Newsletter 198 9 2018

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VOLUME XXXV No 9 22nd June, 2018

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Senior and Junior School


Reports to Parents K-6


Parent/Teachers interviews JS K-3&5


Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 9 Parent/Teachers interviews JS K-4&6


Year 6 visit Senior School Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 11


Term 2 ends for staff and students




th th


Parish group 1 returns from Greece


Staff development day


Students return for Term 3


Parent/Teacher Conference SS Year 8


Parish group 2 returns from Greece


Parent/Teacher Conferences SS Years 7&10


AUGUST Vaccinations Years 10 and 11


Trials HSC Begins


The Dormition of the Theotokos – School closed


Specialty Photos - JS


ASISSA Athletics Carnival - JS


P&F Father’s Day Stalls – JS


SEPTEMBER Father’s Day


Father’s Day Breakfast - JS


Vaccination Year 7


Striving for excellence and creating shared memories. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

PARISH TRIP TO GREECE Καλό Ταξίδι and Bon Voyage to all students, teachers Mr Meintanis – Dean of Senior Programs, Mrs Mio – Curriculum Leader HSIE, Ms Flokis – Year 10 Adviser and Mr Phillips, Parish Board Representative, who departed last night for the Year 10 Parish Trip to Greece. This is a fabulous experience and opportunity to enjoy, pray and learn. Students will visit wonderful archeological and historical sites, experience the beauty of Greece’s iconic landscape and enjoy many happy memorable moments in the “Land of the Blue Seas”.





Thank you Mr Kaldis and Ms O’Shea for a most memorable day


Honouring our magnificent Year 12 students on their last Athletics Carnival

Delphians Upper School Champions



Olympians Middle School Champions

To help minimize such losses, students and parents are advised to attach a large keyring or something of a similar nature. Laundry marker or name labels for all pieces of clothing should also be used.




On behalf of Father Steven, Father Sotiris and Parish Board of Directors, we are pleased to advise you that the successful Tenderer for building the Infants School is Farindon Constructions.

While the Office staff and Teachers do their best to return lost items, the task of identifying lost property is made all the more difficult when the owner is unknown. PARENT PORTAL

The works will commence on the 25th June and be completed by the end of Term 2, 2019.

Parents please remember to log onto the St Spyridon College Parent Portal. Here you will find copies of all notes, bulletins, and dates to remember, including a copy of the school newsletter. If your child misplaces any notes handed out at school, you can log on to the portal and find all information relevant to your child’s Class / Year group.

Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer/Bursar


A number of students are reporting lost bags and items of clothing. Often this occurs because bags and uniforms are not easily identifiable.


P&F NEWS We have reached the half way mark of our fundraising year! Your Parents & Friends Committee looks forward to welcoming you to our Term 3 & 4 events! These fundraising events would not be a success without our parents and donors who kindly support us. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE FOR THE FOLLOWING EVENTS!

SPRING FAIR IS BACK! Please mark your diaries for Sunday, October 28th 2018 from 11am.

FATHER’S DAY STALLS – Wednesday 29th August till Friday 31st August 2018

WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you would like to take up a market stall, donate food or know of any generous contacts that may assist our fundraising for the Fair, we would like to hear from you! For preliminary enquiries, please contact Angela 0407 061 940 or Erenie 0410 318 053. More formal details will be available soon via flyer and via our St Spyridon College Facebook page. We look forward to bringing our school community together once more!

A flyer will be going home with your children next term regarding the annual P&F Father’s Day Stalls. Attached will be raffle tickets for the raffle which will be drawn at the Father’s breakfast event.

Enjoy the school holidays with your family. Mrs A. Kasmas P&F President

The stalls will be held in the Junior School under croft area from lunchtime onwards. All students are invited to purchase a gift. A display of new gifts will be available at $10, $15, $20 and $25. We look forward to your support! FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST – Tuesday 4th September 2018 A permission note will come home for this event early next term also. All fathers, grandfathers and father figures welcome. This is an RSVP pre-paid only event and last year was a sell-out. To avoid disappointment, please forward your note and correct money promptly to the office or class teacher as soon as you receive it. The Fathers’ Day Raffle will also be drawn at this event. If you or someone you know would like to donate a prize for the raffle, please contact myself on 0407 061 940 as soon as you can. Some fantastic prizes are always planned, so please support our raffle this year once again! 7

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT With Term Two drawing to a close, I give thanks for the many blessings that we have been bestowed with. I congratulate each and every child for their commitment to their learning and for the positive steps taken each day to learn something new.

