St Spyridon Stylus No.14

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

| June 2012 | NUMBER 14 |

A Time to Shine

Photography by Mike Flokis Photography and Anthony Condous

stylus The Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016* The new Strategic Plan 2012-2016, will pursue “Excellence in All Things”. The College will provide students with a culture of high expectations driven by best effort from everyone – from students, teachers, parents, the Board and Parish. A focus on programs for students with a high intellectual potential, will enrich the educational practices of differentiation and innovation. Students will experience an education with a moral purpose. As Global citizens, they will work together and alone to make a difference – to make the world better by their presence, thoughts and actions. Students will have faith in God and in themselves because they learn in a culture of confidence and trust, that upholds the dignity and worth of every person. Strong and effective operations will ensure a safe and secure environment where students learn in functional and conducive buildings and facilities with optimum access to up to date technologies.

The Seven Goals of the Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016 Goal 1 - Rich and diverse educational experiences that aim for excellence and demand best effort. Goal 2 - A Passport to Global Citizenship for students. Goal 3 - Teachers of excellence. Goal 4 - Strong and dynamic partnerships with parents. Goal 5 - Established reputation as a centre of excellence. Goal 6 - A safe environment based on sound policies and procedures. Goal 7 - A secure financial future with functional and conducive buildings and facilities.

The Pursuit of Excellence in all things

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

Address From Head Of College


he Pursuit of Excellence in all things” is the motto of our new Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016. This echoes our school motto, «ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ» and inspires and challenges us to do our best in all that we attempt. This edition of the Stylus gives

a glimpse of some of our endeavours in cultivating academic excellence, student leadership, artistic and sporting achievement. Our efforts are enhanced by the dynamic presence of past students – whether it be in training for the Open Girls Team for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese National Schools’ Event held in Adelaide or in taking leading roles in this year’s Greek Play “The Greedy One” directed by Mrs Mary Faletas. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos and His Grace Bishop Seraphim praised the students and their teacher for an outstanding production. We can do all things better with our parents support – which we invariably have. We thank the P & F Committee for their work and highlight a successful Mother’s Day Dinner held at “Yiamas”. In closing we commend the writer and director of the Musical “A Time to Shine”, Ms Laura Davis and all her co-workers. We congratulate the fifty – strong cast. To all the students, teachers and parents we wish «Σε ανώτερα» for Semester 2 of 2012. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College


Learning to Know Academic Excellence Address by Renee Hatzistergos, Aroney Award Winner, HSC Class 2011

When I was invited to say a few words, I was initially unsure of what you all would like to hear. Ever since primary school, I’ve sat here in the Church and watched people win this award. As I got older, I began to take notice of what they were saying, hoping that they would give me some huge secret about how to go well in the HSC. What I found is that there is no such secret. I can only tell you what I did and how it worked for me. First, I chose subjects that I liked and that played to my strengths. I’ve always been better at writing essays than calculating sums. Talking about things like the Periodic Table seems much more like a foreign language than speaking in Greek. I’m so happy I chose subjects I enjoyed, because otherwise I would have missed out on learning in Mrs Grillakis’ amazing classroom environment, which was honestly so much fun every time. With my subjects chosen, I worked really hard on each. When my teachers told me to “rewrite that essay” or “practice multiple choice questions again” I did. Miss O’Shea, your never-ending willingness to keep remarking my answers as I improved them made me more determined to make them perfect. A lot of the time, the HSC made me feel like I was doing the same thing over and over, and this sometimes drove me a little crazy. The HSC was long, tedious and often frustrating. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And it’s only when you finish that you realize that it was all worth it. The friendships I made with my teachers were incredible. When I think back on Kiria Faleta’s dedication to her students, having early morning classes and late afternoon finishes, I’m still astounded. Thank you so much Kiria. In fact, I really have to thank all my teachers. I always felt that you had so much faith in me, and that I wanted to make you proud. But perhaps no one had as much faith in me as my business studies teacher, Mrs Mio. Her enthusiasm about the subject is part of the reason I chose to study Business/Law at university. I am happy with the balance and variety in this course, which was something I realized I liked in school by keeping busy even during the HSC. I played sport the whole way through high school and participated in the National Greek Orthodox Sports Event four times, including in Year 12. Mrs Koutsoukis and Mrs Kiedja were STYLUS Page 2

