St Spyridon News No 92

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VOLUME XXIX No 11 27th July, 2012






PUBLISHED AUTHOR HSC Trials begin K2013 Interviews


AUGUST K2013 Interviews

1st & 2nd

Debating Competition JS


K2013 Interviews


State FUTSAL U14’s boys K2013 Interviews


ICAS Mathematics Competition JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed


K2013 interviews


Debating Competition JS


ISA Semi Finals


Showcase SS


ISA Finals


Specialist Photos JS


ASISSA Athletics


We are very proud to announce that one of our teachers Miss Kathy Finikakos is now a published children’s author with her book “Paws”. Kathy has been a teacher of St Spyridon College for many years, and taught across the year levels K-6. She holds a B.A in English Literature, a Diploma in Freelance Journalism and a Graduate Diploma of Primary Teaching. She is in the process of completing her Certificate in Gifted and Talented teaching. She has received a number of prestigious writers’ awards including the International Library of Poetry, Distinguished Poet of the Year and Writer of the Year in 1999. We congratulate Miss Finikakos on the publication of her book. Her book launch will be held on 9th August 2012 at 6pm at the Lesley McKay’s Bookshop, Queens Court, 118-122 Queen St, Woollahra. All are invited to the launch. For details please see the flyer on next page to RSVP. We look forward to having Miss Finikakos return to school in the near future, to speak to our children about her experiences in writing a book and becoming a published author.



HSC Success Program begins


Sports Presentation Evening





PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS At the end of last term half yearly reports went out to all children and this was followed by parent teacher interviews. Any parent who was unable to attend interviews may make arrangements with their child’s teacher to have one over the next few weeks.

WELCOME BACK Welcome back to all staff, students and teachers for what will be an exciting and enriching Term 3. STAFF CHANGES

KINDERGARTEN 2013 We welcome Miss Hogan to our staff, she will take over from Miss Galanis as our Maths Support Teacher. Miss Galanis has taken over from Mrs Karpouzos who is on maternity leave.

As of Tuesday this week we commence assessment of children and interviewing of parents for the 2013 Kindergarten. Anyone who may have forgotten to enrol their child or knows of anyone wishing to enrol for next year, please do so immediately before final decisions for classes are made.

We also welcome back Mrs Synesios and Mrs Kipriotis from Long Service Leave. They have come back relaxed and regenerated. Thank you to Mr Dookie, Ms McCarthy and Miss Bletsogiannis for their help during their absence.

DEBATING GALA DAY On Friday 27th July our debating teams will be participating in a debating Gala Day at Kambala. We wish our students the best of luck and are sure they will represent our school proudly.

IPSHA CONCERT Our Choir and Year 6 Dance group have been very busy practising for the Independent Primary Schools Head Association Performing Arts Concert to be held on the 9th August at the Sydney Town Hall. We look forward to a wonderful night of entertainment.

Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Could all completed Premier’s Reading Challenge forms be sent to Mrs Bartlett. The Challenge concludes on the 1st September, so I will need all forms in by 24th August for processing.

OLYMPICS 2012 All grades will spend part of the term studying a unit of work on the Olympics. Please encourage your child to read information and to follow the progress of the Olympic Games.

BOOK WEEK 2012 Just a reminder that Book Week begins on the 20th August. Each class will participate in activities during their Library time, as well as whole school participation. More information as this comes to hand.

PEER SUPPORT On most Thursdays of this term a period will be allocated for Peer Support activities. Last term our Year 6 and Year 5 spent 2 days training for this program and after our ‘practice run’ session last week we had a very positive response from both staff and students. This program will certainly assist Year 6 and Year 5 in their leadership skills and acceptance of responsibility.

Our first activity will take place on Friday 10th August in the School Hall, where we will be viewing a musical production, made especially for Book Week by “Perform! Musical Productions” A note has been sent home regarding this performance. Mrs C. Bartlett


HALF-YEARLY REPORTS By now all students have received their half yearly reports and had time to reflect upon their achievements, as well as identified areas for improvement. It is at this time that students need to realise that focussed work, and learning from the previous semester’s mistakes will lead to positive change. Students are therefore set clear goals and measures to achieve improved results.

