St. Martin's Courier #6

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Women’s Rights By Iris, B2at

The respect we have today is all thanks to the people who have fought for this until the constitutional amendment in 1917, this became the active universal suffrage for men but not yet for women. But women did get the right to stand as a candidate. In 1918, one year after this big change, Suze Groeneweg from the SDAP became the first woman to be in the ´Tweede Kamer´.

We all have experienced it as a girl, because "girls can't play soccer" or other sports. Or being chosen as the last one while making teams for PE. Or being told you're not strong and can't do anything. Or you are a boy yourself and you have said it. As a boy you probably also have heard when you had long hair in 6th grade or when you screamed it sounds like you are a girl or act like one. Is it a bad thing to be a girl then? No, and even though this is just an example, it goes way further than calling each other names; adults are the people who always tell you not to bully anyone but it were the adult men who said women could not vote. Most of the men think they are smart and can do everything but don't even know how to cook an egg or clean a part of a house because a few decades ago it was a women's job. And sometimes it still is. Does it even make sense? Men used to say that they made the money and you need to listen to that because they paid for the house.. Does it even make sense? Just because we have another gender does not mean we are less than others. Does it make sense? That women really needed to fight for their rights to give a vote like the others. A lot of women have protested and walked in parades to show what it meant to them.

In 1919, women also had the active universal suffrage and as you can see a lot has changed since then. But on the other hand, women get paid less in the same job for example being a teacher. A great example of a woman that’s fighting for women’s rights is Hillary Clinton, I think because she is running for president so she can be the first female president. Her husband, Bill Clinton, has already been president of the United States. Even though this is a big step to have a woman to be the president of the United States it doesn’t mean it will change everywhere. There is also a person who is a good example of why we are all the same is Thomas Neuwirth. Maybe you do not recognize this name but maybe you do recognize Conchita Wurst. This is the man who sang in a dress in front of thousands of people at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014. He talks about himself as a man but talks about Conchita as a women. He saw his performance as a promotion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. I would say he stood up for anyone without rights. It brought him international attention and established him as a gay icon, resulting in invitations to perform at various pride parades, the European Parliament and the United Nations Office in Vienna. Continued on Page 4…



Dear readers, On behalf of our Sophomore group, I would like to thank you for reading the sixth edition of the St. Martin’s Courier. The second year groups worked on their stories during one of their weekly Maatwerkuren, to broaden their horizons and to improve their English writing skills. I am happy to report that the pupils were able to put together an issue with a wide variety of topics. As has been the case from the start, this Editor in Chief helped them along the way, but did not interfere in their writing process or what they were writing about. This also means that there might be mistakes in grammar and spelling, but I hope you will agree that this in no way affects the quality of the articles. You can also find our up-to-date stories, pictures and videos about our bilingual department on Facebook. We appreciate your Likes and we love your comments, even the ones in Dutch. The English Only rule is for our pupils.  Please like our page on !

Frontpage………………………….…………… 01 Editor’s Note & Table of Contents ……..….… 02 75 Weird Facts…………….…………………..…03 Tunnels of Blood…………...…………...……….05 The Samsung Story………...…………...……….08 Apple………………………...…………...……….10 Entertainment Courier………………………….13 School Courier…………………………………...15 Sports Courier……………………………………18 Game Courier ……………………………………31 Cool Down Courier……………………………...34

Questions, remarks, suggestions? !

Dennis van Roekel Editor In Chief St. Martin’s Courier



75 Weird Facts By Britt, Nikki S. & Vena, B2at

There are some pretty weird facts on the internet, we listed some for you right here. We chose this article because we are a bit weird and we spend a lot of time laughing about weird facts. We hope that you guys will have a good laugh: Enjoy!!!

1. Banging your head against a wall uses 150

20. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. 21. Dolphins sleep with one eye open! 22. The average lead pencil will draw a line 35

miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. 23. More people are killed each year from bees than from snakes. 24. Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it. 25. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th." 26. Bikinis and tampons are invented by men. 27. If you consistently fart for 6 years & 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb! 28. A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born. 29. A crocodile can’t poke its tongue out. 30. Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine. 31. The toothpaste ‘Colgate’ in Spanish translates to ‘go hang yourself’. 32. Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States. 33. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th! 34. Every year more than 2500 left-handed people are killed from using right-handed products. 35. All the swans in England are property of the Queen. 36. Before the 'eraser' bread was used to remove pencil marks. 37. Hippo milk is pink. 38. If you put earphones into your nostrils and open your mouth, it forms instant speakers. 39. You breathe on average about 5 million times a year. 40. Earth is the only planet not named after a god. 41. Koalas are excellent swimmers. 42. There are 100 divorces every hours in the U.S. 43. Carrots were originally purple. 44. McDonalds' Caesar salad is more fattening than their hamburger. 45. There's a pill that makes farts smell like chocolate. 46. The average chocolate bar contains 8 insects parts. 47. A blue whale's heart can be as large as a car. 48. The weird bright dots you see floating when you look at the sky are your white blood cells. 49. Computer keyboards can carry more than 200 times as many bacteria as a toilet seat.

calories a hour. 2. A shrimp's heart is in its head. 3. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond. 4. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. 5. More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. 6. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. 7. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. 8. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. 9. A ducks quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. 10. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. 11. Polar bears are left-handed. 12. In France, it is legal to marry a dead person. 13. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. 14. Butterflies taste with their feet. 15. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. 16. The average person laughs 10 times a day! 17. A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years! 18. Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue. 19. The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old! SIXTH ISSUE


50. If you eat too many carrots you may turn

orange. 51. When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red. 52. If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t hop. 53. 29th May is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day“. 54. You cannot snore and dream at the same time. 55. Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours. 56. 95% of people text things they could never say in person. 57. About 8,000 Americans are injured by musical instruments each year. 58. In England, in the 1880’s, “Pants” was considered a dirty word. 59. Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments. This has been voted as the most ridiculous law by the British citizens. 60. In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees. 61. The inventor of the Waffle Iron did not like waffles. 62. George W. Bush was once a cheerleader.

63. The Nazis were the first people ever in modern

history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement. 64. You are born with 300 bones, by the time you are an adult you will have 206. 65. The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump! 66. A broken clock is right two times a day. 67. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. 68. Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand. 69. Camels have three eyelids. 70. A healthy (non-colour-blind) human eye can distinguish between 500 shades of grey. 71. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. 72. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath 73. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. 74. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. 75. Whitney Houston was buried with $500,000, dollars’ worth of clothes and jewellery

Women’s Rights

>>> If you take a look in the sports world, most of soccer teams are of men. But why? We are not born with this way of thinking, maybe we are taught this because “this is the truth” that women can’t do anything. How can this be the truth and how can kids be raised like this. Because people also are not born with racism, are we? No of course not, but we’re all the same and just because of people having a different gender doesn’t mean you need to judge them. If someone has blond hair and you have brown hair do you need to judge them for it? No, do you want everyone to be the same then? I don’t think so. International Women's day is each year on the 8th of March. It is in the held in the sign of militancy and the sense of solidarity of women all over the world, usually based on a specific theme. International women's day began in the twentieth century because women stood up for their rights, including in the field of labour and suffrage. Some people in Western countries are still against it but in most countries they accept it now. Even Snapchat, an app where you can sent photos on to friends for 10 seconds (max.) has made a special filter about International Women’s day which you can see in the picture. In 1999, in Trinidad and Tobago initiated an International Men's day on November 19. However, the International Men's day is not officially confirmed. I don’t see the big deal, we are in the 21st century so people grow up because we should all be treated the same, shouldn’t we?

Thank you very much for reading our article.



Tunnels of Blood An Original Short Story

By Calsey, V2AT


“Him?” “Yes, him,” the stranger answered, still holding the picture of the target in their gloved hand. The picture featured a man with dyed hair in a pixie cut, dark blue eyes and white skin. He smiled on the picture, but the hitman was sure he wouldn’t be smiling for much longer. The man had some rather feminine features, suggesting he wasn’t born male. A name was scribbled on it: Inter. The hitman took the picture from the stranger’s hand which was clad in dark leather. Then, they nodded and smiled, baring their razor-sharp fangs. The light from a nearby lamp reflected on them, lighting up the hitman’s face. It was now clearly visible that the hitman was indeed male and very tall. His tanned skin made his light green eyes look even lighter and his short, grey hair moved in the wind. His 5’o clock shadow made him look very tired, but his eyes told a different story. The ivory earring in his right ear was quite a distracting sight, as it was quite large - some would even call it obscene. After this, the hitman walked back into the moonless night where he, quite probably, belonged. It didn’t take long for him to reach the vampire camp where he, his sister and many other vampires stayed during the day. “Another job, Gabriel?” a female voice asked. It was his sister. The hitman, who we now know is called Gabriel, merely nodded.





A smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the small apartment in which Ninaelle and Inter lived. Ninaelle poured one mug for herself and one for her partner. The steam coming from the mugs clouded up the window above the kitchen counter. The vampire picked up the two mugs and walked to the Livingroom, placing them on the coffee table in front of the television. It was Sunday and this was Inter’s only day off, but they were both always up early. “Inter! Coffee’s ready!” Nina called, waiting for the other to reply. When no reply came, she sighed and walked over to the bedroom. She knocked on the door and waited to hear some kind of response to the loud noise, but no came. She opened the door and was shocked to see the bed empty. Inter normally never left before this time. Nina decided to check her phone for a message and saw that there was one and it was from her partner. She let out a relieved sigh and opened the message, not expecting the words she saw when her phone finally responded. The message only read five capital letters: H E LLP. Nina quickly understood the message, it was a call for help. She knew her special someone wasn’t great at spelling which was only worsened by his slightly broken phone. It also seemed like it was written and sent in a great hurry. Ninaelle rushed over to her computer and tracked Inter’s mobile phone. The program zoomed in at an old building in the eastern part of Brandle, the city in which they lived. Nina didn’t waste any time and ran out the door, completely ignoring her coat and sunglasses, one she needed for the cold and the other for the sun. It would be fine though; it wasn’t too cold and both the vampire’s skin and eyes had gotten used the bright light of the sun, which was normally deadly for her species. The chilly morning air draped itself over Ninaelle’s skin, but failed to turn it an ever whiter shade of white than it already was.



The vampire pondered for a moment on whether she should take the bus or just run, but quickly decided the latter would be faster, as the next bus wouldn’t arrive at the bus stop for another fortyfive minutes. When she’d made that decision, she immediately started running at a pace that no man could match. It took her about half an hour to reach the location that her computer had shown her. At first glance, it looked like a normal alleyway. Nothing strange about it. At second glace, a human still would not have noticed anything suspicious, but Nina wasn’t human and it only took her about a minute to notice the subtle smell of smoke and some small clouds of black smoke coming from beneath a seemingly loose tile. It looked heavy, but Nina knew it would be no match for her superhuman strength. She kneeled down next to the suspicious tile and dug her nails into the loose soil around it so she could reach the underside of it. When she’d done that, she lifted it up and was surprised to find it being heavier than she had expected it to be. Still, Nina didn’t even have to make an effort to lift it. When she’d put it down to the side of her, she looked at where the tile had been. The object had revealed a hidden entrance to some sort of underground tunnel system, but not like the sewage system or the underground. It looked a lot more fancy and polished. The vampire knew that her boyfriend was down there, so she didn’t dawdle and dove straight down there. It wasn’t dark in the tunnels, but not what one would call bright either. The walls were decorated with weapons like rapiers, daggers and battle-axes. Effected by wear and tear, they all seemed pretty old. They all told a story; stories of lost, stories of victory, stories of death but also life. The dim lights of the countless lit candles all around the edges of the wall made the blades shimmer and shine. The floor was made out of blood red bricks, contrasting the black of the walls and ceiling. The tunnel was round like a normal tunnel, but the rooms that it lead into were square and most of them had nothing more than a bed or coffin, a wardrobe and one chest in them. It seemed like a lot of people lived there, yet as Ninaelle strut down the corridors, she didn’t see a single soul - alive or dead. All of that made her even more aware of the dangers she was about to face. Hell, she didn’t even know what she was about to face. It could be anything. It could be another werewolf, it could be the local Sidhe lord, it could be another vampire or it could simply be a human being with bad intention. She had no idea.

She could see the end of the tunnel. There, the tunnel expanded and lead to a gigantic oak door. Ninaelle felt Inter’s presence behind the door, but she also felt the presence of a man of her species: a vampire. That frightened her, she had never met anyone suffering the same fate as she had been suffering for over 500 years. She had no idea how old this vampire was or how strong. She breathed in the sharp air of the underground tunnels and strutted towards the door, stopping just in front of it. Now, she had two options: either knock politely on the door and hope someone opens it or destroy it quite rudely with all her power. She decided to go for the latter. She walked a few metres back and then ran at the door as fast as she could, breaking it off its hinges. A cloud of dust covered her as she stepped into the large, circular room which was until recently hidden behind the door. It didn’t take long before she spotted her beloved boyfriend. She ran at him and hugged him, tears escaping her eyes as well as his. “Are you okay?” she asked. He nodded, even though he was covered in lacerations and bruises. Nina looked into his eyes and noticed that they were full of fear. She only understood it when a slow clap, that came from neither of them, broke the silence. She turned around and saw a tall and tanned vampire walking up to them. He had a grin on his face that shone brighter than any candle Nina had seen, his fangs sticking out between his other teeth. “Well then,” he started, “The little wolf cried girl. Sounds remarkably like a reversed fairy tale, doesn’t it? Tell me, since when do princesses save the prince?” At that, he laughed. Nina was terrified and found herself unable to move, even when the hitman kneeled down before her with a bloody blade, repeating his question. When he did, Ninaelle regained her strength and spoke up. She stood up and looked down at him. Anger filled her veins, polluting her heart and mind. “Since now,” she replied, spitting the words out of her mouth as if they were bee venom. At that, she lifted up her foot and kicked Gabriel in the face. As she did, she could hear a surprised gasp coming not only from him but also from Inter. She gave her boyfriend a quick smile before focussing on the hitman once more. When she did, she found him standing up again and looking down at her. A stream of dark red, nearly black, blood flowed from his nose and the corner of his mouth. He swiftly wiped it away with his sleeve and grabbed something out of his pocket: a pipe.



With a flick of his wrist, he lit it, black smoke coming from the end of it. He grinned as he said: “Ceci est une pipe.”

of Inter wasn’t going to be happy with him, so when he got back home, he went to bed and stayed in there for the next couple of months, hibernating.

Ninaelle looked at him in confusion, but knew the pipe was dangerous. How? Well, a villain never just starts smoking in the middle of a fight just because they feel like it. With a sudden movement of her hand, she hit the pipe out of Gabriel’s hand, making it fall to the ground. He looked at her in absolute horror. His attack had never been denied like this. Only now did he notice that Nina was one of his kind: a vampire.

- The End –

Gabriel sighed deeply, feeling defeated as he stuck out his hand for Ninaelle to shake, which she did, although she was weary of the hitman’s sudden change of attitude. He smiled, trying to seem friendly, and walked over to Inter, offering him a hand so he could stand up. The werewolf smiled but declined the vampire’s offer, instead standing up on his own. “I don’t understand,” Nina declared. Gabriel knew he had plenty of things to explain. A few hours later, Inter’s Bakery, Brandle city centre:“So, correct me if I’m wrong, but the smoke coming from your pipe makes people see their worst nightmares?” Ninaelle asked. As an answer, Gabriel nodded. “And you needed to kill me because this guy told you to? You really don’t know his name?” Inter asked him, raising an eyebrow at the man. He didn’t trust him yet, after all, this was the man who’d tried to murder him. “Yes, I got this task from a man to kill you. I don’t know his name, but I doubt it would matter. I recognised him from one of the billboards around town, so he must be pretty rich, I suppose. I don’t really care as long as I get paid. Well, I guess I’m not now as I can’t exactly deliver your head to him,” Gabriel replied, shrugging. He took another sip from his cup of coffee. It was empty now. “Well, I don’t care who it is. I’m just glad you’re still alive,” Nina proclaimed, putting her arm around Inter. He smiled at her. “Well, you might not but I’d kind of like to know who in hell’s name wants me dead,” he said, his words bitter. The three of them sighed simultaneously, their minds pondering about it. But for now, all was fine. Inter was back home, not hurt, may I add, Nina found someone of her species for the first time in centuries and Gabriel? He knew the man that gave him the task to get rid SIXTH ISSUE


The Samsung Story By Stan & Fleur, V2at

ABOUT SAMSUNG Samsung is one of the biggest electronic companies, it does business in 58 countries and has worldwide more than 400.000 employees. Its headquarters can be found in Seoul. Samsung is the only Korean company in the top 100 strong brands. In 2011 their revenue was 197 billion euros. They gained 9,95 billion euros. Even this big company has competition. The Korean LG, the Japanese Sony, the German Siemens and of course Apple with their iPad and iPhone. Samsung is the Leading Multinational Company founded by: Lee Byung-Chull (1910-1987) The meaning of the word Samsung is 'Three Stars', that represent something: BIG – NUMEROUS - POWERFUL HISTORY OF THE COMPANY

Lee Byung-Chull founded Samsung, a small trading company with forty employees which dealt with groceries. Later it started producing its own noodles, sugar and wool with headquarters in Daegu. In the late 1960s, Samsung Group entered into the electronics industry. In the 1970 it made its first TV with a small black-white screen. In 1980s Samsung entered the telecommunications hardware industry. In 1983 the first computer was made by Samsung. Its early products were switchboards. After Lee, the founders death in 1987, Samsung Group was separated into four business groups: Samsung, Shinsegae, CJ and Hansol. 1990, Samsung started to rise as an international Corporation. It divided into three groups: Samsung corporation, Samsung electronics and Samsung heavy industries. 1992, Samsung became the largest producer of memory chips in the world.

