2021 - St. Martin's Episcopal School Yearbook - Redo Pending

Page 1

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- -. a SCH PIHOLARS , SrWm's EPISCCI)AI. SCHCCL Metairie, Louisiana Volume LXVII 202t I
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Dedication to Merry Sorrells

This yearbook is dedicated to Dr. Merry Sorrells, St. Martin's Head of School trom 201.2 to 202L, in recognition of her strength, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to the St. Martin's community.

Throughout the years of her visionary guidance, St. Martin's has created its groundbreaking innovation and design program; developed the international student program; instituted major technology upgrades; and undertaken a successful capital campaign to erect the Cibbs lamily Center for Innovation + Design, and to expand the Ceorge Cottage.

In the face of several evacuations, Dr. Sorrells, we will always elevated security risks, personal honor and respect you for your grief in the sudden loss of her dedicated labor and earnest desire beloved husband, and an to serve God. St. Martin's has unprecedented global pandemic, been strengthened and enhanced she has sought to be accessible through your leadership, and we and reliable. She has consistently are grateful. shown resilience, dignity, and grace under pressure, never deviating from her personal standards and her passion for exemplifying our ideals of faith, scholarship, and service.

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Third grade students eagerly celebrate the first daY of the 202si2,1 school year, There were many unknowns and new protocols to follow, but throush all the chahges the students could not help but have smlles on theirfaces. Many students were elated to learn and mingle after a long summer of social cllstancing.

Uncharted Territory... unforgeffahle Memor

Bailey ouintal, a member of the Buds class, explores puzzles in her new classroom - building spatial awareness even before her first birthday.

Middle School students Harlem

Berry, Lawrence

Barado, Gianna

Mandella, Sophie

Chailland, Namratha

Meka and Ashton

Oliver enjoy an action-packed Water Day.

Ninth grade students line up for sack races during Student Covernment week.

In addition to the races, students participated in games like donut on a stick and pie€ating contests. These activities were hilarious to watch; students and faculty alike were bursting with laughter.

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Every six feet the hallways and breezeways were lined with these logos to remind the StM community to social distance. This was certainly a new sight for faculty, parents, and students.

dent Life

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Sophomore Brice Krake shows off his elegant work done in the build shop, under the guidance of Mr. Stanley in Mrs. Thomas' Media Arts class. Students in the Lower, Middle, and Upper School had the opportunity to utilize this space and get in touch with their creative side.

Merry Sorrells speaks to the entire StM community about the tradition of st. Martin's Day. Usuallytheevent occurs in the fall, but was moved to the spring this year due to COVID. Regardless of the clelay, the aftemoon was concluded by Dr. soffells declaring the 2O2A-21 St. Martin's Day a success!

let the Games I Begin!

The theme for StM Day was "Let The Distance Bring Us Together." Each Lower School class decorated a letter or a pennant for the display that was hung outside the LS library. Here we have Landon Parks and David Truesdale working on their creation.

Middle schoolers settle down on the Tony Porter Track to hear the annual address from Dr. Sorrells about StM Day.

Ashley Gaspard, Elaia Barre, and Cole Angerer put their heads together in an attempt to win the Upper School St. Martin's Day scavenger hunt. Each advisory received clues to help them crack a code. The first advisory to complete the hunt won a pizza party.

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Sam Schefflien, Vivi Ciordano, Daken Baker, and Lexi Houshtalins work feverishly to complete the Upper School scavenger hunt. The four were trying to complete a sudoku-like puzzle, which was one of several puzzles created by Hunter Richardson.

St. Martin ry ) S

Tenth graders Harris Huber, Jenna DeLatte, and Kaival Howard proudly pose for a picture in the Upper School hallway while competing against other advisories to win a pizza party on St. Martin's Day. They were among the earliest of the advisories to finish the puzzles and crack the code for the scavenger hunt. These students easily proved that three heads are better than one.

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tJpper School

Students in the Upper School leorn ond grow by spending time in the clossroom, on the othletic field, on stoge, ond most importontly os port of the community. While COVID chonged some things in the clossroom, colloborotion, innovotion, chorocter development, ond student leodership ore essentiol ports of the educotionol experience. The students' work reflects these quolities,

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To soy this wos o unique yeor in the Upper Schoolwould be o mossive understotement, Students begon the yeor with o hybrid schedule, but were oble to ottend on compus full-time storting in October, Students ond teochers olike become occustomed to events being conceled or postponed, entire sports teoms being quorontined, ond doily screenings, However, this only mode the end of the yeor sweeter os it wos filled with moke-up events, competitions, ossemblies, cookouts ond even korooke, One thing is certoin: the Upper School knows how to ride out o pondemic in style.

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ln the third tale, we enter the mind of the catatonic Poet, who has witnessed the death of his lover or has, perhaps, been responsible for it. After the memorial service, the Poet is visited by guilt and The Raven. Finally, Bedloe, who has buried an axe in his wife's skull and hidden her in the cellar, is brought to justice by The Black Cat. "Twisted Tales of Poe" was performed outside by the CID and was live streamed.

We segue into the night the deed was done and witness the murder and the concealment of the old man's body. lt is his unnerving, staring eye she seeks to murder, but it is his Telltale heart that eventually leads to the discovery of her crime.

Montresor tells of luring Fortunato away from carnival and into the wine cellar with the promise of sampling from a cask of amontillado. He proffers the notion that by walling Fortunato up to die, he has done a service to humanity, thereby amputating "a diseased portion from the body human."


"The loving family and community that the cast has. We all love each other so much that now it feels like a loving family."

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failsrite aspect
f,lail?i Pr$lcl, 9t[ Glado
ability to express my love for actinE, comedy, and overall being myself without being judged.'
Dlrmond hfls, {ott GNdC a;l YI r environment." T rewarding "The
0bile nfir, !, '' 9t[ cradc 1l T2
for myself and I others to express I ourselves in
supportive and

FaII Show 6ur*tGb {?oo

Four stories from Edgar Allan Poe are told in the form of a staged radio drama, complete with cues for sound effects and music. The prisoners of Leverett Street Jail, Death warrant Division, await their fates as three of the doomed souls tell their stories, and we enter the mind of a fourth. The caretaker insists that, although she has murdered the old man she was caring for, chopped him up, and buried him under the floor, she is not mad. ln fact, she says, she loved the old man...

'lt helps with social skills that will he useful later on in life. lt is also a very friendly and accepting community.'

'l like theater because it has tausht me how to become more confident and helped me develop my public speaking skills." noill Yolr$|uer, gtt Gnde

'The lighting design. So much about a scene can come from the lighting. Learning to how run the lightins board is a difficult process, but I wouldn't trade it for anwhing else." Hufitor ilclerdsor, ,lzth O?ds

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This yeor hos been chollenging. but through those chollenges. we hove found opporlunities to creote ort, The spring musicol wos one of the most unique ond innovotive productions ot St. Mortin's, lt wos exciting, creotive, ond fun producing theoter ond bringing the orfs into o post-COVID life,


place. The students rehearsed at home, then recorded. We layered each voice in to make a full-sounding chorus. This truly was an innovative, collaborative eff ort.

Wtnt is your failorite asfiect af thcater?

"My favorite aspect of theater is being with my friends and hanging out on staEe."

camlhn FelIoust, ,ltrh crad!

"Everyone works together to put on an amazing show that everyone can see.'

[ailel Hof,anl, lott Gredc

"lt's a place where I can express myself,

I leam real life skills I like public speaking, t qaln more

confidence, and grow a9 a person."

EmItrtur, 9t[ Grille

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Will Rock Youwas filmed and / recorded with all COVID regulations in
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Spring Show Ud" U);t( 7?o,J,Y,*

Featuring more than 20 hit oueen songs including "Another One Bites the Dust," "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Killer oueen," "We Will Rock You," "Somebody To Love," "We Are the Champions," "Don't Stop Me Now," and many more, We Will Rock You follows two revolutionaries as they try to save rock 'n' roll in a post-apocalyptic world. ln an age where algorithms predict every preference, We Will Rock you is a musical for our time: a fist-pumping, foot-stomping anthem to individuality.

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"Being able to go out on stage and forget about everything. Vou kinda get to live someone else's life without leaving yours behind.
f,Yle Lilfgflcg gtt Gnde
lTheater is a place to be whoever you want to be. lt is gacred place where you can be goofy and so much more."
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"Anyone, regardless of theatrical experience, can create something

Homecomirg 2020

Homecoming Court: Lexi Houghtoling, Jenno Delotle, Groyson Eppling, Lydio Greene, Aloyno Bergeron, Alexis Steckler, Grocie lViester, Kotie LoForge, Sofio Ortego, Avo Richord
Kotie LoForge crowned Homecoming Queen 2020 Angels: Cotherine Ronquillo ond Somontho D'Arensbourg
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2020 Devils: Prudence Dudley ond Bentley Boudreoux
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Homecomirg Court 2020

Katie LaForge Ava Richard
Sofia Ortega
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Gracie Miester
o o o I I
Alayna Bergeron Lydia Greene Alexis Steckler Grayson Eppling Jenna Delatte
r9 a I F
Lexi Houghtaling
L3-Year Club 15-Year Club t I4-Year Club l6-Year Club , h ITJ e i t I Q ,tL (t ) Y a t -l 20 I YlE I s ra \, 5. t .a* *t fi r I a I fI I I I I I $ ) l- ) q.s,#' *H7t t.l-r 1 I ,J I E I lr I I .,1 I fl l f,
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Friend liest l* T I I th*, t t E i, -i i{'r.f'' t rir.r i.d *,. ry:rid ';l ]'i \ s. :ii( q, 1 dl / t'# $dt ,li? .fi '$, 'fr; 7 r-'* .{ ( { ': rt EI * Ford Millicon ond Cloro Conolser t; 1 ir. .; L' t Most Artistic Nicholos Arensmon ond Myo Porter ri]"i S ffi"*H., t,,..'l* t -1i1t",*[ tr:, I { t, [--.r 1 t M,. rl Erico Ricciond Thomos Devoll - u;!*5 f,fr' a -o a n vontes i+l% fl&;;ri i '11 Wittiest r ,a !le(nl rur .l rii I,r

Nicholas Arensman

"Get out of your head, into your space, and await the invisible stranger." -viola Spolin

"You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven."'Jimi

Cheers mates...LAN parties...notes app...Risk and Catan... Peaches the cat ...CRANDMA..."Hey buddy"...Colby stealing lunch money...middle school dodgeball..."oh what up son"...BOYS...Houseband...anime rock songs...life skills with hayes...Will's yellow mustang...Mr. Bahotty..."what sound does a rocket make"...thank you Dr. Vaccaro...Seussical: The Musical...Crease...Spelling Bee...We will Rock You Accomplishments Halo Photographet 1,2,3,4

Renee Angerer

"To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time." -Leonard Bernstein

"lt always seems impossible until it's done." -Nelson Mandela

Con-con-conglomerate Clippy must die I have lead you to the promise land! the American Dream died- it did? one sour patch kid will give you cancer miss candy corn I am a giant Pringle the alphabet song gone wrong wsyz Hunter's squeeze theorem the limit as x approaches a thousand of log natural


Speech and Debate 1,2

Red Cross Club 2

Theater 2

NHS 2,3,4

Film Club 4

Class VP 1,2

Cross Country 1

Track and Field 1,2,3.4

lndoor Track 4

24 F \ r ,rt\ i {d' d T t t I \t I ,t d il "/ ,/ I d I t I I f':p
1,2,3,4 Soccer 1,2,3,4

Isabella Bartholomew I

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf." -John Kabat-zinn

'This is probably the easiest vear of your life." -My mom

Scuba diverlit's a shirtmaking historvwe're on the right trackchocolate milk miledress was blueAbbie ice cream...webassignjigsaw6 girls running barefoot at night through a college campus4x800400 relayis she catching me?no hiniesstate champs Ttriplets?indoor insiderscall us when you have hairwant me to pour water on you?hurdles"what are you doing in my class?" -Mr. Rivet2018 state xC = Spillwav Classicbumbleberrv piestm parkas"Growl" -Ms. Klebbagreen beastmagnetsLiquidsForLindFaceTime between online classes"Syz" {amilakill Napoleon by Christmas24 LHSAA championshipsMs. Bond+colored pensAlly and Chloe? gasp.PontiffMorse codeHamlet filmlights out"Assume coffin position" -Mr. Lind


ouizbowl 1,2,5,4


Halo 1,2,3,4

Science Olympiad 1,2,5,4

NHS 2,3,4

Honor Council 1,2,3,4

Cross Country 1,2,3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4


lndoor Track 1,2,3,4

IAbigail Beck

"l knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." -Michael Scott "sometimes the hardest prisons to break out of, are the ones without locks." -Abed Nadir

Corona, lzzy Pot Pie, 8th grade trip to France, these are the elements song, RIP Mr. Tritico, Kanuga, Mr. Rivet, tHe qUaDraTiC formuLa, "Your story should be like a miniskirt. Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep it interesting" Megan King, Ms. Richards's iconic high heels, RIP culinary club, Litianites


Theater 1,2,3

Speech Club 1

Film Club 3,4

Cooking Club 2

Lyre 2,3,4

Cloaks and Dresses 5,4

Cross Country 1

Basketball 1,2,3,4

3 t 25 ? re \ #r*\ l0h I I NTS IJ .. ---_--l I \ T I ,(sl I I -l \ \ \ \ t t / I ,,aY*qr i \ { \_ r 12

Bentle>r Boudreaux

"Change is a powerful thing, people are powerful beings."

Cosmic reset...somewhere only we know... anything it takes...beige...unstable goth girls...colt 45...kill napoleon by christmas...Outback Steakhouse...fishnets... TTI had green hair...sunscreen bottle...4 for 4's...technology is the death of the human soul...craft sunday's...cancer alley...airport road

Eric Berthelot

"l guess l've been working so hard, I forgot what it's like to be hardly working."

Ric...closet...the zone...the fan...seagulls..-apartments...odeza...craft...voice crack...


Student Council 1,2,3,4

Speech and Debate 1,2

Halo 1

Red Cross Club 2,5

f heater 1,2


Diversity Club 2,3,4

Class Secretary 2,3,4

Soccer 3


Key Club 1,3

Halo 2,3,4

Honor Council 3,4

NHS 3,4

Track and Field 1,2

Football 2,3,4

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-Michael Scott
7 r+

Rikki Bourg

'Butter makes evervthing better: I'll just dip myself in butter and hope that makes me better." -Miles Perez "l thought by now that l would look older but it didn't happen. I don't look older' ljust look worse.'-John

I am a woman in STEM...class full of unstable goth girlspisces sun virgo moon leo rising...you're a trader joe...football...freshman vear...it...junior year...ap chem...the spectacular life of Klebba...blog...gambling den...HoT PiCkLe...french class boys...castle tour 2022...blobfish...big spinny thing...insecurites...sick lifealone in mv head...chilis...admin hunter...witchcraft...wednesday...among us...albert & oscar...adult caillou-..theo's...organized crime...purple hayes....walmart v gucci...c. diff...6'1 platinum blondes...turtles...quicki...hoco 2O19...infj...not me and ellie dating the same guy...madames favorite...les chats...livin la vida loca...roast beef...stan...meesele spvrup...mommy


Halo 1,2,3,4

Shield 2

Student Council 2,3,4

Class VP 3,4

NHS 2,3,4

Diversity club 3

Soccer 1,2

Softball 1

Meissy Calix

"l often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day." -Vincent van Gogh

"Beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living." -Bob

Money flying on roofs...Messed up name...Dump truck...Leggings...Red lipstick...Sucks to suck...cuess what?...Green Krispy...Venga vamos!...Getting scared every 30s...Civil War...second language...Books and more books...Drinking water like fishes


Cloaks and Dresses 4

Ouiz Bowl 4

lnternational Club 4

Student Council 1,2,3

Aerobics Club 1,2,3

Choir 1,2

Volleyball 1,2,3

Soccer 2,3

f, 27 I * ff I -.fl / \ ,l \ t'q \ *t4:r ru I / I r r-\ /l fr '"drt'. t 17 II EI a

William Carroll

"Life is like a sandwich. No matter which way you flip it, the bread always comes first." -Anonymous

What's good...Bro what's the wave...Peep the drip...Bathroom Bool?...Did you study for the test?...Get yo bread up...My fit is emaculate...Can I borrow a pencil...Can I borrow paper...What page are we on...Let me put you on some heat...Did you do the reading?...Pray for the drip...Bands on my hands..,

Kaylee Caracci

"The way I see it, iF you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton

"lt never hurts to keep looking for sunshine." -Winnie the Pooh

Triticoadvisory...halo...journalismclass...debate...puccinos...tito...AP U...kitchenparties...sunscreenbottles...waterbottles...imagoldengod ...grandmabev...sucre...hococourt...sweetl 6...mardigras...MusesThu rs...AmeliaSt...armsling...waff lehouse...disneytrip...quarantine....covi d...cheertoxc...f renchbraids...parkas...chocolatemilk...milkmile...coa chLind..xcstatechamps...mrs.jouet...wavelandhouse...citypark...lake ...4fo14...laskayadvisory...birkenstocks...Cocoabug...lovec/o2O21 ...9 eauxtigers


Shield 1,2,5

Speech and Debate 1,2

Key Club 1,2

Halo 1,2,3

Red Cross Club 2,5

Science Olympiad 1,2,5

NHS 2,3

Student Council 3

Cheerleading 1,2,5

Softball 1,2,5

Cross Country 3


Sports Club 3

Diversity Club 3

Football '1

Soccer 2,5

frack 1

Cross Country 1

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Jonathan Castaneda

"Dude, what if everyone stayed?" -The Boys

Seaside...Sting Pong...Shoot and talk...Fluffies...Chipotle...The FJ...Sam's Northshore House...Annihilation...Boy's Day...Gotcha...The Hyatt...What happens at ole Miss stays at Ole Miss...Strong ACL...Eh?...Pregame Rituals...Advisory Christmas Tree...Skipping school for French Press...Sam and I always thinking of the same song...That's Toxic...Biscut and Grits...$60 at McDonald's...Wanda Juice...Bachelor's Weekend...Sheeeeshh...a


Spanish Club 3,4

Student council 3

Diversity club 3,4



Soccer I,3

Christopher Catinis

"l need a room full of mirrors so I can be surrounded by winners." -Kanye Omari West

"l am a menace, keep me a rack just like tennis." -Uncle chop

The box...the juice is loose...uncle chop...cash carti...'i know how to play this on the piano"...the zone...bahamas... seaside...@chrisnthom...shotta flow remix...bachelor's weekend...42 dugg...bathroom boizzz...pool house...lost at sea...ric breaking a chair...overcoming a 5-0 deficit...stealing vaccaro's turtle...flip phone...math notes lmao..."you got that chris?"...gossip girls...chef catinis...cheesy gordita crunch...vanilla milk...pryce wishes...icees baby...freshman year m9...'who's next"...milk mixer...coach chris...rigonometry..."who do you know here"...thomas's toe...probably...preesh...sheeesh...the library...ava car...rachel's driving...turtling jon's bag...'you literally drive stock"...the dark knight


Honor council 1

Student Council 1,2,3,4

Kay Club 5

spanish club 5

Quiz Bowl 2,3,4

MUN 3,4

Diversity Club 3,4


Tennis 1,2,5,4

Football 2,4

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Nathan Chatagnier

"The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has a past while every sinner has a future." -

Failure to operate gravity......Tritico's Shakespeare conspiracy......Will's soccer fight.......Hotboy Creg.....Mrs Bond's ADV math-2 disappearances......Eman's half field shot......constitution project all nighter.....Vaccaro's freak out on Chris and Clara...Greg and Ohn's fights.....COVlD.....Rivet checking out end of junior year.....homecoming court......Thomas's realm......mossing Chris....Murphs....Gavin and Eman bird noises in Spanish....fights over Dykema's sofa......lHOP after homecoming...lzzy's Tritico quote book.....Tritico getting hurt on Exam morning


MUN 5,4

Halo 5,4

Film Club 3

Soccer 1,2,3,4

Football 4

Tennis 4

Price Combes

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." -Alexis Carrel

But ljust got here...




