2018 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook

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2018 I
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St. Martin's Day




Homecoming Court

Hannah LeJeune Queen Lillian Doskey Khaja Bradley Bethany Black Madalyn Cranford Olivia Ernst Charley Leopold Elise Kann Sarah Brechtel
Bailey Black

The Importance

Top left: Jack Worthing (Jules France) visits Algernon Moncrieff (Grayson Doyle) at his townhouse. Top right: Colby Mayeux as Lady Bracknell. Middle left: Cecily Cardew (Bree Milioto) pushes away the advances of "Ernest" (Grayson Doyle) Bottom left: Nicholas Lobrano as Dr. Chasuble.
Bottom right: Cecily (Bree Milioto) talking with her tutor, Miss Prism (Anna Beth Talbot).

of Being Earnest

Top left: Lady Bracknell (Colby Mayeux) arguing with Algernon (Grayson Doyle) and her daughter Gwendolen (Margot Scott). Top right: Bree Milioto as Cecily. Middle left: Jack (Jules France) mourning the loss of Ernest. Bottom left: Grayson Doyle as Algernon .
Bottom right: Jack (Jules France) confesses his love for Gwendolen (Margot Scott).


Above: Full east joins Danny (Evan MeCollum) and Sandy (Lillian Doskey) for the grand finale.

Middle left: Danny (Evan MeCollum) and Sandy (Lillian Doskey) during a sweet reunion.

Middle: Bree Milioto as Rizzo.

Middle right: Keniekie (Kyle Winkler), Sonny (Tanner Sykes) , Roger (Nie Arensman), and Doody (Nie Labrano) as the Greasers.

Bottom left: Roger (Nie Arensman) and Sonny (Tanner Sykes) with Danny (MeCollum)

Bottom middle: Marty (Anna Beth Talbot) gossiping with Jan (Gabby Killett)

Top left: Roger (Nie Arensman) and Jan (Gabby Killett) Top right and above: The Pink Ladies (Anna Beth Talbot, Bree Milioto, Gabby Killett, Lillian Dos key, Katie Oster) Middle left: The Greasers (Evan McCollum, Kyle Winkler , Nie Arensman , Tanner Sykes, Nie Lobrano) Middle: Patty (Abby Beck) talking to Sandy (Lillian Doskey)
Middle right: Katie Oster as Frenchy.

13 Year Club

Members of the 13 Year Club: Evan McCollum and Hannah LeJeune.

14 Year Club

Members of the 14 Year Club: Chloe Bartholomew, Ben Benton, Chase Descant, Sarah Millican, Diego Ortega, Allie Bartholomew, Andrew Devall, Bryce Monier, Grayson Doyle , Rimi Mandal.



Mr. and Miss St. Martin's


.,.... a... Q a... Q .,....
Lillian Doskey and Tony Manzella John Hurley and Sarah Millican
Rocio Fuentes and Diego Ortega

Most Creative

Most Athletic

Most Spirited

Most Likely to Succeed

Elizabeth Kuehne and Jun Choi Will Leopold and Khaja Bradley Dionne Lewis and Chase Descant
Bryce Monier and Maansi Solanky

Senior Weird Day


Senior Leadership Day I . .


Senior Chapel

-----=:::::;; 25

Caitlin Bagnetto

"I told you , I'm not the sharpest cookie" -Chase Descant "Who's that ginger? She looks like she's about to roast us?" Some kid from Maine

Infectious infection it ' s elementary , my dear Watson woosh woosh boom clouted Mr. Igneous Rock save the snRPs the African Ocean Gooo penguins fake it ti! you make it. TSA precheck your privilege run your hineys off. franklin pierce terrible tetrad NOOT NOOT. Kronos & Helios

Alexandra Bartholomew

"Often imitated" probably a twin "I like to look at life as one big meal."

Lower School...Harry Potter. Nanny McCo Pocket Lady Community Day .it ' s Spanish time teachers&staff. free play strawberry milk Middle School...Mrs. McCormick Simmer down, kids swim meets Girls First...The Cloak Oxford commas nuisance Upper School...Momma Moose Moose Clan O Rector! my Rector! real twins (me & Lainey) .. .free snurps ... Core Four. ..Fearful Five ... State Champs Seven .indoor insiders Godspeed .Is she catching me? Elementary , Wattson Ohio 2017 Twin Ring Day scansion queen Cumaean Sibyl...ohana , child boom , clouted Women's Death

Battalion 2.0 ... Mr. Nolan

Science Olympiad (Co-Captain)

1,2 ,3,4

Happening (Lay Co-Rector)

1,2 ,3 ,4

Track 1,2 ,3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4

Indoor Track 2,3,4

Cross Country 2 ,3,4

Honor Council 1,2 ,3,4 (P)

Quiz Bowl 1,2,3,4

Student Council 1,2,3,4

NHS 2 ,3,4

DYLC 2,3,4

Science Olympiad: 9 , 10 , 11 , 12

Quiz Bowl 9 , 10 , 11 , 12

Track 10,11,12

NHS 10,11,12


Chloe Bartholomew

"but never duplicated. " - probably the other twin "I'm 'a compel him to include women in the sequel! " -

that popey guy goodbye, girl...ultimate turtle no hinies Mr. Nolan & strawberry milk Queen Margot...technically it's a shirt real twins (me & Jessie) .indoor insiders Women's Death Battalion 2.0 SONT17 Girls First...are you triplets Elementary, Wattson .O Rector! my Rector!. . .ConglomerNation . .. fearful five/state champs seven ... breaking the water spout w/ Karly .400 yd relay, 4x4/8 twin relay meese parent trap handshake on ring day .. . Sybil...! like to look at life as one big meal... call us when you have hair. .! like my pepper , dude who is that ginger. do you want me to pour some water on you

Science O lympiad (Co-Captain)

1, 2, 3 , 4

Happening (Lay Co-Rector) 1, 2, 3, 4

Swimming 1, 2 , 3 , 4

Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4

Indoor Track 2, 3, 4

Cross Country 2, 3 , 4

Quiz Bowl 1, 2, 3 , 4

STUCO (Secretary) 1, 2, 3 , 4

NHS 2, 3 , 4

Stephen Benton

This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain We ' ll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name No matter where e're life's cares may drive us , her teachings will be there to guide us Long live our dear St. Martin 's that we cherish and we love.


Khaja Bradley

"Is this required?" -Ben

Snoupasnopaklis .fl2 .la baby MCS come from the mouth white chicks U TURN Greek Freak KFS chain texts party w/o shanty home BringYourOwnBooks AlHITTAS RBOTTMG HU. 14@ 10 kgirl669 voodoo volleyball sleepovers freak hose

#freegates wb nights .im schleeep cuhzzzz Amelia St. boogawuff. reverse 360 split"Donald trump should wear a weave" fake it till you make it

Bethany Black

"D id you know? You can't say good eye might without sounding australian " - random aussie man

#shelteredkidsclub .I'm the true Nigerian princess,not Khaja Unleash the beast. ..#3 ... Eezda utzna .. .Australian men Chicken Roach Evnish Rimstar69 Praveen Unleash the beast...Chase is my husband How you like them eggs? Salamander. Aeneene @britishguy Zelia's art video Mardi and mark Tim and cheryl...Reverse 360 Suns comin up Stairs Spitting tomato seeds *Marks bark* BDD #TW AP

Art Cl ub 9 , 10 , 11 ,12

Volleyball 9 , 10 ,11,12

Spirit Club 9,10,11,12

Volleyball: I 2 3 4 Captain

Soccer: 1 3

Basketball: 2 3

Softball: 1 2 3 4 Captain

Track: 1 2 3 4

Homecoming Court: 2 3 4

Diversity club: 1 2 3 4

Key club: 1 2 3 4


Karly Bruss

" Anacleto nunca falla" -Imanol Arias

"I didn't pull dozens of all nighters to get wait listed by a state school"Karly Bruss

Kiddo Artichoke Waitresses Sugar peas Riveting Marshuberty

Bread jerky Anacleto nunca falla Baby cheese it... Eaglescoutevan

Javelin Traded for a couch Phhhoto Zotz Geocaching THE EUROPE TRIP Who's frank?? Dr. Ortega Girls state Yuca

Watermelon Holiday cards The gingerbread games Cosmic shells

Game night. DPPC. Please don't die James from Taco Bell. Life is life 13 cameras Squishy pillow Snow queen My sister's Vem Dexters ... Chloe the eighth grade water spout fire . ..fuego ... you are desperate measures Barcadia Paris hotel...Munich hotel.

International Ambassador

· President 3,4 Vice President of Art Club 2,3,4

Hyoungjun Choi

"Music was important. Football was the easy part." Zizou

I'm from Korea SouthSeoul to New Orleans 92:48 10 Lisbon 11 Milan 12 Cardiff. jHala Madrid! y nada mas.

Science Olympiad 1,2 ,3,4 Math Club 1,2,3,4 Key Club 1,2,3,4 Soccer 1,2,3 ,4 Track and Field 1,2,4 National Merit Finalist 4 Cum Laude 3, 4 29

Andrew Devall

"That ' s what she said!" -Michael

Tree fortnite Camp Hardtner. Dixie Basketball Camp and Country Club Hey! Coach O The Fly MG The Office Big Tree Fall Hard SB2k18 Franklin Kids Who?!?! Voodoo 2k17 Marsh Madness KS BP MT RIP Palms Willow Souljas

Chase Descant

"I' m trying to bring attention to one of my favorite causes which is me ."

"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside. " - Winnie the Pooh

It 's FINE everything's FINE PLOOP LILIMON .Jaeln Oh honnnnaaaaaayy Dostoevsky in the sheets Le beat est bon La Belle et La Bete *clap* Who is she??? TINDER Hunting sta nd Big Cha#cookthechickens2kl4 "Chase stop looking at yourself' H-O-T TO G-O MG18 Voodoo Duck duck goose shade tree .It was only *insert expensive price* dip the strawberries Taylor as stargirl. "Im from Arkansas" .It's Chanel...ID COLLECTIVE Louis de Funes Snack fairy GRETCHEN AND REGINA *tongue pop* Sexy burrito LLLRL. avocados woosh woosh Kronos&Helios

Art Club: 10,11 ,12

Cheerleading : 12

Track & Field: 12

Basketball 1,2,3 Captain MVP, 4 Captain Baseball 1,2 ,3

Cross Country 3 State Champs Golf4


Dreux Dongieux

This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain . We ' ll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e're life's cares may drive us , her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love

Lillian Doskey

" Should have burned this place down when I had the chance " -Michael Scott

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29: 11

Incredibles cheyanne reverse 360 split...volleyba ll s leepovers la baaaby chaintext. BDT MGP washing machine unleash the beast...T's house ... don 't open that .. .i hate math .. .let me insult your intelligence yoga pontchartrain center mark barking bus on fire low life dodgeball champs iphone 4 HA tell me about it stud you ' re so white french play #3 brought you a chicken roach at any rate voodoo 8554TRUTH first time on Amelia almost killing Chase .. .circular flow model...ploop ... always have a plan B .funny looking woman .I+D Collective Channana LSU '22

Vo ll eyball:1 ,2,3,4 Captain

Softball: 2,3

Theater: 1,4

Choir: 2 ,3

Student Led Choir: 4


Jules France

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes "- Oscar Wilde

"When life gives you lemons, don ' t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! " - Cave Johnson, Portal 2

owwah lunchboxe s eamest. pokemon minecraft. cheesetouch freep lay .latin schwarz sc ioly quizbowl washington china spa in

Grayson Doyle

"Life is a river , man" - The Hippies

What if this is all a commercial...steiner.. onyo Duke Luke Wolf Silverpunch the pizza is god my mom got this linen spray blue bayou river driver. .let's get down to business .lucky hotdog . .. Mikki coming in clutch ice .Jesus the dugout...good wood bowtie brad ... what's my middle name ... Diego owes me a phone ... Lindy Boggs Chaka vs Gumby redhawk redhawk fasting let me drive film club Groovy Donut Sunshine Voyage

Eagle Scout 3,4 Quiz Bowl Team Co-Captain


Co-President of Spectrum 3,4


Gabriela Fuentes

This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e're life's cares may drive us, her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love.

