St Spyridon Stylus 25 December 2017

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

Cover and Photography by Nick Bourdo and Anthony Condous.

| December 2017 | NUMBER 25 |

stylus The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 - Seven Goals The new Strategic Plan 2017-2021, will provide our students with opportunities to develop into integral and principled individuals who possess a strong sense of history, have the capacity to critically engage with complex ideas, and to achieve and accomplish in ways pleasing to God. In the context of our college, this means:

• To be fair, just and respectful to all people.

• To respect and care for the environment and all living things.

• To contribute to the welfare of others.

• To take dynamic and coherent action to impact on the world for the better.

• To exercise judgment within an ethical framework.

As professionals of the highest calibre, our teachers will be supported in their work with students with access to professional development and purpose-built future focussed facilities. Our reputation as a Centre of Educational Excellence in teaching and learning, will be enhanced by our partnerships with Universities, and other professional bodies. Goal 1 - Build students’ capacity to critically engage with complex concepts, through learning experiences that incorporate the Big Human Ideals and Ideas; Big Stories and Great books; Current global issues and events. Goal 2 - Develop multidisciplinary approach to learning through programs that integrate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities, English, Maths and Science (HEMS). Goal 3 - Expand our languages and culture programs. Goal 4 - Expand professional links of our educators with academic institutions-locally and globally and further enhance academic careers of our students. Goal 5 - Enhance communications and comply with all mandates. Goal 6 - Build reputation as a school that cultivates global citizenship for its students. Goal 7 - Develop and implement a Master Plan to incorporate new purpose-built and conducive facilities to accommodate an enrolment of 960 students K minus 1 to Year 12 (460 K minus 1-Year 6 and 500 Years 7-12).

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

Extract from speech at the Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly

Today we express our sincere thanks to all those who sponsor

It has been an excellent year of progress for our College, across

our Scholarships and Awards program. We welcome you as

all areas of endeavour. This morning I mention just a few:

the VIPs of this Assembly, and gratefully acknowledge you in today’s program.

Three hundred Junior School students presented a spectacular production of Aesop’s Fables in this SPACe, while seven senior

Mr Livissianis and his Board of Directors and Board of Governors

students sat for the HSC Classical Greek examinations in the

have commenced work on the new Infants school building.

Technology Wing. This year, Mrs Faletas’ team, has commenced

This will provide excellent facilities for our young children’s

the offer of Distance online courses in HSC Modern Greek

first experience of schooling, and enable us to realise a long

Extension, with Classical Greek also on offer.

term goal-to open our Kinder Minus 1 Centre. Our Leading Edge Centre will prepare children of four years old, for a smooth start to formal schooling. We thank the Board for the vision and hard work to take our school forward. Mrs Tsaconas we thank you for your services to the College in your capacity as PEO/College Bursar. The members of the P & F Committee 2017 and our President Mrs Erenie Bourdaniotis have provided us with an excellent year of events. Our P&F contributes to creating a strong

The Senior School Showcase of 2017 was an outstanding event. Mr Anatoli Torjinski explains our students’ gifts and talents in music and drama, as a consequence of our Hellenic heritage. The Appreciating Culture Event exhibition, displayed fine artworks by students from years 3 – 12. On this occasion we launched the St Spyridon College Print, under whose emblem our teachers have already published original works.

sense of belonging across the College, and builds shared

As you all know, in sports we compete with schools that

pride in our whole community. Some highlight P & F events

are two, and three and sometimes four times larger than us

this year include the Palm Sunday Lunch, Mothers’ Day Dinner,

in numbers of enrolments. This has never been a problem.

Father’s Day Doxology and Breakfast, and the very successful

Our reputation in the ISA Competition is that our students

Walkathon. These and many other P&F activities, led to raising

compete with confidence, skill and passion. And succeed as

a spectacular total of $ 80,000. Congratulations P&F.

teams and as individuals. We started ISA Cricket this year,

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ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ much to delight of my fellow heads in the other ISA schools.

the students of St Spyridon College, people of faith,

Our Sports Coordinators have every reason to be proud of

people of discipline, and people of tradition. We are

these achievements. We acknowledge our Sports Captains

proud to have you so named by our Archbishop my dear

Tina Ventoura and Peter Giokas.