We thank both Miss Bletsogiannis and Mrs Bartlett for their commitment to the College, its students and for their support of the sacred work that is undertaken here. We wish them both a restful break and look forward to their safe return in Term 4.

I thank you, the parents and grandparents for working with us to get the best outcomes for your child. When you receive your child’s report, remember that it’s a snapshot of what they have been able to achieve. Praise your child for the gains made and support them to work in the second half of the year on the things that have challenged them.

COCURRICULAR Please note that all cocurricular activities will conclude for this year on 22nd June 2018. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulations to the Nemeans House and their captains Myles O’Reilly and Ioanna Panayi on winning the Athletics Carnival.

Thank you to the teachers who have willingly given of their time to promote activities outside the classroom such as the cocurricular and sports program.

Well done to all the children who participated in field and track events.

The children have responded positively and have gained many new skills through these initiatives. Thank you in particular to Mr Dookie for coordinating the cocurricular program and to Mrs Diavatiotis for the sports initiatives.

My sincere thanks to all the parents who assisted on the day and to those of you who cheered the children on. Congratulations to Mrs Diavatiotis, Mr Dookie and all the staff for the smooth running of the carnival.

Wishing you all a relaxing break. FAREWELL Mrs Yeomans will be leaving us at the end of Term 2 to take on an exciting new role in the United Kingdom. We thank her for her work in the College and for her encouragement of the students in 3G. Mrs Avraam has been employed to take the class for the remainder of the year. LEAVE After more than 10 years and 26 years respectfully of dedicated service, Miss Bletsogiannis and Mrs Bartlett will be taking Long Service Leave for Term 3. Mrs Panayi will be relieving Miss Bletsogiannis and Mrs Karpouzos will be replacing Mrs Bartlett.


make Mr Huff go away. He tried pulling Mr Huff off his head, and he almost fell down! Nothing was going right for him.


But then, Bill held Mr Huff’s hand because he was realising that it was a part of him. He knew that he was making himself angry. So he changed his behaviour and tried to be happier. I learned that it’s ok to feel bad. If you feel bad you can talk to your parents or do something you enjoy. And remember, it only lasts for a little while and tomorrow is another day. Olivia Phair-Tello 1T On Tuesday 19th June 2018, my School watched a play called ‘Mr Huff’. It was performed in the School Hall. The story began with Bill, who woke up and went to school. On the way, he saw his really loud friend. He was happy to see her. At school, he was very good at reading and went well in his spelling test. The next morning he woke up, but he felt funny. Mr Huff was on him. Mr Huff was a grey cloud that kept getting bigger and bigger as Bill got more and more angry. Everything went bad for him that day. Mr Huff grew and grew, and then he grew so big, he was alive! He looked very funny. He followed Bill everywhere. Even to the toilet! Finally, Bill realised that Mr Huff was actually a bad feeling. I learned that everyone has a bad bay. When Mr Huff started crying, Bill realised that he couldn’t get rid of Mr Huff, because Mr Huff was one of his feelings. If Bill did get rid of Mr Huff, he would get rid of himself.

On Tuesday 19th June 2018, our School went to the School Hall and we watched a show called ‘Mr Huff’.

You need feelings. If you don’t have feelings you’re not human.

Mr Huff is a show about a bad feeling, and a bad feeling makes us have a bad day. It was funny because the boy in the story, Bill, was trying to

Costa Venizelou 1T 9

We also had quite a few students who although didn’t qualify for the next level, did place in the top 25 students of their event which is definitely worth a mention. Peter Soumilas, Maximilian Economou, Gabriella Gouveros, Phoebe Economou, Konstan Papadopoulos, Necta Imisides, and Mikaela Imisides. Well done to those students!

JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM On Thursday 7th June we took 50 students, our strongest long distance runners to the ASISSA Cross Country Trials at Queens Park. The weather was against us in the days leading up to the carnival, leaving the grounds very damp and muddy, but thankfully the rain held off on the day and our students participated with enthusiasm and pride for St Spyridon College. There were twenty schools involved and hundreds of participants in each event. The top ten students in each event qualified to represent the ASISSA team at the CIS Cross Country Carnival this month. Three of our students were successful. Congratulations to Sophia Paparsenos who came 3rd in the Girls 11 Years event, Bianca Soumilas who came 10th in the Girls 10 Years event and to Emmanuel Moros who also placed 10th in the Boys 8/9 Years event. A great achievement!




Friday 15th June marked our Annual Athletics carnival. The day ran smoothly and I’d like to applaud our students for their enthusiastic and supportive participation across the day as they jumped, threw, bounced and ran, and ran! The relays are always one of the highlights, which we finish with on the day with great smiles and strong teamwork featured. It was fantastic to see the high participation rates, and the talent showcased was exceptional. Thanks must go to all teachers and the parents who volunteered on the day, who officiated the events and made it such a successful event. I would also like to thank Mr Kaldis from the Senior School for assisting on the day and for always offering his support and expertise to Junior School Sport. We had one new record this year by Necta Imisides for the Boys 8 Years 200m run with a score of 35.41.


The competition was fierce between the houses but The Nemeans finished in 1st place! Well done! Congratulations to our Nemean House Captains Ioanna Panayi and Myles O’Reilly.


Necta Imisides Emmanuel Moros George Agiasotis Sotiri Demetriou Stephen Varvaritis


Alicia Phair-Tello Katia Dounis Smith Adrianna Augoustis Catherine Coutts Julia Costa

These students will be awarded Age Champions at the Sports Presentation Evening later in the year.


Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sport Coordinator Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT REMINDER PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates in the SPACe from 3.30pm7.00pm. Students need to make appointments directly with their Teachers. Year 9: Monday 25th June 2018. Year 11: Wednesday 27th June 2018. Year 8: Wednesday 25th July 2018. Years 7 and 10: Monday 30th July 2018.



Last Friday night the Year 12 boys organised a night in at the SPACe in order to raise funds and awareness about brain cancer.

Last Thursday, 14th June, we celebrated our Year 7-12 Divine Liturgy. A blessing for all Senior School staff and students.

The night was full of fun, soccer and basketball games, and all the boys got closer by sharing our experiences about our time at the school. The night in was very successful as we raised $1200 through all the donations we received. We would like to thank Mr Condous, Mr Kaldis, Mr Sialepis, Mr Meintanis, Mr Picardi and Mr Kollias for supporting us during the night, and we would like to especially thank Mr Zafiropoulos and Mr Mouhtaris for spending the whole night with us. Dean Albanakis College Captain

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College 13

MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page” Saint Augustine

Immunizations will occur at School on Friday 3rd of August. All consent cards should have been returned this week. There is no cost to parent if done at School. Meningococcal disease is a serious illness that usually causes meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and/or septicaemia (blood poisoning). People with meningococcal disease can become extremely unwell very quickly. Five to ten per cent of patients with meningococcal disease die, even despite rapid treatment.

Wishing all students and families who will be spending time overseas in upcoming weeks, safe and happy travels. We know you will have many wonderful memories to share on your return! For students who will miss a week or more of school, arrangements have been made by Year Advisers for catch up work to be completed. Students need to ensure they have picked up what is needed from their Year Adviser before departing.

Why is this vaccination program necessary? Cases of a particular type of meningococcal disease (meningococcal W) have been increasing nationally. National immunisation experts advise that targeting older adolescents will protect them directly, and will also likely reduce long term impact on the broader community. Why is the program targeting older adolescents? Some of the highest rates of meningococcal carriage and illness occur among adolescents and young adults. Older teenagers and young adults are both at increased risk of meningococcal disease and are also most likely to spread the disease to others. This is due to social behaviours that result in the disease being transmitted through close physical contact. Furthermore, this age group can also transmit the bacteria to people who are at increased risk of infection, including young children. By vaccinating people in this age group not only are they directly protected but it will reduce transmission of the bacteria to others and help prevent infections within the broader community. What happens if a student is absent and misses the vaccination? Students who are away on the day of the vaccination clinic, will need to go to their GP to be vaccinated. The cost can be in excess of $100 (depending on the brand of the vaccine).

MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINATIONS – Years 10 and 11 Recently all Year 10 and 11 students were sent home with vaccination cards for the Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine. 14


enough to sit at the same table with its worst horror.” Andrew Boyd


Recently Year 7 students began their Global Citizens and Leaders Program.

STUDENT OF THE WEEK This weeks’ deserving recipient is Leonidas Gouskos from Year 11. Leo went above and beyond at the Athletic Carnival to not only assist staff but also actively encourage and give tips to younger students as they prepared for their event. To quote Mrs Grillakis who witnessed Leo in action: “He was just inspiring and so motivational!”

This exciting and powerful program is made up of a number of modules with interactive workshops and related classroom activities. The aim is to educate, motivate, develop skills and to build the confidence of students, so they are ultimately able to make a difference in their community, while simultaneously developing capabilities that are critical for success in life and future work in today’s world. In this first workshop “Collective Identity”, students were introduced to the idea of viewing themselves as a global citizen, who belong to one single, yet divisive human race. They were shown how to recognize divisive messages and interact with varying cultures in a constructive way. Through the experience, students:  Understood that our civilization is evolving and that people (individuals and groups) can influence its trajectory and pace.  Learn to how to recognize divisive thinking and messages.  Act in a more unifying and less divisive ways at school, at home and in the community.


The follow up lesson on Global Citizenship involved students exploring the concept of leadership and the characteristics of known heroes. From this they were able to see links between HERO, LEADER and GLOBAL CITIZEN and appreciate that even though they are young, they still have the power to be change agents.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified video gaming as a medical disorder and expect governments around the world to incorporate “gaming disorder” into their health systems. This means children hooked on games like ‘Fortnite’ may soon be able to seek claimable treatment. It will also encourage and enable more effective diagnosis to occur as well as better treatment programs.

A Global citizen understands: “When you feel connected to everything you also feel responsible for everything. It is for this reason you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destiny of others. You learn to carry the universe or be crushed by it. You grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty 15

The move comes amid increasing evidence of young players suffering psychological distress and family breakdown as a result of their addiction. A new study has revealed that children play video games for a shocking 15 hours a week. Disturbingly, while a stunning 94 percent of parents are concerned about the risks their children are exposed to while gaming, nearly half of these parents let their children play games that are above their age rating. Games like Fortnite’s Battle Royale are highly engaging and addictive. Data from ‘Marketwatch’, a financial information service, suggests the game pulls in 40 million users each month on average, with a concurrent player count of 3.4 million and 125 million total players worldwide. In April 2018 alone, Fornite made $296 million! Dr Vladimir Poznyak, of the WHO’s Mental Health and Substance Abuse department, recently said that studies suggested between 1% and 6% of adolescents and young people may be afflicted by gaming addiction (although these were not as yet diagnosed victims). (Extracts taken from articles in and The Telegraph) Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Eleni Mastroperos Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years. Previous leadership roles: Year 6 Olympians House Captain, Year 10 Peer Support Leader and 2018 Prefect. Subjects I am currently studying: Advanced English, Business Studies, Food Technology, Drama, Modern Greek Continuers (completed HSC in year 11) and Mathematics. Hobbies: Watching movies, being with my friends and family, travelling, shopping and cooking. My future aspirations: Furthering my studies at university, hopefully studying a Bachelor of Education and travelling around the world! My role models: My mum, as she is always there for me when I need that extra push, continually making me laugh, and definitely bringing out the best in me and my entire family. Without my mum I don’t know how I would function. Favourite Quote: “In order to succeed, we must first believe we can.” - Nikos Kazantzakis My proudest moment: My proudest moments were when I completed my royal academy of dance certificates as well as receiving academic awards at school and completing my Greek HSC in year 11. One Student Principle that is most meaningful to me and why: Student Principle 3: “We work together to achieve a school community whose distinguishing characteristics are those of friendship, compassion and decency” A specific example of our compatibility to work together was reflected this year with our combined netball team of year 10 and 11. Our success in the grand finals against an undefeated team, our ability to cooperate all our skills as a team drew our pathway to success. Principle 3 is meaningful to me as I have also learnt to appreciate the importance of working together within the classroom from experience in my Geek Accelerated class. It is vital that we all work in harmony to achieve great results as we depend on one another to boost the pool of marks. St Spyridon College has been successful in developing a family environment within the school grounds amongst students, teachers and staff. This unique trait found in our school community is not found in many other schools and therefore it must be valued and cherished. Through my schooling years I have created everlasting memories, within the classroom, excursions, camps, and of course the incredible 2016 Greece trip. I will cherish these memories forever. The characteristics of friendship, compassion and decency reflect who I am as a person as I am a bubbly, friendly, enthusiastic and approachable character which makes it easy for younger students to feel comfortable around me and to ask me questions whether it be asking me to direct to their next class or asking for advice. I am always willing to lend a hand in and out of school through volunteer work and soup kitchens.


