St Spyridon Stylus 17

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

| December 2013 | NUMBER 17 |

A Springboard to the Future...

Photography by Mr Anthony Condous and Mike Flokis Photography

stylus The Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016* The new Strategic Plan 2012-2016, will pursue “Excellence in All Things”. The College will provide students with a culture of high expectations driven by best effort from everyone – from students, teachers, parents, the Board and Parish. A focus on programs for students with a high intellectual potential, will enrich the educational practices of differentiation and innovation. Students will experience an education with a moral purpose. As Global citizens, they will work together and alone to make a difference – to make the world better by their presence, thoughts and actions. Students will have faith in God and in themselves because they learn in a culture of confidence and trust, that upholds the dignity and worth of every person. Strong and effective operations will ensure a safe and secure environment where students learn in functional and conducive buildings and facilities with optimum access to up to date technologies.

The Seven Goals of the Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016 Goal 1 - Rich and diverse educational experiences that aim for excellence and demand best effort. Goal 2 - A Passport to Global Citizenship for students. Goal 3 - Teachers of excellence. Goal 4 - Strong and dynamic partnerships with parents. Goal 5 - Established reputation as a centre of excellence. Goal 6 - A safe environment based on sound policies and procedures. Goal 7 - A secure financial future with functional and conducive buildings and facilities.

The Pursuit of Excellence in all things

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

Extract from speech at K-12 Academic & Leadership Assembly


t is my pleasure and privilege to welcome everyone

education. St Spyridon is now recognised as a school of

to our Special Assembly which celebrates Academic

excellence within the Independent Schooling sector and

Achievement and Student Leadership, in this the 30th

across New South Wales. We have a great future, as a result

Year Anniversary of our College. On this auspicious occasion,

of much hard work, deep devotion to duty and exacting

we pay tribute to the Reverend Father Steven Scoutas and

attention to the sacred responsibility that we all share. If we

his co-workers, who put down strong foundations for us-at

have prospered, it is because what we do here is pleasing to

times against bitter opposition from the very people who

God-and to St Spyridon, our Patron Saint who is ever-present

should have supported him. Thanks to their tenacity, today

in all of our endeavours. He is the Conscience and the Captain

our College is a source of pride for the whole of the Greek

of this wonderful College of ours.

Orthodox Archdiocese. We thank successive Parish Presidents and Board Chairs and all members past and present of these illustrious bodies. Among the first in our memory are the early founders and pioneers, George Pappas AM MBE, Socrates Socratous, OAM, Professor Manuel Aroney, AM MBE and Mary Hamer – may they rest in peace. We commend

At 30 years old we are young enough to be strong in our convictions, dynamic ain our actions and ambitious in our plans. And how many schools in Australia can match 2000 years of Christian ethos and 5000 years of formal education? Not many.

the work of all educators who have contributed to the good

Our first students are now amongst our parent body. They have

progress of our College.

indeed taken their place in the world with confidence and

We acknowledge successive P & F Presidents and members and all those who support their ambassadorial and fundraising efforts. We thank the true believers, the parents and grandparents who entrusted this young College with their children’s

success-in academia, in business, law, medicine. We are proud of them and they have every reason to be proud of their school. And so we congratulate all our beloved students, past and present and pray for your well-being, health and prosperity. Thank you. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College


K-12 Academic Excellence - Student Leadership Assembly

Mrs Synesios, Principal Junior School

Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal Senior School

Kathy Thimakis - University Scholarship and Aroney Award winner

Eleni Mavrolefteros- College Captain 2014 reads the Prefects’ Pledge

Mr Ron Hoenig, MP presents the Outstanding Leadership Award to Eleni Preketes

Mrs Christina Tsaconas and Mrs Elsie Tsangaris with the Xenios Award winner - Constance Synesios

Mrs Mayson and Mrs Lynch with Connor Giavis - Junior School Dux

Julie Elliott, CEO Bank of Sydney, Mrs Stefanou, Ron Hoenig, MP and Mrs Synesios STYLUS Page 2

Efthimia Kollias Junior School Captain 2014

Emmanuel Constantopedos Junior School Captain 2014

Mrs Sue Mayson, Parish President presents Peter Nikas and Desi Kapodistrias with their Certificate of Achievement

