Newsletter 203 14 2018

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VOLUME XXXV Nº 14 28th September 2018


On Friday 28th September 2018, the Foundation Blessing Ceremony of the St Spyridon College new State of the Art Infants School building was held at the Junior School. This milestone was attended by parents and extended family members, Parish Members and Parish Benefactors, all students of the Junior School and members of the College Student Representative Council. The Blessing Service was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis, representing His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, together with Father Steven Scoutas and Father Sotiri Drapaniotis. It was followed by speeches by His Grace, the Consul General of Greece Mr Christos Karras, Dr Thomas Savoulis President of St Spyridon Parish, and Mrs Stefanou Head of College. Students of Year 3 sang the «Αγνή Παρθένε Δέσποινα» του Αγίου Νεκταρίου and Bianca Frazis Year 12 student sang “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”. Other distinguished guests present included the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite Australian Senator and Member for Kingsford Smith, Hon. Michael Daley Deputy Leader of the Opposition in NSW and Member for Maroubra, Hon. Ron Hoenig Member for Heffron, Cr Anthony Andrews, Cr Harry Stavrinos of Randwick City Council, Board Members Con Pavlou, James Phillips, Sue Mayson, Con Livissianis, Anna Stamoulis, Christina Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer/Bursar, Mrs Katsogiannis Deputy Head and Principal Senior School, Mrs Synesios Principal Junior School, Mr Dookie Deputy Principal, Angela Kasmas P & F President, Elsie Tsangaris President Ladies Auxiliary, Mr Michaelas CEO Bank of Sydney and Mr & Mrs Achilleos Cyprus Hellene Club. Following the official proceedings, everyone was invited to share in refreshments served in the Church Hall. We thank His Grace Bishop Iakovos for His blessings and everyone who assisted in making the Foundation Blessing a memorable occasion.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

YEAR 12 FAREWELL ASSEMBLY Year 8 quickly followed on nicely with another great camp experience and our band got even more talented as we grew in size and our performances got even better. I also received the award for having the most maples in Middle School. Market day and the Soup kitchen were the main highlights of year 9 as well as being a part of the AIS Values Project. Year 10 brings back the fond memories of going on the Greece trip which was an amazing experience I will never forget. I also became a Peer Support Leader to the current year 9s as well as becoming an SRC member for the third time. Farewell Assembly Speech – Thursday 20th September 2018 Good Afternoon Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mr Meintanis, Mrs Kokinelis, Mrs Tsaconas, Mrs Dalakiaris, Mr Dookie, teachers, fellow students, family and friends. What an amazing journey! I have so much to be thankful for as a student of St Spyridon College. This is a college which provides its students with endless opportunities and I am glad that I had the chance to embrace many of them. The college has provided me with the values of our Greek heritage and helped me embrace the Greek culture. I remember sitting where you are today and hearing similar inspirations from other school captains. It’s hard to believe that this is my last day of school. I still remember my first day of kindergarten, walking up the ramp to the KC classroom, carrying my heavy backpack trying not to fall over, which I’m sure most of you have seen me do on many occasions throughout the years. When given the task of writing this speech I was unsure of where to begin. Then all of the great memories started flooding in. It’s not until the reality of completing high school that I can truly reflect upon the incredible experiences I’ve had. Beginning with year 7, going to camp was a real highlight as I bonded with new students who I have since developed strong friendships with. Year 7 was capped off with a grand final victory in ISA basketball. This was also the year that we formed a band of talented musicians which we went on to perform at numerous middle school assemblies.

In Year 11, I was part of the National Schools Event and volunteered at the SNOG ball, while also laying a wreath and being a flag bearer at numerous cultural events. Year 12 began with the joy and surprise of being elected as captain and since that day this year has gotten better and better. I made it to my first ISA swimming carnival before going to Melbourne for the National Schools Event and winning both football and volleyball while also rediscovering my musical ability by being part of the band. This year’s highlights do not stop there as we went on to win the ISA football and I am very thankful to be a part of that team. My sporting memories continued as I made it to my second ever ISA athletics carnival and even won age champion for athletics this year, who would have thought. I hope that I have inspired you with this mini snapshot of my fondest memories but these are just some of the things that I achieved throughout the years here at the college. All of these experiences have shaped me into the man that I am today and allowed me to be standing in front of you all. I encourage you all to take advantage of and embrace all the opportunities that are available to you as students of this college. To our Head of College Mrs Stefanou, your guidance and leadership over the years has been an inspiration to myself and to all of the students as well. We appreciate your commitment to the College and all it stands for as well as the knowledge that you have shared with us over the years. To Mrs Katsogiannis, thank you for the guidance you have provided us with and allowing yourself to be

approachable throughout the years, especially in my role as College Captain. Your leadership and high expectations have made us better people as we strive to always perform to our fullest potential. To our Deans, Mrs Kokinelis and Mr Meintanis, thank you for making our lives at school as smooth as possible. Mrs Kokinelis, you have done so much for us in particular making our transition into high school very easy when we were in year 7. We would also like to thank you for supporting the Prefects this year, as well as creating many leadership opportunities for us. I personally would also like to thank you for your belief in me as a leader and encouraging me to put my leadership skills into practise. Mr Meintanis, thank you for everything you have done for us over the years. I will never understand how you organise the timetable every year but it is always done perfectly. We are pleased to see Mrs Tsaconas here today. We welcome you back from your leave and we thank you for all that you do for our College. To all of the teachers that have taught us throughout the years, we thank you for your guidance, patience and for being so approachable when we required assistance or advice. Although we may have been difficult at times, you always found the patience and determination to keep us in line. To the Maths team, we would like to thank Mr Kollias, Mr Condous, Mrs Dalakiaris and Ms Kilias. Your immense knowledge amazes us and we will miss the new and confusing ideas that you teach us. Although we constantly get the same questions wrong, thank you for belief in us and your perseverance to explain the same concepts multiple times when we forget. Mrs Koutsoukis, Ms Laskas, Mrs Kefalouros, Mrs Kiejda and the English team. We truly appreciate your ability to take us on multiple discoveries and teach us with your extensive knowledge. Whether its short answers, creatives or essays, we thank you for always providing us with constructive feedback to improve our skills. Our class discussions about all the texts we have studied will never be forgotten. Mr Picardi, you spent the first four years of our high school journey enlightening us with your immense understanding about our faith through your Orthodox Studies lessons. The last year and a half has seen a slight change as you became the Legal Studies teacher but nevertheless we have truly appreciated all that you have done for our year group and we thank you for teaching us from Year 7-12. Mrs Mio, we thank you for teaching us about the world of Commerce and Business Studies over the last few years. We are also very grateful for all the life lessons that you have taught us along the way.

