SSC Newsletter 212 05 2019

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VOLUME XXXVI Nº05 5th April 2019


VALE HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP STYLIANOS OF AUSTRALIA 1935 – 2019 As tributes flow in from the four corners of the earth for Archbishop Stylianos, we as a St Spyridon College Community together with our Parish Priest Father Steven Scoutas and our Parish Committee remain overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of sadness for the passing of our Spiritual Leader, our formidable friend and champion of Orthodoxy, justice, education and compassion. Our own “In Memory” collection of a few photographs of key moments in the school’s life, may seem a very small tribute by comparison, but it represents shared memories of His time amongst us. It bears witness to our deep connection with an irreplaceable person who has changed the course of history for the better, by the sheer force of his presence in the world.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College


1982 – St Spyridon College Announcement of appointment of Principal Miss Mary Rayias.

1985 - Presentation of Crown Land for the Senior School

1991 – The laying of the Foundation Stone for the Senior School

2001 – On the occasion of the Opening of the Junior School building.

2005 – Official opening of the Technology Wing Senior School.

At the Greek play performance of “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child” in 2006.

At the Graduation Doxology for the Year 12 Class of 2006.

At the Benefactors Dinner 2006.

At the Year 12 Doxology Service 2007.

2007 – Visit to the College by the Greek Prime Minister Mr Kostas Karamanlis.

At the 2008 St Spyridon Parish Gala Dinner with the late Mary Hamer.

At the Year 12 Doxology Service 2008.

At the laying of the Foundation Stone for the Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe) in 2009.

At the opening of the SPACe in 2011.

2012 - At the unveiling of the plaque at the Junior School building honouring Mary Hamer, beloved and founding Principal of the Junior School.

At the 2016 GOBE Awards.

At the GOBE Awards 2017 – Honouring HSC 2016 Achievers.

At the Funeral of Archbishop Stylianos and Burial.

We dedicate this poem to our Greek readers. ΕΠΙΤΑΦΙΟ Είπες θα φύγω μιάν αυγή χωρίς κανένα ν΄ αποχαιρετήσω κι όμως ήτανε τόσοι αυτοί πού αγάπησες πού κάθε τόσο θα σε φέρναν πίσω. Ασφοδελοί κι αγάπανθοι κι άλλα λουλούδια πού θα ξεπεταχτούν μές απ΄ το στήθος σου θα συνεχίσουν τά πικρά τραγούδια κι όσα δεν πρόλαβες να πείς γι΄ αυτό κοιμήσου! Stylianos Harkianakis Sydney-Redfern 17-2-11

25th MARCH CELEBRATIONS Congratulations are extended to all K-12 students for their exemplary behavior at the 25th March commemorations.

Nektarios Kollias and Amelia Raptis (Year 8) reciting poem

Peter Baroutis (Year 6) reciting poem




K-12 NEWS Well done to the students in the Combined Greek Orthodox School Choir and to ka. Anna for supervising them.

ACER SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Year 11 and 12, 2020-2021 Congratulations to Taylor Marinos and Mary Diamond, Year 10, who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12.

Congratulations to Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal of Senior School and Deputy Head of College, for her exceptional work as MC. Thank you to Mrs Kasmas, the P&F Committee and the wonderful parents of our College for bringing our banner to us and for providing us with some refreshments after that long walk. WINTER UNIFORM All students are to wear their winter uniform from the start of Term 2, Wednesday 1st May 2019. Senior School

Year 7 2020 to Year 10 2023

A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from School.

Congratulations to Ella Arnautovic of Randwick Public School and Trinity Mallis of Bald Face Public School (equal first) granted the four year scholarship to St Spyridon College.

On days students are allowed to come wearing their sports uniform e.g. Thursday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit.

The scholarships are based on the results of ACER Scholarship exams held in February. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students.

Junior School Blazer is to be worn to and from school every day in winter. Girls to wear regulation blue tights. Shirts need to have the standard collar. No Peter Pan collars. Tracksuit to be worn with polo top for sport. No shorts.

We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam. 25th MARCH

Please note that the uniform shop does not open during the school holidays. Please check your child’s uniforms and if you need to purchase items the uniform shop will be open the last time before term 2 commences on Wednesday, 10th April 2019, 8:30am to 10:00am and 2:30pm to 4:00pm.

Congratulations are extended to all K-12 students for their exemplary behavior at the 25th March commemorations. Well done to Peter Baroutis, Year 6, Nektarios Kollias and Amelia Raptis, Year 8, who recited their poems with such conviction in Church. We also congratulate our Student Leaders for the respect they showed to our fallen during the wreath laying at Martin Place Cenotaph. 10


Ingredients  1 large granny smith apple  2 tablespoon caster sugar  1 heaped tablespoon seedless raisins  1 heaped tablespoon chopped walnut pieces  ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon  ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg  ¼ tablespoon breadcrumbs  ¼ tablespoon almond meal  1 sheet puff pastry  2 tablespoon any non-dairy milk  ¼ tablespoon icing sugar  2 scoops vanilla non-dairy ice cream Method 1. Place baking sheet on tray. 2. Peel, core and thinly slice apples. 3. Toss apples with caster sugar, raisins, walnuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, breadcrumbs and almond meal. 4. Pre heat oven at 200C degrees. 5. Cut pastry in 4 even side squares. Place apple mixture along the centre of the pastry squares. Make 8 cuts on each side of the apple mixture. Use top and bottom strips of pastry to enclose the apple filling. 6. Place pastry strips across the filling in a criss cross fashion. 7. Place your Apple Strudels on the tray and brush with non-dairy milk. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 10 – 15 mins or until golden brown. 8. Dust with icing sugar and serve hot with non-dairy ice cream.

