλάδας κύριο Βασίλειο Τόλιο και την κυρία Ντόρα Τουµανίδου-Τόλιου και γενικά όλους τους θεατές που παρευρέθησαν στις παραστάσεις µας και εµψύχωσαν τα παιδιά µας µε τον επαινετικό τους λόγο και το χειροκρότηµά τους.


Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε και εργασίες µαθητών της Α΄Γυµνασίου που παρουσιάστηκαν ως µονόλογοι για τα προφορικά του Α΄εξαµήνου. Αυτή θα είναι η τελευταία µας συµµετοχή γι’ αυτό το τρίµηνο επειδή όπως ξέρετε στις 7 Ιουνίου αναχωρούµε µε 40 µαθητές για το ταξίδιπροσκύνηµα στην Ελλάδα. Καλό χειµώνα και καλή ανάγνωση!

Recently a report was given to school police regarding a company called 'BONGO CLUB'. The company have been marketing their service by giving out slap bands to young people in public places. The police also know that the company have been giving the bands out to school children outside their school premises (not to our knowledge at St Spyridon).

Μ. Φαλέτα Θέµα: οικογένειά µου»

BONGO CLUB appears to be an information service for entertainment purposes that is used via mobile phones. It would appear that any question the user requires, an answer be will be received via SMS from 'BONGO CLUB'.

«Ο εαυτός µου και η

Γεια σας, ονοµάζοµαι Κωνσταντίνος Κόλλιας αλλά οι φίλοι µου µε φωνάζουν Ντίνο. Είµαι


άλλα µεγάλα, άλλα πολύχρωµα, αλλά µυτερά και άλλα πλατιά σαν παντόφλες. Ήταν ένα φανταστικό και περίεργο θέαµα για µένα.

δώδεκα χρονών και πήρα το όνοµα του παππού µου από της µητέρας µου τη µεριά. Το όνοµα του Αγίου και Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου που ήταν ο πρώτος Χριστιανός αυτοκράτορας.

Μεγαλώνοντας, ο µπαµπάς µε έπαιρνε µαζί του στο ψάρεµα τα καλοκαιρινά πρωινά. Ο ήλιος ακόµα δεν είχε βγει αλλά εµείς προετοιµάζαµε τα σύνεργά µας! Πετονιές, δολώµατα, καλάµια, όλα έτοιµα και η περιπέτεια ξεκινούσε. Έντονο συναίσθηµα το ξαφνικό τράνταγµα από το τσίµπηµα του ψαριού. Πολύ συναρπαστικό να φέρνεις στην επιφάνεια ένα ψάρι, ιδιαίτερα αν είναι µεγάλο!

Έχω καστανά, ίσια µαλλιά και καστανά µάτια. Είµαι µέτριος στο ύψος αλλά και λίγο λεπτός. Μιλάω πολύ, µου αρέσει να γελώ µε τους φίλους µου και µου αρέσει να νοµίζω ότι είµαι λίγο κωµικός. Σα χαρακτήρας θα έλεγα ότι είµαι φιλικός, γελαστός και δηµιουργικός. Είµαι το δεύτερο παιδί της οικογένειάς µου. Το πρώτο είναι ο αδελφός µου ο Χρήστος, που είναι δεκατεσσάρων χρονών. Το τρίτο είναι ο αδελφός µου ο Νικόλαος που είναι δέκα χρονών, το τέταρτο η αδελφή µου η Ευθυµία που είναι εννέα και το τελευταίο παιδάκι της οικογένειάς µας ονοµάζεται Νεκτάριος και είναι έξι χρονών.

Το ψάρεµα ως χόµπυ έχει το ζόρι του, την αγωνία του να µην το χάσεις όταν τσιµπήσει, αλλά και την ευχαρίστησή του όταν τελικά βάζεις το ψάρι στο καλάθι! Μην ξεχνάµε όµως και την παροιµία που λέει πως «του κυνηγού και του ψαρά το πιάτο εφτά φορές είναι αδειανό και µία φορά γεµάτο».