Noemi Garo

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua I :9

God has more in store for you than you can even imagine. Ephesians 3:20


John Hurley

"You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky"

"What does Rome have to do with Italy?" Khaja Bradley

deorderantbathingsuit. fase retumof. kellumbrett..was meanEnglishawa rd Greeks shoes tree cries. vs.cd firstgf 8oclocks fl agwithpfeff senors anchez .JVball molbert coachrobartscoachcoleman izzand2k brettsgrad es .. dorianwithtrack ..concreteshark ..Simpson . .junioryearfootball. .tim .. allst ate leopolds banditescape deziscoach bigtyne senioryearbasketball O domismybestfriend brettsleg gotmono

Adrian Giordano

" Maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty. Dead guy duty Maybe it's time for me to get a better duty!" - Nacho Libre

"Do you believe in life after love? " - Cher

GUGENHAIM! ... mardi gras balls .. .aspiring gentleman . ..caviar bringin out that...bros in spain taste of the glory BLAND Roxanne voice memos on a balcony maceo bro do u know de wey sodi pops fj cruiser. .lucky hot dog rat man cookie smoothie St Joseph day parade . ..who doesn ' t want an icee .. .prom with sofia ... big dawg

Basketball: 1,2 ,3 ,4

Football: 2,3,4

Track: 1

Class Treasurer : 1,2,3,4

Tennis: 3

Golf: 4

Shield : 1

Film Club 1

Diversity 1

Band 1

Woodworking 3

Soccer 1 2 3

Tennis I 2 3

Football 3 4 (Captain)

Golf 4 (Capta in )


Israel lbiwoye

This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name No matter where e're life's cares may drive us, her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love.

Gerassimos Kalogiratos

" This ain't my first rodeo boys" - Andrew Devall

Ivan they haven't figured us out yet...Small legs . .. Just bench .. . Are you even speaking English Shut up you're Greek This ain't my first rodeo My finger slipped Le beat est bon You are lascist... Thank you STM , Nola I am out


Elizabeth Kuehne

"To imagine to dream about things that have not happened is among mankind's deepest needs"-Milan Kundera "Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again." Captain Jack Sparrow

You speak English? .Jugo Elizaloca Artichokes pillow incident. .It always gets darker. blog alarms 84 Klebba Crisis Club Actively failing ... Spain trip ... the tunnel. .. Estomudar Room 3308 .. .life is a river man bamarama yikyak not mad but disappointed fake it till you make it...Boo Thang matrices slippers? peachy "please talk to Chase" gingerbread BREAD 2004 sun bleached "! slept through that" Fake it till you make it...Ready for retirement...Danger zone .Its game day United we stand Ssdgm

Lyre: 1,2,3, 4

International Club: 3,4

Art Club: 3,4

Spanish Club: 4

MUN: 2,3

Swimming: 3,4

Charles Kellum

"You miss JOO % of the shots you don't take " Wayne Gretzky Michael Scott Charlie Kellum

8th grade: Came to St. Martin's, got shoe stuck in tree , got hit by car. 9th grade: Pep rallies when they were fun, high school football started , got driving permit. 10th grade: Only one in grade to drive, trip to Will 's camp, Tony Porter Award. 11th grade. Parties, Saints game with friends, Birthday Party. 12th Grade: Senior retreat to just go to bed , first homecoming that was fun , Rocio

Football, 1,2,3, 4,5 Track, 1,2,3 ,4 Key Club, I Tony Porter Award


Hannah Leieune

"I'm running away from my responsibilities and it feels good " -Michael

TRBOIT ... kgir1669 ... foaming at the mouth ... MG MO ' s .. . westbank ...

VOODOO boolin freak hose Alhi tt as Jude from Reginellis #kevingates2voodoo in the trunk martin the fish real OGs in the trunk wordscapes before and after pies amelia colon ial oaks willow in the trunk "get on the line" lun ch leave? zooted fixing our jewels giev fiit wafflehouse 4am domenica nye im schleep hoco party bus " i got to ask first " 2 vs. 28 city park ace CF MS KB 4eva&always co'2018, it ' s been real

Diversity Club 1,2,3,4 (Secretary)

Art Club 1,2,3,4 (President)

Key Club 1,2,3,4 (Treasurer)

Spirit C lub 1,2,3,4

Varsity Soccer 1,2 ,3,4 (Captain)

Volleyball Manager 2,3,4

William Leopold

This is our A lma Mater. Forever she will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We ' re proud to claim her name. No matter w here e ' re life's cares may drive us , her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love.


Nate Ma

" No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent , a part of the main Any man's death diminishes me , because I am involved in mankind , and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."- John

" It ' s a dangerous business , Frodo , going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don ' t keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. " -J.R.R.

Do you remember. The 21st night of September? Fake it till you make it... Throw me some numbers Sorry for what?

Dionne Lewis

" You ' re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago. " Unknown "Top two and Iain 't number two " -Bey

Triple B TRBOTT Gopher frog avocados DEEDYWEEDY

Maansi foaming at the mouth dat's tuff duck duck goose can I go get a tissue? Nachoo "I'm not complain in' , I love guys" "Sit up straight Chase " ZAC LANGE ! was attacked by a squirrel...mom ' s cryingl'm from Arkansas every cheerleader@ the table: mmmhm shade tree basically, basically, basically a tree MJG2kl 71816 Peaches is dead im schleep cuz "Dionne stop twerking"

Diversity Club I, 2, 3, 4 (President)

Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President)

Basketball 1, 3 (MVP), 4 (Captain)

Cheerleading 2 , 3 , 4 (Captain)

The Halo 1, 2 , 3

Performing Arts Club 1, 2

Eco-Warriors 1, 2


Rimi Manda/

" Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life You don't have to live forever , you just have to live."- Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting " Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

good morning it is approximately 7:01 risen shine coral..m&m bless you can I have some shitakes please squa thickkkk can't marry him gotta marry someone who can sing well..sorry cha .. bombae .. come to the voodoo sign .. DC card playin Luke Europe crusting pipe sharrdd the Wolseley Globe theater 90 euors for the painting on the paletine hill. bike city lock love bridg .lechee dalllmayr. surfs up lil & soph Greffer. beef stroganoff. tomatoes pre-Madonna #TULANE red paco .I am gonna waaackk em with the racket (pru) Praveen sugarrrrrrr move your ankles mermaid jonn

National Honor Society 2, 3 , 4

National Honor Society (VP) 3

Class Officer (VP) 4

International Student Ambassador 2, 3, 4

Cooking/International Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer)

Student Ambassador for

I have and I will continue to beat the odds every day of my life. " Tony Manzella Dr. Ramos Football 8 ,9 , 10 , 11 , 12 Baseball 9,10,11 Basketball 10,11,12 39
Manzella "

Jack McElveen

" Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations " - Unknown "Close friends are truly life's treasures . Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty , they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never alone" -Unknown

Evan McCollum

" Those who would give up essent ia l liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither lib erty nor safety. " -Benjamin Franklin "Sometimes I' ll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going I just hope I find it along the way" -Michael Scott

KGB Ivan & Vladimir. Dude, STOP singing Nanny McCo Airsoft "I have a suggestion" XC or CC? The Dictator.. The helicopter scene Merica Squeaky car... jumping Kingsmen Fortnite @eaglescoutevan Bitconnect... "Say Shawty" 8554truth Suns comin up Cross Country 2, 3, 4 Theatre 1,2,3,4

Honor Counc il 1,4

International Club 3,4

Cho ir 1,2 ,3,4


Key Club 2,3,4

Diversity 4

Cooking Club 2

MUN2 ,3,4

Basketball 2

Baseball 2

Footba ll 3,4


McElvin McCa lvin McLovin McEleven Vending Machine News Room/Peyton Center same thing quick math Honor council... Kingsmen

Brianne Milioto

"It's not my fault that I'm a charismatic person who ' s right about everything. " - Roseanne

" Stay tuned for my one woman show." - Katya Zamo lodchikova

everyone has their type bumt popcom .JBB2017 life is life hoodeehoo .I'm so cute the old idea lab the cardboard maze thanks chegg webassign the moore method .let me insult your intelligence avocado socks .ZOOM! .r iveting DPPC. he ll o darkness song KP splitting his pants the theatre couch skittles sikes did nothing wrong Hamilton frockets unkempt jeans @Eag leScoutEvan Family Feud skit...cosmic shells " snow " days Chase , you ' re gay *tongue pop* Lenin in the streets #CookTheChickens2k14 .love ya co'2018!

_...o.=-, Senior Class President - Performing Arts C lub 3,4 President

2 ,3 ,4 The Halo/ 3,4 Layout


Varsity Girls Basketball 1

The Lyre 1

Spanish Club 1

Improv Club 1

Film Club 1

Bruce Miller

"Had to cut the grass because I heard them snakes hissing." - Lil Solus

PBS Old Dickory Binc Central Racetrac Perfect Boi

Shannon Evdaddy .W AMUNC roof. Bryce crying foyer

floor weiner menagerie Big Red QASP Waffle House Drum

Line STM Jazz Band Puccino's Grace and JJ Babycakes Spicy

Memes Connie and Bill...The Accord POWER Htown B leeding MS 18 Dracula Test SONT/SSNCT

Quiz Bowl 1,2,3,4

Model United Nations; 1,2,3,4

Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4

National Honor Society 2,3,4

Class President 1,2,3

Baseball 1,2,3,4


Bryce Monier

PBS Coco BigRed ComputerManShannon FoyerFloor WienerMena gerie .IHOPSquad RidgeSquad 4Horsemen BincCentral Puccinos Racetrac NeckFat..Descending200s DoTheGalloway Halftights Afri canCritters tumorknees Uncico RicoStory SwanKick BrycesNose C orn QASP MUNFBGroup Bruced DaRealMoutonChopsGlucie fucc boi TightropeTree KimsCar OldDickory StarWarsCreditCard 36 S hmolumbia SpicyMemes SickDowel Juiceman Wombat..Bleeding MS18 Geogebra Biaozi

Sarah Millican

"I'm here for a good time , not a long time " - Big Sean "Wo uld you PLEASE s top leaving your undergarments on my front lawn ?" - Squidward Tentacles

Hood rats freak hoz VOODOO Amelia St...Seaside jazz fest. buku18 DC escalator. the bench the table ca mp able .i 'm schleep cuz mcc chicken tender. boot...kgirl669 "se ese" tulane fball games vball team w/ Sugar Ray tennis team laskey 's tests man's not hot. boogawolf...who is she tho? hoco partyl8 "small legs " whatcha say foaming@ the mouth PTPIAC. crepe!. .le beat est bon zee oxen"snow" days ZOOTED one hit wonder..360 split...fam's chicken farm palms SP , ML , MT, LL, CC, HR , RR , EH , KB , GK , luv yo u co'2018!

