VOLUME XXXII No. 13 4th September 2015
SEPTEMBER Father’s Day
Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assessments begin
ISA Athletics
Year 12 Farewell Assembly
3-12 Doxology
Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS
Year 12 Formal Dinner
Vaccinations SS
Sports Presentation Evening
Festival of Learning JS
Term ends
OCTOBER Staff Development Day
Students Return SS and JS
HSC begins
OXI Day Doxology
NOVEMBER Final Assessment Period Begins Years 7-9
Final Assessment Period Year 10 Begins
Parent Forum Year 7 2016
Divine Liturgy
Orientation Day Year 7 2016
DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation
Academic Excellence and Student Leadership
Assembly Year 3-12 Term Ends
Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs M. Faletas, Director Cast and Crew for an outstanding performance “THE YELLOW GLOVES”
P & F NEWS FATHER’S DAY DOXOLOGY AND BREAKFAST The Father’s Day Doxology service and breakfast was a resounding success! Our Very Reverend Father Steven Scoutas had these words to describe the morning: “What an absolute buzz this morning with the church packed with fathers, grandfathers and children for the Father’s Day Doxology. The Parents and Friends' Association of the school organized the most splendid Fathers’ Day Breakfast in the Hall downstairs after the Doxology, much to the delight of all present.” Thank you Father Steven for your words of praise. The P&F would also like to thank and acknowledge our Head of College, Mrs Stefanou-Haag whose idea it was to hold this event and to Mr Zafiropoulos for his assistance in organising this event. A special thank you also to Maria Lynch, Connie Georgas, Irene Bizannes and Nicholas Lynch, who assisted members of the P&F Committee on the morning. Your efforts are warmly appreciated! There was definitely a buzz of College community spirit yesterday morning! Thank you to all the father figures and children who attended, and supported this event.
ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY A letter of offer and Registration Form have been sent home with students. The St Spyridon College Business Directory is a valuable list of services, skills and businesses available among our parents and friends. It will be distributed to over 1000 people within our College and Parish Community. We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. Our offer includes:
One half page listing for 2 years. (2016 & 2017) Name of business. (No Logo) Description of principal business: services/skills/goods offered. Address/email/website and contact details Cost: $50 (Cash or cheque only)
To register your interest and secure your listing, please complete and sign the form at the back of this Newletter, together with the $50.00 fee in an envelope, and return to the front office of the Junior or Senior Campus. We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. The directory will reach at least 1000 people within our College and more, in the wider community. For all enquiries please contact: Erenie Bourdaniotis (President) 0410 318 053 Angela Vergotis (Assistant Secretary) pfcommittee_@hotmail.com Yours sincerely, Mrs E. Bourdaniotis P&F President
SSC UMBRELLAS The P&F Committee, as part of its continued fundraising, have available for purchase, umbrellas with the school logo. These may be purchased at both the Senior and Junior College front office, and will also be on offer at the Junior School assembly, every Wednesday morning. Small folding Umbrella: $25 Large Golf style Umbrella: $40
RETRO NIGHT (over 18) This event has been postponed to a date, to be advised.
P&F TARGET LIST FOR 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Computer Ultra books Tech. Support for performances Senior School Sports Graduation Cakes Dux Prize JS Artificial Grass SS Robotics Equipment Music Equipment Quadrangle Canopy
We encourage all of you to participate in our events and support our fundraisers this year. Our Target list requires us to raise over $75,000 to achieve! Your support goes a long way for the benefit of our students both in the Junior and Senior Schools. The P&F Committee also sponsored, the recent production, “Over the Rainbow” and the Greek play “The Yellow Gloves” both at the Senior campus, and also sponsors the Junior Campus Showcase. A contribution of $5,000 was made by the P&F toward Art and Drama at our College.
To date the P&F has raised: Trivia Night
$ 7,242.00
Lambatha Stall
$ 6,000.00
Palm Sunday Lunch
$ 6,342.00
Mothers’ Day Stall
$ 5,075.00
Mothers’ Night Out
$ 9953.00
Jr.Athletics Carnival Canteen
$ 1,280.00
Running Total
Upcoming Event: 7th November, 2015 (save the date) Outdoor Cinema Night to be held at the Senior School grounds. Come along with your family and friends. Food, drinks, sausage sizzle, popcorn, fairy floss, gelato all available on the night! (More details to follow in the next issue of the Newsletter)
Mrs A. Vergotis (Asst. Secretary) pfcommittee_@hotmail.com
To Tanya Diakanastasis (HSC 1996), her husband Andreas and her sister Olga Diakanastasis (HSC 1997) and her husband Dean on the birth of their boys Aristotle Sideratos and Henry George Zdjelar born one day apart.
of the hair strand by strand and scraping it on a tissue to see if there are any lice or nits. You’ll need to re-treat or comb in seven days after the newest eggs start to hatch. Combining the conditioner and comb treatment every second day until no lice have been found live for 10 days is recommended. Lice may develop a resistance to the insecticides in some commercial treatments, so they may not always be beneficial as the conditioner and comb approach. References NSW Dept of Health James Cook University Queensland Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants’ Coordinator
JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT As a group of educational professionals, staff critically reflect on their practice and demonstrate their commitment to lifelong learning. They embrace change as an opportunity for new learning experiences. Last Wednesday, Miss Bletsogiannis, Mrs Zafiropoulos, Mrs Mantsis, Miss Docos and Mrs Doyle modelled this by playing the violin alongside students at Morning Assembly. We thank Mr Podjarski for preparing the ensemble and the teachers for inspiring students to have a go at new things.
Congratulations Mrs D, proud grandmother. May God shower them with His blessings
IT’S HEAD LICE SEASON! HERE ARE SOME HEAD LICE FACTS The following facts may assist when considering treatment options: Head Lice have been causing havoc for millennia. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of infestations found on 5000 year old Egyptian mummies. Eggs are referred to as nits and the baby offspring nymphs. A single louse can lay up to 150 eggs within a month. Head lice are a parasitic bug, they cannot fly or jump they can only crawl. People get head lice from direct hair to hair contact with another person. Lice do not live long off their hosts. Cook researchers checked the carpets of 188 primary school classrooms and found no evidence of lice yet they discovered 14,033 lice on the heads of the students. Many head lice do not cause itchiness, so you will often be required to look closely to find them. No single treatment will kill all eggs. James Cook University researchers recommend the conditionerand-comb method for maintenance or dealing with resistant lice. This method involves coating dry hair thickly with cheap conditioner, to first stun the offenders, and then using a lice comb on every part
FAREWELL Mrs Mantsis will be taking Maternity Leave as of the 4th of September as she awaits the birth of her first child. We thank her for the love an encouragement she has provided not only to the students in KJ but also through the Sports and Co-curricular programs. We wish her καλή ελευθερία!