Ms He, your Economics class wants to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. They appreciate all the hours and effort that you have put into every lesson. To the Science team, Mr Croft, we thank you for putting up with our class and unfortunately we won’t get to see you run out of patient points again. Mr Giles, your chemistry class have told me of all the crazy experiments that you have done over the years. Mr Karras, what would Physics be like without you? Your vast knowledge in Physics will never be forgotten or underestimated and we will miss hearing you call every question a “classic”. To Mr Kaldis and Ms O’Shea, we would like to thank you for helping us with PDHPE and sport over the years. You have immensely helped out our year group and we thank you for everything you helped us achieve. Mr Vassiliadis and Mrs Gambriell, your students have truly enjoyed your lessons from the stories that I have heard. Both of your classes have appreciated learning from your extensive knowledge about the past. Mr Vassiliadis, your class will miss you calling them your “beloved year 12” and Ms Gambriell, your class will never forget all the times you said “I know its Monday but we have to try”. Mr Georgoulopoulos, both your IPT and IDT classes want to thank you for teaching them about how computers operate and for all the discussions about life after school and how to take everything on board to be successful. Ms Pringle, Mrs McCoy and Ms Savva, you have all taught us to express ourselves in the arts. The art, drama and music students have all discovered their potential through various showcases and musicals throughout the years. Ms Savva, I want to thank you for letting me use the music rooms at random times throughout the year so I can work on getting the band back together. Mrs Grillakis, your Food Technology and Hospitality classes are grateful for everything that you have done for them and they are sorry for being such a handful. The girls will miss your constant request of “Can you act more lady like?” To Mr Meintanis, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mrs Mio and Ms O’Shea, we thank you so much for traveling with us to Greece in Year 10. Thank you for making that experience so memorable and for creating some long lasting memories with us. Mrs Hakos, thank you for giving us continuous support and guiding us towards our next chapter in life. We thank you for helping us to make important decisions for our future.

Kiria Faletas, Kiria Vanna and Mrs Belajcic, thank you for teaching our year group Greek, Classical Greek and Serbian from Year 7 right up to Year 12. Thank you to all the office staff for your consistent support and organisational skills and answering all student enquiries. We also want to thank Mrs Synesios, Mr Dookie and the Junior School staff for supporting us over the years. Mr Karras, Mrs Belajcic and Kiria Vanna, we all thank you for being our home room teachers and for putting up with us every morning and in every pastoral care lesson. We don’t make it easy for you to mark the roll every morning but we thank you for everything you have done over the years. To our year advisor Mrs Dalakiaris, we have been so fortunate to have you as our year advisor since year 8. We thank you for everything that you have done over the years. We appreciate your guidance, patience and support as well as addressing our individual needs on a daily basis. I know there are times where we may have caused you grief but we thank you so much for everything that you have done for us and not giving up on us. Last but not least I would like to thank the Prefect Body of 2018, all 24 of you, who have supported me and assisted me with decision making during my role as College Captain. I would especially like to thank Joanna and Anastasia, our Vice Captain and Senior Prefect, along with our Sports Captains Nicholas and Rhea for their hard work and commitment throughout the year.

each other out so you all can benefit. Stay motivated and set yourself a goal to ensure you don’t have any regrets. To my fellow graduates, we have made it. How fast has the last 6 years gone? In one months’ time, we will be sitting the HSC exams. I know all of you are capable of achieving great results. Put in the hard work now so that after the exams are done, you can all relax knowing that you gave it your all. Even though we will all be moving onto the next stage of our lives, I am intrigued with what the future holds for all of you and I know that each and every single one of you will go and do great things after school. I am confident that all of you will achieve what your heart desires and achieve your set goals in life. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know. We have created a big family throughout our journey together and I am going to miss seeing all of you every day. Keep in mind that I will always be there for all of you as we have travelled through this journey together. I still remember walking through the kindergarten gates with most of you, and these are the memories that last a life time. I hope that my words can have a lasting impact upon you as others had upon myself. The most important thing you should take out of today is that you shouldn’t take your school life for granted as you will end up missing every moment. Once again we thank our Head of College and all the staff for instilling the ethos and values of our Orthodox faith, which allowed us to all be developed in mind, body and soul.

To all Year 7’s and Year 8’s, enjoy your time here at the College and make the most of every opportunity that arises. Involve yourself with as many school activities as you can. To Year 9, we got to meet you through being your Peer Support leaders and now look at you, you have grown up and are now ready to step up into Senior School. The senior years are some of the best so make the most of every opportunity that you get. Year 10, you are growing up so fast and now you would have picked your subjects for Year 11. You will become closer as a year group as you start to help each other out with your studies. You still have time to get involved with many activities at the College so make the most of the little time that you have left. Year 11, we have developed some strong bonds through playing sport together and many of you travelled to Greece with us. It feels like you are our little brothers and sisters. You will need to prepare yourselves for the unexpected nature of the HSC. Please ensure that while you are studying you help

Dean Albanakis College Captain 2018




DATES TO REMEMBER OCTOBER Staff and Students return (Summer uniform)


OHI Day Celebrations


Spring Fair and Greek Welfare Centre Walkaton Year 4 visit to Senior School


NOVEMBER Kindergarten 2019 orientation


Kindergarten 2019 orientation


Year 4 Camp


Years 3 & 4 Camp


Years 3 & 4 Camp


Years 5 & 6 Camp Years 5 & 6 Camp


Years 5 & 6 Camp


Reports to Parents – JS

Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarship: Year 6 (Year 7, 2020) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10. Year 10 (Year 11, 2020) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years. Closing date for applications is Monday, 4th February, 2019. ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 23rd February, 2019.