Most-improved for tennis #I be nch-rider for volleyball

Cross Country 1, 2, 3 , 4; State Championship 2, 3, 4

Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4

Outdoor Track 1, 2 , 3, 4

Tennis 1; State Tournament 1

Quiz Bowl 1, 2, 3 , 4; State 1, 3

Science Olympiad 1, 2 ,

Student Council 1, 2,

MUN 1, 2, 3,4

NHS 2, 3,4

" " -Uncico Coleman
3, 4
3, 4

Eva Morenc

" We ' re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate but saving what we love. " - Ro se Tico

" Probably uncomfortable since 1999 " - TFB

Excellence in Tech Theatre , 3

Co-president of Spectrum 3 , 4

Technical Crew/Stage Manager

3 , 4

Lyre 3 , 4


Diego Ortega

" I'm not the king I'm a king " -King " Sky ' s out , thighs out " - Diego Ortega

light commercial...Consuela Le Beat est bon Wednesday The pi zza is god Vem Bland Big Germ San Juan #1.. Diego Ortega

Memorial Bailed in the shower SB 2017 .42 Chaka vs. Gumby Detour...T-dog and Swag Master T Karly , I hate you Tortuga Shalom KGB Endymion Extravaganza Darius Goose ..4 agreements Ostrich BBB Aspiring Gentleman St. Joseph Day Parade Sabine Parish Bow Tie brad Track

1,2 ,3 ,4
2 ,3 ,4
Club 1,2
Club 3,4 43
Football 4 Soccer 3 Halo

Margot Scott

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible. " - Walt Disney "Oh, my sweet summer child. " - Old Nan, Game of Thrones Australian men Salamander Aeenene Naners .Terrible , thanks for asking .The British Guy Reptilian babies club River Driver dabblers and freaks Eh it'll be fine Go Diego go Rich Lake .It's a vibe thick ankles T-dog&Swagmaster TUnited We Stand surgeon cuff okay hunty ... sho me de wey ... Becky with the bad hair ... brb crying in da club I I :59pm JOJO Margot? At school? the scandalous taco .I didn't know cats could burp look it's a meme store What's your damage The old idea lab " So what gets your gears going?" Colt 45 La Cubanita We survived KP Klebba Crisis Club Szechuan sauce .Is water wet? Unique New York Bob Ross's squirrels The sun isn't real...

Theatre 2 ,3,4

Performing Arts Club (VP) 2,3

Film Club 2

Race for the Cure 2,3,4

Brett Pfefferle

"I don 't know what my future holds, but I do know who hold s my future. " - Tim Tebow

"Remember, licking doorknobs on other planets is illegal." - Spongebob Squarepants

unleash the beast 3 Warriors blew a 3-1 lead

1st team all District basketball throwing 1,000 yards in 4 games before getting injured and never playing again breaking my leg jumping for a block having a list of 14 recorded injuries in my high sc hool career


Collin Shannon

Weiner Menagerie IHOP Squad Old Dickory Waffle

House Drumline WAMUNC Roof...QASP St. Joseph's Service

Hours Tumor Knees Spicy Memes Bruced Liquids for Lind Uncico Racetrac RIP Tightrope Tree Chewie Girls

Soccer Puccinos Bryce Crying Rico Story Waffle

Day ... Sheldon ... Brushy Mountain ... Bum it in the quad ... Bleeding

MS18 SONTChocolate Milk Mile Biaozi African Critters Sub

O Grace and JJ Babycakes Neck fat...Sick Dowel...Bryce's nose God Squad

Cross country 1,2,3,4

Outdoor track 1,2,3,4

Indoor track 4

Juggling Club 1,2,3,4

Model United Nations 2,3,4

Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4

Quiz Bowl 2,3,4

Math club 1,2,3,4

Maansi Solanky

"So pick me. Choose me. Love me." -Meredith Grey "All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything." - Swami Vivekananda

PBS TRBOTT real OGs kgirl669 foamin at the mouth MGMO's VOODOO fixing our jewels Foyer Floor Thoth party Jude from Reginellis Me touching Post Malone's face #kevingates2voodoo b4&after pics QASP Amelia .JCole's towel.. colonial oaks squadup@levee punched dude@MG wiener menagerie .. ."get on the line" .. .lunch leave? .... rose ... schniel, Ace zooted .4am waffle house knitting club THC PRC domenica wamunc Big Red A 1hittas in the trunk 30 vs. 2 the KM&RP nite ghetto nite<3 HL CF KB 2018 ily

Student Council 1, 2 (Secretary), 3, 4 (Pres ident)

Class VP 1, 2, 3

Model United Nations 1, 2 (Secretary), 3 (VP), 4 (VP)

Science Olympiad I, 2, 3, 4

Math C lub 1, 2, 3 (Secretary), 4 (VP)

Diversity Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (VP)

Vars ity Girls' Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain)

National Merit Finalist



"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." Eleanor Roosevelt.

Chionh .I moved my DPPC Curve baby soccer hamlette theater class service day cutting feathers out of paper senior leadership day ... where to go ...

Zelia Wolf

This is our Alma Mater. Forever she will remain. We'll be faithful and keep her honor. We're proud to claim her name. No matter where e're life's cares may drive us, her teachings will be there to guide us. Long live our dear St. Martin's that we cherish and we love.


Upper School


National Honor Society


Ring Day

Ishmael Blackstone Aiden Bonano Benjamin Bone Natalia Bourg Rico Coleman Madalyn Cranford Michaela Dennies Olivia Ernst Ethan Everett Jack Fleishman Pierce Gremillion Ellie Hurley Anabella Imbomone Bennett Kahn Charles Kaliszeski Samuel Kellum Gabby Killett BrenanKronenberg Elise Lafleur Charley Leopold Enzo Marcello Kolby McWilliams Victoria Morgan Sophia Musso James Peyton Jessie Pickens Lainey Pickens Clara Rabe Ruby Reeves Alec Ricci Brandon Roth Cole Russell Anna Schieffelin Barret Shepherd Anna Beth Talbot Nigel Tatum Alana Tessman Griff Thomas Mollye Varon Daniel Wang Farah Wells Ritchie Whitney Kyle Winkler


Christopher Adams Mirko Bezmalinovic Deuce Bohannan Braden Bourgeois Avery Boutchard Sara Brechtel Rita Cai Tala Essa Chloe Fejka Rafael Figueroa Emmanuel Fleischer-Djoleto Alyssa Garrido Andrew Gary Thomas Hamrick Sophia James Evan Jiang Macy Johnson Olivia Kaiser Elyse Kann Max Kean Myles Kullander Harry La Lindsey Laforge Caleb Laird Beau Lawrence Sydney Leopold Tyler Li Nie Lobrano Blake Makofsky Brycen Malbrough Nick Manning Zach Nowalsky Zoe Ohmes Katie Oster Eleanor Parker John Peters Elliot Peyton Alaina Pilgrim
·I,,.. .... :) i i
Andreas Paulis Gavin Powell Jade Punch Jack Reeves Carrington Roaf Greg Roberts Sakshi Sadhwani Malorie Saucier Colby Shannon Bharat Solanky Tanner Sykes Jake Thomas Cameron Tolar Sophia Warren Katie Williams Patience Zar Renee Angerer Nicholas Arensman Isabella Bartholomew Abbie Beck Eric Bertholot Bailey Black Bentley Boudreaux Rikki Bourg Henry Bourgeois Max Bugg -Gaspard Kaylee Caracci Jonathan Castaneda Christopher Catinis Nathan Chatagnier Deen Choi Savannah Collins Clara Conatser Ellie Courtney Samantha D'Arensbourg Thomas Devall Prudence Dudley Camila Figueroa Grace Fleshman Elena Gaver Leven Greene Ben Hoppe Alexis Jurisich Katie Laforge Monte Lewis Samantha McClellan Laura McCrary Jordan McElveen Gracie Miester Ross Miller Ford Millican Chandler Monson Jackson Nettles Sofia Ortega Chelsea Ouyang Deryn Patin Adriana Paz Christian Pevey Mya Porter Erica Ricci Ava Richard Michael Royerre Rachel Royerre William Salvaggio Caroline Schieffelin Gavin Sperandeo Brandon Stokes Saje Troyer Colby Watkins Hayes Whitney Steven Xu Teresa Zhang Andy Zhou
~-........... . --................,, 4..: _ ----------. --______ _ ..................... _ --63

Middle School


Camp Kahdalea

8th Grade hikes Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina!

The 8th grade spends five days in Pisgah National Forest hiking, team building, and learning to enjoy the outdoors without the benefits of technology.


Exploring the Gulf

7th graders studied at The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.