Mrs V. Grillakis Technology and Creative Arts Team Leader





THURSDAY 16th MAY 2019

St Spyridon Church Hall Sunday, 21st April 2019 @ 11:30am Adults (13 years +): $55 donation Child (4-12years): $30 donation Menu: Appetizing entrees, main (whole snapper) and delicious desserts.

We invite all the mothers and ladies of our school community and extended friends to attend this annual favourite evening!

Bookings essential and payment in advance may be made through Flexischools or credit card. Please call Erenie: 0410318053 or Angela: 0407061940 for all bookings and enquiries.

Come along and enjoy the great food and great company. Please see the Flyer regarding this event. This year we will be going to The Grounds of Alexandria for our event and we are very excited! Updates will also be available via social media and the College Portal.

ANNUAL EASTER LAMBATHES STALL Every afternoon from 2.30pm starting Monday 1st – 12th April at the Junior School under the mango tree (or undercroft if raining), also Wednesday morning assemblies and at Easter Focus Assembly on Friday 12th April. While stocks last! All handmade by your committee members. Price: $25 each

Tickets $85 donation – pre-booking and payment are essential to reserve your seats. Tables of 16. Please SMS or call Angela 0407061940 or Joanna 0419992027 for bookings and enquiries. DONATIONS NEEDED





Help the P&F source prizes: small to large; pamper vouchers; quality items; unique items; designer products. Over 100 prizes to be won! Please contact Angela: 0407061940 or drop off your donations at the Junior School Office.

Drawn at Easter Focus Assembly, Friday 12th April. Tickets $1 each Please hand in the attached raffle tickets you received home with your children to the Junior School office. Please don’t forget to write your name and phone number on the tickets you return by Thursday, 11th April. (Extra tickets can also be purchased at the office).

We thank you in advance for any donations to help make this event the HUGE fundraising success it has become after seven years! Leslie Pasparenos, Angela Vergotis, Vivian Zorbas P&F Secretaries


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT επανάστασης κι εξαπλώνεται σε λίγους μήνες σε όλη την Ελλάδα.

GREEK COLUMN Ιστορική αναδρομή της 25ης Μαρτίου

Ο Κολοκοτρώνης, «ο Γέρος του Μοριά», επικεφαλής χιλιάδων αγωνιστών άρχισε να πολιορκεί την Τριπολιτσά.

The Y5’1 students made the historical flashback of 25th March 1821, with the heroes of the Greek Revolution and they presented their projects in the classroom. Οι μαθητές της Ε΄1 Τάξης έκαναν την ιστορική αναδρομή της 25ης Μαρτίου 1821, με τους ήρωες της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης και την παρουσίασαν στην τάξη. Οι ακόλουθες είναι τρεις από τις εργασίες τους:

1821 198 χρόνια πέρασαν από τη μέρα που ξεκίνησε η Ελληνική Επανάσταση και σήμερα τιμούμε τους προγόνους μας, που έδωσαν τη ζωή τους στον αγώνα. Τους θυμόμαστε σαν ήρωες, αλλά ήταν άνθρωποι απλοί, που την κρίσιμη ώρα, πήραν τολμηρές αποφάσεις, αψήφησαν τον θάνατο, χάρισαν τις περιουσίες τους, για να είμαστε σήμερα όλοι εμείς ελεύθεροι, σ’ αυτή τη μικρή γωνιά του πλανήτη που τη λέμε «πατρίδα».

25η Μαρτίου 1821, ο Παλαιών Πατρών Γερμανός ευλογεί τη σημαία της Επανάστασης.

29 Μαΐου 1453, ημέρα Τρίτη, ώρα 2.30 μ.μ. Η Κωνσταντινούπολη πέφτει στα χέρια των Τούρκων και χιλιάδες Έλληνες βρίσκονται υπόδουλοι, 400 χρόνια στενάζουν οι Έλληνες και περιμένουν τη λευτεριά. Με τραγούδια και παραμύθια μεγαλώνουν τις γενιές που έρχονται, προσπαθώντας να κρατήσουν τη γλώσσα και τη θρησκεία τους, σαν στοιχεία ενότητας σε μια απέραντη αυτοκρατορία με διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς. Παιδομάζωμα, χιλιάδες παιδιά μεγάλωσαν μακριά από τους γονείς τους, ξέχασαν τη γλώσσα τους, άλλαξαν την πίστη τους, έμαθαν να μισούν τους Έλληνες, έγιναν οι τρομεροί Γενίτσαροι.

23 Απριλίου του 1821, στην Αλαμάνα ηττήθηκε ο Αθανάσιος Διάκος και θανατώθηκε με μαρτυρικό τρόπο.