Οι γονείς µου είναι καθηγητές, ο πατέρας µου διδάσκει Μαθηµατικά και η µητέρα µου διδάσκει στο Κατηχητικό. Μου αρέσει που είµαι το δεύτερο παιδί της οικογένειας γιατί έχω περισσότερα προνόµια όπως και ο αδελφός µου ο Χρήστος. Αλλά σαν δεύτερος, βρίσκω κάποτε και τον µπελά µου όταν γίνονται ζηµιές στο σπίτι.

Όπως κάθε χόµπυ, το ψάρεµα θέλει το χρόνο του, την υποµονή, την τύχη, αλλά και την κατάλληλη προετοιµασία για να µπορείς να απολαύσεις την επιτυχία της καλής ψαριάς. Γιατί όπως λέει κι ο πατέρας µου «αν δεν βρέξεις πισινό ψάρι δεν τρως».

Τα χόµπυ µου είναι: ο αθλητισµός,το διάβασµα, η Βυζαντινή µουσική και η φωτογραφική τέχνη. Αλλά πιο πολύ απ’ όλα µου αρέσει να είµαι µε την οικογένειά µου και τους φίλους µου. Τα αγαπηµένα µου µαθήµατα είναι τα: Αγγλικά, Μαθηµατικά, η Φυσική Αγωγή, η Επιστήµη, τα Ελληνικά αλλά µου αρέσουν και τα διαλείµµατα.

Haralamos Gavalas 7GKA


UNSW Co-op Program Scholarships Applications for 2013 now open. Prestige scholarships See for more details.

Μου αρέσει επίσης να είµαι στην παραλία την ώρα της ανατολής ή του ηλιοβασιλέµατος, να ξαπλώνω στην άµµο και να κοιτώ τα αστέρια τη νύχτα ή να ξαπλώνω στο χορτάρι σε ένα πάρκο και να κοιτώ τον ουρανό και τα σύννεφα. Μου αρέσει πολύ να ονειροπολώ. Όταν µεγαλώσω θέλω να γίνω καθηγητής σαν τους γονείς µου.

UNSW Scholarships Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 20 June at 6pm in the Sir John Clancy Auditorium. Register

Ελπίζω ότι τώρα µε γνωρίζετε καλύτερα. Ευχαριστώ!

Academy of Information Technology (AIT) have organised a School Holiday Program which will run from 2nd to 6th July. Students can attend from 1 to 5 days, $95 per day or $427.50 for all sessions. Each day will focus on a different area. In order of days, Graphic Design, Filmmaking Challenge, Intro to Animation, 3D Modelling & Animation, Express Games Design. See poster on careers noticeboard or

Constantinos Kollias 7GKA Θέµα: χόµπυ µου»


«Το ψάρεµα είναι το

Από όταν ήµουν µικρός θυµάµαι ότι κάθε καλοκαίρι, στο εξοχικό µας, έβλεπα κάθε πρωί τον παππού µου και τον πατέρα µου να φέρνουν ένα γεµάτο καλάθι µε ψάρια. Άλλα ήταν µικρά,


NSW MOUNTED POLICE OPEN DAY will be held on Saturday 21 July at the Mounted Police Stables, 7 Baptist Street, Redfern from 10am to 2pm – Week 1 of Term 3. Many of the special units will have displays – Rescue and Bomb Squad, Police Order & Riot Squad, Dog Squad, Marine & police Diving Unit, PCYC activities. Students who may be looking at a career in the Police Force are encouraged to attend. SHORT VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS for Years 10 and 11 Students run over 2 weeks and give students an opportunity to be involved in volunteering in a child care setting and helping with simple construction work in India, Cambodia and Fiji. Look at for more information. METRO SCREEN SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMS There are 2 programs for these holidays. See for more details.Video Game Design for Kids: 10 to 13 July This aims to teach kids how to develop and create their own video games. Young Filmmakers 3 to 5 July If you’re between 11 – 17 and you’re ready to learn how to create a short film this is the course for you. Learn the basics of filmmaking all the way from script to screen over 3 days in a class of 21 students at Metro Screen in Paddington. TOCAL COLLEGE is recognised as one of Australia’s leading agricultural training organizations. They will hold 4 Open Days on the 2 Fridays of the July and October holidays. (6th and 13th July and 28th Sept and 5th Oct) 1800 025520 for more information. BOND UNIVERSITY Experience Day for Year 11 and 12 students will take place on Thursday 12 July. This tour will depart from Sydney around 7am, fly to the Gold Coast and return around 7pm in the evening. The cost is $90 per person. The day tour includes return airfare, transfers to and from the campus, campus tour, briefings from each of the 5 faculties, morning tea and lunch and an information pack. Register at NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY Early Offer Programis designed to attract and select talented and capable students for an early offer into the university. Students should demonstrate academic excellence and have a special talent in community involvement or leadership. Applications due 31 August. See Mrs Skerman. ‘A Day in the Life’ Programs These programs ( run by Think Education Group) give students the opportunity of experiencing what some career areas would be like. Be anEvent Manager, work in Marketing, Business, Public Relations or