DECEMBER Parent/teacher interviews: Kindy - Yr 3 & 5


Year 6 Graduation


Parent/teacher interviews: Kindy - Yr 4 & 6


Term ends for students Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly Years 3-12 St Spyridon Day




The uniform Shop will be open on the following days for back to School uniform purchases:  

Wednesday, 23rd January 2019 from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Wednesday, 30th January 2019 from 9:00am to 4:00pm.

Open every Wednesday during School Terms 8:30am to 10:00am and 2:30pm to 4:00pm


You may register now online: follow the links to ACER Online Scholarship Application.







A big thank you goes out to our amazing sponsors who have helped make this event affordable:

Spring Fair is coming soon and with so many new rides and stalls on board, it is going to be fun for all ages. NOT JUST FOR JUNIOR KIDS!

BBQ sponsor: Lending Association - Bill Constantinidis and family. Pittes sponsors: Bebonis and Katsiaras families. Rides and Games Package: MBS Sand & Cement (Louie Papadakis and family) sponsoring rides package: Dartball, Cageball, Shoot Four, 9D and Photo Booth. Gelato and bar sponsors: Erenie & Nick Bourdaniotis and family. Water donation (1000 bottles): donated by Mary Hansimikali, Nikki Sigrimis, Eleni Poulos, Francine Kondos, Effie Rogaris and Tass Gravanis. STILL MORE TO BE DONE

Special shout out to all Senior School students – we have a Photo Booth, Sizzler, Twister, Dart Ball, Cage Ball, 9D cinema, amazing food, jewellery, candles, VR googles and more games and stalls.

We need more help with the following:   

Volunteers on the day Sponsors for rides and silent disco Boxes of soft drinks

The team at the P&F has tried very hard to make sure we cover all ages at our 2018 Spring Fair.

Please complete the volunteer form at the end of this newsletter or send a message to Angela Kasmas on 0407 061 940.

Wrist bands cover all rides and games, all day…. so purchase via Flexischools:

Desma Spyridopoulos P&F Assistant Secretary



Specialty photos are now available for purchase online. Please go to website Job number is MLV353-2A 9 Digit code is 8G9 611 3XX Photos are $18 each. Please note credit card payments are only available for online purchases. If you wish you may ask for an order envelope from the school office and pay by cash or cheque made payable to Advancedlife. Last day for purchases will be Friday 19 October.



Introducing two new music tutors to the school. Mr Themis Ioakimidis, a Musician & Performer and Ms Natasha Mikhaylova, a concert pianist. As of Term 4, Themis will be teaching half-hour one on one Bouzouki lessons. Children will gain a good understanding of both practical and theory regarding the Bouzouki and Greek music. - Music Theory - Greek Scales & Rhythms - Song teaching Please contact Themis for more information on 0423 344 243 or email:

We would like to welcome to our school a new piano teacher - concert pianist Ms Natasha Mikhaylova. Natasha graduated in St. Petersburg Russia and raised many successful musicians in both Australia and Russia. Natasha has an established reputation in Sydney for providing individual piano programs of the highest quality and integrity. Natasha aligns with individual families’ expectations - from raising music stars and preparing students for AMEB exams and competitions or cater to students that want an easy and fun approach. Her extensive experience and passion for music has inspired her to publish children's innovative piano books to make it possible for young children to enjoy learning an instrument. Please contact Natasha for more information on 0405 080 636. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Rogaris on the birth of their baby boy James Christopher. A baby brother for Katerina Bianca Rogaris of class 1T. JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT: TERM 4 Year 3-6: Swimming lessons at All Sorts Alexandria, commencing in Week 1. Year 3: Tuesday Year 4: Wednesday Year 5: Monday Year 6: Thursday Please note: Year 5 have changed sport days and will need to remember to bring their things for Monday, first day back of term.

Students are to wear their swimming costume under their school uniform and will get changed into dry clothes afterwards in the change rooms at All Sorts before returning to school. A reminder to bring swimming cap, goggles if required, towel, underwear and a bag to put the wet items in. Upcoming events: 

    

Tuesday 16th October: Friendly Basketball matches against Senior School Junior teams, 7am, All Sorts, Alexandria. Wednesday 17th October: Junior Boys and Girls Trials for 2019 Futsal Teams, 7am, All Sorts Alexandria Thursday 18th October: Year 6 Oz Tag Gala day, Redeemer Baptist School Thursday 18th October: Senior Boys and Girls Trials for 2019 Futsal Teams, 7am, All Sorts Alexandria Monday 22nd October: Bankstown Basketball Competition, Third Ave, Condell Park Thursday 8th November: Year 4-5 Intraschool Cricket Gala Day, Rowland Park

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Coordinator YEAR 5 VISIT ART GALLERY Friday 14th September started like any other, but today was a special one. Year 5 of St Spyridon were going on an excursion to NSW Art Gallery and the Royal Botanical Garden (RBG). First thing in the morning, once we arrived we had to wait one hour until the Art Gallery opened. Whilst we waited, we played soccer. After that hour was up, we walked to the gallery and got split into groups. The groups were decided and then we were allocated our guides. We mainly were in the modern art and sculptures section. My personal favourite was a sculpture with thousands of ping-pong balls tied to just some fishing line which allowed the balls to be moved by eight fans, which made the balls bounce on the line.