2006, SLCD was owned by Samsung (50% plus one share) and Sony (50% minus one share). S-LCD was established as a joint venture between Samsung and Sony in order to provide a stable supply of LCD panels. Renault Samsung is 80.1 percent owned by Renault and 19.9 percent owned by Samsung. Samsung Electronics sold its hard disk drive (HDD) business to Seagate. Samsung electronics became the world’s largest mobile phone maker by unit sales, overtaking Nokia, which has been the market leader since 1998. APPLE VS SAMSUNG The biggest competitor is Apple. Both companies have a big revenue. They are the main competitors in the smartphone business. Every year Samsung battles with the iPhone from Apple. But what many people don’t know is that Samsung sells parts for the iPhones. Apple is more a developer than a producer. Samsung has made the processors for Apple a couple of times. Apple is more a developer than a producer. Samsung has a wider knowledge than Apple about electronics. It produces more devices and its own phone cases. Samsung needs less suppliers than Apple. SAMSUNG PRODUCTS Samsung makes many different devices such as phones, tablets, fridges, watches, micro-waves, vacuum cleaners, monitors, printers, TV’s and washing machines. That’s not even everything. Samsung makes guard weapons, military robot, the K9 an army tank and even jet turbines. They build some of the world's biggest ships. They also got hotels, a clothing brand, a medical care, a theme park with a zoo and even more but, that is way too much to mention. Samsung is the company trying to handle everything and they have almost reached that, they already got so many products. I think they will reach their goal too. Many people think that Samsung just a mobile phone brand is, but it's many more than that.



OUR OPINION ABOUT SAMSUNG Fleur: I think it's a great company, because it began with a small noodle company and now it is one of the biggest electrical companies of the world. I am interested the most in the mobile phones. They look very nice and are very handy.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 Samsung made a lot of mobile phones which interested our the most. From keyboards to touchscreens. Last month there came a new phone: the Samsung Galaxy S7. This new phone looks really nice and has many functions. For example: it has a screen which is still visible when the sun shines on it, it is water and dust resistant. You can also share the gameplay with friends. With the new Samsung KNOX you are 24 hours a day protected from hackers. In the KNOX app your data will be saved safe.

Stan: I think it's a great company because it makes many electrical devices and it has a big knowledge about everything what has to do with electrical devices. I am not only interested in the phones but also the watches, they look nice.

THE S7 COMPARED TO THE S6 Comparing the design: - They look pretty much the same. - They have both an edge design and a normal design. - The S7 has another glass and another aluminium body. - The camera of the S7 doesn't stick out as much as the S6 so it can better lie down on the back of it. - The edges of the S7's rear panel curve towards the frame, so the phone is less slippery. - The S7 fits better and more naturally in the palm of the hand.

CONCLUSION Our conclusion is that most people don't know what Samsung actually is. First, we also didn't know that Samsung was all of this but just mobile phones and a few other products.

Comparing the display: There are not many differences between the display of the S6 and the S7. The display of the S7 shows always the time, messages and the battery (even on stand-by mode) Comparing the charger: They both have a wireless charger, on one hand it is very handy because you can just put it on it and that’s it. But on the other hand if you nudge it won't charge and it can be that you don’t notice it.





By Tim, V2at

All of us might have ever heard of Apple. You might even have a product of Apple yourself. If you haven’t got one you might have heard of Apple via television, radio or you might have heard of it from friends. As you might know Apple is a company that produces electronic devices like phones, tablets and computers. In this article I’m going to talk about the origins of the company, the logo, the things they produce and the models, some software, and about apple nowadays. THE ORIGINS OF APPLE Apple is an American electronic company developed by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on the 1st of April 1976 as Apple Computer, Inc. At the end of the 70’s Apple became famous with the Apple II. This was one of the first successful personal computers in the world. It played an important role with the rise of the PC-market too. Despite this row of little successes Apple came to its bankrupt. In 1997, 150 million American dollars were spend by Microsoft and Apple was kept afloat. After this, Microsoft got shares of Apple too. LOGO The Apple logo has had a lot of changes over the years, but the logo we all know nowadays is called the Apple of Jobs. When Steve Jobs got control of the company again he looked at the logo and thought something had to change. In 1998 the first Apple computers appeared without the famous coloured stripe logo but with the new monochrome logo we know today. At the turn of the millennium the company made an official announcement of the change to all of Apple's distributers. APPLE’S PRODUCTS Computers: The Apple company has 2 different types of computers: laptops and desktops. The series of laptops are called MacBooks and the desktops are called I Macs.

The MacBooks sizes start with a screen of 12 inches in diameter and end at the size of a 15 inc screen. The prices of the MacBook differ between € 1199 and € 2799. The price depends on the amount of capacity you want and the type of screen you want, a retina or a normal screen. IMac: The sizes of the series of IMac differ between a screen of 21,5 inches and one of 27 inches. The prices of the IMac start at € 1279 and reach up to the amount of € 2629. The prices depend like the MacBook on the amount of capacity and the type of screen, a normal one or a retina, you want. Mac Pro: For the exacting user Apple developed the Mac Pro. The Mac Pro now is in its third generation. The Mac Pro is actually just a desktop computer without a screen and keyboard but it’s connectable to almost all of what you want. You can for example connect it to several tv screens, hard discs, other computers etc. Besides that the Mac Pro is more powerful and has more capacity than any other computer. It has a better, more powerful and faster, processor and has more possibilities than other computers of Apple. It isn't affordable for everyone because of its price that differs between € 3.449 and € 11.369. Mac Mini: The Mac Mini is like the Mac Pro a full desktop computer. It is a little box with a diameter of 19,7 cm 4 cm high and it weighs less than one kilogram. Besides its size it is the most energy efficient computer in the world. Unless this fantastic advantage the Mac Mini isn’t as good as the Mac Pro because it has less possibilities and a less good processor. You can already buy a Mac mini for € 569 and the most expensive one costs € 2.569


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Apple has 3 types of tablets, called “Ipad”,with 3 different sizes.The normal ones, the serie Mini, and the newest apple tablet the “Pro”. The Ipad Mini is as you might already thought the smallest. After the Mini comes the normal which is of course the second biggest. The biggest and the newest Ipad Apple has developed, is the Apple Ipad Pro. Ipad Mini: The Ipad Mini is the smallest tablet Apple is selling at this moment. Its diameter is only 7,9 inches, its maximum weight is 304 grams and it has touch id as well. You can order the mini in 3 different colours: Space Grey, Gold and Silver. The price of the Ipad Mini starts at € 399 and it can reach up to € 719. Ipad Pro: Since 21-03-2016 an new Ipad Pro has been introduced. It is still called an Ipad Pro and has the abilities of the pro, but its size is like a normal Ipad. One of the new functions of the new Pros are: the Ipad itself recognises the amount of light in the area and adjusts itself to it. Another feature of the new Ipad Pro, is that is has the brightest and least reflective display in the world. The older Ipad Pro with its stunning 13 inches in diameter, has a screen almost as big as screen of a Macbook laptop and sometimes even bigger. The maximum weight of this tablet is 713 grams and it has a depth of 6,9 mm. Like the Ipad Mini the Ipad Pro is orderable in 3 colours: Silver, Space Grey and Gold. The price of the Ipad Pro start at € 919 and it can reach up to € 1249.

As you might already know Apple has a series of smart phones called Iphone. The first Iphone Apple ever developed was the iphone and was released on the 27th of Juni in the US. At this moment you can buy many different Iphones like the Iphone t 5se, the 6s and the 6s plus. The Iphone SE is the newest Iphone since 21-03-2016. It is an Iphone with the looks of the Iphone 5 but with the programmes and the abilities of the 6s. Besides that you can still buy the series of Iphone 5 in the Apple stores. Unfortunately you can’t buy Iphones 5, 4 or earlier Iphones at Apple stores. The Iphone 6s Plus is the biggest and the most expensive Iphone. The prices of the Iphones start at the price of around € 400 with the 5s and end with the 6s Plus at a price of € 1079. Apple Watch Last but not least is the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is a fantastic, new Apple product for several very nice and handy functions. The only thing about the Apple Watch that is similar to a normal watch is, you wear it around your wrist. The Apple Watch has just like the tablets and phones of Apple a touchscreen. Besides that it has many useful functions, like Siri and it can also function as your personal coach. The Apple Watch can be bought with many different types of enclosures and straps. You can also choose the actual size of the watch. Do you want a 38mm or a 42mm case? What is also very unique for the Apple Watch is the Apple Watch Edition.


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With these watches the cases are made of 18 carat gold. You can then choose between normal or rose gold. You can already buy an Apple Watch Sport for € 419, one with a stainless steel case from € 669 and one with a golden case from € 11.200. The most expensive one is € 18.400.

Apple pencil The name of this great Apple product already explains a lot, it looks and works like a pencil. When you are drawing you sometimes want your hand to rest on the screen, this is no problem. When you use the apple pencil the Ipad only reacts on the pencil not on your hand. Apple pencil can be yours for € 109. Touch id The touch id function finger print is found on the Ipad series air and pro, and on the series of Iphone starting at the 5s. It is the function where you can scan your fingerprint on the home button. I think the touch id is a very nice and handy function because you can use it for a lot of things. One of the main function is to log on to your Iphone but it can also be used as a password on apps. You can for example use this function to buy things or to log in to secured apps. When buying things you then don not need to type in your code. One disadvantage of the touch id is that it can only be used when the fingerprint area is entirely clean. If you have wet or greasy fingers it will probably not work. 3d Touch The new Iphone 6s and 6s plus introduces an entirely new function on the Iphone. With this function your Iphone senses how much pressure you apply to the display. The function called 3D Touch a nice feature called Peek and Pop. This function brings a new dimension of functionality to the iPhone experience. And when you use 3D Touch, your iPhone responds with subtle taps. So you will see and feel what you are doing. Apple Tv

Playing games isn’t the only thing you can do with Apple TV, you can also watch the newest movies or watch live matches. The Apple TV programme works with apps, so the more apps there are the more you can do. Another interesting thing about Apple TV is its remote. It is smaller and has less buttons to press. Less buttons might not be handy, but due to the new swipe function they are not needed anymore. Normal remotes have buttons to go to the left, right up or down, the swipe function replaces them. You can already buy the Apple TV for € 179. Apple renew

When your Iphone doesn’t work anymore you can choose to send your devies to Apple. If you want this you can ask for a shipping label to send it to Apple for free. When your phone has arrived at Apple, a specially made robot will take apart your Iphone, Ipod, iPad, MacBook or other smartphones and pc’s. It then will sort all parts so they can be melted for reuse. So, I think Apple is a very good company what made and makes great things. It had almost become bankrupt but Windows helped them out. Now Apple is one of the most valuable companies in the world and also one of the best selling. I hope you liked my article and you enjoy reading the articles of my classmates too.

Apple Tv is a quite new product of Apple. It is a devices which which you can enjoy you phone apps on you tv. You could if you like connect your phone with your tv to play your favourite game. You’re still playing on your phone but then with a screen with size of you television. SIXTH ISSUE

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Young Adult Book Reviews By Imi & Noa, V2at


Hello, we are going to tell you something about books that we read and what we like about it. The series we are going to talk about are Twilight, Mortal instruments. The Selection, Divergent, The secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel and The house of the night. If you don’t know these series, we will tell you more about it. These 6 series are really great. Some are well known and some are not. We think that these series are important to know if you like books and if you are a Young Adult.

Twilight is a love story written by Stephenie Meyer. In the books a vampire falls in love with an ordinary girl and she falls in love with him too. In the books you will discover a world with vampires, werewolves and they are for one time the good guys. Bella is just a girl that moves from Phoenix to Forks, because her parents divorced and she wants to stay for a while with her dad. When she is in Forks , she meets the family Cullen. Edward Cullen is her star cross lover and she will discover that he is a vampire. She will also get a best friend: Jacob. He is a werewolf. She falls in love with him too, but finally she chose Edward, because she loves him more. It is really a love story, but there is also adventure in the books and films. This is such a great story. I already read it a couple of times and I can’t stop reading it every time again. Stephenie Meyer is one of the best writers for young adults. The way she writes is like you are Bella and that you really are in love with two boys at the same time.

HOUSE OF THE NIGHT When Zoey gets marked by vampire, she has to go the house of the night, the school of the vampires. She has to leave her parents and take her stuff to the school, if she isn`t around other vampires her body will reject the change and she will die, so her parents had no choice than to let her go. Zoey didn`t want to go because of all the problems she already has with her mother and stepfather. When she arrives at the house of the night she gets a warm welcome of the headmistress, Neferet, she is also going to be the mentor of Zoey. Each fledgling, a vampire that hasn`t fully turned, gets a mentor. She is brought to her room where she meets her roommate Stevie Rae, they become best friends. The vampires are very religious so every week they hold a ritual and pray to their god. While doing these rituals Zoey seems to feel all the elements, earth, water, fire, air and spirit. They discover that she has a special gift from the goddess. She becomes the new priestess in training, because of that she had to spent a lot of time with Neferet. Neferet, his the high priestess of the school. but the more time Zoey spends with her the more something seems off. Zoey asks her friends for help, at first they didn`t believe her but when they went to investigate they found a lot of rather unsettling things.

THE SECRETS OF THE IMMORTAL NICHOLAS FLAMEL It can be that you know that Nicholas Flamel is the creator of the Philosopher stone in Harry Potter. There is a story of this Nicholas Flamel that is written by Michael Scott. It is a magical story with scary things and it is definitely not like Harry Potter. It is about a twin, Sophie and Josh. A prophecy long ago said that a twin with a gold and silver aura will destroy or save the world. With Nicholas Flamel, Perenelle, Scathach and other immortal people like alouds, creatures from ancient time they will discover their power and auras. There is a bad guy, called John Dee. He works for the dark alouds. Will the prophecy be full filled? But in which way…?