6th Grade Fun


Ship Island

Jackson Boelte Bryce Bohannan Lauren Bone Stefan Brower Halle Bryan Jayden Coleman Kylar Coleman Kate Corcoran Nate Dozier Romell Foster Daniel Garrido James Garvey Ryan Johnson Alina Lang Tyler Lauland Barklie Livingston Sofia Lovera Katie Main Colby Mayeux Maya Meister
Eighth Grade
Lauren Monier Mycah Porter Lilly Rabe Jack Rowland Colin Saucier Elliot Schmedtje Shawn Shank Skyler Shank Cooper Shropshire Michael Talbot Daniel Thompson Vashed Thompson Alex Tranchina Matthew Varon Luke Alvendia Julia Ayres Micah Barcelona Jacob Cabos Lila Coe Hayden Frey Grant Gendusa Justin Hall Ethan Hodges Harris Huber Westley James Tristan Kamo Ian Linden Rian McManus Peyton Miller George Mueller Conner Nicoladis Isabella Nunez Ricky Pickens Wyatt Powell Peyton Raines Molly Rivas Timothy Roberts
Seventh Grade
Patrick Rojas Kiley Salge Carter Schlosser August Schmedtje Will Scofield Gavin Simeon Caroline Spears Zoe Tatum Samantha Thompson Fleur Vignes Will Weston Sawyer Adriance Cole Angerer Emerson Arensman Rolland Bullard Olivia Cano V ..... Carter Corsetti Erny Farber Tommy Garvey Zachary Gary Ashley Gaspard Kaitlyn Hall David Helwig Dominic Hogan Lexi Houghtaling Ethan Kann Patrick Laforge Kyle Lawrence
Sixth Grade
Seth Mayeux Cooper Odom Alina Paiz Alex Pevey Violet Porche Gabby Rubin Carter Scheuermann Arthur Schott Zoe Simien Will Sossaman Molly Stewart Kaitlyn Tillery Ian Todd Sofia Urrego Reilly Velasquez Matthew Weaver Eva Zabalaoui
Isabella Arizola Tristen Bartholomew Lia Beverly Briley Blake Lilly Bordelon Ella Bozeman Sophie Chailland Chandler Chatagnier Lenny Cline Ava Collier Jack Collins Leland Crawford Ruby Crawford Bellen Davis Allie Deutcsh Isabel Figueroa Jack Flanagan Sean Gardner Josie Gaspard Justin Hartenstein Isabella James Erin Johnson Luke Kippers Kate Knight Cole LaCoste Isabel Lovera Tucker Manning Jocelyn Martinez Namratha Meka Anjsha Mitra Bennett Nettles Nick Ohmes Michael Richard Carter Rigney Kate Sossaman Zoe Tranchjna Eamon Velasquez Anthony Zheng

Lower School


American Heritage Day ·--


Maypole Day


Jour de France


Kindergarten Tea


Community Day

Will Adriance Frankie Blazek Ethan Cabos Ava Campo Harrison Chatagnier Claire Deroche Hokie Despaux Eliza Didriksen Noah Dunn Grant Heytens Russell Huber Sarah Kamo Katie Kirchner DJLaVie Christopher Lawler DJMcMyne Aidan Molaison Corbin Nicoladis Nia Norton Jacob Odom Blade Punch
Fourth Grade
Jude Clayton Tristan Lopez
. .t "',· , ,,~. ,,, ill ,
Wrex Palmisano Emmy Rabalais Dax Rizer
Alex Scheuermann Ava Schott Lily Villarubia Juliet Whitaker Gavin Williams

Third Grade

Corrine Andrews Connor Becnel Ashton Breaux Destin Brooks Juan Pablo Caballero James Campo Colleen Collins Erin Collins Mary Alice Comer Evan Crawford Arthur Deutcsh Alexandra Livingston Curtis McAllister Devyn McManus Blake Ohmes Branden Saucier Riya Shah Beckett Smuck Guiliana Sperandeo Meredith Walker Ethan Williams Viktor Yordanov Piper Davis Trey Dieth Aubree Flores Jessie Gaspard Gabe Henderson Will Henderson Caleb Heytens NavahKamo Colin Lawler Eliza Morin Fiona Segar Marley Shepherd Ben Thompson Faith Tran Vico Vignes Mia Zenker
Second Grade
Cooper Andrews Connor Bordelon Carter Breaux Jacob Clayton Robin Clotworthy Liza Dashkovskaya Evie Dicasali Molly Dunn Adam Hawawini Riley Johnson Evie Karl Jonah Kulp Christian LaCoste Maddox Lumas Henry Mancuso Zoya Mohiuddin Dalton Rivas Drew Rivas Orri Rouse Abby Seamster Darrel Smith Beau Smuck Jared Soh Sophia Yatsko Layla Zeitoun


Omar Baig Bennet Blake Dennis Cali Bodhi Carter Vivienne Comer Olive Diaz Gregory Diebold William Feibleman Josephine Flanagan Michael Hamide Finn Houghtaling Issy Kamo Richard Kichner Curtis L'Hoste Apurva Meka Beirne Miles Claiborne Molaison Elle Mueller Reed Palmisano Georgia Peyton Derek Preen Noah Raines Julie Sammy Catherine Spiers KV Vaccaro Nils Valencia


Lucy Breaux Luis Castillo Adan Chan Ava Chan Kelly Dieth Lee Dieth Hudson Flowers Paul Hogan Webb Johnston Philip Lucia Lillian Markey_ Zayan Mohiuddin Gianna Paz Hayden Reiss Luke Rodriguez Gian Rutherford Jonathan Rutherford Clara Schurke Mayson Smith David Truesdale

The George Cottage

Elizabeth Fletcher Delaney Gill Winter Graf Kian Jaikishen Turner Kwiatkowski Easton Schulte Ivanna Ackel Remy Hanson Carter L'Hoste Emile Lustberg Rustin Roberts Rousseau Rome Gabriel Sorrells Ruby Stefani Grant Weatherill Harper Weatherill Isidore York Vincent Costa JR Ferdinand Gia Gerard Cannon Gosey Persephone Marshall Leon McGovern Autumn Ortiz Ashley Perry Jonathan Powers Avery Riess Luca Wilkins Claire Wilkinson KaetheZink Jack Alread Avery Breaux River Carter Harrison Champagne Marlowe Cochran Polina Dashkovskaya Jayce Hulbert Giuseppe Scala Emily Washecheck

Sunflowers & Seedlings

Greyson Marrone Hana Kate Adair Winston Aucoin Calvin Biven Wheeler Graf Ava Hintzke Nathan Karno Sawyer Listi Giuseppe Lovisa Michael Parsons JohnMichaelPhilippovic Maya Ray Crosby Segar William Thomas Trey Torrence Kendon Vaccaro Josephine Gowing Jillian Jee Johnny Michael McCarver Ezra McManus Annika Rouse Lex Tandecki Caroline Weaver Svaraathmika Badari Andrew Ballinger Leo Boulmay Roman Chaddock Finley Coleman Cicely Davis Vivienne Diebold Richard Maness Camryn Mitchell Gio Scala Charles Shahlaei Finn Shipman Troy Sun Pierce Wilkinson Harlan York


Members of the 2017-2018 team: Barret Shepherd, Willi am Leopold, Tony Manzella, Bennett Kahn, Ethan Everitt, Brett Pfefferle, Jack Reeves, John Hurley, Ishmael Blackstone, Israel Ibiwoye, Gavin Powell, Charles Kellum, Jack Fleishmann, Jack McElveen, Jonathan Castaneda, Kyle Winkler, Thomas Hamrick, Brenan Kronenberg, Ga rr ett Kalogiratos. Coaches: John McDonell, Kit Laird, Jordan Su ll en, Sean Gallagher, Desmond McGovern.
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Back row: Katie Laforge, Sarah Millican, Ellie Hurley , Ruby Reeves , Zoe Frey, Chloe Fejka , Prudence Dudley, Halle Bryan. Front row: Bailey Black, Lindsey Laforge , Bethany Black, Lillian Doskey, Khaja Bradley, Sophia James , Bailey Axelrald Coach: Ray Scioneaux

Cross Country


Members of t he 2017-2018 team: Benjamin Bone , Sam uel Ke ll um , Rico Coleman, Bryce Monier, Pryce An thony, Evan McColl u m , Thomas Devall , Anabe ll a l mbornone , Chloe Bartho lomew, Ally Ba r tholomew, Isabella Bartholomew, Elyse Lafleur , and Katie Williams Coaches: Warren Lind and Kevin Weatheri ll
3-peat as state champions! Girls win first state title in school history! 12 0


Members of the 2017-2018 team: Alexandra Bartholomew, Chloe Bartholomew, Isabella Bartholomew, Natalia Bourg, Ellie Courtney, Andrew Gary, Elizabeth Kuehne, Jackson Nettles, Zoe Ohmes, Diego Ortega, Jessica Pickens, Madelaine Pickens, Brandon Roth, Colby Watkins, Richard Whitney III, ' esse Leboeuf, and Kathleen Williams, :oach: Michael Falati

Boy~ Soccer

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Jun Choi , Luke Giordano , Israel l biwoye, Will Leopold , Diego Ortega , Nick Tuleu , Pierce Gremillion , Nigel Tatum , Kyle Winkler , Emmanu el Fleischer Djoleto , Max Kean , Beau Lawrence , Gavin Powell , Gregory Roberts , Nicholas Arensman, Jonathan Castaneda , Chris Catinis, Nathan Chatagnier, Deen Choi, Ross Miller, Christian Pevey. Coach es: Bobby Velasqu ez , Roby Ar ensman.

Girls Soccer

Members of the 2017-2018 team : Bailey Black, Samantha D'Arensbourg, Prudence Dudley, Alyssa Garrido, Alexis Jurisich, Elyse Kann, Lindsey Laforge, Hannah LeJeune, Charley Leopold, Sofia Ortega, Eleanor Parker, Adriana Paz, Carrington Roaf, Anna Schieffelin, Caroline Schieffelin, and Maansi Solanky.
Coaches : Bobby Velasquez, Roby Arensman, and Tiffany Laird.

s Basketball

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Brett Pfefferle , Andrew Devall, John Hurley, Garret Kalogiratos, Brandon Roth , Griff Thomas, Harrison Bath, Braden Bourgeois, Caleb Laird, Bharat Solanky, Avery Bouchard , Pryce Anthony, Jacob Thomas , Deuce Bohannan, Ford Millican, Monte Lewis , Thomas Deva ll , and Co lby Watkins.
Coach: Mike Odom

Girls Basketball

Members of the 2017-2018 team:Katie Laforge , Kyler Coleman , Gabby Killett, Zoe Frey , Dionne Lewis , Abbie Beck, Jade Punch, Malorie Saucier. Coach: Courtney Ward
Baseball _,..Z'':~:·._. -.- . ·. -,-- ~- ?,- : -.· (-_: ·.
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Jonathan Castaneda, Ko lby McWilliams, Bruce Miller, Caleb Laird, Christopher Adams, Griff Thomas, Ethan Everitt, Jacob Thomas, Beau Lawrence, Barret Shepherd, Brandon Roth, Christian Pevey, Nick Manning. Coaches: Kit Laird, Desmond McGovern


Members of the 2017-2018 team: Alex Pevey , Lindsey Laforge , Alaina Pilgrim , Charley Leopold , Malorie Saucier, Olivia Bath, Sophia James , Lauren Bone , Katie Main, Khaja Bradley, Halle Bryan, Colby Mayeux. Coaches: Carolyn Deas, Holly Dalferes , Tiffany Laird.