Dear Junior School Parents, We are excited to be involved in Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 3rd August, when our school, like many around Australia, will be awash with denim in a united stance against childhood disease.

REMEMBER: Meet challenges head on, don't sit in the darkness, light a candle and find your way out.

Please make sure your child is wearing their favourite pair of jeans with their sports top, jacket and sports shoes and brings a gold coin donation on the day.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Last week numerous parents of Middle School students had the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress and listen to any concerns. This week it was the turn of Upper School parents. If for any reason interviews were missed and you would still like to speak with your child’s teachers, please contact the school office.

We are also organising a Colourful Gene-ius colouring competition and will be surveying students in the Primary School to collect data on observable inherited human traits. One in 20 children is born with a genetic disease or congenital abnormality. By getting involved in Jeans for Genes Day, we are helping scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute to unravel the cures to a range of childhood medical conditions – for the benefit of children everywhere.

BACK TO SCHOOL RETURNING FROM EXTENDED HOLIDAYS OVERSEAS As a result of the strong Australian dollar, and this years’ Parish Trip to Greece, many families and a large number of students have travelled overseas. Students are urged to take steps to quickly get themselves up to speed with any work that has been missed. It is now time for work and focus on their studies.

Mr Arnott and Mrs Bennett



SCHOOL All Middle School students were provided guides to assist them in this regard prior to their departure by their Year Adviser and teachers.

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Parents can assist their children by checking that these have been met by the time they have returned to school.

Obstacles are plentiful. In nature, they are evident everywhere so they must serve a purpose. Often they are designed to help us grow. As such, we can conclude that a relaxed state is not conducive for growth. Just like the act of reaching and striving is what enables a worm to become a butterfly, the earlier these lessons in life are understood, the greater the capacity for change.

YEAR 6 VISIT THE SENIOR SCHOOL In the last week of Term 2 we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from Year 6 as part of our transition program. Over past three years, these students have engaged in similar visits when they were in Year 4 and 5, where taster lessons covering all curriculum areas were conducted. These have served a number


NAPLAN results, and the latest school report, (this does not apply to St Spyridon Junior School students), needs to be brought in.

of purposes including :- extending the educational experience, meeting and interacting with older students who act as guides and mentors, meeting new teachers in specialist learning areas, and becoming more familiar with the Senior School Campus as a whole.

All students, must bring with them their “Passport to Senior School”, a double sided form that was sent with my interview invitation letter, along with a recent passport – like photo. I look forward to meeting students and their parents in the coming weeks.




On Friday 3rd August, the annual JEANS 4 GENES MUFTI DAY FUNDRAISER will be held in support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute. This organisation uses the funds raised by contributors to investigate diseases that cause things like birth defects, cancer, and epilepsy. On this day all students are encouraged to make a $2 gold coin donation and wear lots of DENIM clothing, instead of their school uniform. We also ask that shorts, leggings, UGG boots, and open toed shoes NOT be worn.

LEARNING SUPPORT All Year 7 students that were involved in after school Literacy and/or Organization and Time Management Support in Term 2, will continue on until the end of Term 3. All participants resumed classes this week. At present classes will run as follow in the school library: Monday – with Ms Barbouttis (3.05- 4.30pm) and Wednesday – with Ms Gonzalez (3.05 – 4pm). We currently are investigating the possibility of adding an additional class on Thursday. If your child is selected for this, an information letter will be sent home in the coming week.

YEAR 7 CLASS INTERVIEWS 2013 This week I began my interviews with students and parents of Year 7, 2013. Anyone who has not made an appointment is advised to please do so by calling administration as soon as possible to secure a time. At this interview copies of documentation that as yet have not been presented e.g., Year 5

NSW SERBIAN SCHOOLS RECITAL “VIDOVDAN” On Sunday the 17th of June, Mrs Mio (Curriculum Leader HSIE), Ms Gambriell (Year 8 Adviser) and I had the pleasure of attending “VIDOVDAN


episode recordings. Everyone involved will receive further details as the time draws near. In the meantime all contestants are reminded to practice with their allocated partners. Things to focus on include being animated and expressive in your responses, give lots of clues to partners guessing the hidden word, be quick to pass on words you find difficult to describe, and always keep in mind that you only have 30 seconds to guess all words.

