St Spyridon News #93

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VOLUME XXIX No 13 10th August, 2012





K2013 interviews


Debating Competition JS 40hr Famine weekend begins


ISA Semi Finals




ISA Finals


Parent Forum Year 8 (Year 9 2013) 6.30pm


Athletics Carnival SS Specialist Photos JS


ASISSA Athletics


Fathers Day Assembly Year 1 in Church Hall 2.00pm



The Dormition of the Theotokos


The Dormition of the Theotokos School closed


15th August




HSC Success Program begins


Sports Presentation Evening 6.45 for 7.00pm start


CIS Athletics Carnival JS


Greek Orthodox Colleges Athletics Carnival JS


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


K-12 Doxology 8.45am Year 12 Farewell Dinner 6.45pm


Εν τη Γεννήσει την παρθενίαν εφύλαξας, εν τη Κοιμήσει τον κόσμον ου κατέλιπες Θεοτόκε. Μετέστης προς την ζωήν, μήτηρ υπάρχουσα της ζωής· και ταις πρεσβείαις ταις σαις λυτρουμένη, εκ θανάτου τας ψυχάς ημών. In birth, you preserved your virginity; in death, you did not abandon the world, Theotokos. As mother of Life, you departed to the source of life, delivering our souls from death by your intercessions. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Term Ends Open Day JS House Gala Day SS


Staff Development Day






For your children to join in the fun, please call Christine on 0410 505 524 or email me at



As of January 2012, Kingsford After School and Vacation Care entered a new phase with the introduction of the National Quality Framework (new legislation and regulations). “These changes will help providers to improve their services in the areas that impact on a child’s development and empower families to make informed choices about which service is best for their child.”

Greek Welfare Centre has revised their Vacation Care fee structure which will come into effect Monday 24th September. Vacation Care will now be $40 per day for booked care. The casual rate will be $45 per day. We will require you to give at least 24 hours notice when booking in your child/ren, in order to be paying the set daily fee. If you are unable to give 24 hours notice, you will be charged the casual rate of $45 (child care benefit applies here also).

The Greek Welfare Centre’s After School and Vacation Care Centres recently completed service and provider approval applications and are awaiting a response from the Regulatory Body.

Ms P. Doyle Children’s Services Coordinator

In the meantime we are working on updating our Policy and Procedure manual to meet the new regulations as well as evaluating our strengths and weaknesses in regards to the 7 Quality Areas (educational program, health and safety, physical environment, staffing, relationships with children, partnerships with families and communities and service management) in order to write up our Quality Improvement plan.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Kindergarten 2013 Interviews have begun and over twenty families and students have already been interviewed. What makes this even more rewarding is that we have many more past students now returning as parents. How quickly time flies! The pride they exude when they enter the school is written all over their faces. We have also welcomed many new parents who are eager to begin and join our school community. We look forward to a long and happy partnership with them. As for the children, what can we say…. each and every one a delight and special in their own way…. the artistic, the thinker, the social, the sporty, the quiet one, and the list goes on. The children will be attending two orientation days in Term Four as part of their orientation to “big school”.

AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care fees are $18 per day and we are able to reduce fees if your family receives the child care benefit or child care rebate. Your family may be eligible to receive help with the cost of child care, so it is always worth a phone call to Family Assistance on 13 61 50 to find out. Our operating hours are 3.30pm-6.30pm. At after school care children are given the opportunity to complete homework and play games. There are art and craft activities and a nutritious afternoon tea is served also.


Our Active After School Sports program is back again this term for 7 week sessions and we would love for you to join us for really exciting activities! Our sports program is on from 3.30-4.30pm on Wednesday and Fridays this term.

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the State Futsal Championships on the 6th and 7th of August: U10 Girls, U10 Boys, U12 Girls and U12 boys. Many of the teams played 4 to 5 rounds of Futsal and astounded all the parents with their stamina and never give up attitude.

On WEDNESDAYS we have HOCKEY with Shaker Sports and FRIDAYS we have MARTIAL ARTS with Adam Potter.