Track and Field r

Membe rs of the 2017-2018 team: Jun Choi, Rico Coleman, Bryce Monier, Samuel Kellum, Co lli n Shannon, Chase Descant, Eric Berthelot, Thomas Devall, Ford Millican, Pryce Anthony, Emmanuel Fleischer Djoleto , Colby Watkins, Chloe Bartholomew, Clara Conatser, Caroline Schieffelin, Kyler Coleman, Caitlin Bagnetto, Zoe Ohmes, Renee Angerer, Ellie Hurley, Isabella Bartholomew, Adriana Paz, Anabe lla Imbornone, Samantha McC lellan, Alexandra Bartholomew, Katie Williams. Coach: Warren Lind
Members of the 2017-2018: Zoe Ohmes, Tori Morgan , Dionne Lewis , Chase Descant, Gabby Killett, Sophia Warren , Farah Wells, Camila Figueroa , Olivia Ernst, Alyssa Garrido , Sakshi Sadhwani , Madalyn Cranford, Sydney Leopo ld, Kaylee Carraci, Sophia Musso , Michaela Dennies , Alexis Jurisich , Gracie Miester, Rachel Royerre , Deryn Patin (not pictured). Coach: Rachel Jurisich

Girls Tennis

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Rimi Manda!, Rachel Royerre, Maansi Solanky, Prudence Dudley, Ruby Reeves, Mollye Varon, Anna Schieffelin, Katie Laforge, and Ava Richard Coach: Pat Laforge

Boys Tennis

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Harry La, Brandon Stokes, Hayes Whitney, Deen Choi, Cameron Tolar, Colby Shannon, Avery Boutchard , Rafael Figueroa , and Blake Makofsky Coach: David Reeves

Indoor Track

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Benjamin Bone, Rico Coleman, Bryce Monier, Collin Shannon, Ally Bartholomew, Chloe Bartholomew , Isabella Bartholomew , Anabella lmbomone , Katie Williams. Coach: Warren Lind

Middle School Flag Football

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Lenny Cline, Chandler Chatagnier, Sean Gardner, Briley Blake, Nick Ohmes, Leland Crawford, Eamon Velasquez, Justin Hartenstein , Reilly Velasquez, Rolland Bullard, Will Sossaman , Cooper Odom , Patrick Laforge, David Helwig, Matthew Weaver, Ian Todd.

Coach: Pat LaForge

Middle School Football

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Top: Timothy Roberts , Daniel Garrido, Grant Gendusa, Tyler Lauland, Michael Talbot, Shawn Shank, Stefan Brower, Romell Foster , Skyler Shank, Peyton Raines, George Mueller, Wyatt Powell.

Front: Micah Barcelona , Will Weston, Gavin Powell, Torey Mathieu , Patrick Rojas, Manny Bejaran , Carter Schlosser, Luke Kippers, Seth Mayeux, Daniel Fink, Jack Rowland.

Coach: Pat LaForge , Don Schwab


Middle School Volleyball

Middle School Volleyball

Members of the 2017-2018 team : Zoe Simien , Kiley Salge, Molly Rivas, Lia Beverly, Molly Stewart, Gabby Rubin, Caro lin e Spears, Isabella Nunez , Alex Pevey , Emerson Arensman , Erny Farber , Lilly Boredelon, Sofia Urrego Coach: Kay la Gerard
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Namratha Meka, Ava Collier, Eva Zabalao ui , Olivia Cano, All ie Deutcs h , Ruby Crawford, Joycelyn Martinez, Bella Figueroa, Josie Gaspard, Isabel Lovera, Lexi Houghtaling, Zoe Tranchina, A lin a Paiz, Kate Knight, E ll a Bozeman, Isabe ll a James. Coach: Holly Dalferes

Middle School Cross Country

Middle School Swimmin

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Tommy Garvey , Luke Alvendia , Elliot Schmedtje, Justin Hall , Daniel Thompson , James Garvey , Arthur Schott , Rian McManu s, Kaitlyn Hall , Peyton Miller , Carter Scheuermann , Tri sten Bartholomew , Ca rter Corsetti , Samantha Thompson , Bellen Davis(not pictured). Coach: Warren Lind
,!embers of the 2017-2018 team: Ricky Picken s , Tristan Kamo , Bennett Nettles , Isabella Arizola, Kaitlyn Tillery , Tristan Lopez , Mike Xu, Gavin 1/illiams, Katie Kirchner, Jack Flanagan , Noah Dunn , Blade Punch. : oach: Andrea Bonnette

Middle School Boys Basketball

M iddle School Boys Basketball

' -,. -~ ~--------s~
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Matthew Varon, Hayden Frey, Skyler Shank, Daniel Garrido, Tyler Lauland, Grant Gendusa, Shawn Shank, Michael Talbot , Peyton Raines, Bryce Bohannan, Nate Dozier, Torey Mathieu. Coach: Cam Gassaway
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Cooper Odom, Chandler Chatagnier, David Helwig, Matthew Weaver, Mike Xu, Roland Bullard, Patrick Laforge, Angelo Fassbender.

Middle School Girls Basketball

Middle School Girls Basketball

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Zoe Tatum, Lauren Bone, Lia Beverly, Molly Rivas, Jayden Coleman, Halle Bryan, Colby Mayeux, Zoe Simien, Emerson Arensman, Alex Pevey Coach: Rebecca Lovisa
Members of the 2017-2018 team: Kate Sossaman, Ella Bozeman, Ruby Crawford, Allie Deutcsh, Ava Campo, Kaitlyn Tillery, Mo ll y Stewart , Lia Beverly, Lilly Bordelon, Gabby Rubin, Zoe Simien, Emerson Aresnman, Erny Farber, Lexi Houghtaling, Alex Pevey, Kaitlyn Hall , Bellen Davis. Coach: Rebecca Lovisa

Middle School Baseball

Middle School Track

Coach: Warren Lind

Members of the 2017-2018 team:: David Helwig , Matthew Weaver, Mike Xu, Manny Bejaran, Luke Kippers, Patrick Laforge, Seth Mayeux , Sawyer Adriance , Angelo Fassbender, Cooper Odom , Roland Bullard. Coaches: Don Schwab, Jonathan Jones Members of the 2017-2018 team: Lia Beverly, Bryce Bohannon , Jayden Coleman, Kiley Salge, Timothy Roberts, Michael Talbot, Daniel Thompson, Randy Dunkin, Ryan Johnson, Romell Foster, Kyler Coleman, Elliot Schmedtje, Justin Hall, Jack Flanagan, Carter Corsetti, Rian McManus, Thomas Garvey, Tristen Bartholomew, Emerson Arensman, Carter Schlosser, Cooper Shropshire, James Garvey, Cole Angerer, Arthur Schott, Isabella Arizola, Ella Bozeman.

Middle School Cheerleading

Lower School Cheerleadin


the 2017-2018

Dax Rizer , Juliet Whitaker, Claire Deroche, Ava Schott, Ava Campo, Eliza Didrikson , Lily Villarubia, Sarah Kamo , Erin Collins, Riya Shah, Colleen Collins, Ivana Lopez, Evie Dicasali , Marley Shepherd, Guliana Sperandeo, Alexandra Livingston, Marigny Molaison, Elise La Vie, Georgi a Peyton , Catherine Spiers , Katie Dunn , Reed Palmisano, Elle Mueller, Corrine Andrews, Aubry Flores, Noah Dunn.

Leah Robarts

Members of the 2017-2018 team: Vashed Thompson, Kate Corcoran , Katie Main, Layne Corcoran , Lilly Rabe , Colby Mayeux , Kaitlyn Tillery. Coach: Rachel Jurisich
of team: Coach:

Student Council

Back Row from left to right: Bryce Monier, Griff Thomas, Bharat Solanky, Jacob Thomas, Jack Reeves, Braden Bourgeois Middle Row from left to right: Chloe Bartholomew, Chris Catinis, Emmanuel Fleisher Djoleto, Adriana Paz, Bentley Boudreaux, Khaja Bradley, Camila Figueroa, Clara Conaster
Front Row from left to right: Elyse Kann, Chloe Bartholomew, Maansi Solanky, Ritchie Whitney, Bennett Kahn, Ben Bone

Senior Class Officers

Junior Class Officers

President: Bree Milioto

Vice President: Rimi Mandal

Treasurer: John Hurley

Secretary: Khaja Bradley

Sophomore Class Officers

President: Ishmael Blackstone

Vice President: Ellie Hurley

Treasurer: Brenan Kronenberg

Secretary: Anna Beth Talbot

Freshman Class Officers

)resident: Jacob Thomas

vice President: Sara Brechtel

[reasurer: Lindsay LaForge

,ecretary: Elyse Kann

President: Adriana Paz

Vice President: Renee Angerer

Treasurer: Camila Figueroa

Secretary: Clara Conatser




Back row from left to right: Macy Johnson , Jade Punch , Gabby Killett, Ritchie Whitney, Diego Ortega, Tanner Sykes Middle row from left to right: Harry La , Anabella lmbomone , Elyse Kann , Alec Ricci , Clara Rabe , Lainey Pickens , Jessie Pickens Front row from left to right: Nicholas Arensman, Katie Williams , Sophia Musso, Erica Ricci, Rikki Bourg Not pictured: Benjamin Bone Back row from left to right: Clara Rabe , Anna Beth Talbot , Grayson Doyle, Elizabeth Kuehne, Nie Lobrano
Front row from left to right: Jade Punch, Rikki Bourg , Erica Ricci, Alec Ricci

Speech and Debate

International Club
Back: Evan McCollum, Steven Xu , Harry La, Andy Zhou , Evan Jiang, Danie l Wang Front: Rita Cai , Ms. Jennifer Wang , Mme. Cissy Rowley, Rocio Fuentes, Sunny Xu, Elizabeth Kuehne, Karly Bruss, Rimi Manda!, Tyler Li, Noemi Garo
3ack from left to right: Tanner Sykes, Ishmael Blackstone, Renee Angerer, Andrew Gary, Abbie Beck, Camila Figueroa 0rom from left to right: Katie Williams, Bentley Boudreaux, Kaylee Caracci, Alec Ricci, Andreas Poulis :oaches: Fr. Jay Angerer, Sra Ali Simon

Spanish Club

Science Olympiad

From left to right: Ellie Hurley , Anabella Imbomone , Victoria Morgan , Elizabeth Kuehne , Sophia Musso , Gabby Killett
Coach Warren Lind, Collin Shannon , Rico Coleman , Bharat Solanky, Bryce Monier, Jun Choi , Dean Choi , Lainey Pickens , Natalia Bourg, Elise Lafleur , Isabella Bartholomew , Ricky Pickens , Jessie Pickens , Maansi Solanky , Ally Bartholomew , Chloe Bartholomew , Caitlin Bagnetto , Clara Co natser

Quiz Bowl

Diversity Club

From Left to Right: Chloe Bartholomew, Caitlin Bagnetto , Ally Bartholomew, Elise Lafleur , Jules France , Grace Fles hman, Camila Figueroa , Bryce Monier , Bruce Miller , Collin Shannon. Not pictured: Isabella Bartholomew , Clara Conat ser , and Cameron Tolar.
'rom Left to Right: Bailey Black, Samantha McClellan, Bentley Boudreaux , Katie LaForge, Erica Ricci , Samantha D' Arensbourg, Ava Richard, Sofia )rtega , Diego Ortega, Olivia Ernst , Maan si Solanky , Brenan Kronenberg, Dionne Lewis, Jack McElveen , Ellie Hurley, Hannah LeJeune, Anabella mbomone

Model United Nations

Key Club

From left to right: Katie Williams , Rocio Fu e ntes , Isabella Bartholomew, Andreas Poulis, Jack McElveen , Maansi Solanky, Bharat Solanky , Bryce Monier, Elise Lefleur , Bruce Miller , Collin Shannon
From left to right: Diego Ortega , Griff Thoma s , Jack McElveen , Brenan Kronenberg , Gabby Killett , Anabella lmbornone, Khaja Bradley , Brandon Roth, Ellie Hurley , Hannah LeJeune.