2012”. At this event, held at the UNSW’s Clancy Auditorium, students from 13 Serbian Language Schools, with over 250 participants from NSW and Canberra, had opportunity to demonstrate their talents and knowledge of the Serbian language, celebrate their cultural heritage, and showcase the dedication and cooperation of Serbian language teachers from all Church school communities, private and public schools where Serbian language is taught. Mrs Belajcic, Serbian teacher at our College, along with Serbian students from across all year groups performed an impressive and beautiful traditional dance in national costumes. Well done and congratulations to all for your efforts.

CYPRUS INVASION COMMEMORATION DAY On the 20th July, 1974, the Turkish military invasion of Cyprus occurred. This resulted in more than one quarter of the population of Cyprus being expelled from their homes in the North, turning them into refugees. Before this time, 85% of that area had been populated by people of GreekCypriot background. Many of the Cypriots from the occupied places eventually left their country to begin again in places like England, the United States, South Africa and of course Australia. As as a result of the invasion, the island was divided into two parts, a Turkish North and Greek South with a United Nations monitored line between, that still exists today. During that invasion, apart from the land and homes that were lost, many people were killed and many went missing, never to be heard from again. This devastated families. Even though 38 years have passed, the injustice continues.


On Sunday 22nd July, special services and ceremonies were held in memory of the fallen and missing. Student leaders and students of Cypriot background from our Senior School travelled to the Cenotaph in Martin Place, Sydney, with myself to lay a wreath on our schools’ behalf. Along with everyone in attendance we prayed for the missing and dead, and that a resolution for Cyprus issue may be found.

Last week over 40 of our Year 7 students auditioned for the game show “PYRAMID” which screens on Channel 9 each afternoon. 14 students were selected to go onto the next stage, the actual filming of the show at Fox Studios which will be in mid - August. All students were very excited and nervous at the audition but they enjoyed the experience and look forward to the next stage. Those who did not get selected will have opportunity to be part of the studio audience at the

Thank you to the following students who attended on the day: Year 12 Kostandino Baratsas, Demi Flokis Year 11 Johh Kirkis, Leonidas Andrew, Maria Mio, Constance Synesios


from high school to tertiary study, find out about the University’s courses and tour the Campus. The evening will provide information about life on campus, study abroad opportunities, the Notre Dame scholarship programme, student loan schemes and volunteering opportunities.

Year 10 Alexandra Tsesmelis, Anthony Vasili, Nicolette Gregory Year 8 Chrystal Christie, Kristen Mournehis.

New Courses for 2013. Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Philosophy/Bachelor of Theology (course information coming soon), Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Executive), Master of Business Leadership. Further information regarding these courses is available from

AIM Together Now, a music industry forum, is an opportunity for students to interact with the best of today's music industry, brought to you by the Australian Institute of Music (AIM). This forum showcases diverse panels of power players from all areas of the entertainment industry, including artists, managers, and label executives, who will discuss their experiences, give expert advice and answer any questions students have about today’s music industry. Despite AIM’s primarily being an environment that focuses on the music side of entertainment, it also explores a variety of career opportunities in the entire industry, including Entertainment Management, Dance, Musical Theatre, and Dramatic Art. ‘The AIM Together Now Forum’ promises to deliver not only industry expert perspectives within music and management, but also in dramatic art, dance and journalism. It will be held at AIM, 1-55 Foveaux St, Surry Hills on Saturday 11 August commencing at 9.30am and concluding at 5.30pm. The day will include lunch, refreshments and entertainment. Special Student Tickets cost $20. See Mrs Skerman asap and no later than Monday 6th August so tickets can be arranged.

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Year 12 Students Good luck to our HSC students who commence their Trial exams next week. I will be holding a session for students in Period 4 on Thursday 23 August on “Year 12 – Options for 2013 and Beyond”. I will also hold a session for parents of Year 12 students on Wednesday 29 August at 3.30pm at the College. Please rsvp if you would like to attend.