not only my amazing English teachers who could provide dramatic interpretations of texts, supplementary information and a swift response to any of my questions, they were also my basketball and netball teams’ cheer squad, who accompanied us around Sydney on Saturday mornings too. One of the best parts about doing the HSC was how supported I felt by my friends, my teachers and my family. I had a goal, and I feel very special that these three groups of people really helped me achieve it. I think it’s good to have a goal. It could be an ATAR score, or getting into a course at a university that you like, or anything really. However, I should probably say not to stress too much on figuring out what you want to do after school if you don’t know already. I figured it out later during that long four month break when the HSC suddenly finished. My goal was an ATAR one – I wanted to get 96. At first it seemed ridiculous and at times unachievable, which is why I feel so blessed that I had people all around me doing everything they could to help me achieve this. Mr Kaldis and Miss Gambriell, my year co-ordinator and roll call teacher, were always telling us to be selfless people. This was just one example of the guiding lessons from the teachers who were responsible for my pastoral care. What I found, though, was that in trying to be more selfless myself, I realised that it was my friends, my family and my teachers who were often the selfless ones so that I could do my very best. Though I have spent the majority of my speech talking about my high school years, I cannot go past without mentioning and thanking Mrs Hamer who has offered continual support and encouragement from my very first day at St Spyridon College. Finally, I’d like to thank the Aroney family and the Sydney University Greek Society for sponsoring this Scholarship. I feel very proud, honoured and grateful to be receiving this award, given the calibre of past recipients, and I hope that I can do you proud in my future study and endeavours. Thank you. Renee achieved an ATAR score of 98.35, was a Top Achiever and Scholarship Winner 2012.

Leadership Groups “Be the change you want to see” Ghandi At this year’s Scholarships and Student Leadership Assembly we acknowledged and congratulated students who have demonstrated commitment, citizenship, and a desire to represent others. All these qualities are examples of leadership in different forms. It is inspiring to see so many eager students across all year groups taking on added responsibilities. We look forward to reporting on their good work as the year unfolds. Student Representative Council (SRC) for 2012. 7K Constantinos Kollias, George Raptis 7D Giorge Gemisis, Peter Giokas 7F Lewis Athanasopoulos, George Dimas 8M Chrystal Christie, Manuel Margelis 8Z Sebastian Zois, Daniel Arzani 8S Alexia Rizzo, George Mandilis 9P Peter Contominas, Stephanie Hatzis 9S Dion Alexander, Allyssa Stemitsiotis

10G Elias Andreou, George Karapanayiotides 10D Dane Ivanovic, Sandra Milisaljevic 11P Maria Mio, Leonidas Andrew 11K Louis Alexandrou, Estelle Krassas 11F Niko Fotopoulos, Petro Stefadouros 12 Kostandino Baratsas, Marielle Pizanis, Demi Flokis Congratulations and well done to all Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, whose efforts were also formally acknowledged when they received their badges. Peer Support Leaders 2012 Katerina Arvanitakis , Nikolas Baratsas, Nicolette Gregory, Georgia Giatsios, Panayioti Kapodistrias, George Karapanayiotidis, Dylan Kontos , Nansia Koukounaris, Chloe Kourtesis, Rena Lambos, Eleni Mavrolefterou, Sandra Milisavljevic, Stephanie Mio, Lena Nesterenko, Pamela Prineas, Lena Sialepis, Evelyn Tzivakis, Anthony Vasili,

SRC 2012

Peer Support Leaders Year 10, 2012


Building Leaders Address by College Leaders – Scholarships and Student Leadership Assembly Kostandino Baratsas - College Captain It is said the average person influences about 10,000 people throughout their lifetime. That is why we feel it is very important to be the best role models we can be for the younger students. So that hopefully it will rub off on them in some way. Being a Greek Orthodox school it may, from an outsider’s perspective, seem closed off to people of differing backgrounds and religions. In actual fact we welcome other cultures and have students attending the College from a range of countries. We embrace their customs and give them an insight into ours.

is the main focus I would like to address today. When I asked Google to define respect, it responded with: Respect – A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What this says to me is that you respect someone for what they can do (abilities). How they do it (qualities) and what they have done (achievements). I thought this definition was incomplete. I agree that there should be respect for the people who are exemplary in our minds but, at some level, all people are worthy of our respect. Most of all you need to respect yourself; how can you respect others without self-respect. I feel this is evidently present in the school environment. No matter what year you’re in, you should have an equal amount of respect for your teachers and peers in your year and the students that are in their first or final year at school. The most important things I will definitely carry with me throughout my life are the moral and ethics I have inherited, collectively from my parents and this school. Thank you.

Growing up at St Spyridon College has helped me understand respect and I thank the school for teaching me this value. This

Demi Flokis - College Vice Captain Not only does our College educate us on these values and morals but we are also able to put them into practice. St Spyridon College encompasses the Greek Orthodox faith by upholding the customs and beliefs that it stands for. I know as a fact that one of the major things I’ll miss and take away with me is the way the school embraces our religion and culture. We have been instilled with values and morals that define who we are. We have outside school events that we attend in school uniform, such as the 25th March celebrations that start in our Church and conclude with a march at Martin Place. Every year the boys of Year 11 are bestowed the honour of carrying the tomb of Christ on Good Friday. For some of us that had the opportunity to travel to Corfu with the Parish Trip to Greece, we had a very spiritual experience when we were so fortunate to see and pray to St Spyridon’s whole body. To be there knowing that St Spyridon is our patron saint was quite remarkable and a highlight of the trip. OHI day services on the 28th October is another annual event that we are taught about the significance of that day in WWII. Winston Churchill later said ‘Hence we will not say that Greeks STYLUS Page 4

fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks.’ Attending these Church services and representing our school at outside events symbolizes our true meaning of our faith and heritage. We are reminded of our beliefs every day whether saying the Lords Prayer each morning in roll call, attending Divine Liturgy with the whole school community or chanting the Easter hymns on Good Friday. All these ultimately bring our school community closer as a family. We will take these away with us forever and we will admire the next generation of students following in our footsteps.

