Stylus 27

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

Cover and Photography by Nick Bourdo and Anthony Condous.

| December 2018 | NUMBER 27 |

stylus The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 - Seven Goals The new Strategic Plan 2017-2021, will provide our students with opportunities to develop into integral and principled individuals who possess a strong sense of history, have the capacity to critically engage with complex ideas, and to achieve and accomplish in ways pleasing to God. In the context of our college, this means:

• To be fair, just and respectful to all people.

• To respect and care for the environment and all living things.

• To contribute to the welfare of others.

• To take dynamic and coherent action to impact on the world for the better.

• To exercise judgment within an ethical framework.

As professionals of the highest calibre, our teachers will be supported in their work with students with access to professional development and purpose-built future focussed facilities. Our reputation as a Centre of Educational Excellence in teaching and learning, will be enhanced by our partnerships with Universities, and other professional bodies. Goal 1 - Build students’ capacity to critically engage with complex concepts, through learning experiences that incorporate the Big Human Ideals and Ideas; Big Stories and Great books; Current global issues and events. Goal 2 - Develop multidisciplinary approach to learning through programs that integrate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities, English, Maths and Science (HEMS). Goal 3 - Expand our languages and culture programs. Goal 4 - Expand professional links of our educators with academic institutions-locally and globally and further enhance academic careers of our students. Goal 5 - Enhance communications and comply with all mandates. Goal 6 - Build reputation as a school that cultivates global citizenship for its students. Goal 7 - Develop and implement a Master Plan to incorporate new purpose-built and conducive facilities to accommodate an enrolment of 960 students K minus 1 to Year 12 (460 K minus 1-Year 6 and 500 Years 7-12).

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

Extract from speech at the Blessing of the New Infants School Foundation Stone

We are here to celebrate the commencement of the next

do, many wonderful things. On the contrary, I know that our

chapter in the life of our College. Our oldest College building

past and present students have fond memories of their time in

is about to be replaced with the newest.

the old Infants School. Because it’s not just about the buildings.

Loris Malaguzzi, one of the greatest influencers of education

Some of the greatest human ideas and ideals were contemplated

in the 21st century, said that after the parents and teachers,

under the olive trees and in the Agoras of ancient cities.

the environment in which students learn, is the third teacher.

It is our teachers who make the difference. Our teachers, with

Where the child learns is also WHAT they learn, because the

the leadership of our Deputy Head of College Mrs Katsogiannis,

space where they learn deeply affects their ways of being.

and Principal of our Junior School, Mrs Synesios are formidable

We thank the architect Mr Michael Avramides who worked closely

educators, highly professional, but also caring, imaginative and

with us to design a new Infants School that is characterised by

innovative. They know each of their students well and are

Light and Freedom; where there is a natural flow from internal

determined that they will succeed in their learning. The new

spaces to the natural environment; where there are ample

building honours the work our teachers do with students. Here

spaces and specialist facilities to challenge and motivate; where

at St Spyridon College we see our students as our present joy

our students can relate, create, explore and transform. Where

and our future hope. This is why we sleep and awake with you

they feel safe and secure. In this new space, our students will

in mind. This is why only our best is good enough for you my

experience a sense of wonder, as they progress through an

dear students.

exciting learning journey. We give thanks to God and our

We take the opportunity to thank our parents and grandparents

Patron Saint for this blessing.

for your strong support for every initiative great and small. We

Over the last 15 years, together with Father Steven Scoutas,

acknowledge the role of the P&F-in raising funds and just as

together with successive Parish Boards have overseen the com-

importantly in building culture, and promoting the good name

pletion of the Senior School Technology Wing; the spectacular

of our College.

Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe); the new Senior

In closing we thank You, Your Grace, for blessing us and our

School Library and staff facilities and Doran House. We thank

endeavours this morning. We hope you remember us in your

past and present Board members for enabling us to realise our

prayers as we work together to take our school forward. We

shared vision of a dynamic school community focussed on

ask that you convey to His Eminence our gratitude for his vision

excellence. Future generations of Greek Orthodox people will

and determination to establish Greek Orthodox Schools in

no doubt thank you for this because what we are building here

Australia. And for His leadership and prayers for our Church,

is a legacy. In Father Stephanos’ words “we are laying deep

our Parish and our school over so many years.

foundations in this earth and in this nation.”

Thank you.