WELCOME Miss Stefadouros has been employed to take Kindergarten Jade for the remainder of the year. She
has been working alongside Mrs Mantsis this week to ensure a smooth transition for the children. I am sure you will join me in warmly welcoming her to our school.
NEW LEARNING POTENTIAL APP. Literature supports the assertion that parents’ attitudes, behaviours, and actions in relation to their children’s education have a substantial impact on student learning and educational attainment. As a parent, you and your family play an important role in supporting your child’s education. The earlier you and your family become engaged, the better it is for your child’s learning, however parent engagement is more than being involved and informed about school activities. It is actively engaging with your child’s learning, both in the home and at school.
We extend a warm welcome to our St Spyridon family, Eva Drivas and her family we wish them a long and rewarding journey with us.
CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the students who represented our College at the ASISSA Athletics Carnival. They were exceptionally well mannered and demonstrated sportsmanship by cheering on their team mates and other students from other schools.
The Minister for Education and Training, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, has launched a new mobile app to encourage parents to get more involved in their children’s education. The free Learning Potential app is available to download on Android and Apple devices, and is packed full of great articles and informative videos, tips and suggestions that are applicable to all students K-12. The activities are designed to easily fit into regular family routines, such as in the car or supermarket, and lets parents personalise the app for their children without the government collecting any of their data. I encourage you to have a look and explore new ways to use your smartphone as a means of engaging in your children's education. www.learningpotential.gov.au
I thank Mrs Diavatiotis who worked not only for our school that day but was part of the ASISSA administration, Miss McCarthy who worked tirelessly on Shot Putt and to our team manager Mrs Economou who ensured that students were where they needed to be. Our K-12 school community led by Year 6 and Miss Bletsogiannis worked together to demonstrate compassion, generosity and responsibility. Over $3000 was raised at the Teddy Bear’s Picnic to repair the Chaurikharaka School damaged by the earthquake in Nepal. May our Lord extend his blessings to you all for contributing to this worthwhile cause.
On Friday 28th August the long wait was over as we celebrated the end of Book Week with a visit by wellknown author/illustrator Michael Salmon. He kept us entertained with his stories and in particular with his cartoons and caricatures. The children who were targeted were good sports, entering into the spirit of the day. The prizes he awarded reflected the zaniness of the author. I am sure the children will long remember him. At the conclusion of the afternoon session, Michael stayed back to sign his books for the children who had purchased them. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people involved and Michael for making this day one we will remember fondly.
The School Festival of Learning will be held on Friday 18th September from 10:30 – 1:00pm. Come and visit the classrooms and see the children engage with their learning. A program with the events will be sent home next week.
JUNIOR SCHOOL PERFORMANCE “Tales to Share” will be held at the SPACe on Wednesday 25th November at 1pm. Please add this date to your diary.
COCURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All cocurricular activities will conclude for the year on Wednesday 9th September. We hope that your child has enjoyed their after school activity and that they have developed many new skills. We look forward to bringing you many new activities 2016. If you have any ideas, please see Mr Dookie.
Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian Junior School
Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School
We are BEARY delighted and proud to announce, that we raised over $3000 at our Teddy Bears’ Picnic. This money will be donated to The Himalayan Outreach Project to help repair the Chaurikharka School, and to give students, just like ours, the chance to learn and to build a brighter future. We thank Mrs Yatman for bringing The Himalayan Outreach Project to our awareness. We also thank our Year 6 students Theresa Sevastopoulos and Alexia Costa for helping with creating and organising the Teddy Bears’ Picnic Fundraiser. Most importantly, thank you to each and every one of you for generously giving your time, your enthusiasm and your money. Thank you BEARY much! Miss Bletsogiannis Colouring Competition Winners First Place: KC Steve Efstathis KJ Sophia Gatsis KR Marcus Kalyvas 1V Alexa Theocharidis 1T George Antonas 2C George Alexandratos 2A Chrissy Drakakis 3S Ciana Foti 3A Stella Tsoukleris 4C Sienna Tsoukalas 4T Jasmin Moros 5A Sia Manos 5I Jorge Cooney 6M Valentina Spyridopoulos 6P Isabella De Pasquale
IF YOU GO OUT TO THE WOODS TODAY… Our Teddy Bears’ Picnic for Nepal was a delight! A sea of pyjamas in a myriad of colours and patterns were sprinkled across the playground like hundreds and thousands on fairy bread. Basking in the much anticipated sunrays, children clutched at their teddies and wolfed down delectable treats. The air was perfumed with sugar and spice and everything nice, and a spoon full of excitement.
Second Place: KC Bettina Winnel KJ Chloe Boulas KR Eleni Yatman 1V Bianca Soumilas 1T Mitchell Coutts 2C Amali Roumanous 2A Steven Paras 3S Harry Hatzi 3A Gabriel Leondaris 4C Sophia Karatasos 4T Christie Kalis 5A Vasili Giaras 5I Nicole Frangoulis 6M Ekaterini Hatzidimitriou
The students went marching one by one (hoorah, hoorah!) to the cookie stall. In exchange for tossing a golden two dollar coin into the money box, they created finger-licking good ‘Tiny Teddy’ cookie treats. The sticky fingers though, didn’t stop anyone from entering the colouring competition. Brown teddies, rainbow teddies, spotted, dotted, striped teddies. My teddy, your teddy, imaginary scary teddy. Teddy creations of all imaginations. But the magic of the day happened when each child reached into their pocket for their donation. From the depths of each and every pocket, there came compassion, there came generosity, there came kindness. For none of us could BEAR to stand around and do nothing to help the victims of the Nepal Earthquake!
Third Place: KC Olivia Gravanis KJ Zoe Sigrimis KR Antonia Kotsohili 1V Nikolas Polyzoidis 1T Mia Magoulias
2C 2A 3S 3A 4C 4T 5A 5I 6M 6P
Peter Baroutis Georgia Karatasos Sarah Simpson Catherine Coutts Natalia Constantinidis Nicholas Bastas Heleena Ginis Anastasia Lambrou Sofia Mavrolefterou Alexander Papaioannou
THE NED SHOW On Thursday 6th August, The ‘NED Show’ by ‘All for KIDZ’ came to our school.
Each year ‘All for KIDZ’ encourages over 2.5 million children across the United States, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia.
YEAR 2 EXCURSION TO CAMP KEDRON On Thursday 18th August, 2015 Year 2 went on an excursion to Camp Kedron in the Ku-Ring-Gai National Park.
Never give up, Encourage others, and Do their best, hence the acronym ‘NED’. The message was reinforced in an engaging and fun way using storytelling, audience participation and yo-yo tricks.
First, when we arrived at the camp, we met our leaders Matt and Don and had a quick morning tea break. Next, we went on a bush walk like a bug hunt (where we shook a shrub to see what creepy crawlies fell out). My group found a Daddy Longlegs Spider and a Cicada; we circled the insects we found in our work booklets. We investigated flora by working on a survey on how many different coloured flowers we could see around us – yellow was the most popular flower in August (our leaders told us that September was a pink month). After that, we climbed some steep rocks and then sat down for a picnic lunch. There was a great view of the National Park from there.