Marielle Pizanis - Senior Prefect Students at St Spyridon College feel a sense of community and embrace the school as a second home. Due to the fact we are a small school it works to our advantage as we really feel like a family. One of the school’s aspects that we focus on is building relationships with our teachers and peers. This is how we essentially build this community spirit. Also, by working together we can achieve a school community whose distinguishing characteristics are those of friendship, compassion, and decency. A mutual respect between teachers and students is developed and students feel more comfortable to approach their teachers. Relationships between students are valued deeply in the school and because our school is not as big as others we can really get to know our school community. This involves building long lasting friendships or even just acknowledging students by their first names. The Student Representative Council and Peer Support program help us form relationships with students and give us the opportunity to interact with different year groups. At the College, academics, sport and the arts are all important focuses in which the teacher-student relationship is

evident. We consider our studies to be our main goal and undertake to be active participants in our own learning. In sport, academic and the arts, we set goals for our lives and strive to achieve them with a positive state of mind. The thing that I will personally miss is how St Spyridon College has taught me to respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, and never fearing to start again, and this is embodied in our school’s motto “Forever Excelling”.

Prefects 2012

We congratulate the following students who have were selected to lead the Student Body K-12 and the whole school community in 2012. Kostandino Baratsas - College Captain & Sports Captain

Sarah Hatzon - Prefect

Demi Flokis - Vice Captain

Nicolette Kontakos - Prefect

Marielle Pizanis - Senior Prefect

Irene Koukounaris - Prefect

Erin Criticos - Sports Captain

George Mantzavrakos- Prefect

Sofija Belajcic - Prefect

Stephanie Satouris - Prefect

Brannon Bergmann - Prefect

Kathy Thimakis - Prefect

Despina Carpis - Prefect

Yanni Vlahopoulos - Prefect

Prefects 2012


Building Leaders HICES Leadership Day

In March, Year 6 students attended a workshop day at Blue Mountains Grammar School. The focus of the day was Leadership at school in 2012. The students worked alongside students from other Independent Schools in NSW; including schools from Orange, Central Coast and Sydney City Region. To better form relationships with each other, students completed a variety of “getting to know you� tasks throughout the day. The students attended lectures on different aspects of leadership including leadership actions like making connections, being a positive role model, creating a vision and promoting communication. The students loved the hands on workshops that followed each lecture because they promoted collaboration, communication and were definitely lots of fun! To finish the day, students from St. Spyridon got together and developed a vision for their own leadership focus back at school for 2012. This year, the leadership group of Year 6 students will be CONNECTING FRIENDS FOREVER with a focus on cross- grade, cross-stage relationship building through modelling, teacher led programs like buddies and special days including Harmony Day and aMini-OlympicsDay! Ms Danielle McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator

Leadership by Example 2011 Goldstein Awards for Leadership by Example in memory of George N. Pappas AM, MBE and Marina Pappas, George Raptis Year 6, 2011 and Mariah Stavrou Year 7, 2011 Goldstein Awards


Accademic Scholarships Winners Professor Manuel Aroney Award for the highest ATAR in 2011 sponsored by Sydney University Greek Society

• Renee Hatzistergos

University Entrance Scholarships, sponsored by St Spyridon Parish

• Renee Hatzistergos ATAR 98.35, Stamati Margelis ATAR 98.25, Ashli Bergmann ATAR 97.25, Michael Lantis ATAR 97.20

Scholarships Years 11 and 12 2013-2014 Congratulations to Lena Nesterenko and Panayioti Kapodistrias who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Year 11 and 12, on the basis of the ACER Examinations.

ACER Academic Scholarships 2012

• Year 7 2012: Constantinos Kollias (internal), George Raptis (ACER) • Year 11 2012: Mathew Kambos and Estelle Krassas (ACER)

Scholarship Year 7, 2013 – Year 10, 2016

Academic Scholarships

Congratulations to Nicholas Lambros, student of Woollahra Public School, who has been granted the 2013 four year scholarship at St Spyridon College on the basis of the ACER Examinations. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students. We commend all students who sat for the ACER Exams.