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Nicholas Frazis Number of years at St Spyridon Collage: I have attended St Spyridon from year 3. Previous leadership roles: Prefect at the Junior School. Subjects I am currently studying: Maths (2 units), English Standard, PDHPE, Business Studies, Biology, Economics. My future Aspiration: I would like to do something in cyber security or something in sports medicine. My role models: Parents and teachers. Favourite quote: “Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give... it's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.” ― Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa My proudest moment: First Senior School Swim Carnival. This is my proudest moment as participating in the champions of champions I was swimming against the fastest swimmers in the school. So being that year 7 student racing against all the older students I knew it was going to be a hard race, especially those year 12 students. Surprisingly all I could hear coming from the stands was the words “Go Frazis go!” over and over again. Having earnt the reputation of being a fast swimmer from my previous races the stand was cheering. Even though I did not come first I still came third to those year 12 students. When I finished I can still remember being cheered and told “they will be gone next year” which I found quite funny at the time. So, my proudest moment was having all that support behind me. One Student Principle that is most meaningful to me and why: Student Principle 4: “We value the mutual respect between students and teachers. We care for our surroundings and the natural environment.” I have chosen this principle as it one of the most important principles in my opinion. Having respect for our teachers is important as without having a teacher we are not able to further our education. I have also selected this principle as I am someone who respects all teachers. I am an honest student I try my best every lesson to be behaved. Respecting who and what is around us is just as important as the people and our surroundings will be there for our whole schooling life. If the teachers are respecting students, it increases both teacher and student effectiveness. If there is no respect between people, students and teacher’s classrooms will not operate efficiently. Caring for our surroundings and the natural environment is also important because not only do we have a positive impact on the environment we also cause negative impacts. If we are all able to help in some way, it goes a long way in helping future generations having clean and healthy natural environments. This is significant to me as I am a teacher of swimming and earning the students respect is one of the hardest yet most exciting thing. Being able to connect with the students and earn their trust as well as being able to help them gain an education on the basics of swimming is a great thing in my opinion.


GREEK COLUMN Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

όζοντος, που ειδικά στην χώρα μας, προκαλεί αυξημένους κινδύνους για καρκίνο του δέρματος.

Στο τελευταίο τεύχος για αυτή την σχολική περίοδο, θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Γ’ Λυκείου σχετικά με το περιβάλλον.


Μια φοβερή μάστιγα της εποχής μας, που μολύνει χωρίς να της δίνουμε σημασία, είναι η αλόγιστη χρήση πλαστικών συσκευασιών όπως μπουκάλια, τσάντες, πιάτα, ποτήρια και άλλα, που δυστυχώς, δεν αφομοιώνονται στο περιβάλλον και παραμένουν για πάνω από διακόσια χρόνια όπως ακριβώς τα θάψαμε! Δυστυχώς, ακόμη και αν τα κάψουμε δημιουργούμε προβλήματα, γιατί αυτό σημαίνει περισσότερο διοξείδιο του άνθρακα.