UNSW Co-op Program Scholarships Applications for 2013 now open. Prestige scholarships See for more details. NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY Early Offer Program is designed to attract and select talented and capable students for an early offer into the university. Students should demonstrate academic excellence and have a special talent in community involvement or leadership. Applications due 31 August. See Mrs Skerman. The inaugural Notre Dame Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 21 August at the Broadway site from 6 to 8pm. Attendees will hear from parents of Notre Dame students, the students themselves and the teaching staff. Find out about the “Notre Dame Difference”. Learn about the transition

UNIVERSITY OPEN DAYS are being held from mid August to mid September. The list of days has been on the noticeboard for several weeks. The Broadway universities, (Sydney, UTS and Notre Dame) will hold their days together on 25 August. Uni of Western Sydney’s Open Day is on 26 August at Parramatta, UNSW will be 1 September, Macquarie on 8 September and Australian Catholic Uni on 1 September at North Sydney and 8 September at Strathfield campus. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend these days as they can be lots of fun as well as being informative.


would like to say a special thankyou to our coach Tom Karagiannis for all his time, dedication and effort in training and preparing us for this day.

Ask a couple of friends to go with you or go with your parents

We wish all the teams who will be representing our school at the state competition all the best.

The School For Excellence (TSFX) is a private educational institution that provides educational services to Year 11 and 12 students. These services include revision courses and study skills lectures. See the Careers Adviser’s area. For more information, look at Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

S P O R T S REPORT JUNIOR SCHOOL U12 ‘B’ Boys On Wednesday 6th June a Futsal competition was held at Menai Indoor Sports Centre. St Spyridon had six teams competing. I was part of the Under 12 B team consisting of James Karagiannis, Stephen Bletsas, Dominic Augoustis, Alexandros Gousetis, Nicholas Frazis, George Andrianakos, Christopher Kumar and me, Dean Albanakis. It was an early start arriving at school at 6.45am. After the rolls were marked we got on the bus. We arrived at Menai just before 8 o’clock. Our first game was at 8.25am against Inaburra. After being behind 3-0, we had a miraculous comeback to win 5-3. It was an amazing effort by all but special mention must go to our striker Dominic Augoustis, who scored four goals to put us in the lead and to win the match. Our second game was at 10.55am against Laguna St. It was a close game with the game ending with a 2-2 draw. Christopher Kumar and Dominic Augoustis both scored a goal each. Our final game was against Newington College A at 1.25pm. Our team played well but unfortunately we lost 8-3. Dominic Augoustis scored 2 goals and Alexandros Gousetis scored 1. Special mention must go to George Andrianakos for his outstanding goalkeeping skills during this game.

Dean Albanakis 6M

U10 Girls Squad: Anna Papas, Roza Papas, Katerina DarrasSamaras, Stephanie Augoustis, Taylysse Knight, Vivika Lynch, Vicky Synesios and Georgia Athanasopoulos (goal keeper) On Wednesday 6th June we went to Menai for our Regional Futsal Championships. Our first game was against St Patricks and we won 3-0. Stephanie Augoustis scored two goals and Katerina DarrasSamaras scored the third goal after the whistle for full time.

Despite losing to Newington College our team made the semi-finals. We played against the St Spyridon ‘A’ team. It was a great effort by both teams but unfortunately we lost. We all congratulated the A team after their win.

Our second game was against TIGS which we thought was the best team in the comp. TIGS scored a goal which should not have been allowed. It was a tight game with a lot of tension. We really wanted to get a goal so we don’t lose the game. Taylysse saved us in the final few minutes with an amazing goal!

We would like to thank Mrs Hamer, Mrs Synesios and Miss Theodossiou for giving us the opportunity to play in this competition. It was a great honour for each of us to represent our school. Last of all we


We were so happy with the draw. Taylysse is our youngest player in only Year 2, but it seems she will be following in her brothers footsteps! After the first two games we were on even points with TIGS so we really needed to win the next game. We played against Laguna and won 1-0 with a great goal by Stephanie. At this point we had found out that we were definitely going to Penrith for the State Championships so we were all screaming and celebrating! TIGS and St Spyridon finished in the top two so we had to play each other in the Grand Final. We were worried about playing TIGS again but we all wanted to win so bad that once the game started we pushed our very hardest. We defended so well but unfortunately TIGS managed to sneak a goal in. The pressure was now on and we kept fighting!