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Clara Conatser

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and l'm not sure about the universe." -Albert

"l figure life's a gift and ldon't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you...to make each day count.' -

Amazeballs...Smack that on the floor, p. 394...Drop that lolly...FluffY doves...seductive lip bite...French horn guys...0uiz Bowl guys...8leh!..-Homegrown turkey turkey...Penal colony..-Mr. Ma6alis'Chromebook...Sticky buns with nuts...Still looking for my Jack...MY husband has a large cranial structure...Alan Rickman...Rest in pizza,..Bake sale money flying away...Drinking water like fishes...Ding dong...Straws.-.Dump truck...Vampire falalala...Statistical physics...Who puts ipecac in chocolate cupcakes?...No, you're hot-..0uiz moved TWlcE...sucks to suck...Go Tigers!...orange ls the new pink...lmpressive speed in the potato sack race...Driving around the track thrice...At least 50...2nd Law of Thermodynamics


ouiz Bowl 1,2,5,4

Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4

Math Club 1,2

Student Council 1,2,4

Key Club 5

NHS 2,3,4

Choir 2

Cloaks and Dresses 3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4

Ttack 1,2

Tennis 2.3,4

Ellie Courtney

"Every time I get into my car I end up in the Starbucks drive-thru." -Ellie Courtney "Treat yo self." -Tom

C'mon Stella!...Brooke and I go to Starbucks...Chan can you like not read?...Brooke loses her phone...Tom & crystal...Sophomore English...and then...Elena listening to Lil Nas x...sheep's...Michael's pool party...w is double u's...let's get one as a pet...l like Elona better...and then...not Rikki and I dating the same guy...women with standards..marine biology but make it fight club...Mr Hill's Advisory>>>...and then...Brooke you're short...."yeah, she's psychotic"...playing footies...oh that's fitting...l put it in your....l want what I want and lwant China...sky rats...bye bye little Sebastain...Geaux Wolf pack!!


shield 1,2,3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4

;3t i I I f,* T frr / 1%r/ / I / k F / L t a a

Thomas Devall

"You can't soar with the eagles at dawn if you hoot with the owls at dusk." {oach Odom

"There's still a lotta football left, fellas." -Ford Millican

Vanilla milk gang the zone xc cawfee gang sandwiches the fly milk mixer voodoo fest basketball toe 80hd camp hardtner quarantine Pryce wishes seaside 2021 bahamas 2019 "how are you so sweaty?" Mr. VY turtling Jon's bag acolytes smoothies bachelor's weekend mardi gras 201 9 Coach O 7 game series of the 7 game series chrisntom water basketball survival gazebo shoot and talk... icies baby...


Spanish Club 2,3

Cross Country 1,2

Basketball 1,2,3,4

Track 1

Tennis 4

Samantha D'Arensbourg

"Where are you?" -blink-182

The return of Chris...Virgo Gang...Tony Manzella & Brennan parties... My freshman year party... Jons birthday at the Hyatt... Chris's pool house... Cimping Club...voodoo..Amelia Street...Thx for the hot Cheetos, Pryce...Sam and Gavin 2017...Cameron Tolar... Ematherine...Wanda Juice...Crits...Patience's party bus...Pash4Fash... "7'1"...Adelines Pent House...

Code word: Potato.. Eric is my boyfriend...Buku Cancelled.."Wewe" & "Swag"...Corona Szn...Seaside 2O1 6-2021... fhe boys seaside shack... Pryce Wishes...Sara & Sam & Eman's brownies... Myles can't figure out how Gavin got up there... My north shore house...Rope swing fails... Chris Takes on Soy Sauce and Milk...Emman taking 20 minutes to jump off the bridge... xOxO, CC..."Sammy"


Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

Halo 1

Spanish Club 3,4

Cottage Club 3

Key Club 3,4

Volleyball 1

Soccer 1,2,3,4

Tennis 1,2


32 l. f\ l T l' .* t -== ==-i

Prudence Dudl"y

Weeniestiktok drinkthe range2 carsbackwards hatssleepy picsbugs in Richards gardenlunch leavesoftballscoring two goalsalmond croissantstrucksbottom of the classbracessenior favorites poemPeyton centerpossumsbetty 1.obetty 2.oprom


Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

Cottage Club 1,3

Red Cross Club 2

Speech and Debate 2

Waffle Club 2,3

NHS 2,3,4

Volleyball 1,2,3,4

Soccer 1,2,5,4

Tennis 1,2,3,4

Softball 4

Camila Fiperoa

'Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we could catch excellence.' -Vince Lombardi

"The only time I set the bar low is for limbo." -Michael scott

Cotton cami thiccy micci...l know the alphabet (it's obviously wsyz)...bake sale pizza... "no you're hot!"...his jawline... timothee chalamet and sebastian stan fan club...we only got a chicken sandwich...bumping my head on a fire extinguisher...clara and vampire falala...cotton cami spammies..."statistics"

Timmv t tiktok...voodoo fest...tiktok dances with rachel...tea time at windsor court....gliz and skinny fingers...doing people's makeup for football games...dog cheer..."it doesn't waggle"...putting keratin in valeria's hair...water...last min beach trip with catherine..."you look like a racoon"...deviated septum...online then hybrid school...the rasputin dance...china...lost in japan...samford 25


Student Council 1,2,4

Speech and Debate 1,2,3,4

Ouiz Bowl 1,2,3,4

Halo 1

Red Cross Club 2,3,4


NHS 2,3,4

Ambassador Club 3,4

Cheerleading 1,2,3,4

Tennis 2,3,4

na JJ I a 3 I lt' { 7 , 7 rt fr 1 d t t m t a d / t \ v I *s,, I\ l, \ {' t,l

Elena Gaver

"That's what" -She

"l have no idea what l' m doing but I know i'm doing it really, really well." -Andy

Bambi in the headlightstelling chan the tea...sugar daddy david...elephant seal...first lunch leave of senior year....covid...jamming to panini...senior skip day on campusnew math teacher...STELLAAAApd. 4 fight club...we have the meatstritico vs. an apple.Will almost punching tritico...klebba almost punching ross...bye Dr. Laskay...bye Dr. Vacarro...bye Mr. Adair...tritico getting in a "fight with his dog"...raku firings...klebba growling...goodbye from the dining room


Volleyball 1

Tennis 2,3,4

Grace Fleshman

"l don't have any flaws. I'm just that good."

Permanentely broken back...chick fil a...dance bae...marine bio class...


ouiz Bowl 1,2,5,4

Student council 2

Speech and Debate 2

Honor Council 2

NHS 2,5.4

Ambassadors Club 3,4

Key Club 3

Cloaks and Dresses 3

Tennis 2,3,4

Cheerleading 2

34 -,, n SltL *,t Y ,,, I ;r.t r * -t rr rtr0\ll / h -t l{ i \ *r f, rl --r' W ( 4 '* ',1* t st / $ p* ltI ( ll

Leven Greene

"Normally you can hear Leven before you see Leven."

Bunsen burners, on! Mandarine AP Chem "Leven be quiet." Greene Sister Alliance 4%... squid word croc charms 102.5 Does your face hurt?... blobfish 5rd period chem "CYA!" Doc vac honorary AP English lv blogger Chili's 'Don't throw things" make good life decisions. Lelly Kulich's balloons key lime chocolate goddess child support voga with Mme Quintana mom's favorite daughter "Are you ready for the weekend?"... les chevals honor council volleyball's MVP levo water pistol... MRSA Little Tokyo The shorters marine bio hide the milk #freelydia...pigmentally challenged


lnternational Club 2,3,4

Cloaks and Dresses 3,4

csA 4

Halo 4

Women's Club 4

Performing Arts Club 2

Volleyball 1,2,3,4

Basketball 5,4

Softball 4

"Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong."

"Treat the word 'impossible' as nothing more than motivation." -Donald Trump

"Eh average"...Thursday Night Football"...

"We have to save our friend!"


Spanish Club 3

Honor Council Alt. 3


Track and Field 1,2

Benjamin Hoppe
35 I I U I I a xI I I LI r I 1 {t r,i \ / 1 -rqs*E I tt. (r / 1; \ I / 7 r -.{al I \ lw D , I \ I "d a , i

Katie LaForge

Sea camp...kanuga...saje...senora simon...statismics...idunno how to ac...gimping club...B...BBO...weenies...northshore...seaside...mrs. ana got sick...8th grade...jojo...katie cakes...sweet 1 6...glass in lindsey's foot...lilly's parties...melting pot...freindsgiving...pae's party bus...luluWWsample kits...roxanne...cheese touch...oops caught a little...CNO @ Chloe's...chateau cafe...HOCO queen...Miss STM...Tennis

Regional Champs...yippus and mar...mardi gras...i love you mom dad lindsey patrick and max...ROLL WAVE!


Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

Cottage Club 2,3

Key Club 3

STM Squad 3

Spanish Club 3


Volleyball 1,2,3,4

Tennis 1,2,3,4

Basketball 1,2,4

Soccer 4


"Fake it till you make it." -Unknown "its been magical but im done" -Alexis Jurisich

Arbys roast beef, cutiegreggy, lunch leave, pattersons office, online with rachel, fight night, congrats i dont hate you, spanish bathroom, speed queens vip, rip tritico, football games, wife, gingers, fatty, cheer comps, melly popped off, taco bell pink lemonade, colt 45, bentoboxl0, gucci gang, pool house, rip vaccaro, ishet movement, amelia, julio, somewhere only we know, marguerite street, princesses, tiff tiff my queen, B & S, hunter running the school?, Dropout?, bionic arm, ok buddy, molly cryus, rip glasses


Diversity club 1

Art Club 1

Cottage Club 3

Key Club 3

cheerleading 1,2,3,4

Soccer 1,2

"Pray, hope, and don't worry."
-Padre Pio
vI .L\ ! i
I h,

Monte Lewis

"All Gs move in silence like lasagna.'- Lil Wayne "Well see what had happened was..."- Monte Lewis

"What noise does a rocket ship make"...SOOO ExClllTED...Brooke the smurf..."falling asleep" in klebba's class... BATHROOM BOOL..."Mob Mentality"...peyton center royal rumble... Brooke's phone in Mya's bag...LAN parties... actually winning football games...being the new kid at school... sophomore retreat...Tritico...wE LovE You MR. NOLAN



Cottage Club 1,2

Waffle Club 1,2


Basketball '1,2,3,4

Laura McCrury

'You are all better than you think you are, you are just designed not to believe it when you hear it from yourself." -Jeff Winger, Community 'You can do whatever you want, you just have to know what that is." -Abed Nadir, communitv

Mandarainediseased ratl'm not white l'm Russiancraft Sundaymonekyhot picklekev limemustard god102.5a class full of unstable goth girlsantisemeticLelly Kulichlevo water pistolit's some kind of meat, babyBrooke losing her phoneshrek 3stomagjust cause I hang out with LEVENno means maybe & maybe means yesmy first speed bumpvirgin whoreschocolate's bad for dogsArby'speople don't groom themselves in publicy'all heard of lslam?Muhammad Ali started lslamfinger dabanime clubMRSA sheetmy dog beat me upmakedthe Japanesechocolate muffinmagically deliciousdo it CHICKENHIDE THE MlLKwsyzbig peteLaura's LogWFHAPluh-zonj?Lady Gaga Baskin RobbinsFULL slZE DEBORAHWicki Woah


Lyre 3,4

Diversity Club 3

Volleyball 1,2,5,4

a3t tilF a I L. 7 ,/ \ ! I / L 7 E Ury I i -1

Grace Miester

"l just cry sometimes, it's no big deal.'- Mackenzie

Roast beef...the hair...ouid and rocks gucci gang...wednesdays after school, edgy teen gracie.basketball cort...red bottom szn CTB...blaire and serena...mason ramsey waffle house...frosty...deuces car...lil pumpwaffle club tritico dr ramos vaccaro lulich's fear of balloons...mama madalyn...that's my football player...chan man...talking...timer pics...ur mom

Jordan McElveen

"Grind while they sleep. Live like they dream." -Anonymous "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you you can do." -John

Sleeping in class...antisocial...algebra 1 algebra 2...mya naruto running in the hall... ice cream truck...the lunch table..Mr. Huwe's history class...kanuga trip...graduation dinner...drawing class...Mr. Tritico...Mr. Nalon...#blackgirlmagic


Art Club 2,3,4

Diversity Club 1,2,3,4


Halo 1,2

Art Club 2,5,4

Waffle Club 2,3

cheerleading 1,2,5,4

Soccer 1 Tennis 4

,; \, Dr
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Ross Miller

...Kodiak gaming...

& .{



Soccer 1,2,3,4

Football 5,4

Volleyball Managet 1,2,3,4

Ford Millican

"lf you can barter, you can do it!" -Stephen

KRUSTY KRAB UNFAlR...is this an '04 model?...getting lost w/ chris...icees baby...hazard lights...statismics...lice boy...mox soon...math notes...bro days...shotta flow...coach chris...mr. soy milk...pass the ketchup...burning stuff w,/ chris...f riendly ford...camp sea...pip nip hurray!...stealing Kelvin...stoichiometry...chives...a lot of math just happened...you got that ford?...ferb & ca


Key Club 1

Spanish Club 3

Women's Club 4

Basketball 1,2,3


Soccer 4

Football 2,3,4

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Brooke Monvoisin

"l am very small and I have no money so you could imagine the amount of stress I am under." -John

"Did you take your meds today?" -Stacy Richards "l don't take meds." -Me "That makes sense." -Stacy

Marine bio turned fight club...sophmore english... just grow...arby's... clearview starbucks...smurf...force fed pizza rolls ...coco pebbles...mom jokes...krystal

beth...fergalicious...am i a bro yet?... donuts at bonnable...monte almost setting me on fire...eggs and sprained ankles...indianapolis beach girl...


Culinary club 2

Media Club 2

Art Club 5

Cheerleading 1

Volleyball 2

Softball 2,5,4

Chandler Monson

"Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel but if you just keep moving you will come to a better place." {eneral lroh

"l loathe perfection! lf something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities." -Mayuri


Arby's... Three finger combo...Russian spy... dyslexia... Mitchie... i'm Batman... blaze... BP hearing mrs. Bond flilflops down the hallway... rake firing... Michael throwing up on Ben lawn... will flatten Michael... egging Brooke car...


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Sofia Ortega

"l mean l'm a little lost, but fair enough." {ody Ko

Tuti...Soap...Tiv...Mom got "sick"...Mardi Gras 2019...1ook at the asymptote on that mother function...Papi!...You see, what had happened was...Sweet

1 6s...Accutane&VooDoo...That's debatable...Chris get us that curve...Undefeated girls soccer...8th grade>>>...Spring Break2021...Cimping club...l dunno how to ac...Sheeeeeeeesh...Go Dawgs!!!


Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

Red Cross Club 2,3,4

Spanish Club 3,4

Student Council 3,4

Cottage Club 3

Art CLub 3,4

STM Squad 3,4

Key Club 3,4


Soccet 1,2,3,4

Volleyball Manager 1,3

Ryn Patin

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive."

-Maya Angelou

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." -Ella

Voodoo...klebba...ben franklin...covid tik tok...hanging out before football games...im here...can't puke in the bmw...passing out on the bathrrom floor...four times...YAT...


Red Cross Club 4

), ,4, \ r I t \ t Frh E gk V5 \ r4-'

Key Club 3,4

French Club 2

Shield 1,3,4

Halo 3

Cottage Club 5,4

Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

csA 2,5

NHS 2,5,4

tfi * I \ I A

I i t T [.'| \-) t f,',L

Cheerleading 1,2,3,4 /'\rh 6 , '.rr 41

Abigail Pean

"You can only do what makes you happy, you can't worry about what you can't control." -Anonymous "Everything happens for a reason." -Anonymous

Lunch leave..canes before pep rally...shade tree...la spirit drives after school...car decorations...boombox loud music....quarantine...

"Believe in yourself, dream big, and trust in the universe



Shield 1

Student Council 1,2,5, Halo 1,2,3,4

Class President 1,2,5,4

Soccer 1

Track 1

Cross Country 3


Spanish Club 1

Cottage Club 3

Key Club 3

cheerleading 1,2,3

42 h h, 1 I '/ \ I h-* f h t" -i/
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Christian Pevey

"Cuess what?" -christian Pevey

"What's your area code?" -Christian Pevey

Country fried steak...sheeesh...bachelor's weekend...math table...New lberia...tubby...Twinkie...Steven...Eric's fan...Stefan's Tobacco Sauce...clow Up...Shex vs Manny...E6...Chipotle...Curry lightsaber...96...T-Rex...Skating Rink...Churros...The zone...Fort...Chris in Salmen...Chris and l...Panda Express...Gossip Girls...lost at sea...Nathan...