This is not to say, that those of you who learned in the old

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

buildings, were not happy there or that you did not learn and

Head of College STYLUS Page 1

Junior School Foundation Blessing Ceremony

Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis with Father Steven Scoutas, Father Sotiris Drapaniotis and Dignatories - Mr Christos Karras Consul General of Greece, The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite, Mr Ron Hoenig MP, Dr Thomas Savoulis Parish President with Mr Michael Daley MP, Mr Con Livissianis, Mr James Phillips, Mr Elia Economou, Crs Anthony Andrews and Harry Stavrinos, Mr Miltos Michaelas, Mrs Christina Tsaconas, Mrs Sue Mayson, Mr Con Pavlou, Ms Anna Stamoulis, Mrs Aristea Synesios, Mrs Amelia Katsogiannis, Mrs Efrosini Stefanou-Haag.


“The bricks and mortar in the strong foundations on which the Infants School building will be erected symbolizes our collective and boundless love, care and support for our youth and our strong commitment for the Greek Orthodox education in Australia. A solid foundation on which our children’s future will be shaped”. Dr Thomas Savoulis Parish President


Parents and Friends A SPECTACULAR SPRING FAIR Congratulations Parents And Friends Committee 2018 on A Spectacular Spring Fair. On behalf of Father Steven, Dr Savoulis Parish President and the whole school community, we extend congratulations to Mrs Angela Kasmas and her dynamic Committee for an outstanding Spring Fair, held at the Senior School on the 28th October 2018.

We appreciate the work of the many volunteers and teachers as well as the Parish and College staff. We thank Mrs Sophia Haskas, for the presentation of Greek dances by every class of our Junior School.

College community; and its success is due to the hard work of the P&F members over many months, for which we thank them wholeheartedly.

The Spring Fair was a relaxed, happy family fun day, filled with good food, good company and lots of fun. The organisation was thorough and the day seamless, showing what can be achieved when people work together with enthusiasm and respect for one another.

We were also pleased to host this year’s Greek Welfare Walkathon. His Grace Bishop Seraphim, Mr Christos Karras Consul General of Greece, Mr Michael Daley Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Member for Maroubra, together with other distinguished guests from the Greek Welfare Centre, expressed their appreciation of our hospitality.

The amount raised by the Spring Fair is $32,500 a spectacular result!

Thank you P&F for the sheer hard work and team effort that led to such a successful day.

Dr Savoulis commented that over and above the significant funds raised, it was a magnificent day for the whole Parish and

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College



Junior School Life Year 4 Visit to Senior School In November, Year 4 had their first of four transition visits to the Senior School, thus beginning the build-up of knowledge and familiarisation with the campus and processes followed here. Students enjoyed their experiences in Visual Art, Theatre Sports, Geography and learned about the Sports offered at the Senior School. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

Book Week Competition Winners Congratulations to Stephanie Moros from KJ, Christopher Skouteris from 1V and Chloe Liaskos from 2C for winning the Infants Find Your Treasure Colouring in competition for Book Week. Mrs A Karpouzos - Librarian

Stephanie Moros – KJ Chloe Liaskos – 2C Christopher Skouteris – 1V STYLUS Page 6



Peer Support and Leadership Training Day

Recently Year 9 enthusiastically participated in a Peer Support and Leadership Training Day, giving all the opportunity to better understand the role of a leader and decide if they would like to become PSL’s. Everyone was focused and engaged in all the interactive activities and looked with interest at the inspiring messages that were shown. It is always impressive to see that a large number of Year 9 students value opportunities to step up as they make the move from the Middle to Upper School by applying to become Peer Support Leaders of the incoming Year 7 cohort.

This year we have 40 applicants who are eager to be selected. That is over half of Year 9! Unfortunately not all will be offered a role, as places are limited, but dealing with such a disappointment needs to be viewed realistically and positively. It is important to remember that tomorrow is another day with more activities and events on offer that all can be a part of. Taking up future opportunities and making one’s presence felt is part of the key to distinguishing oneself and building leadership skills. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

Technology - “Living the Dream Architecture” Year 8 Technology students have been planning and designing a home for the future. The project is an excellent application of key skills used to develop and meet the needs of a client brief. They used a 3D computer aided design program to design the first stage of the brief, followed by building an architectural model. Students also made links beyond the subject area with Science, practical Mathematics and in considering the social and built environment.