Congratulations to the U10 girls for making the Semi Finals and especially to the U12 boys who were State Runners up. We are proud of all the


students! Reports from the students and photos will be available in the next newsletter.


Our thanks are extended to our parent volunteers who help coach the teams in their own time. It is this love that you have for our students and for our school that empowers our students to do their best. Thank you Mr Nissirios and Mr Karagiannis. We thank Mr Tsekenis for his invaluable advice and experience.

All Coles vouchers must be returned to the school office no later than 24th August. Mrs A. Synesios Deputy Principal


To our teachers, Miss Theodossiou, Mr Amditis and Mr Meintanis - thank you for your support of the students and sport. Thank you also to Mr Zafiropoulos for making the SPACe available to us and assisting wherever he can.

The Junior School has commenced the Peer Support Program for 2012. The whole school participates in the program in groups of 8-10 students with Years 5/6 Co-Leaders. Groups work through a number of structured activities together. Each teacher supervises 2-3 groups in their classroom. We are working on a module called ‘Keeping Friends’ which helps us explore the concept of friendship, build relationships and develop skills in empathy and critical thinking.

REMINDER Wednesday 15th August is the Feast of the Dormition. School is closed on this day.


Years 5 and 6 Co-Leaders hosted their first session on 2nd August (Session 1). In the following weeks, students will complete session 2 and 3. There are 8 sessions in total. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children about Peer Support Sessions each week as it will help reinforce the concepts learned in each session.

We are happy to announce the birth of Lewis Karpouzos, son of Mrs Karpouzos and her husband George. …. and to Mr & Mrs Antonopoulos and Teoni (3A) on the birth of their daughter and sister, Marie. We wish both families long, happy and healthy lives filled with wonderful adventures. Our congratulations are also extended to Miss Theodossiou and her fiancé Con on their recent engagement. We wish them Καλά Στέφανα!





All Woolworths cards need to be sent to the school office by Monday 13th August. Remember the ‘sticker tokens’ received at the register must be placed on the ‘Woolworths cards’ and then handed into the office. Please also remember to write St Spyridon College Junior School with your child’s name on the bottom of the card.


Session 1 Our first session enabled the children to meeting everyone in the group, learn something about each group member, agree on how the group can work together and interact cooperatively with others. Students have also begun to think about the concept of ‘Friendship.’ Session 2 During this session, the children look at the qualities their friends have and the concepts that we choose friends based on the qualities we admire in them. They also explore the skills of friendship; specifically those of cooperating and listening. After this session, encourage your child to show they are interested in the person they are talking to by being an active listener.

Miss McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator



Congratulations to Panayioti Kapodistrias (Year 10) who was successfully chosen to be an Ambassador for the Commonwealth Bank Australia Maths Challenge 2012 at the World Education Games 2013. Earlier this year Panayioti came 1st in NSW, 2nd in Australia and 20th in the World in his age division in World Maths Day.

Session 3 Types of friends is the focus in Peer Support this session. Children explore what encourages them to form relationships with different people (common interests, admirable qualities etc.) Through various activities children identify that their friends can fall into the categories of ‘best friends’, ‘friends’ and ‘people we know.’ Children also discuss the fact that friendships can change over time for various reasons. Discuss with your child the different friends that they have in their lives and how friendships change. Some friends may be more important at different times in their lives.


Transition to Year 9, 2013 On Monday, 27th August, 2012, a meeting will be held for all students of Year 8 and their parents. The meeting will commence promptly at 6.30pm with a speaker on Cybersafety. We will then discuss elective choices.


It is expected that all students will attend with their parents –

Every second year our students support the 40 HOUR Famine appeal. Next weekend, i.e., from 8pm Friday 17th until noon on Sunday 19th August, students across all year groups will be giving something up, thereby getting a small taste of what life may be like for millions of families and children living in disadvantaged countries, who go without many of the basic needs on a daily basis.