Spanish club 1,2,3

Diversity Club 3

Baseball 1,2,3,4

Soccer 1,2,3,

Football 3,4

Myu Porter

"lf you enjoy what you do, if you are interested in what you do, I really think that's the best situation." -Stan Lee

"You know, I guess one person can make a difference." -Stan Lee

McPorteene... Sister squad and the creeper... "Muhammad Ali created Hinduism"... GSA takeover... "Don't be a sheep!"... blobfish...

SHEESH... 4th period Marine Bio... "Chitons"... AP Art... game night...

Levo water pistol... Mustard God... MRSA... The Shorters... "REE"... "Weeb"... "We want our money back"... hide the milk... #freelydia...

Mandarine... "Who's dirty?"... Leven as my math tutor... Eleanor Roosevelt... "Third time's the charm!"... sniff... sus... "Naughty, Naughty, You Teasing Me"... Avengers: Endgame... Toy Story 4...


Culinary Club 2

Halo 3,4

Film Club 4

Art Club 4


Soccer 1,2


! 43 F_:lF L. il \ r- I "ol-a v \ 7t F* 'dt .-""'y / IJ rT *..;;;" lmFr_ fl F

Erica Ricci

"My mom thinks I'm awesome." {renthal Cornelius 'Cibby" Cibson "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." -Mark Twain

That moment when...wittiest girl...merry chrismukkah...postmates...sad mariachi...brenana...me & ava's joint instagram account...i love bethany mota...i think you missed a spot...pupina...English lll...yeah, i'm a theater kid...i feel great...comically large spoon...ain't jewish but my drip israel...tik tok god...lib...who is keeping Arby's in business?...daily walks with ava...Hunger...dude, you're soaked!...why do you wear so many rings?...chip diet...theater class with westley...what's the soup today?...Lelly...my name jeff...my chilrenthe eyebrows are on fleek!...me & rikki...it is friday, hooray...rubber flip flops...ferb!...you are so your mother's daughter...strangest year of my life...


q Performing Arts Club 2,3,4

Halo 1,2

Diversity Club 1,3

Lyre 1,2,3,4

Theatre 1,2,3

il Soccer 1

Valeria Reyes

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." -Mulan

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." -Helen Keller

"Waggle"...Salon nights...Hand stand fails...Marrying to the Hibachi's son...Limo fails...Falling from the bed...Falling from the stairs...Falling in the bathroom


lnternational Club 4

Red Cross Club 4

Art Club 4

Music Club 1,2,3

Aerobics 1,2,3

Soccer 1,2

Volleyball 1,2,3

I I a \ fr Jqd ,!. :
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Ava Richard

The box cawfee gang Van Young's Unstable Coth Girls driving on the causeway asf the library rachel's pool house uncle chop wifey "who's avari?"... the waiter at outback coach rachel's cheer bag brenana erica loves bethany mota hey pookie!... AP English lll man man man we love mrs. mccrary 80hd cancer alley rachels protein powder milk jug 42 dugg camp TX the moguls pact2 Yeat tan lines marcella... spinach pizza sophomore year postmates leroy at the box factory "did she iust pass out?"... dms from tacoman rachel's emo lair "look at us"


Halo 1,2,3

Lyre 1,2,3

Diversity Club 1,2,3,4

Spanish Club 3

Art Club 3,4

Shield 2,3


Cloaks and Dresses 3,4

STM Squad 2,3,4

Volleyball 1

Tennis 1,2,3,4

Cheerleading 2,3,4

Hunter Richardson

"l have never heard someone say so many wrong things, one after the other, consecutively, in a row." - David Rose

"An essay should be like a mini-skirt. Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep interesting." -Megan King

4th Head of Upper School...Hot Pickle...WSYZ...WFHAP...Big Pete... Speed Oueens VlP...Erica...Among Us zoom Admin,..Arby's and Canes 3 Finger Combo...Lucky Charms...Madagascar = Rsc...101.5,/1.8...short sleeve Day...Holy shift! Look at the Asymptote on that Motherfunction...RlP Doc Vac...Megan King Fan Club...Rikki's Poetry Doc...Ava's Nose...Meesle Spyrup...Jan Picklecatherine, my wifewould you like a triscuit


Student Council '1,2,3

Band 1,2,3

NHS 3,4


Newspaper 2,3

Drama Club 4

Classics Society 2,3

Mu Alpha Theta 2,5

45 #r\ lIrq b LT ftt
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Catherine Ronquillo

"Living for the hope of it all." -Taylor Swift

"ln a storm, in my best dress, fearless." -Taylor Swift

Algebra ll math table, what noooooo, hunter - my husband, arbys, rides in tina, milkshake, stake out, angels, dr vaccaro, you're welcome, how r u doing really, better than revenge, mr weizelton, spot the queen, the 22nd, u wake up in the morning?, the galaxy, yo cath, stop the madness, december 1 5, cath's plan, the fire extinguisher, ray of sunshine, french exchange student, the beth day, peggy porschen menu, new years day, the hot chocolate, cath and liv take on the world, universal, why dont we mashup, dabtherine the rapper, guardian angel


Student Council 1,2

French Club 1,2

Cloaks and Dresses 3

"lt took El chapo 7 years to get out ot jal!:tonly took me 4." -Unknown Accomplishments Outdoors Club 1,2,3,4 Football2,3,4 46 -.I L"e .t! B) il l1 ,&, I '^s.J E. ? [*\ -@ q' rrt I .B O I a
Michael Roverre

Rachel Royerre

" 2 / 10 experience." -Anonymous

Chad 1 -5...Patterson's office...ily DuSaules...puccinos... Disnev...Marguerite...pool house...vibes... acrylic nails... princess...ms. klebba on zoom...pretty boy swag...not the bushes...art bathroom...platform boots...class full of unstable goth girls...


Shield 1,2,3

Science olympiad'1,2

Red cross club 2

Key Club 2

NHS 2,5

Cloaks and Dresses 3

Cheerleading 1,2,3,4

Tennis 1,2,5


look at yourself. You are a unique person created for a specific purpose. Your gifts matter. Your story matters. Your dreams matter. You matter." - Michael Oher

"Never tell me the odds." - Han Solo

Look, it's the bear in his natural habitat.snorest...lan parties...thursday night footballfootball locker room weekends with the boys madden NBA 2k houseparty earthquake mcgoon #71 #77 sharcie tattoos full season of football 165, take me home lessons from coach Gendusa line drills walk through days skyler down at the 1 "salvaggio, it's not that deep"... the blind slide leather jackets we have to save our friend 'choose the harder ri9ht"... i think we broke coach hill michael's driving Ben loves curbs Ben and what a wonderful world 5rd period bio chemistry class picking up rocks for a long period lunch leave winning most improved defensive player big bovs love pancakes



Diversity Club 4

Theatre 2,3,4

Football 2,3,4

47 -a \ T6 ?, ' *- ^,',t; L/ \
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Colby Watkins

"You can't know where you're going if you don't know where you are." -Father of Hayes

Cheers Mates...what's sound does a rocket make... sheeeeeesh... triticos boxing... homecoming sophomore year... Free Mike Hindy

Gavin Sperandeo

Mannyvsdaniel...don't touch my buttboys day what happens in ole miss stays in ole missayeee...French presstjs...Christmas break...l'm not(but I did)...BerthaBeach trip with the boysThe Hyatt..My one soccer game...60$ at McDonald's...whats first period?... potato...rona...Wanda juice..Alexis's apartmentBachelors weekendBoys I got the bag...Many men...l'm the POlNT...sheesh...cousin walt...Amelia...Phone drop offs..8th grade basketball...


Key Club 1,3

Cottage Club 1

Waffle Club 5


Baseball 1,2,3,4


Swimming 1,2,5,4

Basketball 1,2,3

Track 1

I 48 t q ff tr rg- #\
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Hayes \A/hitney

"l just graduated without owning a notebook."

The...FitnessGram...pacer...Test...is...a...multistage...aerobic... capacity...test...that...progressively...gets...more...diff icult... as...it...continues...


Halo 3,4

Swimming 1,2,3,4

Tennis 1,2,5,4

Soccer 3

Steven Xu

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph

Does he cook...hardly ever...High five?...Not a fan..What's up...l don't get it.


lnternational Club 3

Calligraphy Club 2

Track 1

49 l'm a rhino ,c ffi ffi 't -?- d L Iq* I ,l B \ ir lvt t : a

Andy Zhou

"Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh." -Rabindranath Tagore "lf you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars."


Coach Lind's fried frog... Steven farted...track meets...first Mardi Gras...(kinda scared) Chinese New Year events...Mr. Huval said that he can understand what we were talking in Chinese...making hundreds of dumplings for the school...ran back to China...taking exams at 4 in the morning...graduated on my bed


lnternational Club 1,2,3

Calligraphy Club 2


Basketball 1

Soccer 2

Class of 202I

,i6d 1 G ' :.( E i
!b G#* t ar / ,w ? I .,8 k# |. .J E r -. i s,-r.' q 1 r,{ I t! I t r r W' .35 t iq ,i.t. ff ,'l I l50 7 :
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B f
Barrett Blaum Jackson Boelte Bohannan Lauren Bone Adeline Booth Quinn Boutchard lar Coleman Daniel Garrido James Garvey Gorrondona Lydia Greene Ryan Johnson Mollie Krake PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Halle Bryan Jayden Coleman
ir ll
Jason Fu Stefen Brower
Derosin I I I I I t t I It
Cort t'\ Kenned V) & O |-{ Z )-, >) Fa 52 L t rTTit t, I It .,\lulnu Bcrgcrort r 'a4 I ., t^ ^i 't. t ir / FF= I \ t Fll Elf rl I t 71 I ) I - lll ,/ I .; W, t' y ,rrk U LI I ll t"
Alina Lang Barklie Livingston Katie Main Johnny Morreale
r I W 1
Mycah Porter Lilly Rabe Toi Robinson Colin Saucier Elliot Schmedtje Shawn Shank Skyler Shank Sadie Sherwood Cooper Shropshire Alexis Steckler
r Llz !, i 53 \q l G F!- ft Y \ I tr # L \ I n h i"l I I I -f '/ 7 o {3 $"1 f m ) ro B ( (*i \I n -)' |-' *J ,I a q I t I a -.] It t I t a I I ) I , I- ffi I ,* I I f, j 't t \ J 4 .rh
; Daniel Thompson Alex Tranchina Sydni Wiltz
& *
Lauren Crowell Maria Cusimano Jenna Delatte Dunkin Grayson Eppling Caroline Falgoust Grant Gendusa Walter Goliwas
( \
Julia Ayers Isabella Bagnetto Emy Chopin
I t
Harris Huber
Matthew Dufrene ,
KaiVal Howard Charles DeRussy Ganett De
Seema Hijazi tfl
I Alexis Akers Lila Coe Justin Hall Nate Leaman Brice Krake V) F4 & O O )-{ rJ{ F{ O V) a {& [ii I I L I *i I 'II I :\ { : lt ' I i f ,* I I I I 54
Westley James Tristan Kamo
.,.f,rr"/ a a a a J
Diamond Lewis Seth Mandella Matthew Mannino Maddie McDaniel Rian McManus Metz Peyton Miller Connor Mouille Conner Nicoladis Pickens Wyatt Powell Peyton Raines Isobel
Conrad Rice Molly Rivas Roberts Kiley Salge Daniel Schexnaildre
Patrick Smith Caroline Spiers Zoe Tatum Anna Grace Thompson
f a I I , fi ,il V E
Samantha Thompson Blake Verdigets
55 It I ^t t/ f1 f II
t I r it rd I ,\ 2f fi jl I l, I D # f=T t : rr: 7 --l t& *,A d r1
# [: I tni r/ 7 ,/ I r
Jeda Williams Maggie Willoz
Abigail Aguilar Cole Angerer Emerson Arensman
Vivian Giordano Elaia Barre Manny Bejaran Seth Brower
Farber Madden Graffagnini Morgan Guepet
f II t I ) et:
Kaitlyn Hall David Hel
Court Carrere Sofia DiVincenti Daniel Daken Baker
Jack Forman Ethan Kann
z rc f-{ tJ{ V) rq & tr{ 56 W min I lt i {l I t I I I 7 ! fl I Ir I I I I l)
I I ll I a F I 7 Eri rI
Dominic Hogan Lexi Houghtaling Ian Hunter
-4 r. *
Patrick LaForge Kyle Lawrence Gabrielle Mannino Cole Mathas Christian Monvoisin
t! *: I
Gabriela Norris Cooper Odom Charles Patrick AlexandriaPevey Chris Profit-Cushenberry
Raines Dimitri Rice Andrew Richardson Gabby Rubin Gloria Ruiz Carter Scheuerrnann Samuel Schieffelin Kaheam Smith Kaitlyn Tillery Reilly Velasquez
t I { A s Y fr 57 t &.. T / I I t: rT z I,l v € rl tt t t r I _l I tl t, ^! 'l l E 3, ,, ir r I :I I I tt fr /." / fi TI I t t [, I ) t t- rC qi' r Ilf I a t ? T--T .al l-i Ft I (
Matthew Weaver Jayda Westbrook

Middle School

Middle School students overcome mony chollenges this yeor ond still found woys to celebrote, lough, ond leorn. From zip-line retreots, to Rube Goldberg projects, to Field Doy fun, the tvliddle School experience is olwoys o time to explore, grow, ond leorn.

B I i I ,il E
r-....-.--..... \_ { b J I I ,l I F I a c I I /' V^ I n i o 4 t' I tt{, (: \ 58

lViddle School students storted the yeor with o hybrid schedule. but were oble to tronsition to compus full-time in the second quorler. They leorned how to novigote new technology ond vorious COVID protocols, but thot did not stop this group from hoving o fontostic yeor.

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8th Grade Retreat I


The 8th grode troveled to Norih Louisiono to spend the doy ot lVlognolio Ridge, the lorgest zipline pork in the stote of Louisiono.

This yeor's retreot wos not one for the foint of heort, but wos perfect for this odventurous ond dorino bunch.

Students soiled through the treetops with their clossmotes ond took on high-ropes chollenges.

The 8th groders olso enjoyed o pizza lunch while exploring the property ond meeting interesting onimols of BornHill Preserve.

The retreot wos o wonderful experience ond getowoy for the students.

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Magnolia Ridge

Elizabethan Day I

Eighth groders ore living it up Elizobethon style in their finolyeor of Middle School.

The Elizobethon ero is the epoch in the Tudor period of the history of Englond during the reign of Queen Elizobeth I (.l558-1603). Historions often depict the Elizobethon ero os the golden oge in English history. During this time there wos o flowering of poetry, music, ond literoture.

Students used jewel odorned goblets to wosh down their feosts, ond mode thoughtful toosts to their clossmotes. ln oddition to lots of food, the kings ond queens of Middle School olso porticipoted in Renoissonce-inspired octivities such os bow ond orrow ond croquet.

To soy these 8th groders know how to "porty old school" would be on understotement!

Bow ilnH
62 L _.1. I {t}, ,l brr/ fi I\' / r,. * fE *" ( ?0 t R i n ,l t" E ?0 \ A b ! ET ^g I f,TIT l*, L\ t r. I c I \ rye* -#il ,fi -t {- -l I I *-"-.-5 ) .tr r tlt 7 ts T/ {&. I I I p l" il vv / .a *1 li : rr ; .t /

7th Grade Retreat

This yeor the 7th groders troveled to Loronger. Louisiono to visit the Solomon Episcopol Conference Center for their retreot,

Solomon Episcopol Conference Center odvertises its grounds os "o ploce to rest your mind ond revive your soul," which is exoctly whot these students needed during the pondemic,

The 7th groders spent this oction-pocked doy swimming, ploying sports, creoting crofts, ond enjoying other teombuilding octiviiies.

It wos truly o glorious doy full of bonding ond memories thot willlost o lifetime,

fr t, q 'r*t' ? t-I , I tl I ? : J t aI I I fr I ? r !.t". 63 v= t, :) d I t F :iir,,' v g 5l I F , l I I ,l'. ' .t t; 1t :!rklr.. \ ' T*oroffi h \, 'fr 'G -A \I

6th Grade Retreat

This yeor the 6th groders' retreot wos full of locol funfilled octivities.

The students troveled to City Pork to complete on outdoor skills troining with LOOPNOLA, o nonprofit orgonizotion whose mission is to provide positive, life-chonging outdoor experiences for children ond youth in Greoter New Orleons,

Sixth groders continued their doy in the community with o tour of the Sculpture Gorden where they were oble to experience ort ond noture in hormony.

ln oddition. the students porlicipoted in other exciting whole-closs ond odvisoryspecific octivities.

64 & (, I ! , J. 4 I f tl t, I .1,, lL\.r ( -t F] !I r 1 li' ri tt 'T ti )I I &. T MMffi mt dt t)n t, fi

sth Grade Retreat

iCOVID did not stop the 5th i groOers from getting their retreot this yeor, lnsteod of ollowing COVID to put o domper on their octivities, they used it os on inspirotion.

This lively ond creotive bunch went to City Pork for their retreot. The students wrote comicol songs poking fun ot their COVID experiences set io their fovorite Christmos corols.

They porticipoted in odvisory competitions, hiked, ond enjoyed simply honging out with their friends.