Journalism, a Designer, Hotel Manager, Head Chef, Photographer, Interior Designer or Graphic Designer. See Careers Noticeboard. APM AliveNorth Sydney, Thursday 12 July $50 includes lunch and materials 10am to 4pm Ph 1300 880610 Billy Blue’s Day in the Life as a Designer Workshop $80 all inclusive lunch etc. Sat 14 July 10am to 4pm Ph 9492 3288 Day of Beauty and Day in the Life of a Natural Therapist 1300 885 385 Australian National College of Beauty Saturday 10am to 4pm $50 includes lunch and materials. 11 August and 20 October Hospitality ManagementWilliam Blue College of Hospitality Management $50 includes 3 course lunch in their restaurant Ph 1300 851 237 UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Year 10 Information Evening will be held at the University on Tuesday 12 June at the Eastern Avenue Foyer from 6 to 8pm. You must register to attend. Type into the blank url space to get the webpage where there is information about the evening with the link to register. Study Assist is a website that provides information to students about Australian Government assistance for financing tertiary study. Find out about HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP at The School For Excellence (TSFX) is a private educational institution that provides educational services to year 11 and 12 students. These services include revision courses and study skills lectures. See the Careers Adviser’s area. For more information, Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser




YEAR 9 EXCURSION TO THE AUSTRALIAN JEWISH MUSEUM On the 22nd of May, 40 students from Year 9 went on an excursion to the Australian Jewish Museum. I would like to thank Mrs Mulligan and Mr Condos for their assistance on the day. Below are a few recounts by students. Miss D. Firulovic

On Tuesday the 22nd of May, Year 9 took a trip to the Australian Jewish Museum, in Darlinghurst. The purpose of this trip, was to educate us about the events of World War II (1939-1945), and to give us a better understanding of the novel we have been studying “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” by John Boyne. This museum was established so that the events of the war and the Holocaust will never be forgotten.

In conclusion, the journey taken by Year 9 last week, was truly an emotional one, however unfortunately it is one that is necessary for us to take, in order for us to never forget the events of World War II and to remember that everyone is equal, no matter what race or religion they are. Thank you to all our teachers that took time out of their day to come with us and for organising such an unforgettable day.

When you walk into the museum, the first thing that you notice, is that the whole museum was built in the shape of the ‘Star of David’, the symbol which to so many Jewish people that lived during the war reminded them of everything that they had endured and became so important in their lives. The first thing that we did when we got there, was to go and watch a film on how the Jewish people were treated during the war, which was followed by an inspirational woman named Yvonne. Yvonne was so inspirational because she was actually a Holocaust survivor.

AnnMarieXenos On Tuesday 22nd of May, Year 9 went on an excursion to the Australian Jewish Museum. The purpose of the excursion was to gain a better understanding of the novel Year 9 are currently studying, ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.’ We were welcomed and shown an introductory video about how the Holocaust began and ended, how World War II started and what was the cause of the 6 year war. After the video finished Year 9 actually got to meet and listen to Yvonne, who survived the Holocaust. She talked about how she and her family were captured by the Nazis, were taken to Auschwitz (the largest concentration camp) and that was the last time she saw her parents before moving to one side of the camp. She was taken into a gas chamber but luckily the gas chamber wasn’t working because she wouldn’t have her 3 children, 9 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren today. After Yvonne spoke she left some Year 9s very emotional, including me. We were then split into 3 groups and were each assigned one museum tour guide. They explained that the Jews weren’t the only people that were killed in the Holocaust. There were pictures on the walls about the Holocaust, captions on people that had suffered during WWII and items like blankets and diaries were displayed. We were allowed to walk through the Children’s Memorial. The most interesting display I saw there was a large glass bowl full of water which symbolises the tears of the 1.5 million children that died. We commemorate the 6 million people that died during the Holocaust and we will always remember them.