Through the ‘Pay it Forward’ Program, ‘The NED Show’ was performed at our school for free. In return we purchased NED-messaged yoyos and the proceeds will allow ‘The NED Show’ to “Pay it Forward” to other schools, continuing the delivery of the NED message and empowering more students to become champions at school and in life! Miss Bletsogiannis Curriculum Coordinator
Finally, we went to a little creek where we had to use different instruments to collect some of our own sea creatures such as minute prawns and tadpoles. Matt collected a crayfish for us to have a closer look at. While walking along the creek, we became scientists and looked at the pollution levels of two creeks – one that went through farm land and the other through the natural bush, by using syringes with filter paper. We discovered that the creek that went through the farm land was much more polluted than the one that flowed through the bush. Overall, we had an amazing day and we can’t wait to go back! Compiled by 2C
SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT FAREWELL YEAR 12, 2015 A number of events have been organised to farewell our Year 12 students:
Wednesday, 9th September: Year 7-12 Farewell Assembly 12.25pm, SPACe. Friday, 11th September: Years 3-12 Doxology in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos or His delegate, St Spyridon Church – parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend – 8.45am. Tuesday, 15th September: Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.
Bowen Liu Ephemia Damianos Hassan Hijazi William Georgas Anthea Condous
Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit
In Year 9 Felicity Ginis Keni Xu Stephen Bletsas Elian Prayster
Credit Credit Credit Credit
Mr Kollias Curriculum Leader Mathematics
HOSPITALITY VET WORK PLACEMENTS Congratulations to Year 11 Hospitality VET students for completing industry placements for their course. The students had the opportunity to work in some prestigious establishments such as Sheraton on the Park, Ravesis Bondi, China Lane, Crowne Plaza Coogee, Holiday Inn Sydney Airport where they demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skill, above industry standard expectations. Their employers feedback was most positive as the students impressed their host employer with their professionalism, positive attitude and overall high standards.
THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION 2015 Hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world enter this prestigious mathematics competition also known as the AMC. The AMC has three aims: To highlight the importance of mathematics as a curriculum subject. To give students an opportunity to discover talent in mathematics. To provide resources for the classroom and general discussion. It is with pleasure that I list below, in order of merit and by academic year, the students at St Spyridon College that received an award of Distinction or Credit in this year’s AMC. Certificates will be presented to these students at a forthcoming School assembly. Please note that individual performance reports will be given to every student that took part. Well done to the students listed here. Congratulations to all the students who took on the challenge. In Year 7 Chadey Bteddini George Stavrou George Hatzidis Peter Ganis Anastasia Reeve Myrto Falalaki Anna Papas
Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit
In Year 8 Peter Nikas Nikyle Konstantin Adam Geortsis Connor Giavis Desi Kapodistrias
Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit
Mrs V. Grillakis Food Tech Teacher
HSC material for this years examinations in Classical Greek.
Furthermore, over the course of dinner we were treated to a typical ancient Greek Symposium as Mr Chris Allen recited Homer’s Odyssey.
Οι τελειόφοιτοι μαθητές καθώς και οι μαθητές του Υ11 του τμήματος των Κλασσικών Σπουδών του Κολλεγίου μας, όπως και οι συνοδοί καθηγητές τους κα V. Alexandropoulou (Classical Greek teacher) και κ. Α. Kollias , είχαν την ευκαιρία, ύστερα από πρόσκληση του ομώνυμου τμήματος του Pymble Ladies College, να συμμετάσχουν σε Ελληνικό Συμπόσιο, που διοργανώθηκε στις 21 Αυγούστου στο ομώνυμο Κολλέγιο. Στα πλαίσια του Συμποσίου οι μαθητές Ch.Kollias and Dan. Kyriakaki, είχαν την ευκαιρία να παρακολουθήσουν τη διάλεξη του καθηγητού κ. Peter Anstey για το Πλατωνικό έργο Κρίτων καθώς και την ομιλία του Bob Cowan όπου αναλύθηκαν σημαντικές πτυχές του Αριστοφάνειου έργου Νεφέλες. Στα πλαίσια γεύματος αρχαιοελληνικού χαρακτήρα στο οποίο παρακάθισαν άπαντες οι προσκεκλημένοι στεφανωμένοι με τον κότινο, δοκίμασαν ελληνικά παραδοσιακά εδέσματα, ενώ οι μαθητές μας είχαν την ευκαιρία να γνωριστούν με τους μαθητές των άλλων σχολείων, που επίσης συμμετείχαν (Grammar, Riverview, All Saints’, Xavier (Melbourne) and Pymble) και να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις για τα εν λόγω έργα του Πλάτωνα και Αριστοφάνη καθώς αυτά αποτελούν την ύλη των Αρχαίων Ελληνικών για τις φετινές εξετάσεις του HSC. Στα πλαίσια πάντοτε ενός τυπικού αρχαιοελληνικού Συμποσίου, οι μαθητές μας είχαν επίσης την ευχάριστη εμπειρία να ακούσουν τον κ. Chris Allen να απαγγέλει αποσπάσματα από την Οδύσσεια του Ομήρου. Year 11 & 12 students of our Classical Greek studies program accompanied by Ms V. Alexandropoulou (Classical Greek teacher) and Mr A. Kollias, in attendance at the invitation of our Classical Greek counterparts of Pymble Ladies College to participate in a Greek Symposium held on August 21.
Mrs V. Alexandropoulos Classical Greek Teacher
Within the scope of the Symposium, students Christos Kollias and Danae Kyriakaki were afforded the opportunity to attend the lecture of Prof. Peter Anstey on Plato’s Crito and also Bob Cowan’s speech analysing the critical aspects of Aristophanes’ Clouds.
Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School
MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT "The task of leadership is not to put greatness in humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there." ~John Buchan~
A distinctly Ancient Greek flavour was the dinner theme as all attendees were crowned with a wreath and served traditional Greek dishes whilst our students had the opportunity to meet with fellow students of other schools in attendance (Grammar, Riverview, All Saints', Xavier (Melbourne) and Pymble) where views were exchanged on the works of Plato and Aristophanes as these works constitute
We are all leaders in some way, whether we consider ourselves to be or not. Supervisors are leaders of employees, parents and teachers are leaders of children, politicians and policemen are civic leaders, athletes are mentors to those coming up in the ranks and writers are leaders of all the minds they reach. In
any relationship, each person can act as leader to the other. Perhaps most importantly, we are leaders first and foremost of ourselves. The trick is to dig deep, be the best we can be as this will have a positive impact on others in our community and world.