1814, στην Οδησσό δημιουργήθηκε η Φιλική Εταιρεία. Ο Νικόλαος Σκουφάς, ο Εμμανουήλ Ξάνθος κι ο Αθανάσιος Τσακάλωφ ορκίστηκαν για την ελευθερία του έθνους. Ο Αλέξανδρος Υψηλάντης γίνεται επικεφαλής της Φιλικής Εταιρείας. Το 1821 ανάβει η φλόγα της

Ο Οδυσσέας Ανδρούτσος και τα παλικάρια του νικάνε στη Γραβιά. 13

Υψηλάντης, Ρήγας Φεραίος, Γρηγόριος Παπαφλέσσας, Ανδρέας Μιούλης, Νικηταράς, Οδυσσέας Ανδρούτσος, Ιωάννης Μακρυγιάννης, Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, Λάζαρος Κουντουριώτης, Μαντώ Μαυρογένους, Λασκαρίνα Μπουμπουλίνα είναι όλοι αυτοί οι ήρωες που έκαναν πράξη την πίστη στη σημαία μας. «Ο Θεός έβαλε την υπογραφή του για τη λευτεριά της Ελλάδας και δεν την παίρνει πίσω», όπως είχε πει ο Θεόδωρος Κολοκοτρώνης!

23 Σεπτεμβρίου 1821 η Τριπολιτσά έρχεται στα χέρια των Ελλήνων και πάλι.

Γεώργιος Γεωργαντζάκος Τάξη Ε΄1 Ρήγας Βελεστινλής (Φεραίος) 1757 – 1798

Ποιος ήταν ο Ρήγας Φεραίος; Γεννήθηκε στο Βελεστίνο Θεσσαλίας, τις αρχαίες Φερές, το 1757. Το βαπτιστικό του όνομα ήταν «Ρήγας» και το επώνυμο του ήταν «Βελεστινλής», από το όνομα του τόπου που γεννήθηκε. Σπούδασε στη Σχολή της Ζαγοράς Πηλίου και μελέτησε αρχαίους συγγραφείς. Σε ηλικία περίπου είκοσι ετών πήγε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, όπου έμαθε ξένες γλώσσες και μορφώθηκε κοντά στους Φαναριώτες. Τον Μάιο, ο Εμμανουήλ Παππάς στην Μακεδονία κήρυξε την Επανάσταση και απελευθέρωσε το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της Χαλκιδικής. Σιγά σιγά το ένα μετά το άλλο τα νησιά του αρχιπελάγους σηκώνουν τη σημαία της Επανάστασης με πιο σημαντικά την Ύδρα, τις Σπέτσες και τα Ψαρά. Κρήτη, Σάμος και Κύπρος ξεσηκώνονται. Αθανάσιος Διάκος, Γεώργιος Καραϊσκάκης, Αλέξανδρος

Ο Ρήγας έγραψε ενθουσιώδη ποιήματα και βιβλία για την ελληνική ιστορία, Ένα από τα πιο γνωστά ήταν: «Ο Θούριος ή ο ύμνος μάχης» (1797) «Ως πότε παλικάρια να ζούμε στα στενά ... Καλύτερα από μιας ώρας ελεύθερη ζωή, παρά σαράντα χρόνια σκλαβιά και φυλακή».


Τα τελευταία του λόγια ήταν τα εξής: «Έχω σπείρει ένα πλούσιο σπόρο · έρχεται η ώρα που η χώρα μου θα καρπωθεί τους καρπούς του». Χρυσοβαλάντου Ψυλλάκη Ε΄1 Αθανάσιος Διάκος Ο Αθανάσιος Διάκος ήταν οπλαρχηγός στην Ελληνική Επανάσταση. Aγαπούσε τη θρησκεία από μικρό παιδί και γι’ αυτό, οι γονείς του τον έστειλαν στο μοναστήρι του Αγίου Ιωάννου Προδρόμου για την εκπαίδευσή του. Έγινε μοναχός σε ηλικία δεκαεφτά χρονών και χειροτονήθηκε διάκονος από την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία.

Στον αγώνα της επανάστασης «Ὡς πότε παλικάρια, νὰ ζοῦμε στὰ στενά, μονάχοι σὰ λεοντάρια, σταῖς ράχαις στὰ βουνά; Σπηλιαῖς νὰ κατοικοῦμε, νὰ βλέπωμεν κλαδιά, νὰ φεύγωμ᾿ ἀπ᾿ τὸν κόσμον, γιὰ τὴν πικρὴ σκλαβιά; Νὰ χάνωμεν ἀδέλφια, πατρίδα καὶ γονεῖς, τοὺς φίλους, τὰ παιδιά μας, κι ὅλους τοὺς συγγενεῖς; Καλλιῶναι μίας ὥρας ἐλεύθερη ζωή, παρὰ σαράντα χρόνοι, σκλαβιὰ καὶ φυλακή. Τί σ᾿ ὠφελεῖ ἂν ζήσῃς, καὶ εἶσαι στὴ σκλαβιά; στοχάσου πῶς σὲ ψαίνουν, καθ᾿ ὥραν στὴν φωτιά».

Η ζωή με τους Τούρκους του ήταν ανυπόφορη και γι’ αυτό, αναγκάστηκε να καταφύγει στα βουνά με τους κλέφτες και αρματολούς. Ο Αθανάσιος ήταν πολύ καλός μαχητής και πολέμησε γενναία σε πολλές μάχες, αλλά δυστυχώς στη μάχη της Αλαμάνας το 1821 τραυματίστηκε και οι Τούρκοι τον έπιασαν αιχμάλωτο. Ένας αξιωματικός από τον οθωμανικό στρατό του πρότεινε να τον κάνει αξιωματικό, αν αλλάξει την πίστη του κι από χριστιανός να γίνει μωαμεθανός. Ο Αθανάσιος όμως αρνήθηκε και του απάντησε: «Εγώ Γραικός γεννήθηκα, Γραικός θε να πεθάνω!»