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The secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel is a great story. It is adventurous, scary and magical. The funny thing is that Nicholas Flamel, Perenelle and John Dee really existed. In the graves of Perenelle and Nicholas there was no body. It is really a mystery. John Dee was the server of queen Elizabeth. I hope you all know her, at least by name. I will recommended it too you if you like fantasy and books. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS The mortal instruments is a love story with quite a lot of action in it. The story takes place in New York. In the books Clary’s mother is kidnapped by an evil shadow hunter Valentine. Shadow hunters are people with angel blood, who protect the human world from the demons and other supernatural creatures. While trying to find her mother Clary comes across some shadow hunters who are willing to help her find her mother. She finds out that her mother is a shadow hunter and that she is as well. The shadow hunters take her to the institute, where they live and practise their fighting, then she falls in love with a boy named Jace and he also falls in love with her. After knowing that her mother was kidnapped because she stole the mortal cup(one of the mortal instruments, It can be used to control demons and make new shadow hunters)for Valentine, so that he could not execute his plan to take over the shadow hunters, she tries to do everything to get her mother back. THE SELECTION The Selection is written by Keira Cass. In the Selection you will fight for the hand of the prince and the crown of whole Illea. Illea doesn’t exist as you hopefully know, but it is a country like the U.S. It has a great history and there were also a lot of wars. Because of the wars there are sections. Every section has a purpose. Maxon Schreave will be the next king of Illea, but he needs to have a wife. So the selection is set up. From every section girls can look for a better life. 35 girls will fight for him in a friendly way and one will be the winner. America is a Five and she will sign up. At first she doesn’t want to, but her boyfriend, a Six called Aspen, wants that she gets a better life, even when that is without him. In the palace America is slowly falling for Maxon. With many problems and

after 3 books they finally get together. The Selection is going further with their only daughter, Eadlynn. So the selection is with boys later on.The Selection is just a great love story and beautifully written by Keira Cass. You read it over and over again. It is like you are a girl that is fighting for the hand and the crown with 34 other girls. You have still feelings for Aspen, but you are getting also feelings for Maxon. You are in a conflict with yourself, because you don’t know with which one you will be better off. Finally you realise that your love was always in front of you and that the other boy is just like your brother now. She tells this so well that you can’t think of your own life anymore and you need to read and read it again. This book is especially for girls. DIVERGENT

Divergent is about a girl named Beatrice prior. She lives in the only city in the world and everything past the city walls is destroyed. The city is divided up in 5 factions and each faction has its own quality, Abnegation is selfless, Candor is honest, Erudite is intelligent, Amity is peaceful and Dauntless is brave. If you have no faction you are factionless you’ll have to live on the streets. When Beatrice is 16 she can choose to go to another faction or stay in the one she was born in, which was Abnegation. She and her brother both had to do the choosing ceremony, in which you can choose to which faction you want to go. The day before the choosing ceremony they use a test to see to which faction matches you the most. However there are special cases of people who match more than one faction, these people are called Divergent. The government hunts down divergent and kills them because, they think that they are a threat to the community. After she did the test the result was divergent, luckily her supervisor changed her results in the computer and told her to go home. On choosing day she chose dauntless. Before she even gets to Dauntless headquarters, she has to jump on a riding train, whoever doesn`t make it, becomes factionless. When she arrives at Dauntless, she meets her instructor, his name is Four. Dauntless is very different than Abnegation, She discovers some very important secrets, and with her friends she tries to make everything right. We hope you enjoyed our reviews and we hope of course that you read one of those series because they are worth it.


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Teachers in the Spotlight By Bo, Frederike & Darja, B2AT

We interviewed 3 teachers, and 2 of them teach in Dutch so we had to translate it to English. We hope you know a little more about the 3 teachers after reading this interview! The teachers are: Miss Lopez, from French; Miss Frohn, from German; Mister Frohn, from maths.


What is your favorite animal? A dog What is your all-time favorite dish? Spargel and steak Do you live in Germany? No, I do not live in Germany Which food do you like the most from Germany? I think I like currywurst the most What is your best memory in Germany? My honeymoon which was in Kochem What do you think of our class? You are a very nice class, you are working hard and you are quite calm. What are you scared of? I am scared of getting ill What do you absolutely hate? People who lie Are you afraid of spiders? Yes, less than in my youth but still.

What is your full name? Elly Frohn

What is your biggest dream? I never really had a big dream

Which other subjects do you like? Dutch, I taught Dutch at a German school How old are you? I am 59 years old.

Can you cook? I really like to cook but I am not the best cook

Do you have children? Yes, I have one daughter

What is your favorite clothing store? Street 1

Do you have hobbies? Yes, I like to read, cook, have weekend, vacations and I love to play with my grandchildren.

What would you like to do if you were not a teacher? Something in healthcare

What is your favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is to go to Germany.

When is your birthday? 14th of November Are you allergic of something? Yes, I am allergic of wasps

Where do you really want to go? I really want to go to Greece

What is your weirdest quality? I really love grammar

What would you do if you won 1 million euros? I would share it with everybody who I love

What is your best quality? I am very honest

Would you rather be blind or deaf? I would rather be deaf because you can see what people say by reading their lips Do you have pets? Not at this moment, but I have had a dog called Snoepie he died when he was 15 or 16

What is your worst quality? I am impatient What is your biggest fail? A lot Do you like the Netherlands or Germany more? Germany, it is more beautiful because of the sea, mountains, rivers and forests.


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Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be the best at something? Be the best at something, because that can also be speaking every language in the world. Would you rather change the past or be able to see into the future? I would rather be able to change the past, so I can erase my mistakes. Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica? I would rather wear a snow suit

Why do you like math? I like it and I am good in it, but I began to like it when I was in the 3th grade.

Where are you afraid of? To loose people I love, which mean a lot to me.

Have you always liked math? No, only when I was good in it, and that was in the 3th grade.

Can you cook? If yes, do you sometimes cook for someone? Yes I can cook, I like to cook Chinese food, or Indonesian. I always try new things and my wife or friends can prove it.

What other subject do you like? Subjects with computers, and I taught 1 year photography at an Art school. There is also a mrs. Frohn teaching, what is your connection with her? She is the wife of my brother. Do you have children? No. You also teach at Eijkhagen, which school do you like the most? (you have to choose). I rather teach the upper grades, and at Eijkenhagen I teach the upper grades.

What is your all-time favourite dish? I really like spaghetti with fish, for example salmon. What do you think is disgusting? I think insects to eat are just disgusting. What do you absolutely hate? Violence and poverty, but I think it is impossible to stop that. Are you afraid of spiders? I used to be, but nowadays I just kill them. Of course it depends on how big they are!

Do you have other hobbies? I really like photography and movies, especially fantasy movies

What is your biggest dream? Peace on earth, just no violence anymore, a normal world!

Where do you like to go on vacation? I like to go to Italy, for example Rome, Venice or Florence. I am married in Istanbul and I loved it there.

Would you like to teach your own children? I do not have children.

What would you do if you won 1 million euros? I would work 1 day less and travel more with my wife, to see more of the world. Would you rather be blind or deaf? Deaf, because it is way easier to do normal things, and you can read lips, sign language. If you are blind you cannot see anything. Do you like to teach TTO? Yes, but it is for me the second year I teach TTO so it is very difficult, especially in my first year. Do you have pets? Yes, I have a cat called Minous. What is your favourite animal? I think as a pet a cat, but I also like dogs. What do you think of our class? Your class can be a little loud, but if you are in a good mood you are a good and nice class to work with. SIXTH ISSUE

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What do you hate? Traffic jam on the way to work. Are you afraid of spiders? Yes! Of small spiders I am not, but when they are larger than a walnut, I stay away from them. What is your biggest dream? World peace! Can you cook? I think so. My friend always eats his plate till it is empty! What is your favorite clothing shop? Zara and Valeb Maastricht What would you like to do if you were not a teacher? Then I would like to become a flight attendant. When is your birthday? 6 July Are you allergic for something? Naughty children, bad grades and cats!

What is your first name? Maritza Where are you from? I am a real South American, born in Venezuela How old are you? 25 years

What is your weirdest property? If I or someone in my car sneezes, I always do the window open. Do you know how much bacteria are released!!!!

What other subjects do you like? German (not really ;) ) Ak, LO, Economy

What is your best property? I want the best for everyone and always believe in everyone!

What is your favorite holiday destination? Curaçao

What is your worst property? I am a bad loser What is your biggest blunder? Once I entered a full cinema, I slipped away and felt!

Do you have hobbies? Bootcamping, reading Where would you really like to go one more time on holiday? Bora Bora, Maldives (honeymoon, next year), Thailand What would you do if you won 1 million euros? Make a trip around the world, buy a Porsche ... Would you rather want to be blind or deaf? Deaf: the choice between never seeing or hearing anything, is made very fast! Living in the dark is horrible I think! Do you have pets? No! Do you have a friend? Yes, already 7 years together with a Belgian ;-) What do you think of Jennifer Lopez? How can I not like her, she is finally my niece! What is your favorite animal? Hachi! Since we (my friend and I) have seen the movie, we would like to have such a little dog. What is your favorite food? Pasta pesto What do you think of our class? Sometimes you guys talk a little too much and not paying attention (especially the girls can talk a lot) but I like to teach you, except Friday the 8th hour What are you afraid of? Butterflies!

What do you think is absolutely not tasty? Chicory and Brussels sprouts. Why do you like French? I think it is a very beautiful language and a very beautiful country with a lot of culture and history. In addition, this was my favourite lesson on the secondary. Have you ever been in France? Yes! Several times a year Do you like the Netherlands or France more? I think the French kitchen is tastier than the Dutch one, France is also in terms of nature much nicer, pure landscape. The sea is also much more beautiful in France, but I would never want to live in France. The Netherlands is my home base. Would you like to get children? If so how much and a girl or a boy? Yes! I would prefer 1 boy and 1 girl If you would get a boy how would you call him then? And a girl? According to my friend, we have to call the boy Peter Junior (which will never happen), and the name of the girl should I choose, French names I think are very beautiful; Jolie, Céline. What is your favourite class? For you, I would say B2AT 


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Leicester City is living in a dream By Jesper, V2at

The new manager Claudio Ranieri has a big influence on the success of Leicester City. On 13 July 2015 Ranieri became the new manager and at his debut he immediately won with 4-2 from Sunderland. After that game he told the media that they won because of the motivation he gave the team from the rock band: Kasabian.

At the season of 2014/2015, Leicester City was for a very long time on the last place. It was almost sure that they would leave the Premier League and go back to the Championship. But at the 25th of April, Leicester City played against Burnley FC, the team that was one place before Leicester. The game was very boring and at half time it was still 0-0. But in the 58th minute, Burnley got a penalty. If they would score the penalty, it was almost impossible for Leicester City to still win the game. But then, something crazy happened: Matthey Taylor (Burnley FC) hit the post and he missed the penalty and if that was not even crazy enough, one minute later Jamie Vardy (Leicester city) scored the 0-1. At the end Burnley FC had many chances to score the equaliser but it stayed 0-1 and Leicester City won the game. This game was the start of a miracle. The club won 3 games from the last 5 games of the season and that was enough to stay in the Premier league. NEW MANAGER Now, at the football season 2015/2016, Leicester is doing amazing in the premier league. After 29 matches they are standing at the first place with 5 points more than Tottenham Hotspur and 8 points more than Arsenal. At the start of the season there aim was to stay in the premier league. Now, there aim is to be the new champion of the premier league. That's a big difference.

“I’ve seen us go down to the third level. I’ve seen relegation, administration, promotion. I’ve seen everything at this place. But where we are now is the absolute pinnacle in this club’s history.” Claudio Ranieri LEICESTER CITY’S SECRET The big question is: Why is Leicester City doing so good this season? Of course they are very lucky this season with very lucky and late goals. But they also have a very smart tactic. Some people think that their 4-4-2 tactic is a bit old-fashioned and hard to play. But because it is such an old tactic, many people don't know how to defend the counter attacks and the 4-4-2 formation from 'the Foxes'. Leicester also has a very talented squad this season. With some great players like Jamie Vardy, Riyad Mahrez and Danny Drinkwater. 3 years ago Vardy was still playing in non-league with Fleetwood Town. Before Jamie went to Leicester, he first helped Fleetwood to promote to the Football league. Mahrez came to the club in 2014. After a few games the trainer already knew that he was ready to start games. Danny Drinkwater joined ‘the Foxes’ in 2012. He was nominated for championship player of the year and he also won that price. After he promoted with Leicester he immediately signed a new 4 year contract.


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HARD WORK PAYS OFF Many people think that football is about money. The big clubs with a lot of money are the best and they will stay the best. But ‘The Foxes’ show the opposite. They show that with not so much money, you can still win from the big clubs like Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City and Manchester United. They work very hard and do everything to win the game.

Roda JC Jim & Wout, V2at

‘’Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard’’ Tim Notke LUCKY BET Also the fans of Leicester are lucky. Carpenter Leigh Herbert was already fan when he was 10 years old. After a few drinks on holiday he bet 5£ that Leicester is going to win the Premier League. But now, if that really happens, Herbert will get 5,000£. CONCLUSION That Leicester City will win the Premier League isn’t sure. But what is sure, is that the fans are very proud of their team and they will always support Leicester City!

We wrote this article about Roda JC, because we are supporters of this club. We are going to write about the stadiums, their successes and some people who got famous at the club. KAALHEIDE Kaalheide is the old stadium of Roda JC, they played there until the season of 1999/2000. On Sunday the 14th of May 2000 they played their last official match against AZ. Then it became the their training complex. There could fit in 25000 supporters, but because of the safety of the plots they had to make seats so it was decreased to 14000, but the north side didn't liked that so they damaged the seats and stayed standing. They started building in 1946, it was opened in 1952 and in 1975 they got lampposts. PARKSTAD LIMBURG STADION The Parkstad limburg stadion is since 2000 the stadium of Roda JC. It has 19.979 indoor seats. 2500 business seats and 24 skyboxes. There are 4 stands. North, South, West (koempeltribune) and east that is more for the families. The first match played in the PLS was Roda against Real Zaragoza. SUPPORTERS In the old 70s there were supporter violence. So they placed fences, before that supporters could walk from stand to stand and they could come to the outbox, the cause of the violence. The most fanatic supporters chose to stand on the north side. Since the change to the PLS the fanatics stand on the West side. There are 2 big fanclubs: UK (ultra’s va Kirchroa) and the Fanproject ’98.


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RECONSTRUCTION After the merging plans with Fort*na Sittard in 2009 the director by than Martin van Geel talked with the mayor about a loan, so Roda could become a great club again. One of the things the mayor want was that Roda JC would change her name into Roda JC Kerkrade. This became one of the biggest problems of Roda for the future they had to pay all the money back. Last year Roda had almost 9 million guild, but then came Frits Schrouff he gave Roda all the money. Now he is owner of Roda JC. KNVB CUP

Roda JC Kerkrade didn´t get much prizes, but they got 2 times the KNVB Cup in 1997 and 2000. They destroyed NEC and SC Heerenveen. Roda lost the final in 1976, 1988, 1992, 2008. This year they ended up in the quarter finals, they lost from Feyenoord with 0-1. Following all the results of this year. De Treffers – Roda JC Kerkade 0-3 FC Lienden – Roda JC Kerkrade 1-1 (roda won after penalties) Roda JC Kerkrade - SC Heerenveen 3-1 Roda JC Kerkrade – Feyenoord 0-1 (after extra time) BUDGET Roda JC was known for the efficient way of spending money. Despite that Roda in the season 2008/2009 had a budget of € 12,000,000.0-, the thirteenth largerst budget of the Eredivisie, Roda often plays in the subtop. In 2008/2009, the budget compared to the 2007/2008 season with 300,000.0 €. In the season 2009/2010 budget with 3 million had to reverse. NOL HENDRIKS & THEO PICKEÉ At the beginning of the 1980s broker and property developer Theo Pickeé and textile merchant Nol Hendriks were connected with the club. With their investments in the eighties and nineties the club got one after another talent ts and reselled at a profit. This earned the club a number of entries to European tournaments on. After the Bosman judgment got the club to do with new rules in the area of player contracts. Players whose contract had ended, could no longer be resold at a profit. Roda JC, however, continued to stick to the principle of the resale of players with profit. One structural gave more money than there came in, with the idea the resulting budget deficit with the sale of players.

As the debt grew, the financial hit press turned up club steadily. After this Roda's budget decreased more than 5 million, to 7,5 million in 2014, now it has increased 2,5 million. FRITS SCHROUFF This man gave Roda more than 10 million to remove all the guilds they had built up. This was the recovery of Roda JC Kerkrade, without this man Roda JC would be past. He did this out of love for the most beautiful club in the world. He also sponsors the youth of this club. How does he get all the money? He has a company which trades with Asia, he has earned a lot of money and spends it to his club, because he is now (since he gave the money) the owner of RJC.

DICK NANNINGA Last year, the 21st of July a club icon got lost. Dick Nanninga died. He was very ill and died at an age of 66. He was a very good player, he scored a lot of headers which was his quality. That is very logic, because he is very tall, 1,89M. He was loved by the supporters, because of the mentality, he said: You have lost when you are in the bus not before that. He played for SC Veendam, Roda JC Kerkrade, Seiko (Hong Kong) and MVV. He also played in the national team of the Netherlands. He was the only Dutch man who scored in a world cup final. Of course with a header. RIVALS Like all football clubs Roda has some rivals: MVV Maastricht an Fortuna Sittard(the biggest rival). They both play in the second division. That is better for the people, because last year they played against them and there were always some fights. When Roda degraded Fortuna fans were so happy that they went to the high way and they had a party, Roda fans were angry and there came a fight. This rival tie is after Ajax Feyenoord the biggest in the Netherlands. But now it is isolated, because they don’t play against each other.


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Dutch Football League By Faysel & Dylano, B2AT

OUR FAVOURITE CLUBS We both think Feyenoord is a really good club. We also love PEC Zwolle because of their coach Ron Jans. We don’t want to say that we hate Ajax but we will say we really don’t like Ajax and we both like Roda JC.