The Shield

Art Club
From left to right: Sara Brechtel, Eleanor Parker, Sydney Leopo ld, Tori Morgan, Anabella lmbomone, Oliv ia Ernst, Rimi Manda! , Charley Leopold, Hannah LeJeune , Bethany Black , Chase Descant, Karly Bruss, Elizabeth Kuehne.
From left to right: Rachel Royerre, Deryn Patin, Griff Thomas , Alec Ricci, Anna Beth Talbot, Farah Wells , Clara Rabe, Alana Tessman, Ellie Courtney, Harry La. Not pictured: Ben Bone.

Board of Trustees

Head of School

Back row: The Rt. Rev . Morris K. Thompson, The Rev. Fred Devall IV '87, Bart Cranford, Treasuer-Walker Saik ' 02, Anne Dunlap Honeywell '83 , Bruce Parkerson ' 75. Front row: J. Kelly Duncan ' 72 , Secretary-Michael F. Nicoladis ' 78 , Chair-Ana Mesa Ortega '85 , Merry Sorrells, G. Perry Eastman III ' 62 , Heidi Gremillion , Lewis Khan. Not Pictured: Vice Chair-Patrick Comer , Past Chair-Stephen Huber ' 89.
Dr. Merry Sorrells

Head of Middle School

Director of George Cottage

Head of Upper School Kevin Weatherill Head of Lower School Ford Dieth, Jr. '89 Jenny Velasquez
Holly Dalferes

Faculty and Staff

Peter Adair Mary Kay Beck Laura Blazek Mary Bond Ashley Bozeman Rebecca Brennan Pam Brierre Sara Broussard Mary Brown Danielle Calamia Toni Caserta Athanasios Chalastaras Claudette Chanson Barat Chisesi Jenny Collins Terri Drouet Tiffany DuSaules Katie Faught Debbie Flanagan Will Fletcher Allison Fresneda Leslie Gamble Stephanie Gaspard Heather Grace Anita Hamilton Christina Heath Cynthia Hill James Huval Aimee Hyatt Linda Jouet Megan Karl Kit Laird Tiffany Laird Julie Laskay Joe LeCoq Shannon LeJeune Cathy Lesher Jeanie L'Hoste Warren Lind Meredith Long-Dieth Rebecca Lovisa Lisa Lozes Kelli Lullich Robin Lunsford Stephen Martinez Katherine McGowen Jeff Millican Aileen Minihan Joette Monaghan Rosary Mouton James Murray Anastasia Nekoz Stephanie O'Briant Holly Odom Mike Odom Edwina O'Flynn Julie O'Flynn Natalie Ott Candice Parker Emily Parks

Faculty and Staff

Emily Parks Stephanie Parr Susan Pendleton Anna Perry Celeste Porche Wally Porter Mary Quinet Charlie Ramos Nikki Reiss Stacy Richards Chuck Rivet Leah Robarts Paige Roberts AlmaRoohi Bill Rosenbaum Emily Ross Cissy Rowland Mary Lee Saucier Keith Schwarz Ray Scioneaux Chris Shipman Ali Simon Eileen Smilari Jordan Soyka Robby Stanley
Laurie Stewart Julie Talbot Allison Thomas Courtney Ward Julie Warren Rachel Watts Christy Weatherill Barbara Weaver Meghan Weaver Teresa York

Bryce Monier

Congratulations, Bryce!

We are so proud of you!

You really never cease to amaze us!

It ' s been awesome watching you grow up and accomplish all that you have!

Good luck at Columbia as you embark on a new journey!

Geaux Lions!

Love, Mom, Dad, Alex and Lauren

Chase Descant

'Pre1Y1,1Ss l'Yl,S 'c/ev'll aJwa,'c/s rsl'Yl,Sl'Yl,bsr: ~ev'rs bra.vsr tha.n, 'elev bs.Usvs, stren.~sr tha.n, 'elev sssm. o.n,d. smo.rtsr tho.n, ~ev th~~k,

Love, Mom, Dad, and Gabby


Nate Ma

Nate, you make us all so proud!

Congratulations on this next step.You are well loved.