6.30 pm Sports and Performing Arts Centre

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr Rawle and his family for the recent loss of his father and to Ms Pringle and her family at the recent loss of her brother.

Over the past two weeks SRC’s from Years 7 to Year 11 have given presentations to their Home Room classes involving issues of inequity, e.g., food, access to education and other resources that exist in many countries across the world. Students who are participating have set up their own online profile on the 40 HOUR Famine website, so that funds raised through sponsorship from family and friends can be deposited. Each student has their own URL which links sponsors to this profile and the St Spyridon College Group. They can promote the cause by sending emails to family and friends with details about their participation and how to donate. If over 13 years and the student has a parent approved social networking profile, they may also let friends know about their participation in the appeal and how donations can be made.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School



“In life, mistakes happen all the time. The lessons learnt are not just about the mistake, but also the journey undertaken along the way”. Anonymous Life is full of failure and errors of judgement, especially in the case of children. At some point everyone comes across challenges, how we handle these provides the sign as to whether our experiences have been profitable.

For every $40 raised 5 people will be able to survive for a month. Please be generous and support this worthy cause.

It is said, Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb, made over 500 attempts before succeeding. At the time someone asked him “How do you continue after failing so many times?” Edison replied “I didn’t fail, this invention simply took 500+ steps”. Mistakes are valuable, they reflect what not to do, they are windows on discovery. As parents and educators we need to let students know that it’s fine to trip up on occasion, as long as they acknowledge errors and take responsibility. It is this ownership that will determine their response to future challenges. Children need to aim for success, not perfection, and not be afraid to fail, while keeping in mind experience is the common name many give to mistakes.


task shifting takes oxygen and brain activity away from what they are learning and therefore it is not a good thing.

YEAR 7 PYRAMID GAMES SHOW On Tuesday, 14th August, 2012, Year 7 will be going to Fox Studios for the filming of the game show “Pyramid”. Eighteen Year 7 students have been selected as contestants, and the rest of the year group will act as audience members cheering them on. Students will also learn how a TV show is produced, will be given opportunities to ask about how the studio works, and of course give a wave to the camera!

The brain needs to be trained to stop thinking constantly about technology. However, resistance for too long can create anxiety and a fear of missing out, thereby giving rise to ‘continuous partial attention’ at the expense of home study or classroom learning. Instead, research has determined the best approach for students who find it difficult to pull back from their technology devices is to set an alarm on their phone for short regular ‘tech breaks’. They may start with 15 minutes and gradually increase this amount over time to around 30 - 60 minutes. The phone will be either face down on their desk on silent mode or off, or for social network sites they may minimize the page or log off. Students can set their alarms to ring after a set time e.g., 15minutes, this would act as their signal to let themselves check messages and status updates for a minute or two, then set the alarm again. Knowing they can check in 15 minutes creates less anxiety, whereas depriving them of the phone or computer completely, may cause them to think more or obsess about possible e-communications, which then takes them away from their ability to focus fully on their homework. It all comes back to teaching the concept of focus. We cannot simply remove technology and other distractions; they are too intricately woven into students’ daily lives. Instead students need to learn skills to help them understand when and how to switch their attention between multiple tasks or technologies.

Students must be at school no later than 7.30am and should bring their own morning tea and lunch. Instructions about what to wear have been sent home with Year 7. Please ensure these are followed, as non-compliance may result in the student not attending.

JEANS 4 GENES DAY Congratulations to all for last Friday’s effort in raising funds for the Children’s Medical Research Institute. Altogether approximately $450 was collected from the students and staff at our mufti day!




Ask any student and they will tell you they can multi-task with ease. Do homework, watch TV, listen to music and check their phone all at the same time, no problem. Ask the academic researchers though and a different story emerges. Dr Larry Rosen, Professor of Psychology at California State University, explains that what is actually occurring in this ‘multi-tasking’ is ‘task switching’. Instead of doing two things at once, students are actually switching their focus from one task to another and back again, in a parallel fashion, at high speed, resulting in them staying on task for an average of only 65% of the time period and only for 3-5 minutes at a time. Constant taskswitching results in it taking much longer to complete the individual tasks not just due to the interruptions, but also because there are delays as the brain switches between tasks and refocuses.

