P & f news 3 3a

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P & F NEWS BULLETIN BULLETIN No. 3 25th May, 2017

From the Head of College The strength of our school community, is unity of purpose, and our purpose is to educate our students to take their place in the world with confidence and success. Our capacity to do this is a ma er of record, as is evident in our academic results, our spor ng achievements and very pleasing growth in our enrolments. The role of the P & F Commi ee in building culture and enhancing the reputa on of our College has been an essen al component of our successes. We wish to thank the P & F Commi ee for many excellent ini a ves, most recently the wonderful Mothers’ Night Out held at Al Aseed, Alexandria – a sold‐out event, thoroughly enjoyed by all 180 of us. We wish Mrs Erenie Bourdanio s and her ini mable team every success in their future endeavours. Mrs E. Stefanou‐Haag

Mother’s Day Stalls

As promised in the previous newsle er the Mother’s Day Stalls broke yet another P&F record and raised an amazing $6000. Thank you once again! Please also refer to the newsle er and the College Facebook page for regular updates and an‐ nouncements about forthcoming events.

Mothers’ Night Out Our Mothers’ Night Out turned out to be a huge success and a night for breaking records. We raised an amazing $17,000! Funds that will certainly benefit our school. But just as importantly as the night promised, we also had lots of fun celebra ng Mothers’ Day with our friends at Al Aseel Alexandria. Through laughter and screaming (when someone won a prize) we ate, drank and purchased an abundance of ckets, aras and cards for the raffles. A hear elt THANK YOU for your con nual and faithful support of our fundraising events. And a special thank you to all who donated a prize and made this night extra special.

Athle cs Carnival P&F Canteen

The Junior School Athle cs carnival is fast approaching. Please note that the P&F will run a mini canteen on the day with an assortment of fresh sandwiches, drinks and snacks. Come and visit us!

Angela Kasmas & Julia Eliopoulos pfcommi ee_@hotmail.com

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