-- Mom, Dad, Henk, and Jack



13 year club 14

14 year club 15

1st Grade 102


2nd Grade 100


3rd Grade 98


4th Grade 96


6th grade 70

AAckel, Ivanna 110

Adair, Hana Kate


Adair, Peter 150

Adams, Christopher 58,126

Adriance , Muffin 150

Adriance, Sawyer 78, 138

Adriance, Will 96

Aguayo, Miller 110

Allen, Annabelle 150

Alread, Hillary 150

Al read, Jack 111

Altobello, Denise 150

Alvendia, Luke 76, 135

American Heritage 86

Andrews, Cooper 102

Andrews, Corrine 98, 139

Angerer, Cole 78, 138

Angerer, Fr. Jay 143 160

Angerer, Lisa 150

Angerer, Renee 60, 128,141,143

Anthony, Pryce 58, 120,124,128

Arensman, Emerson 78, 134, 137, 138

Arensman, Nie 12, 13,60, 122,142

Arensman, Roby 122,123

Arizola, Isabella 80, 135, 138

Athletics 116

Aucoin, Shawn 150

Aucoin, Winston 112

Axelrald, Bailey 119

Ayinapudi, Ishan


Ayres, Julia 76

BBabbitt, Natalie 39

Badari , Svaraathmika 113

Bagnetto, Caitlin


Baig, Omar 104

Ballinger, Andrew 113

Barcelona, Micah 76, 133

Bartholomew, Alexandra 15, 26, 120, 121, 128, 132, 144, 145

Bartholomew, Chloe 15, 27, 120, 121, 128, 132, 140, 144,145

Bartholomew, Isabella 60, 120, 121, 128, 132, 144,145,146

Bartholomew, Tristen 80, 135,


Baseball 126

Baseball, Middle School Baseball 138, 160

Basketball, Boys 160

Basketball, Girls 160

Basketball, Girls

Basketball 41

Bath, Harrison 124

Bath, Olivia 127

Beck, Abbie 13, 60,125,143

Beck, Mary Kay 150

Becnel, Connor 98

Bejaran, Manny 78, 133, 138

Belle, La 30

Benedetto , Scarlett 110

Benton, Ben 15, 27,28

Berthelot, Eric 60, 128

Beverly, Lia 80, 134, 137, 138

Bezmalinovic, Mirko 58

Biven, Calvin 112

Black, Bailey 9, 60,119,123,145

Black, Bethany 8, 28,119,147

Blackstone, Ishmael 56, 118, 141, 143

Blake, Bennet 104

Blake, Briley 80, 133

Blazek, Frankie 96

Blazek, Laura 150

Boelte, Jackson 74

Bohannan, Bryce

74, 136, 138

Bohannan, Deuce 58,124

Bonano, Aidan 56

Bond, Mary 150

Bone, Ben 56, 120, 132, 140, 142, 147,180

Bone, Lauren 74, 127, 137

Bonnette, Andrea 135

Bordelon , Connor 102

Bordelon, Lilly 80, 134, 137

Bouchard, Avery 124

Boudreaux, Bentley 60,140,143,145

Boulmay, Leo 113

Bourg, Natalia 56, 121,144

Bourg, Rikki 60, 142

Bourgeois, Braden 58,124,140

Bourgeois, Henry 60

Boutchard, Avery 58,131

Boys Basketball 124

Boys Soccer 122

Bozeman, Ashley 150

Bozeman, Ella 80, 134, 137, 138

Bradley , Khaja 8, 19, 28, 34, 119, 127, 140, 141, 146

Breaux, Ashton 98

Breaux, Avery 111

Breaux, Carter 102

Breaux, Lucy 106

Brechtel, Sara 9, 58 , 141,147

Brennan, Rebecca 150

Bridges, Ryan 100

Brierre, Pam 150

Brooks, Destin 98

Broussard, Sara 150

Brower, Stefan 74, 133

Brown, Mary 150

Bruss, Karly 29, 143,147

Bryan, Halle 74, 119, 127, 137

Bugg-Gaspard, Max 60

Bullard, Roland 78, 133, 136, 138

Caballero, Juan Pablo 98

Cabos, Ethan 96

Cabos, Jacob 76

Cai, Rita 58, 143

Calamia, Danielle 150

Cali, Dennis 104

Calogero, Jack 106

Campo, Ava 96, 137, 139

Campo, James 98

Cano, Olivia 78, 134

Caracci, Kaylee 60, 143,180

Cardew, Cecily 10

Carraci, Kaylee 129

Carter, Bodhi 104

Carter, Magnolia 113

Carter, River 111

Caserta, Toni 150

Castaing, Breton 112

Castaneda, Jon athan 60,118,122,126

Castillo, Luis 106

Catinis, Christopher 60,122,140

Chaddock, Roman 113

Chailland, Sophie

Chalastaras, Athanasios 150

Champagne, Harrison 111

Chan, Adan 106

Chan, Ava 106

Chanson, Claudette 150

Chatagnier, Chandler 80, 133, 136

Chatagnier, Harrison 96

Chatagnier, Nathan 60,122

Cheerleading 130

Chisesi, Barat 150

Choi, Dean 144

Choi, Deen 60, 122, 131

Choi, Hyoungjun 29

Choi, Jun 19, 122, 128,144

Clan, Moose 26

Class of 2018 16

Class Officers 141

Clayton, Jacob 102

Clayton, Jude 96

Cline, Lenny 80, 133

Clotworthy, Robin 102

Cochran, Marlowe 111

Coe, Lila 76

Coleman, Finley 113

Coleman, Jayden 74, 137, 138

Coleman, Kylar 74, 125, 128, 138

Coleman, Rico 56, 120, 128, 132, 144

Collier, Ava 80, 134

Collins, Colleen

98, 139

Collins, Erin 98, 139

Collins, Jack 80

Collins, Jenny 150

Collins, Savannah 60

Comer, Brittan 100

Comer, MaryAlice 98

Comer, Vivienne 104

Community Day 94

Conatser, Clara 60, 128, 140, 141, 144,145

Conway, Tootie 150

Corcoran, Kate 74, 139

Corcoran, Layne 74, 139

Corsetti, Carter 78, 135, 138

Costa, Vincent 111

Cottage 108, 110, 112

Courtney, Ellie 60, 121,147,180

Cranford, Bart 148

Cranford, Madalyn 9,56, 129

Crawford, Evan 98

Crawford, Leland 80, 133

Crawford, Ruby 80, 134, 137

Cross Country 120

Crying, Bryce 45

Dashkovskaya, Polina 111

Davis, Bellen 80, 135, 137

Davis, Cicely 113

Davis, Lisa 150

Davis, Piper 100

Day, Zach 58

Dazzo, Erin 150

Deas, Carolyn 127, 150

Dennies, Michaela 56,129

Deroche, Claire 96, 139

Descant, Chase 15, 19, 26, 30, 128, 129,147,157

Despaux, Hokie 96

Despaux, Lori 150

Deutcsh, Allie 80, 134, 137

Deutcsh, Arthur 98

Devall, Andrew 15, 30,35, 124

Devall, Thomas 60, 120,124,128

Devall IV, Fred 148

Dewey, Nolan 150

Diaz, Alex 98

Diaz, Olive 104

Dicasali, Evie 102, 139

Dicasali, John 150

Didriksen, Eliza 96,139

Diebold, Gregory 104

Diebold, Vivienne 113

Dieth, Kelly 106

DDalferes, Holly 127, 134, 149

D'Arensbourg, Samantha 60, 123,145

Dashkovskaya, Liza 102

Dieth, Lee 106

Dieth, Trey 100

Dieth, Jr., Ford 149

Dongieux, Dreux 31

Donne, John 38

Doskey, Lillian 8,


12, 13, 18, 31, 119

Doyle, Grayson 10, 11, 15, 32, 142

Dozier, Nate 74, 136

Drouet, Terri 150

Dudley, Prudence 60, 119, 123, 130

Dunkin, Randy 138

Dunn, Emma 112

Dunn, Katie 139

Dunn, Molly 102

Dunn, Noah 96, 135, 139

DuSaules, Tiffany 150

Flanagan, Debbie 150

Flanagan, Jack 80, 135, 138

Flanagan,Josephine 104

Fleischer-Djoleto, Emmanuel 58, 122,128,140

Fleishmann, Jack 56, 118

Fleshman, Grace 60,145

Fletcher, Elizabeth 110

Fletcher, Will 150

Flores, Aubree 100

Flores, Aubry 139


Garrido, Daniel 74, 133, 136

Garvey, James 74, 135, 138

Garvey, Tommy 78, 135, 138

Gary, Andrew 58, 121, 143

Gary, Zachary 78

Gaspard, Ashley 78

Gaspard, Jessie 100

Gaspard, Josie 80, 134

Gaspard, Stephanie 150

Gassaway, Cam 136

Hall, Justin 76, 135, 138

Hall, Kaitlyn 78, 135, 137

Hamide, Audrey 112

Hamide, Michael 104

Hamilton, Anita 150

Hamrick, Thomas 58, 118

Hanson, Remy 110

Hartenstein, Ava 113

Hartenstein, Justin 80, 133

EErnst, Olivia 9, 56, 129,145,147

Essa, Tala 58

Everitt, Ethan 56, 118, 126

FFaculty 148, 150, 152

Falati, Michael 121

Farber, Erny 78, 134, 137

Fassbender, Angelo 80, 136, 138

Faught, Katie 150

Favorites, 18

Fay, Sophia 98

Feibleman, William 104

Fejka, Chloe 58, 119

Figueroa, Bella 134

Figueroa, Camila

60, 129, 140, 141, 143,145

Figueroa, Isabel 80

Figueroa, Rafael


Fink, Daniel 80, 133

Flowers, Hudson 106

Flowers, Hylton 113

Football 118

Foster, Romell 74, 133, 138

Foster, Scarlett 113

France,Jules 10, 11,32, 145

Franklin, Benjamin 40

Freshmen 60

Fresneda, Allison 150

Frey, Hayden 76, 136

Frey, Zoe 119, 125

Fuentes, Rocio 18, 33,143,146

GGallagher, Sean 118

Gamble, Leslie


Gardner, Sean 80, 133

Garo, Noemi 33, 143

Garrido, Alyssa 58,

Gaver, Elena 60

Gendusa, Grant 76, 133, 136

Gerard, Gia 111

Gerard, Kayla 134

Gill, Delaney 110

Gills, Ruston 113

Giordano, Adrian 34

Giordano, Luke 122

Girls Basketball 125

Girls Soccer 123

Golf 131

Goose, Darius 43

Gosey, Cannon 111

Gowing, Josephine 113

Grace, Heather 150

Graf, Wheeler 112

Graf, Winter 110

Grease 12

Greek Games 92

Greene, Leven 60

Gremillion, Heidi 148

Gremillion, Pierce 56,122

Hawawini, Adam 102

Heath, Christina 150

Helwig, Bryce 98

Helwig, David 78, 133, 136, 138

Henderson, Gabe 100

Henderson, Will 100

Heritage, American 160

Heytens, Caleb 100

Heytens, Grant 96

Hill, Cynthia 150

Hingle, Noah 96

Hintzke, Ava 112

Hodges, Ethan 76

Hogan, Dominic 78

Hogan, Paul 106

Homecoming 6

Homecoming Court 8

Hoppe, Ben 60

Houghtaling, Finn 104

Houghtaling, Lexi 78, 134, 137

Huber, Harris 76

HHuber, Meredith 104


Huber, Russell 96

Hulbert, Jayce 111

Humphrey, Gracin 113

Hurley, Ellie 56, 119, 128, 141, 144,145,146

Hurley, John 18, 34,118,124,141

Huval, James 150

Hyatt, Aimee 150

Hyatt, Nan 151

Ilbiwoye, Israel 35, 118, 122

Imbornone, Anabella 56, 120, 128, 132, 142, 144, 145, 146,147

Importance of Being

Earnest 10

Indoor track 132

Innerarity, Gary 151

Irons, Kimberly 151

Irons, Zachary 112

Irwin, Linda 151

IV, Devall 161

JJ aikishen, Kian 110

James, Isabella 80, 134

James, Sophia 58, 119,127

James, Westley 76

Jay, Fr. 160

Jee, Jillian 113

Jiang, Evan 58, 143

Johnson, Cave 32

Johnson, Erin 80

Johnson, Macy 58, 142

Johnson, Riley 102

Johnson, Ryan 74, 138

Johnston, Webb 106

Jones, Jonathan 138

Joseph, Conchetta 151

J ouet, Linda 151

J our de France 90

Juniors 56

Jurisich, Alexis 60, 123,129

Jurisich, Rachel 129, 139

KKahdalea 66

Kahn, Bennett 56, 118, 140

Kaiser, Olivia 58

Kaliszeski, Charles 56

Kalogiratos, Garret 35,118,124

Kann, Elyse 9, 58, 123, 140, 141, 142

Kann, Ethan 78

Karl, Evie 102

Karl, Megan 151

Karno, Isabella 104

Karno, Nathan 112

Karno, Navah 100

Karno, Sarah 96, 139

Karno, Tristan 76, 135

Kate, Hana 160

Kay, Mary 160

Kean, Max 58, 122

Kellum, Charlie 36, 118

Kellum, Samuel 56,120,128

Kershenstine, Pepper 112

Khan, Lewis 148

Killett, Gabby 12, 13, 56, 125, 129, 142,144,146

Kindergarten 104

King, Megan 151

Kippers, Luke 80, 133, 138

Kirchner, Katie 96, 135

Kirchner, Richard 104

Klebba, Lee 151

Knight, Kate 80, 134

Kronenberg, Brenan 56, 118, 141, 145, 146

Kuehne, Elizabeth 19, 36, 121, 142, 143,144,147

Kuhn, Michael 151

Kullander, Myles 58

Kulp, Jonah 102

Kundera, Milan 36

Kwiatkowski, Turner 110

LLa, Harry 58, 131, 142, 143, 147, 180

Laboratory, Research 69

Labrano, Nie 12

LaCoste, Christian 102

LaCoste, Cole 80

Lady, Pocket 26

Lafleur, Elise 56, 144,145

LaFleur, Elyse 120

LaForge, Dawn 151

LaForge, Katie 60, 119, 125, 130, 145

LaForge, Lindsey 58, 119, 123, 127, 141

LaForge, Max 100

LaForge, Pat 130,

133, 151

LaForge, Patrick 78, 133, 136, 138

Laird, Caleb 58, 124,126

Laird, Kit 118, 126, 151