Prof. Aroney Award

University Scholarships STYLUS Page 7

Academic Endeavour World Maths Day 2012

Wednesday 7th March was “World Maths Day,” once again a massive event, filled with fun and excitement for Years 7, 8 and 9. For many lucky students, most of their school day was spent celebrating World Maths Day, by competing against students from all over the world, through 60 seconds of mathematical games. This was a day of competitive fun and awesome battles; ‘St Spyridon student versus St Spyridon student’ and ‘St Spyridon College versus The World’! During this day, no student complained of fatigue, the quest to beat the World was far too important! Students’ fingers were aching from the rapid, jabbing of the keys, their eyes on the verge of turning square, from the competitive, non-blinking stare at the computer screen, with one aim in sight....get the question right and get it right before their competitors! All Year 7-9 students took the challenge in their stride, (with a few screams of delight and satisfaction coming from the many ‘battle rooms’ (i.e. computer rooms). Each student trying to beat their own personal best, or STYLUS Page 8

trying to beat the person sitting next to them, or the student in the other computer room on a global scale, trying to crack the top 50 in Australia or the top 50 in the World. I wish to thank the many teachers who supported and allowed their class to participate on this day. These teachers took the time out of their subject and dedicated their lesson to help promote this wonderful day. Once again reinforcing how this day unites us all! St Spyridon results for 2012: *NUMBER OF QUESTIONS ANSWERED CORRECTLY AROUND THE WORLD:


75,547 *Number Of Students Participating: 164 Ms Kalithrakas Mathematics Team


“World Maths Day uniting the world with numbers.”

Panayioti receiving his Award from Her Excellency Marie Bashir, Governor of New South Wales

With Ms Kalithrakas

I had the privilege of attending the World Education Games Awards Ceremony held in the Utzon Room at the Sydney Opera House, as a recipient of two awards for my results from World Maths Day. This year I was very surprised but extremely pleased to have achieved 1st in New South Wales and 2nd in Australia for my age group. As for 20th in the World (the most recent verification), that still hasn’t sunk in yet!

Other speakers present at the ceremony including the 3P Learning/World Education Games Director Tim Power, sponsors such a UNICEF and Samsung, and 2008 World Champion Tatiana Devendranath. Tatiana told us of her experiences and achievements with World Maths Day and even the strategies she used for competing. They could come in handy for me next year!

Presenting the awards was Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir, Governor of N.S.W. It was an honour receiving the awards from her and listening to her speak so eloquently about how we should follow our dreams, challenge ourselves and become the best we can in whichever field of study or career that we aspire to.

It certainly was a very eventful and memorable day. There’s nothing more satisfying than competing or being involved in something you’re passionate about, and achieving a personal best. Panayioti Kapodistrias – Year 10 student

St Spyridon Hall Of Fame Ages 11-13

Points Scored

Ages 14-18

Points Scored

Top & Highest Scores

Highest Correct Answers

1. Stanley Condous


1. Emanuel Kapodistrias


1. Emanuel Kapodistrias


2. Tina Ventoura


2. Christos Kollias


2. Christos Kollias


3. Alexander Cardamis


3. Maria Bletsas


3. Alexander Cardamis


4. Jordan Makridopoulus 1402

4. Kalioppe Kefalas


4. Tina Ventoura


5. Christiana Kilias


5. Matthew Chiam


5. Matthew Chiam


6. Constantinos Kollias


6. Ann Marie Xenos


6. Stanley Condous


7. Panayiotis Bounos


7. Milos Arsenic


7. James Stamios


8. Steffie Papadopoulos


8. Anastasia Maloukis


8. Christiana Kilias


9. Jordan Stojkovic


9. Yvette Stemitsiotis


10. James Stamios


10. Christos Raptis


*NOTE: this score represents how many correct answers the student got in 60 seconds!!

Awards, prizes and certificates to students, were presented at the Middle School Assembly. Congratulations to everyone (teachers and students) who participated on this exciting and fun day. STYLUS Page 9

Community Action Can You Hear a Butterfly Flutter By? The Deafness Foundation designs and sells Butterfly Badges to raise public awareness and funds to support the Deaf and hearing impaired community. The butterfly is the emblem of the Deafness Foundation because butterflies, too, are deaf and are very beautiful and much loved by the community. The Year 4 students took on the responsibility and showed keen interest in selling the badges during their own lunch time. They selfishly fluttered about the playground selling and promoting the colourful butterfly badges.