Δυστυχώς, το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του πληθυσμού, όλων των χωρών στις μέρες μας, ζει στις μεγαλύτερες αστικές πόλεις με αποτέλεσμα τα χωριά και οι αγροτικές περιοχές να ερημώνουν.

Τέλος, ακόμη και τα απορρυπαντικά, τα εντομοκτόνα, αλλά και τα καλλυντικά που χρησιμοποιούμε, μόνο κακό κάνουν στο περιβάλλον και κατ’επέκταση φυσικά στην υγεία μας.

Έτσι, το περιβάλλον μας βρίσκεται σε χείριστη κατάσταση. Ζούμε κλεισμένοι σε διαμερίσματα κλουβιά μεγάλων πολυκατοικιών, αντιμετωπίζουμε τρομερή κίνηση όπου κι αν πάμε και ο αέρας που αναπνέουμε είναι βρώμικος, μολυσμένος όπως οι θάλασσες και το νερό μας.

Το ερώτημα είναι: Υπάρχει τρόπος να σωθούμε;

Καλές διακοπές, καλό ταξίδι σε όσους ταξιδεύουν και ιδιαίτερα στα παιδιά μας που έφυγαν για Ελλάδα. κα Μ. Φαλέτα

Φυσικά και υπάρχει! Πάντα είναι στο χέρι μας και στην κρίση των κυβερνήσεων να παίρνουμε αποφάσεις πιο σωστές για το περιβάλλον μας, τον πλανήτη μας, εμάς τους ίδιους. Πιστεύω ότι μια πιο οικολογική συνείδηση θα μας βοηθήσει να σώσουμε τον πλανήτη μας και να αφήσουμε στα παιδιά μας ένα ασφαλές και όμορφο περιβάλλον για να ζήσουν.

Και σαν να μην φτάνουν όλα αυτά, όλες οι Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις, αλλά και οι μικρές χώρες έχουν μπει σε έναν αγώνα για το ποια θα φτιάξει περισσότερα και μεγαλύτερα πυρηνικά εργοστάσια και θα κάνει πυρηνικές δοκιμές, κάτι που επιρρεάζει όχι μόνο αρνητικά, αλλά θανατηφόρα θα λέγαμε τον πλανήτη μας, με αρρώστιες, αλλά και σεισμούς και τσουνάμι...

Eleni Preketes Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)

Οι τροφές που έρχονται στο τραπέζι μας: λαχανικά, κρέας, ψάρια, φρούτα ... είναι όλα μολυσμένα αφού καλλιεργούνται με χημικά λιπάσματα ή μολύνονται από το βρώμικο νερό και τον αέρα. Αν δεν είναι μολυσμένα θα είναι γενετικά μεταλλαγμένα ή και τα δύο. Τα πλοία με την σειρά τους μολύνουν τις θάλασσες και τα αεροπλάνα, εργοστάσια, αυτοκίνητα, τον αέρα αφού συμβάλλουν με τα καυσαέρια που εκπέμπουν στην μόλυνση της ατμόσφαιρας και την καταστροφή της ζώνης του 19

SPORTS COLUMN SENIOR SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Last Wednesday 13th June St Spyridon Senior College held the Annual Athletics Carnival at Hensley Athletics Field. As the Senior School grows the number of participants increases but also we are noticing the standard of competition improving with some excellent individual achievements. Most pleasing were the team results with a good spread of results across a number of house teams.

Well done to the following teams who were victorious on the day:   

Olympians Middle School Champions Delphians Upper School Champions Nemeans Overall Champions

The House relay gives the selected students the opportunity to represent their team at the end of the day in the 4 x 100m to try and receive double house points. Given that the scores were so close, these events were vital in increasing house points. Congratulations to the following teams for winning their relevant relay: Girls 12-14yrs- Nemeans 15-16yrs- Olympians 17-18yrs- Delphians Boys 12-14yrs- Olympians 15-16yrs- Olympians 17-18yrs- Olympians 20

 

The highlight of the day in St Spyridon history has always been the Champions of Champions race. The fastest students both boys and girls are selected to compete in a 100m sprint. Both races were unique in their make -up, firstly was the girls race which consisted of girls ranging from Year 7 through to Year 11. Two previous winners Alexia Moufarrege (2017 Champion) and Christina Vlahos (2016 Champion) were up against three 13year old competitors. However, it was Larisa Arnautovic of Year 7 who was the winner in this prestigious event, an outstanding result and a promising insight for the future success in athletics for the school.