65 =- :! &,fl llrIs 'i1t J f;! ) "{ ! I t, ,L 'tg -t 'r n ry il*, tri 6I \u
fr \I
Lawrence Barado Sanaa Bean Thompson Becnel
x I
Isabella Arizola Harlem Lia Beverly Lilly Bordelon Ella Bozeman SophieChailland Chandler Ava Collier Peyton Crosby
Frankie Cusimano Bellen Davis Allison Deutcsh Maya Essa
I 14
|J{ t* @ i f q , t' a' tr r $l
Daniel Fink Josie Helmke Meera Hijazi
Q & 7h
Isabella James Erin Johnson Aidan Irwin
66 l rl / lt I E f &.. t. t 'l t.' tlr
Sara Hijazi
I t h
ZachKelly Demi Kilbum Kate Knight Cole LaCoste Avery Lambert Taryn Lazarone Isabel Lovera Jet Magner Gianna Mandella Tucker Martinez Namratha Meka Anisha Mitra Bennett Nettles Ashton Oliver
1 it -* rs .P 67 0 i {1, :1 #.tt. [!!t q5, *rl $' LI t\1' .s* * .E f 'qr ilI t I Itro ,r I -il-r L I f-' 7 I /r'\. I r{l I 7 I / il "a ]M ,/ +: I PT !
Mikey Richard Kate Sossaman Zoe Tranchina Eamon Velasquez Patrick Ventura
s ,
Charles Adriance Frankie Blazek Ava Grant Hevtens Jacob Hill -* r t!| Sarah Kamo Noah Hingel Russell Huber
\ tt
Sarah Kate Carmadelle Harrison Chatagnier Derek Delatte Hokie Despaux Eliza Didriksen
[6, t-. ,l It 'i
Gavin Noah Dunn Sage Falterman Ben Forman
\ lt rlf-, { 14 n & o |-{ rI{ t-< f\
DJ LaVie Christopher Lawler Quincy Martin
68 I I : I I I J I H i n \ I I (. .a ? : I it t ,r/ I rt f lI I .l
Marley McKnight D.J. McMyne Silas Meister Aidan Molaison
'($ * t fl
Corbin Nicoladis Nia Norton Jacob Odom Tavie Ormsby Wrex Palmisano Lily Villarubia Juliet Whitaker Gavin Williams
.*-rry.,!La a 't x rlt ,? f F,. J' cN01 OUCH! 69 7 {r* I E ,;rmll ffi 1 11; 1 f r \ l ry { I I t I ../ n 1 5 E $'ip -l fi L 'I T @sor. L # r s, .#t t / a It I t'' i trl # -\ / : I J W. trl I I ta
Alex Scheuermann Hailcy Silvey Corrine Andrews Connor Becnel Ashton Breaux Destin Brooks
"T ,l
Maxwell Brown James Castaneda Hannah Coe Colleen Collins Erin Collins
, 'i
Mary Alice Comer Evan Crawford
] i
ri I tl i I
Arthur Deutcsh Alexander Diaz tl Bryce Helwig Grayson Lambert Alexandra Livingston Curtis McAllister McManus
s 4' ..: ,i rc
& 7h \J Fr{ rI{ F. (o
E i
Noah Hove
Hardie Pote Brennan Raines
7A 1 a T ,p I) i r I G, I I I I :r rf il! H t rL \ r.' |n ;F I
EliPatrick Jose'Ortiz
r. -l}' P% T
I I !
ffi I ,, I u $ ,r ft;r'i'1^b fft,: 'r% It.l I \ 7l i &' flmr, I I t I I t t fl\r s,f^JrS \ -"" g, f 6 \ 'l t lt / fr tt sr\ I t fl I t. r-I / \ -/ La I -Y 1' -i\ ,a I Tlt g
Branden Saucier Riya Shah Beckett Smuck Guliana Sperandeo Kade Vinju
Walker Ethan Wiltiams
fl f, t; I (d:, ,, - \; I )r. .. .1 ',,":,, r
Ryan Bridges S Cahill Brittan Comer Piper Davis I Trey I
-1.-ti /l
Jace Delatte Dieth Aubree Flores Jessie Gaspard I Elizabeth Gomez Savannah Hastings Gabe Henderson Will Henderson Caleb Heytens Trey Hughes Gavin Irwin Brooke
lt >r, { I ? It T
Navah Kamo Max LaForge Bladyn Lambert Colin Lawler
14 Q & O fT{ rJ{ t-. t.o 72 \ I i -J t I t I li tl il I I q ri
Morgan Markey Ronald Meyer Marigny Molaison Eliza Morin
,dr ,",*.s J i I
Ricouard Marley Shepherd Ben Thompson Faith Tran
Jonnie Walker, Jr. Christopher Westbrook
I I_t "st * ( 73 i J i 3,rw U t U n "l rl IJ ( L ,"\ E1 : I i ? t \-,-A I I I I # 7 f tF .l "- ,- -a
Eli Verdin

Lower Schmol

The Lower School of St. IVortin's is o ploce of wonderment. Our tolented teochers open the door to o multitude of exciting experiences. We hove on outhentic, rigorous, ond fun curriculum thot contoins so mony omozing speciol closses, The Lower School teochers help our students choose their own poths fonvord to greot ploces!

Eni --.
Ll.t Jl5;
J I ffi ) I I f:r $L t._'+t' 'q it. r T is \\* trE I t, fr*,' .,.a I ! I s L 7 I 1 /f L \ r L D
/ I \ I 't, [::.'l // *, I \ 17 lU I 'tl t- f 74

ral te ..h.-

The 2O2O-21 school yeor wos not whot we expected, but we were still oble to moke mony wonderful memories,,.Chopelin the Lower Schoolquod, building leprechoun trops, Dr, Seuss week, virtuol holidoy celebrotions, Mordi Gros door floots. ond exploring the new Lower School science lob. To porophrose Dr. Suess, "Oh the ploces we went,"

I tl 4l T ! 75 6 4 \ fi I ti Y t s 'i f Ol \, ) ,, 10tD I tr I J :(l ) sfjry ; {.tt' y T ,q * ** 3G \t5 j 4r'{4 (5 (f I I ry-' E ,r L-l \ 0 t') ,,1 i.l'ltrh l\ Bro ,qt sI -! e r.--l i.t ! ro! l*. A EEiIH =-d ------F \

Community Day

Pre-kindergorten students were exploding with energy os they troveled from one stotion to the next in o moke-believe community.

Students worked ond visited o gym, movie theoter, concesion stond, bowling olley. ond more.

The fun-filled octivity wos Lower School Community Doy, o St. Mortin's trodition for neorly 30 yeors,

Lost yeor compus closed just prior to Community Doy, but this yeor. with o little ingenuity, pre-k students were oble to enjoy the trodition with just o few odjustments.

76 I I II tI fi ,;;: I |l "4, I-L ,, 'fi :-1 f,, l' n I I , ffirz ilr'tyjr'/, 'd$ I ): 1 W m r] a r 4 tA G I o$ r 7 r .I I = T n \t J f rA.r.-d1 I */ d :l I lr I :' r,

Maypole Day

The second groders welcomed in Spring with their Moypole performonce, lt wos o beoutifuldoy!

The Moypole donce is o ceremoniol folk donce performed oround o tollpole gorlonded with greenery or flowers, ond often hung with ribbons thot ore woven into complex potterns by the doncers.

This lovely trodition hos been toking ploce ot St, Mortin's since the mid-.l980s, However, the first recorded instonce of o Moypole donce come during the l4th century in Llonidloes, centrol Woles,

i Ik 77 ; a""r I E !& H [* -* 7 .L I:) ra/ .t * .tr, *#hr [' -a 6+. 1 I t t \ ,-:t "l I Ii il

Jour De France

Mrs. Bozemon's first groders ore beoming with pride os they show off their creotions for "Jour De Fronce."

Students used vorious moteriols to moke Eiffel Towers ond flowers notive to Poris, ollwhile rocking their "Jour De Fronce" geor.

Con you tellthese first groders enjoyed their specioldoy? We suspect the onswer to thot question is "Oui!"

,tror dc Fnmac 2O7 r fc & Fnqsco?l Srde F,-r,arer fll II I] j orrrlec 2@,
I dc Fr@Jr63ol :c2@1, xrtlE l*r--m :.\ la * n F'".. L- *" rd ? & uil a &lr Lfo,t& ":r.",''c7\1, -,-.- 2 I*T h* 'I ,*. t \t I , w ,). * 7-F L r!t D ! d Ir t_ 5< I I t ,) E k",--- t

Co\ryboy Day

The kindergorien closs couldn't get enough of this fun-filled Cowboy Doy,

Cowboy Doy consisted of students getting dressed in their best cowboy geor ond ploying western-themed gomes, including sock roces ond roping steers using hulo hoops. Students olso enjoyed drinking sorsoporillo.

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79 FI S*t t ndtL I i ltt Li ^'; l*rl t !r' I I .,i ,r ,L G "il,.i t 1 d TI-l i-q* l { , \'

Tea Party

L r!

Kindergorten students orrived of school in their fonciest ottire for one ePic teo porty,

These sociol little ones hod o fobulous time chotting with one onother while enjoying cookies ond lemonode.

\I I a 1 7 I t r'1 I L 7 '\ I I .J lr ft I -l I ^ L { '/ \* ,*\. s"ff

wA a , *,e 80


) V a,
The students showed off their outfits by posing next to our beoutiful folioge while weoring their hondmode foscinotors, Our kindergorten students sure do cleon up well. Pinkys upl I

Pilgrim Day

Pilgrim Doy is on exciting doy for first grode. The students porticipoted in o doy of crofts ond octivities from coloniol times,

Children enjoyed moking pine strow brooms, rice pointings, ond quillwriting with ink mode from ocorns,

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rt,' tr .lq-z 81 t I tl d / FI I \a ( F I I \ t]t tl f a Ir rlB fr \ I I I I I -"e V -r F ,- I I & I /I I
1.4 fi # o ffi
i I 0 $
Bay Bowes Carter Breaux Evie Dicasali Charles Dowd Molly Dunn Oscar Dykema Adam Hawawini Harrison Hill Sylvester Johnson Jonah Kulp Christian LaCoste Elise LaVie l,
:J, A
Caleb Lumas Maddox Lumas Henry Mancuso Connor Bordelon
Julia Carmadelle Robin { T I * :'lI
Cooper Andrews Sinuo Li Orri Rouse Abby Seamster F] Q & O f-{ rJ{ F. -+ 82 r t tY'. t I I ! I a i :' i
Drew Rivas Dalton Rivas
Beau Smuck Sophia Yatsko LaylaZeitotn ;;rer ! f I'S * a a I, :r t. r'*" N,6 l I" 1 I w bq # f ,"Fgprq' 'i ,"'.*i, 1 r r , ffi vat I V \i6 *-l f I I I / a 4 n L ri =ffi rili(, /Wi @ E ! { I \ t A ,,1 r\ I t Yt -3r Ih lpu6ulil0 T [* I I 6\ H Er 7, r ,t I t { ft t i I \ )I l n n "'uol'ol/f'u ^# 83
lor Hughes Savannah Johnson
Isabella Karno Beckham Lambert Curtis L'Hoste Apurva Meka Beirne Miles Claibome Molaison Ellen Mueller Reed Palmisano Olive Diaz
William Feibleman Josephine Flanagan Michael Hamide Karim I
\ r 1
Vivienne Comer Liam DeMuth
tr,fl I &I J ffii rp:da h, I
I u *. It " ..,, ffiW
Omar Hijazi Meredith Huber Dennis Cali Georgia Peyton Noah Raines
14 a /, o Q M CO 84 "t'I il I t, ( I i._ I I I I r I 7 ,,fi t-I I r f a I I I ) I B t {
Ryan Rillieux Julie Sammy
I rlH ll
Seven Shank Leah Silvey Cate Spiers Charlie Tucker Nils Valencia
7 85 I - -t ; .. i.,f Jn;. " -t E t; frfl&T /L / L. t i J I T LN ,, ? l 7.I I \ / t<{s t- 'rLI -{r{t L 4 t.r 1Lt!0 tr \t, {.d a fl I. ,g *'gn r; _j fr\ Ft' /.t f \ r r f 0 ! t
Manqing Wang Charles Westbrook
Ul oo,
Ava Chan Lee Dieth Lucas Dos Santos Adriana Fasano Samantha Fasano Hudson Flowers
Garris Gianna Guirguis Paul Hogan Isaac Johnson
EEr W [1
Gianna Paz Skylar Quach Lucy Breaux Charles Bulathsinghala Adan Chan
Dieth Andrew Delatte Jaden Delatte
6{:' 7,-.41. I ,'{:-ryry
Landon Parks Lillian Neva Silva Hayden Riess Luke Rodriguez
rc n & 7h \./ a Z CI { I rffi [-*. tl t I I t -* !r* :6 B II I r '"E i ts,. 86
Lila Schween
ffi t\i t5l E k" I f, t 1 l 87 I Tds, L ;n r-- b f /O WT t" n - -a@ Lr ,{r ,l 1, t ./ 1 I r\ L{ I Jt rJ ?h I J {i I I s + a-.1 D *d #Nii ry, I -""rr4. N t I i :.i' c h ,E T
Floyd Simeon Sean Smith David Truesdale Svaraathmika Badari Andrew Ball
Finley Coleman Cicely Davis Collin Duke Avery Dupepe Robert Edstrom Isaac Heytens Milla Hove Lisette Hughes Jillian Jee Peter Madigan Emory McAllister Sophie Miller Jackson Monsour David Beck Roman Chaddock
{,'-.F :t
Frank A ,('f"
m t I , I t I I t
Iton Flowers Hartenstein
rI] a fr O t* 0 F{ 88 TE ti l I t, \ I tr tr rt H I rl! ,-l I ffi-t ilru I I I t .If i t
Asher Ochart Rowan Riess Arkalas Robinson Annika Rouse
I , ,s,- ,F I / H t s'-. y-) ) i; &- I
s ! L,/ I -{
Scala Schlumbrecht Charles Shahlaei Camren Stone Elliott Sumler
I r 5; a I::* 4 *'q?, t v '(! \- ,/ !x =; ei{ , ,t L ! ;^ ifli; NI / rJ \ 6 ,b ,l I rl -l \ \ ) I / / NT sT. SCHOOL \HEMO ,t ! tl 89
Pierce Wilkinson Harlan York

z E] F-{ e O &

"&f.. 2 t
WinstonAucoin NathaliaCarmadelle Morgan Crosbie Dominic DiMaggio Emma Dunn Emma Claire Ganucheau Charlie Heath Gracen Irwin Nathan Karno PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Lovisa Emile Masson Sebastian Amenta Aspen Garris Ruston Gills J W Jackson Henderson Caroline Hill Ayla Marie Lermi Franklin Li
Alexander : J
z )M I J t t I ffir I 90
Cecilia Parks John Michael Philippovic Grey Quigley Parker Quigley
14 Q
Jayce Roig Habeer Sidhu William Thomas David Trapani James Trapani
A *# i T L 3 -*.9 T 9t tl T % :< h ll-t-i ,',;, t t ffi -\ I Y [:"Tt I a F i 7 t { J L--. .!.{t ;, ffi: A ffi .d J .d I - 7r, TG T *+t --f J -a7 A I I lil rt WN -7r {,, \ t"t (. d 1 I crf,6o +io PJrG I TE ,t H ru ! ,t1 flirP' ry[
Michelle Verdin Caroline Weaver Cruz Wienhusen Reagan Campbell IM Elena Chan Preston Collins Vincent Costa Frank Dupepe Audrey Hamide Gavin Howell Jayce Hulbert Zachary Irons
"r I
Fabiano Paz
\ ##| \_ -l i
Arlyn Robinson Miles Adams Jonathan Alread Daniel Beck Hunter Haas
r!1 rt t\ ;^,
I 1p, ' ', -l
Leon McGovern Heath Payne Gia Gerard Reid DuSaules
o /, 14 a z )-{ M 14 & tu 92 lj i I,I L t{ I f rT*' j
HI (irr- -.YHi ,\ t t & I t I I V l\ 1,
Ashley Perry Lydian Richard Avery Riess
Z rc F fr
Mazie Hajari
I a
Giuseppe Scala Adeline Schulte Sandra Silva
r *" rs& ffi ur-;*' ,.. \rt $, n \ I I ) ,t" q & \ : lql r t \ {s U' TW I I D r- t93 EII
Gideon Wells Claire Wilkinson

George Cottage

Even in the midst of o pondemic, the children of George Cottoge continued to filltheir doys leorning through ploy - in the clossroom, on the ployground, ond in o voriety of creotive ploces in between! We were still oble to sofely explore our compus, ond discovered the joy of wolking without destinotion ond observing the world oround us. We become experts of turning sidewolks into cholk polettes ond bike rocewoys; potios become ort studios ond mokeshift science lobs; ond clossroom centers were revomped to creote pizzo kitchens, hibernotion coves, ond climbing wolls,

I I 94 [rl
1 i !-+ I T: I -t F I es ,i I a ,,J e# H t'I tr$ *gfl I b , rI I \ * t-,/ / q : .{ /' { * T rI (/ I Ll rl {"1 ., {r lr fl :t I )I il ) -\ * { &b". \ - :l / v s / i U L UY T I T ." "! 7 I t'.{ t. j I "t T I I ( { I E-

As our yeor progressed, we soid our shore of goodbyes ond hellos os old friends moved ond new friends entered. Through it oll, we remoined o hoppy ond heolthy ploce for children to build relotionships ond develop foundotionolskills, We look forword to welcoming porents bock into our spoces next yeor ond to resuming our fovorite octivities put on hold, but looking bock on ollthot we occomplished,2O2O-21wos o greot yeor to be in the Cottoge!

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MAPLES r*-.t a F I t
Wyatt Clara Edstrom William Hamilton Annabelle Kennedy Carter L'Hoste Emile Lustberg
I T d'i) I' \ll I ry : Ct' T\ I f,J, I ["t I I I J vr7 i J t T L \ ,l * * E G I b jr J tr- -\i E_ ".L.X t LJ u '*g \ \ \ I t 7) 96 r I t
Alexander McCarthy Sebastian McCarthy Jayden Sarmiento Isidore York
Sr. M Sr: il .sr. I
Averv Breaux Matt James Fabio Michael Fabio Luke Greco Axel Hughes
t 97 7'jf;. I I ,) - ^L. I 'j I I Il t L. -/ ,,1 v I \ _-l \/ EI A a. "'7 rul E I L J - .,t *{ \ o \: ti a * \ul" ffiIU I = F lr Ii 7 ',4 -t ,/ a ,M 3 tL "l 70 \
Henry Klein Tumer Kwiatkowski Murphy Quiggle Gabriel Sorrells Liam Tittle Benjamin Whitfield


,t Eb .\ .)-
Harrison Bulath Gills Kiki Hazard Kian Jaikishen Cafter Millaway Rowan Payton
-tr F ,r it,a I- {- tf { '* -r' 5' l' dt 98
Leena Ray Christopher Roberts Luke Rodriguez William Sorrells Lena Rose Tusa
d I t ! a t t i ara G1, F I I 1 t -lI.-/


Vivienne Amenta Eleanor Busenlener Elizabeth Fletcher Hendrix Flowers James Guercio Alexander Guzman
#.{ 1 99 Lt Il r..*ffi rj t/ ! _.) dl) I I 7 ".tn -n t = -rf *l^ t Tl -) I wA I \ I "'l I
Kamran Kailas Roberto Quintal Matthew Raybum Easton Schulte
Beau Alread Owen Alread Sadie Bourquard Arel Cambazoglu Millie Chava
t,,I I L ;.
Cooper Cheramie Mackenzie Figuera Roderic Lovisa Acosta
I ! ffi I E v 100 ! r a I rt F ) h I t \ $' I -! ( v E, V' r t I .A * t I I ./ r- C in :J v {;' *,' f 'l )* L b / \ T (l I l-{ F3 f* f I J E I d<-1 I Ii H. _t
Leo Quiggle Balthazar Schexnayder Danny Semmes
Cecily Bruhnke Eva Lin Chan Hugh Fletcher Diego Garmoe Lane Greco James Kennedy Clark Madigan Amistad Mclntyre-Yeh
I J^*:# 101 i_ ,s ,v rr I 'l M.^.0*" ffi* Yvt t' \ .t t \ -a *#ff ,e F\il t W* 7 T I I / 1f. EI \ J t- 7 3, L, I '*Il I -/ '.t nt "/ 4
Bash Tomada Anna Whitfield Olivia Brown Ian Howell Milo Indest Chase Kwiatkowski Anna Lirette Griffin Lustberg
I v p','u i:,ffi se*[*'w d ,}: ht02 t* ,a a r F
ttltr#*' .J,11 \ ';J -a \\ l, tr(, q I W 1. \ r / 7 \ r{ q tr "ti t I l Eit ,1 ,vtl -
Lennon Ortego Myles Payton Bailey Quintal Wyler Radford Jacob Webb
s* Isd
I ,it' td
Eleanor Grace Agbonlahor,
Preston Benedetto Aiden Breaux Emmett Bulathsinghala wOlivia Peyton
r fl
Addison Daigre Bames Benjamin Donaldson Scarlett Illes Priya Innerarity Kazio Miaskowski Lainey Riess
c .*a 103
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Connor Semmes Eleanor Weaver


The Soints hod on omozing seoson this yeor. Our ployers worked through mony chollenges due to the pondemic, ollwhile improving their skills ond building solid relotionships with their teommotes. Runners beot their personol bests, Rivol teoms were bested, Trophies were won.