The badges sold for just $2. There was a choice of six colour combinations and the designs were new and unique for this year, as they are every year. The St Spyridon students proved, yet again, just how generous and kind they are by digging deep and supporting those who are less fortunate. All 400 butterfly badges were sold in just 2 days, raising $800 for the Deafness Foundation! Thank you for your generosity and support once again and God bless. Miss Bletsogiannis Stage 2 Coordinator

Starlight Day A Success! The Junior School Year 6 class hosted a successful fund raiser for Starlight Day on May 4th, raising more than $1200 towards Starlight Foundation’s various programs to assist the lives of kids in our community with Cancer. Donations are still open online at Year 6 worked extremely hard throughout the planning and preparation stages for their STAR PARTY event. Year 6 are very pleased with not only the funds raised, but with the participation of the whole school who dressed up in stars,

purple and gold for the occasion and gave as much money and energy to the activities and dancing as they could. In addition, congratulations to all the guessing competition winners! Thank you to Year 6 for their keen and positive attitude towards Starlight Day. Also, thank you to all staff and parents who got involved. You all contributed to its tremendous success! The Starlight Day Star Party will now become an annual event hosted by Year 6 leaders in the future.

Cancer Council - Girls Night In All Year 12 female students along with a number of female teachers, took part in a sleep in, called ‘GIRLS NIGHT IN’. This event was hosted on behalf of the Cancer Council with the aim of raising money for women’s cancer research, prevention programs and support services. ‘Girls Night In’ gave everyone a chance to have some fun, share in laughter, talk about everything… and nothing, get to see each other in a different light (especially teachers), and also learn a little more about cancers that

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affect women, some of the early symptoms, and steps to lower ones risk. All participants contributed a sum of money in order to participate, resulting in a very healthy $1395 being collected for this worthy cause. Thank you and well done to Year 12 Prefects, Despina Carpis and Sarah Hatzon, for assisting with the promotion and coordination of this event, and to all other Year 12 students and staff members for all your input.

The beautiful things in life

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Kindergarten 2012 We are so proud of Kindergarten and how quickly they have settled into the routine of ‘big school’. They have made many new friends and have shown enthusiasm and perseverance when completing tasks in class. We asked the children what they enjoy about school and here are some of the things they said...

I love everything at school!

I like to learn new things at school, meet new friends, have fun and play Sport with my teacher.

Gabriel Leondaris KC

George Manos KJ

At school I like to play in the playground, I like my teacher, and I like to learn new sounds and draw pictures.

I like school because I can play on the computers with Mr Arnott. Jordan Haramis KC

Julia Kamaras KJ

At school I like to build things with the blocks and learn how to write.

I love going to school because I can play on the equipment with my friends at lunchtime.

Connor Kristallis KJ

Andrew Georgiou KC

I have lots of friends at school and I love them. I play Hide-and-Seek with Jasmine.

Wacky Doos and Q-Bear make me happy. I like when Q-Bear plays with me at school.

Maria Kappatos KC

Georgia Miller KC

I like dancing and playing games with the teachers. I like visiting my Year 6 Buddy.

I listen to my teacher when she reads stories. I like stories about Spot going to the circus.

Alexandra Bizannes KC

Ciana Foti KC

At school I like to read stories with my teacher and to do Greek Dancing with the dancing teacher.

I like school because we play with the threading beads, we learn how to write and just have to try to do our best. We also met our year six buddies.

I like school because we learn lots of things, we get to go across the road to see our buddies and go to the library.

Stella Tsoukleris KJ

Sara Theocharidis KJ

Angelique Drakakis KJ

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Opening Of Law Term 2012 Students of the Year 12 Legal Studies class together with their teacher Miss Kladakis, attended the 31st Annual Pan-Orthodox Church Service to mark the opening of the Law Term for 2012. The service was held at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation on the 7th of February 2012 and was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia. The procession to the Cathedral was led by the newly appointed Chief Justice of New South Wales, the Hon. Tom Bathurst and commenced from the Rectory of the Archdiocese.

Year 12 Legal Studies class

The students noted that one of the highlights of the evening was when the legal practitioners entered the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation dressed in their robes. Year 12 Legal Studies students Michael Horafios, Yanni Vlahopoulos, Targreed Asaad and Stephanie Retsas also had the opportunity to speak with prominent legal professionals such as the Hon. Tom Bathurst, who wished them well for their HSC examinations. Overall, the students felt privileged to have been invited to this event which solidified the connection between God’s law and the Legal System. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Our students with the Chief Justice of NSW, The Hon. Tom Bathurst and His Eminence

WORLD VISION – Year 12 Sponsor-parents Year 12, Class of 2012 are proud “sponsor-parents” of a boy named ANTHONY A SOLORZANO GUTIERREZ, who is 6 years old and lives in Nicaragua. Also, since Year 12 couldn’t decide if they wanted to sponsor a boy or girl, they decided to sponsor both, a boy and a girl. So, Year 12 are also proud “sponsor-parents” of a girl named MONALISA BULAIMU, who is 12 years old and lives in Zimbabwe. Year 12 Sponsored Children Anthony A – Nicaragua Monalisa B – Zimbabwe Year 12 raised $1032 and this money will keep Anthony and Monalisa sponsored until the end of the year. The money will help provide:

• Access to safe, clean drinking water • New classrooms and school supplies • Agricultural skills training, to grow more food • Improvements to local healthcare facilities • Training for local health workers • Training in breeding and raising farm animals • Health and nutrition education for parents • Cultural and recreational activities for children and youths. Here’s part of what WORLD VISION wrote in the thank you letter to Year 12; “Thank you for deciding to sponsor two children, Monalisa and Anthony through World Vision. We are very grateful to you for making the decision to reach out to children in need.” Ms Marina Kalithrakas Year 12 Adviser

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Community Action & Global Connections Apple-Icious Royal Gala Apples From Bilpin “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” SJ Harris

Last week 12 Year 8 students including two 2011 SRC’s, Aaron-Paul Kostantakis and Michael Hatzon travelled to the Bilpin Fruit Bowl, a farm set on 55 acres with 12,000 apple and peach trees, to pick the apples from the tree the SRC adopted last year. Even though it took us 2 hours of travel each way to get to our destination, we all very much enjoyed the experience. Altogether, approximately 80kgs of perfect, unmarked crunchy red Royal Gala apples were collected. These are now available for free to all students from the canteen each recess and lunchtime. Adopting an apple tree may seem like a strange initiative on the surface, however it has served several purposes. Firstly, the apples provide a great example of a healthy snack alternative to our students; students have the opportunity to see the natural environment in which some of our food sources are grown; they learn of the difficulties faced by farmers in sustaining their livelihoods, not only as a result of threats from nature, but also of competition with overseas providers, who flood our markets with cheaper and often inferior fruit causing lower prices to be paid to farmers for each kilo of produce (often as little as 50c a kilo!!!)

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It is the vision of the Tadrosse family, owners of the Bilpin Fruit Bowl, and the first farm in Australia to pioneer the concept of adopting a fruit tree, to have the majority of their trees ‘adopted’ out. By doing this both farmers and consumers win. All who adopt a tree for a fee, (that covers the cost of looking after it), are given the option to pick and keep all the apples produced (approx. 60kg per tree), or donate the proceeds from the sale of the apples at market to the Cancer Research Unit of the Children’s Hospital Westmead. The quality of the fruit is exceptional, and they are home grown Australian! Teaching our students to be responsible and informed consumers and citizens is important to the well-being of our environment and community. Young people are our future and tomorrow’s leaders’, thus by making them aware of a variety of issues affecting our world both local and global, we assist in creating a better world for all. If any family would like more information about adopting a tree go to Ms Georgia Kokinelis, Dean Middle School

P&F Mothers Day Dinner Seventy St Spyridon mums and their guests celebrated Mothers Day while dining at Yiamas, St Peters on Thursday 10 May. Guests received a glass of complimentary champagne, a gift bag of treats and surprises on arrival followed by some quality raffle prizes. Everyone indulged in a Greek traditional menu of nine courses ranging from spanakopita to pork souvlakia to fried calamari followed by a highly satisfying bougatsa – may I say, truly, the best in town! The P&F wholeheartedly thanks all the generous and thoughtful donors who offered countless quality gifts.

We look forward to thanking them in writing, individually and officially in the immediate future. A special thank you to those members who were directly involved with the preparation and organization of this event especially those who endeavoured to gather some impressive prizes. Well done for an outstanding collection! We are happy to announce a profit of $3000. Finally, to all the ladies who enjoyed the evening, we express a big thank you for your presence, support and positive feedback.

Mrs Maria Pascalis for the P&F Committee

Year 9 St Basil’s Visit Year 9 went to St Basil’s Home to visit and give Easter Cards which Year 7 prepared. It was an eye opener for all students especially for some girls who were very emotional.

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Focus on our Educators Congratulations Mrs Hamer promoting/teaching Greek language and Hellenic culture, for her 30 year commitment to the Greek language program at St Spyridon College. This auspicious occasion was even more significant as the awards were held in the SPACe and attended by staff.

The Australian Hellenic Educators’ Association is the state-wide body of educators involved in Hellenic Studies, predominantly Modern Greek language and culture at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Since 1995, the Association has presented a range of awards to students and teachers, in recognition of their achievements in the field of Classical and Modern Greek Studies (language, literature and history). On the 20th May, the association recognised Mrs Hamer with the “Kosmas o Aitolos” Category for Educators

Congratulations Mrs Hamer on behalf of all parents, staff and students (past and present) on this wonderful achievement. We look forward to the next 30! We thank the Hamer family for supporting Mrs Hamer on her mission and Mrs Faletas for nominating her for this award.