Θάνατος και πατρίδα Το έργο του ανησυχούσε τις Αυστριακές αρχές, που τον συνέλαβαν και τον παρέδωσαν στον οθωμανό κυβερνήτη του Βελιγραδίου, όπου φυλακίστηκε και βασανίστηκε. Από το Βελιγράδι, έπρεπε να τον στείλουν στην Κωνσταντινούπολη για να καταδικαστεί από τον SultanSelim III. Στη μεταφορά του όμως τον στραγγάλισαν μαζί με πέντε συνεργάτες του και τα σώματά τους ρίχτηκαν στον ποταμό Δούναβη. 15

Την επόμενη μέρα, την 24η Απρίλη 1821, τον σκότωσαν με μαρτυρικό θάνατο!!!

Η Λασκαρίνα Μπουμπουλίνα ήταν η μόνη γυναίκα που ήταν στη Φιλική Εταιρεία. Είχε γεννηθεί την 11η Μαΐου 1771, σε μια φυλακή στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, όταν η μητέρα της είχε πάει να δει τον πατέρα της, (τον Σταυριανό Πινότση) που ήταν στα τελευταία του. Ο πατέρας της είχε φυλακιστεί από τους Τούρκους. Η Μπουμπουλίνα είχε παντρευτεί δύο φορές: Παντρεύτηκε το Δημήτρη Γιάννουζα και το Δημήτρη Μπούμπουλη, απ’ τον οποίο πήρε το όνομα Μπουμπουλίνα. Σκοτώθηκαν όμως και οι δύο από πειρατές και η Μπουμπουλίνα έμεινε χήρα με 6 παιδιά. Οι δυο σύζυγοι της αφήσανε πολλά λεφτά και αγόρασε 8 καράβια.

Μόνο ένα παράπονο έκφρασε πριν πεθάνει... «Για δες καιρό που διάλεξε ο χάρος να με πάρει, τώρα που ανθίζουν τα κλαδιά και βγάζει η γης χορτάρι!!!» Ο Αθανάσιος Διάκος είναι εθνικός ήρωας της Ελλάδας!!!

Στις 13 Μαρτίου, 1821 ανέβασε την ελληνική σημαία στο πιο μεγάλο της καράβι, το «Αγαμέμνων» και άρχισε αποκλεισμό στις Σπέτσες. Το πλοίο Αγαμέμνων ήταν 34 μέτρα και είχε 18 κανόνια. Ήταν το μεγαλύτερο πλοίο στην επανάσταση και με αυτό έσωσε το Ναύπλιο. Μιχαέλα Ιμισίδη Ε΄1


YEAR 6 STORY TELLING DOLPHINS By Leah Dionisopoulos - 6P The waves crashed on the rocks, The amazing creature launched through the waves, Dazzlin’ the humans on the beach. Its shiny, grey skin, Singing its song to the creatures of the sea. Not a fish, but mammal, The only ones who shows the shark who is boss! The Dolphin; An amazing creature of the deep, A loving mammal, Never scared to show off! This delightful animal That you will never forget.

Η Μπουμπουλίνα είχε πολύ θάρρος και πολέμησε σαν άνδρας. Αγαπούσε πάρα πολύ την πατρίδα της και χρησιμοποίησε σχεδόν όλα τα χρήματά της για να βοηθήσει τους Έλληνες. Όταν ξεκίνησε η Επανάσταση είχε το δικό της στράτευμα και φώναζε τους άντρες «Γενναία μου παλικάρια»! Σ’ ένα πόλεμο κοντά στο Άργος, ο γιος της μαζί με τους συντρόφους της πάλεψαν σώμα με σώμα με τους Τούρκους, οι οποίοι τον αποκεφάλισαν. Η Μπουμπουλίνα είπε: «Ο γιος μου είναι νεκρός όμως το Άργος είναι στα χέρια μας».

THE WATER CREATURES By Kiara Zabetakis - 6P As the sharks drift with might, The fish jump with a fright But the turtle flows fearlessly until the darkness comes about. The ink squirts up high, the ink squirts down low, And the turtle zooms away, with no thought to look back. But the dark creature chases and dashes through the water, making bubbles go pop, pop, pop.

Ένα ωραίο τραγούδι για την Μπουμπουλίνα plpR4 Μιχαλία Δευτεραίου Τάξη Ε΄1

Ohh, poor little turtle, I’m sure it won’t be long, for the darkness to end.

Στέλλα Γεωργακοπούλου Δασκάλα Ελληνικών

As the turtle bolts terrified, the dolphins make a splash, in hope to save poor little turtle, from the scary, dark creature. From minutes to hours of chasing, Darkness quits the chase, for the little turtle had zoomed far, far, far away. THE DANCER By Chrissy Drakakis - 6M I want to be a dancer, and dance with all my friends, 17

Calling out, “thank you, thank you”, while I do all of my bends, I’d like to twist and bend and squat and split, Even if I did this and that, I’d only get paid just a bit, I’d like to be a dancer and turn and split and leap, I wouldn’t be a dancer if… I had to train a heap! Would you?

SNAP! “Ahhhh! What was that?” I exclaimed. ROAR!!!! “AHHHH!” I screamed in terror. My heart was racing but I was too late. A huge creature emerged from the shadows of a bush. It was my worst nightmare! I couldn’t possibly be more nervous, anxious or terrified than right now! It had a scruffy white mane that waved in the wind of the jungle, which also rustled the leaves of the ancient trees. It had vicious teeth and sharp talons that could tear me apart. Oh boy, I thought to myself, this beast is definitely the king of this spooky place. It was tremendously strong, with glowing red eyes that were the size of a button.