During this seoson there wos o lot of uncertointy. As o result of COVID, mony-[qfr4ns were informed thev wourd hove to quorontine;:ly.ffii.ilf

ever' our othretes

Together, we ore Soints

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Lilly Rabe, Lexi Houghtaling, Lila Coe, Vivian Giordano,Jenna

Ava Richard, Rachel Royerre, Kaitlyn Tillery, Gracie Miester, AlexisJurisich

Coaches: Tiffany DuSaules and RachelJurisich

Here we have our senior cheerleaders: Gracie Miester, Rachel Royerre, Abigail Pean, Ava Richard, Alexis Jurisich, and Camila Figueroa.

Team: KaiVal Howard, Gabby Mannino, Abby Pean, Katie Main, Camila Figueroa, Emy Farber, Kiley Salge, Grayson Eppling, Delatte,
106 n, -. .J L^ .i, -t"l t' )t f -sh -a ! v rt r I I n .t v \ I t lr*5 "'t I L t,, :G &-^;& I I t -'D |L J N, I k',. T I -i # ',"*)*!fi4r&il*. t't *gr,

In an unprecedented year while navigating the new CO\rID athletic rules, the team persevered and made it to the first round of Division IV playoffs.

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-,Sophmore Timothy Roberts makes the tackle during the game against Benjamin Franklin.
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The girls' varsity volleyball team was disfict champs for the second year in a row. Prudence Dudley was named district M\? and nominated as a member of the LHSCA Allstar East Team.
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Senior volleyball players: Prudence Dudley, Katie LaForge, Leven Greene, and Laura McCrary

Cross Country

Coach Lind led another amazing season with the following highlights: The girls' team was awarded District 9-lA champions while the boys'team placed 5th. The girls'team went on to be crowned Class 1A State Champions.

t, 1 4
ISenior runners Kaylee Caracci, Isabella Bartholomew, and Nicholas Arensman
109 n il
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Swimmins -------o

Despite COVID restrictions, it was another great season for our swimmers.Juliette Magner and Colby Watkins made the LHSCA Swimming All Star Team.

Senior swimmers: Colby Watkins, Isabella Bartholomew, Hayes Whitney, Clara Conatser, and Ellie Courhey.
110 n D a a a il {fl a a t tx ?r IN YX 051 tsr g ? \_----},; -\j./ t: t' t !tt pi 7 s { r T \r L N rl t, ffi I _l IJ t l--..-_l ,! a Y fw ,.! I }H,/ g frw 1"&Or plffi3 J I I Itr ,4 .-ht #rr* &r \ I L 1 g I I



First game of the season: Saints went on the road to defeat Catholic High of Pointe Coupee at the buzzer on a shot by Matt Weaver leading them to a 5{ start to the season. Starting with traro freshmen, Sainb defeated St. Charles Catholic. Overall, the team became better despite several COVID quaranline intemrptions.

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Matthew Weaver dribbles down the court during a game against Patrick Taylor.

Girls' Basketball

TThe girls'varsity basketball team was named 202U21 District Champs andJayden Coleman was named the District M\?. In addition, the team made it to the State semi-finals. Overall, a fantastic season for the Saintsl

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Jayden Coleman guards a player during a game against Phoenix High School.
tt2 1 Jr ,/{rfli s 8A !I iAl?lx'5 IIrTrl s 12 2t I t I t*' sI. nABlltl l fi Y sI.
23 c t r w E f. \ ill,q I v -t a I I , mF, I I , !l t :>--J I igH TI'IIX'S 0 .A ID -_J
Basketball 21 15
Emerson Arensman takes a shot during a game against Haynes Academy.
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Sanaa Bean attempts a shot during a garne against Haynes Academy.


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Pel.ton Crosby keeps the ball in play at Tony Porter Field. -
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The boys' soccer team advanced to the playoffs, but were knocked out in the first round in a close game against St. Thomas Aquinas.


Girls' varsity had a challenging season with having to push through multiple quarantines and game cancellations because of CO\rID protocols, but through it all the girls were able to stay positive and represent St. Martin's.

Adeline Booth beats the opponent to the ball.
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The baseball team was District Co-champion and made it to the first round of State playoffs. Christian Pevey was named District's Outstanding Pitcher.

Baseball Uf, * re h
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Johnny Morreale covers second base during a game against Country Day.
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The girls' softball team stayed positive through a difficult season. One of the biggest highlights of the season was a game against Counfy Day. The Saints came back in the bottom of the seventh inning to win the game!

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Katie Lalorge prepares to catch at the plate during a game against Kenner Discovery.
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I' { L *
The girls' tennis teams capped off an exciting season with a strong showing at the LHSAA State Tournament held in Monroe. Seniors Prudence Dudley and Katie La.Forge were the Division fV Girls'Doubles State Champions.
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The girls' tennis team tums it up a notch against Sacred Heart.

The boys' tennis team had a successful season. Freshman Patrick LaForge earned a spot in the quarterfinals at the LHSAA State Tourament.

The boys' tennis team gives it their all during a meet at Rummel.
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Track and Field"m

St. Martin's had another outstanding season with eight athletes who qualified for the 2021 Class 1A Track and Field State Championships. The weather conditions were excellent and compefition was stiff.

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Toi Robinson attempts a high jump at Latter and Blum Track.
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Freshman Morgan Guepet was the Girls' Division II Individual State Champion in the Allstate Sugar Bowl LHSAA State Golf Tournament.
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Congratulations, Morgan!
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Middle School golf team played in the NOAL Audubon Golf Toumament.

MS Track

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Middle School boys sprinting fast in a hack meet.
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Devyn McManus leads the 1600 meter run in the middle league companionship meet.

MS Cross Country

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SM cross country runners show off their t-shirt awards as top ten finishers in theJack Capella CIassic.
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SM Middle School girl runners run as a pack in theJack Capella Classic hosted by Country Day at Pontiff Playground.

MS Softball

YAfter a CO\rlD-shortened season in 2020, the softball Saints were excited to complete a fi.rll season successfully. We will miss our Sth graders, but are ready to compete for several years to come.

Safe at third, as this enthusiastic group takes onJohn Curtis.
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MS Baseball

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Noah Dunn beats the tag.
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The 5th/6th and Tth,Eth grade baseball teams fell short in the playoffs but represented St, Martin's well on the diamond. Way to go, Saints!

MS Coed Soccer

The team gets amped up pre-game. The Middle School coed team made it to the playoffs but lost in a close semifinal match.

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Sophie Chailland makes a save.

MS G Basketball ) S

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Sydney Ca}ilI prepares to take a shot.
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Jessie Gaspard looks to make a pass to her teammate

MS Cheer

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The cheerleaders put the Saints spirit on full display
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The Middle School cheerleaders help pump up the fans at Tony Porter Field.

MS Football

Daniel Fink makes the tackle to help defeat the Cajuns. Although the season was shortened by COVID, the Saints showed great improvement on the field.

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Ashton Oliver calls the play during a game against Country Day.
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MS Volle all

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Coach Scioneaux and the team huddle during a game at StM.
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The Middle School red team prepzres to return the ball during a garne at Adkerson G).rnnasium.

MS Volle all I

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Coach Ward gives the navy team a pep talk during a volleyball game at StM.
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The nary team keeps the ball alive in a home game

MS Soccer ) S

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8th grader Zoe Tranchina pushes the ball down the field during a game against Ursuline.
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Sophie Chailland punts the ball away after a save as Isabel Lovera looks on. The girls' squad was dominated by 8th graders who have played together since 5th grade. They will bring an abundance of talent to the Upper School Varsity team.

Gymnastics $

Savannah started tumbling and trampoline gymnastics at the age of 4. Throughout the years, she has won numerous state and regional championships medals. When she was 9 years old she qualfied for her first national competition in 2019, and walked away with the gold medal for tumbling and the bronze medal for hampoline.

After a long hard year due to the pandemic, she is back to training 15 hours per week. She recently qualified for her second national competition, which will be held in Salt Lake Gty, Utah.

Gold and bronze medals won by Savannah Hastings '28 at the 2019 National Championships in West Palm Beach, Florida.
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Photo of Savannah at 2019 National Championships in West Palm Beach, Florida.
2019 "Stars & Stripes

The Halo

The Halo is St. tVlortin's Episcopol School's student-run newspoper. lt operotes through physicol popers, sociol medio, ond o website

This yeor, the club hos gone through o reconstruction period ond will present o brond-new website in the folll

Editor-in-Chief: Adriono Poz

tr/onoging Editor: Rikki Bourg

Web Editors: Adriono Poz ond Rikki Bourg

Loyout Editor: Eric Berthelot

Copy Editor: lsobello Bortholomew

Photo Editor: Nicholos Arensmon

Sports Editor: Sydni Wiltz

Design: Deryn Potin

lVembers: Alexis Akers, Alexis Steckler, Holle Bryon, lsobel Romsoy, Kennedy Derosin, Louren Bone, Lilo Coe, Molly Rivos, lvlyo Porl'er, IVycoh Porter, Westley Jomes, Zod Totum

Sponsor: lVotlhew IVunholl

The Lyre

The Lyre hos been produced by St, tVorfin's onnuolly for olmost 50 yeors. lt is o beoutiful exomple of student creotivity. Fun foct: The school orchives contoin copies of the Lyre doting bock to the .l960s!

President: Erico Ricci

Co-President: Louro lVlcCrory

l\ulembers: Westley Jomes, Lilo Coe, Bentley Boudreoux, Abbie Beck, Rikki Bourg, lVolly Rivos, lsobel Romsoy, Louren Crowell, Emy Forber, Kennedy Derosin, Zoe Totum, Jedo Willioms

Sponsors: Adrion Von Young Avery Dovis

4:"7 tYRE (.orr.r' trl hr llra ltrrltr'21 ,,r. 20.21 t t

Model U.f\T.

Lydio Greene ond Hunter Richordson represented SttV ot WAIVIUNC's $//ohington Areo Model UN ) virtuol conference run by George Woshington University's Elliott School of lnternotionol Affoirs. This conference hod 500 delegotes competing, including some from schools outside of the United Stotes, After weeks of reseorch ond proctice, Lydio ond Hunter competed for 17 hours over the spoce of 4 doys, including o surprise "midnight crisis" session. Hunter won the prestigious Outstonding Delegote oword for his performonce in the hypotheticolTik Tok Boord of Directors Committee, All of the StM MUN members, including Chris Cotinis ond Nothon Chotognier, worked closely with the Tulone IVUN progrom this yeor, porticipoting in o virluol proctice seminor in November 2O2Oin order to prepore for this internotionol conference.

Sponsor: lVory Quinet

Members: Lydio Greene, Hunter Richordson, Chris Cotinis, Nothon Chotognier,

Women's Club

Club members decoroted o bonner in honor of Women's History Month ond creoted o "Womonifesto." outlining the club's gools ond expectotions. We wonted to creote o sofe spoce for students to discuss issues thot offect women both in the St. tVortin's community ond of lorge. Our purpose is to empower the young women of St, Mortin's ond give them confidence thot they will hopefully corry with them into the future.

Sponsor: lVlegon King

Co-Presidents: Bentley Boudreoux, Leven Greene

lVembers: Alexis Akers, lsobel Romsoy, Louro McCrory, N/yo Porter, Hunter Richordson, Cotherine Ronquillo, Som D'Arensbourg, Avo Richord, Rochel Royerre, Thomos Devoll, Seemo Hijozi, Coroline Folgoust, Mycoh Porter, Diomond Lewis, Westley Jomes, IVoddie lVcDoniel, lon Hunter, Louren Crowell, Rion McMonus, Julio Ayres, ond lsobello Bognetto

135 I e t 0i @i .t..fs&;::i, _i :l t A a

Diversity Club

Purpose: To promote diversity ond culturol oworeness, ond give support to students ond stoff on rociol issues in school ond community. Diversity Club oims to toke o stond ogoinst prejudice ond hotred, ond promote oppreciotion ond understonding of diverse cultures ond groups.

Co-Presidents: Deryn Potin ond Bentley Boudreoux

Members: Avo Richord, Abigoil Beck, Alexis Akers, Brooke lVonvoisin, Comilo Figueroo, Coroline Folgoust, Christopher Cotinis, Diomond Lewis, Emily Ross, Eloio Borre, Ford lVillicon, Holle Bryon, lon Hunter, Jock Formon, Joyden Colemon, Julio Ayres, Kotie LoForge, Kennedy Derosin, Kylor Colemon, Louro McCrory. Louren Bone, Louren Crowell, lVorio Cusimono, Myo Porfer, Quinn Boutchord, Sofio Ortego, Thomos Devoll, Somontho Thompson, Rochel Royerre, Volerio Reyes, West Stout, Westley Jomes, Williom Solvoggio.

Sponsor: Joe Voccoro

International Club

President: Alino Long

lVembers: Steven Xu, Andy Zhou, Joson Fu

Sponsor: Cissy Rowley

t36 v et ( :1 T \ fl FJ

Coptoin: Cloro Conotser

lVembers: Hunter Richordson, Groce Fleshmon, Comilo Figueroo, IVeissy Colix, lsobello Bor'rholomew Justin Holl, Diomond Lewis, Triston Korno, Bloke Verdigets

Sponsor: Lee Klebbo

Qutz Bowl GSA Club

GSA clubs, or GSAs for short, ore student-run orgonizotions thot unite LGBTQ+ ond ollied youth to build community ond orgonize oround issues impocting them in their schools ond communities. GSAs hove evolved beyond their troditionol role to serve os sofe spoces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools ond high schools, ond hove emerged os vehicles for deep sociolchonge reloted to rociol, gender, ond educotionol justice.

The mission is for every student, in every #= school, to be volued ond treoted with respect, regordless of their sexuol orientotion, gender identity, or gender expression, We believe thot oll students deserve o sofe ond offirming school environment where they con leorn ond grow.

Co-Presidents: Leven ond Lydio Greene, Sponsor: Heother Potterson

r37 ri J u I#r L I 8{! rI .r.rils t f I f, ffi I

Teom Coptoin: Comilo Figueroo


Glorio Ruiz, Nothon Chotognier, Chorles Potrick, Coroline Folgoust

Sponsor: John Byrnes

Speech and Debate Team Cloaks and Dresses Club

President: Cloro Conotser

Members: Groce Fleshmon, lVeissy Colix. Volerio Reyes, Comilo Figueroo, Kotie LoForge, Prudence Dudley, Bentley Boudreoux, Sofio Ortego, Abbie Beck, Ryn Potin, Hunter Richordson, Rochel Royerre, Avo Richord, Koylee Corocci, Leven Greene, Rikki Bourg, Cotherine Ronquillo, Gobby Rubin, Sofio DiVincenti. Koitlyn Holl, Diomond Lewis, lon Hunter

Sponsor: tVory Bond

t: t .r,,1' i ,c ! _-t-. '* F *,r ) J tul I ',t I * -f '{ ,S, +i 7: L., \

Thespian Club


lsobello Bognetto, KoiVol Howord, Diomond Lewis, Lilo Coe, Williom Solvoggio


lVeredith Long-Dieth

StM Squad

The Sttvl Squod promotes school spirit in the Upper School by plonning octivities of gomes, orgonizing themed dress-up doys, ond posting on the Squod's sociol medio.

Presidents: Kotie Moin

Nzlembers: Cort Anthony, Bryce

Bohonnon, Kylor Colemon, Joyden Colemon, Toi Robinson, Lilly Robe, Louren

Bone, Sydni Wiltz, Holle Bryon

Sponsor: Heother Potferson

OfrEcial, ioupe Charter 6*dr*dF5d rBrwa?{ effi.rdd F&re'tue*!-5 k*"ilil#n*.'+rlk
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Itlation aL Honor S ociety

Alexis Akers

lsobello Bognetto

Abigoil Beck

Joyden Colemon

Louren Crowell

[Vlorio Cusimono

Somontho D'Arensbourg

Jenno Delotte

Coroline Folgoust

KoiYu (Joson) Fu

Justin Holl

Seemo Hijozi


Horris Huber

Westley Jomes

Kuntoo (Alino) Long

Diomond Lewis

Louro McCrory

Modelyn McDoniel

Rion McMonus


Erico Ricci


Cotherine Ronquillo

Coroline Spiers

Zoe Totum

Somontho Thompson

Bloke Verdigets

Megon King opened this yeor's induction ceremony for the Notionol Honor Society on Morch 21,2021. During o typicol school yeor the onnuol induction ceremony is held right before the Thonksgiving breok. This yeor, becouse of COVID, we didn't hold the ceremony untilthe spring,

Mory Bond proudly welcomes vorious new members into the NHS, Triston Korno
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Renee Angerer

Nicholos Arensmon

lsobello Bortholomew

Eric Berthelot

Louren Bone


Holle Bryon

Koylee Corocci

Christopher Cotinis

Kylor Colemon

Cloro Conotser

Kennedy Derosin

Prudence Dudley

Comilo Figueroo

Groce Fleshmon

Leven Greene

Lydio Greene

Pictured to the left ore new members Erico Ricciond Louro McCrory smiling for the comero with this yeor's speoker, lVr. Adrion Von Young.