Today we are going to give a prediction of the matches on the 1st of May 2016 from the Eredivisie. We will also show a table of the final positions a list of top scorers and a team of the season of 2016. Of course we will also name our own favourite clubs, coach and players. And at the end we will give some facts about the Eredivisie. MATCHES AZ - De Graafschap Ajax - FC Twente Excelsior - PEC Zwolle Heracles Almelo - ADO Den Haag N.E.C - Roda JC Kerkrade PSV - SC Cambuur Leeuwarden Vitesse - FC Utrecht Willem II - Feyenoord SC Heerenveen - FC Groningen FINAL POSITIONS 1. PSV 2. Ajax 3. AZ 4. Feyenoord© 5. Vitesse 6. Utrecht 7.PEC Zwolle 8. Heracles 9.N.E.C

OUR FAVOURITE GOALKEEPER Our favourite goalkeeper is Jasper Cillessen. We think he is one of the best GK’s in Europe and he will be one of the best GK’s in the world. OUR FAVOURITE COACH We both really like Ron Jans as trainer as he helped PEC Zwolle to promote to the Eredivisie and even win the KNVB cup. A dance was named after him: ‘De Ron Jans dans’.

5-1 2-1 0-2 2-1 0-1 4-0 3-2 0-2 1–1

10. Groningen 11. Heerenveen 12. Roda JC 13. ADO Den Haag 14. Willem II 15. De Graafschap 16. Excelsior 17. Cambuur 18. FC Twente !

( © = cup winner ) (! = expelled from Eredivisie) TOP SCORERS 1. Luuk de Jong 2. Vincent Janssen 3. Christian Santos 4. Dirk Kuyt 5. Arek Milik

OUR FAVOURITE PLAYERS We both think Luuk de Jong is the best striker of The Netherlands, Our favourite midfielder is Uğur Inceman as he is a strong defending-midfielder and plays passes all over the field without any problem.

CONCLUSION This season had a lot of boring moments and exiting moments. Although Ajax and FC Utrecht are on top of our prediction table, They hadn’t had a really good season. PSV and Vitesse had a good season. PSV will be Dutch Champion. Feyenoord will be the cup winner and Roda JC broke a record of the Eredivisie by using not 1 but 3 Teams as they used 33 players. FC Twente will get expelled. Excelsior will stay in the Eredivisie, but Cambuur will return to the Jupiler League. Our conclusion is Boring 1st half but after the winter break it got exiting!!! FACTS Most goals made in a match: 9 - 5 Most goals made by 1 club in a match: 12 - 1 Most own goals made in a match: 3x Most visitors Eredivisie match: 65.150 Least goals in 1 season: 13 goals Fastest goal in a match: 8 sec Fastest own goal in a match: 9 sec Most scored goals by a goalkeeper: 7 Fastest Penalty given: 8 sec


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Interview Roel Brouwers By Youri, V2at

You were 11 when you were scouted, what was the most important in the youth of Roda? I think the most important is that you are having fun when playing soccer, I wanted to train willingly and it was a pain for me when I couldn’t go to the training.

Roel Brouwers is a professional soccer player who currently plays for Borussia Mönchengladbach. He played for the youth section of Roda JC before his debut. Then he went to SC Paderborn, a club in the 2nd Bundesliga. Borussia Mönchengladbach was the last club he transferred to. I interviewed him about his career. How old were you when you started playing soccer? I was four years old when I started playing soccer at Weltania, my older brother and my father were also playing there back then and I always went with them. That’s pretty early. Yes, I could barely walk then. Have you always wanted to be a professional soccer player or did you have another dream? I’ve always wanted to be a pro, in childhood you always had those friend albums and at the question: What do you want to become when you’re older I always used to fill in professional soccer player. So I’ve always wanted to be a pro ever since I was a little boy. And your dream came true. Fortunately yes and I am glad I made it. When has it been discussed for the first time that you had the talent to go pro? When I was 11 years old I went to Roda JC, then you realise you have talent otherwise you aren’t scouted by such a big club. You went to our school, the Sintermeerten college, was it difficult for you to combine school and soccer? No, not really. When I came home the Roda van came to pick me up and after the training I could make some homework.

What impressed you the most in your time at Roda JC? My debut, especially my debut in the starters 11. This was an away game against PSV, which is a difficult game. We played 0-0 which felt like a victory for us. For which player of Roda did you have the most respect at that time? Particularly the players who were a bit older like Ger Senden, Mark Luijpers and Eric van der Luer. You could always see them on TV and now you could play with them, this was very special for me. These players played for the club for a long time and they had many experience and you noticed that everyone looked up to them. In 2005 you left Roda for SC Paderborn, a club in the 2nd Bundesliga, why did you leave Roda? At that time Huub Stevens returned to Roda, just before the competition started he told me that I wouldn’t get a spot in the first 11. I was 23 years old then and I had the feeling that I needed to play at that age and not sitting on the bench. Then we both decided that it was better to rent me to another club. Stevens came with the proposal to go to Paderborn because he knew the coach Jos Luhukay. He knew Luhukay because they trained FC Cologne together. I first went to Paderborn for two days to find out what it was like and if I was needed for this club, and it went that well that they instantly asked me to come and I said yes immediately. And there you were able to play? Yes, I only missed some games because of injuries or suspensions. Jos Luhukay trained you at Paderborn, he also took you with him to Borussia Mönchengladbach, did you have a special bond with him? Yes, I did, we both come from Limburg so we could get along well. Do you still have contact with him? Sometimes, lately not because he isn’t coaching a club at the moment, maybe we will have contact somewhere in the future.


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In your first year at Borussia you instantly became champion of the 2nd Bundesliga, can you describe that feeling? When I came there they had just downgraded and the goal was to promote as soon as possible, luckily we pulled that of. Everyone was very relieved and happy, almost 100,000 people were there when we were honoured. Something like that you’ll never forget. What is the biggest difference between the Eredivisie and the Bundesliga? In Germany the clubs get TV rights money, so the clubs have more money to spend to buy better players. If you look at the play, Germans are more focussed on physical power. In The Netherlands the play is technical and tactical, I think they sometimes forget to defend because of that. In Germany it’s the opposite way: Defenders first and from that the defenders can build up the play to form an attack. Is the atmosphere in Germany also different? Yes, in Germany you have bigger stadiums, so much more people can visit the matches. In Germany, soccer is really lived by the people. If you come to a stadium two hours before a game you can see many people already. It’s one big festive event and I miss that in The Netherlands.

“In Germany, soccer is really lived by the people” What is the most beautiful game you’ve ever played? I think maybe the Champions League match, the result wasn’t that good, but still… It is the Champions League, the highest tournament for clubs. And it’s pretty special that I could make my debut in the Champions League on my age of 34. Who is the best player you have ever played with? Marco Reus is the best I’ve ever played with. What is so special about him? He has got everything: the actions, the insight in the game, the speed, a good pass. He’s a very complete player and he was very important for us especially in the year we became 4th in the league. I think he can grow out to be a great player who can achieve the absolute top of the soccer world: Big clubs like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Man Utd or Man City. I think he can have the opportunity to play there. Who’s the best player you’ve ever played against? When I played with Roda against Ajax with Ibrahimović, and he is very good at the moment and in the previous years. Off course at Ajax he also was a bit younger and not the player he is now but I think he’s one of the best I’ve ever played against.

Was it difficult to cover him? I played against him two times and it went quite well both times. I prefer when a forward is pretty tall and strong and not a small and external dribbler. So I think Zlatan is my kind of opponent. Do you consider becoming a coach of a professional club after your career as a player? I once thought about it but at the moment I don’t have the ambition of becoming a coach of a professional club. Maybe my opinion will change after my player career that I do want to become a coach. If you look back at your career, do you consider it perfect or are there some things you should have done different in the past? No, when I had to quit today I can be satisfied with my career. With the qualities I have I maybe got more than the maximum out of my career. And if you look back there are always small things of which you say: I should have done this different. But that are the choices I made in the past and I never quite regretted it. So I’m very satisfied about my career.

“with the qualities I have I maybe got more than the maximum out of my career” Do you think this is your last year as a pro? I don’t know either, my contract expires and I hope I can stay an extra year in Gladbach. If this is not the case I have to think about what I want: going somewhere else or stop with my career. Do you maybe consider returning to Roda JC? When I can’t stay in Gladbach and Roda wants me I have to think about it if I really want that. You have scored quite a lot of goals in your career for a defender, what is the most beautiful goal you’ve made? I don’t know if it is the most beautiful but I scored in Munich against Bayern once. It is quite special because not many people can say that they scored a goal in the Allianz arena, so that’s a pretty special goal for me. The most beautiful I scored was a header in the 2nd Bundesliga. It was technical difficult and the goal looked nice. I can maybe explain: I was standing at the first pole and the goal was behind me. When the cross in came it screwed. And I headed it in the far corner near the second pole. It was a difficult goal, it looked nice and I couldn’t have headed it in better.


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German Football League By Rik, V2at

The Bundesliga is the highest professional football League in Germany. The Bundesliga consists of 18 teams and uses a system of promotion and relegation with the 2. Bundesliga. In this part of the article I will tell you more general information about the Bundesliga. UEFA’S LEAGUE COEFFICIENT RANKING The Bundesliga is ranked 2nd in Europe according to UEFA’s league coefficient ranking. This ranking is based on all the matches they played in European competitions, for example the Champions League and the Europa League, over the past five seasons. This means that the top two at the end of the seasons automatically go to the group stage of the Champions League and the team that was placed third has to play in the playof round to be able to play in the group stage of the Champions League. ATTENDANCES The most people that watch football watch most of the time to the matches of the Bundesliga on the television. There are also always coming a lot of fans to watch the matches in the Bundesliga in real life and not on television. This makes the Bundesliga the number one of all the football leagues over the entire world in terms of average attendance. The highest average attendance over one season was an average of 45,134 fans per match during the 2011-2012 season. If you don’t want to go to a stadium and watch a football match of the Bundesliga in real life, then you can watch the Bundesliga on television in more than 200 countries. HISTORY The Bundesliga is founded in 1962 in Dortmund (54 years ago). They started the first season in 1963.Since that date a total of 53 clubs have taken part in the competition at least once. The club with the most championships is FC Bayern Munich, Stijn is going to tell more about FC Bayern Munich later in this article.

Originally the German Football association founded the Bundesliga, but it is now in use of the German Football League. Since the start of the League there is at the moment only one team that is playing at the highest professional football league in Germany and this club is called Hamburger SV. STADIUMS In the Bundesliga you have a lot of stadiums that are very big I have made a top three of the biggest stadiums in the Bundesliga. 1. Signal Idunha Park

The biggest stadium in the Bundesliga is located in Dortmund and has a capacity of 81,359 people standing and seated. The home team that plays in this stadium is of course Borussia Dortmund. 2. Allianz Arena

In this stadium the two rivalries, Bayern-Munich and 1860 TSV Munich, play their home matches. This stadium has a capacity of 75,024 people and is located in the city called Munich. 3. Olympiastadion berlin This stadium is located in Berlin what you can see when you read the name of stadium. This stadium has been used during the Olympics in Germany and has at the moment a capacity of 74,475. During football matches Hertha BSC uses the stadium during matches played at home. CONCLUSION In my conclusion the Bundesliga is a football league that is very interesting to watch at home or in a stadium, because it is one of the best football leagues in the world.


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Bayern Munich By Stijn, V2at

STADIUM Bayern Munich has the 2nd largest soccer stadium in the Bundesliga, Dortmund has the biggest with 80.000 capacity. Bayern Munich has 75.000 capacity and is one of the biggest stadiums in Europe. They have to share their stadium with another football club TSV 1860 Munich. The stadium is called after his sponsor Allianz who paid 90 million of the 340 million euro, they have name guarantee till 2021. They have a parking spot of 11.000 places it's the biggest parking spot in Europe. Bayern Munich is by far the best football club in Germany. They have a team worth 416,45 million euro, they are the 5th most expansive soccer team in the world and the 2nd best team in the world. The first time they became champions of the Bundesliga was in 1932. Bayern Munich won the title 25 times more than any other football club in the Bundesliga.

TRANSFERS The biggest transfers for Bayern Munich this season are Arturo Vidal from Juventus and Douglas Costa from Shakhtar Donetsk.

COACH The coach of Bayern Munich is Josep Guardiola, I think he is the best coach in the world. In 2013 he moved from Barcelona were he won 13 prices and became the most successful coach of Barcelona to Bayern Munich. After this season he moves to Manchester City to start his carrier in the Premier league.

SUPPORTERS Bayern Munich is by far the most popular club in Germany their home and away matches are almost sold out every time. Bayern Munich is also popular in the rest of Europe many people go to Munich to see Bayern playing.


Bayern Munich has got a very big selection. These are the most famous ones; Arjen Robben, Robert Lewandowski, Arturo Vidal, Manuel Neuer, Philipp Lahm, Douglas Costa, Mario Götze, David Alaba, Thomas Müller, Franck Ribéry, Jérôme Boateng and Xabi Alonso.

TITLES FC Bayern München has won 24 German championships, along with five Champions Leagues victories.

RIVALS Bayern has a rivalry with Borussia Dortmund. Bayern and Dortmund have competed against each other for many Bundesliga titles. Neither one of them has got the title four times on a row, this year Bayern can win four Bundesliga titles on a row. Even on the highest stage of Europe, the Champions league they have computed each other. In the Champions league final of 2013 Bayern defeated Dortmund with 2-1. Bayern is one of the three professional soccer teams in Munich. Bayern’s main rival is TSV 1860 Munich. It’s a big happening when these two clubs play against each other. CONCLUSION The conclusion is that Bayern Munich is by far the best football club of Germany at the moment. They can even break the record of winning the title of the Bundesliga four times on a row.


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Spanish Football League By Yannick & Ingmar, V2at

LIGA BBVA The Spanish football is one of the highest level of playing football with two really good teams which have won the Champions Cup more than five times: FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. Than you have another really great team but they are less great than FC Barcelona and Real Madrid; Atlético de Madrid, they did not win the Champions Cup but have played the final several times. Last years there has happened a lot in the Liga BBVA. For example the battle between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, they both have players from the same level. The transfer scandals were a big issue too for the last few years. LIGA BBVA 2015/2016 This year, season 2015/2016 is a really exciting season in the Liga BBVA. The Liga BBVA is by the way the highest level of playing football in Spain sponsored by one of the largest banks in Spain: BBVA. The teams joined this year this competition are: Las Palmas, Sporting de Gijón and Real Betis. Mostly the teams which just joined the competition are not playing that well, this year that is the case to. Las Palmas, Sporting de Gijón and Real Betis replaced Elche CF, UD Almeria and Córdoba CF. At the top of the table it is really exciting because the differences in points is not that big, the team who has at the end of the competition the most points wins the competition. At the moment FC Barcelona has the most points: 72. The number two: Atlético de Madrid has 64 points. The number three: Real Madrid has 60 points. They could earn those points in 28 games, when you win a game you get 3 points, when you draw ue; this is a short competition with the best clubs of Europe. The top scorers now are on number three: Karim Benzema with 19 goals for Real Madrid, on number two:

Cristiano Ronaldo with 22 goals for Real Madrid and on number one: Luis Suárez with 25 goals for FC Barcelona. Maybe it came you in mind that Lionel Messi; the best football player of this moment is not in this list, this is because Lionel Messi had an injury for two months this season. FC BARCELONA, REAL & ATLÉTICO MADRID FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atlélico de Madrid are the three best teams in the Liga BBVA and they are much better than the other teams. All the three teams have reached the round of 16 in the Champions League. FC Barcelona is the best team on this moment of the whole world because they have won the World Cup for teams last year. This year they are still in the race for the Champions League. Last year they have won the Champions Cup to. When you win the Champions Cup you play against the winner of the best team in all other continents, when you have won this, you have won the World Cup and you are the best team in the world.At the moment Barcelona, Atletico de Madrid and Real Madrid are still in the Campions League. Barcelona won Tuesday the 23th of February from Arsenal in London with 0-2. Real Madrid won with 0-2 from AS Roma at the 17th of February and Atletico Madrid drew against PSV at the 24th of February. At the 8th of March Real Madrid has a game against AS Roma in Madrid. At the 15th of March Atletico Madrid has to play the home game against PSV in Madrid and Barcelona has their home game against Arsenal at the 16th of March. Most of the people think all the Spain teams are going to the quarter finals. Real Madrid won the Liga BBVA title 32 times! Real Madrid is the most successful club in Spain. Barcelona has won the Liga BBVA title 23 times. Atlético Madrid has won the title 10 times. 2 years ago was the last time Atlético Madrid have won the Liga BBVA title. Barcelona have won the Liga BBVA title last year. 4 years ago was the last time Real Madrid have won the Liga BBVA title.