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δημοσιεύουμε την εργασία μαθητή της Α΄ Γυμνασίου σχετικά με την ενότητα που μελετάμε αυτή τη σχολική περίοδο και η οποία είναι το «Σπίτι μου». Παράλληλα με την ενότητα αυτή, όλοι οι μαθητές του Γυμνασίου και της Α΄Λυκείου έχουν να παραδώσουν σε λίγο καιρό μια εργασία – Project με την οποία ασχολούνται αυτόν τον καιρό ερευνώντας το διαδίκτυο. Καλή ανάγνωση!

Dr Rosen suggests students need to become more aware of their ‘task-switching’ and make conscious decisions as to when they choose to shift their focus. They need to be taught that constant mental


Το σπίτι μου

An OPEN DAY DISPLAY has been arranged on the noticeboard near the careers room. Come and see “WHAT’S ON” at the Various Colleges, TAFE and Universities. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend these days as they can be lots of fun as well as being informative. Ask a couple of friends to go with you or go with your parents *Saturday 18 August Macleay College 28 Foveaux St Surry Hills I year Diploma courses in Journalism, Event Management, Business Management, Sports Management, Advertising, Marketing, Travel & Tourism, Real Estate, Public Relations, Hospitality Management, Accounting *Saturday 18 August Elizabeth Bence School of Fashion Level 2, 741 Pacific Highway Gordon Phone 9498 7240 * Saturday 18 August JMC Academy 561 Harris St Ultimo Degree and diploma Courses in Music, Audio Engineering, Entertainment Business, Animation, Game Design, Film & Television Production. From 10.30am Register *Sunday 19 August ICMS (International College of Management Sydney) 151 Darley Road Manly Courses in Event Management, Hospitality Management, Property Management, Retail Marketing, Sports Management and International Tourism. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students. *Sunday 19 August Academy of Interactive Entertainment education experts in games, 3D animation & Visual FX Wentworth Park Grandstand, Wattle St Ultimo 10 to 3pm *Saturday 25 August The Broadway Universities – Sydney, UTS and Notre Dame Look at their websites for more details *Saturday 25 August TAFE Ultimo College 9am to 4pm *Saturday 25 August Uni of Newcastle 10 to 4pm *Sunday 26 August Uni of Western Sydney Parramatta Campus 10am to 2pm Register online *Saturday 1 September UNSW to download program and plan your day *Saturday 1 September Australian Catholic Uni at North Sydney campus *Saturday 1 September National Art School Fine Art degrees Forbes St Darlinghurst (former goal) 10 to 4pm workshops, exhibitions, information for more information

Μένω σε ένα διαμέρισμα που δεν είναι ούτε μεγάλο ούτε μικρό. Έχει δύο μεγάλα υπνοδωμάτια, ένα άνετο σαλόνι και ευρύχωρη κουζίνα. Επίσης υπάρχει ένας διάδρομος που σε οδηγεί σε ένα μεγάλο λουτρό. Μέσα στο διαμέρισμα είναι και το πλυσταριό. Κάθε διαμέρισμα στην πολυκατοικία μας έτσι και το δικό μας έχει μπαλκόνι με μια φανταστική θέα της θάλασσας και της πόλης του Σύδνεϋ. Στο υπόγειο υπάρχουν δύο εσωτερικά γκαράζ και αποθήκη. Στην πολυκατοικία χαιρόμαστε να βλέπουμε τον μεγάλο κήπο και να παίζουμε σ’ αυτόν που είναι στρωμένος με γκαζόν. Επίσης μας αρέσει να κολυμπάμε στη μεγάλη του πισίνα. Μου αρέσει το «σπίτι» μου και το αγαπώ όχι επειδή είναι άνετο ούτε επειδή έχει ωραία θέα. Το αγαπώ επειδή είναι γεμάτο από αγάπη, φροντίδα και ασφάλεια. Είναι το μέρος όπου «φωλιάζει» και ξεκουράζεται όλη η οικογένειά μου. Harry Gavalas Year 7GKA