  

 

The boys Champion of Champions’ race was a fitting end for the boys in Year 12 with George Andrianakos, Nicholas Kollias and Anthony Pascalis (2016 Champion) up against the previous 2017 winner Zac Prelec. Despite losing his 100m final earlier, Zac Prelec was determined to retain his title as the fastest student in St Spyridon and was victorious in the end. Congratulations to both Larisa and Zac.

The success of the day was not only measured by a record number of participants, but also by the many records that were broken throughout the day. Congratulations to the following students:    

Leon Kalyvas- 12 yrs Discus – 34.78m Gabriella Guerrera - 12-14yrs Triple Jump – 9.90m Larisa Arnautovic – 13yrs Discus – 19.20m, 400m 1:05.25 Kamuta Vakafua- 13yrs Discus34.40m 21

Michael Vlahos- 15yrs Discus 42.50m Spiros Zafiropoulos - 16 Yrs Shot Put 13.14m Desi Kapodistrias- 16yrs 800m 2:52.70 Christina Vlahos –17yrs 200m Run 29.43 Nicholas Kollias – 17yrs 200m Run – 24.58, Long Jump 5.61m, Discus 30.78m, High Jump 2.00m, 17-18yrs Triple Jump 11.72m Brendan Borodyansky- 17yrs Shot Put 10.90m Anthony Pascalis- 17yrs 100m 10.77

Congratulations also to following students who will be awarded age champion at the Sports Presentation Evening given that they compete at the ISA Athletics Carnival. AGE 12 13 14 15

BOYS Peter Kotsis Benjamin Hickman Paul Giavis Franklin Pyliotis

16 17 18

Dylan Ingrisano Nicholas Kollias Dean Albanakis

GIRLS Amelia Drougas Larisa Arnautovic Adriana Drakoulis Alexia Moufarrege Desi Kapodistrias Christina Vlahos Felicity Ginis

The ISA team selection will be announced early next term with the relevant information needed for training and the carnival details. Finally, congratulations to all the Year 12 competitors in their last carnival; their contribution over the last 6 years has been significant in the school athletics history. The Year 12 boys contribution has been instrumental in the successful promotion of St Spyridon boys to Division 1 in ISA. The Year 12 girls contribute to the best of their ability at all school carnivals and are always there to support staff in any capacity needed.

Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sports Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sports





ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE 2019 DATES TERM 1 Monday 28th January 2019 th

Australia Day, Public Holiday

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Staff Development Day

Wednesday 30th January 2019

Staff Development Day


Thursday 31 January 2019

Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence

Friday 1st February 2019

Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence


Monday 25 March 2019

The Annunciation of the Theotokos, School Closed

Friday 12th April 2019

Term ends


Friday 19 April 2019

Western Good Friday, Public Holiday

Monday 22nd April 2019

Western Easter Monday, Public Holiday


Thursday 25 April 2019 Friday 26th April 2019

Anzac day, Public Holiday Holy Thursday Good Friday

Sunday 28th April 2019

Orthodox Easter

Monday 29


April 2019

TERM 2 Tuesday 30th April 2019 st

Wednesday 1 May 2019 th

Monday 10 June 2019 th

Easter Monday, school closed

Staff Development Day Students return Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 28 June 2019

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 3 Monday 22nd July 2019

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 23rd July 2019

Students return


Thursday 15 August 2019

The Dormition of the Theotokos – School Closed

Friday 27th September 2019

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 14th October 2019

Staff and students return

Wednesday 11th December 2019 Thursday 12th December 2019

Academic and Student Leadership Assembly Term ends for students St Spyridon Day, School closed

Friday 13th December 2019

Staff Development Day


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