40 HOUR FAMINE APPEAL UPDATE A big CONGRATULATIONS to the entire school community for your efforts in the 40 Hour Famine Appeal. Many students gave up a range of things from technology, to furniture and even talking over the 40 Hour Famine weekend in order to gain an understanding of what it is like to go without the things they need/rely on. Over $4,114 was donated by the St Spyridon College Senior School Team in support of World Vision projects in Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Malawi, Nepal, Swaziland and Uganda. Thank you to Year 11 SRC’s who led and promoted the event to younger peers.
INTERVIEWS YEAR 7, 2016 Interviews with parents and students who will form our 2016 Year 7 cohort have not only commenced but we are already more than half way through our list. It is always exciting to meet everyone and have the opportunity to provide some insights into life as a Senior School student, as well as answer any questions that parents and students may have. All who are yet to attend are reminded to fill and bring with them their “Passport To Senior School” along with a portrait/passport style photograph. Should any family not have received this form, please contact the Senior School Enrolment Officer, Mrs Angela Kringas.
Year 7 – total raised $1,407 Year 8 – total raised $1,307 Year 9 – total raised $776.50 Year 11 – total raised $622.50 Well done to everyone!
LEGACY 2015 LEGACY is an organisation dedicated to looking after the children and wives/husbands of defence force personnel killed in war and other hazardous services, in peacekeeping operations, or in accidents while training for war. Throughout Australia Legacy assists more than 120,000 widows, 1,800 children and dependants with a disability. Our school takes pleasure in being able to do our bit to help give back.
2016 PREFECT APPLICATION PROCESS BEGINS We have once again come to that time of year when one leadership group prepares to leave us while another prepares to take up the reigns. Last week over 20 Year 11 students submitted application letters for Prefect 2016.
Today eight SRC’s from Year 10 went to Pacific Square Shopping Centre, Maroubra, to sell merchandise for LEGACY as part of our Pastoral Care Program Community Service focus. Thank you to Ms Flokis for supervising and to students Giorge Gemisis, Con Gouskos, Danielle Petrakis, Keti Bull, Demetrios Avdalis, Jakob Krasadakis, Leon Kouzoukas and Panos Bounos for the leadership you have shown through your efforts.
The Year 11 student first round vote occurred in Pastoral Care this week, while teachers will vote next Monday. It is anticipated that short listed students will be informed of the result before the end of Term, so that they may begin preparing portfolios for interviews that will be held in Term 4. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School
The money raised through the sale of merchandise provides the affected defence force families with pensions, dental care, financial & social support to ensure they are not disadvantaged.
αυτό που θέλει ο πατέρας. κουβέντα.
Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,
Έτσι πιάσαμε την
Έμαθα τι είναι και τα ¨παντσέικς» άλλωστε τα έχουμε κι εδώ, αλλά τα λέμε τηγανίτες. Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που τον άκουγα τόσο αγανακτισμένο και ταυτόχρονα τόσο ανακουφισμένο καθώς μου έλεγε τα παράπονά του και τον καταλάβαινα. Ένιωθα κι εγώ το ίδιο άνετα και του είπα ότι εγώ είμαι η μειοψηφία της Κρήτης καθώς θέλω να γίνω ποιητής και όχι μαντιναδολόγος. Τον ρώτησα κι εκείνον τι ήθελε να κάνει, αλλά δεν ήξερε τι να μου πει. Τότε πρόσεξα την μπάλα του μπάσκετ, που κρατούσε και τον βοήθησα να σκεφτεί και να καταλάβει τα δικά του θέλω όχι του πατέρα του.
Στην έκδοση αυτή θα ήθελα πρώτα απ’ όλα να ευχαριστήσω θερμά και να συγχαρώ όλα τα παιδιά, που πήραν μέρος στη φετινή μας θεατρική παράσταση με το έργο «Τα Κίτρινα Γάντια». Είτε έπαιζαν κάποιο ρόλο, μεγάλο ή μικρό, είτε βοηθούσαν με τα σκηνικά, τα ευχαριστώ πολύ κι ευχαριστώ και τους γονείς τους για την υπομονή και την ταλαιπωρία να τα φέρνουν και να τα παίρνουν από τις πρόβες. Ήταν μια ΦΑΝΤΑΣΤΙΚΗ παράσταση! ΣΥΓΧΑΡΗΤΗΡΙΑ!!!
Ο κακομοίρης, αναγκάζεται να κάνει ό, τι κάνει και να στερείται την παιδικότητά του μόνο για να κινήσει το ενδιαφέρον του πατέρα του. Ακριβώς το αντίθετο είμαι εγώ. Ο πατέρας μου πάντα με υποτιμάει διότι εγώ, σε αντίθεση με τον Άλεξ, κάνω αυτό που θέλω εγώ κι ακολουθώ τα όνειρά μου, δεν θα τα παρατήσω ποτέ για να γίνω πολιτικός. Έτσι, έδειξα στον Άλεξ την κρυψώνα μου, εκεί που φυλάω τους σκαντζόχοιρους για να μην τους βρει ο πατέρας και τους ξεκάμει. Όμως, τότε ήρθε η καταστροφή! Τουφεκιές ακούστηκαν στον αέρα, που προορίζονταν για μας. Πάει, λέω, καταστράφηκα! Ο πατέρας μου θα ανακάλυπτε τη φωλιά και θα σκότωνε ό, τι πιο αγαθό και αγαπητό είχα, τα ζωάκια μου, που είναι οι μόνοι φίλοι που έχω, αλλά τώρα έχω και τον Άλεξ…
Επίσης ευχαριστώ τις συναδέλφους που βοήθησαν είτε στο υποβολείο, την κυρία Αικ. Πετράκη, είτε στον ήχο και στα φώτα, την Κυρία Π. Γαμβρέλλη, είτε πίσω από τη σκηνή, την κυρία Β. Αλεξανδροπούλου. Επίσης τον κύριο Κώστα Γιαννάκαρο, που βοήθησε πολύ με τα σκηνικά μας. Τέλος, δημοσιεύω το γραπτό μαθητρίας της Γ΄ Λυκείου, το οποίο γράφτηκε κάτω από συνθήκες διαγωνισμού και συγκεκριμένα στα διαγωνίσματα του Β΄ Εξαμήνου ή Trials. Το θέμα σχετίζεται με την ταινία που μελετούν «Πρώτη Φορά Νονός». Στην ταινία αυτή, δυο παιδιά ο Άλεξ και ο Πάνος έρχονται κοντά το ένα στο άλλο μια και οι πατέρες τους δεν τα αποδέχονται όπως είναι, αλλά έχουν άλλες απαιτήσεις από αυτά.
Πάνω στην αγωνία και τη στενοχώρια μου αγνόησα τον Άλεξ που μου έδειχνε δρόμο για να το σκάσουμε και κάλυψα όσο μπορούσα με το σώμα μου τους σκαντζόχοιρους για να τους προστατέψω. Τους αποχαιρετούσα έναν-έναν από μέσα μου ενώ έκλαιγα…
Καλά να περνάτε! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: Είσαι ο Πάνος. Γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου αναπολώντας τα γεγονότα της συγκεκριμένης ημέρας και τα αισθήματα, τις σκέψεις σου μετά την πράξη του Άλεξ.