Profile of Mrs Maria Kipriotis


• Curtin University of Technology Graduate Certificate in Special Education (2010) Distinction • University of Cambridge Local examinations Syndicate International Examinations Certificate of Proficiency in English (1990) Grade A • The Sydney College of Advanced Education (1987) Bachelor of Education • The Sydney College of Advanced Education Diploma of Teaching (1985)

Roles and responsibilities:

• Providing instructional leadership to the K-2 team

in curriculum planning, development, assessment and reporting ➢

• Overseeing transition to school and from

Year 2 to Year 3 ➢

• Providing Learning support to students K-2

• Contributing to the management of student behaviour

Mrs Kipriotis has enjoyed a teaching career spanning over 20 years, where she has taught in State, Catholic and Independent schools. She came to St Spyridon College in 1988, and has maintained a positive, dynamic and forward-focussed approach to education. Mrs Kipriotis believes that each child should be valued for their individual gifts and contributions, and that they should be nurtured from a developmental and social perspective ensuring that they are ready to make the transition into their primary years STYLUS Page 20

and beyond. As a professional, she values courtesy and ethical behaviour and believes in the importance of strong, supportive leadership that is uncompromising in fulfilling its mission. Mrs Kipriotis was awarded the Rotary “The Pride of Workmanship Award” on Monday 21st May in recognition of ‘Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort’ at St Spyridon College Junior School.

Anzac Day Commemorations On Tuesday the 3rd of April, Year 11 Modern History students attended the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park. During World War One, 330 000 Australians fought overseas. Australia’s casualties were amongst the highest of any nation that fought in World War One: 60 000 Australians died and 170,000 were wounded. Such was the enormity of Australian casualties, it was important that those who had offered themselves be honoured and the war not be forgotten.

Students honoured the sacrifices made by the Australian servicemen and women by laying a wreath at the top of the ANZAC Memorial steps in Hyde Park. There were representatives from both Public and Independent schools at this event. It was very moving to witness the respect and honour shown for the fallen soldiers. Ms E. Gambriell Year 8 Adviser History Teacher

Community News – Farewell Ka Ieroklis It is with great sadness that we farewell Ka. Artemisia Leroklis from our Greek Language Staff. Mrs Leroklis will be retiring for family reasons as of February, after over 20 years of service at the Junior School and more than 40 years of service to the Parish and the Archdiocese.

She will be missed as a fantastic teacher, a truly loving caring person and a wonderful role model to us all. Although Mrs Ieroklis is officially retiring she has promised us that she will visit us regularly to make sure that we continue the traditions of our culture and faith.

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St Spyridon Sports Stars Congratulations...

To Michael Constantopedos in making the ISA swimming team and progressing to the NSWCIS Swimming carnival on Tuesday 1st May at Sydney Olympic Park

To Petros Stefadouros and James Andrew for being selected in the ISA Boys Football Squad. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport

Junior School Sports Report In February the Junior School Swimming Carnival took place at Des Renford Aquatic centre. Thankfully Mother Nature was good to us after all the rain we have had, and it was a beautiful summer’s day! At 8:30am the pool gates opened and the stands began to fill up with bright coloured children, covered in zinc and streamers. The house captains began to lead their groups with lots of fun cheers and songs which set the mood for this exciting day. Once all the students arrived, Mr Arnott announced the first race and the marshallers got the 12 year old boys in their positions for their 50m freestyle race. It was a great start to the day with our first broken record in that first race by Nicholas Frazis. Well done Nicholas! That wasn’t the only record that was broken

by Nicholas; in fact all the records broken in this carnival were by Nicholas! The 50m Freestyle, the 50m backstroke, the 50m butterfly and the Open boys 200m freestyle! Huge determination was shown by the twin brothers Christo and Gianni Keramitzis. This was their first carnival but they were brave enough to compete in the 200m races and they successfully finished. They just would not give up! The day was a success! Congratulations to the Olympians who were the winning team, although everyone did really well. 12 years: Nicholas Frazis and Sophia Micos. Miss C. Theodossiou Sports Convenor

Records Broken: EVENT




12 years Boys 50m Freestyle

Nicholas Frazis



12 years Boys 50m Backstroke

Nicholas Frazis



12 years Boys 50m Butterfly

Nicholas Frazis



Open Boys 200m Freestyle

Nicholas Frazis



Overall Scores: PLACE















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stylus Swimming Carnival The annual St Spyridon Swimming Carnival was held on Thursday 23rd February at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. House Spirit and Participation were the focus areas this year and both succeeded beyond expectations. Firstly, the enthusiasm of students to cheer on their team was outstanding. House Spirit was evident more than ever before which was successfully lead by the Yr 11 House Captains: Nemeans: Christopher Kolistasis & Stephanie Pizanis Corinthians: Beatrice Plyuschaeva & Petros Stefadouros Olmpians: Lantou Georgou & Niko Fotopoulos Delphians: Joanna Karageorgis & Daniel Daneshzand Secondly, participation was outstanding with the carnival running over time due to the number of swimmers competing and the highest total points achieved. Well done to all students who competed, your participation contributed to your team’s final result.