Continuing on, we were done with the art gallery so then we started walking to the Royal Botanical Gardens. We arrived there and we decided to have lunch. We were asked to take photos of plants and write information about them and this activity was really fun and simple. The garden had all desert plants some of which had spikes to protect themselves against predators and most of them also have thin leaves to reduce the amount of water lost. After all this, the Botanical Gardens was very fun and it was exciting to see all these plants in real life. For the art gallery I have the same feelings as they were both exhilarating to see in real life. Ryan Lynch 5A ‘Chop chop!’ exclaimed Mrs Karpouzous, as we were crossing the road as slow as turtles. By the time Year 5 finally crossed the zebra crossing, Ms Besir and Mr Arnott explained the rules of the day. There were many rules, so I was certain I would be as sensible as a School Captain could ever be. ‘Can I please have Leah, Ryan, Eliyah, Zane, Peter B, Mariah and Lara to be Group 1, please’, announced Ms Besir. ‘That’s me’, I thought. All the group guides were amazing. I learnt thousands of things about Ned Kelly and saw some of his famous paintings. ‘What is that unbelievable smell?’ asked Leah. We both turned around and saw a huge artwork of different types of scents like pepper and cinnamon hanging down at the bottom of cotton sacks. Our group leader told us that art isn’t always about what it looks like but it can also be about smelling the art. Grade 5 had lunch which was a lovely treat especially since we were having lunch at the Botanical Gardens. After lunch, we had to be switched on again because we had to do our succulent garden project. The succulent garden was incredible, I saw an Aloe Vera and Spinifex plants. The garden was absolutely peaceful and relaxing, so it was hard to try and work in a pretty and peaceful environment.

‘Come on Year 5’ repeated Mr Arnott. ’Oh no, it is time to leave, already. I thought. The Art Gallery was interesting and the garden was beautiful, so I really didn’t want to leave but I will always remember this amazing excursion I had with Year 5. Lara Stathis Year 5A Have you ever been to the Art Gallery or the Botanical Gardens in Sydney City? On Friday the 14th September Year 5 went there and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing! When we arrived, the tour guides welcomed us at the Art Gallery. It was awesome! The first thing we did was to observe a new perspective of either an artwork or sculpture and not just look at it. Some were very interesting like the ping pong ball one. There were different coloured ping pong balls on some wires shaped in a cube with fans blowing on them, looking like molecules cramped inside the cube. This is where S.T.E.A.M came into place. This stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.

Our final stop was the Botanical Gardens to study the plants and adaptations and how they live in the desert. We had to make a poster on the iPad about it. The plants were very interesting and surprising. It was surprising about how they trap every drop of water and store it inside them. It was mind blowing! Did you know that some desert animals’ roots are fat to get every raindrop that falls on the ground? It is a very interesting fact that most people should know. After, the day came to an end and we went back to school. In summary, it was one of the best excursions I have ever had and I hope to do it again soon.

Peter Baroutis Year 5A Have you ever experienced going to the Royal Botanical Gardens? Well lucky for Year 5 we got the opportunity to go there. It was a great experience and I was amazed by all of the beautiful plants. While we were there we created a poster about desert plants and their adaptations. After observing the artworks and sculptures, we did some fun activities like making our own sculpture! It was interesting and very enjoyable. At first, our sculpture looked like the Sydney Harbour Bridge but fell at the last second. It was like the old saying: it is not about the destination, but how you get there. Even though it fell, it was really fun making it. After the activities, we went to see the artwork we were focusing on art now: Ned Kelly by Sidney Nolan. It wasn’t what we were expecting, but still, it was pretty amazing.

Not only did we go to the Botanical Gardens but we also had the opportunity to look at some beautiful and meaningful paintings and sculptures in an art gallery. When we got into our groups there was a lady instructing us and explaining the meanings of the paintings and the sculptures. We were also able to create our own artwork where we could be creative and use our imagination. My favourite piece of art was the spice room. It does sound a little bit strange but I thought it was very creative because the artist

who created it made it not only look fantastic but smell fantastic too! Overall, I thought it was a great excursion and I am very grateful that my teachers were able to organise this excursion for us.

YEAR SIX VISIT CHINESE GARDENS It’s not every school day that you get to play Chinese whispers, explore a photo exhibition and wonder through the beautiful Chinese gardens! Well this is what Year 6 did on their excursion to the Chinese Gardens on the 10th of September! Bright and early in the morning, we hopped on a bus and drove to the Australian National Maritime Museum. Our first port of call at the museum was the James Cameron exhibition where we learned about his deep sea exploration! There were films, animations, and costumes! From there we were given the opportunity to experience the wonderful photos in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition! We chose our 3 favourite photos and evaluated what characteristics of photography were used to take such great photos! Chinatown was our next stop where we had a quick bite to eat before we met our guide Sally, who first took us on a tour of the shops. We learnt some exciting Chinese facts, for example: lucky (and unlucky) numbers and colours, some words in Chinese, and we also learned about Jade (a Chinese gem). We then headed to the Chinese Whispers tour in the Chinese Gardens of Friendship! We walked through the enchanting gardens filled with blossoms, participated in riddles along the way, and received a key for every right answer. We immersed ourselves in their culture and can experience some of their practices. Eventually, we had gone through the whole garden and we used the keys to open a little box with a story in it (although it was jammed and never opened – it seemed we weren’t ‘lucky’ enough to hold the magic key). Sally still told us the legend or myth that was locked away, it was about a mouse, a cat and how the animals for Chinese New Year were created! As we were exiting we made an origami rat altogether as a class! We then headed off for lunch in Tumbalong Park and played (or chased Ibis).

Coco Vezos Year 5A

To sum up, the Chinese whispers tour was an enjoyable, informative and unforgettable experience! Julia Kamaras Year 6P

Mr A. Dookie Acting Principal Junior School

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT FAREWELLS This term we say goodbye and good luck to three staff members.


Mrs E. Hatzopoulos will be on maternity leave as she is expecting the new addition to her family in November. We wish her καλή ελευθεριἀ.

Secondly, we bid farewell to Mrs E. Dubossarsky, our Science Laboratory assistant who is retiring after 16 years of service at the Senior School and is launching into a life of leisure and family commitments.