RAPPER By Akis Dimitrakopoulos - 6M I’d like to be a rapper and rhyme words musicallay, Calling out, “What’s up?” and talking with my fans, Screaming and shouting, with a joyful play, Getting delayed, Like I like to play, But I wouldn’t be a rapper if I couldn’t get paid. Would You?

I was panicking as its jaws were viciously snapping at me. It suddenly pounded me with its to front legs to a tree. SSSSSS! I looked up in the tree but I couldn’t see anything. ”Wait what?” I murmured to myself. This terrifying but extraordinary beast had bolted away. I concentrated harder, but as I looked closely in the tree, in between the branches was a sly snake, poking its fork-like tongue out of its narrow mouth. It was a very vibrant snake. It was curiously staring at me, its head swaying side to side. My heart thumping hard, as this peculiar snake slithered from the bough of the tree to the trunk and across to me!

THE CAMPER (Fortnite) By Curtis Constantinou - 6M Camping in a bush, and doing the stream, Calling out, “Stream marking,” and playing with laser beam, Getting a win, and eating my ice cream, Hiding in a bush, and doing it with my team, Crouched down low, hitting targets from trees with ‘theme’. But I wouldn't be a Camper, If I had to leave the stream. Would you?

I stood still in shock. I slowly stepped away from the tree and then blasted away. I ran through muddy puddles and dried up pale leaves. I encountered a sandy area when I realised that I was sinking lower and lower. It was quicksand! I thought to myself, what is the best thing to do in quicksand.’ Aha I’ve got it!’ Mr Thompson always used to tell us, try not to move in quicksand.

A SHORT STORY By Eva Drivas - 6P

GRRRRR! Something was there watching me. “I’ve got to come up with something” I thought to myself .There was a dangling vine in front of me. I tried to get a hold of it, “YES” I shouted to myself in relief. I had grabbed the vine that was like a rope.

Creeping through the murky undergrowth of the wild jungle, as the birds’ whistling echoed through the air. The jungle was full of fog and creepy insects, cobwebs and mysterious beasts. I peeped through the vines that were like tangle hair, I could see golden streaks of glowing sunlight gazing through the dark. This wasn’t any ordinary jungle after all. It was dangerous and mysterious.

”OHH OH”, I froze. The vine had gotten me out of the quicksand but it swung back, then as it went forward there was a terribly high cliff, and as the vine swung off the edge I lost grip and fell… 18

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” As I was falling, from a great height, my heart was about to burst out of my chest!


“Emma! Wake up Emma!” mum whispered, in a gingerly voice. ”MUM, what happened?” I asked. ”You were having a nightmare”, mum answered. “Come on get ready for school!” Miss D. McCarthy Primary Coordinator JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM On Tuesday 19th March we took our representative swimmers to Birrong Pools to compete in the Annual Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival, hosted by St Euphemia College this year.

On March 28th, The Senior Netball Girls from St Spyridon Junior School competed at an ASISSA Netball Gala Day, to select individual players to form the ASISSA Netball Team for 2019. It was a challenging carnival, and required the girls to play 6 games back-to-back in the heat. Well done to all players who excelled in learning their positions on the day, and competed with true sportsmanship and leadership on the court.

The carnival displayed many impressive individual performances, high levels of encouragement from our students as well as a great community spirit amongst the schools. Our students embraced the day and all who attended are to be commended for the way they represented themselves and our College. St Spyridon finished in first place taking the trophy back to school for another year.

Congratulations to Nicola Lisgaris (6M), who was selected into the final Possibles and Probable’s match, but unfortunately did not get selected into the team this year.

I’d like to thank Mr Volas, Mrs Economou and Ms McCarthy who assisted on the day.

Thank you to Mrs Mantsis who umpired on the day. Miss D. McCarthy Team Manager

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sport Co-ordinator


On Thursday 21st March St Spyridon College Junior School celebrated Harmony Day. This is an important day on our calendar as it is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home, from those born here, to those who have come from many countries around the world. Harmony Day focuses on many aspects and values that we, at St Spyridon Junior School hold dear; respect, acceptance, tolerance and a sense of belonging. Our Year Six students hosted and facilitated the activities, by joining other classes from Kindergarten to Year Five, reading each class a book which highlighted inclusivity and acceptance for all cultures of the world then completing differentiated activities with each class. Our students came together to create our very own Harmony Garden, with each student decorating a handprint showing their individuality. The message represented in this garden is that we may all be different, but we all belong!

Mrs N. Economou Year 5 Class Teacher Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT It was a good opportunity to link our studies in History to the history of the land that is so close to our school. It was an enjoyable experience that proved to be incredibly educational.

YEAR 7 HISTORY EXCURSION TO LA PEROUSE On Thursday 28th March 2019 Year 7 went to La Perouse to learn about Ancient Australia. We had two tour guides: Tim, who was of indigenous background and Grant who wasn’t indigenous but did know a lot about indigenous culture. We started the morning by eating pancakes and native fig lime jam and then walked through a track in the La Perouse area and learnt about plants that would help you survive in Australia’s heat, which were incredibly rich in protein. These same plants could make the ‘healthiest soap’ which was made by crushing some of its leaves and adding some water. There is also a plant with the ‘strongest glue’ that was reusable. Tim also taught us if you are going to take something from a plant you don’t take too much from one plant, because killing a plant will throw the ecosystem around it.

Sampling bush food and discovering the many uses of plants in our local area.