The students’ 3-dimensional realisations represent just one of the rooms from their overall plan. Students worked with focus, commitment and enthusiasm throughout, even coming in at lunchtimes to add furnishing and interior/exterior details such as swimming pools, basketball courts, football pitches. Each student presented a highly successful scaled detailed architectural model that combines their creativity & technical skill. Ms A. Evans Technology and Visual Arts Teacher



Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law at University of New South Wales. When I was asked to present a speech of thanks I was not sure where to begin. This was not because I did not have much to say. It was the exact opposite. It has been just over a year since I completed my 13 years of schooling at St Spyridon College and there are more things that I am thankful for than can be counted. In this past year after school I’ve been privileged enough to further my education, studying what I love the most and learning from other people’s experiences. I found, however, that it was so easy to get lost in my own problems, not really taking each day as it comes and only looking forward to the next.

University Scholarship winners George Raptis and Constantinos Kollias with Dr Thomas Savoulis Parish President.

I truly came to realise how strangely wonderful it was to grow in a school environment that was synonymous with my upbringing and heritage. To learn beyond mere syllabus points and textbook pages, and really understand values and ethical judgements that I have taken into the world. My schooling experience was unparalleled, one I have yet to come across in the people I have met at university. It was an experience that was never exclusionary but welcoming. An experience that really has defined who I am today.

ACER Scholarship Winners Larisa Arnautovic, Paul Bessiris and Chloe Drougas with Dr Thomas Savoulis.

Mrs Sue Mayson with Year 3 Amethyst award recipients. STYLUS Page 8

The other week a friend had asked me if I remembered much of the Greek language. At first I was taken aback by such a question. Despite haphazardly replying in broken Greek English ‘how could I ever forget it,’ the question had me thinking. The question proved to be more than just remembering the basics of the language. I realised that from alpha to omega a lot can be said about who I am and where my family came from and how I was brought up.

Father Steven Scoutas and Dean Albanakis – Goldstein Award recipient.

Cr Anthony Andrews with Year 3 Sapphire award recipients.

So in light of all of this, I firstly thank both my mum and dad for patiently steering me in the right direction. I would not be able to stand before you today were it not for my brilliant parents and their insurmountable guidance. I thank my brother and sister, Christos and Katherine, for bearing with me in my final year of schooling; I wasn’t the easiest person to live with. I also thank my extended family and God who are always there for me when in need. I thank the school. I thank every single person who works to nurture not only a strong learning environment but one that is fortified with strong values and truths. Your individual foresight and genuine care for our futures as students is one I am forever grateful for. Before individually thanking my year 12 teachers I extend countless gratitude to every teacher at St Spyridon College. We as students are forever indebted to your tireless effort and passion for what you teach and I hope someday I will be able to replicate that. I’d now first like to thank Mrs Mio whose endless guidance taught me to ‘fear not, believe only.’ I thank Mrs Pavlakis for encouraging me to always look to both sides of an argument. I thank Ms Kalithrakis for proving to me that the harder I worked, the luckier I would get. I thank Ms Koutsoukis for her

brilliant enthusiasm and conscious outlook on the world. Lastly, I thank Dr Hickie, for teaching me that life cannot always be measured by success and sometimes we must learn to fail better. To conclude this thanksgiving I now turn to the students of the College. I was once in your same position and never thought I’d be able to stand before you and present these next words. What I have learnt and want to extend to you all is to never let anyone falter your passions. Take interest in everything you do and do it well. We need to recognise how privileged we are to be sitting within this very hall and to not let down opportunities simply because we are tired or don’t believe in ourselves. Whilst it is very easy to measure our lives with success, you’ll find that it is moments like these when you are granted the opportunity to thank all those who make your life whole that truly matter.

Good luck to the HSC class of 2018 for your upcoming results, I am certain you will make waves in the world, and I wish nothing but the best for the HSC Class of 2019 and every year group for that matter. You’ll only ever be in your current position once in your life so make it matter. Thank you.

Orthodox Studies Award recipients with Mrs Olga Evangelinidis-Brown.

Cr Harry Stavrinos with Year 4 Coral award recipients.

Ms Anna Stamoulis with Year 4 Turquoise award recipients.

Mr George Phillips with Year 5 Iris award recipients.

Mr Ron Hoenig MP presents the Outstanding Leadership Award to Denny Poulos.

ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ Scholarship winners awarded Andrew Dalessis and Alexandra Bizannes (Junior School Dux) with Father Steven Scoutas and Mrs Stefanou Head of College. STYLUS Page 9

Academic Excellence and Student Leadership

Junior School Leaders 2019

Mrs Helen Lianos with Year 7 award recipients.

Mr Danny Said Deputy Mayor of Randwick City Council with Year 8 award recipients.