“Mr Georgoulopoulos is the IDT VET teacher at St Spyridon College. Mr Georgoulopoulos always takes great care in allocating his students to the most appropriate site to ensure each student will be comfortable in their environment and the site will suit their skill level. Over the years of working with Mr Georgoulopoulos we have noticed the strong relationships he has built up with the hosts. Mr Georgoulopoulos is excellent in pre-empting the needs of his students, so we can plan in advance for the week of work placement.” (Sharyn May - Work Placement Manager) Information and Digital Curriculum Framework

Finally, Dr L. Srinivasan, Science/Physics teacher, who first joined us in 2012 is also moving on to new horizons.


The role vocational education and training (VET) courses play in helping students prepare for further education, training, employment and lifelong learning is widely recognised by key stakeholders in education. Students at St Spyridon College have the option of studying VET courses at school that are endorsed by NESA based on qualifications from national Training Packages or accredited courses.

Thank you all for your commitment to our students.

Students receive recognition towards their school qualification (Record of School Achievement or HSC), as well as a nationally recognised VET qualification (Certificate III).

This VET course includes an HSC examination which provides the opportunity for students to have this HSC examination mark contribute towards the calculation of their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

and Digital Technology. Sadly, Christina represents a minority in education today in that she is one of the very few girls studying Information Technology across all levels of education.

To acknowledge the achievements of Year 12 VET students, Southern Sydney Business Education Network hosted the 2018 VET EXCELLENCE AWARDS. I was invited to select a student to receive a VET Excellence Award. To be eligible, the student needed to be currently in Year 12 and enrolled in a VET course with a mandatory work placement component.

Congratulations Christina και σε ανώτερα.

The student chosen was Christina Hatgis as she demonstrated all the qualities sought by the SSBEN:

Year 8 Technology students have been planning and designing a home for the future.

She has consistently worked at a high level in all class activities.

She has completed all assessment tasks to a high standard.

She has always displayed a positive attitude and an interest in Information and Digital Technology.

She has completed the mandatory work placement

As such, Christina, her mum and I were invited to attend the VET EXCELLENCE AWARDS BREAKFAST held in September 2018 to receive a VET Excellence Award Certificate and an appropriate trophy to celebrate the event. Of the twenty five awards on this occasion (there were another twenty five awarded at another awards presentation day), Christina was the only one to receive an award for Information

Mr G. Georgoulopoulos Information and Technology Teacher DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Year 8 Technology - “Living the Dream Architecture”

The project is an excellent application of key skills used to develop and meet the needs of a client brief. They used a 3D computer aided design program to design the first stage of the brief, followed by building an architectural model.

Students also made links beyond the subject area with Science, practical Mathematics and in considering the social and built environment. The students’ 3-dimensional realisations represent just one of the rooms from their overall plan. Students worked with focus, commitment and enthusiasm throughout, even coming in at lunchtimes to add furnishing and interior/exterior details such as swimming pools, basketball courts, football pitches. Each student presented a highly successful scaled detailed architectural model that combines their creativity & technical skill.

Star Wars Battlefront II Inferno Squad, written by Christie Golden, tells the story of Infernal Squad, a group of special trained Galactic Empire soldiers, led by Captain Iden Version, and their first mission after the destruction of the first Death Star. The main storyline of the book is about Inferno Squad sent on a mission to discover the source of a leak in what remained of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans. They joined this group of rebels and their objective was to take them down from within. The story strays away from the original Star Wars books, seeing the war in rebels’ eyes, to seeing the war in the Empire’s eyes and how they believe they are doing the right thing. It gives the question whether the Empire and Inferno Squad are the bad guys. Overall, the book was exceptional, and I really enjoyed it as it makes us think of Infernal Squad as good or bad. James Bletsas Year 9 “The Invention Of Hugo Cabret” By Brian Selznick

Ms A. Evans Technology and Visual Arts Teacher


“Star Wars Battlefront II Inferno Squad” By Christie Golden This 526 page book is an amazing fictional masterpiece. It is about a 12 year old orphan and clock worker child working in a train station trying to find his purpose in this world. Hugo is a clock worker in a train station in Paris. He got this job when his father died in a fire at a museum he used to work in. Before the fire,

Hugo and his father would try and fix this automaton (a machine which does certain jobs). Now Hugo has to steal parts from a toy store to repair it and find out what the machine will write or draw. On an attempt Hugo gets caught and then Hugo is introduced to the owner’s niece (Isabelle). This girl then finds out what Hugo is trying to achieve. When achieving fixing the automaton, it draws a picture of an image of an old silent film which said Isabelle’s uncle’s name (George Melies). When George sees this, he breaks down in tears and then realises that his films are loved and are not forgotten. This led to a presentation of his movie and Hugo was commended by George. The message of this story is that everyone has a purpose. A quote that supports this in the book is "I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason." Overall, this book is very enjoyable to read, with its supporting images younger ages can understand the story as well. The plot when reading this will make you never stop reading it, there is always an event occurring. This book is good for children from ages 9 and up due to its simple but occasional sophisticated language. I recommend this novel to young avid readers that would love a challenge and to make themselves expand their vocabulary. Adam Stamos Year 7 SHOWCASE Congratulations to everyone involved in Showcase 2018. Photos in the next Newsletter. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College


Some of the boys on their first day in 2013

FAREWELL YEAR 12 2018 As we inch our way to the end the term and look forward to the two week break that will enable us all to relax, recharge and prepare for all that the final school term has in store, we also formally bid our Year 12, 2018 goodbye and good luck. This group has been instrumental in providing great leadership to all their younger peers in academics, performing arts and in the sporting arena. We will miss their presence. I would especially like to thank the Prefects who carried out their assigned duties responsibly and efficiency and commend all Senior Leaders: Dean Albanakis (College Captain), Joanna Skouteras (Vice Captain), Anastasia Hatzidis (Senior Prefect), Nicholas Kollias (Boys Sports Captain) and Rhea Tsimboukis (Girls Sports Captain). Year 12 we all wish you much joy, happiness and success as you begin a new chapter in your lives. It has been a privilege to watch you all grow and blossom into young men and women of substance. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! You will be missed.