Yvonne, was one of the first group of people that were sent to Auschwitz and told us about how on the train ride, there were so many people that some of the elderly and the young didn’t make it out alive. She left for the camp when she was fourteen years old. She went with her parents and grandmother and saw the war out alone. One of the things that she told us, that made us all feel slightly better, was that when she was sent to the gas chamber, it didn’t work, so we believed that if a group of people such as herself and the others survived that, then maybe there were other stories about people that survived that as well. After being touched by Yvonne’s story, we went on a tour of the museum, with three leaders. As we went through the museum, we saw textbooks that were used to educate ‘the pure race’ (Germans) on how to tell the difference between a Jewish person and a German. All of these were racist stereotypes, but showed how the people of Germany lived at the time. We also heard stories about other survivors and saw the uniform that the prisoners were forced to wear.

Yvette Stemitsiotis The focus of our tour was to go through the three stages that Germany as a country went through under the reign of Adolf Hitler and through this, we visited a Children’s Memorial, which was for all the innocent children that were denied the right to live. I believe that this was truly the hardest part of the day.

On the 22nd of May, Year 9 was fortunate to attend the Australian Jewish Museum in Darlinghurst, Sydney. It was a great experience. One learnt that out of 6 million Jews that died, 1.5 million were children. We were lucky to have a Holocaust survivor, Yvonne, speak to us. She told us about her experience during this time and that she was only 14 when she was taken to Auschwitz


and got separated from her parents. After we heard Yvonne’s story we were put into three groups with volunteers that took us around the museum. After looking at different things and hearing some stories it got me thinking about life in general and that we are so lucky and fortunate to have all the things that we need around us. Our volunteer talked to us about Hitler and German Nazis. We walked through the Children’s Memorial and saw photographs of the children that had passed away. There was a glass bowl that represented the tears of the children. There was also a sculpture of the children’s shoes. I really liked this excursion because it was informative, interesting and a topic that I really enjoy.

POWER OF ONE INCURSION Today Year 3 watched a show about school “bullies” and learnt what to do if you were the one being bullied. I learnt the following: • •

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“The Power of One” If I was bullied in the playground I would ignore the bully and not take it to heart. If I was bullied in the playground I would go and tell the teacher, especially if the bully kept deliberately bullying over and over again. If I was bullied in the playground I would try and talk to the bully and tell him or her to stop bullying me. If I was bullied anywhere and there were bystanders watching, I would ask them to help by telling the teacher. If I was bullied I would calm down and use the “Power of one”! Teoni Antonopoulos (3A)

• • • Yvonne, a Holocaust survivor, sharing her story with the students

“The Power of One” If I was to be bullied I would tell the teacher on duty straight away! By ignoring the bully is always a good thing to do. If it continues, you go and tell the teacher. If I was to be bullied I would walk away from them and play with my friends. If it continued I would then tell the bystander (which is the person who is watching the bullying happen) to find and tell the teacher. Billy Bourdaniotis (3A) On the 5th of June in the hall we saw the performance called the Power of One that was instructed by two instructors called Jessy and Cheryl. They taught us about bullying and discrimination if we would be playing with a bully and being a victim on Cyber. Verbal, physical bullying and Cyber bullying is the worst because it involves the police and gives you a criminal record. I now know how much trouble and things you can do to other people’s lives so report what you see to a trusted parent. Michael Vetsikas ( 6M) On the 5th of June 2012 Years 4-6 went to see a performance on bullying called “The Power of One.” This show taught us quite a bit about bullying and how to solve it.