Year 7 at the end of the indigenous tour at La Perouse

Denny Poulos Year 7


CHESS TOURNAMENT On Wednesday 27th March, 13 boys from Years 7 to 10 went with Dr McPhee to Rosebay Secondary College to participate in the first heat of the 2019 Chess Tournament. As a school, St Spyridon College came 2nd overall, with Gianni Keramitzsis coming 3rd, James Bletsas coming 4th and Vasili Giaras coming 6th for individual awards. The team had a fantastic day that we will all remember. St Spyridon College will now compete in the semi-finals later this year where we hope to win the tournament for 2019. Until then we will continue to hone our chess skills during Co-Curricular and at lunchtimes using our brand-new, giant, outdoor chessboard.

James Bletsas Year 10

YEAR 11 DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY VISIT TO THE POWERHOUSE MUSEUM On Monday 1st April 2019, Year 11 Design and Technology visited the Powerhouse Museum to view the ‘Shape 2018’ exhibition. This gave students the opportunity to view exemplary HSC Major Design Projects, including practical designs and written portfolio work which documents each students’ design process over the year. There were many creative and innovative projects from varied facets of design and diverse technologies.


Ms T. Zervos Design and Technology Teacher Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College 23

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Brendan Borodyansky Number of Years at St Spyridon College: 6 years (starting in year 7). Previous Leadership Roles: Peer Support Leader Year 10. Subjects I am currently studying: Mathematics Advanced, English Standard, Personal Development and Health, Geography, Business Studies. Hobbies: Participating in sports, mainly AFL, spending time with family, listening to music. My future aspirations: I wish to study a Bachelor of Management or Sport and Exercise Management at university. My role models: My parents, my grandparents, my teachers and Lance Franklin. Favourite quote: “Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion” - Michael Jordan My proudest moment: My proudest moment was being able to be a part of the boys swimming team in Year 10 and winning overall champions of Division 2. One student principle that is most meaningful to me and why: Student Principle 3: “We work together to achieve a school community whose distinguishing characteristics are those of friendship, compassion and decency”. This principle resembles me most as I love making friendships on a regular basis. Whether I am playing sport with friends outside of sport I love to build friendships that I am able to hold with me for many years. I try my hardest with all my fellow peers to create friendships to last forever and try to build a positive relationship with all teachers that will help benefit me with all my school work. I have decency in myself when I am both at school and out of school. I show my decency towards all my peers on the playground and during Saturday sport also towards my teacher during all my classes. I have compassion towards all ages and mainly during school, to the younger year groups, by always seeing how they are and if they need help with anything. Also towards adults and teachers I show compassion as I try to interact as much as I can in class by answering questions and asking questions if I am unsure of the information that the teacher has provided.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Jade Capitanelis Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years. Previous Leadership Roles: Year 10 Peer Support Leader. Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, Modern History, Legal Studies, Drama, English Extension 1, Ancient History, and History Extension. Hobbies: Going out with friends, reading and listening to music. My Future Aspirations: I wish to study Law at university. My role models: My teachers and my family. Favourite quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela My proudest moment: becoming a 2019 Prefect at St Spyridon College and being awarded the ADF 2017 Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award. One Student Principle that is meaningful to me and why: Student Principal 9: “We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again”. This is a student principle that comes into play everyday as we face challenges on a regular basis. It encourages us to accept our hardships and have patience and determination in overcoming them. This student principle promotes perseverance and highlights the importance of not giving up.


MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT “Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something” Plato


TIN CAN APPEAL AND EASTER RAFFLE The food donations for the Greek Welfare Centres’ Easter Appeal are set to break records. When we first began contributing to this community event 12 years ago our donations filled a big table. Now three tables stacked high provide a great example of how students have banded together to contribute to this worthy cause. Well done everyone!! We have another week to go before the food will be boxed up and taken to the collection depot at Marrickville Town Hall. Keep bringing in your donations until then and let’s see if we can fill a fourth table. Also, if anyone is yet to return their raffle tickets please do so as prizes will be drawn next week. First prize is an Easter Show family show link ticket (providing transport and entry for 2 adults, 2 children) plus a voucher for 110 ride coupons and games to be used at the Easter Show. Other prizes include an array of various Easter hampers.

This week Year 7 met with their Peer Support Leaders from Year 10 to engage in a variety of energizing and team building activities. They will have another three sessions next week that will also provide students with further opportunity to get to know their new peers.


IT’S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY… WHEN SOMETHING’S UP, SPEAK UP! DO WHAT YOU LOVE! These three take away lines were the key messages given by our guest presenter Matthew Caruana who came in to speak to Year 11 and 12 during their Pastoral Care session today. In our modern technology driven society young people are often confronted with many temptations and challenges. Perceptions and expectations, real and imagined can cause undue pressures for young people. If they do not have the means to discuss, understand or cope with all this, they can spiral into despair. Matthew gave a sobering account of his life experiences and the lessons he acquired along the way. His messages of hope and the importance of achieving long term happiness by developing and holding on to purpose and finding fulfilment in life were inspiring to hear.