The boys at The Graduation dinner 2018

Class of 2018 at the Farewell Doxology


BOROUME: YES WE CAN! St Spyridon Family Respond

Last term students from Year 7 to Year 9 entered the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s NSW Crystal Growing competition. At today’s Middle School Assembly we were very pleased to present a number of certificates including three Highly Commended to Erin Zinopoulos, David Vinokur (Year 8) and Maria Grivas (Year 9) who narrowly missed out being placed as one of the best across all NSW participants. Everyone who made submissions also passed through the finals. Congratulations everyone on a very fine effort and thank you Dr Srnivasan (science teacher) for inspiring our students to take part. Student Names Erin Zinopoulos

School Year 8

David Vinokur


Maria Grivas


Maria-Angela Patsalis James Bletsas


Billy Bourdaniotis


Natalia Constantinidis Sophia Spyridopoulos Amanda Carayannis


Jordan Ingrisano


Jennifer Pyliotis


Larisa Arnautovic



7 7

Category: Alum/Open Alum Highly Commended and Finalist Alum Highly Commended and Finalist Alum Highly Commended and Finalist Alum Finalist Copper sulfate Finalist Copper sulfate Finalist Alum Finalist Alum Finalist Alum Finalist Alum Finalist Alum Finalist Alum Finalist

During the last school holidays many students travelled overseas, including Year 10’s on the Parish trip to Greece. Often when students and their families travel to Greece, like most tourists, they take in the sights, enjoy the food and varied landscapes, visit family and generally have a relaxing time in the sun. On their return from the land of bright blue skies and seas we enjoy listening to their adventures and experiences. However, recently we also learned that some also do much more! While holidaying the Bourdaniotis family provided a helping hand to the disadvantaged in Athens by joining a group called ‘Boroume’ whose prime mission is to raise awareness about and reduce food waste in the country and fight hunger and malnutrition among the poor and needy. Mr & Mrs Boudaniotis along with other family members and their children Billy (Year 9) and Chrissy (Year 7), joined additional volunteers in an event at the Ano Ilissia open-air farmer’s market or “laiki”. It involved gathering food from stall holders that then was distributed to those in need. Our students through their parents wonderful initiative were provided with first-hand experience of what it means to give their time (even whilst holidaying) to help others, to take on responsibility, show love and actively demonstrate the teaching of our faith.


The “Boroume at the Farmers’ Market” programme was launched at the end of 2015 with initially 3 collaborating Farmers’ Markets; since then, they have managed to expand their collaborations and now visit 20 farmers’ markets (15 in Athens and five in Thessaloniki). In the first half of 2018, this organisation managed to collect more than 64 tons of produce that were offered to recipient charities, one of which is the non-profit organisation called The HOME Project (addressing the desperate needs of unaccompanied minor refugees and migrant children in Greece, offering them housing, food, education, and mental health care, as many of the children are deeply scarred psychologically). Congratulations once again to the Bourdaniotis family for sharing your experience with us and demonstrating another example of what it means to be part of a caring community.

Apple’s latest operating system, iOS 12’s new Screen Time, is the feature parents have been waiting for. Adults now have a new tool to help prevent excessive screen time for our youth, as well as ourselves. The tool lets us limit overall time and allow you to limit the time on specific apps. It also does the same for websites and video games. This is a game changer because when these controls are built into the machine itself, it makes it nearly impossible for anyone to find ways around the restrictions on the devices. PHONES IN SCHOOL All schools these days have been dealing with the issue of problematic smart phone use during school hours. Some ask students to not carry them by having them put away, while others still allow students to have them tucked away out of sight. Now with Screen Time, it will be possible to have things like Snapchat, Fortnite, and Instagram not be accessible on students’ iOS devices during school hours.

Screen Time is not just for phones, but also for iPads. While some schools have some controls on them, this new tool will let parents help ensure time grabbers can be prevented during school hours— the parents have to setup Screen Time. At present the schools do not have access to it controls. Preventing video games and other things from being accessible during school hours will help students focus on their classes. PHONES AT HOME The goal of using something like this is to not over-parent, over-control, but to set up systems that help lessen the parent-child conflict. For example, rather than track down your tween to get the phone at, say, 9 pm, the phone can be

configured to have all apps go off at 9 pm, including texting. Before setting up the system, it is recommended that a strategic approach be used so as to minimize any possible push back. Consider starting with an evening of talking about all the wonderful things that do happen on screens. It is critical that children know that you get it, that you understand that screen time is really cool. When they believe we know there are many great things happening on screens, then they will be more willing to see our efforts to limit constant temptation as help, not punishment. Another way to minimize the conflict is to start by having them, and yourself, collect data on personal daily use patterns, which Screen Time lets you do. Tracking and discussing use patterns can be an effective way to think about time limits.

be downloaded and in-app purchases to be made. You can also block specific content here by selecting content restrictions and choosing specific content like movies, TV shows, games, books, etc... Setting up Screen Time on devices:  

THE TECHNICAL SIDE  All Apple devices that you will be adding restrictions to—iPhones and iPads—need to be updated to iOS 12. Here is a step-by-step guide to walk you through setting up yours and your child’s devices with these new controls.