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Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are the two best players in the world. It is an exciting race between those two because they are both from equal level. Some people think Cristiano Ronaldo is better than Lionel Messi because he is stronger, he has a more muscular body. Other people think Lionel Messi is better because he can dribble better, he is more efficiently and he suffers less turnovers. People think also that Ronaldo is really arrogant because of his behaviour. Eventually the facts are saying who the best player in the world is. Ronaldo has been chosen the best players of the world for three times; in 2008, 2013 and in 2014. But Messi has won this price even more! Five times! In 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and in 2015. Messi has won this price the most recently. So at this time the facts says that Lionel Messi is the best player in the world. CONCLUSION Our conclusion is that the Liga BBVA one of the highest level of playing football on Earth is. Not only now, in present, but also in the history of football.


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Futbol Club Barcelona By Frans & Loek, V2at

In 1922 the club had more than 20,000 people who helped finance a new stadium. The club then moved to the new stadium ‘Les Cortes’. Les Cortes had an capacity of 60,000 men. Gamper asked Jack Greenwell to be the first full-time manager in Barcelona's history.

Our article is about FC Barcelona (Full name: Futbol Club Barcelona) also known as Barcelona or Barça. It is a very well-known football club in Spain. When most people think of Barcelona they only think it is a football club. But Barcelona has a wide range of other sports varying from rugby to ice hockey. In this article we will be writing about the start of Barcelona until now. THE START OF FC BARCELONA On 22 October 1899, Hans Gamper placed an advertisement in Los Deportes were he described his love for sport. That resulted a meeting at the Gimnasio Solé on 29 November. Football players came to the meeting and the football Club Barcelona was born.

CLUB DE FÚTBOL BARCELONA With Helenio Herrera as coach the team won a lot of competitions. The 1960s were less successful for the club. Camp Nou was finally finished and the club had almost no money to spend on new football players.The club changed its official name back to Futbol Club Barcelona and changed the logo to its original design. In 1973–74 season Johan Cruyff was bought from Ajax for 920,000 pound. Cruyff quickly got accepted by the supporters when he told the European press that he chose Barcelona over Real Madrid. He helped the club win the 1973–74 season for the first time since 1960. He was crowned as European Footballer of the Year in 1973 during his first season with Barcelona. DREAM TEAM In 1978, Josep Lluís Núñez became the first president of FC Barcelona and since then the members of Barcelona have elected the club president. In 1979, Josep bought La Masia (a farm house in Spain). It was meant to be a residence for young academy players. In June 1982 Diego Maradona signed a contarct of £5 million. Maradona's time with Barcelona wasn’t very long and he soon left to Napoli.

FC Barcelona had a successful start in regional and national cups. Hans Gamper became club president in 1908. One of his main achievements was that Barcelona got its own stadium and a great income. On 14 March 1909 Barcelona moved into a stadium with a capacity of 8,000 men, to celebrate their new stadium. The club held a logo competition. Carles Comamala won the competition and the logo he designed is still the logo we know nowadays.

In 1988 Johan Cruyff returned to the club as manager and he was very successful with his Dream Team. He used some Spanish and some international players to make his Dream Team. La Masia was very successful, because after ten years young players began to play for the first team of Barcelona. With 11 trophies, Cruyff became the club's most successful manager at that time. Like Maradona and Ronaldo only stayed a short time. But new football heroes came to Barcelona.


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THE SELECTION AT THIS MOMENT We think that Barcelona has a very good selection at this moment. Maybe one of the best selections ever. This selection has almost the best players from this moment like Messi, Suarez and Neymar jr.

HOME KIT 2015-2016 The new Barcelona 2015-2016 Home Jersey has horizontal blue lines and red lines for the first time in FC Barcelona’s history. Nike says that the horizontal stripes take inspiration from the Blaugrana flags, which fans hold on the match days at Camp Nou. The shorts were mostly blue, but in this new kid they are red. The socks are dark blue with a yellow stripe at the back. So you can conclude this kit is very different to all t other kits in Barcelona's history. AWAY KIT 2015-2016 The official Barcelona Away Shirt of the season 2015-2016 is an design that is used already in the season of 2013-2014. The shirt is based on the Catalan flag with an orange background and vertical red stripes on the front and back. The shirt has a blue crew neck collar. The Unicef logo is as always placed on the lower back part of the shirt. The shorts are blue with the Barcelona logo placed on the right and the Nike logo on the left. The set of clothes is finished with yellow socks.

EL CLÁSICO El Clásico is the name for the match between the two rivals Real Madrid CF and FC Barcelona. This match got its own name, because Barça and Real were the biggest teams in the Spanish competition, the Liga BBVA. They were the 2 clubs we competed mostly for the cup in the Liga BBVA. Real Madrid won the most El Clásico in comparing with Barcelona. CONCLUSION We can conclude that Barcelona is a club with a great history and with a lot of legends that have played for the club. The club ones started with an advertisement in the newspaper, but it has maybe grown to the world’s biggest football club in the world. One of the biggest player/manager Johan Cruyff of Barcelona died on the 24th of March 2016 and was honoured by the whole world.

THIRD KIT 2015-2016 The third kit of the Barcelona football team has a new design which combines light blue with at the end of the sleeves and the at the bottom of the shirt some black details. The shirt is designed by Nike and sponsored by Qatar Airways. The Nike logo at the front of the shirt is coloured black. With the logo of Qatar Airways white and the Barcelona logo in its original colours. A Catalan flag is printed on the right sleeve. The kit is based on the Inter 2015-2016 third kit.The shorts of this kit fade black going to the bottom. The socks are officially black but are also available in blue and in blue with fading black. The whole set is a very modern design.


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Balr is an exclusive lifestyle brand that has everything to do with football. By the own experience of its founders in the football world they know exactly what the questions is in this football world. They create especially articles they also would use such as a comfortable track suit. For training and to chill, a sport jacket to wear in daily life, caps t-shirts and sneakers to wear for in the free time. Because the collection is mainly based on football and the collection mainly designed for men a lot of women wear it as well.

By Jelle & Levi, V2AT

We picked the subject Balr, because we like the brand. We are also both into football. Levi came up with this idea because he has a couple of things of Balr. But we also think that the brand is a bit too expensive for just clothing and assesories Balr is a clothing line that started in 2013 by Demy de Zeeuw, Eljero Elia & Gregory van der Wiel. All three are in the middle of their proffesional football carreer but they are also all three interested in fashion. When they found out this from each other they decided to join forces ( also because of their busy careers ) and orginated the brand Balr. The first collection of the brand consisted of shirts with the names of football legends on the back (Zidane, Bergkamp, Beckam). Casual shirts that ensured that men could express love without their football at the expense of their style.

Varity of products: Sweaters, Polos, T-shirts, Jackets, Bags, Caps, Key cords, Phone case, Jewelry, Hats, Scarves, Gloves & Swimwear. The shipping cost (to America, England and Netherlands) are above the 150 euros free, are the shipping costs for that county. Shipping is done from the Netherlands. Return at BALR stuff. following are goods within 21 days, can no longer be taken back. First, it is important to return the product to log on to the website, it should you mention why you are returning the item in question including the order number. After signing up you will get further instructions by mail, all products must be returned with original packaging. There are no further costs for the return costs for that country. Shipping is done from Netherlands. A mix between Samsung and BALR. This resulted in this beautiful Gear S2 Classic Smartwatch. This highquality accessory is made out of authentic materials and it automatically records your fitness data in the 24 hr activity log. The long battery life, easy charging and a wide selection of watch faces will make sure that you'll want to wear this piece every day. The Samsung Gear S2 Classic BALR. Edition is compatible with all Android 4.4 devices. The original Samsung Gear S2 Classic strap will also be delivered with this watch.

The brand quickly became popular and this collection was expanded from just casual shirts to all kinds of stuff. As a result, the men had hands to short next to their busy careers and decided to employ some designers but, the still own the supervision over the design and ideas. In 2014 for the first time a pop up store opened from Balr in the, 'P.C. Hooftstraat ( in Amsterdam ) this was open for 2 weeks. It was a good experiment and the brand on keeps growing, also international, is thought to be a regular store to open. So far the fans must do it with the online shop ( Under their fanbase are: Dani Alves, HĂŠctor Bellerin, Sam Benzema and Martin Garrix. Soccer meets fashion by clothing line Balr.

Balr is a really nice brand, but for some people it might be a bit too expensive. In overall we think the brand fits the people who love football and fashion.


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Far Cry Primal Review By Geoffrey & Martijn V2at

WARNING: Far Cry Primal is a 18+ game, this article may contain graphic images, nudity and violence.

Far Cry Primal is a great game. It shows the nature of 10 000 BC, Sabretooth tigers, mammoths and much more big dangerous animals. Besides big animals the game also has small animals like goats, badgers, deer, dholes and much more! But not only animals are shown, also a beautiful landscape. UBISOFT Ubisoft has made great games in the past and is famous of all kinds of different game franchises like: Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Just Dance, The Division, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and a lot of other games. Ubisoft has made a lot of games. With different headquarters working on different franchises. FAR CRY This is the 5th big game in the Far Cry Franchise. Before this the games were just numbered. But Far Cry Primal got a different name, but a different name doesn't mean a different game. Unfortunately it is still a Far Cry game with Far Cry missions, it's very repetitive, you still have to capture outposts and take over radio towers but they are now called bonfires. But on the other side, Far Cry is known to have a beautiful nature with fantastic graphics. And in this instalment the nature of 10 000 BC is very well recreated with mind blowing light effects.

NATURE As I just mentioned Far Cry is known for the beautiful nature. Ubisoft combined this with fantastic graphics, and Far Cry Primal is a beauty of a game. They have made a historically accurate nature with animals that don't exist anymore. They made a great animal system: wolves only appear at night, goats and deer are prey for a lot of predators, when you attack a young mammoth an elder mammoth comes to protect it, bears often fight with each other with really good animations, a tamed tiger also crouches when you crouch and much more things. Of course a tiger is more stealthy then a bear so when you attack a outpost with a tiger you are able to take out one enemy without alerting the others, but if you attack with a bear you lure attention. Such as a bow is much more stealthy than a club. The game has all sorts of things and animals in nature that you would find in 10 000 BC. It's historically accurate, and Ubisoft is known for that, they have a lot of games that are historically accurate with a beautiful open world you can explore. CHARACTERS There are a few characters in this game, the player plays as Takkar, a normal Wenja hunter who is looking for the land of Oros to find his tribe. With as goal: making the Wenja strong again, on his way trying to achieve this goal he meets many Wenja specialists, all with their own speciality. First he meets Sayla, a woman who lost her home and now lives in a cave, she learns Takkar how to gather resources, and believe me you really need to gather a lot. Then you meet Tensay the shaman, he learns you how to tame beasts and drugs you with blood. After completing his mission you have the possibility to choose between 3 people, Jayma is a master Hunter who improves your hunting, very useful because you need animal skins to upgrade your weapons. One of the other two is Wogah the crafter, he learns you how to craft useful things


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such as a bigger arrow belt etc. The last one is Karoosh the warrior, he is a master in fighting and makes you stronger. You have also 2 prisoners who join your village after you take over their fortress. They are from the 2 other tribes in the game: Dah from the Udam in the north and Roshani from the Izila in the south. The leaders of these tribes are your main enemies. MISSIONS The missions are repetitive, such as finding things and hunting animals, But what other things should you do 10 000 BC. Therefore the creators have tried to do every mission a bit different. You can also buy the special edition which gives you 1 hour of extra gameplay where you play as a mammoth. Missions can vary between 15 – 60 minutes depending on the mission. The only thing I don't like is that when you start a mission you first have to go to the location before it actually starts. OUR OPINION In our opinion Far Cry Primal is a beautiful game with a lot of nice things, but also has quite some down sides to, but luckily Ubisoft has noticed that and their games are getting better and better. It's a good game and you get an idea how hunters and gatherers lived. This is a game where you have to be interested in, if not, this is probably not the right game for you. So go watch the trailers, if you don't feel hyped up about the game, than this isn't the right game for you.

Tom Clancy

Let’s start first with the good news, the gameplay is very good and multiplayer is a good challenge for you and your friends to play. The looting is very good organized so you won’t find the best loot in the easiest mission. You have to go to a radiation zone where teamwork is needed as you have to fight with other teams. Play it sneaky, or play it like a gung ho. You have to put your loot in bags and get to the chopper and irradiate the loot. But now the bad news. The graphics are worse than Minecraft and there the game has as many bugs as a homeless dog. In 2013 the game looked very good, but it’s now 2016 and the graphics were in the trailer very good and in the gameplay also. But Ubisoft did there cheeky little trick again… So the graphics are terrible just like watch dogs. If you don’t know what happened watch dogs is a game where you have the ability to hack everything from cars to metros and mobile to taco stands. The graphics were very good but they changed it. Their game looked like garbage. Story Everything starts on a black Friday devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and society starts to collapse into chaos. You are humanity’s last hope: a member of The Division, a unit of sleeper agents activated to save what remains. You are an agent of The Division. You have been activated and sent to Manhattan to save what remains of civilization after the devastating pandemic. Teaming up with other Division agents, your mission is to restore order, investigate the source of the virus, and take back New York So should you buy this game? In my opinion no but if you have a money tree than you may buy it. For the same price or lower you can get a lot of good games but that’s for every on different. In the last 4 years Ubisoft has been going down real quick with their quality. It looks like Ubisoft is now Quantity over Quality and not otherwise. That’s a shame and too bad. I really enjoyed playing far cry 3 and assassins creed but now it’s just repetitive. The end!

By Ezra, B2at

Tom Clancy The Division has been announced 3 years ago at the E3. Back then the game looked amazing but does it still look good now? In this article I am going to tell you why you should buy this game or why you shouldn’t. SIXTH ISSUE

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No Man’s Sky By Bryan, B2at

No Man’s Sky is going to be released on the 22nd of june 2016 and for pc it costs 60 euros on steam or 47 euros on kinguin. You will need a pretty good gaming pc for this one, the minimum specs are:

No Man’s Sky is a game about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated galaxy. Exploration is seeing things no one has ever seen before: Explore uncharted solar systems and catalogue unique new forms of life. Every planet’s landscape is different from the next, and populated by species never before encountered. Find ancient artifacts that could reveal the secrets behind the universe. Choose whether to share your discoveries with other players. They’re exploring the same vast universe in parallel; perhaps you’ll make your mark on their worlds as well as your own. SURVIVE ON A DANGEROUS FRONTIER Every solar system, planet, ocean and cave is filled with danger, and you are vulnerable. Your ship and suit are fragile, and every encounter can test your skills to the limit. From dogfighting in space to first person combat on a planet’s surface, you will face foes ready to overwhelm you. And one mistake could see you lose everything. In No Man’s Sky every victory and every defeat has lasting consequences


Operating System(OS): Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i3 Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphical card: nVidia GTX 480 Disk Space: 10 GB free space

The creators of this game also made: Joe Danger, Joe Danger 2 The Movie, Joe Danger Touch, Joe Danger PC, Joe Danger Vita, Joe danger Infinity, Joe Danger for android. I couldn’t really find an interview for No Man’s Sky because the game isn’t released yet. So here’s my opinion. I think it’s going to be an awesome game with the infinitely procedurally generated galaxy and all the exploration you can do in it. The only downside that I can see so far for this game is that it needs a pretty good gaming pc to be able to handle the settings and get the most out of the game. You can use other specs but it’s likely the game will look pretty bad because of that so I recommend you invest in a gaming pc or buy a gaming console (but pc is better).

BUILD FOR AN EPIC JOURNEY Whether you want to explore and see things never before discovered, or directly set course for the centre of the galaxy, how you play No Man’s Sky is up to you. But you cannot take your voyage lightly. You’ll need to prepare. Collect precious resources on the surfaces of planets and trade them for the ships, suits and equipment that will take you to your destiny in the stars.


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Mom, This is How Social Media Works.. Instagram:

By Quinty Kroonen & Lidwien Schins, V2at

What does the word Social Media mean to you? Maybe you think that it is a way to communicate with other people around the world. Or it is a way to meet other people. Or is it a way to express and share your thoughts and feelings with others, being anonymous. Social Media can be used for many different reasons. Some people use social media just for fun, but for others it is a way to meet the love of their lives. The most well-known social media websites are Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr. and of course YouTube.