Όσο οι μεγάλοι πλησίαζαν τόσο η καρδιά μου σφυροκοπούσε ασταμάτητα μέσα στο στέρνο μου. Τότε, ως δια μαγείας, ο Άλεξ με έσωσε κι εμένα και τα σκαντζοχοιράκια μου. Κάτι άλλαξε μέσα του και παρέδωσε τον εαυτό του στους μεγάλους και τον πατέρα μου, που τον έψαχναν θυσιάζοντας την ελευθερία του για μένα και τα ζωάκια μου! Θα μπορούσε να το έχει σκάσει μόνος, αλλά όχι, επέμενε να πάω μαζί του κι όταν εγώ δεν τον ακολούθησα παραδόθηκε. Μετά από αυτή την απρόσμενη πράξη, του χρωστάω πολλά! Παράλληλα όμως διαπίστωσα πως έχω ένα πραγματικό φίλο με τον οποίο μπορώ να εκφραστώ ελεύθερα και να παίξω μπάσκετ.
Δευτέρα 16 Αυγούστου 1963 Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Σου γράφω σήμερα για να σου διηγηθώ μια ιδιαίτερη και σημαντική μέρα. Σήμερα, εγώ και ο Άλεξ γίναμε επίσημα φίλοι. Το συμβάν αυτό ξεκινάει όταν έφτιαχνα τον φράχτη από πέτρες για να βοηθήσω τους σκαντζόχοιρους να κρατηθούν ζωντανοί και να μην τους βρει ποτέ ο πατέρας. Καθώς λοιπόν έφτιαχνα τον φράχτη, ξαφνικά βλέπω τον Άλεξ μπροστά μου. Ξαφνιάστηκα όταν μου είπε ότι το έσκασε από το σπίτι, αλλά πιο πολύ ξαφνιάστηκα όταν μου εξομολογήθηκε ότι δεν αντέχει άλλο να προσποιείται πως είναι κάποιος που δεν είναι. Εκεί, συνειδητοποίησα ότι τον είχα παρεξηγήσει, κατάλαβα πως ήταν το ίδιο πιεσμένος με εμένα, η διαφορά μας όμως είναι ότι εγώ ποτέ μου δεν κάνω
Εδώ σε αφήνω, τα ξαναλέμε… Πάνος Danae Kyriakaki Year 11 (Mod. Greek Year 12)
There are several holiday workshops coming up which may be of interest to students . Also following there is information about Engineering and Architecture experiences, open days and workshops at universities and private colleges, HSC revision lectures, applying for university, EAS and scholarships, overseas study and gapbreaks, useful websites and much more!
UWS Academic Literacy Workshop : Free preparation running two day, four day, and online workshops to assist with academic style of writing, essay writing at university, research. http://www.uws.edu.au/currentstudents/current_studen ts/services_and_facilities/study_and_life_skills_works hops/bridging_programs2
HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA): Holiday Courses Mon 21st September – Fri 2nd October, Kensington. The National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) will be holding a number of holiday courses for students in Years 7 – 12. Attendees can participate in a range of courses covering acting, audition preparation, and dancing. https://www.open.nida.edu.au/courses/Demographic /Young+People
UNSW ENGINEERING EVENTS There are several events being held which are great opportunities for interested students with ability in Maths and Science: UNSW ENGINEERING HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION DAY 28 OCTOBER: YEAR 10 This day provides stimulating and informative handson activities for students in Year 10 who are interested in finding out more about Engineering and the different career paths available. Students who wish to attend should see me as soon as possible so I can organise a group excursion. More information is provided at the following link. http://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/all-events/highschool-information-day-0
International Screen Academy Free Open Workshops 19 September, 10 October, 7 November, 5 December. 12.00pm to 3.00pm. 242 Young Street, Waterloo. Workshops on acting, filmmaking, animation. http://www.isasydney.com.au/
ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA ‘EXPERIENCE IT’. GIRLS STUDENT CONFERENCE 2015 1 October, 8.45am to 4.00pm Colombo Building, Gate 4 University of NSW Kensington Years 9 – 12 girls do workshops in engineering. Hear about careers from students and industry representatives. https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/events/experien ce-it-student-conference-2015
Australian Theatre for Young People School Holiday Workshops: Audition Monologue Techniques 21 to 23 September, 10.00am to 4.00pm; Investigative Scene Work 28 September to 2 October, 10.00am to 4.00pm; Race Down Under 28 September to 2 October, 10.00am to 4.00pm. http://www.atyp.com.au/ Museum of Human Disease: School Holiday Program Mon 21st September, 10.00am, Museum of Human Disease, UNSW Kensington Special activities will be available during the school holidays. Contact: 9385 1522 https://medicalsciences.med.unsw.edu.au/newsevents/museum-school-holidays-program
WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CAMP at UNSW This is a 5 day camp in January 2016 for girls entering year 11 or 12 who are 16 years of age or older. Some information is below: Are you a young woman currently in Year 10 or 11 and want a career where you can be at the forefront of positive change for society? Do you enjoy using lateral thinking, creativity and design? Or do you love problem solving, working in teams or have an aptitude for maths and science? Join us for a five day 'camp' and find out about the exciting careers available to professional engineers. Available places in the Women in Engineering Camp are limited. Applicants will be selected on the basis of aptitude for engineering, including an interest in maths and science subjects at high school. Applications must be received by 27 September 2015. For more information and to apply, see
Animal Logic: Work Experience Program Mon 7th December – Fri 11th December Animal Logic is a leading design, visual effects and animation company which has worked on films including Happy Feet, The Matrix, 300 and more. Students in Years 10 and 11 are invited to apply for the Animal Logic Work Experience program. Participants will be able to tour the Animal Logic studio, meet artists and technicians from throughout the company, and experience the tools and processes used in the VFX and animation industry. Applications close Friday 9th October.
http://www.engineering.unsw.edu.au/initiatives/wo men-in-engineering/outreach/women-inengineering-camp
SCHOLARSHIPS Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships relevant to their future studies. UNSW has many on offer, including the Sir Arthur and Lady Renee George Scholarship for St Spyridon students. The UNSW Co-op scholarships are also open for applications from students expecting high ATAR results and provide financial support and internships while studying. See university websites for more details and to apply.