Laird, Tiffany 123, 127, 151

Lake, Rich 44

Lang, Alina 74

Laskay, Julie 151

Lauland, Tyler 74, 133, 136

La Vie, DJ 96

LaVie, Elise 102, 139

Lawler, Christopher 96

Lawler, Colin 100

Lawrence, Beau 58,122,126

Lawrence, Kyle 78

Leboeuf, Jesse 121

LeCoq, Joe 151

Lefleur, Elise 146

LeJeune, Hannah

8, 14, 37, 123, 145,146,147

LeJeune, Shannon 151

Leopold, Charley

9, 56, 123, 127, 147

Leopold, Sydney 58,129,147

Leopold, Will 19, 37,118,122

Lesher, Cathy 151

Lewis, Dionne 19, 38,125,129,145

Lewis, Monte 60, 124

L'Hoste, Carter 110

L'Hoste, Curtis 104

L'Hoste, Jeanie 151

Li, Sinuo 102

Li, Tyler 58, 143

Lind, Warren 120,


128, 132, 135, 138, 144,151

Linden, Ian 7 6

Listi, Mila 113

Listi, Sawyer 112

Livingston, Alexandra 98, 139

Livingston, Barklie 74

Lobrano, Nie 10, 13, 58, 142

Long-Dieth, Meredith 151

Lopez, Ivana 100, 139

Lopez, Tristan 96, 135

Lovera, Isabel 80, 134

Lovera, Sofia 74

Lovisa, Giuseppe 112

Lovisa, Rebecca

137, 151

Lozes, Lisa 151

Luby, Sadie 112

Lucia, Philip 106

Lullich, Kelli 151

Lumas, Caleb 102

Lumas, Maddox 102

Lunsford, Robin 151

Lustberg, Emile 110

Mancuso, Henry 102

Mandal, Rimi 15, 39, 130, 141, 143, 147

Maness, Richard 113

Manning, Nick 59, 126

Manning, Tucker 80

Manzella, Tony 18, 39, 118

Marcello, Enzo 56

Markey, Lillian 106

Markey,Morgan 100

Marrone, Greyson 112

Marshall, Persephone 111

Martinez, Jocelyn 80, 134

Martinez, Stephen 151

Mathieu, Torey 76, 133, 136

Mayeux, Colby 10, 11, 74, 127, 137, 139

Mayeux, Seth 78, 133, 138

Maypole 88

McAllister, Curtis 98

McCarver, Johnny Michael 113

McElveen, Jordan 61

McGovern, Desmond 118, 126

McGovern, Leon 111

McGowen, Katherine 151

McManus, Devyn 98

McManus, Ezra 113

McManus, Rian 76, 135, 138

McMyne, DJ 96

McWilliams, Kolby 56,126

Meister, Maya 74

Meka, Apurva 104

Meka, N amratha 81, 134

Middle School 64

Middle School

Football 133

Miester, Gracie 61, 129

Miles, Beirne 104

Milioto, Bree 10, 11, 12, 13, 41, 141

Millaway, Carter 110

Miller, Bruce 41, 126,145,146

Miller, Peyton 76, 135

Mohiuddin, Zayan 106

Mohiuddin, Zoya 102

Molaison, Aidan 96

Molaison, Claiborne 104

Molaison, Marigny 100, 139

Monaghan,Joette 151

Monier, Bryce 15, 19, 42, 120, 128, 132, 140, 144, 145,146,156

Monier, Lauren 74

Monson, Chandler 61

Morenc, Eva 43

Morgan, Tori 129, 147

Morgan, Victoria 57,144

Morin, Eliza 100

Mouton, Rosary 151

Mueller, Elle 104, 139

Mueller, George 76, 133

Murray, James 151

Musso, Sophia 57, 129,142,144

MMa, Nate 38, 158

Madden, Ethel 151

Madness, Marsh 30

Madrid, Hala 29

Main, Katie 74, 127, 139

Makofsky, Blake 59, 131

Malbrough, Brycen


Manager, Stage 43 164

McClellan, Samantha 60, 128,145

McCollum, Evan 12, 13, 14, 40, 120,143

McCrary, Laura 61

McDonell, John 118

McElveen, Jack 40, 118,145,146

Miller, Ross 61, 122

Millican, Ford 61, 124,128

Millican, Jeff 151

Millican, Sarah 15, 18,42, 119

Minihan, Aileen 151

Mitchell, Camryn 113

Mitra, Anisha 81

NNekoz, Anastasia 151

Nettles, Bennett 81, 135

Nettles, Jackson 61, 121

NHS 52

Nicoladis, Conner 76

Nicoladis, Corbin 96

Norton, Nia 96

Nowalsky, Zach 59

Nunan, Oliver 110 Parks, Emily 151, Powell, Wyatt 76, Riess, Avery 111 Nunez, Isabella 76, 152 133 Rigney, Carter 81 134 Parr, Stephanie 152 Powers, Jonathan Ring Day 54 0 Parsons, Michael 111 Rivas, Dalton 102 112 Pray, Harper 110 Rivas, Drew 102 O'Briant, Stephanie Patin, Deryn 61, Preen, Derek 104 Rivas, Molly 76, 151 129,147,180 Pre Kindergarten 134, 137 Odom, Cooper 78, Payne, Heath 112 106 Rivet, Chuck 152 133, 136, 138 Paz, Adriana 61, Punch, Blade 96, Rizer, Dax 97, 139 Odom, Holly 151 123, 128, 140, 135 Roaf, Carrington Odom, Jacob 96 141 Punch,Jade 59, 59,123 Odom, Mike 124, Paz, Gianna 106 125,142 Robarts, Leah 139, 151 Pendleton, Susan
152 Officers, Class 161 152 Roberts, Greg 59, O'Flynn, Edwina Perry, Anna 152 Quiggle, Murphy 122 151 Perry, Ashley 111 110 Roberts, Paige 152 O'Flynn, Julie 151 Peters, John 59 Quinet, Mary 152 Roberts, Rustin Ohmes, Blake 98 Pevey, Alex 78, R 110 Ohmes, Nick 81, 127, 134, 137 Roberts, Timothy 133 Pevey, Christian Rabalais, Emmy 96 76, 133, 138 Ohmes, Zoe 59, 61,122,126 Rabe, Clara 57, Rodriguez, Luke 121,128,129 Peyton, Elliot 59 142 , 147,180 106 Organizations 142, Peyton, Georgia Rabe, Lilly 74, 139 Rojas, Patrick 77, 143, 144, 145, 104, 139 Raines, Noah 104 133 146,147 Peyton, James 57 Raines, Peyton 76, Rome, Rousseau Ortega, Diego 15, Pfefferle, Brett 44, 133, 136 110 18, 43, 121, 122, 118,124 Ramos, Charlie Roohi, Alma 152 142,145,146 Philippovic, John 152 Rosenbaum, Bill Ortega, Sofia 61, Michael 112 Ray, Maya 112 152 123,145 Pickens, Jessie 57, Reeves, David 131 Ross, Emily 152 Ortiz, Autumn 111 121,142,144 Reeves, Jack 59, Roth, Brandon 57, Ortiz, Na than 100 Pickens, Lainey 57, 118,140 121, 124, 126, Oster, Katie 13, 59 121,142,144 Reeves, Ruby 57, 146 Ott, Natalie 151 Pickens, Ricky 76, 119, 130 Rouse, Annika 113 Ouyang, Chelsea 135, 144 Reiss, Hayden 106 Rouse, Orri 102 61 Pilgrim, Alaina 59, Reiss, Nikki 152 Rowland, Cissy p 127 Ricci, Alec 57, 152 Porche, Celeste 142,143,147 Row land, Jack 75, Pablo, Juan 161 152 Ricci, Alex 180 133 Paiz, Alina 78, 134 Porche, Violet 78 Ricci, Erica 61, Rowley, Cissy 143 Palmisano, Reed Porter, Mya 61 142,145 Royerre, Michael 104, 139 Porter, Mycah 74 Richard, Ava 61, 61 Palmisano, Wrex Porter, Wally 152, 130, 145 Royerre, Rachel 96 180 Richard, Michael 61, 129, 130, 147, Parish, Sabine 43 Potter, Harry 26 81 180 Parker, Candice Paulis, Andreas 59, Richards, Stacy Rubin, Gabby 78, 151 143,146 152 134, 137 Parker, Eleanor 59, Powell, Gavin 59, Ricouard, Logan Russell, Cole 57 123,147 118, 122, 133 100 Rutherford, Gian 165

Rutherford, Jonathan 106 s

Sadhwani, Sakshi


Salge, Kiley 77, 134, 138

Salvaggio, William


Sammy, Julie 104

Saucier, Branden 98

Saucier, Colin 75

Saucier, Malorie


Saucier, Mary Lee


Scala, Gio 113

Scala, Giuseppe 111

Scheuermann, Alex 97

Scheuermann, Carter

79, 135

Schieffelin, Anna 57, 123, 130

Schieffelin, Caroline


Schlosser, Carter 77, 133, 138

Schmedtje, August 77

Schmedtje, Elliot 75, 135, 138

Schott, Arthur 79, 135, 138

Schott, Ava 97, 139

Schulte, Adeline 112

Schulte, Easton 110

Schurke, Clara 106

Schwab, Don 133, 138

Schwarz, Keith 152

Scioneaux, Ray


Scofield, Will 77

Scott, Margot 11, 44

Sea Camp 68

Seamster, Abby 102

Segar, Crosby 112

Segar, Fiona 100

Senior Chapel 24

Senior Favorites 18

Senior Leadership 22

Senior Weird Day


Shah, Riya 98, 139

Shahlaei, Charles 113

Shank, Shawn 75, 133, 136

Shank, Skyler 75, 133, 136

Shannon, Colby


Shannon, Collin

45, 128, 132, 144, 145,146

Shepherd, Barret


Shepherd, Marley 100, 139

Ship Island 72

Shipman, Chris 152

Shipman, Finn 113

Shropshire, Cooper 75, 138

Simeon, Gavin 77

Simien, Zoe 79, 134, 137

Simon, Ali 143, 152

Simon, Daphne 112

Smilari, Eileen 152

Smith, Darrel 102

Smith, Mayson 106

Smuck, Beau 102

Smuck, Beckett 98

Soccer, Boys 160

Softball 127

Soh, Jared 102

So lanky, Bharat 59, 124, 140, 144, 146

So lanky, Maansi 19, 45, 123, 130, 140,144,145, 146

Solus, Lil 41

Sophomores 5 8

Sorrells, Dr. Merry 148

Sorrells, Gabriel 110

Sossaman, Kate 81, 137

Sossaman, Will 79, 133

Souljas, Willow 30

Soyka, Jordan 152

Spears, Caroline 77, 134

Sperandeo, Gavin 61

Sperandeo, Guiliana 98,

Spiers, Catherine 104, 139

Stanley, Robby 152

Stefani, Ruby 110

Stewart, Laurie 152

Stewart, Molly 79, 134, 137

St. Martin's Day 4, 5

Stokes, Brandon 61, 131

Student Council 140

Sullen, Jordan 118

Sun, Troy 113

Swimming 121

Sykes, Tanner 12, 13, 59, 142, 143

Talbot, Anna Beth 10, 12, 13, 57, 141, 142, 147, 180

Talbot, Julie 152

Talbot, Michael 75, 133, 136, 138

Tandecki, Lex 113

Tatum, Nigel 57, 122

Tatum, Zoe 77, 137

Tennis 129

Tessman, Alana 57,147,180

Thomas, Allison 152

Thomas Griff 57, 124, 126, 140, 146,147,180

Thomas, Jacob 124, 126, 140, 141

Thomas, Jake 59

Thomas, William 112

Thompson, Ben 100

Thompson, Daniel 75, 135, 138

Thompson, Morris 148

Thompson, Samantha 77, 135

Thompson, Vashed 75, 139

Tico, Rose 43

Tillery, Kaitlyn 79, 135, 137, 139

Todd, Ian 79, 133

Tolar, Cameron 59, 131, 145

Torrence, Trey 112

Track 128

Tran, Faith 100

Tran china, Alex 7 5

Table of Contents 2

Tranchina, Tanya 152


Tranchina, Zoe 81, 134

Tritico, Al 152

Troyer, Saje 61

Truesdale, David 106

Tuleu, Nick 122

uUpper School 50

Urrego, Lucas 112

Urrego, Sofia 79, 134


Ward, Courtney 125,152

Warren, Julie 152

Warren, Sophia 59, 129

Washecheck, Emily 111

Waters, Parker 180

Watkins, Colby 61, 121,124,128

Watts, Rachel 152

Weatherill, Christy 152

97, 135

Williams, Katie 59, 120, 121, 128, 132, 142, 143, 146

Winkler, Kyle 12, 13, 57, 118, 122

Wolf, Zel i a 46

XXu, Mike 79, 135, 136, 138

Xu, Steven 61, 143

Xu, Sunny 143

VVaccaro, Joe 152

Vaccaro, Kendon 112

Vaccaro, KV 104

Valencia, Nils 104

VanGeffen, Missy 152

Varon, Matthew

75, 136

Varon, Moll ye 57, 130

Velasquez, Bobby


Velasquez, Eamon

81, 133

Velasquez, Jenny 149

Velasquez, Reilly 79, 133

Vignes, Fleur 77

Vignes, Vico 100

Villarubia, Lily 97, 139

Vivekananda, Swami 45

Volleyball 119

wWalker, Meredith 98

Wang, Daniel 57, 143

Wang, Jennifer 152

Wang, Ms. Jennifer

Weatherill, Grant 110

Weatherill, Harper 110

Weatherill, Kevin 120,149

Weaver, Barbara 152

Weaver, Caroline 113

Weaver, Matthew 79, 133, 136, 138



Wells, Editors- 180

Wells, Farah 57, 129,147

Wells, Gideon 112

Weston, Will 77, 133

Whitaker, Juliet 97, 139

Whitney, Hayes 61, 131

Whitney, Ritchie

26, 57, 121, 140, 142

Wilde, Oscar 32

Wilkins, Luca 111

Wilkinson, Claire 111

Wilkinson, Pierce 113

Williams, Ethan 98

Williams, Gavin

Xu, Yi 46

yYatsko, Sophia 102

Yordanov, Viktor 98

York, Harlan 113

York, Isidore 110

York, Teresa 152

zZabalaoui, Eva 79, 134

Zar, Patience 59

Zeitoun, Layla 102

Zenker, Mia 100

Zhang, Teresa 61

Zheng, Anthony 81

Zhou, Andy 61, 143

Zhou, Grant 112

Zink, Kaethe 111

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