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ALEMAN, DONCross Country 9, 10, 11, 12; Track 9, 10, 11, 12; Football Stats 10, 11, 12; Soccer 12; Baseball 12.

ANDRY, ANGELE - Volleyball 9, 10, 11; Soccer 9, 10, 12; Tennis 9, 10, 11, 12; Swimming 9, 10, 11, 12; Sof t ball 11; Homecoming Cheerleader 12; Homecoming Committee 11, 12.

ANDRY, JOHNGolf 9, rt, 12; Football 10; Wrestling 10; IIALO 11,12; SHIELD 11.

ARMSTRONG, JEFFFootball 9, 10, 11, 12; Baseball 9, 10, 11, 12; Weight Lifting 9, 11, 12; Outdoor Ed. 12; Art Club 12.

ATKINSON, ALICEBasketball 9, 10; Crafts 9, 10, 11, 12; Soccer 11, 12; Outdoor Ed. 10, 11.

BABER, BONNIESoccer 9, ll, 1.2; LYRE 12; Key Club 12; Homecoming Committee 12.


Cheerleader 9, 10, 11, 12; Gymnastics 9, 10, 11, 12; School Plays 9, 10, 11, 12; Drama Club 12.


Volleyball 9, 10; Little Women 10; Miracle Worker (Stage Manager) 11; Oklahoma! 11; God Squad 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; St. Genesius Players (President) 12; Too Young, Too Old 12; Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Set Constr.) 12.


LYRE 9, 10, 11, 12; SHIELD 9, 10, 11, 12; Football Stats 12l.

Wrestling Asst. 12.

BOTT, GEORGEFootball 9, 10, 11, 12; Soccer 9, ll, 12; Track 9, 10, 12; LYRE 10; HALO 9, 10; Class Officer ll, 12; Debate Club 12; Pep CIub 9; Ring Day 11; Prom Committee 11; Greeves Committee 11.

BOWER, SUSANSwimming 9, 10, 11; Drama 9; SHIELD 9; Key Club 12; Homecoming Committee 11; Sub Debs 12; Model 12; Les Ecolieres 12.

BRAMMELL, HARRYTrack 9; Football 11; Wrestling 11.


Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12; Track 9, 10, 11, 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Computer Club 12; Baseball 12.

CARSON, ONAHomecoming Committee 10; SHIELD 11; Ring Day Committee 11; Oklahoma! 11; Spirit Committee 12; Drama Club 12; Grease 10.

CASSERI, NIKKIBand 9; Swimming 9, 10, 11, 12; AAU Swimming 9, 10; Art 9,10,12; LYRE 10; Homecoming Committee ll, 12; Greens Committee 11; Prom Committee 11; Publications Club 12.

CHAISSON, BRETTClass Vice-President 9; Football 9, 10; Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12; Baseball 10, 11, 12; Track 12.

COE, DENISECheerleader 9, 10, 11, 12; Student Council 9; Class Treasurer 9; Gymnastics 9, 10, 11; Class Secretary 11; Homecoming Court 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Homecoming Chairman 12; Spanish CIub 12.

COX, KEITH _ HALO 9, 10; SHIELD 10, 11; SHIELD Editor

12: LYRE I0, l1;Grease (Sound) 10: The Miracle Worker (Sound) ll; Oklahoma! (Lights)

1l: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Lishts) 12; Too Young, Too Old (Li;hts) 12; Dames at Sea (Li;hh and Sound) l2; A FunnY Thlne Happened on the WaY to the Forum (Lights and Sound) 12; Godspell 12; God Squad !2; Band 9, 1b, 11, 12; Chorus 12; St. Genesius Players 12.

DAVIS, GINNYVolleYball 9' 11, 12; Basketball 9, 11, 12; Track 9; Soirit Committee 9; Softball tl; LYRE l1; Homecoming Committee 11;Key Club 12.


Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Baseball 9, 10, 11; Class Officer 10; Class V.P. 11; Track 11; Homecoming Committee 12.

DUNLAP, ANNETrack 9, 10, ll, 12; Blue Key Club 9; Soccer 9, 10, 11, 12; Homecoming Committee 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Alumni BoardStudent Member 12; Gymnastics 12; Special Events Committee 11, 12.

FALGOUT, CHERIE Red Cross 9; Soccer 11; Softball 11; Chorus 11, 12; St. Genesius Players t2.