This yeor's officers ore Cloro Conotser (president), Rikki Bourg (vice president), ond Groce Fleshmon (secretory),

This yeor's progrom included o welcome proyer by Groce Fleshmon, o reoding by Rikki Bourg, o piono performonce by Cloro Conotser, on oddress by lVr, Adrion Von Young, o welcome to new members by Dr. lVerry Sorrells, ond o benediction by the Reverend Jeff Millicon,

Although the induction ceremony hod some chonges os o result of COVID, it is cleor thot it wos os genuine ond embrocing os it hos been in yeors post.

Ryon Johnson

Kotie LoForge

Kotherine Moin

Ford Millicon

Sofio Ortego

Deryn Potin

Adriono Poz

Lilly Robe

Hunter Richordson

Rochel Royerre

Colin Soucier

Elliot Schmedtje

Alexis Steckler



Ziyoo (Andy) Zhou

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FacuIty :ffi

and Staff

This yeor hos been unlike ony other in educotion, but our foculty ond stoff continued to do whot they do best: prevoil. lt wos like reoding o good book. There were times when we loughed ond times when we cried. Through the ups ond the downs we continued to support eoch other, our students, ond the StM community.

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We enforced new policies, we odjusted to new schedules ond technology, we hod to "pivot" more times thon we con remember, we quorontined ond sonitized, but most importontly we were there for our students ond tought them the volue of resilience. On beholf of the entire StM communify, "Thonk you" to our incredible foculty ond stoff. Together we ore Sointsl

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Board of Trustees

Vice Chair: Michael Nicoladis '78

Chair: Patrick Comer

Treasurer: Kelly Duncan '72 Secretary: Liz Martin Armstrong '78

Past Chair: Ana Mesa Ortega '85

Amy Goodman, Troy Heytens, The Rev. Canon Shannon Manning, Deuce McAllister, G. Perry Eastman III'62, Danny McMyne, Peyton Pettit Greene '84, Mike Broxon '87, Angela Kellum, Bruce Parkerson '75, Bertrand Wilson '77, The Rev. Fred D. Devall IV '87

Ex Officio Members: Dr. Merry Sorrells, The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson Jr

Board of Trustees Chair Head of School

\ Ih Y I t44
Mr. Patrick Comer
A ^lL"r J-*[ A r- -t:'-/ \ l*' t ::.. r'I \i a I1. ) fi *. 'l 4 t.lr r.J L rl n F--= \ fr.' * Il l,lt #, Y h 'l ,J $, l I +' :l
Dr. Merry Sorrells
Holly Dalferes Director of The George Cottage
Ford Dieth. Jr. '89 Head of Lower School Assistant Head of School Jenny Velasquez Head of Middle School Rebecca Lovisa Assitant Head of Middle School Frank Gendusa Interim Head of Upper School Peter Adair'98 Head of Upper School Mary Bond Associate Head of Upper School Student Affairs
; a ) , ,LTI { t 'th (, t45 U I rl r T {. tBfl,ilh { I F *"{t , * I I 7I a 7 tt T; ,*.L J I 7 ! x .. ./ \ \ / 7 I t? 6:r I 8" a a t I I
Tiffany DuSaules Associate Head of Upper School Academic Affairs
Ld I
Muffin Adriance '96 Denise Altobello Shawn Aucoin Aleksandar Bahat Mary Kay Beck Brady Benoit Laura Blazek Andrea Bonnette Ashley Bozeman Pam Briene
J, N (,
Mary Brown Bayli Bruce John Byrnes Danielle Calamia Denise Callahan Frank Canzoneri
#-1-&{'rt \fi1 I H-t \+{ d {-J a "u b F{t-{ ) U s3 tE{
Claudette Chanson Barat Chisesi Jennifer Collins Tootie Conwa Paige Davis Angela Day
146 e U i ru 7 I I ^t - -l L ** t L [,'Y \ hr 11 \ H El 1l I l( 7 I 1 t 7) n m: I I 7 _l ;,, sr tSAINTS I F ,l
Lisa Davis Jonathan Davis
EinDazzo Lori Despaux John Dicasali Ford Dieth, Sr. Jeannette Diket Terri Drouet Danielle Meredith Duhe Andrew Katie Faught Marcella Fink Deborah Will Fletcher Elizabeth Fox Esther Allison Fresneda Leslie Gamble
t t
Kelly Gauthier Frank Gendusa .rl, r
I t t tr I I
Heather Grace Anita Hamilton Andrew Harris Katherine Harris John Hazard
r41 n hl t' I \ r :f i\[I I rt T *ft G.: t" t t, ,l' L I tt' *{ I \, I I I f ry v t-I r L / EIt ffi I i I t I ,,-ry" W, ,$; -lf
Christina Heath Jennifer Henderson Tracey Henican Eugenio Hemandez Cynthia Hill
{"* * {
Jordan Hill Meredith Hotard Missy Howell
lry t, I
Gary Innerarity Linda Irwin I Rachel Johnson Christine Jones Jane Kaufman Megan King Lee Klebba
Christopher Kopp Dawn LaForge Pat Laird Tiffany Laird Julie Joe Lesher Jeanie L'Hoste Warren Lind
I rt t , il fr 148
Meredith Robin Lunsford Ethel Madden Debbie Manale S Martinez Amanda Michel Jeff Millican Olivia Mills
;:mi I i:l F"' t' * v a Y: N I I r,-I t t I E T t ]T t :.1 .E t lh t" T I iI \ t G f fi l ( I f I I T \ EI ? tr r I 7 r--"---1 rll I ,$ : I n n ry L" flr''1r i a a l' I.
Aileen Minihan Joette Monaghan
ffi i
Mouton Matt Munhall James Murray Chuong Nguyen o'Briant Holl Odom Mike Odom Edwina O'Flynn Natalie Ott Dixie Patrick nr Susan Pendleton Wally Porter Mary Quinet Doris Ramirez-Gomez Stacy Richards Riemer Nikki Riess Frances
Alma Roohi Emily Ross
f ll,
Rowley Patricia Sanabria Lee Saucier'91 Keith Schwarz Ray Scioneaux
Eileen Smilari DeMarias Sojka Robby Stanley Laurie Stewart Arthur Stout
T SAINTS ,l ,!*
Allison Thomas Laura Tran Tanya Tranchina Natalie True Uzee Joe Vaccaro Adrian Van Young Allison Jennifer Courtney Ward Julie Warren Warren Meghan Weaver Jordan Weinberger Stephanie Welker
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Chad Wilken Heather Wiltshire Teresa York

fua?** J

We are so proud of you and the person you have become! Your strength of character and your driving spirit will take you far! We know this is only the beginning of the great things you will accomplish! Congratulations on completing this milestone in your life, even in the midst of so much adversity that has been your senior year. We love you so much and cannot wait to see all the wonderful things that you accomplish!

Love lVlom I Dad, Gran, Poppies, Nanny, IVT A Vlackenzie

We are so proud of you!

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Brrhr,-A /hff"

Washington lrving said, "There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart." Ben, ! couldn't be prouder of you and all you've accomplished and will accomplish. Congratulations on your graduation. lt's time to live your dreams, and I'll support you all the way. I love you, lVlom.

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Darling Daughter,

You are a treasure, and we are so blessed that you are in our lives!

Watching you grow up, seeing the friends you've made and kept, even after multiple moves and schools has been fun and exciting.

We hope and pray that your next step will be as adventuresome as the last have been - Go and conquer the world!

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr.Seuss

Love from

Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Sean, Aunt Becky, Uncle David, lVlatthew and Michael, Aunt [Vlary, Uncle Pat, P.J., Shannon, Jacob, Mom, Dad, Cole and Olive.

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What a journey- Quiz Bowl with Ms. Klebba, clothes for Cloaks & Dresses, StuGo "decorations," piano, French horn, Science Olympiad, delivery bake sales and tennis. Late night auditions. Basically, 14 years of controlled chaos!

We are so proud of you! May your future at Princeton and beyond be blessed with adventure, friends, and joy.

Geaux Tiger! With love, Mom, Dad, James and Midnight

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Congratulations! We are so very proud of you. Wishing tfl, f,"ppiness

and success in all you do. We love you!

lVlom, Dad and Jake

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1 I I ry l@"*" t56 7 ) f I o j c h l1h, \ m V I I I i I 7 7 & r / \ o EET vP

Avabug you have always been the special glitter glue that holds our family together.

We are so proud of the young lady you have become. Each day you continue to impress Dad and me with your wise words, viewpoint, and that tenacious spirit that is all your own.

lVlay you find all of the gifts God has given you and make the most of them along your journey.

Love you with all our heartsDad, IVlikey and Mom

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4r*ro 6o-r^

We are so proud of you and your growth through high school. As you enter college next year, we are here to support you as you continue your journey. Ltke a 7 87 Dreamlinet the sky is the limit for you!

We love you so much.

lVlom, Dad, [Vlanya, Buddy, lVlilky Way, and Evan

158 L T -F! l I & l, t t .l t\ E I r.:t r, f 't I I Ery l't, ql \ 7 l. n ) -a n$E I ",F*' -rt!l" fi' '
lv^flsr* t4tl/l
e are so proudof you!!
look forward to your future and all that God has in store for you!
lVlom, Dad, Chandler and Harrison il r59 ! / I tt a\ L I ]t a tld '. )rnf r.€r- 'qtrr * ,l I ,e t

e.r*n ,€q,,za-a. U

Stay sweet, stay fierce, and most importantly, stay you! We love you! Make the FigueroaGutierrez team super proud.

"Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."

Love, Rafael, Bella, mom and dad

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Fr # i?i. [.IlA

You are light and truth and strength and goodness. How proud we are of you now and always. lt's time to soar, Sweat Pea! NYU!!! YOU DID IT.

Love, Mommmmmm and family

Christian Pevey

Every end has a new beginning. And you are just beginning to leave your mark on this world Christian! We are so proud of you and look forward to all your future accomplishments! We love you, Mommy and AIex


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Congratulations on completing 14 wonderful years at St. [VIartin's Episcopal. You have excelled academically and athletically, and in the process grown from a dependent and fearful little girl into an intelligent, independent, kind, thoughtful, resilient and dignified young lady with a very bright future. And now, on to Clemson University with more challenges, hard work, growth, and development to help you continue on your lifelong quest to be the best Prudence Dudley you can be. You will be an inspiration and good example to many, and particularly your future family. We are very proud of the beautiful and dignif ied woman you are becoming.

With Love,

Dad, and The Gang

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4:v /F,,,, Y ( t Varsity Tennis t t ) rr \ I t* .' *w MVP 2019 & 2020 *t *r St. Ma Most Athletic Ferqale *iil,0,, t62 K 1; inrm ?tu
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Varsitv Vollevball fbozo et l-State Sltection


WHEN KAMALA HAFRIS BECAME the 49th Vico President of the Unrted States, she made history. Born of a Jamaican tather and an lndian mothel she was the first woman- the first Akican American and lh€ flrst lndian to hold the post. Her husband, attorney Douglas Emholf. became second husband, another lirst. Harris enter€d and later dropp€d out of the 2O20 presidential race belor€ being chosen byJoe Biden as his vice presidential running mate


JOS€PH ROBINETTE BIDEil JR.. with wifo Jill holding rh6 tamily 8iblo, look rho oarh of otlica o! th€ 46lh presidont 6l noon on Jan. 2O. Although Elocrion Day wa3 Nov. 3, clos6 numbors an s€vorsl statos dolayed th6 declaration of Eadeo and Vice Pr€sid€nl Kamala Hsrris as winnors until Nov. 7, when Ponnsylvania pushod their Eloctoral Colloge tolal over the 27O oeedod to win over inc!mb6nt Donald Trump. ON JAN. 6, the same day r joint s€ssion ol Congress conv€nod lo formally count and c€rtity oletorial vot€s. Prosrd€nt lrump h€ld a rally of his supporters outsrde the Whhe Houso. Trump urgod the crowd to keop tiohting to overtu.n an glgction thoy saw as lraudulont. The crowd stormed tho C6p,lol. br€oking into th6 building and ransscking otrico8. Th€ attack resultod in lhe d€sths of on€ polic€ officor and tour,iolers. PRESIDENTTRUMP and challengor Joo Biden were scheduled to participato in th166 debat6s. Th€ second d€bate. howev€i w6s canc€lod du6 to Trump's COVIO diagnosi6 and his rslussl to hold lh6 dobale virtually Mik€ P€nce snd Kamsls Hsrris p.rricipatod in the vice presidential debaro in Salt Lake City on Oct. 7.

AT ONE POINT during the race for president. mo.e than 2O candidates vied lor the top spol on the Democratrc ticket. The Democratic National Committee held 11 primary debates. ln order to participate. candidates had to have received a set number of pledgsd delegates. ln August, Joe Brden accepted the nomination at a virlual convention. KAilYE WEST

ANNOUT{CED his third-party candidacy for president on July 4. Aller missing ballot deadlines in 29 slates and qualifying for only 1 2. he susp€nded hrs campargn the morning atter the election. He received more than 60,OOO votes and expressed tnlerest rn runnrng again in 2024.

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MAFCH 2020-2021

Two dsys aflor the world H€slrh Organization doclar€d COvID-19 a pandemic on March 11,2020.

President Irump d6clared the virus a National Emgrgoncy. unlockang billions in f6doral funding to lighl lho spr€ad oI the diseaso. Tho countty came to a halt in an €lfort to slop th6 virus from spr€ading- Betail businessos, gyms, hair salons and feslauranls closed. schools sent students home, sports seasons were canceled and trsvel bans took €ffecl. The race beg6n to develop a vaccine that would fight the vitus.


M.y 21: H6alth and Human Sorvices created'Operation WarP SPsod' to accol6rato th€ doveloPmenl, manutactu16 and distaibution of vaccines to combat COVIO-'19.

May 21r The U.S. and Astrazoneca tormed a vaccine deal and predict€d a vaccine could be roady by October.

Mry 23: The U.S. death toll itom COVID-1 I reach€d 'lOO,OOO.


With schools closed across the country, seniors miss6d out on the t.adition ol g.aduation. Many schools h€ld drive-thru or virlual graduations complet€ wilh caPs and gowns.

JunE lO: U.S. css6s rssched 2.OOO,OOO with css€s up in 20 statos.

Jun€ 26: Toxas and Florida h€lted rooponing plans 6s casos rose.


Aug. 7; Talks stalled in the Senate atrer the HEALS (Health, Economic Stimulus, Liabilily Protoction 8nd Schools) Act, a socond stimulus bill, was introduced in late July.

Aug. 11: Th6 Trump admrnistration paid $1.5 million for 'lOO million dos€s ol Modsrna vaccine, still in phaso throe trials.

Aug. 17: UNC Chapol Hill bocamo ths trrst unrvorsity 10 $nd studonts home.


Coronavirus bocame the third lsading cause oI doath in tho U.S.

Discussions b6gan concerning how students could salgly rstsrn to school, and distncts devoloped plans for inperson ihstruction. romot€ learning or hybrid combinations ol both.

Aug.24: The Radio City Music Hall Rockettos cancoled therr annual holidayshow lor 2O2O-


March 19r Calitornia bocams th€ larsl state to issus a stay-at-home ordsr, restricting iravel to only necossary outrngs lik€ doctor appointments and grocery shopping.

Mrrch 26-27r The Sonal€ passed the CARES {Coronavirus Aid.

Rolief and Economic S€curity)

Acr. a S2.2 trillion economic stimulus package.

April i5: New York City death toll rose to lO,OOO and hospitals set up freld lscilities in tents to handle the overload of cas€s.

April 22: tho U.S. desrh toll reach6d 4O.OOO.

July 2: States reversed thsir reop€ning plans as new cases rose ro 5O,OOO a day. Experts warn€d of a holidsy surgo 6nd Southorn Calilornia closed beaches for ths Fourth of July.

July 14r Mod€rna Therap€utacs announc€d dosrrad immun€ rosponsos in phas€ on€ and two rrials o, lh€ir vaccine.

July t6: Daily now casss in U.S. s6t a rocord at 75,600.

July 2l: Vaccines from Aslrazeneca showod promis6.

July 27: Modorna began phaso three trials and r€ceived $472 million from lhe U.S. gov€rnmont for d€velopment.


Sept, 14: Pfizer, s biopharmac€uiical company,oxpanded thor phase lhr€e vaccine lrialsSopt,20: U.S. deoth tolls roached 200.oo0.

Sopt.2li Johnson SJohnson beoan phsse threa vaccano trials.


Sopt.23; A new, more contagious strain ot th€ COVID virus was identili€d in the UK. S.pt. 28: Global doaths surpassad 1.OOO.OOO.

S6pt. 30: Disnsy laid oIf 28,OOO workors as Disn€yland tomained closod and Disney Wodd was open wath rostrictions.

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Oct. 2: Prssld€nt Trump, the first lady snd th€ couple s son Barron all tostod posiliv€ tor COVID-19. Th€ p.€aident was hospitaliz€d for thrse days, whi16 othors quarantinod at home io th€ White House.

Oct. 8: A COVID-19 outbreak al lh€ White Hous€ anlsctsd at least 34 peoplo. County-wid€, 39 stat€s saw an increase in n6w infoctions.

Oct. 19; Global css€s roach€d 4O mallion.

Oct. 23: Alr6r hahing tials on Oct. l2 because ol adverso roactions, Johnson & Johnson resumed res€arch and testing. AsrsZenoca. which h6lled lrials of its vaccin€ ih early September also lster resum6d trials.


Doc. 8: Tho first vaccino was sdminists.sd in rho UK. Presidonlol€ct Bideh promised 1OO million shots in his Iirst 1OO days in ot{ice.

Doc. 11: The Food and Drug Administration gave emergency approval for lhe Pliz€r vaccine, 6nd the lirst vaccine administered state-side happened lh.ee days later.

A second dose was required thre€ we€ks later. The first vaccines w€nt to healthcaro and lront-line workors and p6ople old€r lhan 75.