Setting up Screen Time on your device:   

 

 

Download iOS 12 on every device you want to manage going back as far as an iPhone 5s Go to Settings and select Screen Time to turn it on your device Scroll down to Use Screen Time Passcode - select a passcode that your kids won’t figure out and you will easily remember Go to Downtime and select start and end times - This will block apps you select for the period of time you set Go to App Limits and select app categories you want to limit then set the amount of time allowed. You will be prompted to enter your passcode Go to Always Allowed and select apps you want accessible at all times (could be the phone, FaceTime and messages) Go to Content and Privacy Restrictions here you can allow or not allow apps to

      

 

Make sure all devices (iPhones and iPads) have iOS 12 downloaded Make sure all devices are set up on Family Sharing with you as the organizer and that Screen Time is turned on in Family Sharing One adult in the family—the family organizer—can set up Family Sharing for the group from their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Then an invitation is sent to the individual members. They need to accept the invitation or else it will not work. Every person in your group will need a distinct Apple ID. To learn how to get one for a child under 13, click here. Once you’ve setup your family, you’ll see them in Screen Time settings. Tap on your child and walk through the setup assistant to turn on Screen Time for them. Go to Settings and scroll down to Screen Time Scroll down to Use Screen Time Passcode Enter a Passcode that your kids won’t figure out and you will easily remember Turn on Share Across Devices Select child’s device (devices need to be set up on Family Sharing and signed into iCloud) Go to Downtime and select start and end times - This will block apps you select for the period of time you set Go to App Limits and choose categories of apps you want to limit then set the amount of time allowed. You will be prompted to enter your passcode Go to Always Allowed and select apps you want accessible at all times (could be the phone, FaceTime and messages) Go to Content and Privacy Restrictions —here you can allow or not allow apps

to be downloaded and in-app purchases to be made. You can also block specific content here by selecting content restrictions and choosing particular content like movies, TV shows, games, books, etc. Google has similar controls for Android phones that can be managed through its Family Link app, but this is limited to 13-year-olds and younger, leaving teenagers unsupervised on their devices. Many mobile phone carriers have special plans and others ways to limit access to and time on apps as well. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

GREEK COLUMN Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με γραπτό μαθήτριας, το οποίο γράφηκε κάτω από τις συνθήκες των διαγωνισμών του Β΄ εξαμήνου, (Trial Examination) και είναι σχετικό με τα θέματα που ασχολείται η Γ΄ Λυκείου (Extension course). Καλές σχολικές διακοπές! κα Μ. Φαλέτα Για το μάθημα των Ελληνικών σου ζητήθηκε να γράψεις μια έκθεση με θέμα: «Για να πετύχεις στη ζωή σήμερα πρέπει να είσαι αρεστός στους άλλους.» You have been asked for your Modern Greek subject to write a short essay on the topic: “Today, to be successful in life, one must be a people pleaser” Καθημερινά γινόμαστε μάρτυρες περιστατικών που δείχνουν έλλειψη σεβασμού προς τους άλλους, είτε γιατί τους υποτιμάμε είτε επειδή διαφωνούμε με τα πιστεύω τους. Ακόμα και στο σχολείο μας, πολλά παιδιά υφίστανται σχολικό εκφοβισμό χωρίς να έχουν περιθώριο για να αντιδράσουν και να σταματήσουν αυτό το καθημερινό βασανιστήριο που ζουν. Πέρα από την σκληρότητα της νεαρής μας ηλικίας, η έλλειψη αποδοχής των άλλων δείχνει ότι ο τρόπος με τον οποίο μεγαλώνουμε και ανατρεφόμαστε δεν καλλιεργεί τον σεβασμό στην διαφορετικότητα. Σε μια κοινωνία όπου όλοι είναι τόσο όμοιοι μα και τόσο διαφορετικοί, η έλλειψη αποδοχής των άλλων, δείχνει όχι μόνο χαμηλό πνευματικό επίπεδο, αλλά και οπισθοδρόμηση. Πρέπει να καταλάβουμε ότι όλοι μας έχουμε διαφορετική προσωπικότητα, διαμορφωμένη ανάλογα με το περιβάλλον και τις εμπειρίες που έχουμε, τον χαρακτήρα, τις αξίες και τις αρχές

που μας μετέδωσε η οικογένειά μας και η θρησκεία μας. Όλα αυτά μας κάνουν μοναδικούς και χαρακτηρίζουν την ανθρώπινη φύση μας. Γι’ αυτό άλλωστε δεν πρέπει να αλλάξουμε την προσωπικότητά μας για να γίνουμε αρεστοί στους άλλους και αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι θα αποτύχουμε στην ζωή. Σε μια κοινωνία όπου θα είμαστε όλοι ίδιοι, θα είχε ως αποτέλεσμα όλοι οι πολίτες να σκέφτονται και να συμπεριφέρονται παρόμοια και αυτό θα έκανε τη ζωή βαρετή, αλλά και η πιθανότητα να μας διαχειρίζονται οι πολιτικοί όπως θέλουν θα ήταν μεγαλύτερη. Έτσι δεν θα υπήρχε ποικιλία και καμιά ιδιαιτερότητα ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους και ίσως να μην υπήρχαν αυτοί οι άνθρωποι που με την εξυπνάδα και με το χάρισμα της ιδιαίτερης προσωπικότητάς τους έκαναν την διαφορά και βοήθησαν στην εξέλιξη της κοινωνίας μας. Γι’ αυτό άλλωστε δεν μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε την φυλή, το χρώμα του δέρματός μας, τις αξίες και τις αρχές που μας μετέδωσε η κουλτούρα μας, επειδή αυτά μας κάνουν να είμαστε μοναδικοί! Πρέπει οι άλλοι να μας αποδέχονται γι’ αυτό που πραγματικά είμαστε και όχι γι’ αυτό που θα ήθελαν αυτοί να είμαστε. Εν κατακλείδει, αν θέλουμε να ζήσουμε με ειρήνη, πρέπει να μάθουμε να αποδεχόμαστε τους ανθρώπους για αυτό που πραγματικά είναι και να μην αλλάζουμε την προσωπικότητά μας για να γίνουμε αρεστοί στους άλλους γιατί στην ζωή ο πετυχημένος άνθρωπος είναι αυτός που είναι διαφορετικός και γι’ αυτό μοναδικός! Μαθήτρια της Γ΄ Λυκείου Fereniki Ghelis Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12 Extension course)