OPTIONS FOR 2013 and Beyond On Thursday 23 August, I will give a presentation, talk and handout to all the Year 12 students during Pastoral Care. This talk will cover the various aspects of post Year 12 options – universities, TAFE Colleges, private colleges and university colleges and the procedures for applying to them. Parents should ask their Year 12 student to show them the notes of the talk and to discuss what options that they are looking towards. I am hoping to see all of the Year 12 students in the next few weeks after their Trials are over. Please make an appointment now during one of your study periods to see me. Year 12 Students and Parents I will be holding a session for students on Thursday 23 August and will also hold a session for parents of Year 12 students on Wednesday 29 August at 3.30pm at the College. Please rsvp if you would like to attend.


*Saturday 8 September Design Centre Enmore 10am to 3pm 110 Edgeware Road Enmore *Saturday 8 September Macquarie Uni *Saturday 8 September Australian International Conservatorium of Music 114 Victoria Rd Rozelle *Saturday 8 Setember Australian Catholic Uni at Strathfield campus *Saturday 15 September Bedford College 9.30am to 3pm 54 Parramatta Rd Glebe (opposite Syd Uni) Business and Child Care courses *Sunday 16 September St Patrick’s Cnr Devonshire & Riley Sts Surry Hills Courses in Marketing and Business 11am




MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY’s “Uni in a Day” Program on Thursday 27 September is your chance to get a taste of university life. You will be able to choose your own subjects, plan your timetable and see what happens in a normal day on campus. It is completely free. See Mrs Skerman for a copy of the program. Register at The University of Sydney have announced a new Early Offer Year 12 Scheme (E12). There are 16 courses that are available through this scheme. To be eligible to apply for the E12 Scheme, applicants will need to have experienced financial hardship and have the potential to succeed at university study. Please see Mrs Skerman asap if you wish to apply via this pathway. Applications must be submitted by 6 September. For more information, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit:


Applications for 2013 now open. Prestige scholarships See for more details.




Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

Early Offer Program is designed to attract and select talented and capable students for an early offer into the university. Students should demonstrate academic excellence and have a special talent in community involvement or leadership. Applications due 31 August. See Mrs Skerman.




YEAR 2 GUEST SPEAKERS Mr Michael Diamond and Mr Jack Diamond – Olympic Fencers

The inaugural Notre Dame Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 21 August at the Broadway site from 6 to 8pm. Attendees will hear from parents of Notre Dame students, the students themselves and the teaching staff. Find out about the “Notre Dame Difference”. Learn about the transition from high school to tertiary study, find out about the University’s courses and tour the Campus. The evening will provide information about life on campus, study abroad opportunities, the Notre Dame scholarship programme, student loan schemes and volunteering opportunities. New Courses for 2013. Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Philosophy/Bachelor of Theology (course information coming soon), Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Executive), Master of Business Leadership. Further information regarding these courses is available from

Year 2 would like to thank Mr Michael Diamond and Mr Jack Diamond for their amazing presentation on fencing at the Olympic Games. Jorge Cooney (Year 2) is very lucky to have such an accomplished great uncle and grandfather. Both students and teachers were amazed of Mr Michael Diamond and Mr Jack Diamond’s success throughout their careers. Mr Jack Diamond was chosen to represent Australia at the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games and at the 1962 Commonwealth Games in Perth where he won a silver medal. Year 2 was very privileged to experience first-hand of holding a silver medal from the Commonwealth Games and an Olympic token from the Melbourne Olympics. Mr Michael Diamond and Mr Jack Diamond showed us posters from the Athens 2004 Olympics Games where they pointed out Mrs Synesios, Mr Podjarski and Father Steven who were part of the


Olympic Games choir. They also showed us an Olympics torch from the Athens Games and the students were able to hold it. Another amazing part of their talk was when students got to see the different fencing swords from over the years. They were able to compare the old ones which were big and heavy to the new fencing swords which were lighter and electronic. On behalf of the Year 2 Teachers and students we are very fortunate and grateful that Mr Michael Diamond and Mr Jack Diamond were able to take time out of their very busy schedule to come and speak to Year 2 about their sporting achievements.