students. We want you to move through life with purpose

Also for the first time this year, seven of our students embarked on an 18 day trip to the United States of America,

and dignity, making the world a better place by your presence.

for the NASA Space program, at the Space and Rockets

Our students this year have worked in the soup kitchen in

centre, in Huntsville Alabama. In the words of one of the

Newtown, contributed to running the Sydney Neuro-Oncology

students, “Space camp opened our eyes to the world…the

Group (SNOG) Ball, collected food for the Easter Appeal,

planets…stars and galaxies.”

visited nursing homes, raised funds, and participated in many,

I think you all know that over 90% of our HSC classes qualify for university entrance in comparison to the state average of 33%. And we are quietly optimistic about the HSC results of the Class of 2017.

many other projects. Our students’ first and natural response is to step forward to give, to help, and to act for the greater good. Over and above any other achievement, this is the one that we your teachers and parents most value about you my dear students.

But all of these things would be as nothing, without the values. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos once called

In leading this school community, the Principal of the Senior

Congratulations to the Scholarship Winner and Award recipients

Demi Nikas - Aroney Award winner HSC 2016 College Dux receiving her prize from Stephen Aroney.

Father Steven Scoutas and Constantinos Kollias – Goldstein Award recipient.

Peter Nikas and Connor Giavis - ACER Scholarships Year 11 2018 winners with Mr Con Livissianis (Parish President). STYLUS Page 2

Mr Ron Hoenig MP presented the Outstanding Leadership Award to Sienna Tsoukalas.

Orthodox Study Award recipients with Mrs Olga Evangelinidis-Brown.

School Mrs Katsogiannis, and the Principal of the Junior

Vice-Captain Larissa Andrianakos, the Senior Prefect George

School, Mrs Synesios, are my strongest allies. Father Steven has

Raptis and whole Prefect body, strengthened our global

described what we do, together with our excellent teachers,

connections. They inspired younger students to renew

as a sacred task. We thank Father Steven, for his counsel, his

Peita’s Remembrance Garden. They modelled what is best

wisdom and hard work over many years. And for reminding us

about this College in their own conduct, representing us in

to have patience, making this also your blessing for us with

the best sense, as ambassadors for the College. You have

the words “ΚΑΛΕΣ ΥΠΟΜΟΝΕΣ”. We also thank Father

been a powerful force in the life of our College. Everyone

Sotiri for his goodwill, love and prayers.

will remember and miss you, especially the Year 7s, because

A wise person once said that a school is but a voice in a chorus. As teachers and parents, our voice competes with a lot of dangerous nonsense out there. But our voice is strong,

you took the time to greet them and speak to them every day. Thank you. We wish you, and indeed the whole of the Year 12 class of 2017 every success in your HSC results.

because we sing together from the same hymn-book, as the

In closing we give thanks to God and our Patron St Spyridon

saying goes. We thank all our parents.

for the good progress of our beloved students. And we

The Student Leadership team of 2017 has been truly outstanding, raising the bar for any future leaders. Constantinos Kollias as College Captain, together with the

wish all of you a Merry and peaceful Christmas with your loved ones. Thank you. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College

Mr James Phillips with award recipients from Year 4 Coral.

Mr Costa Vrisakis with award recipients from Year 5 Amber.

Mr Nick Simitzis with Year 8 award recipients.

Father Sotiri, Father Steven and Mrs Stefanou with Junior School Leaders 2018. STYLUS Page 3

Academic Excellence and Student Leadership

Mr Elia Economou with Year 9 award recipients

Mr Theo Premetis with «ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ» Awards recipients for First in Year from Years 7 – 11.

Mrs Vaya Tournas with Year 12 award recipients.

Cr Anthony Andrews with Year 3 Amethyst award recipients.

Mr Michael Daley MP with Year 12 award recipients. STYLUS Page 4

Erenie Bourdaniotis P & F President presents a cheque to the College.

Mr Con Pavlou with Year 10 award recipients.

Mr Miltos Michaelas with Year 7 award recipients.