Taylysse Knight 2C, Anna Papas 4C and Katerina Darras-Samaras 4C

SENIOR SCHOOL Year 10 girls and Year 8 students were given the opportunity to compete in an outside Netball tournament Term 2 hosted by Emmanuel School at Moore Park against other schools within the area. This occurred on Tuesday afternoons and Year 8 girls were undefeated champions. Jovana Radic of Year 10 was also selected as the Best and Fairest Senior player of the Senior Division. Well Done.

Stephanie, our leading goal scorer got through and scored the equaliser! Both players and spectators were so relieved!! The game finished and we had to go into 5 minutes extra time. It was a tough few minutes but luckily enough Stephanie got through their defence and scored the golden goal!!! Everyone was cheering and all the St Spyridon spectators ran onto the court jumping up and down! We were so proud of our team. Everyone played so well. Georgia was a fantastic goal keeper and we owe a lot to her for saving quite a few goals! Leading goal scorer Stephanie and the other goal scorers Katerina and Taylysse were amazing, full of determination and strength the twin sisters Roza and Anna, our amazing defender Vivika who like a brick wall blocked so many balls from coming past her, and the quick and powerful Vicky Synesios who again just would not give up!

Cassandra Georgiou represented ISA Netball Opens team yesterday. She was the youngest member in the team and this is the 4th subsequent year she has been selected to represent ISA in Netball. ISA Netball/ Football Season is nearing the Semi Finals with 3 rounds remaining. Some teams are contesting for finals positions and we wish them the best of luck. Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Overall, a great day and we look forward to the State Championships in Penrith in August.

Congratulations to James Andrew of Year 11 for representing St Spyridon College in the ISA Firsts and NSWCIS and shadow player for the NSW State team for boys football. Also congratulations to Petros Stefadouros, Year 11, who made ISA Seconds team for boys football. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport





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Volume 18 Number 32

THE JOYS OF TEENAGE BOYS Boisterous, uninhibited, loyal boys are a joyful contrast to the stroppy, self-conscious adolescent stereotype. The essence of what it is to be a teenage boy is having fun with your friends and family. More playful than a man but more powerful than a child. Full of exuberance and jokes. It is a fleeting interlude — a time when boys are open to almost anything, wide-eyed and daring. We don’t often allow ourselves positive thoughts about teenage boys. Too readily we associate them with street muggings, binge drinking, education failure, sexual aggression or drugs. We tend to fear groups of lads on street corners, crossing the road to avoid them or locking cars as we drive past. Not only do teenage boys too often receive a bad press, but they are struggling to adjust to a world which, in many ways, has left them behind. Outshone by girls at school and university, if they aren’t lucky enough to be academic, they find that the well-paid manual work which used to be their domain has almost entirely disappeared. Despite these hurdles, most boys are completely innocent, unthreatening and a joy to be around. Most adolescent boys today are much better equipped - emotionally and practically - to deal with relationships with people than most of their fathers were a generation ago. Another difference from the teens of old is that today’s teenage boys are living at a time when gender equality is relatively unquestioned. They have grown up with girls as friends and regard them as equals. They also have mums who go out to work, and it’s normal for couples to share the cooking, housework and childcare so boys will often happily do the same as they see the men in their lives doing. Boys suffer continually through negative comparisons with girls, the things which make them uniquely male going unnoticed or uncelebrated. Even as they approach adulthood,

boys remain boisterous and childlike. Little girls often can’t wait to grow up, worrying about their appearance, eager to wear make-up and high heels. A boy, by contrast, keeps one foot in childhood well into his teens (some would say for life). For a teenage boy, starting to think about his appearance often means no more than accepting, at long last, that he should wash occasionally – and find hair product he can bear to use. Boys can be horrible but, rather than being spiteful or nasty, they usually hurt each other physically, with a nudge or a play fight that turns serious. They can also be incredibly loyal to one another when one in the group is feeling unsure or left out. They look for things they can share, like computer games they can play without too much talking as a good way to break the ice. They are often great fun with younger children too, playing games, playing the fool and enjoying getting back down to their level. Perhaps it is time to celebrate the wonders of teenage boys, stop comparing them with girls and letting them be who they are on their own terms. Acknowledgement: Winifred Robinson 29 May 2012


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