Students holding an Olympic torch from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games The Excellent Fencers On Friday the 27th July, Uncle Michael and Papou Jack came to St Spyridon College to talk to Year 2 about the Olympic Games.

Miss Sotiras Year 2 Class Teacher

First, Uncle Michael and Papou showed us some posters from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. They had Father Steven, Mrs Synesios and Mr Podjarski representing the school in the choir. Then, Uncle Michael showed us his very special awesome ‘Olympic Torch’. Uncle Michael and Papou Jack showed us a big photo of me as a baby holding his Olympic Torch when it was “bigger than me”. Then a photo was taken of me holding the torch next to the big photo of me holding the torch. In the photo this time “I was bigger than the torch”.

Jorge Cooney holding the Olympic Torch as a baby and holding the torch today.

Next, Uncle Michael showed us his Olympic uniforms. They were a jacket and a blazer. On the jacket it had the Australian emblem and had the words “AUSTRALIA” written across the back. After that, Uncle Michael showed us his fencing swords. I got to hold them. Some were old and some were light. The old ones were not electric and were heavy.

Students holding the silver medal from the 1962 Commonwealth Games

Later, Papou showed us a newspaper article about fencing and Uncle Michael showed us his silver medal that he won at the 1962 Commonwealth Games in Perth. He also showed us a special token from the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. Finally, Uncle Michael and Papou had to go home and put everything away. They said goodbye and then they left.


Overall, I felt very happy that uncle Michael and Papou came to talk to us about the Olympics all the things they showed us were cool!

First, they showed us posters from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Some were with the choir. Mrs Synesios, Father Steven and Mr Podjarski were in the posters.

Jorge Cooney 2A

Then, Michael Diamond showed us his Olympic torch. It was from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. It was silver with the Olympic Rings on it. We got to see a photo of baby Jorge holding the torch and got to see the differences between when he was a baby to being a big boy holding the torch.

Mr Diamond’s Visit to Year 2 On Friday the 27th July, Jorge’s great uncle Michael Diamond and grandfather Jack Diamond came to St. Spyridon College to talk to Year 2 about the Olympic Games.

Next, he showed us his blazer and tracksuit jacket from the Olympic Games. The blazer was dark green with the Australian emblem on it. The tracksuit jacket spelled Australia on the back, it was dark green and had the Australian emblem on it too.

First, he picked some children to hold posters from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. On the posters of the choir there were some people from St. Spyridon College like Mrs Synesios, Mr Podjarski and Father Steven.

After that, he showed us a silver medal that he won at the 1962 Commonwealth games in Perth. The chain looked like fish with a leaf on it.

Then, Michael Diamond showed us his Olympic Torch from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The Olympic Torch had the Olympic Rings on it and it was silver. The gas had run out.

Later, they showed us different kinds of swords. Some were light, some were heavy and some were electric so when you hit someone it makes a buzz.

Next, he showed us his Olympic uniform. It was a blazer and a jacket. The blazer and jacket were dark green and had the Australian emblem on them.

Finally, he showed us newspaper articles of fencers today. He also passed around a token from the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games and his Olympic Torch.

After that, he showed us his silver medal from the 1962 Commonwealth games and his token from the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. His medal had fish and leaves on it. It was kept in a wooden box to keep it safe. The token was bronze and it was a little bit heavy.

Overall, I had a fantastic time and learned some interesting things about fencing. Patricia Hardas 2A

Later, he showed us his fencing swords. One was electric, one was very heavy and one was light.