Mr James Phillips with Year 9 award recipients.

Mr Peter Vakas (Pan Arcadian Association) with Year 10 award recipients

Year 11 award recipients with Mr Con Livissianis and Mr Con Pavlou. STYLUS Page 10

Mr Elia Economou with Year 10 award recipients.

stylus Mr Soteris Hadjikyriakou (Bank of Sydney) with Year 11 award recipients.

Dr Thomas Savoulis with «ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ» Award recipients for First in Year from Years 7 – 11.

The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite presented the Member for Kingsford Smith Award for Legal Studies at the Highest Level to Anastasia Hatzidis and Rhea Tsimboukis.

Mrs Vaya Tournas with Year 12 award recipients.

Mr Costa Vrisakis with Year 12 award recipients.

College Leaders 2019 – Bill Avdalis (College Captain), Stella Ktenas (Vice Captain), George Bozikis (Senior Prefect), Christina Vlahos and Spiros Zafiropoulos (Sports Captains). STYLUS Page 11


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Musical Director Ms C. Savva Greek Play Mrs M. Faletas

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Focus on our Educators Where are they now? Sofija Belajcic - HSC Class 2012 Congratulations to Sofija Belajcic, our Serbian Teacher’s Mrs Belajcic’s daughter, who graduated in Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with Distinction at the University of New South Wales.

Profile of Mr George Georgoulopoulos



• Information & Software Technology

• Bachelor of Arts University of Sydney. 1993. • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAE40116 TAFE 2018 • Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT30115 TAFE 2016 • Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) University of Sydney. 1994.

Roles and responsibilities:

• Senior Teacher • Information Processes and Technology • Information and Digital Technology • Information and Software Technology • Software Design and Development • Information Technology (Mandatory) • Computing Studies (2 units and 3) • Modern Greek Years 7, 8 and 10 - 3 years • Assistant to Modern Greek Plays produced by the Modern Greek Department • Assistant to Senior School Showcases • Robotics Co-curricular • RoboCup Facilitator

Congratulations to Mr G. Georgoulopoulos for receiving VET Excellence Award “Mr Georgoulopoulos is the IDT VET teacher at St Spyridon College. Mr Georgoulopoulos always takes great care in allocating his students to the most appropriate site to ensure each student will be comfortable in their environment and the site will suit their skill level. Over the years of working with Mr Georgoulopoulos we have noticed the strong relationships he has built up with the hosts. Mr Georgoulopoulos is excellent in pre-empting the needs of his students, so we can plan in advance for the week of work placement.” Sharyn May - Work Placement Manager

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Our Teachers Build A Better World Earth Echo Expedition: Plastic Seas

EarthEcho International is a nonprofit organisation founded on the belief that youth have the power to change our planet. Established by siblings Phillipe and Alexandra Cousteau in honour of their father Phillipe Cousteau Sr and grandfather, the legendary explorer, Jacques Yves Cousteau, their mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future.

One of those 25 teacher fellows selected to join the expedition was our very own Dr McPhee who is now busy working to incorporate all that he learnt during the expedition into a sustainability-based STEM program for students of St Spyridon College and elsewhere around the world to learn about what we can all do to address our global plastic problem that has such devastating effects on our environment, wildlife and personal health. Dr McPhee regards the highlights of the expedition to be meeting the other inspiring and motivating fellows, contributors and organisers (such as Phillipe Cousteau) of the expedition, snorkeling with playful seals, observing little penguins feed, and

Led by founder Phillipe Cousteau Jr, EarthEcho International brought educators from all over Australia to the frontlines of Australia’s unique ecosystems to look at the devastating impact of litter and plastic pollution on the organisms that call Australia home. EarthEcho Expeditions: Plastic Seas, held in Melbourne, 1-5 of October, 2018, selected twenty-five STEM teachers (known as Expedition Fellows) from around Australia to join local scientists and community leaders to create a collaborative curriculum that introduces students to the innovative engineering and technology solutions that are being implemented in Australian ecosystems, water and waste facilities, schools and urban centers. Expedition Fellowes participated in on-site video production for a documentary presented by Phillipe Cousteau, classroom content creation and will participate in post-Expedition publication, distribution and evaluation of adventure-based STEM learning modules to their own and other classrooms across the world.