Twitter is an online Social Media site where users post 140 character updates of what is going on in their lives and share things they think are funny, cute or relatable. Twitter is used in many ways, some as a newsfeed by following famous people. While some people use their own names, many of them have usernames that do not correspond with their own names. Their usernames can be dedicated to their Idol for example, but it's also a possibility that it's just a name they think is cool or funny. Twitter users choose who they do and do not follow. They have total control of which tweets they receive on their homepage. When we are referring to your “homepage�, We are referring to the feed that you see when signed into twitter containing you and your followers tweets.

What is Instagram and why is it so popular? We are sure you’ve at least heard the word Instagram. If not, there could only be a few reasons for this, no one loves you, no one talks to you or you just do not own a smartphone. Either way, Instagram might be something worth knowing about. Especially editing your pictures with filters is what makes this app so popular. A normal picture you take with your phone is most of the time very ordinary and not the best quality. But with these fancy Instagram filters your pictures will be turned into something special. It makes pimping your pictures easy. Taking pictures, sharing and looking at them is nice. More than 100 million active users every month agree with this. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Bieber and the Kardashians and the Jenners use Instagram daily. Many teenagers share their own lives and opinions via Instagram.

Snapchat: Sending a crazy picture of yourself to someone without consequences? That is snapchat! You make a crazy selfie and send it to one or more friends, they open it and after a few seconds the picture disappears. Handy right? Snapchat is one of the easiest social media existing, you will find out how it works yourself. However, Snapchat works with the idea that you only see a picture for a few seconds, because of this people might send pictures which should not end up on the internet. But look out even though you cannot save pictures, there is a possibility to screenshot them. You get a notification when someone screenshots (or replays) your picture, but the other one still has it and you cannot do anything about that. One of the things that make snapchat different, are the filters.


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Your phone will scan your face, and then you’ll be able to put filters on your face. You can make yourself a cute dog, an angry bunny or even puke rainbows.

Tumblr. What is Tumblr.? Tumblr. is made for personal expression. Tumblr. is way faster and shorter than blogging. A quote or a picture says enough to express your feelings. That is Tumblr… That is why many creative people choose Tumblr. as favourite social media platform. On Tumblr. you can easily and fast post a picture, video, quote, short text or audio. In Tumblr. there is almost never a title which gives the look or the feeling, this makes Tumblr. unique. Other Tumblrs, can easily follow people, via the follow button above every Tumblr. blog. Messages automatically appear on your Tumblr. dashboard. Long before twitter came up with the retweet possibility, Tumblr already had this function. With this function you could retweet a nice picture, quote, video, gif or whatever included the post, in one simple click. Also the love button is used to show that you like a certain post. Great features right?

YouTube: YouTube has been around for a while, so you probably heard of it. YouTube has existed since 2005, since then YouTube is the go-to social media for uploading videos on the internet. More than 500 hour of video footage is uploaded every minute. YouTube is one of the easiest existing social media, YouTube will guide itself. YouTube is a huge platform, with at one point in time there was an overall “YouTube community”. But now it is more a mix of individual cultures. Most YouTube channels are defined by a particular genre, like games, technical stuff, beauty, comedy, challenges, tags, DIY and fashion. 1,300,000,000 people use YouTube.

Social Media Addiction

Social networks can cause an addiction. Almost everyone checks and communicates via social media sites constantly throughout the day. Do you actually know how much time you spend on social media? Do you know when it is called an addiction? You probably do not because it

seems normal, everyone uses social media every day. A lot of companies work hard to make their sites so addictive, that you want to use it every day. Most people are addicted, thanks to FOMO. FOMO is the fear of missing out. When you have FOMO you are scared to miss something. Most people want to stay updated, by everything that is going on in the world. Sometimes this can also occur out of boredom. When you refresh you social media constantly and always have your phone with you, you should start worrying. Fear of missing out is mostly seen by teenagers and people in their twenties. Sometimes FOMO can cause serious problem. When you keep on refreshing social media till deep in the night, this can cause sleep problems. Insomnia can be seen as a mental health issue, caused by a lack of sleep. Social media can also become addictive, because you want to know what people think about you. When you see your notification and you have some new followers, you cannot resist tapping on it. This makes social media massively addictive.

Personal favourites: We love love love love Snapchat. Snapchat is for us the best way to express ourselves. We can send crazy pictures of ourselves to each other and other good friends. The filters make it of course even more fun. When we have a free hour at school, we always make pictures together. Sometimes we are cracking up of laughter because we truly look like idiots. Our personal favourite filter is the dog. Instagram is also one of our most used social media. We love to make our own feed look nice. We like Instagram very much because we can express ourselves through pictures, instead of words. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words. YouTube is our favourite social media to use when we are bored. Sometimes we watch together, and laugh because of the funny people. YouTube even caused us to make some inside jokes. We still are cracking up of laughter about it.


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When you chat with someone, and you want to safe the messages you just need to hold the message for a couple of seconds and then it is safed. When it is safed it will look like this :

By Lize, Vanessa & Vera, B2at

A lot of people use snapchat to send crazy pictures to their friends.

You can earn some trophies : Snapchat is an app where you can send pictures and videos to your friends, and you can send a normal message.

GENERAL INFORMATION • When you receive a picture or a video you can only see it for max. 10 seconds. And you can only see it once. So, after you saw it, it is directly gone. But if you want to see it again, you can do that, only once a day. • If you do not want to send a picture or video to only 1 friend, or 5 friends, you can put it on your “Story”. When you put it on your Story, every single person that you have as a friend on Snapchat can see it. The video or picture stays on your Story for 24 hours. • When you make a picture and you want to send it to someone, you can put some effects (filters) over the photo (or video). • Also recording video's is possible by pressing and holding the button underneath in the screen. The only difference is that the video's cannot be longer than 10 seconds in Snapchat. • It is possible in Snapchat to draw or put text on the picture. • You can send your video or picture to all your friends. • When you send a picture or a video someone can make a screenshot of it. When someone is making a screenshot of it, they have it in their gallery. You can see it in the chat if someone made a screenshot. It will look like this :

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Send a snapchat with a sizzling filter. Send a snapchat with a freeze filter. Send 1000 frontcamera



Send a snapchat with a filter. Send a snapchat with 2 filters, e.g. time and the black/white filter. Send 1 video snap Snap 5 video snaps Send 500 video snaps Flip the camera once in a video snap Flip the camera five times in one video snap Flip the camera ten times in one video snap Send 10 snaps facing the front camera with flash on Send a snap without audio Send 10 snaps extremely zoomed in



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You can make a screenshot without someone seeing it. When you want to do this, you need to put your phone on airplane mode. Then you just make a screenshot, and if it works, the person where you made a screenshot of, won’t get a message. You can put more than 1 on your picture at the same time. There are some signs that you see when you e.g. send a snap : Filled arrow = You have sent a photo, video or message. Open arrow = The recipient has opened the content sent by you. Filled square = You’ve received a new message from someone else, you just need to tap to see the picture or video. Open square = You opened the message from another person. Two arrows on each other = Someone has taken a screenshot of your sent message, video or picture. Round arrow = Someone has replayed your video or photo. If you do it more than one time a day, you will need to pay for it.

• • •

HISTORY ABOUT SNAPCHAT: Snapchat was started by Brown and Spiegel as a project for one of Spiegel's classes at Standfort univerity. Snapchat was first called Picaboo. When Spiegel floated the idea in April 2011 in front of the product design class for his final project, classmates balked at the idea of impermanent photos. Picaboo was launched in July 2011 on IOS. The application was later renamed and relaunched under the name Snapchat. In November 2012 Snapchat was launched at Android. The app's mascot is called "Ghostface Chillah", a name Brown derived from Ghostface-Killah of the hip hop group Wu-tang Clan. Also in June 2013, Snapchat introduced Snapkidz for users under 13 years of age. Snapkidz is part of the original Snapchat application and is activated when the user provides a date of birth to verify his/her age. Snapkidz allows children to take snaps and draw on them, but they cannot send snaps to other users and can only save snaps locally on the device being used. In June 2013, Snapchat version 5.0, dubbed "Banquo", was released for iOS. The updated version introduced several speed and design enhancements, including swipe navigation, double-tap to reply, an improved friend finder, and in-app profiles. The same changes were then carried over to Android devices in July 2013.

When you want to put some text over your picture you need to click once or twice on the screen. That Snapchat chose a ghost as logo because when you send a snap, it is gone when someone opened it (it disappears very fast). That there are worldwide 200 million users. That 70% of the users are female, and 30% male. That 71% of the users are under 25 years old.


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Social Media Trends By Christina & Britt, V2at

Now we will explain some challenges; UNICORN CHALLENGE:

This article will be mainly about social media and its hashtags because there are a lot of words and trends with definitions people actually don’t know that much about and we wanted to explain some of them. One of the main trendsetters are Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Tumblr. We will explain some trends from last year and upcoming trends. Enjoy!

This challenge is very popular nowadays. It is a weird challenge but just for fun.

On the internet there are some popular challenges. We are going to give you more information about the most popular challenges.

How does it work? The only thing you have to do is buy an ice cream and put it on your forehead. After you have done that you are a unicorn.

Instagram is a way of social media where people can share videos and pictures (mostly pictures) and react to them or like them. The app is used a lot and it turns out that people really like to see what other people are doing in the world. The number of daily users is over 75 million so a lot.

ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE: This challenge was very popular last year. This challenge had at first a very serious goal, the goal was to get money for the ALS organization. ALS was an organization for people with muscular diseases, they help them to get money for a diagnose and a cure. It is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone's head to promote awareness of the muscular diseases and encourage donations to research.

Pinterest is mainly known for DIY’s. It is a site where people share all kinds of stuff they like to make. With most of them you can also see how they have been made. You can see it as a kind of pin-up board. Snapchat is used to send people a picture for a certain amount of time. At the end of last year they started with some filters where you have to scan your face so you get something funny placed on it for example a dog nose with ears or a puking unicorn. And every day they launch a new filter. There are even Halloween costumes made with this as a theme. Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private. Much of the website's features are accessed from the "dashboard" interface, where the option to post content and posts of followed blogs appear.

How does it work? The challenge encourages nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to do the challenge otherwise they have to do a charitable financial donation.


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CINNAMON CHALLENGE: This challenge was also really popular last year. This challenge does not have a goal, it is just for fun. I don't recommend this because there is a possibility you'll choke. There were some children who did this and ended up in the hospital. How does it work? You take a spoon with cinnamon and eat it, but because it is really dry and painful for your mouth and throat, you will spit it out immediately.

How does it work? First you will see the person itself filming his/herself with a lot of makeup on. While filming they slowly change into a makeup-less person they put their hair in a bun or ponytail and rub there makeup off. They want to show that people are also pretty without makeup and that if they wear makeup they will still be the same person. BLINDFOLDED MAKEUP CHALLENGE:


Blind folded make up challenge is not as popular as the other challenges above. The challenge is just for fun and not very special. How does it work? Two people are putting makeup on each other with eyes closed/blind folded. After you are ready, the other person gets to see his face which can be hilarious. This challenge we've seen also a lot on Instagram. It is a nice challenge where you make yourself as ugly as possible and a few seconds later you are very beautiful. The purpose of this challenge was mainly to stop people from bullying, because everybody can be beautiful in their own way. How does it work? You take for example a black and red marker and make dots all over your face, then you film yourself, you take some white cream or something similar and put that on your face. After, you pause your camera and you clean your face and make yourself really pretty. Then you take your camera again and start filming yourself. It will look like if the cream did all the work. YOU BE YOU CHALLENGE: This challenge isn't very popular but it still has a nice message. The you be you challenge is a bit similar to the don't judge challenge. I think this challenge is better because with the don't judge challenge some think that people with pimples, glasses and unibrows etc. are ugly, maybe you didn't mean it like that but for those people it can be received in a different way.

EATING DANDELIONS CHALLENGE: The eating dandelion challenge doesn’t really a purpose but it’s very funny to watch. It isn’t done a lot because dandelions only grow in spring and summer. How does it work? A person starts filming with mostly his/her mobile phone then they go to a friend or stranger and ask to do a wish. When the other person inhales they put the flower really fast in your mouth so the other person has all the little pieces of the dandelion in his/her mouth. This was the end of our article we hope you liked it and learned a little bit more about social media and challenges. Maybe you are finally convinced to do a challenge or you know how challenges are called so you can look them up and watch them. You can do a lot of things with social media. But be careful with what you post on the internet…


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WHAT DOES THE LITTLE BELL MEAN IN THE RIGHT CORNER? When you click on it, you will always get a message when he/she uploads a new video.

By Vena, Nikki S. & Britt

We are going to tell you about and why it is so famous. is a social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering short music videos. Every day, millions of people use as an outlet to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing. The app celebrates creativity with videos recorded in 15 seconds or less and shared across the community.

WHY IS MUSICAL.LY SO POPULAR? Because it’s a free app and you can be yourself and be very creative in your own way. Everybody is good in it, there is no good or bad way to do it. HOW CAN YOU GET A CROWN? When you got featured, a lot of times, there is a chance you get a crown. When people have a crown, you see their account faster than accounts without a crown. SOME POPULAR HASHTAGS ARE: #LipSync #FeatureMe #MuserConcert #Comedy #MuserVoice

Since first being made available in October 2014, has hit #1 in the iOS App Store for free apps in 19 countries - including the United States. If you make a account, you can create videos and put them online or just safe them for yourself with the private mode. You can make duets with friends and you can get featured!

We hope you enjoyed reading our article! Good Luck with your Musicals! ♥

HOW TO GET FEATURED? You have to make a creative, original or entertaining video. You also can get featured faster if you use popular hashtags, which vary day to day (so not the whole time the same hashtags). HOW CAN I MAKE BETTER MUSICALS? You can find tutorials about how to make better Musicals on YouTube. They are very easy to find and they are created by some of the top users of WHAT DO THE HEARTS MEAN? When someone likes your video you get a heart. ♥ Some top-users are: 1. BabyAriel (±2,96M Hearts) 2. Jacob Sartorius (±2,45M Hearts) 3. Mark Thomas (±1,56M Hearts) 4. Camerondallas (±840,2K Hearts) 5. Kristen Hancher (±713,4K Hearts)


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How to Keep Your Pet Healthy By Maud, Lynn R. and Elianne, V2at

Brush your dog regularly.

Everyone loves their pet, but do you also know and do everything to keep him healthy? Well, we are going to explain how to keep your pets happy and healthy. We'll give you tips about dogs, cats and guinea pigs.

Don’t just brush when you notice that your dog needs it. Keep your dog healthy with regular brushing, this will also make your pets used to it because when you brush don’t brush them regularly they will be scared or uncomfortable when you do it. You should also brush their teeth regularly. Regular brushing can help to prevent dental diseases. Make sure you brush their teeth with a toothpaste that’s developed for pets! Do not use human toothpaste, because your pet is likely to swallow it, which can irritate their stomach a lot.

Clip your dog's nails. While it may take a little time for your dog to get used to, clipping the nails can become a routine part. Just be careful not to trim the "quick," the part of the nail that contains sensitive blood vessels and nerves. Clipping your dogs nails is not necessary when you take them for a walk often, but if you don’t have time for that you definitley should clip there nails.


Provide a balanced diet.

Each pet has its own dietary needs, so make sure you cater to his or her specific situation and provide a good balance of protein to keep them healthy. Also be sure to supplement with fish oils. Adding fish oil to your pet’s food can help relieve itching and scratching and allergic reaction skin conditions. Be very careful when feeding your dog human food! Dogs might like all the human food, but some food can also kill dogs. Dogs can’t eat all the food humans eat, so make sure you don’t give them food like chocolate. You can give your dog some healthy treats like carrots. You should also give your dog a bone. Bones are a great way to preserve your dog’s health because they clean your dog’s teeth. Raw bones are recommended over cooked or sterilized bones; as cooked bones are more likely to splinter because of the effect that high temperatures have on them. Cooked bones also don’t have the beneficial nutrients for your dog anymore.

Give them enough exercise. Maintaining a healthy pet comes with a varied exercise routine that will help your dog to stay in shape, stimulate blood flow and circulation and prevent boredom. This doesn’t only mean that you have to go walking with them at least 1 or 2 times a day, but that they also need toys to play with when you don’t have time to entertain them. Don’t give them very small toys to play with, because they will swallow it. Giving them enough exercise will also prevent overweight. A dog is considering overweight when he weighs 10 to 20 percent more than his ideal body weight.