Finally, he showed us an old photo and in the photo Michael Diamond was playing fencing and he came 2nd place.

With Winter season reaching its final rounds this weekend we can anticipate Opens, Junior B’s Netball and also the Junior B Football team to qualify for the Semi Finals. Well Done to all students who participated in the either Netball or Football this season with some exceptional commitment shown from some students participating in both sports or stepping in when Senior teams needed help. This level of enthusiasm and commitment is important in such a small school. We have the three games being played at the Sports and Performing Arts Centre this Saturday so come along and support our teams. Also Erin Criticos and Irene Koukounaris of Year 12 who have both been integral members of many

Overall, that was the best talk, I learned a lot of new things about the Olympic Games. Marcel Darwish 2A Michael Diamond’s Great Visit On Friday the 27th of July, Jorge’s great uncle Michael Diamond and grandfather Jack Diamond came to St. Spyridon College to talk to Year 2 about the Olympic Games.


Netball teams since Year 7 will play their last Netball game at home.

associated with all these boys that turn up for their school. With two home games to go, I ask all of you to support our boys in their march to the semi- finals and come along and watch some entertaining football.





OPEN A’S Div 2



Chevalier SPACE 1130 Anzac Pde Maroubra







Oxley SPACE 1130 Anzac Pde Maroubra Oxley SPACE 1130 Anzac Pde Maroubra

FUTSAL We had both the 14’s and the 16’s girls represent St Spyridon College in the State Futsal Championships held at Penrith Sports Stadium. Both Girls teams were eliminated in the Pool stages. Well done to all involved and Mr Meintanis and Mr Kaldis for coaching them on the day.

Mr V. Zafiropoulos

Congratulations Crystal Christie, Nicole Adam, Lia Albanakis, Tiana Milisavljevic, Deyana Xenos, Theoni Thimakis, Anja Djukic, Anne-Marie Xenos, Vicki Papadopoulos, Natalie Michos, Nansia Koukounaris, Andriane Efstratiou and Cassandra Georgiou.

BOYS FOOTBALL What a season it has been! It looks promising that 4 out of our 4 teams will make semi finals. This is a first for St Spyridon College. Also the 13’s have been undefeated and look favourites to take out the boys football championships.

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The Senior School Athletics Carnival has been rescheduled to Tuesday 28th August at ES Marks Field. Compulsory attendance is expected more information will follow. Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

BOYS SPORT 15A’S BOYS FOOTBALL I would like to congratulate the boys on their continued effort this year, as we approach our first ever semi-finals. These boys consisting of mostly Year 9 and some Year 10’s have been playing together since Year 7. They were previously finding it difficult to put together some wins, however, with much more enthusiasm and above all commitment we are now realising our potential. Currently sitting in second position with 5 wins, 2 losses and 1 draw, I am proud to be

Year 7

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport





2013 DATES

Monday 28th January 2013

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 29 January 2013 Wednesday 30th January 2013 Thursday 31st January 2013 Friday 1st February 2013

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Monday 25th March 2013

Annunciation. School Closed

Friday 29th March 2013 Sunday 31st March 2013 Monday 1st April 2013

Public Holiday – Western Good Friday Western Easter Public Holiday – Western Easter Monday

Friday 12th April 2013

Term ends



Monday 29th April 2013

Students return

Wednesday 1st May 2013 Thursday 2nd May 2013 Friday 3rd May 2013 Sunday 5th May 2013 Monday 6th May 2013

Holy Wednesday. Early Dismissal Holy Thursday. School Closed Good Friday. School Closed Orthodox Easter Easter Monday. School closed

Monday 10th June 2013

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 21st June 2013

Term ends for staff and students


Monday 15th July 2013

Staff and students return

Thursday 15th August 2013

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Thursday 19th September 2013 Friday 20th September 2013

Term ends for students Staff Development day

TERM 4 Monday 7th October 2013

Public Holiday

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Staff and students return

Thursday 5th December 2013 Friday 6th December 2013

Term ends for students Staff Development day



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