References taken from SMH, 24th March, 2019 & ‘’. In recent times there have been a growing number of news articles highlighting an issue that is making itself felt in all schools. Wellmeaning parents who believe that loving their child and being a “good” parent equates to protecting them from anything even slightly negative or aversive, and making sure they succeed at whatever they think the child should be able to accomplish. Principals of some of Sydney’s most prestigious schools say that while most parents are sensible, the emerging ‘helicopter parents’ (the overinvolved and overprotective),’snowplough parents’ (those who constantly remove obstacles), and ‘concierge parents’ (those who sit at a little desk waiting to sort out all problems as they arise), make up around 10 per cent of families, but they take a significant amount of time away from the business of schools …which is teaching and learning. The Principals say these parents "… expect their children to have fewer hurdles and more accolades, more opportunities, more recognition. Additionally "more parents are querying team selections, essay marks, teaching methods”, and they are even making special trips to school to deliver forgotten assessments, lunches and so on…” This creates students that are too fragile to accept feedback/teachers professional 28

judgements about submitted work, or disciplinary measures when they step out of line.

5. Let them know that they have what it takes to make their own decisions.

By not allowing children to deal with constructive criticisms, or the consequence of immature, irresponsible behaviour, these parents take away the opportunity to learn from mistakes. Children end up being dependent and entitled individuals who don’t know how to make their own decisions, or deal with difficult situations. They don’t know how to cope with failure, or take responsibility for their mistakes, and they end up blaming everyone else for their problems.

In II Corinthians 12: 9-10 we are told that, “power is made perfect in weakness” and that it is when we are weak that we learn to become really strong. Healthy parents understand that they can best serve their children by teaching them that mistakes are a great opportunity to learn invaluable lessons, to experience Gods presence, and to discover God’s provision and power in the process of becoming responsible young adults.

Children need to learn that choices have consequences and that they will not always be rescued. “Students need challenges at school to prepare them for adulthood… they should experience failure in order to learn that there are habits of mind and characteristics of personality that enable them to struggle and persevere” (Dr Townsend – Principal of Shore). Furthermore, Briony Scott, Principal of Wenona recently said “The only way we can teach young people that parents are neither their slaves nor their secretaries, and to reinforce that they themselves are really quite capable, is to allow young people to become capable”.

BEFORE YOU GET YOUR CHILD A PHONE… References taken from SMH, 2nd March 2019 The moment your child has a social media account is the moment they have a resume and it is their PUBLIC resume. When the time comes for them to apply for their first job, you want and hope that they can walk into an office for that all important interview and be able to look at the interviewer/their employer in the eye with confidence while handing over their resume saying “Go ahead GOOGLE ME”. This is because they know the magnitude of the responsibility, power and influence of their public resume, the fact that it’s there forever and can be seen by everyone.

There are 5 simple ways to avoid becoming a ‘helicopter’, ‘snow plough’, or ‘concierge’ parent: 1. Teach children how to take personal responsibility for their choices. 2. Let children experience the consequences of their choices. 3. Help children understand that before they learnt to run they had to walk and before they walked they wobbled (and often fell). 4. Help children understand that failure can be one of their greatest teachers.

Before children are given smart phones and access to social media a significant amount of guidance and maturity is required. Technologies in general, but especially phones with their portability and 24/7 access are very addictive and when placed in the hands of the immature, can be dangerous. If not properly managed a complex web of issues can manifest themselves and may impact not only the present but also the future. 29

When children view a video they know its entertainment, but when they read or post comments, send messages or photos they somehow forget, or don’t comprehend, that they are communicating with other human beings who have feelings, emotions, hopes and dreams. If the online posts are made without careful consideration, damage can be done to themselves (personal PUBLIC resume) and to others on the receiving end. Parents need to think carefully before giving children access to smart phones and social media. At the very least rules need to be established, protective measures that monitor and limit access taken. However, the first level of responsibility that your child/children should have is the responsibility of asking three questions when interacting online. If they are able to successfully navigate these before they post, it can almost be guaranteed that their life online will be positive, helpful, productive and in future may lead to amazing opportunities.

STUDENT OF THE WEEK Our Student of the Week was James Cardamis from Year 9. James who is a Junior Life Saver while on duty recently encountered a lady at the beach who had run into trouble. James was able to provide assistance to her until additional help arrived. Well done James!

The three SIMPLE questions are: 




Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

It is crucial that children have clear understanding of the fact that when they post online, it stays there forever and can be seen by everyone. Social media itself is neither good nor bad, it is what individuals do with it that can be problematic when used inappropriately as it amplifies who they are or perceived to be by what they present to the world. Social media is a billboard that advertises their behaviour be it good or bad. The question for your children to consider is: what do they want the world to say about them?


GREEK COLUMN Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με τις εργασίες μαθητριών της Γ ΄ Λυκείου, που είναι σχετικές με την ενότητα που εργάζονται αυτό το τρίμηνο και η οποία είναι «Οι Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες».

για ύπνο. Θέλω να είμαι ξεκούραστη για το μεγάλο, αυριανό γεγονός. Καληνύχτα! Νικολέττα Nicoletta Tsimboukis Year 11 - Modern Greek Year 12