James Phillips with award recipients from Class 4T

Elia Economou with award recipients from Kindergarten Cerise

ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ Awards for first in Years 7 – 11 with Christine Lynch - AHEPA (NSW)

Anna Stamoulis with Year 9 Award recipients

Panayiotis Achilleos with Andreas Nicholson College Dux, 2013

Laura Williams with Year 8 Award recipients

Con Pavlou presents the Archimedes Award to Theoni Thimakis

Father Steven and Mrs Stefanou with Year 12 Class of 2013 Award recipients

Nicholas Simitzis presents the Agora Award to Leonidas Andrew

Father Steven and Father Sotiri with Junior School Leaders for 2014

Special guests and Award sponsors Anna Stamoulis P & F President presents $30,000 cheque to College



Congratulations Mrs Aristea Synesios - Principal Junior School

The appointment of Mrs Aristea Synesios to the position of Principal Junior School was announced on the 20th November to a packed SPACe, amidst huge excitement, tears of joy and a standing ovation. The audience, made up of students, teachers, parents, grandparents, family and community members gave a resounding cheer, at the news that Mrs Synesios – a highly respected educator and much loved member of our Parish is now at the helm of our Junior School after experiencing a very difficult year, at both the professional and personal level. Reverend Father Steven Scoutas, Father Sotiri, Mrs Sue Mayson, Parish President and Chair of the Board of Directors together with all the Directors of the Board who were


in Sydney on the day, beamed in the front rows. Among those present were Mr Con Livissianis, Mr Elia Economou, Mr George Vlahakis, Mr Anthony Kanaris, Mr Chris Karkoulas, Dr Thomas Savoulis and the Deputy Mayor of Randwick Mr Anthony Andrews. Mrs Synesios was appointed to the position after a thorough and rigorous selection procedure and was unanimously endorsed by the selection panel and Board of Directors. We wish her well in the serious and sacred work she undertakes with every confidence in her skills, abilities and personal attributes.

Flying the Flag

Children’s Book Week

In October we were pleased to have the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP at our morning assembly. We were honoured and humbled when he presented us with an Australian flag to fly proudly at our school. This flag has previously been flown in the House of Representatives in Canberra.

Children’s Book Week, with the theme “Read Across the Universe”, was held all over Australia in August this year. At St Spyridon the children were kept busy during their Library lessons with a Literary Quiz, voting for their favourite book, as well as making and decorating the Library with posters and many, many elephants! The elephants were a result of the popular book “Too Many Elephants in This House” written by Ursula Dubosarsky. Unfortunately the book did not win the title of Early Childhood Book of the Year, but did win the children’s vote.

Greek Welfare Centre Students from the Junior School presented mythological stories and segments from Aesop’s fables to our Senior Citizens in the hall as part of Senior’s Month. It is our honour and pleasure to give back to our seniors who have done so much for us. We particularly thank Mrs Elsie Tsangaris, president of St Spyridon Ladies Auxiliary and her tireless committee for the lovely lunch and company they provide each week. We also thank Mrs Dimitra Micos from the Greek Welfare Centre for running the social events and for inviting us.

OXI Day Congratulations to Stella Ktenas, Johnny Dalakiaris and Austin Papadopoulos from Year Six, for reciting with such pride their poem OXI in Church and at the Archdiocese on Sunday. Well done also to Year Six, Ka. Anna, Mr Volas and Mr Amditis on a moving assembly about OXI Day. Thank you for explaining to us that we too need to say OXI to the everyday ‘wars’ of prejudice, anger, racism and bullying. STYLUS Page 5






Culture Lecture

Professor Frederick G Hilmer AO President and Vice Chancellor UNSW

“In the Eye of the Beholder�

The Arts Exhibition 2013 Patron of the Arts Mrs Dora ToumanidouTolios Vice Consul of the Consulate General of Greece. Works by students and visiting artists, Karen Barbouttis, Maritsa Micos Dragonas, Willi Michalski and Dr Thomas Savoulis. STYLUS STYLUSPage Page137

Honouring our Traditions Saint Phanourios Each year on the 27th August, students from Year One commemorate the feast of Saint Phanourios. Students attend Church on this day taking a phanouropita that is prepared at home the previous day. They light a candle, attend the Church service and have Holy Communion. By participating in this feast they learn about our Christian tradition. We don’t know much about this Saint except as shown in his


icon which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient Church in Rhodes. This is why he is called “the Newly Revealed”. We pray to St Phanourios to help us find things that have been lost and because he often answers our prayers, the custom has been to bake a Phanouropita to thank him. This is then shared with others.