Middle School 1st Place Nemeans 2nd Place Delphians 3rd Place Olympians 4th Place Corinthians Upper School 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place

Nemeans Corintheans Olympians Delphians

Congratulations to the Champion of Champions Theodore Kipriotis and Maria Mio who despite a recent knee surgery still competed well. Also to the students who broke many school records: Anastasia Barton:

• 14yrs 25m Butterfly 17.33

Thankyou to all staff who assisted on the day your contribution was vital in the success of the carnival.

Peter Kolistasis

Congratulations to Nemeans the champion house who not only achieved brilliant participation in the pool but also showed admirable House spirit.

Niko Fotopoulos:

• Open Boys 25m Freestyle 11.21

• 16yrs 25m Freestyle: 11.91 • 16yrs 50m Freestyle: 26.14 • 16yrs 100m Freestyle: 59.20 • 16yrs 25m Butterfly: 12.23 • 16yrs 50m Butterfly: 29.20

Theodore Kipriotis:

• Opens Boys 25m Butterfly: 12.75 • Opens Boys 100m Freestyle: 57.57

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Girls Sport - Congratulations...

Opens Girls and Junior C Basketball teams who played in the ISA Basketball Grandfinals are both Premiers. Junior C team made a marked improvement over the season and were successful winners against St Pauls Grammar School. Praise to Ms Savva and her team who were committed each week and showed diligence during training at lunch times. Well done Tiana Milisavljevic, Chrystal Christie, Eve Barton, Anastasia Barton, Isidora Stefanovic, Kristen Mouhnesis, Mariah Stavrou, Tina Ventoura, Christina Balayannis and Alexia Rizzo. Open Girls remained undefeated the whole season and finished with a convincing win over Oxley College. Pleasing to watch not only their extreme talents and skills but also their sportsmanship and maturity throughout the season. These girls continue to improve and build on their existing skills, which will be needed next year as we are promoted to Division 1, an exciting challenge ahead. A fitting finish for Erin Criticos and Irene Koukounaris who have been members of the Open team since Year 9. Hopefully we can also win Greek Orthodox Colleges and send them off as winners as they deserve to finish. Well done, Rena Lambos, Irene Koukounaris, Erin Criticos, Yianna Criticos Nansia Koukounaris (C) Andriane Efstratiou, Natalie Michos, Cassie Georgiou and Nicola Demetri.

2012 Wheelchair Rugby‌ Australia Vs Japan In May a mix of Year 9 & 10 students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre, to watch the Australian Wheel Chair Rugby Team, who were ranked 2nd at the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, play against Japan, ranked 7th at Beijing in 2008. Students also were lucky enough to witness the opening ceremony and listen to entertainers such as Jimmy and Malia Barnes. The Aussie Wheelchair Rugby team have qualified for the London Paralympic Games and after bringing home the Silver from Beijing in 2008, they are now pushing for Gold in 2012. This event will provide a rare opportunity for students to witness this incredible sport firsthand and appreciate the ability of these inspirational players

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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event Adelaide Selected students from all Greek Orthodox Colleges around Australia participated in the Annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event hosted by St George College Adelaide. The event aims to build friendships amongst students who share beliefs and values through a competitive yet friendly sporting tournament. We wish to thank Mr George Panagopoulos and all staff and students of St George College on their warm hospitality and on managing this outstanding event. Congratulations to all participating schools. We were pleased with our own performance. Basketball Girls and Boys Champions Recognition to Erin Criticos and Irene Koukounaris outgoing Year 12 students who played their last Basketball game for St Spyridon College. Netball Champions Recognition from other schools was received as they were truly impressed with the girls’ performance. Girls were undefeated and 2012 Netball Champions. Indoor Soccer Boys Champions The boys were undefeated champions and their games were extremely emotional and exciting. Well done boys for a well earned win!!

Congratulations to the following students who received the Most Valuable Player in their sports. Leonidas Andrew & Chyrstal Christie – Indoor Soccer Mathew Kambos & Rena Lambos – Table Tennis Erin Criticos – Netball Nikolas Baratsas & Nansia Koukounaris – Basketball Andrew Sigrimis & Lia Albanakis – Volleyball James Andrew – Outdoor Soccer Spoken Arts Special recognition to Demi Flokis and Alexander Moraitis who both performed a musical piece at the Spoken Arts Performance - their performance was enjoyed by all schools. Thank you to Ms Gambriell, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Kaldis, Ms Gonzalez, Mr Georgoulopoulos, Angelina Flokis and especially Mr Meintanis for taking time from their families to assist in the week. Thank you to all parents who supported the students at the events, your presence was encouraging for all students. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Mio for sponsorship which allowed us to have a beautiful dinner - your generosity is much appreciated. Furthermore, thank you to all parents for allowing their children to participate in such an event as it is a very memorable event in their school life and one that they will cherish. Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

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It’s all about building young lives

1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247 CRICOS Provider Numbers: Junior School ~ Years K-6 ~ 061558A Senior School ~ Years 7-12 ~ 02319E

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