Dr McPhee with Phillipe Cousteau

learning from some of Australia’s best scientists and specialists in their field at a variety of institutions such as Sustainability Victoria, Plastic Pollution Solutions (run by Anthony Hill, who will be running an incursion at St Spyridon College this term to further inspire us all!), Parks Victoria, Port Phillip Bay Eco Centre, University of Tasmania, Tangaroa Blue, Marine Mammal Foundation and Melbourne Zoo. Mrs A Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College

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Celebrating The Arts

The Gift of Chr istm as Script Writer & Director: Miss Bletsogiannis Choreographers:

Mrs Diavatiotis, Mrs Coyne, Mrs Alaydrus

Technical Director: Mrs Economou Musical Director:

Mrs Coyne


Mr Bourdaniotis

Thank you to all the parents for their assistance with costuming and for their support and encouragement of all that we do.

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Farewell HSC Class 2018

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We thank His Grace Bishop Iakovos for His blessing of our Year 12 Class 2018 at their last Doxology.

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Community Action Year Three Visit Local Nursing Home

In August, Year 3 students were invited to a Greek Culture morning at the Southern Cross Nursing Home. The children presented a recital of the story of Assumption of Panayia, chanted hymns and performed Greek dancing from the Islands. The residents from the nursing home were overjoyed to see our children perform. The performance brought tears of joy to the appreciative audience who reminisced about their youth as they clapped along to the Greek music.

We thank Mrs Gambierakis, Mrs Georgakopoulos and Mr Amditis for accompanying the students and preparing them for this special presentation. A special thanks goes to Mrs Haskas for organising costumes and teaching the Greek Dances to the dance group. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

Greek Bushfire Appeal - Thank You For Your Generosity

In August we appealed to our school community to help raise funds for the children of the Lyreio Children’s Foundation, which was burnt down in the Greek bushfires. We wish to express our gratitude to you, for your most generous response. Our College has raised $20,000.00 for this worthy cause. This money will go to support the re-establishment of what is the home of 65 orphaned children. Thank you for your kindness and compassion towards these children. Mrs E Stefanou-Haag Head of College

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Excelling in Sports “In sport and through organised competitions and other various opportunities, the College is able to fulfil the College mission statement which is to develop the whole person. It is clear that education of the body helps to prepare the mind for instruction. Evidence of this is clearly seen here at the College at both the Junior School and the Senior School through this annual celebration of sporting excellence. It is fitting then, that I recite a line from one of Pindar’s lyric poems dedicated to champions in the ancient Olympic games that rings true for everything we try to achieve here at the College in sport. I invite our students to “Be what you know you are” best interpreted as may you become who you are by “learning”. Learning to compete fairly, learning how to win with humility and how to lose graciously, and learning in order to improve sporting performance”. Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

Congratulations to the Frist XI Football Team – ISA Division 1 Champions

ISA Division 1 Football Champions with their Coach Mr Dane Ivanovic. STYLUS Page 23

National Schools Event Futsal Champions with Mr Con Pavlou.

Mrs Katsogiannis Deputy Head of College and Principal Senior School addresses the Sports Presentation Evening.

National Schools Event Girls Basketball Champions with Mr Contominas (Coach) and Mr James Phillips.

Mr Dookie presented trophies to students for representing ASSISA at CIS NSW Swimming Carnival and CIS NSW Athletics.

National Schools Event Boys Basketball Champions with Mr James Phillips.

U14 Boys Regional Futsal NSW Champions with Mrs Kim Georgas.

Junior School Athletics Age Champions award recipients with Mr Livissianis Parish Vice President. STYLUS Page 24

Open Boys Regional and NSW State Futsal Champions with Mrs Anna Stamoulis.

Larisa Arnautovic (College Sportswoman of the Year) and Nicholas Kollias (College Sportsman of the Year) with Mrs Stefanou Head of College. ISA Division 3 U14 Boys Basketball Champions with Mr Adonis Tsoustas (Coach) and Mr Meintanis.

ISA Junior Girls Swimming Division 2 Champions with Mr Haralambides.

Stephen Varvaritis (Junior School Sportsman of the Year) and Ioanna Panayi (Junior School Sportswoman of the Year) with Mrs Stefanou.

Boys and Girls Swimming Age Champions with Mrs Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College.

Mr Kaldis, Mrs Diavatiotis and Ms O’Shea with College Leaders.

Dr Thomas Savoulis (Parish President) presented trophies to the ISA Athletics Representatives.

Mrs Stefanou presented trophies to the NSW CIS Athletics Representatives. STYLUS Page 25

Bill Avdalis College Captain 2019

1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247 CRICOS Provider Numbers: Junior School ~ Years K-6 ~ 061558A Senior School ~ Years 7-12 ~ 02319E

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