College Leaders 2018 – Dean Albanakis (College Captain), Joanna Skouteris (Vice Captain), Anastasia Hatzidis (Senior Prefect), Nicholas Kollias and Rhea Tsimboukis (College Sports Captains), with Father Steven Scoutas, Father Sotiris Drapaniotis, Executive and VIPs. STYLUS Page 5

Parents and Friends Why the P&F? We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the “WHY” some parents join our Parents & Friends Committee, and hope that you can join us in 2018. Please take the time to read our members views. Angela Kasmas - Secretary – P & F Committee Erenie Bourdaniotis (P&F President – Billy Year 8, Krissy Year 6) I joined the P&F in 2009 when my son Billy was in Kindy. I joined to obviously help fundraise for the school and after I joined, I made new parent friends in different years. The organising of events was fun as it brought the whole school together as one community. Our events such as Spring Fair, Taverna and Trivia Nights are some of the events which the entire school, including students could get involved in. New ideas were brought in by different members and the events became not only more fun, but we would then try and better it the following year. To date as President, along with my committee, I try and continue the success of these events and always open to new ideas. Over all being on the P&F is not only fun, but rewarding, and my friendships with the committee members will last a lifetime. Kim Georgas (P&F Vice President – William Year 10, Charlie Year 6) My eldest daughter started school in 1999 and at the beginning of the year there was the AGM for the P&F. So being at a school, where I didn’t know any parents and always having the want to help out, I went along. I thought I’ll meet parents and help the school community as well. Fast forward 18 years and I’m still meeting new parents and helping the school community. I must say I do love it. I’ve met so many great parents over all grades, which I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t been on the P&F. I’ve seen the P&F grow in many aspects. Over the years, we have fine-tuned events and made them very successful. Most importantly my four children have seen what it is like to be an integral part of a school community. They have seen the amount of work that goes into producing an event by the P&F parents, and by doing this they are more than happy to jump in and help when needed. I feel this is one of life’s greatest lessons. Lastly I have been blessed to see so many children grow up


over the last 18 years, not only just mine. I’ve watched their little faces burst with excitement when they get to buy gifts from our stalls for Mother’s & Father’s Day. They are so grateful that the P&F has given them many opportunities to have fun from Spring Fairs to Taverna nights. Priceless memories for me and they continue. Do yourself a favour come and join us you have so much to gain. Desma Spyridopoulos (Valentina Year 8, Sophia Year 6) I joined the P&F initially because I was curious and I loved that the P&F had helped purchase the smart boards in the classrooms (something that was mentioned during Kindy orientation). It turned out more rewarding than I expected. Firstly, my kids loved seeing me volunteer and felt special helping behind the scenes. Secondly the P&F is separate, but involved enough to make a difference at the school. But key to my continued involvement, is the connections with the members and those I make with other parents from other years at the events. I am always running in and out of the school, life is so rushed. The P&F has given me a reason to stop and be part of our school community more consciously. Leslie Paparsenos (Dimitri Year 6, Sophia Year 4) Moving to Australia was a big adjustment to my family and we are grateful that we found St Spyridon. The school and the community made us feel welcome and made our transition a lot easier. Originally, I joined the P&F to better understand the culture, and to have the opportunity to be part of my children’s life. What I didn’t expect was to find a place where I could do my part to make a broader difference to the lives of everyone in the St Spyridon community. Through the P&F I have made some strong friendships that will carry me through the rest of my life.


Memorable Moments

Junior School Walkathon

Father’s Day Breakfast We thank Mrs Bourdaniotis, her P & F Committee and the wonderful volunteers for the well organised and sumptuous feast prepared. We thank all the donors of prizes and those present for making this another successful event. More importantly it was an opportunity for fathers and children to spend quality

time together. Once again this year, we were blessed to share the Father’s Day event with His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis, Very Reverend Father Steven and 420 fathers, grandfathers, father figures and children of the College. Mrs A. Synesios - Principal Junior School


Life at the Junior School Book Week Grandparents Day What an amazing turnout of grandparents the College experienced to celebrate the culmination of our Book Week festivities. It was a joy to see the faces of our children as their Grandparents came into their classrooms to read or relate the many stories in their mother tongue to the waiting class. Thank you to all the Grandparents for such a wonderful afternoon.