Harry, one of the museum guides, talking to the students about the Holocaust Jessica Antoniou


the ANZ Stadium. Anne-Marie and I were chit chatting and we didn’t seem to stop!

As we entered the hall we saw 4 multi-coloured boxes. Then 2 instructors named Cheryl and Jesse showed us 2 masks. The green mask was the bully and the purple mask was the target. They showed us plays using physical, verbal and cyber bullying. Afterwards they invited volunteers to show a type of bullying. The bully was Stephen 4T, the target was James 6P, and the 3 bystanders were Florence 6P, John 5A, and Melanie 5I. The first play, the bystanders were on the bullies side, then on the targets side. It was hilarious. After they invited Peter Nikas to be a superhero.

After that we arrived at the stadium. We got out and went into lines. I was fourth in line. When we went inside we saw lots of Jerseys that matched with footballs. Finally we went on the grass of the stadium. We stood on the Olympic podium it had 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then we watched a short movie on the Sydney Olympics. It was a beautiful movie. After we went into the commentary room where they talk on T.V. It was the best.

In conclusion, we learnt how to deal with bullying and how to stop it. We also got a poster which we all had to sign to a commitment that we would not bully. Jennifer-Eve Contominos, Bianca Frazis, Eleni Mastroperos & Joanna Skouteris (6M & 6P)

Overall it was a good experience for us! Mia Paras 1E On Wednesday 30th May Year One went on an excursion. We went on a bus to the ANZ Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park. First we saw our tour guides, they showed us where to go. Next we were walking and then we saw the ANZ Stadium and we got to sit down in the seats there. After that we went in the warm up room and did lots of exercise just like the footballers. Then we stood on the podium and went into the commentator room and into the VIP area. Finally we had big lunch and got to play a little bit. Overall I had the best day. Alexander Kumar 1E On Wednesday 30th May Year One went on an excursion. We went on a bus to the ANZ Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park. First we met our tour guides. Their names were Lynn and Gina. Next we went to see and learn about the Olympic Stadium. After that we went to see the Rabbitohs and the Bulldogs dressing rooms.


Then we got to stand on the Olympic podium and take a photo with our class!


On Wednesday 30 May Year One went on an excursion. We went on a bus to the ANZ Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park.

Finally we ate lunch and played on the field. Overall I had an exciting day.

First we waited for our bus to come, it took half an hour. Next we went on our bus and set off to

Katerina De Pasquale 1E



STAGE 1 GUEST SPEAKER Mr Brian Sutton - Australian Olympic Team Member Years 1 and 2 would like to thank Mr Brian Sutton for his amazing presentation on the Olympic Games. Hudson and Marlon Rallis (Years 1 and 2) are very lucky to have such an accomplished person to call their grandfather. Both students and teachers were intrigued of Mr Sutton’s accomplishments throughout his career. Mr Sutton is a member of the NSW Institute of Sport, Australia Swimming and of course the Australian Olympic Team where he dedicates many hours at Homebush Aquatic Centre training and coaching our talented swimming athletes. Mr Sutton has been lucky enough to have taken the Australian Swimming Team to 3 Olympic Games; the 1992 Barcelona Games, the 1996 Atlanta Games and the 2000 Sydney Games. Unfortunately due to injury he wasn’t able to escort the athletes to Athens in 2004 but will be joining them in London this year.

Recount Yesterday Poppa my grandfather came to talk to Years 1 and 2 about the Olympic Games in the school hall. First, he gave us a little quiz about the Olympics and about the different sports. He also showed us what the individual sports are and what the multidiscipline sports are. Then he showed us all of the sports in the Olympic Games. The most successful sport in Australia at the Olympic Games is swimming. They have won 58 gold medals, 60silver medals and 62 bronze medals.

Mr Sutton spoke about the different sports and events that the athletes compete in at the Olympic Games. The students thoroughly enjoyed being quizzed on the different individual sports, team sports and multi-discipline sports held at the games. He highlighted to them that Australia’s most successful event in the Olympic Games is the swimming as Australia has won a total of 58 gold medals, 60 silver medals and 62 bronze medals over the years and no other sport has come close.