UNSW: ARCHITECTURE Luminocity Workshops and Information Sessions As part of UNSW’s Luminocity, a number of workshops and information sessions will be held to inform prospective students about all of UNSW’s built environment degrees. High School Parent Information Evening 16 September 6.30pm to 8.30pm Interdisciplinary Workshop & Tour 18 September, 9.00am to 1.00pm Architecture Workshop & Tour 21 September, 9.00am to 1.00pm Gallery, Ground Floor, West Wing, Red Centre Building, UNSW Kensington https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/alternativeadmissions-workshop
The University of Sydney Sydney Scholars Awards Closes 30 October. Year 12 students $6,000 to $10,000 for up to 5 years. ATARs 95 and above or 90 and above for Sydney Conservatorium of Music. http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/prospective/sydney_ scholars_program.shtml UNSW Scholarships and Co-op Program Google Hangout 2015 16 September, 6.00pm to 7.00pm Scholarship questions answered. https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cbb90a5hed26sa5p 8rbgjam0snk
YEAR 12 APPLICATIONS FOR UNIVERSITY, FLEXIBLE ENTRY, EAS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Students (and parents) in year 12 are reminded that applications for university need to be made online through the UAC website by 30th September. The year 12 students have had the online application process explained and shown to them during pastoral care lessons recently. If any further assistance or advice is needed, please contact me. Preferences can be changed up until 6th January, 2016 through the ‘Check and Change’ tab on the site. See http://www.uac.edu.au/
Macquarie University 2016 Undergraduate Scholarship Booklet Based on academic excellence , equity, financial need, sporting ability. http://students.mq.edu.au/opportunities/scholarships_a nd_prizes.jsp OPEN DAYS
Flexible entry is available for Engineering courses at UNSW, UTS and Sydney University. Any student wishing to study Engineering should apply through these schemes (online) at the individual universities, as well as through UAC.
UNSW: This Saturday, 5th September. See https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/open-day For details. UNSW Art & Design Open Day Interested in studying art, design or digital media? Visit our Paddington campus on Open Day, Saturday, 5 September to learn about our degrees and to explore our fine art studios, design labs, media production facilities and exhibition spaces. Register for free now http://bit.ly/adopenday15
Flexible entry via portfolio is also available for architecture and design courses. Students should refer to the university websites or see me for further information if needed. Students who have experienced disadvantage during years 11 or 12 and who are eligible to apply for consideration through the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) should see me and then Mrs Katsogiannis to obtain an application form. These should be finalised by the end of Term 3. Any student applying for EAS under the category of financial hardship is encouraged to also apply for Equity scholarships. More details are available on the UAC website. http://www.uac.edu.au/equity/ Sydney University also has Early offers available for these students under the E12 scheme.
ACU Open Days ACU’s 2015 Open Days will be at North Sydney on 5 September and Strathfield on 12 September. With increased information, presentations, demonstrations and tours as well as fun and entertainment they’re a great way for students to see if ACU is right for them and their goals. Information and downloadable app: http://life-lessordinary.acu.edu.au/open-day
Macquarie University Open Day - Saturday 12 September Pioneering minds start at Open Day 2015. Join us to find out about Macquarie’s unique learning opportunities that will help you achieve your ambitions – no matter how sky high. Macquarie University’s Open Day is on Saturday 12 September. Find out more at http://www.openday.mq.edu.au
APM College of Business and Communication Day in the Life 24 September, 10.00am to 4.00pm The Rocks Campus, 1 – 5 Hickson Road Workshops, real life case studies in Public Relations and Marketing. http://www.apm.edu.au/about-apm/upcomingevents/day-in-the-life-sydney
The Hotel School Sydney Open Day 2015 The Hotel School Sydney opens its doors to students, families and friends for their annual OPEN DAY on Saturday 12th September from 9am to 1pm. Join us to learn about our Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management and ask any questions associated with studying at THSS. Location: 60 Phillip Street, Sydney To register visit our website hotelschool.scu.edu.au
ACPE Campus Tours and Course Presentations 10 September, 15 September, 24 September, 29 September 1 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park http://www.acpe.edu.au/about-us/events Australian Pacific College Project Management and Open week on 7-11 of September at MIT, Sydney. 154 Sussex St, Sydney, ph. 8267 1400, www.mit.edu.au Come and see our Sydney campus during open week on 7-11 of September between 9am and 5 pm. We think it’s important that you come to see our first class facilities for School of Business and IT, to talk to our lectures and students, to find out about University pathway, fast track option for Bachelor Degree and how you can benefit of MIT smaller classes. Call us on 8267 1400! www.mit.edu.au
2015 AFTRS Open Day Rated once again one of the top film schools in the world (The Hollywood Reporter) AFTRS is Australia’s national screen and broadcast school. AFTRS opens its doors just once a year. Saturday September 5, 10am-3pm - all welcome! Can’t make it to Open Day? • Information sessions will be streamed via the Periscope app Visit the website for details http://www.aftrs.edu.au/opendays
Sydney Aviators Open Day Sun 20th September, 8.30am – 11.00am, Bankstown Airport Half hour trial flights will be available at a cost of $120 and short presentations on how to obtain a Private Pilot License will be held throughout the day. Contact: (02) 9793 8900 http://www.sydneyaviators.com.au/Event.aspx?pid=12 1 Australian Academy of Beauty and Spa Therapy: Open Nights Bella Vista: Wed 16th September, 7.00pm North Strathfield: Wed 16th September, 7.00pm Chatswood: Tue 15th September, 7.00pm Kogarah: Tue 15th September, 7.00pm Speak to staff to learn about the courses available. http://www.australianacademyofbeautytherapy.com/
You’re invited to Australian Careers Business College Open Days on September 22, 23 & 25 Students can discover how to graduate in one year with a Nationally Recognised Qualification, a pathway to University and hands on work experience. Hear from graduates, current students, employer partners and our trainers. Liverpool Tuesday, 22 September. Parramatta - Wednesday, 23 September and Wollongong - Friday, 25 September. For more info call 1300COLLEGE or visit http://www.acbc.nsw.edu.au/ Sydney Film School Open Day Our next Open Day is on 12th September 2015 (2pm-5pm) at Sydney Film School, 82 Cope Street, Waterloo. This event gives prospective students the chance to meet with directors, teachers, students and graduates of our Diploma of Screen and Media (CUF50107) and Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (CUF60107). https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sydney-filmschool-open-day-september-12th-2015-tic
Flight Centre Travel Academy Information Session Wed 9th September, Level 13, 33 Berry Street, North Sydney Wed 23rd September, Level 13, 33 Berry Street, North Sydney Flight Centre Travel Academy allows students to participate in real-world training in a blended online and offline mode. http://travel.fctravelacademy.com/information-sessions
APM College of Business and Communication Scholarships 2016 Closes 17 September Marketing, Business, Event Management and Public Relations. Do a project and a 1day workshop. http://www.apm.edu.au/apply-online/scholarships
Participants will explore the creative process from initial idea to completion to get a practical understanding of what is involved in the project of their choice. The day commences with a keynote speech from an industry artist before participants break into groups for focused sessions with specialist tutors. https://www.open.nida.edu.au/course/OSCHSCIP
HSC REVISION LECTURES SYDNEY UNIVERSITY HSC PREPARATION COURSES These are being held over the next two weekends: 5th,6th September and 12th, 13th September. The cost is $120 per subject. See https://cce.sydney.edu.au/courses/education/hsc for more information and to register.