A big thank you also to Mrs Chris Alexandratos and our Admin staff who helped organise the afternoon tea. We also thank the ladies from the P&F for assisting with the serving in the Hall on the day. We will remember the day for a very long time. Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian

The Emirates Australian Golf Open 2017 Budding golf enthusiasts from the Years 5 and 6 were invited to attend the Australian Open practice day at the Australian Golf Club in November. The lucky students had the opportunity to perfect their golf swing at various workshops and also met the Australian and former world number one golfer, Jason Day. “We had such a fun day taking part in various activities that helped our golfing skills. It was great to meet Jason Day and Ashley Hall who gave us tips on how to improve our game and they even signed our golf caps�. Amelia Raptis 6P


Year 6 Superheroes Towards the end of last term, the Year 6 fundraising team organised Superhero Day to raise money for our real life superheros – The Royal Flying Doctors Service. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 came to school dressed as their favourite super- or real life – hero. The junior school was bursting with Supermen, Wonder-Women, Police, Nurses, Firefighters, Mums and Dads, Grandparents and the odd Super-Teacher (or 30!). As part of their day, infants were invited to design their own superhero costume. This was no easy feat as they also had to

bring their superhero to life by choosing their superpowers, what they were saving and how they got their strength! Altogether, St Spyridon Junior School raised $500 for the Royal Flying Doctors Service, a giant thank you to all our generous students. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Senior School

Congratulations to the winners of our ‘Design your own Superhero’ competition:


Space Camp 2017 NASA Space Camp Huntsville Alabama Even though being away from home at first was difficult, by the end of day one in New York, it was so exciting that all the homesickness disappeared. I know I speak for everyone when I say that “our expedition to the United States and Space Camp was an adventure we wished that could have kept going for as long as possible!” For me personally, making the decision to go was the best thing I have ever done. The trip has changed me, and its impact, I feel, will follow me for the rest of my life. Leaving family meant taking on a lot more responsibility for myself and my things. The feeling of being independent and strong and knowing I can do things on my own with confidence, is powerful feeling to have as a teenager. Space Camp opened our eyes to the world around us and to areas outside this world … the planets … stars … and the galaxies. We had a taste of the gruelling physical training that astronauts go through, we experienced various missions such as the Orion and Ouranos mission that lasted from one to three hours in length, in these missions, each of us were given special roles and responsibilities, for example, Commander of Mission Control, who had an overview of everything for carrying

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out and monitoring experiments. These missions showed us how complex space science is, how important it is to work as a team and that being able to follow complex instructions was of priority. The size and facilities at Space Camp were amazing. There were real rockets, shuttles, capsules, airplanes of various description, simulators that gave us a taste of zero gravity and even what it was like to fly planes and space shuttles. We got spun around, turned upside-down, did lots of physical activities that made us face our fears so, so much more. My concluding words to any future traveller are these:

The world is like a book. Those who do not travel it read one page. So go, and fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. Saint Augustine Lena Tsalikis - Year 9

Our NASA Space Camp Travellers Jordan Frazis, Thomas Mouratidis, Emmanuel Constantopedos, Lena Tsalikis, Nikolija Jovanovic, George Hatzidis, Michael Dimitrikopoulos

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Musical Director Ms C. Savva Greek Play Mrs M. Faletas

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Focus on our Educators Profile of Dr Jack McPhee


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Science B iology Maths STEM Music

Bachelor of Science (Hons) – University of Newcastle (2008, Hons 2009) Master of Teaching – University of New South Wales (2016) PhD in Science – University of Newcastle (2017) C ertificate II in Food and Beverage Published Scientific Journal Articles (2011-2015)

Roles and responsibilities:

• Started University (tertiary) teaching in 2009 (Education Science, Education Technology, Statistics, Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Sustainable Resource Management, Microbiology) • Teaching Science Curriculum (Years 7–12) • Coordinator for Year 7 Science • Planning, Programming and Consultation to meet Science syllabus requirements • Teaching and Developing STEM Project (in collaboration with Mr D. Giles) • Teaching Maths Curriculum (Year 7) • Teaching Music for Co-Curricular (Years 7–9) • Marking Music performance assessments for Years 10-12 Music • Showcase Assistant Music Director and Stage/Production Manager Our Science Teacher, Mr McPhee, was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Environment and Life Science, Faculty of Science from the University of Newcastle. The dedication and commitment required to complete a research higher degree is highly significant.