Offer your dog a warm shelter.

Most people with dogs choose to keep them in the house with the family. If you keep your dog outside, make sure you have a dog house. You should have warm bedding for cold climates, shade for warm climates, and of course food and water. Dogs need lots of water for the body to work properly and digest food. Their water should be fresh and clean, so change the water ate least once a day.


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Take your dog to the veterinarian. Schedule yearly examinations so your dog can get important tests and vaccinations done. Your vet will also get to know your dog and will be able to tell if something's wrong with his health.

And most important, give them LOVE!

him. Have a steady morning routine in the first couple of days. When you have a steady morning routine your cat learns to handle with your behaviour and what you need to do. Your cat knows when to disturb you or when they have to leave you alone.

If you want a dog, make sure you know that having a dog is a huge responsibility! It costs a lot of time to keep your dog healthy and happy. Lots of people notice after they buy a dog that they actually don’t have time to take care of a pet. So don’t just buy a dog because you think they are cute or because everyone has one, make sure you can take care of it!

Brush your cat often. You have to brush your cat regularly to prevent hairballs. You can also check if your cat has any flees or dead hair. When you brush the hair of your cat it is also very good for your bond. The blood flow of the cat is stimulated after and during the brushing.


Buy lots of toys to play with. Buy them a mouse or a rope so that you can play with them and so that they can play on their own. They need a lot of exercise and when you don’t buy toys where they can play with, their muscles begin to weaken and they become lazy. It isn’t healthy for a cat to have weak muscles. When you play with them you create a bond with them.

Give your cat a healthy diet. Don’t use normal milk to feed them. Normal milk is very bad for their health. Cats have a low thirst drive, so they need to drink a lot. You need to make sure that before you leave there is enough water left for your cat. Cats need a lot to drink on a day to keep healthy, so check regularly if your cat drinks enough on a day. Buy well-balanced and age-appropriate food. Cats are carnivores and need a lot of meat. They don’t even need to eat their vegetables to keep healthy. Cat food containing muscle meat is the best for them. Because they need a lot of muscles to stay healthy and to move regularly. Drink running water. A cat seems to find a fountain very appealing and you can better let them drink because it is natural behaviour.

Create a bond with your cat. Give them a lot of love, also when it seems that they don’t want love. They are more self-sufficient than dogs, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need love. When you put a lot of effort in the relationship between you and your cat, your cat can become just as loyal as a dog to you. Buy them enough toys to play with. When you put enough time in playing with your cat, you will create a very good bond with your cat. You can also learn your cat tricks when you have a good bond with

Give them enough to play with.

Basic things you need (to do). Get preventative treatments in case something goes wrong. Preventative treatments are needed for example your cat has just walked in a forest, you want to make sure nothing is on them. Get a good quality litter box and litter. When you get a good quality litter box you can allow your cat to have more privacy. When you buy good quality litter the litter box can be kept clean more easily. You have to keep the litter box clean for the health of your cat and your nose. Invest in a scratching post. When you don’t want your couch or chairs shred you have to invest in a scratching post. Your cat finds on in its own how to control this. Take your cat to the vet for annual check-ups to see if something is wrong with them. You don’t want your pet to be ill, or that your pet will die unexpectedly. This is how you can prevent most of the diseases that they get and that they can be cured on time. Brush the teeth of your cat regularly. Use veterinary toothpaste to brush the teeth of your cat (no human toothpaste, fluoride is toxic to cats). 1.First you need your cat to test the toothpaste. 2.The next day you let her taste again and you go with your fingers across the upper part of the teeth. 3.You need to build up until you can brush your cat’s teeth as you want.


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Healthy diet for a guinea pig

Guinea pigs are herbivores; they only eat vegetables. They need lots of vitamin C. You can give guinea pigs vegetables like carrots, celery, kale or some fresh grass. Of course you can also give them other vegetables and fruits. Be careful you don't give the same food all the time, this may cause illnesses.

Keep your guinea pig fit Let it do exercises, so let it wander around every day. You can also supply your pet with all kinds of toys. Like a tunnel or a ball with hay in it. You can do all kinds of stuff, but never let them run in an exercise wheel. Exercise wheels can give guinea pigs a damaged back or injured feet.

Take care of your guinea pig Firstly, you should trim your pet’s nails every two weeks. You can do it yourself with a nail clipper. But watch out, don’t cut into the living fleshy part. You can’t see this very well, but it usually has a slightly different colour. If this is too risky for you, you can always ask someone else like the veterinarian. Next to that, you got to trim its hair if needed. You only have to do this if you have a long haired guinea pig. You should trim it if it starts to grow too long. If you don’t cut it, the hair will get wet and dirty. Lastly you have to give it a bath every few months. You can put your guinea pig in a bath with warm clean water. After you get it out of the bath, you dry it softly with a towel. But be careful the cavy doesn’t get any water in its ears!

If you have one male and one (or more) female, you should get the male or female(s) castrated. Otherwise you will get lots of baby guinea pigs. If you have two or more males, you should put them in a separate cage. If you put them together in one cage, they will fight in most cases.

OTHER PETS You must watch out if you got some other pets as well. If you have a cat, the cat may see the guinea pig as food, so watch out it won’t get in the cage. It’s possible as well that the cat climbs on the cage and is going to sleep on it. If you have a dog, you also have to watch out it won’t get in the cage. Next to that, you should NEVER put a guinea pig and a rabbit in the same cage. Lots of people put their guinea pigs and rabbits in the same cage, but what they don’t know is that it might be really bad for your cavy. They might get injured or bullied.

OTHER TIPS If you get a new guinea pig, welcome it. This may sound a little weird, but if you get a new guinea pig it will be away of its littermates. You can welcome it by putting food inside the cage before it gets into. You also have to watch out how to pick your pet up. You should support both the bottom and the belly while lifting. If you don’t it’s possible that your cavy gets a back injury. This are a lot of tips, and not all of these things are really important to do. Every pet is different and needs/likes different things, just like humans. The most important of all these tips, is to give your pet love, because that's something that all pets need!

Buy a nice cage for the guinea pig A guinea pig needs his space to wander around and sleep. If you got one guinea pig, its cage must be 7.5 square feet (230 square cm). If you got two guinea pigs the cage should be 10.5 square feet (320 cm). Of course your cage may be bigger. The bigger it is, the better it is for your pet. Next to the size of the cage, you should clean the cage regularly. Normally you clean it twice a week. But if you see that the cage is really dirty, you have to clean it as well. Watch out if you have two or more guinea pigs. If you have females only, it’s all fine. SIXTH ISSUE

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Things that Help you to Relax By Sunanda, Lysette &Jasmijn, B2at

Everybody feels stressed now and then. After having a long day at school, after learning difficult things or when we are in a hurry. There are many ways that could help you to relax. We have made a list of 15 things that could be helpful for you. Hakuna Matata!

Take a bath Baths are a good way to relax. It doesn’t only clean your skin but also reduces headaches, improves your blood circulation, helps you fall asleep and lower your blood pressure. There are different variations you could go for. For example with bath foams or bath bombs. To make your perfect bath, you can also choose different kinds of scents, and add candles if you like. However, something to drink is recommended, as baths are very dehydrating. If you like, you can take a book with you but don’t stay longer in it then 20 minutes.

Go for a walk Walking is not only losing weight or shaping the body, it also gets rid of everything on your mind. A walk can be anywhere. Places as the beach or a forest can actually calm you down, a busy road or a city centre won’t help you to relax. Don’t walk to fast, your goal is to relax, not to beat the clock. If you own a dog, he or she will probably happily join you. Or you can take a friend with you. It’s always nice to have someone around where you can have a great time with. Don’t talk about problems but about positive stuff. The time will pass very fast. Just walk away your stress!

Listen to music Listening to music can have a beneficial effect on slowing the heart rate, lower the blood pressure and reducing high stress levels. It can help you when you’re either doing nothing or trying to concentrate on things such as doing your homework or solving a puzzle.

If music with lyrics distract you, you can opt for a musical, such as classical music. Only you can decide what you like and what is suitable in every mood. You can listen to music anytime you want: when you take a bath, when you walk your dog or doing homework. Watch a movie A good way to distract your mind could be to just watch a light-hearted movie. Watching television is one of the simplest ways to relax after a long day of school. You can watch anything, whatever floats your boat, though horror or action might not have the calming effect you were hoping for. You could also go to the cinema with friends, to see that amazing new film you always wanted to watch. You don’t have to watch a movie. You can also watch your favourite series or watch a documentary. Bake something Baking is something anyone can do, because you can choose what you make and how you make it. Baking help us to release our creative side. It takes our minds off of our problems for a moment. As a beginner, you don’t have to start making a threelayered cake from scratch. Instead, you can bake cupcakes with a premade mix, available in most supermarkets. Techniques like squeezing the dough, has the same effect as squeezing a stress ball. Baking with friends can be fun or you just take this as a moment for yourself. After all, you also got a cake, cookie or another delicious snack. Bake the day!

Have a facemask Face masks are a good way to clean your face. Face masks draw out dirt, oil, and bacteria out of your pores. They also tighten your skin, hydrate your skin and prevent spots depending on which kind you use. It is investigated that it is one of the easiest ways to get a healthy skin in a few minutes. It is easy to make your own face mask with ingredients you surely have at hour home.


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But, if you want you can also buy one in a drugstore. You can use different kind of face masks: peel- off, scrub or a cream. To make it perfect you can lay some slices of cucumber on your eyes. After you’ve used a facemask, you will feel reborn.

Cuddle with a pet If you ever owned a pet, you know how much fun they can bring. Our pets love us and we love them. Cuddling is not only good for you, but for them as well. Scientists even found out that cuddling makes you happier, calmer and more selfconfident. It reduces stress, making you feel relaxed. It boosts your mood, it eases pain and increases your heart rate. Oxytocin is a natural hormone that is released during cuddling. Besides, who doesn’t get happy when playing with an adorable ball of fluff?!

Take a nap What can make you forget about your problems better than having a powernap? Taking a nap is time for you to relax, rest and sleep. Any sleep is good, even if it is only 10 minutes. The 20-minute powernap, also called the stage 2 nap, is good for alertness. What happens if you nap for more than 20 minutes? Research shows longer naps help boost memory and enhance creativity. Slow-wave sleep, napping for approximately 30 to 60 minutes, is good for making decisions. To achieve a deep sleep, usually 60 to 90 minutes of napping, plays a role in solving creative problems. Just lay down, get comfortable and start to relax.

Many people believe doodling is more about drawing: It is not, it is about thinking: you draw what you think. In recent studies is found out that doodling improves your memory and helps us to focus better. It also helps finding solutions to problems and unwind. You don't need talent to draw, everybody can doodle!

Read a book Books help you to forget about your worries or problems. Research was carried out on a group of volunteers at the university of Sussex. The volunteers had to read 60 minutes to lower their heartbeat and relax their muscles. They found out that reading reduced stress by 68 percent. Reading is the best thing you could do if you feel stressed or anxious. Even 6 minutes can be enough to reduce stress levels, according to research. Reading is a great way if you want to forget about all the problems because your mind is focusing on the story. If you feel like it might be a challenge to concentrate to read a book, try an audio book instead. The more you read the more you know!

Solve a puzzle Many people love the mental stimulation that comes from solving a difficult puzzle. Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. So solving a puzzle is a workout for the brain. Solving a puzzle can be easy and entertaining. Puzzles stimulate the brain but also relax it Puzzles come in every form and every shape, for example a jigsaw, a Rubik’s cube or a crossword. Making a puzzle can be a great relieve of stress. It makes you forget about everything for a moment. It even helps the brain memorising things better and it increases your creativity. You can do puzzles with friends, family or on your own. Puzzles can be fun!

Doodle Doodling helps to empty your mind. A doodle is a drawing made while a person’s attention is not active. Doodles are simple drawings that might be repetitive. They are common by students daydreaming or losing interest or during long phone calls when a pen and paper are available. SIXTH ISSUE

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Take pictures Taking pictures help you forget about your worries. Your brain tries to focus on one thing: a beautiful picture. Taking pretty pictures doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to invest in an expensive camera. Any smartphone will do. Taking pictures takes a lot of time because you want the perfect shot. So plan a lot of time to take pictures. It is also important to stay calm during the ‘shoot’ because the goal is to relax. You can take pictures of anything and share them on sites like Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. But you can also make a nice photo collage.

Have a cup of tea In times of crisis, there is nothing like a nice cup of tea. Just sit down with a cup of tea and relax. Tea comes from China and was used for medical care. Chamomile tea is the best that helps you relax and it helps you to fall asleep. The soothing power of a regular cup of tea reduces the harmful effects of stress. Tea also heal anxiety problems. So let’s make a cup of tea! As you can see there are plenty of things that help you relax. Some things you can do with your friends, some you can do on your own. Stress is a natural reaction but there is no reason why you feel like that. Let’s relax!

Polish your nails Every girl polishes her nails. It is just a habit. But, it also helps you to relax. It can be colourful, creative and it looks fancy. Polishing your nails can be easy: just one colour. But you can also make it difficult to add some shapes. You can also use fake nails. It’s nice if you have your nails painted with a special occasion like a birthday or wedding anniversary. Every girl wants their nail polish to remain as long as possible, a trick is to add some topcoat. Let’s polish them!

Have a picnic Having a picnic is amazing. You can do it anytime you want; for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will spend a great time with your friends or family and you will forget about daily life. Your picnic can be everywhere: in city centre, in a park, in a large field or in a park. Picnicking is delicious, you can make every type of dish. Having a picnic in summer is incredible, you can stay out late and the temperature is nice. Conclusion: go for a picnic!


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Things to do when you are Bored By Mira & Nikki B


Do you have a school break and don’t you know what to do? Are you on your way for a long time in the car? Do you have to wait and you have nothing to do? Or are you just bored? Then this is the perfect article for you! AIRPORT

If you have to make a long trip there are several things you can do to kill the time. * You can play the game “I’m going to (name a country) and I’m bringing (item) in alphabetical order. The first person brings something that starts with an ‘’A.’’ The second person repeats the item of person 1 and adds an item with the letter ‘’B.’’ How many items can you bring what you can remember? * Dump / Marry / Date. Name three (famous) people and decide what to do with them.

While waiting on the plane you can do several things. * When you are at the airport it is obviously that you go on a vacation so you can look in a travel book and search for your destination and know a bit more about your hotel and activities to do there. * Mostly at the airport there are shops. Go visit a shop and buy souvenirs, magazines or some food. * Go talk to a stranger, maybe it will become your new friend! * If you are on your way back home you are at an airport in another country where they don’t understand you language. Go have fun with your group, or family and talk to them about people you see at the airport and say what you think of them in your own language, see the look on their faces!

* Name a country, the next person has to name a country that begins with the last letter of the previous country. * Would you rather ( e.g. be able to read minds ) or ( e.g. be able to be invisible) * Someone names an activity and the other person responds: never have I ever [ did the activity ] or I have ever [ did the activity ] * Count things, see how many things you can see during the car ride. You can try counting: certain colours of cars, people walking on the road, animals like birds, and stores. Maybe you can make a little game of it with your siblings. * Play the game 20 questions, one person thinks of something and everyone else has twenty yes or no questions to try to guess what it is.

* If you have your laptop, iPad or phone with you, you can watch a movie which you downloaded before the trip. * Play a game with your family or friends.


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When you are at home and it’s raining you can do a number of inside activities.

When you have a vacation from school you can do things outside so you will not get bored.

* Clean up your bedroom/closet. You can also decorate your room and make it nice and cosy during this stupid weather.

* Learn a new hobby: instruments, art form like photography or go sing and dance.

* Invite the family and play board games. * If you’re alone, video games will always be fun. If you’re not alone, then play video games with other people and make a big competition from all the games you have in your house. * Bake cookies, cakes, muffins, waffles or other nice things. Its very fun to do and very delicious! (and after, your house smells really nice) * Visit travel websites, it is always fun to look to huge villas and other nice houses in beautiful destinations. * Make a bucket list. * Watch a full season TV series that you’ve always wanted to see but never had the time for it.