Καλά να περνάτε. Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, κα Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: «Είσαι αθλητής/αθλήτρια και γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου ή (α) ένα βράδυ πριν πάρεις μέρος στο Ολυμπικό σου αγώνισμα ή (β) ένα βράδυ μετά τη συμμετοχή σου, αντανακλώντας τις σκέψεις σου και τα συναισθήματά σου.» Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Ούτε κι εγώ μπορώ να το πιστέψω πως αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκομαι στο Ολυμπιακό χωριό στη Βαρκελώνη. Αύριο είναι η μέρα του μεγάλου αγώνα! Έχω καταφέρει να λάβω μέρος στους τελικούς αγώνες κολύμβησης. Πιστεύω πως από θαύμα βρίσκομαι εδώ. Ποτέ δεν είχα ονειρευτεί πως μια μέρα θα κατάφερνα να φτάσω μέχρι εδώ! Το όνειρό μου έγινε πραγματικότητα! Αλλά, το ένα όνειρο φέρνει το άλλο, το πιο μεγάλο! Και τώρα εγώ, αντιπροσωπεύω την πατρίδα μου την Ελλάδα σε μια τέτοια, παγκόσμια αναμέτρηση! Λοιπόν, εκτός από τη μεγάλη μου περηφάνεια, αισθάνομαι και ένα τρομερό άγχος. Προσπαθώ να κάνω ό, τι με συμβουλεύει ο προπονητής μου. Προσπαθώ να είμαι ήρεμη και να επικεντρωθώ στο στόχο μου. Πρέπει αύριο οπωσδήποτε να δώσω τον καλύτερό μου εαυτό. Πρέπει, δηλαδή, να κολυμπήσω λίγα δευτερόλεπτα πιο γρήγορα. Δεν πρέπει, λέει , να φοβάμαι την Αμερικανίδα από την διπλανή καμπίνα, που έχει μεγάλα μπράτσα και τεράστιες πλάτες... Θα τα καταφέρω άραγε; Για μένα, αυτός είναι ο πιο δύσκολος στόχος, αλλά και ο πιο γλυκός, αν βέβαια καταφέρω να κερδίσω το χρυσό μετάλλιο. Όχι μόνο για μένα, μα πιο πολύ για την Ελλάδα... Δεν ξέρω τι νέα θ’ακούσεις από εμένα αύριο, αλλά τώρα πάω

Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι μετά από δέκα χρόνια κατάφερα να πραγματοποιήσω το όνειρό μου. Η χαρά μου δεν περιγράφεται! Λοιπόν, θα αρχίσω από την αρχή... Από μικρή ηλικία προετοιμαζόμουν για να γίνω Ολυμπιονίκης στο άθλημά μου, που είναι η κολύμβηση. Κάθε δεύτερη μέρα ήμουν στην πισίνα για να προπονηθώ και να βελτιωθώ. Όταν άκουσα ότι επιλέχτηκα για την Ολυμπιακή ομάδα, πανηγύρισα! Και τώρα είμαι εδώ, στην Ελλάδα και πήρα μέρος στο μεγάλο αυτό αθλητικό γεγονός. Οι γονείς μου ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα, δύο εβδομάδες πριν την έναρξη των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων για να με υποστηρίξουν. Όταν παρέλασα για την Ελλάδα στην τελετή έναρξης ένιωσα μεγάλη περηφάνεια για την πατρίδα μου. Το βράδυ της 19ης Ιουλίου θα μου μείνει αξέχαστο! Είχα τον τελευταίο αγώνα στα 100 μέτρα κολύμβησης και η καρδιά μου χτυπούσε τόσο πολύ, που νόμιζα πως θα σπάσει. Πήδηξα στο νερό και το μόνο που μπορούσα να σκεφτώ ήταν το χρυσό μετάλλιο. Όταν είδα ότι έκανα καταπληκτικό χρόνο, κοίταξα πάνω στις κερκίδες και είδα την ευτυχία στο πρόσωπο της μητέρας μου, κατάλαβα... Κέρδισα το χρυσό μετάλλιο, εκπλήρωσα ένα όνειρο ζωής! Πρόκειται για τη μεγαλύτερη διάκριση της ζωής μου. Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη που οι θυσίες όλων, οι δικές μου, του προπονητή μου, της οικογένειάς μου και ειδικά της μητέρας μου έπιασαν τόπο. Αυτή η εμπειρία θα μου μείνει αξέχαστη. Εδώ σ’αφήνω και θα τα ξαναπούμε. Νικολέττα Nicola Skouteris Year 11 – Modern Greek Year 12



Congratulations to Stavros Haralambides of Year 8 for qualifying for the NSW Junior State Championships for swimming in the following events.     

Preparation for the Greek Orthodox Colleges of Australia National Schools Event Venue: Sports and Performing Arts Centre

Boys 12-13 years 50 Fly Boys 12-13 years 4×50 Medley relay Boys 10-13 years Free 10×50 Relay Boys 12-13 years 4×50 Free Relay Boys 12-13 years 50 Free

Dates and Times:  Thursday 11th April from 3pm – 5pm  Saturday 13th April from 9am – 11am  Thursday 18th April from 9am – 11am – School Holidays  Thursday 2nd May from 3pm – 5pm Attire: all boys will be required to wear their full school sports uniform for training on school days and for the non-school days any suitable attire for training is acceptable. Be sure to pack plenty of water and any medication required. These dates are compulsory training dates and all boys must attend all sessions should they wish to be part of the trip to Adelaide in May. UPCOMING SPORTS EVENTS

WINTER SPORT DATES FOR 2019 Please see below Saturday winter sport dates:  Round 1 – 4 May  Round 2 – 11 May  Round 3 – 18 May  Round 4 – 25 May  Round 5 - 1 June  Round 6 - 15 June  Round 7 - 22 June  Round 8 – 27 July  Round 9 – 3 August  Round 10 – 10 August  ISA Semi Finals – 17th August  ISA Grand Final - 24th August

Boys football trial Saturday 6th April @ Chifley Reserve.

First XI St Andrews Football Cup Tuesday 16th April and Wednesday 17th April.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sports

FIRST XI FOOTBALL Good luck to the boys first XI football team who are competing in this year’s annual St Andrews Invitational Football Cup to be played on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th April at Valentine Sport Park. 32




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