In The Press


Community Action Camp Quality

Butterflies are Deaf and very Beautiful

proud to say that we sold 623 butterfly badges, raising $1246!

The Deafness Foundation designs and sells Butterfly Badges to raise public awareness and funds to support the Deaf and hearing impaired community.

Well done to the Year 4 students who volunteered their lunch time to sell the badges, and thank you to everyone who bought and proudly wore one.

This year, St Spyridon College supported the Deafness Foundation by selling butterfly badges for the second year running. We are

Miss Bletsogiannis Stage 2 Coordinator

Praise for our students in community action Dear Mrs Stefanou-Haag and Mrs Katsogiannis, On behalf of Father Angelo Alifierakis and the ESTIA Fundraising Committee, I would like to thank you for sending us students from your School to support us at our recent Fundraising Dinner. The students you sent were truly amazing – dressed proudly in their uniforms and they performed their duties with minimum fuss and great responsibility. They should be publicly congratulated and thanked as they gave up personal time (in their holidays) and worked hard for a very good cause. These values that they demonstrated on the night are obviously the values that underpin the Christian education of your School – so congratulations to you for that! The ESTIA Foundation Office will be sending you ‘Certificates of

Appreciation’ to present to each of the students you sent for that night. As educators, we strive to provide an education for the purpose of developing our young who will contribute positively to society – these young ambassadors of your School are well on their way to making those positive contributions that our uncertain world needs. We are all very proud of them. Once again, thank you. Warmest regards, Colleen Scalone For Estia Fundraising Committee

Congratulations to the Student Representative Council who promoted and assisted with Jeans for Genes Day by collecting gold coins and selling merchandise. Altogether $1,285 was donated. GREAT EFFORT! Pink Cup Cakes prepared by Year 10 Food Technology students sold to raise money for Pink Ribbon Day. Congratulations for raising $1127.

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Students Step Up & Out

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Tribute to Family Leonidas Andrew, Vice-Captain 2013 Στους γονείς, τους παππούδες και γιαγιάδες τι λόγια να πούμε; Σας γκριζάραμε τα μαλλιά, τα ασπρίσαμε, τα κάναμε ακόμα και να πέσουν! Σας αδειάσαμε τις τσέπες, σας κάναμε να ξενυχτάτε, να φωνάζετε, να μας ορμηνεύετε ώρες ατελείωτες και να προσεύχεστε για το καλό μας. Μεγάλες οι θυσίες σας, αλλά πιστεύω πως πετύχατε. Το χρέος μας θα μείνει απλήρωτο ώσπου να προσφέρουμε και εμείς τα ίδια στα παιδιά μας και στα εγγόνια μας. Για τώρα όμωςδεχθείτε ένα αναδρομικό ευχαριστώ και την αγάπη μας! Ο χρόνος κυλάει γρήγορα σαν το νερό και οι αναμνήσεις, όπως λέει το τραγούδι, θα περάσουν με τον χρόνο από την μνήμη στην καρδιά. Και εφόσον λέγομαι Λεωνίδας σας υπόσχομαι εκ μέρους όλων μας ότι τις Θερμοπύλες που φυλάξατε θα τις φυλάξουμε και εμείς με την σειρά μας στο κάλεσμα και την σειρά του χρόνου. Σας ευχαριστώ που με ακούσατε και ευχαριστώ τον ΄Αγιο Σπυρίδωνα και την Παναγία που συνεχώς μεσιτεύουν για μας.