Dr McPhee has been recognised as a highly experienced and qualified research academic and author by the broader global scientific community. The title of his thesis is “Life History Characeristics of Glassfish, Ambassis jacksonienis, Adjacent to Saltmarch within a large and permanently-open Estuary”.

National Art School This year, two of our students were accepted into the National Art School’s Intensive studio practice. Erin Giaris was accepted into Life Drawing, while Christina Hatgis was in the Printmaking department. After the intensive weeks of working with NAS teachers and working collaboratively with students from other schools, the program finishes with an exhibition of the work produced. Both students found the experience to be extremely positive and they have come back enthusiastic and ready to get stuck into their Bodies of Work. Ms M. Pringle Art Teacher STYLUS Page 16

College Life


Global Citizens and Leadership – High Resolves A very appropriate ‘STEPPING UP’ opening activity launched this year’s Preparing for the Preliminaries Program, called “COLLECTIVE ACTION”. It provided yet another example of the ‘lived experience’… of our mission statement. To educate our students to “make a conscious and positive contribution to the well-being of the broader community, our nation and our planet”. Year 10 participated in an interactive learning experience aimed at developing an understanding of the need for individuals to work together to address complex global problems, in this instance, climate change. Students with a practical example of the benefits of working collectively as a team, as they prepare to enter the HSC Preliminary year. Each student was assigned the role as a delegate to one of 40 countries represented in the United Nations. They drew upon a wide range of interpersonal techniques and approaches to influence others to do the right thing to balance national self-interest and reduce emissions, while trying to collaborate with others for the greater good. Ms G. Kokinelis - Dean of Middle School

The Time I Shone by Anastasia Lambrou

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Celebrating The Arts

Aesop’s Fables Performance Director Miss Bletsogiannis Greek Dancing

Mrs Haskas

SPACe Manager

Mr Zafiropoulos


Lighthouse Lx

Loud & Clear Audio Mr Borrett – Starscribe Productions


Mr Bourdaniotis


Mr Sokratis Gavrielatos

Thank you to all the parents for their assistance with costuming and for their support and encouragement of all that we do.

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Farewell HSC Class 2017

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We thank His Grace Bishop Iakovos for His blessing of our Year 12 Class 2017 at their last Doxology.

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Community Action Remembrance Garden

As part of the Technology Course Year 8 students collaborated with the Year 12 Prefect Body to revitalise Peita’s Garden of Remembrance. The Prefects generously purchased a beautiful garden urn as a departing/graduating gift to the school. The garden outside the administration building was created by the Year 12 students of 2005 in memory of their beloved friend and peer Peita Petrides, who passed away in 2004. A fire wheel tree next to the garden, commemorates the loss of Steven Firulovic who passed away in 2005. We also remember German Tantsyura who passed away in 2010. After hearing how the loss impacted on our students, school and community, the Year 8 students with the assistance and

guidance of their teachers Mrs Hatzopoulos and Ms Zervos along with College Captain Constantinos Kollias were eager to dig up the garden and replace the overgrown plants with new flowers, adding life and colour back into it, using lavender and flowering succulents. Students learned about different plant landscapes that centred around the urn which will be placed in the middle of the garden. Well done to the Year 8 students for creating a beautiful remembrance garden and to Year 12 Prefect body for initiating the project. Mrs V. Grillakis Team Leader – TAS

Lovingly remembered in our Prayers

Peita Petrides +

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German Tantsyura +

Stevan Firulovic +


The White Pearl Ball

The Sydney Neuro-Oncology Groups (SNOG) White Pearl Ball took place last Saturday, 11th November. As our school regularly raises funds for the foundation, which is involved in brain tumor research, education and support, we sent our Year 11 Prefect Candidates to help out. Volunteering both during the day and at night, our support in setting up the ballroom and selling raffle tickets was much appreciated. During the day, students were required to help organize prizes, table settings and decorations. During the night, students were involved in the finishing touches, selling raffle tickets, and handing out both raffle prizes and silent auction purchases. As well as receiving many thanks from guests on the night, Suzane Peponis-Brisimis,