SPORTS COLUMN GIRLS SPORTS NSWCIS ATHLETICS Congratulations to Alexia Moufarrege of Year 10 and Larisa Arnautovic and Gabriella Guerrera of Year 7 who competed at the NSWCIS Athletics Championships on Tuesday 25th September at Sydney Olympic Athletic Centre. Alexia Moufarrege competed in the 15yrs 200m and whilst she did not receive a place just to qualify for such a competitive even is an achievement in itself. Gabriella Guerrera competed in the 13years Triple Jump. Gabriella has had much success in this event managing to break the school record at the St Spyridon carnival achieving 9.90m then going on to break it at the ISA carnival achieving 9.95m and then again at the NSWCIS Championships achieving 10.15m resulting in her finishing 2nd overall. Gabriella must be commended for her efforts to strive and achieve her best and improve in each performance. Equally impressive has been Larisa Arnautovic an incredible athlete who excels in many areas on the track. Larisa qualified to compete in the 13years 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m events. A schedule which is not easy by any means. However, it is her main event of the 400m where she excelled finishing 1st overall and breaking the school record for a third time this year with a time of 1:03.54. Both Gabriella and Larisa now have been named in a NSW CIS merit team an achievement beyond our expectations for their first year at St Spyridon College. All girls are to be commended for their hard work, passion and dedication to Athletics and their contributions and success over the athletic season, they have made the school extremely proud of their achievements and we look forward to watch their continued success over the years to come.

Gabriella Guerrera and Larisa Arnautovic Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sports BOYS SPORTS NSW CIS SECONDARY ATHLETICS 2018 The Athletics season continued on Tuesday 25th September with the annual NSWCIS Secondary Athletics Championships. The competition for this event is always challenging with students from all independent schools competing for a place on the CIS merit team. Traditionally we have always had a number of students represent the school for the ISA and this year proved to be one of, if not, our most successful year at the NSWCIS Secondary Athletics Championships. Combined the boys and girls collected 8 medals and have mapped a course for future success for the College in an individual sport that is always fraught with close calls and near misses. It was however delightful and inspiring watching the students represent the College with pride and distinction. Nicholas Kollias placed 1st at the championships once more clearing 2m and was very close to adding the NSWCIS record to his

name missing out only slightly to achieve 2.03m. It has been a wonderful senor school journey for Nicholas who has managed to inspire his fellow peers to aspire to greater heights. Nicholas now goes on to compete and the NSW All Schools Athletics Carnival on Saturday 29th September, in an attempt to qualify for the Australian All Schools Championships.

flawless placing 3rd in the U12 years 100m sprint in a time of 13.43sec, but also placing 1st in the High Jump with a winning height and personal best of 1.49m. While Nicholas Kollias has dominated this event Peter is certainly looking like the athlete to replace and perhaps aspire to meet the challenge of breaking some of Nicholas’s impressive and seemingly unbreakable records in the near future.

Nicholas Kollias Our youngest competitors Leon Kalyvas and Peter Kotsis were also outstanding and surprisingly overawed by neither the occasion nor the weight of expectation. Leon was flawless in the Shot Put claiming 1st place with a distance of 11.08m.

Peter Kotsis

In the 800m event Benjamin Hickman also achieved a personal best time of 2:19.77 achieving 3rd place and securing his place on this year’s CIS Merit team. Importantly Benjamin continues to improve on his current record for this event. Importantly Benjamin has displayed a determined and impressive commitment and drive for success. Benjamins’ appetite for success in the longer distance events evens out our schools efforts in athletics. Benjamin now goes on to compete in both the 1500m and 800m event in the U13 years boys at this year’s NSW All Schools Championships and we definitely look forward to learning of his success. Leon Kalyvas In an event traditionally dominated Zafiropoulos, Leon has sounded out that the schools dominance may continue for years to come. Peter

by Spiros a warning well yet was also

Congratulations to all the competitors at this event it was a definitely a wonderful day for all the students of the College.

Benjamin Hickman It has been 3 years since Spiros Zafiropoulos of year 11 last won a medal at the NSW CIS Secondary Championships, that year Spiros was in year 7. This year Spiros placed 3rd in his favoured Shot Put event with a throw of 11.94m, rather than being content with his success as a year 7 Spiros has relentlessly pursued repeat success and has found it in 2018. A year with many sporting highlights for Spiros who amongst other accomplishes was a member of the NSW State winning Futsal team as well as the schools winning First XI Boys ISA Division 1 Football championship winning team. Spiros has been a long serving member of the schools Athletics squad and his presence next year as the most senior member of that team will go a long way to helping the school achieve further success.

Upcoming Events:  

Tuesday 16th October - U13 Boys team v Junior School team at All Sorts. Final details to be confirmed via email. Saturday 20th October – Boys Basketball Trials v Redfield College and Opens Gala day at Oakhill and Cricket trial at Redfield College. Round 1 ISA Saturday 27th October – Boys Basketball V Redfield at School SPACe.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sports

Spiros Zafiropoulos

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE 2019 DATES TERM 1 Monday 28th January 2019

Australia Day, Public Holiday

Tuesday 29th January 2019

Staff Development Day


Wednesday 30 January 2019

Staff Development Day

Thursday 31st January 2019

Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence


Friday 1 February 2019

Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Monday 25th March 2019

The Annunciation of the Theotokos, School Closed


Friday 12 April 2019

Term ends

Friday 19th April 2019

Western Good Friday, Public Holiday


Monday 22 April 2019

Western Easter Monday, Public Holiday

Thursday 25th April 2019 Friday 26th April 2019

Anzac day, Public Holiday Holy Thursday Good Friday

Sunday 28th April 2019

Orthodox Easter

Monday 29th April 2019

Easter Monday, school closed

TERM 2 Tuesday 30th April 2019

Staff Development Day

Wednesday 1st May 2019

Students return


Monday 10 June 2019

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 28th June 2019

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 3 Monday 22nd July 2019

Staff Development Day


Tuesday 23 July 2019 th

Thursday 15 August 2019 th

Students return The Dormition of the Theotokos – School Closed

Friday 27 September 2019

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 14th October 2019

Staff and students return


Wednesday 11 December 2019 Thursday 12th December 2019

Academic and Student Leadership Assembly Term ends for students St Spyridon Day, School closed

Friday 13th December 2019

Staff Development Day

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