Th€ U.S. doath toll r€Eched 3OO,OOO.

Doc. 18: Mod€rna received EUA wilh ths firsl shot givon D6c. 21. tollow€d by s Eocond doso attor {our wooks.

Dec. 29: Th€ first cas6 ot th6 UK variantwas diagnosed in Colorado. Globally, th€r€ was one d6ath €very 7.4 soconds.

FEB. 1-15

F.b. li Supply issues and crashing soltware hampered the vsccine rollout. Slales openod mass vaccinalion sites to deal with high demand.

tr oOwdwAnD rRENo

F6b.4: N€w ces€s t6ll b6low one million an a seven-day period tor the first tim6 sinco Nov. 13.

F6b,9: Florida rslliod 2oO daagno6od cas6s of variants.

F6b,12: Alter peakins at 23,541 por day on Jan. 14, U.S. d€8ths

Fsb. 15: Th€ CDC d€terminsd schools could reopen safely iI th6y lollow rocommendod saloty measutos.


Nov,4: U.S. s€t 6 rocord ot IOO.OOO ngw cases in singlo day.

l{ov. 9: Plizer published the r€sults ot th€ir vaccin€ trials, follow6d by Mod€rna just ono wesk lator.


t{ov. ll: Fo. ths first tim€, all 50 states reported an increaso in cases.

Nov. l9: New Orloans canc6led 202'l Mardi Gras parados and residents ammodi.toly cams up with a plan to cr6at6'housc loats' inst€ad.

Nov. 20: As Pfiz€r applied for Em6rgoncy Use Authorization (EUA), the CDC warned against holidayrravel and multig€nerational geLtogethers.


Jon. 4: The UK varaanl was diagnosed in thlee moae stat6s.

Jrn. 13: People old€r than 65 first bec6m6 vaecine-€ligible, but supply could not ke€p up with demand.

Jan. 20: U.S. doarhs surpassed 4OO,OOO. Attendance at the presidential insuguration was reduced dramalically as membe6 ol Congress - who no.mallygot a totol of 2OO,OOO ticketsrecoivod two each, allowing lh€m a singl€ gu€st.

Jan. 27: TravEl restrictions r6qui.ing a negatlvo COVID tosl for pogs€ng€rs llying into the U.S. b€gan.

J6n.29: A South Alrican variant w6s documented in South Carolina.


F!b. 16: Voriant css6s surgod, wilh 1,173 casos of the Ul( strarn rn th€ U.S

Fcb. 18: Oug lo COVID, lifo expectancy in the U.S. reachsd ils lowsst an 15 years. according to th6 CDC.

Feb. 22: U.S. d6arh toll passd 5OO,OOO. Poliricsl orlicials marked th€ grim milostono with a sol6mn Whit€ House ceromony.

F.b. 27: Johnson I Johnson received EUA and began shipping vaccinalions.

Mar. 2i D€spile advice against it lrom heslth of{icials, ths governors ol Texas and Mississippi announced plaos to drop mask mandatss and r6op€n th6,r stst€s at 1OO porcont boginning on March lO.

{ I I -: ,$ .T */,I llTRII 0ilt8 .1'
lr Irt // ,f, i, 'a .l rit r65 T tuff b-J riItt ri I

Adair, Peter 34, 145

Adams, Miles 74, 92, 143

Adriance, Charles 63, 68, 69, 122,129

Adriance, Muffin 146

Adriance, Sawyer 11,56

Agbonlahor, Eleanor Grace 103

Aguilar, Abigail 56, 117, 120

Aguilar, Alexander 75, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Akers, Alexis 10, I l, 54, ll5, ll7,134, 135,136,140,141

Alread, Beau 100

Alread, Jonathan 74,92

Alread, Owen 100

Altobello, Denise 146

Amenta, Sebastian 75,'79, 80, 90, 9l

Amenta, Vivienne 11,99, 142

Andrews, Cooper 82

Andrews, Corrine 64,70, l3O

Angerer, Cole 8, 56

Angerer, Renee 4, 24, l2O, l4l,154

Anthony, Cort 52,53, 1 1 1, 139

Arensman, Emerson 11, 56, 57, 108, ltz, t13

Arensman, Nicholas 14, 15, 23, 24, 50, 109,114,134,t41

Arizola, Isabella 62, 66, ll0

Armstrong, Liz 144

Aucoin, Shawn 146

Aucoin, Winston 7 5, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Ayres, Julia 54, 135, 136

Badari, Svaraathmika 78, 88, 89

Bagnetto, Isabella 12, 13, 14, 15, 54, 120,135,139, 140, 141

Bahat, Aleksandar 142, 146

Baker, Daken 9, 17, 56, 111

Ballinger, Andrew 88, 89

Barado, Lawrence 6, 62,66

Barnes, Addison 166

Barnes, Addison Daigre Bames 103

Barnes, Daigre 103

Barre, Elaia 8, 56, 136

Bartholomew, Isabella 4, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 109, 1 10, 120, 134, 137 , t4r

Bean. Sanaa 62,66,113

Beck, Abigail 25,51, ll2,134,136, 138. 140

Beck, Daniel 74,76,92

Beck, David 88, 89

Beck. Mary Kay 146. 166

Becnel, Connor 58, 64,'70

Becnel, Thompson 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, r22,129

Bejaran, Manny 1 I, 17, 56, 57, lO7, 116

Benedetto, Preston 94,95, lO3

Benoit, Brady 107,146 r66

Bergeron, Alayna 16, 19, 52

Berry, Harlem 6,58,62,66,67, lZ9

Berthelot, Eric 4, 7, 17, 21, 26, 43, 50, 51, ro7, r34, t4r,142

Beverly, Lia 58, 62,66,108, ll2, ll3

Blaum, Barrett 52, 53

Blazek. Frankie 58, 63, 68

Blazek, Latra 9,146

Boelte, Jackson 10,52

Bohannan, Bryce 52, 111, 139

Bond, Mary 25,138, l4O,141,143,145

Bone, Lauren 52,53,109,1 15, I 17, 136,139,141

Bonnette, Andrea 146

Booth, Adeline 52, 108, 115

Bordelon, Connor 82,83

Bordelon, Lilly 59, 60,61,62,66, 110

Boudreaux, Bentley 16, 26, ll5, 134, 135, 136, 138

Bourg, Rikki 27,134,138, 141

Bourquard, Sadie 94,95, 100

Boutchard, Quinn 52, 53, I I l, 1 36

Bowes, Bay 82,83

Boyd, Wyatt 94,95,96

Bozeman, Ashley 146

Bozeman, Ella 58, 62,66,124, 126,128, t32

Breaux, Aiden 103

Breaux, Ashton 59, 64,70

Breaux, Avery 97

Breaux, Carter 82,83

Breaux, Lucy 86,87

Bridges, Ryan 72,73

Brierre, Pam 146

Brooks, Destin 70,71

Brower, Seth 56, 5'7,116

Brower, Stefen 10, 52, 105, 107,116

Brown, Mary 146

Brown, Maxwell 64,70, 7 1, 126

Brown, Olivia 102

Broxon, Mike 144

Bruce, Bayli 146

Bruhnke, Cecily 101

Bruneau, Mason 58, 59, 60, 62, 126, 129

Bryan, Halle 52,53,104,108, 115, 117, t36,139, t4r

Bulathsinghala, Charles 86, 87

Bulathsinghala, Emmett 103

Bulathsinghala, Harrison 95, 98

Busenlener, Eleanor 11, 99, 142

Bymes.John 57.138,146

Campo, James 64,70

Canzoneri, Frank 146

Caracci, Kaylee 4,28,51, 109, 138,141, t42

Carmadelle, Julia 82, 83

Carmadelle, Nathalia 90, 91

Carmadelle, Sarah Kate 58, 68, 69, 124, 128

Carrere, Court 56

Carroll, William 7, 28, 5l

Castaneda, Hailey 64, '70, 124, 132

Castaneda, Jonathan 7 , 17 ,29, 43, 50, 5r,107,116

Catinis, Christopher 4,7 , 16,20, 22,26, 29,43,50,51, 105, tO7, tr4, ttg, 135, t36, t4l

Chaddock, Roman 88

Chailland, Sophie 6, 62, 66, 126, 128, 132

Chan, Adan 86

Chan, Ava 86

Chan,Elena 74,92

Chan, Eva Lin 94, 101

Chanson, Claudette 146

Chatagnier, Chandler 58, 61, 62, 66, 129

Chatagnier, Harrison 68, 125

Chatagnier, Nathan 17, 30, 51, ll4, 119, 135, 138, 159

Chava. Millie 100

Cheramie, Cooper 100

Chisesi, Barat 146

Chopin, Emy 54

Claire, Emma 90, 167

Clotworthy, Robin 82, 83

Coe, Hannah 58,70, 128, 130

Coe, Lila 12, 54, 106,134, 139

Coleman, Finley 81, 88, 89

Coleman, Jayden 52, ll2, ll7, 136, 139, 140

Coleman, Kylar 52, ll2, 136, 139,141

Collier, Ava 58, 60,61,62,66, 131

Collins, Colleen 70, 124

Collins, Erin 70,71

Collins, Jennifer 143, 146

Collins, Preston 74,92, 143

Collins, Trm 107,125

Combes, Price 30,51

Comer, Bittan 72

Comer, Mary Alice 70, 166

Comer, Mary Alice 58, 70

Comer, Patick 73,144

Comer, Vivienne 84, 85

Conatser, Clara 20, 21, 23, 31, 1 10, 1 18, 137 , 138, t4t, 155

Conway, Tootie 146

Cooper, Sophia 103

Costa, Vincent 76, 92

Cahill, Sydney 8, 65,'72, 73, 124, 127

Calamia, Danielle 146

Cali, Dennis 9, 75, 84, 85

Calix, Meissy 27,51, 137, 138, 143

Callahan, Denise 146

Cambazoglu, Arel 94,95, 100

Campbell, Matt 97

Campbell, Reagan 92

Campo, Ava 63, 68,122

Courtney, Ellie 3 1, 34, 40, 5 1, 1 l0

Crawford, Evan 58, 59,70,71,122

Crosbie, Morgan 75, 90, 9l

Crosby, Peyton 58, 60,61,62,66, ll4, 122,123

Crowell, Lauren I 1, 54, 134, 135, 136, 140, t4l

Curtis, John 124

Cusimano, Frankie 58,62,66, 122, 123

Cusimano, Maria 54, 109, 115, 120, 136,140, t4l

Dalferes, Holly 117, 124,142, 145

D'Arensbourg, Samantha 16, 20, 21, 32, 51,135,140,156

Davis, Avery 134

Davis, Bellen 58,62,66, 113,123

Davis, Cicely 88, 89

Davis, Jonathan 146

Davis, Lisa 146

Davis, Paige 146

Davis, Piper 72,124,127, l3O

Day, Angela 146

Dazzo,Ein 147

Delatte, Andrew 86, 87

Delatte, Derek 68, 125

Delatte, Jace 65, 72, 125

Delatte, Jaden 86, 87

Del-atte, Jenna 9, ll, 16, 17, 19, 54, 106, 140, 141

DeMuth, Liam 9,75,84

Derosin, Kennedy 10, 11, 15, 52, 134, t36,141

DeRussy, Charles 54, ll4

Despaux, Hokie 63,68

Despaux, Lori 147

Deutcsh, Allison 62,66, 124, 126, 128, t32

Deutcsh, Arthur 64, 70,125,126

Devall, Thomas 4, 7, 16, 20, 21, 23, 32, 43, 50, 51, 1 l t, 1 19, 135, 136

Devall IV, Fred 144

DeViney, Garrett 17, 54,1O7

Diaz, Alexander 58, 64,70

Diaz, Ofive 8,9,75,84

Dicasali, Evie 82, 83

Dicasali, John 8, 147

Didriksen, Eliza 68, 124, 126, 131,132

Dieth, Kelly 77,86,87

Dieth, Lee 86, 87

Dieth, Trey 65,72,73

Dieth, Jr., Ford 143, 145

Dieth, Sr., Ford 147

Diket, Jeannette 147

DiMaggio, Dominic 90, 91

DiMaggio, Gavin 68, 125, 129

DiVincenti, Sofia I 1, 56, 113, 117,120, 138

Donaldson, Benjamin 103

Dos Santos, Lucas 86, 87

Dowd, Charles 82, 83

Drouet, Terli 147

Dudley, Prudence 16, 22, 33, 42, lO4, 108, 1 15, 117, 1 18, 138, 141, 162

Dufrene, Matthew 11,54, 111, 116

Dunn, Emma 75, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Dunn, Molly 82

Dunn, Noah 68, 69, 125, 129

Dupepe, Avery 88,89

Dupepe, Frank 76,92

Duplantis, Daniel 56, 57, l16

DuSaules, Reid 76,92

DuSaules, Tiffany 7, 106, l4l, 145

Dykema, Andrew 147

Dykema, Oscar 82

Edstrom, Clara 94,96

Edstrom, Robert 78, 81, 88, 89

Emy, Chopin 54

Eppling, Grayson 16, 19, 54, 106

Essa, Maya 62,66, 132

Fabio, James 97

Fabio, Michael 97

Falgoust, Caroline 10, 12, 14, 15, 54, 135, 136, r38, r40, r4r

Falterman, Sage 58, 68,125,126

Farber, Emy 14, 15, 56, 57, 106, 134

Fasano, Adriana 86,87

Fasano, Samantha 74,'77, 86, 87

Faught, Katie 147

Feibleman, William 84, 85

Figuera Acosta, Mackenzie 100

Figueroa, Camila 20, 21, 22, 33, 51, 106, lr8, 136, 137, 138, 141, 160

Fink, Daniel 59, 60, 62, 66, 67, 125, 129

Fink, Marcella 147

Flanagan, Deborah 147

Flanagan, Josephine 84, 85

Fleshman, Grace 4, 34, 51, ll8, 137, 138. 14r

Fletcher, Elizabeth 11, 99, 142

Fletcher, Hugh 101

Fletcher, Will 147

Flores, Aubree 72,73, 130, 132

Flowers, Hendrix 99

Flowers, Hudson 77, 86, 87

Flowers, Hylton 81,88

Forman, Ben 58, 68,69,122

Forman, Jack 56, 136

Fox, Elizabeth 147

Frank, Sterling 88

Frempong, Esther 147

Fresneda, Allison 7, 147

Fu, Jason 52,136

Dugas, Danielle 147

Duhe, Meredith 147

Duke, Collin 88, 89

Duncan, Kelly 144

Dunkin, Randy 54, 105, 109, ll4,120

Gamble, Leslie 147

Ganucheau. Emma Claire 75. 79, 80, 90,

Garmoe, Diego 101

Garrido, Daniel 52, 53

Garris, Adley 74, 77, 86, 87

Garris, Aspen 90, 9l

Garvey, James 52, 109,120

Garvey, Tommy 56, 109, 120

Gaspard, Ashley 8, 56,121

Gaspard, Jessie 8, 65,72,124,127

Gaspard, Josie 62, 66, 124, 126, 128, 132

Gaspard, Stephanie 142, 147

Gauthier, Kelly 147

Gaver, Elena 34,51, 118, 158

Gendusa, Frank 35, lO7, l4l, 142, 145, 147

Gendusa, Grant 17, 54, lll

Gerard, Gia 76,92

Gills, Audrey 98

Gills, Ruston 90, 9l

Giordano, Vivian 9, 10, 56, 57, 106

Goliwas, Walter 54, 107

Gomez, Elizabeth 8, 65,72,73

Goodman, Amy 144

Gorrondona, Bryson 10,52, 116

Gowing, Josephine 7 5, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Grace, Anna 55, 170

Grace, Eleanor 103, 166

Grace, Heather 147

Graffagnini, Madden 12, 13,15,56

Greco, Lane 101

Greco, Luke 97

Greene, Leven I 1, 35, 51, 53, 108, I 12, 117,t35,138,141

Greene, Lydia 10, ll,16, 19,52,53, 108, 1 12, 135, 137, t41

Greene, Peyton 144

Guepet, Morgan 56,121

Guercio, James 1 1,94,99, 142

Guirguis, Gianna 86, 87

Guzman, Alexander 11, 99

Haas, Hunter 76,92,93

Hajari,Mazie 92

Hall, Justin 54, 109, l2O, 137,140

Hall, Kaitlyn 11, 56, 109, 118, 138

Hamide, Audrey 92,93

Hamide, Michael 8,9, 84, 85

Hamilton, Afita 95,147

Hamilton,William 94,96

Harris. Andrew 147

Harris. Katherine 147

Hartenstein, Avangeline 78, 88

Hastings, Savannah 8, 72, 73, 124, 127, 130.133

Hawawini, Adam 82, 83

Hazard, John 147

Hazard, Kiki 95, 98

Head. Interim 145

Heath, Charlie 90,91

Heath, Christina 8, l4'7


Helmke, Cooper 58,62,66, 126, 129

Helwig, Bryce 64,70, 125

Helwig, David I l, 56, 107, 111, 116

Henderson, Gabe 65, 72,125

Henderson, Jackson 79, 80,90,91

Henderson, Jennifer 147

Henderson, Will 72, 125

Henican, Tracey 147

Hemandez, Eugenio 147

Heytens, Caleb 58, 65,72, l2l

Heytens, Grant 68, 69,125

Heytens, Isaac 81,88

Heytens, Troy 144

Hijazi, Karim 84, 85

Hijazi, Meera 62,66, 123

Hijazi, Omar 84, 85

Hijazi, Sara 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67

Hijazi, Seema 54, 110, 135,140,141

Hill, Caroline 90,91

Hill, Cynthia 147

Hill, Harrison 82, 83

Hifl, Jacob 58,63,68, 126,129

Hill, Jordan lO7, 143, 148

Hingel, Noah 58, 63,68,69,122,123

Hogan, Dominic 56,57, 107,120

Hogan, Paul 86,87

Hoppe, Benjamin 7, 35, 39, 51, 107, 152

Hotard, Meredith 148

Houghtaling, Alexandra 9, 10, 16, 19,

56. 106

Hove, Milla 78, 88

Hove, Noah 70,71

Howard, KaiVal 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 54,106, r39,140