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Thank you and Farewell from the College Captain 2013, Mathew Kambos. Our thanks are extended to all the teachers and staff who have assisted us along the way. Thank you teachers, for all that you have taught us - lessons that extended well beyond the four walls of a classroom, for providing us with a multitude of opportunities for all round development and values in life. Merely saying thank you to the teachers is not enough to express our gratitude. We promise that we will strive to be successful citizens, so that all our teachers can proudly say, that we were the product of St Spyridon College. We would like to personally thank our teachers for Year 12; Mr Kaldis for PD, Mr Kollias, Mr Condous and Ms Kalithrakis for Maths, Mrs Koutsoukis, Mrs Kefalouros, Ms Davis and Ms Keijda for English, Mrs Mio for Business Studies, Mr Croft for Biology, Ms Kladakis for Legal Studies, Mr Giles for Chemisty, Ms Hafner for Physics, Mr Georgoulopoulos for IPT and IT VET, Kyria Faleta who taught several of us for Greek last year, Ms Gambriell for Modern History, Ms Pringle for Visual Arts, Dr Hickie for Ancient History, English Extension and History Extension, Ms Gonzales for Economics, Ms Grillakis for Food Tech and Hospitality, Ms Savva for Music, Mrs Belajcic for Serbian and last but not least Mr Zafiropoulos for Geography. Due to these teachers’ guidance, we have been offered an outstanding education that will allow us to make a smooth transition into life beyond school. I am certain that the fine education that we have received will stand us in good stead, time and time again. Throughout our Senior School life there have been a number of people who have also cared for us. This year, Mr Picardi who is our Home Room teacher has been a major help for Mr Kaldis in looking after us and for this we thank him. And most importantly, we will attempt to thank a man, who tends to shy away from being thanked for his selfless actions, our Year Advisor Mr Kaldis. A man who has continuously looked after us, stood by us and has always tried his best for our Year Group. We certainly do not show enough gratitude and appreciation for his commitment, but I think a well-deserved thank you is in order at this moment. He created such a unique environment, something I can only compare to a homely environment, as despite the shouting; we knew we were being cared for and that in his rantings laid our true benefit. Thank you Mr Kaldis for everything you have done for us and from the bottom of our hearts, we are deeply grateful for the time and effort you have put into this Year Group.

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A Sensational Spring Fair On Sunday 27th October, following a solemn Church Service conducted by Father Steven and Father Sotiri, commemorating “OXI DAY” students, parents and members of Mary Hamer’s family gathered in the Mary Hamer Quadrangle, where the Mayor of Randwick City Council, Councillor Scott Nash unveiled the sign for the “Mary Hamer Lane”. This was a very moving expression of the regard in which this lady is held. Following the unveiling, our Parish President Mrs Sue Mayson, together with VIPs, Councillor Anthony Andrews, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Harry Stavrinos and the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith, mingled with a merry crowd enjoying the 2013 P & F Spring Fair, which was a resounding success. Thank you P & F Committee – every good wish for 2014.

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Congratulations to all students who were involved in the cast or crew in our recent musical. They sang, acted, tapped, pirouetted, danced en mass, and played an array of musical instruments to beautifully showcase their talents. Their faces and the passion they put into their performances also demonstrated how much they enjoyed their experience, making it even more magical for all of us who were lucky enough to be in the audience. Well done everyone, and especially Miss Davis (Director), Miss Savva (Musical Director), Mr Zafiropoulos (SPACe Manager) and the team of staff members who assisted backstage. STYLUS Page 17

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St Spyridon Sport St. Spyridon College is a proud member of the Independent Sporting Association (ISA) since 1993. This prestigious co-educational competition includes the following schools: All Saints College - Bathurst