* Make a film with your friends. Make a whole script and brainstorm about ideas: a cooking show, music video, science fiction story or smaller videos and start a YouTube channel. * Do jobs like washing your or your neighbours car or help in the garden and maybe you will get some money for it, you can also get a summer job, it keeps you busy, it will introduce you to new people and you will earn some money for it. * Go pick nick with friends or family, the perfect activity with nice and warm weather! * Go sightseeing to get to know new places and hang out there. * A photoshoot with your best friends. Just use your camera or phone and set a timer and there you go! * Play with water balloons and make a huge competition of it! Everyone loves to get a cold splash of water against their skin especially when it is hot. * Organise a high tea with diy’s ( do it yourself’s ) and self-made smoothies or shakes. * Collect old clothes and pimp them and give them an new look. * Tienertour: here you can go with your friends for 30 euros you can go 3 days anywhere you want in the Netherlands, for example to the beach, city or go shopping. * The summer season is also the festival season, go search online or ask around if your friends are going, maybe you can join them. In a car, at the airport, at home when it is raining and when you have a holiday you are never bored again! Hopefully you can use these tips to not be bored and have a great time with your parents, friends or family and enjoy the long rides!


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Summer Festivals 2016 THE PROGRAM As far as we know these artists are going to perform…

By Floor & Jules G, B2at

Saturday (from 13.00 until 00.00) - Blof - Mr.Polska, Ronnie Flex , Lil’Kleine = Megashow - Typhoon - Kovacs - Racoon Aren’t you tired of being bored all summer ? Just sitting outside and you are forced to stay home because a ghost called being bored, is haunting you all day? Or you feel lazy and you are inside doing nothing? Well we have found the perfect solution for your problem. You should try out one of the festivals this summer. We will share all the important information with you, so you can find the festival you like the most. LOCATION Bekkerveld\Heerlen DATE 16th & 17th of July Parkcitylive is an annual, cultural original festival. It is a festival that fits everyone.

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for people who like to relax there is a romantic designed little park were you can rest. if you dislike Dutch artists you can go to the dance tent were the newest pop, hip-hop & electronic music is played by a DJ. if you really are a festival beast you can stand in front of the big stage were the most popular Dutch artists are performing. But if you love food like all of us, you can go for a tasty snack like pizza, cotton candy, pancakes, French fries and more.

Sunday (from 14.00 until 23.00) - Kensington - Dotan - UB40 - Lucas Hemming TICKETS We are so sorry to tell you guys but please know that Parkcity Live 2016 is SOLD OUT! This doesn’t mean that you can’t go to Parkcity Live anymore tickets are still available on other unofficial sites: this means that other companies bought tickets and want to sell them (for more money). VIP AT PARKCITY LIVE If you are that kind of person who loves some luxury or you just want to be able to sit on chairs instead of on a blanket on a field for some extra money? It’s all possible in the VIP zone of Parkcity Live. But there’s more there are exclusive drinks & snacks. If you are like us you will love the live performances. if you are in the VIP zone you can have a closer and even better look at the performing artists and you can even go backstage.


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TICKETS Official ticket prices: Weekend pass (3 days including camping )= 195 euro’s (including 5 euro’s service charge). Day ticket = 95 euros (including 5 euro’s service charge).

Nominations: UK Festival Award & Best Overseas Festival Pinkpop is an annual three-day music festival in Landgraaf, which occurs normally in the Pentecost weekend since 1970. Until 2015 it found took place 4 times, in another weekend place.

THE MARKET Near the main entrance, at the square and in front of Stage 4, you can find the festival market stalls. They offer a wide range of fashion, bohemian, vintage, boots, bags, shirts (kids), sunglasses, hats, jewelry and much more! They are often unique designs, especially made by the creative stallholders. THE HISTORY OF PINKPOP Pinkpop is a historical festival because it is held since 1970. Every year more and more people came to the festival, because everyone spread stories about how awesome the festival was. And Trough all those years there were different performances. Are some of your favorite artists going to perform? You don’t want to miss that! See you at Pinkpop 2016!

THE PROGRAM As far as we know these artists are going to perform… Friday - Red hot chili peppers - Stroksky - Major Lazer - James Bay - Bastille - Years & Years - De Staat - The common linnets Saturday - Rammstein - Lucas Hamming - Skillet - Ghost - Halestorm Sunday - Paul McCartney - Bring me the horizon - Kygo - All time low

CONCLUSION Isn’t it a good feeling that you know you won’t be bored all summer ?! But if you still can’t choose which of these 2 AWESOME festivals you want to go to, or you maybe just feel like you are not into these particular festivals, maybe you could search on the internet for some other festivals we haven’t mentioned here. Hopefully you are going to enjoy at least 1 festival this summer because if ‘being bored’ is still haunting you, there is nothing better than a good festival which can turn your normal summer day into a big blast.


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Spring Trends 2016! By Mijke, Isa and Manou V2at

My personal favourite part about spring make up is the lipstick. During springtime you can wear really colourful and bright lipsticks or you could go with a soft nude. You could choose a shiny finish or a matte finish, whatever you like.

In this article we will show you the upcoming spring trends for 2016. We will talk about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. So if you want to know how to prepare for spring, read on!

Spring beauty – By Manou Spring will be here sooner than you think. And in spring the make-up trends also change. Brighter eyeshadows, more highlighter, and lighter lipsticks with surprisingly colourful colours. And not to forget your look isn’t complete without a spring proof hairstyle. I will show you some great examples of some nice spring looks.

During springtime it’s nice to give yourself some blushy cheeks with a nice blush. In spring it’s nice to use a coral blush or a pink blush with a red undertone. Cream blush is really nice because it stays on all day. A lot of make-up brands produce a lot of blush palets during springtime. Most of the time they contain 3 different colours all with a different undertone.

Here you can see a really nice spring proof eyeshadow look. They used a lot of bright eyeshadow tints and to give it that little colourful touch they applied a bright pink at the bottom eyelid. In spring it’s important to not make your contouring dark but very light. You can create this effect with a nice highlighter. Make sure it matches your skin tone and if you’re not sure how and where to apply it you could watch a video on YouTube. Nikkitutorials has really nice videos explaining step by step how to this. SIXTH ISSUE

Almost every spring, the trend to add flowers to your hairstyle comes back. This year we will probably see a lot of braids, combined with a nice hairband made of flowers. You can see that the flowers have nice bright and light colours.

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You need a lot of plants in your room. People say that plants give a lot of energy in your house. And when it’s decorated with such a nice golden paper bag. Metallic tones are really nice to combine with light colours. It gives you an energetic feeling.

Spring lifestyle - By Mijke For every season there is a different lifestyle. In winter it may be very cosy with all kinds of brown accessories. And in Spring you can also change your room decoration. You can create a house with a lot of light and using accessories with pastel colours. I will give you some tips about how you change your house into a Spring trend. Updating your pillows can totally change your room. Change the darker and cosy colours you may have had for winter into some light, bright colours. It gives your room immediately more light. When you are busy changing your pillows you can also update the photos you have framed. Put some nice summer holiday photos from last year in the picture frames. Some delicious candles in scents like lemon or mint is perfect for in Spring. It gives a very fresh smell and the bright green colour gives you a flower feeling. Flowers in spring are looking really cute and give an absolutely Spring feeling.

Having a clean, sided closet looks really cute. A closet from light wood looks very clean and you can clean it easily. You can put some nice vases in there and try some plants and flowers. You can also add casual looking books to think of the summer reading a book while lying on the beach. You can put those candles in the closet as well. The bright green colour matches with plants, that gives a restful look. These are a few colours of chalk paint. Doesn’t the picture give you a beach feeling? For me it does! These nice kind of blue colours are chalk paint. Benefits of chalk paint are that it is full of colour and the paint is matt. It’s also environmentally friendly. The paint gives a look that is a very velvety appearance.


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Spring fashion - By Isa Spring is right around the corner and there is no better way to get ready than updating your closet to make you spring ready! Boys

Girls Spring is the perfect season for T-shirts and for this season the short sleeves V-neck is a musthave. For T-shirts I would definitely check out Hollister. Short sleeves V-neck Hollister €18

Of course you guys also want to be spring ready, here is how to do it! For spring T-shirts are just a must have. They are easy to wear and you can get them in every colour . When just a T-shirt is a bit too cold, this shirt is easy to throw on over your shirt. You are not cold anymore and you are still good looking.

Cami’s are really fun to wear. They are perfect for a Bohemian style. You can buy them in almost any colour you can think of. You can spice them up with a cute accessory like a necklace.

When you get cold fast, this hoodie is perfect! It is also warm and spring like because it has short sleeves.

I think you know them already. The lace-up ribbed polo. A very cute but spicy shirt. You can get in many colours. It’s spring and it is very hot outside. You want to wear something cute and light what do you wear? A dress! This cap-sleeve knit dress is definitely a must have. If you are looking for something thin but fun to wear this tank is absolutely amazing. It has a strappy which is very cute and spring like.

This shirt named Henley, is a soft essential for every wardrobe. It matches every jeans or jacket and is easy to throw on.

For spring you should wear light colours, try to step out of your comfort zone and wear something you would never wear. Look on the internet and search for trends but don’t forget to make it your own style. Colours are very important, try to match your skin tone. Inspiration: Hollister


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Fashion! By Jara and Lynn.S, V2AT

Fashion is a word with a lot of meanings. Everyone has their own kind of style. Over the centuries fashion has always been a very common topic, especially women are very interested in it. Fashion styles have changed very much over the years. Every century had its own kind of style, but even in every century everyone's style is different. When you look around you see that most of the time everyone has the same kind of style, but when you look closely in the details you recognize that everyone has its own personal style. Even if you for example wear the same t-shirt as your friend. You wear it different and that is why it looks different too. You might wear it for example on a skirt with heels while your friend wears it on a pair of jeans with sneakers. It might be the same t-shirt but it looks very different.


Fashion has changed a lot over the centuries. First we are going to talk about the fashion in the 1900 until the 2000. In 1905 Morning/afternoon dresses, evening gowns, simple dresses were worn, less occasion-specific. Man wore suits with blouses and had sporting clothes. Suits were jackets and long skirts. The clothing showed off a woman's tightly corseted torso. Later elegant dresses were worn. In 1915 Fashion began to loosen up. Softer lines rather than using corsets were starting to be a trend. Tea gowns were worn, having a long slim shape. Pleated skirts with belts at the hip was worn by younger girls. Peasant dresses had embroidered designs. Smocking and bright fabrics were also popular.

The style in the 1925s and 1935s where very much alike. Certain women still wore conservative dresses but younger women made sportswear a trend. Tubular dresses were popular in teenagers, having shorter skirts with pleats, gathers or slits. Hats became very popular which caused women to have bob-cuts. During the time of war in the 1945 fashion trends became very simplified because many shops were closed down. Skirts were drastically lengthened and widened. American ready-to-wear fashion became a necessity. In the 1955s short skirts and wide shoulders took over the fashion industry. Hourglass silhouettes were the trend of the century. Poodle and circle skirts were popular in young women while pencil skirts were for older women. Strapless dresses with full skirts were 'all the rage.' From the 1965s fashion started to look like the clothes teens are wearing nowadays. go-go boots became very popular, as did box-shaped dresses. The bikini came into fashion. The mini skirt was introduced, becoming very popular. False eyelashes were worn by women. Wild prints and colours covered garments. Frayed jeans became in demand in the 1975s. Many people preferred either high-waisted jeans or hipsters with bellbottoms. People started to wear glitzy, glamorous clothing to be noticed in the nightclubs. Lycra became very popular and was made into hot pants and jumps. In 1985 shoulder pads became definitely a hype as were tiny tight miniskirts with leggings. Every girl had a pair of leg warmers, maybe to keep their legs warm because they had miniskirts on. Massive earrings were very popular. In 1995 teens started to look grungy so they sported their rock t-shirts over flannel/plaid shirts and went out with their long greasy hair. Baby doll dresses were popular when worn with thigh high stockings. Slip dresses were worn over t-shirts.


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These are the more expensive brands. Not all the brands are clothing brands. Some of the brands are perfume brands or like Victoria’s secret an underwear brand. This are the brands known all over the world. Most of the brands are too expensive to afford for teens. The 10 most popular brands that are less expensive are Hollister, H&M , Only, Zara, Adidas, Nike, Aber-crombie & Fitch, Primark, Puma &Topshop.

Nowadays fashion is very important. Everyone wants to dress good and look nice. Your clothes say something about your personality and of the way you feel. Although fashion has changed a lot over the centuries different kind of styles the women wore in the past are coming up again. When you look back you can see that women wore little skirts and crop- tops. A lot different styles of shirts are getting fashionable again. For example vintage clothes were worn in the summer with a bohemian style. In winter a lot of long vests are worn on a skinny jeans with some boots and a t-shirt. Sweaters are also a huge trend, they always look cute and fashionable. People think that you put a lot of effort in creating you’re outfit but actually you just put on a sweater, a jeans and some boots or sneakers. FASHION BRANDS:

There are a lot of different fashion brands. Every fashion brand has its own logo and its own style. Every season the designers create another fashion line to show on a runway. You have very expensive brands but you have also brands which are cheaper. The top 10 most famous fashion brands in the world are Dolce and Gabbana, Dior, Versace, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Hugo Boss, Victoria’s secret, Calvin Klein & Emporio Armani.

MODELS There are a lot of famous models in the world. For example Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Cara Delevingne, Gisele Bundchen, Doutzen Kroes, Miranda Kerr etc. All those models have something in common, they are all special and beautiful. Everyone has its own kind of model where they look up to. The models are not only a good influence for teenage girls, they can also have a bad influence. Teenage girls are going to compare themselves to them. They are going to think that they are fat or that they are not beautiful. Those models are the perfect image of every teenage girl. But they have to do a lot to have such a nice body too, they have to eat healthy and exercise a lot. The job of models is to show clothes of a new collection of specific brands, for example Chanel or Victoria´s secret etc. They wear it in photoshoots for a magazine or on runways to show the new collection of a designer. Their job is very hard because they are often far away from their families. They have to fly all over the world for their job to do shoots and walk on runways. People don’t realize how hard their job is. They think that they just have to show their pretty faces and walk a bit around, but as you can read this isn’t true. So fashion isn’t only about clothing but it is also a kind of art. Fashion has developed over the years and that will always be, because when designers designs their new collection people are going to see that as a new trend and other designers try to copy the trend in their own style. When a famous person wears a piece of clothing that is new in the world of fashion people are trying to copy it and a lot of new styles are created. So fashion will always stay an important factor in our lives.


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Recipes By Anandi, B2at

I’m going to show you some delicious recipes for in the spring/summer. It’s going to be recipes for food as well as drinks. Even though there are many delicious foods and drinks I’m going to show you the ones I think are the most delicious.

1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees C. Grease one 8x8 inch pan. 2. Cream together ¾ cup sugar, shortening, and egg. 3. In a separate bowl mix together 2 cups flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir into sugar mixture, alternating with milk. Stir in blueberries. Pour into greased 8x8 inch pan. 4. To make topping: Combine ½ cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, cinnamon, and butter. Sprinkle over cake batter. 5. Bake at 190 degrees C for 25-30 minutes. 6. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk salt, hot sauce and green onions. Pour egg mixture into pan. 7. Place pan on top of a baking sheet with a rim and place in oven. Pour water into baking sheet and bake for 60 minutes or until eggs have set. Ingredients: 3 small frozen bananas (peel before you freeze), 2 cups frozen dark sweet cherries, 2 cups chocolate soy milk Chocolate-cherry-banana smoothie

Baked Brunch Omelet -

Cook Ready in 15min, 1h 1h15min 12 Servings

Ingredients: ½ (1pound) loaf white bread, cut into cubes, 1 ½ pounds of cheddar cheese shredded, 1 cup cubed cooked ham, 8 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 1 pinch salt, 1 dash hot pepper sauce, or to taste, ¼ cup chopped green onion. 1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Lightly grease a 9x13 inch baking pan. 2. Place half of the bread cubes on bottom of baking pan. Sprinkle with half of the ham and then half of the cheese; repeat. Blueberry buckle -

Cool fizzies

Ingredients: 1 cup cranberry juice, 1 can (12 ounce) lemon-lime soda, ½ cup pineapple juice, ¼ cup orange juice, 8 ice cubes Stir together the cranberry juice, lemon-lime soda, pineapple juice, and orange juice in a pitcher. Place ice cubes in two tall glasses; pour drink over ice to serve

Cook 25-30 min


Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend on puree ( or the highest setting) until smooth, about 30 seconds. Pour into glasses and serve.

10 servings

Ingredients: ¾ cup white sugar, ¼ cup shortening, 1 egg, ½ cup milk, 2 cups all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, ½ teaspoon salt, 2 cups fresh blueberries, ½ cup white sugar, 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon, ¼ cup softened butter. SIXTH ISSUE

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Comics By Jules Y. & Sanne, B2at


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NEWSROOM WRITING TEAM Pupils V2at, B2at & Others Submit a Tip to the Newsroom:

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