FARMER, DEBBIEBasketball 9; Cross Country 10; Soccer 10, 11, 12; Track 10,11, 12; Grease 10; Chorus 10,11,12; St. Genesius Players 12; National Merit SemiFinalist 12.

FISHER, ANNTom Jones 9; L'il Abner 9; English Award 9, 11; Little Women 10; Winnie the Pooh 10; Western Civ. Award 10; Miracle Worker 11; Oklahoma! 11; DAR History Award 11; O. E. Haring Scholarship 11; Too Young, Too Old 12; St. Genesius Players 12.


Cheerleader 9; Homecoming Committee 11; Track 11, 12; Key CIub 12; Spirit Committee 12.


Homecoming Committee 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Spanish Club t2.


Softball 9, 11; Soccer 11; Cheerleader 9, 12.

GROGONO, DAVIDSwimming 9, 10; Chess Club 9, 10; Computing 10;Lighting 11.

HAMLIN, JIMBasketball 9, 10, 11, 12; Baseball 9; Spirit Committee 9; Vice President 10; Track 10; HALO 10, 11; Student Council 10, 11, 12; Homecoming Committee 11; Prom Committee 11; National Honor Society 12; Golf 12.

HAROLD, MICHAEL - Ring Day Committee 11; Policy Committee 11; Student Council ll, L2; Boys' State Alternate 11; Spanish Club 12; Homecoming Committee 12; SHIELD 12; National Honor Society 12; A Funny Thing Hap- pened on the Way to the Forum 12.


Outdoor Ed. 9, 10, Ll, 12; LYRE 10, 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Cum Laude Society 12.


Homecoming Committee 11; Prom

Committee 11; LYRE 10, 11, 12.


Quiz Bowl 9, I0, 1 t , l2; Soccer 9, l0; Tennis 9; English State Literary Rallv 9. l0: Honor Roll 9; Student Couicil 10, 12; HALO 10, tl' 12: Leadership Council 10, 12; Westfeldt Award 10; KeY Club 10; Homecoming Committee 11; Akem and Jefferson Book Awards 11; Vice President 12; God Squad 12; Staee Manaser l2; St. Genesius Vic6 Presid6nt 12; DisciPlinarY Committee 12; Honor Code Particioant 12: National Honor Society 12; Mr. St. Martin's l2tCat on a Hot Tin Roof (Director) 12; Too Young, Too Old 12; Oklahoma! 11; Miiacle Worker 11; A Fu-nny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 12; GodsPell (Director) 12.

KUEBEL, KAREN TOM Jones 9;L'il Abner 9; J.V. Basketball 9; Gymnastics 9, 10, 11' 12; Track 9, 10; SHIELD 11' 12; Soirit Club l1; Dance 10, 1l; Oklahoma! ll; Drama CIub 12; Fashion Club 12; KeY Club 12; Homecoming Committee 12.

LEJEUNE, BALTZERCross Countrv 9. 10, 11, 12; Track 9. 10. I l; Literary Rally 9; Swimming 10: Class President 11,12; Student Council tl, 12; HistorY Club 12; National Honor SocietY 12.

MACY, CARABasketball 9' 10, 11; Softball g, 10, 11; SHIBLD 11;Key Club 12; LYRE 12.

MATTHEWS, RENEESoftball 9, 10, 11, 12; SHIELD 10; LYRE ll, 12; Writers CIub 12; Cross Country Running 11.

MAUTHE, NANCY _ SHIELD 11; Softball 11; Student Council 11; Too Young, Too Old 12; Track 12; Basketball Manager 12; Drama Publicity Committee 11, 12.


HALO 9, 10, 11, 12; LYRE 9, 10, 11; Tennis 9,10, 11; Football 10, 11, 12; Cross Country 11; Oklahoma! 11; Basketball 12; Track L2:. Godspell 12; Too Young, Too Old 12; Drama Club 12; Homecoming Committee 12.

MORRIS, SARAH Gymnastics 9, 10; Crafts 9, 12; Dancing 10; Outdoor Ed. 11; SHIELD 11, 12;LYRE 11; Photography 12.


Oklahoma! 11; Too Young, Too

Old 12; Soccer 12; Drama Club 12.