Next, he told us he had been to the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 2000 Sydney Olympics to coach swimming. After that, he picked a few children to hold up some uniforms he had from the Olympic Games. I held a jacket, my brother Hudson held a blazer, someone held a hat and the rest held jackets.

He also brought in the different uniforms he has worn over the past few Olympic Games and it was very interesting to see how they have changed over the years. Students were also very lucky to have had the opportunity to take a close look at the special Olympic ring that Mr Sutton wears to show that he is a member of the Australian Olympic Team.

Later, we had the opportunity to ask some questions about the Olympics. Then he showed us the golden Olympic ring that he has with the Olympic Rings on it. Finally, it was time to pack up and then go to recess.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Sutton for taking the time out of his very busy schedule to come and speak to Years 1 and 2 about the Olympic Games. We would like to wish you and all the athletes the best of luck in London. GO AUSTRALIA!!!

Overall, I had a great and fantastic time because it was very interesting and fun. Marlon Rallis Year 2A

Miss Sotiras Year 2 Class Teacher


YEAR SIX CULTURAL EXCURSION TO DARLING HARBOUR FORESHORE On Monday of Week 4, Term 2, Year 6 went on an excursion to further appreciate the impact of multiculturalism on Australia. This excursion combined a visit to the Chinese Garden of Friendship with a tour of Chinatown. On this interactive excursion, students explored the contributions of Chinese Australians to the development of the Australian identity and heritage.

Photographs taken by Dominic Augoustis, Nathan Adam and Dean Albanakis.

Chinatown is one of the most vibrant and interesting areas in Sydney. Sydney Learning Adventures provided students with stimulus and time to explore the area in order to learn how the Chinese community in Australia has developed over time. In the enchanting Chinese Garden of Friendship, students solved riddles, found clues and met challenges as they journeyed though the garden learning the legend of the Chinese horoscope.

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I liked the food court because we could select our own lunch. I had Chinese, specifically honey chicken, noodles, spring rolls and rice. -Nathan Adam I thought it was educational and fun to see Chinese history in real time. I found the Chinese Gardens very different to a suburban garden. I shared a colourful, large snow cone with my friends to finish off the day. It was delicious! Maree Nikitopoulos

The following are some of the student’s responses to this learning adventure: I liked finding out about Lucky Number 8 because my birthday is on December the 8th. I particularly enjoyed the distinct colours of Chinatown; red and gold- Dominic Augoustis. It was pleasant because the streets were quiet. We saw very unusual Chinese medicines and delicacies - Erin Giaras I enjoyed the visit to the traditional Chinese bakery on the tour of Chinatown because it was distinctly Chinese in culture…and the food courtHarris Papas We got to experience the Chinese way at the Chinese Gardens. I found the cultural stories very interesting- Bianca Frazis I liked how the tour of the gardens had a game to it. As we moved through the gardens the class collected keys which, at the end, opened the book about the Chinese calendar. The book told us the order of the animals in the Chinese Zodiac. I am a dragon! Dean Albanakis. After our learning we went to the food court at Haymarket. The food court had more variety of food choices than I imagined. I ordered a special fried rice and ate it with chopsticks- Nicholas Kollias




Rd 1 St Spy 3 beat Oxley 0 Rd 2 St Spy 3 beat St Pauls 2 Rd3 St Spy 1 lost to BMG 4 Rd 4 CCGS won by forfeit Rd 5 St Spy 0 lost to St Pauls 3 Currently coming fifth 15’s Rd1 St Spy 3 beat Oxley 0 Rd2 BYE Rd3 St Spy drew 1 all to BMG Rd4 St Spy 10 beat Chev 0 Rd 5 BYE Currently coming 2nd 14’s Rd 1 St Spy 6 beat Oxley 4 Rd 2 BYE Rd 3 St Spy 2 lost to BMG 7 Rd 4 St Spy 3 lost to CCGS 5 Rd 5 BYE Currently coming 3rd 13’s Rd1 St Spy 3 beat Oxley 1 Rd2 St Spy 4 beat St Pius X 0 Rd 3 St Spy 1 beat BMG 0 Rd 4 St Spy 7 beat Chev 0 Rd 5 St Spy 3 beat St Pius X 1 Currently coming 1st

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport

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