Howell, Gavin 76,92

Howell, lan 94, 102

Howell, Missy 148

Huber, Harris 9,54,109, ll4, l2O, 140, t4l

Huber, Meredith 84, 85

Huber, Russell 58,68,69, 126

Hughes, Axel 97

Hughes, Lisette 88, 89

Hughes, Taylor 9, 75, 84, 85

Hughes, Trey 12,125

Hulbert, Jayce 76,92

Hunter, Ian 56, 135, 136, 138

Illes, Scarlett 103

Indest, Milo 102

Index 166, 167,l7O

Innerarity, Gary 148

Innerarity, Priya 95, 103

Irons, Zachary 74, 92, 93, 143

Irwin, Aidan 60,62,66, 125

Irwin, Gavin 72,73,125

Irwin, Gracen 7 5, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Irwin, Linda 148

IV, Devall 167

Jaikishen, Kian 95, 98

James, Floyd 12, 14, 15, 141

James, Isabella 58, 60, 61, 62,66,126, r3t, r32

James, Westley 13,54, 134, 135, 136, t40

Jee, Jillian 9, 78, 81, 88, 89

Johns, Emily 110

Johnson, Erin 59, 60,61,62,66

Johnson, Isaac 86, 87

Johnson, Rachel 148

Johnson, Ryan 10, 52,120, l4l

Johnson, Savannah 9,84

Johnson,Sylvester 82, 83

Jones, Christine 148

Jones, Jonathan 125

Jongbloed, Brooke 8,72,'73, 124, 130

Jr, Walker 170

Jurisich, Alexis 20, 36,45,106

Jurisich, Rachel 106

Kailas, Kamran 11, 99

Kann, Ethan 10, 14, 15, 56,57,114

Kamo, Isabella 84, 85

Karno, Nathan 7 5, 79, 80, 90, 9l

Karno, Navah 8, 65, 72, 73, 124

Karno, Sarah 68,122

Kamo, Tristan 54, 110, l2O, l37,l4O

Kate, Sarah 166

Kaufman, Jane 148

Kellum, Angela 144

Kelly, Zach 58, 60, 62, 67,125,126, 129

Kennedy, Annabelle 95, 96

Kennedy, James 101

Kilbum, Demi 58, 60, 61,62, 67

King, Megan 25, 45, 135, l4O, 141, 148

Klebba, Lee 137, 148

IKlein, Henry 97

Knight, Kate 60,62,67

Kopp, Christopher 148

Krake, Brice'7, 10, 54, 107, ll4, l2O

Krake, Mollie 52

Kuhn, Michael 11,142

Kulp, Jonah 82,83

Kwiatkowski, Chase 102

Kwiatkowski, Tumer 94,95, 97

51, 108, 115, 117, 118, 136, 138, 141

LaForge, Max 72, 125

JLaForge, Pat 1 18, 148

LaForge, Patrick 57, 111, l l9

Laird, Megan 148

Laird, Tiffany ll7,148

Lambert, Avery 60, 61,62,6'7,122, 128

Lambert, Beckham 9, 75, 84

Lambert, Bladyn 65, 72, 125

Lambert, Grayson 58, 64, 70

Lang, Alina 52, 136

Laskay, Julie 148

LaVie, DJ 58,68, 126

LaVie, Elise 82, 83

Lawler, Christopher 68, 122

Lawler, Colin 65,72

Lawrence, Kyle 14, 15,57

Lazarone, Taryn 58, 62, 67

Leaman, Nate 54

LeCoq, Joe 148

Leftwich, Reagan 74,75, 93, 143

Lermi, Ayla Marie 90, 9l

Lesher, Cathy 148

Lewis, Allison 150

Lewis, Diamond 12, 13,55, 135, 136, 137,138, 139, 140

Lewis, Monte 17,22,37,51, 107, 111

L'Hoste, Carter 94, 95, 96

L'Hoste, Curtis 9, 75, 84, 85

L'Hoste, Jeanie 148

Li, Franklin 75,90,91

Li, Sinuo 82

Lin, Eva 101, 166

Lind, Warren 120,122, 123,142, 148

Lirette, Anna 102

Livingston, Alexandra 70, 71

Livingston, Barklie 52

Lombardi, Vince 33

Long-Dieth, Meredith 14, 139, 143, 148

Lovera, Isabel 58, 60, 61, 62, 67, 126, t31, 132

Lovisa, Giuseppe 74,75,79, 80, 90, 91

Lovisa, Rebecca 127, 145

Lovisa, Roderic 94, 100

Luby, Sadie 74,92

Lumas, Caleb 74,82,83

Lumas, Maddox 82

Lunsford, Robin 148

Lustberg, Emile 94,96

Lustberg, Griffin 94, 102

Madden, Ethel 148

Madigan, Clark 101

Madigan, Peter 88, 89

Magner, Jet 58, 62,67 , ll0, 122

Main, Katherine 52, 106,117, 139,141

Manale, Debbie 148

Mancuso, Henry 74,82,83

LaCoste, Christian 82, 83

LaCoste, Cole 58, 62,67, ll4

LaForge, Dawn 148

LaForge, Katie 4, 16, 18,22, 36, 41, 50,

Mandella, Gianna 6, 58, 59, 60,62,67 , 113, 124, t3l

Mandella, Seth 55, lO7,Il1,120


Manning, Shannon 144

Manning, Trcker 60, 62, 67

Mannino, Gabrielle 10, 17, 45, 57, 106, 113

Mannino, Matthew 55, 107, 111

Markey, Lillian 77, 86

Markey, Morgan 8,65,72, 124, 127, 128, 130

Martin, Quincy 63,68

Martinez, Jocelyn 58, 62, 67 , l3l, 132

Martinez, Stephen 148

Masson, Emile 90

Mathas,Cole 57, l14

McAllister, Curtis 6,70, 7l

McAllister, Deuce 144

McAllister, Emory 81, 88

McCarthy, Alexander 94, 95, 96

McCarthy, Sebastian 94, 95, 96

McCrary, Larsra 4,37, 108, 134,135, 136,140,141,153

McDaniel, Maddie 55, 135, 140,141

McElveen, Jordan 38

McGovem, Leon 76,92,93

Mclntyre-Yeh, Amistad 101

McKnight, Marley 63, 68,69,125

McManus, Devyn 58, 70,71,122, 123

McManus, Rian 11, 55, 109, 115, 120, 135,140,141

McMyne, Danny 144

McMyne, D.J. 68,69

Meister, Silas 58, 68, 126

Meka, Apurva 9, 84, 85

Meka, Namratha 6,62,67, 126, 132

Metz. Sawyer 10. 55. I l5

Meyer, Ronald 59,72

Miaskowski, Kazio 95, 103

Michael, John 90

Michel, Amanda 148

Miester, Grace 16, 18,38,51, 106

Miles, Andrew 75, 85

Miles, Beime 84

Millaway, Carter 98

Miller, Peyton 10, 55, 105, lO7, 116

Miller. Ross 35,39,51

Miller, Sophie 74, 78, 88, 89

Millican, Ford 4, 20, 21, 23, 32, 39, 43, 50, 51, 107, 114, ttg, 136, t4t, t43

Millican, Jeff 141, 143,148

Mills. Olivia 148

Minihan, Aileen 148

Mitra, Anisha 58,62,67

Molaison, Aidan 58, 68,69,125,129

Molaison, Claibome 84

Molaison, Marigny 72, 130

Molaison, Matthew Claibome 85

Monaghan, Joette 148

Monson, Chandler 35, 40, 5l

Monsour, Jackson 88, 89

Monvoisin, Brooke 40, 5 1, I 17 , 136

Monvoisin, Christian 57, 111

Morere, Mark 127

Morin, Eliza 8, 59, 72, 73, 127, 130

Morreale. Johnny 52. 116

Mouille, Connor 55, 105, 114

Mouton, Rosary 149

Mueller, Ellen 9, 84, 85

Munhall, Matthew 57, 134,149

Murray, James 149

Pickens, Ricky 55, I l0

Porter, Mya 23,43,51,105, 117, 134, 135, 136

Porter, Mycah 53, ll7, 135

Porter, Wally 149

Pote, Hardie 70

Powefl, Wyatt 55, lO7,114, 116, 142

Nettles, Bennett 60, 62, 67

Nguyen, Chuong 149

Nicoladis, Conner 55

Nicoladis, Corbin 58, 69,122

Nicoladis, Michael 1ll, 144

Norris, Gabriela 57

Norton, Nia 58, 63,69,122, 123

Profit-Cushenberry, Chris 57 , lO7 , lll, r20

O'Briant, Stephanie 149

Ochart, Asher 88, 89

Odom, Cooper 57

Odom, Holly 149

Odom, Jacob 69,129

Odom, Michael 104, 111, 119

Odom, Mike 7l , 142, 149

O'Flynn, Edwina 149

Oliver, Ashton 6, 58, 62, 67, 125, 129

Ormsby, Tavie 63, 69,126,128,132

Ortega, Ana 144

Ortega, Sofia 16, 18, 20, 21, 32, 41, 51, 115,136,138,141

Ortego, Lennon 102

Ortiz, Jose' 58,70,71, 129

Ott, Natalie 149

Palmisano, Reed 9, 84, 85

Palmisano, Wrex 63, 69, 122

Parkerson, Bruce 144

Parks, Cecilia 90, 91

Parks, Landon 8,86,87

Patin, Ryn 41,51,134,136, 138, 141

Patrick, Charles 12, 13,14,57, 138

Patrick, Dixie 142, 149

Patrick, Eh 64,70, l2l

Payne,Heath 74,92

Payton, Myles 102

Payton, Rowan 95,98

Paz, Adriana 42,51,134, l4l

Paz. Fabiano 74, 75, 76, 92

Paz,Gianna 8,86,87

Pean, Abigail 17,33,42,106, 151

Pendleton, Susan 149

Perez, Miles 27

Perry, Ashley 74,75,76,92, 143

Pevey, Alexandria 10, 57,108, ll7

Pevey, Christian 17, 22, 26, 43, 50, 51, 105.107,116,161

Peyton, Georgia 84,85

Peyton, Olivia 103

Philippovic, John Michael 75, 90, 9l

Quach, Skylar 77,86

Quiggle, Leo 100

Quiggle, Murphy 97

Quigley, Grey 90,91

Quigley, Parker 75, 90, 91

Quinet, Mary 135, 149

Quintal, Bailey 6, 102

Quintal, Roberto 11, 99

Rabe, Lilly 10, 53, 106, 139, l4l

Radford, Wyler 102

Raines, Brennan 70,71, 122, 129

Raines, Dylan 57, 107, 1 I 1, 120

Raines, Noah 9,84,85

Raines, Peyton 10, 55, 107, 1 I I

Ramirez-Gomez, Doris 149

Ramsay, Isobel 55, 134, 135, l4O, l4l

Ray, Leena 98

Rayburn, Matthew 1 1, 99

Reyes, Osiris 142

Reyes, Valeria 44, 136,138

Ricci, Erica 23,44,134, l4O,l4l

Rice, Conrad 55

Rice. Dimitri 57

Richard, Ava 4, 16, 17 , 18,45, 5 1, 106, 1 1 8, 1 35, 136, 138, 157

Richard, Lydian 7 6, 92, 93

Richard, Mlkey 60, 62, 67

Richards, Stacy 40,51, 149

Richardson, Andrew 10, 57

Richardson, Hunter 4, 9,12, 13,22,45, t35, t37,138, 141

Rickman, Alan 3l

Ricouard, Logan 59,73

Riemer, Emily 149

Riess, Avery 76,92,93

Riess, Hayden 86, 87

Riess, Lainey 95, 103

Riess, Nikki 126, 149

Riess, Rowan 81,88

Rillieux, Ryan 75, 84

Rivas, Dalton 82, 83

Rivas, Drew 82, 83

Rivas, Molly 55,134

Rivas, Tina 9

Roberts, Christopher 98

Roberts, Timothy 17,55, 107


Robinson, Arkalas 88, 89

Robinson, Arlyn 76,92

Robinson, Toi 10, 53, 108, ll2,120,


Rodriguez, Luke 86,98

Roig. Jayce 75, 79. 80. 9l

Roney, Frances 149

Ronquillo, Catherine 16, 46, 51, 135,

138,140, 161

Roohi, Alma 20,149

Rose, David 45

Rose, Lena 98, l7O

Ross, Emily 136,149

Rouse, Annika 88,89

Rouse, Orri 82, 83

Rowley, Cissy 136, 149

Royerre, Michael 35,40,46,51, 107

Royerre, Rachel 17,47,106,1 18, 135, 136, 138, 141

Rubin, Gabby 57, 108, I 18, 138

Ruiz, Gloria 12, 13,15,57,138

Salge, Kiley 10, 55, 106, I 13

Salvaggio, William 14, 35, 39, 47, 50, 51,107, t36.139

Sammy, Julie 75, 84, 85

Sanabria, Patricia 81, 149

Santos, Lucas 86, 167

Sarmiento, Jayden 94, 96

Saucier, Branden 59, 7 l, 125

Saucier, Colin 10,53, 114, 116, l4l

Saucier, Mary Lee 149

Scala, Giorgio 74,81,89

Scala, Giuseppe 7 4, 76, 93

Schefflien, Sam 9

Scheuermann, Alex 63, 69,125,129

Scheuermann, Carter 57, ll4, l2O

Schexnaildre, Daniel 11,55, 116

Schexnayder, Balthazar 94,95, 100

Schieffelin, Samuel 5'7, 120

Schlumbrecht,Kaisley 89

Schmedtje, August 55, 109, 120

Schmedtje, Elliot 53, 109,l2O, l4l

Schulte, Adeline 93

Schulte, Easton 1 l, 99

Schwarz, Keith 8, 64, 149

Schween, Lila 74,7'7 ,86,8'7

Scioneaux, Ray 130, l3l,143,149

Scott, Michael 25,26,33

Seamster, Abby 82

Semmes, Connor 103

Semmes, Danny 94,95, 100

Shah, Riya 6,64,71

Shahlaei, Charles 89

Shank, Seven 9,85

Shank, Shawn 10,53, 107, 116

Shank, Skyler 10, 17, 53, 105, 107, I 14, 116

Shepherd, Marley 8, 73, 124, 127, 128, 130

Sherwood, Sadie 53

shield staff 171

Shropshire, Cooper 53, 120

Sidhu, Habeer 74, 75,79, 80, 9l

Silva, Neva 77, 86

Silva, Sandra 74,93

Silvey, Hailey 58,63,69, 123

Silvey, Leah 9,75,85

Simeon, Floyd 87

Smilari, Eileen 143, 149

Smith, Kaheam 17,57, lO5, lO7

Smith, Patrick 55

Smith, Sean 77, 87

Smuck, Beau 83

Smuck, Beckett 71

Smuck, Matthew 83,125

Smuck, Michael 64,7l , 125

Sojka, DeMarias 149

Sorrells, Gabriel 95, 97

Sorrells, Mary 4,5

Sorrells, Merry 4, 8,141,144

Sorrells, William 95, 98

Sosa, Tara 107

Sossaman, Kate 60, 61,62,67 , 126, 132

SSperandeo, Gavin 7, 48,107, 116

Sperandeo, Guliana 64,7 1, 128

Spiers, Caroline 55, 140, 141

Spiers, Cate 9,75,85

Stanley, Robby 94, 149

Steckler, Alexis I 6, 19, 53, 134, l4l

Steckler, Cameron 10, I l, 53

Stewart, Laurie 8, 149

Stone, Camren 78, 89

Stout, West 136, 149

Sumler, Elliott 9, 74, 89

Tucker, Chartie 9, 85

Tusa, Lena Rose 98

Uzee, Sally 150

Vaccaro, Joe 136, 150

Valencia, Nils 85

Van Young, Adrian 134, 141, 150, 170

Velasquez, Bobby I 14

Velasquez, Eamon 58, 60,62,67, ll4, tzt, t29

Velasquez, Jenny 126, 132, 142, 145

Velasquez, Reilly 13, 57, ll4,1l9

Ventura, Patrick 59, 62,67,125

Verdigets, Blake 55, 105, 109, 114,120, 137.140

Verdin, Eli 73,121

Verdin, Michelle 91

Villarubia, Lily 63, 69,124, 126, l3l, 132

Viniu, Kade 64,71,125

Wagner, Allison 150

Walker, Meredith 64,71

Walker Jr., Jonnie 73, 125

Wang, Jennifer 150

Takes, Chris 32

Tatum, Zoe 55, 134, l4O, 141

Taylor, Patrick 11 1

Thomas, Allison 150

Thomas, William 74, 75,'79, 80, 9l

Thompson, Anna Grace 55, 115

Thompson, Ben 73

Thompson, Daniel 10,53, 109, l2O,14l

Thompson, Morris 144

Thompson, Samantha 10, I 1, 55, 109, ll5,117, t36.140,141

Tillery, Kaitlyn 11,57,106, l2l

Tittle, Liam 97

Tolar. Cameron 32

Tomada, Bash 94, 101

Tran, Faith 73

Tran, Laura 150

Tranchina, Alex 53

Tranchina, Tanya 150

Tranchina, Zoe 58,62,67,124, 126, 128,132

Trapani, David 91

Trapani, James 75, 79, 80, 91

True, Natalie 150

Truesdale, David 8, 87

Truett, Frances 149

Wang, Manqing 85

Ward, Courtney 131, 150

Warren. Julie 150

Warren, Phil 14, 150

Watkins, Colby 48, 110

Weaver, Caroline'7 4, 75, 79, 80, 9l

Weaver, Eleanor 95, 103

Weaver, Matthew 11,57,111, I l6

Weaver, Meghan 150

Webb, Jacob 102

Weinberger, Jordan 150

Welker, Stephanie 150

Wells, Gideon 76,93

Westbrook, Charles 75, 85

Westbrook, Christopher 65, 73, 125

Westbrook, Jayda 57

Whitaker, Juliet 58, 69,122, 123

Whitfield, Anna 101

Whitfield, Benjamin 95, 97

Whitney, Hayes 17, 49,110

Wienhusen, Cruz 9l

Wilken, Chad 150

Wilkinson, Claire 7 4, 76, 93, 143

Wilkinson, Pierce 89

Williams, Ethan 71

Williams, Gavin 58, 69,125

Williams, Jeda 55, 134


Willoz, Maggie 10, 55, 115

Wilson, Bertrand 144

Wiltshire, Heather 137, 139, 143, 150

Wiltz, Sydni 53, 105, ll2,134,139,141

Xu, Steven 49,136

Yatsko, Sophia 83

York. Harlan 89

York, Isidore 94,95,96

York, Teresa 150

Zeitoun, Layla 83

Zhou, Andy 50, 136


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