TSFX HSC Exam Revision Lectures Sat 19th September – Wed 30th September, The University of Sydney, Camperdown. Each lecture will review and then extend on knowledge taught at schools, demonstrate how examination questions are marked, how answers must be presented, and finally provide attendees with detailed course notes complete with model exam responses. Lectures will be available on a number of HSC subjects. http://www.tsfx.com.au/?hsc-program=end-of-yearrevision-lectures
The University of Notre Dame: Twilight Tour & Course Information Evening Tue 24th November – Thu 26th November, 104 Broadway, Chippendale. The Prospective Students Office will be open for extended hours to assist potential students with tertiary study options and admissions information. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2015/twilight-tour-andcourse-info-evening-nov2015 ACU: Teaching at ACU This online booklet provides information about the teaching courses and alternative pathways available for anyone who would like to enroll in a teaching degree 2016, but may not have the academic requirements for direct entry. http://www.acu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/769 434/Teaching_at_ACU.pdf
September HSC Workshops Monday 21st September - Friday 2nd October 2015 held at UTS A series of interactive workshops will be held at UTS and Macquarie University across 17 HSC subjects during the upcoming holidays. Expert teachers will be running these full day workshops on campus to allow students to improve their knowledge and exam writing skills in the lead up to the final exams. Register at https://hscintheholidays.com.au or call 1300 677 336.
PRIVATE COLLEGES NEWS Human Resource Management Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Sydney CBD, Manly Beach, Bondi Junction and Brisbane campuses. For more information call Pam at psegal@apc.edu.au or phone (02) 8288 8139
Museum of Human Disease: HSC Biology Study Day Tue 29th September, 9.30am – 4.00pm, Samuels Building (F25), Via Gate 11 - Botany St, University Of New South Wales A one-day workshop which aims to provide attendees with up-to-date exam techniques, revision strategies, and inspiring talks to ensure students achieve their best for the final HSC Biology exams. https://medicalsciences.med.unsw.edu.au/newsevents/hsc-biology-revision-day
NSW Mounted Police Open Day 12 to 13 September 10.00am to 2.00pm 7 Baptist Street, Sydney https://www.facebook.com/events/600761540058964/ William Blue College of Hospitality Management Scholarships 2016 14 September Hospitality Management, Event Management, Tourism Management and Commercial Cookery. http://www.williamblue.edu.au/applyonline/scholarships
Time Management skills for 2016 Year 12s – Free Session – Wed 30 Sept - University of Notre Dame Now is a great time for Year 11s to develop good skills for Year 12. This session provides tips and advice on study and time management, managing workload and priorities, recognising and managing stress and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. 9:00am – 12:30pm on Wednesday 30 September at the University of Notre Dame, 104 Broadway, Chippendale NSW (map) Register at www.nd.edu.au/events/sydney
New Angliss International Hotel School From semester 1 2016, the William Angliss International Hotel School will run from both the Melbourne and Sydney campuses. The hotel school will offer a diploma of hospitality delivered over 12 months, featuring an internship with a major hotel, an international study tour, and access to specialist master classes. After completing the diploma, students will have guaranteed entry into the second year of William Angliss Degree Programs. http://www.anglisshotelschool.edu.au/
National Institute of Dramatic Art: Individual Performance Study Day Wed 28th October, 9.30am – 3.00pm, 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington.
been shown how to register as well. Go to : https://jobjump.com.au/
Become a Psychologist Pathway The Australian Psychological Society has outlined the pathway to become a registered Psychologist. In short it takes a minimum of six years in education and training broken into undergraduate study, postgraduate study, internship and a registrar program. http://www.psychology.org.au/studentHQ/studying/stu dy-pathways/
University of Pennsylvania Information Evening Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm SCECGS Redlands The Arnold Library, Redlands Junior School, 272 Military Road, Cremorne, NSW 2090 Entrance from Allister St. Cremorne and parking on Allister St. Please RSVP to https://key.admissions.upenn.edu/register/Australia Antipodeans GapBreak Application Days During School Holidays -Paid Gap Year Jobs & Volunteer Placements Antipodeans Abroad is running important GapBreak Application Days from Tuesday 22 - Thursday 24 September 2015. This is the final round of Application Days before end of year exams. If students wish to participate on a paid work or volunteer travel program in 2016, they need to select a time for a 25 minute Application Meeting on one of these days. Students who attend an Application Meeting are given priority over other applicants when selecting their preferred destination. Where: Over the phone or in Antipodeans Sydney office: Level 3 / 182 Blues Point Rd McMahons Point NSW 2060.Destinations: Canada, UK, Peru, South Africa & more! For more information go to: www.antipodeans.com.au/Programs/GapBreak US Summer Camp Information Nights 16 September, 6.30pm to 7.30pm Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith, ACT or George St, Level 8, Suite 811, NSW USA or Canada counsellors . https://www.facebook.com/ccusa.australia/events
Maths Ad(d)s Maths Ad(d)s gathers together mathematical and statistical jobs that have recently appeared online across a broad spectrum of industries. The online booklet provides an overview of possible careers available to university students after graduation if they include mathematics or statistics in their degrees. http://careers.amsi.org.au/mathsadds/ Careers in Sport This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses. http://www.sportspeople.com.au/ Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser
JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT ASISSA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL On Thursday 27th August, 65 students took part in the ASISSA Athletics Carnival at ES Marks. It was a great day and our students did really very well.
IEP Work Adventures Worldwide Information Evening USA , Britain, Canada 16 September 6.00pm to 8pm STA Travel Shop, Level 3, Suite 3, 83-97 Kippax Street, Sydney http://www.iep.com.au/Events.aspx
The top three students from each event (and top two from 800m) were selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS carnival. Congratulations to the following students who made it through and will be competing at CIS carnival on Wednesday 9th September:
USEFUL SITES Jobjump This website, which provides a wealth of information about careers, courses, ATARs and events, is useful for students, parents and staff. The St Spyridon College community can access the site by going to the ’school login’ (at bottom of the home page) and using the password spyridon. It contains a very good video which explains how to use the site. Parents and students can register with the site by providing an email address, to receive updates related to specific career areas. Year 10 students have already registered during pastoral care career sessions, and Year 11 and 12 students have
Paul Giavis: Boys 11-13yrs Relay, Boys 11yrs Long Jump, Boys 11yrs 800m Michael Vlahos: Boys 12-13yrs Discus Franklin Pyliotis: Boys 11-13yrs Relay Juval Mikhail: Boys 11-13yrs Relay, Boys 12-13yrs 100m, Boys 12-13yrs 200m, Boys 12-13yrs Long Jump
The second half began with a flurry of possession for the St Patricks team and they continued to attack our right hand defensive line with some success but with only minutes remaining in the game it seemed that our boys could and would hold on. Four minutes out from time our boys conceded a late goal. Late in the second half, Hesan scored a beautiful long range goal but it was denied which led to a penalty shoot-out.