Snowy Mountains Grammar School

Barker College - Hornsby

St Andrew’s Cathedral School - Sydney

Blue Mountains Grammar -Wentworth Falls

St Augustine’s College—Brookvale

Central Coast Grammar - Terrigal

St Gregory’s College—Campbelltown

Chevalier College - Bowral

St Patrick’s College -Strathfield

Kinross Wolaroi School - Orange

St Pauls Grammar - Cranbrook

Oakhill College-Castle Hill

St Pius X College - Chatswood

Oxley College - Bowral

St Stanislaus College - Bathurst

Redfield College — Dural

The Scots School - Bathurst

SCEGGS Redlands - Cremorne

ISA INTERMEDIATE NETBALL PREMIERS Girls Intermediate C’s Netball Nicole Adam

Alexia Rizzo

Lia Albanakis

Sophie Rizzo

Anastasia Barton

Mariah Stavrou

Anastasia Gousetis

Katie Thimakis

Erin Hennessey

Aphroditi Zafiropoulos

Georgia Koukounaris

Coach: Angelina Flokis


Peter Giokas

Gabriel Cassimatis

Tristan Hollink

Michael Constantopedos

Michael King

George Contominas

Constantinos Kollias

George Dimas

Nicholas Kollias

Harry Gavalas

Billy Retsas

Giorge Gemisis

Nicholas Xeras

Coach: Mr Picardi STYLUS Page 20


George Mandilis

Bill Kalergis

Isaac Mavrolefterou

Christos Kollias

Jacob Mavrolefterou

Aaron-Paul Kostantakos

Alexander Michos

James Lambrou

Alexander Stamoulis

Jorge Lialiaris

James Stathis

Peter Magoulias

Michael Tsintominas

Coach: Mrs Dalakiaris


Christopher Kolistasis

Leonidas Andrew

Kristian Kontakos

Louis Alexandrou

Nicholas Makridopolus

Alexander Coplin

Dean Michos

Nicholas Fotopoulos

Michael Savic

Mathew Kambos

Nicholas Stasos

George Karapanayiotidis

Andrew Toras

Simeon Kerameas

Adonis Tsoustas

John Kirkis

Coach: Mr Zafiropoulos


George Contominas

Panayiotis Bounos

Nicholas Frazis

Gabriel Cassimatis

Nicholas Kollias

Michael Constantopedos

John Trovas

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ISA Colours The following students were recognized for their sporting ability by both the Independent Sporting Association (ISA) and the NSW Combined Independent Schools Sports Association (NSWCIS). College Sportsman of the Year and for Representing ISA in Boys Football James Andrew ISA Firsts XI and NSWCIS

College Sportswoman of the Year and for Representing ISA in Girls Netball Cassandra Georgiou ISA Firsts and NSWCIS

Congratulations to the following students who were selected to compete for ISA representative teams.


Nicole Adam

Chrystal Christie

Anja Djukic

Natalie Michos


James Andrew STYLUS Page 22

Nicholas Fotopoulos

Nicholas Makridopolus

Christopher Kolistasis


James Andrew 100m

Cassandra Georgiou Discus

Chrystal Christie Triple Jump

Nicholas Kollias

For Representing ISA and qualifying for the NSW CIS Athletics Merit Team

High Jump

ISA Swimming Rep Nicholas Frazis U13 50m Backstroke

ISA Basketball Rep Luka Kasalovic Basketball Seconds

ISA Netball Rep

Cassandra Georgiou Netball Firsts

2013 Pierre de Coubertin Award Proudly Sponsored by Delphi Bank The Pierre de Coubertin

was named both Sports captain of the Senior School and

Awards is named afer

Captain of the boys First XI football team. James has been

Baron Pierre De Coubertin,

a member of the Open boys Football team since Year 9.

the founder of the modern

In his final year he helped lead the Open Boys Football to a

Olympics. It is awarded

memorable victory in the ISA Final. James also represented

to year 11 or year 12

the school with distinction and pride being firstly selected

students who demonstrate

to represent the ISA Football team and then for the NSW

atributes which are

CIS football team, for two years in a row. Further James

consistent with the aims

has been an integral member of past Athletics squads,

of the Olympic movement,

selected in the 100m ISA squad for 2013. James participated

through the participation in sporting actvities. We congratu-

successfully in the schools Futsal teams with the highlight

late our College Sports Captain James Andrew, as the

being in 2009 when he was a member of the winning state

recipient of the Pierre de Coubertin Award for 2013.

team. James has always been an excellent role model for

In his six years at the Senior School, James has represented

the younger students and has earned the respect and

the College in many sports and sporting events with distinction.

admiration of all his peers. Above all he has demonstrated

James was rewarded for his excellence in Sport when he

in his conduct, the highest Olympic ideals. STYLUS Page 23

Junior School Showcase

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1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247 CRICOS Provider Numbers: Junior School ~ Years K-6 ~ 061558A Senior School ~ Years 7-12 ~ 02319E

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