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ST trlARTl N'S Quiz Bowl
The 1982-1983 Varsity Quiz Bowl team produced another winning season for STM. Captain Hans Jonassen led team members John Wallin. Andrew Thigpen. David Snyder and alternare Cathrvn Abbott to the semi-final round. However, our hopes for a Jrd st.aigtit championship were thwarted by arihrivals Isadore Newman as we were defeated by a mere 40 points in the semi-finals.
The highlight of the year was a luncheon given by Pan-American Life Insurance Company (sponsors of VQB), where Hans was awarded the distinc[ion of Most Valuable Player. Congratula- tions to all from the coaches, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Tollefson and Mr. McCain. We have high hopes for next year with an experienced group of Quiz Bowl Club members returning.