Leon Kalyvas: Boys 8-10yrs Discus, Boys 8-10yrs Shot Put Stefan Gemisis: Boys 11-13yrs Relay, Boys 11yrs Long Jump Mary Diamond: Girls 11yrs Discus
That special moment came when after full time (regulation time) the game went into extra time with St Patrick’s having the best chance in the closing minutes of the second period before Spiros Zafiropoulos pulled off a miraculous save to take the game into penalities.
Thomas Zahos: Boys 10yrs 100m Best of Luck to all those students. Upcoming Sports event: Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival on Monday 14th September.
In the penalty shoot-out our boys were incredible with nearly all boys scoring from the spot. Training at school this week included penalties and thanks to the i goals - it helped to make the difference. Spiros saved one penalty spot kicks from St Patricks College with Dimitri Dimas and Alvin Chirambaguwa securing the win with two excellent penalty spot kicks as our final two penalty takers.
Mrs Diavatiotis Sports Coordinator
SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS REPORT U14 WHITE TEAM – ISA DIVISION 1 CHAMPIONS 2015 CONGRATUALTIONS At last year’s Sports Presentation Evening our key note speaker Mr Meintanis reflected on the rich history of sport at the College. It was back in 2006 and 2007 that our U13 Boys and U14 Boys won the last Division 1 championship in boys football. On Saturday 22nd of August 2015 the U14 white team added to the rich sporting history of the College with what is arguably the most exhilarating victory of the year. In the regular season the boys defeated St Patricks College their grand final opponents 1-0. Arguably their toughest game in the year. The final proved to be exactly the same, a tough encounter with the game swinging backwards and forwards. A see saw affair, attacking football with quick transition from defense to attack in the middle of the field resulted in positive possession that both Hesan Soufi and Connor Giavis capitalised on early with several opportunities on goal. After a number of well-constructed plays Steven Stamoulis latched on to a beautiful through ball from Hesan Soufi. Steven elaborately tapped the ball towards the goal; the St Patricks College goal keeper could not keep the ball out of the net and the boys recorded their first goal of the game. Much of the first half continued in the same way. Nathan Adam (Captain) and Nicholas Kollias kept the opposition at bay and the midfield maintained their strong presence in the middle of the park. Leading 1-0 in the first half was a good outcome.
Congratulations to the boys and to their coach Dane Ivanovic (First XI Football Captain St Spyridon College 2014). Dane has helped to shape boys football at the College this year as the coach of the U14 boys team but also assisting in coaching all the boys teams throughout the year. His presence has helped to shape the school sports programme for the boys. We are hopeful that our Year 12 boys will also follow in his footsteps and step up to help in boys sport next year.
ATHLETICS INVITATIONAL CARNIVAL Saturday 29th August the boys Senior School athletics squad attended our 3rd Athletics Invitational hosted by Cranbrook College. This event is used to give our students an opportunity to compete in a competitive environment against other students in preparation for the ISA Carnival in early September. Congratulations to all students and their success at the carnival highlights for the boys include the following results which were published in the papers on Sunday 30th August 2015. U14 -Nicolas Kollias 1st in High Jump 1.71m, 1st in Discus U13 - Spiros Zafiropoulos 2nd in shot put 12.48m, 3rd in Discus Jnr Boys relay achieved a very impressive time of 50.50sec in the 4x 100m and are working towards trying to achieve qualification for the ISA team a school first.
On a personal note I would again like to thank all families and friends who attended the game to support the school as well as all the families, teachers and parent volunteer coaches who helped with Boys Football this year.
NSW ATHLETCIS SCHOOLS RELAYS On Wednesday 26th August St Spyridon College entered an U15 boys Athletics team in this year’s NSW ATHLETCIS SCHOOLS RELAY. This would be the first time our students attended a night meet, an opportunity to compete under lights and perform as a team in a Throws relay, Jumps relay and 4 x 100m relay.
BASKETBALL All boys selected have been given their registration sheets and are asked to please return these as soon as possible to Mr Kaldis. A reminder to all families that the Basketball season for the boys begins in Term 4 and the competition dates have been provided on the registration sheet.
The boys performed admirably with the U15 boys relay team coming first as did the boys throw and jump relay teams. There were some very impressive results on the evening with Nicholas Kollias achieving a PB in the High Jump with a height of 1.75m and a Discus throw of 34m. Alexandros Gousetis also scored a PB of 1.65m in the High Jump. In another highlight Spiros Zafiropoulos achieved a Shot Put throw of 9.93m throwing a weight of 4kg an extra kilogram above the standard for his weight.
ISA OPEN GIRLS FOOTBALL GRANDFINAL Well done to the ISA Open Girls Football team winning the ISA Grand final 2-1 against Barker College. An exceptional feat given the depth of talent at Barker College. After 10 rounds the girls qualified in 2nd place and then in the Semi- finals they defeated Chevalier College 4-0 earning them a place in the Grand Final. On Saturday 22nd August they played at Blacktown in the final. All girls are to be commended for their determination and enthusiasm, each and every girl made a valuable contribution which led to the success. Chrystal Christie is to be congratulated for her exceptional leadership and organisational skills as team Captain as well as her winning goals. Tiana Milisavljevic also played a crucial role in defending goals throughout the duration of the match. However,
We wish all the students the very best in the upcoming ISA Athletics Carnival in the coming weeks.
a fitting note for the Year 12 students Anja Djukic, Theoni Thimakis and Erin Magoulias whom have played Football for St Spyridon since its inception in the ISA competition and have come so close to winning a championship but never did until their final year of schooling. We would like to thank these girls for their contribution to Girls Football.
ISA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL: Date: Tuesday 8th September 2015 Time: 9am- 5.00pm Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Thank you to all parents who have supported the Winter ISA sports program. Basketball selections will continue next week - please see dates below: Year 7 – ISA Periods Year 8 – ISA Periods Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)
ATHLETICS INVITATIONAL MEET – ES MARKS 29th August 2015 In preparation for the ISA Athletics Carnival the girls who were selected in the ISA Athletics team attended an Invitational carnival hosted by Cranbrook at ES marks field on Saturday 29th August. Attendance from the girls was exceptional and all girls were eager to try their best. The goal for the carnival was to achieve personal best records, find areas for improvements and practise under competition conditions prior to the ISA Carnival. The girls were against boys only at this competition, however, this did not deter them. All girls participated to the best of their ability and some achieved pleasing results, in particular Panagiota Kappatos and Vivika Lynch in the Shot Put. Well done to all girls who participated and good luck for the ISA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 8th September.
ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2015/2016/2017 Publication Registration Form Business Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Street address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Web address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone number: ____________________________________________________________________________ Mobile number: ____________________________________________________________________________ Description of principal business activity/goods or services provided: _________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Enclosed: $ __________ Signed:
fee ($50)