the organizer and founder of the White Pearl Ball Fundraiser, also stated “My sincerest thanks to this fantastic group of young people working under a lot of pressure in a room of over 600 people. They moved around the room with courtesy and efficiency and helped raise a great deal of money for brain cancer research. St Spyridon College should be incredibly proud, as should their families.” Students involved include Florence Georges, Bianca Frazis, Christina Hatgis, Anastasia Hatzidis, Margarita Psaras, Joanna Skouteris, Victoria Tzavaras, Lefteri Valmas, Victoria Zois, Nathan Adam, Dean Albanakis, Harris Christofa, Felicity Ginis, Dayna Kostantakis, Chris Kumar, Eleni Mastroperos, Kalliopi Mentis and Rhea Tsimboukis. In addition, a special thank you to Ms Kokinelis who co-ordinated the students’ involvement and helped throughout the day. Florence Georges – Year 11

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Benjamin Hickman (NSW CIS Athletics Representative), Nicholas Kollias (NSW CIS Athletics Representative and NSW All Schools Athletics), Nathan Adam and Charlie Christofides (NSW CIS U16 Football Representatives) with Father Sotiri, Father Steven and Mrs Stefanou. Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

Sport has a pivotal role in a complete education of all students. At St Spyridon College we are committed to providing quality sports programs for our students across K-12. At the Junior School students are provided with an introduction to a variety of sports and structured physical activities, while in the Senior School, student motor skill development and higher order performance elements are refined to help our students compete in competitions against other schools. At St Spyridon this end was achieved in the schools inclusion in the ISA competition an association of Independent Schools that provide Saturday sporting opportunities for member schools. Like wise our Primary school is aligned to ASSISA a schools based association that ensures a relevant pathway exists for students to progress in their chosen sports. Next year marks the schools 25th anniversary of the Colleges involvement in the ISA. It was no doubt a defining moment for the school in 1993 when we joined the ISA as a member of an association that has now become a strong competing sporting association in NSW to rival the CAS and GPS associations.

Mrs Stefanou with the St Spyridon College First XI Cricket Inaugural Team and Mr Zafiropoulos (Coach)

Mrs Synesios with Boys and Girls Football Best and Fairest

Hudson Rallis and Jasmin Moros with their trophies for Junior School Sports Persons of the year together with Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal Senior School.

Mrs Erenie Bourdianiotis P & F President presented trophies to students representing ASSISA at CIS NSW Athletics Carnival

Junior School Swimming Age Champions with Mr Barry Rallis

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Girls Champions Primary Schools Basketball Tournament with Mr Con Pavlou.

ISA Open Girls Basketball Division 2 Champions with Mr Spiros Contominas (Coach) and Mr James Phillips.

ISA Girls Netball Opens Division 7 Champions with Mrs Christina Tsaconas and Mr Meintanis (Coach)

ISA Girls Netball Junior C Champions with Ms Flokis (Coach) and Mrs Christina Tsaconas

It is through the ISA competition that has given our students the opportunity to exercise their passion and love for sport. From its humble beginnings in 1992 with seven member schools the ISA has now grown to include 20 member schools with countless competitive sports on offer, of course the expansion of the association and the strength of much larger schools has now made competing much more difficult from the early years. I would like to re affirm that Sporting success is not possible if not for a strong team of staff and coaches that dedicate time and effort to help support, nurture and encourage student success. We thank all our external coaches, ex student coaches, our parent volunteer coaches and school staff. Without whom the schools sport programme would not be as robust as what it is. Thank you also to all the schools sports sponsors for 2017 and in particular the Pand F for their ongoing support of sport at the College. I also acknowledge the support and guidance of Mrs Stefanou head of College, Mrs Katsogiannis principal of the senior school and Mrs Synesios principal of the primary school for their continued guidance and support of sport at the College. Lastly I also thank Ms Flokis for the digital presentation that we have enjoyed watching today.

Mr Con Livissianis (Parish President) with the ISA Overall Boys Division 2 Swimming Champions

Desi Kapodistrias (College Sportswoman of the year) and Nathan Adam (College Sportsman of the year) with Father Sotiri, Father Steven and Mrs Stefanou. STYLUS Page 25

“.... the planets, the stars and the galaxies.”

1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247 CRICOS Provider Numbers: Junior School ~ Years K-6 ~ 061558A Senior School ~ Years 7-12 ~ 02319E

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