Volleyball 9, 10; Basketball 9, 12; Softball 9, 10, 11, 12; Student Council 9, 10, 11, 12; Class Officer 9, t0; Key CIub 12; Ring DaY Chairman 11;Jr. Green Sales 11.

OELSNER, DAVIDSoccer 9, 10, 11, 12; Quiz Bowl Club 10' 11; HALO 10, 1l ; Tennis l0: Homecoming Committee 11; -Na- tional Honoi Society 11, 12; Class Treasurer 12.

PAILET, DEVANStudent Council 9, 10; Class President 9; Track 9, 10; National Honor Society 12.

POSNER, JENNIFERYearbook CIub 9, 10; Basketball 9, 12; Softball ll, 12; VolleYball t2; KeY Club 12.


Cheerleader 9, 10, 11, 12; Student Council 9; Band ll, 12; Modern Dance 10, 11; Brew Crew 9; Advisor Committee 9; Gymnastics 10, 11, 12; Homecoming Court 10, 11, 12; Fashion CIub 12; National Honor Society t2: Miss St. Martin's 12; Prom Chairman 111 Homecoming Chairman 12; Caravan Organizer 11; Homecoming Magazine 11.

RICHIE, ADELE - 9, 10; Stu- dent Council Treasurer 9; Cheerleader Manager 10; Student Council Representative 10; World History Award 10; Math Award 10; Basketball Manager 11, 12; Softball Manager 12; History CIub 12.

P'IZZO, STEVEBasketball 10; HALO 10, 11, 12; Track 10, 11, 12; Soccer 12; Football 12; Spirit Committee 11; Homecoming Committee 11.


Basketball 9, 10,11, 12; Class President 9; Student Council 9; SHIELD 9, 11;Football 10, 11, 12; Track 11, 12; National Honor Society 12; History Club 12.


Softball 9; Dance 11; Drama Club 12; Prom Committee 3; St. Genesius Players 12.


Cheerleader 9; Volleyball 9; Spirit Committee 9, 12; Key Club 9, 12; Softball 10; SHIELD 11; Ring Day Committee 11; Track 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Quiz Bowl

Club 12; Cum Laude SocietY 12; Literary RaooY 10, 11.

SOUTIIERLAND, MICHAELFootball ll, L2; Basketball 11' 12; Baseball 11, 12; HALO 11, 12.

STORY, SHAUNATennis 9; Secretary 10, 12; French Award 9, l0; SHIELD I l; Homecoming Committee 11; Prom Committee 11; Greens Committee 11; English Award 10, 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Fashion Club President 12; Homecoming Committee 12; Art Club 12.



SHIELD 9, 10, ll; Homecoming Committee 9, 10; HALO 10' 11; Softball 10, 11, 12; Ring DaY Committee 11; Spirit Committee 11; Basketball ll, 12; National Honor Society 12; Cum Laude SocietY 12.


Oklahoma! 11; St. Genesius Players 12.

THIGPEN, ANDREWFootball Trainer 10; Quiz Bowl 10, 11, 12; SHIELD 10;Literary RallY 10; HALO ll, 12; Soccer 11, 12; God Squad 12.


I0: Quiz Bowl 10, 1I, l2; V. Football Trainer l0; HALO 11, 12; Cross Country 11;Track 11; Too Yqung, Too Old 12; A FunnY Thing

Happened on the WaY to the Forum 12; Cum Laude SocietY 12; National Honor SocietY 12.

WELLER, KIMBrew Crew 9; Roller Skating 9; Basketball 9, 10' 11, 12;Softbail 9. 10, I l, 12;HALO l0; Running l0; Class Officer l0; Ring Day Committee 11; Prom Committee 11.

YEARGAIN, PAIGESoccer 9, 10, 11, 12; Softball 9, 10, 11, 12;

Homecoming Committee 9, ll, 12; Tennis 10, 11, 12; SHIELD 10; HALO 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Volleyball 12; Spanish Club 12.

YOUNG, MELISSATrack 9, 10, 11, 12; Soccer 10, 12; Gymnastics 9, 10, 11, 12; Student Council 9, 10, 11; Cheerleader 9, 10, 11, 12; Homecoming Court 10, 11, 12; Honor Roll 9, 10, 11; Key Club 9, 10; Sub Debs 10, 12; Prom Committee 11; Senior Favorite 12; Ring Day 11.

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