Saint Martin's Day
The Student Counci l President, Julia Reggio, and Head of School, Merry Sorrells , announce the winners of the Saint Martin's Day scavenger hunt. Israel Ibiwoye competes for the junior class in the upper school relay race.Homecoming W eel<
Homecoming Court Queen
Adventures of Alice
Above: Nicholas Arensman as the March Hare and Bree Milioto as the Mad Hatter. Top Right: Annabelle Allen and Westly James narrate the story Middle Right: Rickeia Coleman as Alice. Below: Isis Greer as the Queen of Hearts and Rickeia Coleman as Alice.Crimes of the Heart
Top left : Bree Milioto , Gabby Killett , and Margot Scott as the Magrath sisters. Top right: Anna Beth Talbot as Chick Boyle Left: Luke Jeanfreau as Barnette Loyd and Gabby Killett as Babe Botrelle. Middle: Margot Scott as Meg Magrath. Right: Gabby Killett and Bree Milioto as Lenny Magrath.15 Reasons Not To Be in a Play
Above: Jack Stewart delivering his monologue Left: Zelia Wolf Below: Lila Coe and George Muellerl O Tall Tales
Left: Alex Pevey , Sofia Urrego , Zoe Tranchina , Jocelyn Martinez, and Bellen Davi s Below: Alex Pevey wows the audience Above: Emory Farber delivering her monologueOLIVER!
Right: Bree Milioto toasts the crowd.Class of 20 ll 7 I
Mr. and Miss St. Martin's
Most Creative Most Athletic
Most Spirited
Most Likely to Succeed
Michael Gandolfi and Iris Hu Heaven Barriere and Jessie Reeves Johnathan Glenn and Julia ReggioSenior Weird Day
Above: 610 Stompers Stephen Richards , Max Gremillion, Luke Jeanfreau , Joseph Martin , Chris Hyman, Dylan Bryan, C urry Cappel, and Jose Contreras perform a dance routine to "Get Crunk "Senior Leadership Day
Above: the Graduating class of 2017 Salutatorian, Tyler Falk Valedictorian, Joseph MartinHeaven Barriere
"I t 's already done! " -Heaven Barriere
"Be A Pineapple: Stand Tall , Wear A Crown , And Be Sweet On The Inside " He ave n and j a ul et thing lind s ladies PT dotdotdaaaa we were right a bout C hri stm as c hi cke n pterodactyl. on the lin e i call him daddy because he is a father figure to me SOAP mrs mccorrnicks a d v isory .j a ul e t a nd D a is h a at sweet 16 Dai Dai th e goon LAGS hb and b w h ands hake s in ce 6th grade Patrick to my spo ngebob D.C. Trip dabbing in asse mbl y bubb as we got stea med jui cy cra bl egs seaweed in the sa nd D.C. Popcorn s hrimp with j a ul et... it was the cleaning lad ies co lorful planners Mardi Gras c rui ses junior yea r. kids :the seq ue l. TRQ fake se nior ret t in the ve nt... fake it ti) yo u m a ke it...n ew ed iti on sto ry obsessio n basically , basically, basically a tree cruise nicknames prin cess club .Julia's rin g D.C. until yo u're goo d a nd readyCOUS!Nheavyboo tv in DCwater o n DC busDC bu s driversea cam p gab b y's feeteati ng vase lin e hid e a nd seek I s t Mardi Gras with Jose GERSHOM! !! ZOOOOOEEEEEE gir l gang uncl e sa m son ite w ild gratui ty trinn y ' s peasants Heidi Big Papa G Mom & Dad Love y ' a ll thanks for everyt hin g!
President of Art C lub 1,2 ,3,4
Honor Co un c il President 3,4
Diversity Club 1,2,3,4
Soccer Ca ptain 1,2,3,4
Cheerleading Cap tain 2,3,4
Girls State
Clothes for Cause 1,2
Track 1,2
D ance C lub I
Princess c lub (Queen) 4
Track 1,2
William Baird
" He looks he's wa itin g for a li e n s to abduct him to take him to Real Music Land."A.C.H. III
"Rea lity is wro ng. Dreams a re for rea l. " -2 P ac pie in the face .58.9/0 5 Barbados is not in Africa Library s nitch G ua c boy Sasquatch C. Crack in ' C hri s C & J m y hom es 1031 it's not easy being gree n scoo b . the m an, th e w hee lc hair, a nd th e ferry sp ik ey Glenn and i's fistbraw l. fl e tc he r mackel....taking m y pants off in Klebba's class ms rivlin the sock a ut s ie boy rawcatfish titan emp ires budd y Johnathan Owen G le nn phill y c heese the willibuster. e dmundo geogebra No la gami ng fest neckbea rd s a tt ack o n kitten romano's holid ayyy
Genova Bernardez
" As I look back on my life , I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good , I was actually being re-directed to something better " -Genova
Hakeem Blackstone
"We are what we do " -Hakeem Blackstone
"The past is the past. And the only direction in life that matters is forward Never backwards. Forward Always." Henry " Pop" Hunter
Freshman oreo Hakim lkeamPookie PookfsimoPookstarPookie
Keem Suga Suga Keem candy Keem Kinky Keem HascreamSuga
scream The Dream Keem the Dream#sweetLoul feel ganstawe're gonna keep it vanillaummm coach what's vanilla?#BigLesDesmond's quote
2Kl5# letsGoChamp#getchamindrightRise up Gotta keep the ball high and tightLB gang Slugs you say Pedestrian streetfighting Voodoo2Kl6prom
2Kl4 prom 2Kl5 prom 2Kl6 prom 2Kl7
Football 1,2,(Captain 3,4) , (4x AllDistrict)
Track and Field I (MlP) ,2,3,4
Lacrosse 2,3,4
Soccer 4
Key Club 3 ,4
Film Club l ,2,3(VP)
Ambassador 4
Diversity Club 1,2,3,4
Spanish Club 3 ,4
Eco Warriors 3,4
Asian Culture Club 2
Woodshop 4
Taylor Bui
" Wanna see my deformed thumb?" -Anonymous cajun burger brookslaugh sushi
Dylan Bryan
" Never trust a man w ith two first names." -Joe l Hodgson
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren ' t Real. " -Jaden Smith
Dem Boiz c ulture beats talent...rowdy ruby cup champs captains LB gang playoffs up set hotline soccer district champs beat CD we wa nt Les swee t lou hotbo y$ 3int game lets go champ my death new regime the cc roast of jakob Amelia wa ll... Austin ' s black eye euro pe 610 stompers w here the muck at O o I lo ve peiwei booty gers h don burley pogo freshman track oreo throwin you a bone wing night...thoth party stiffy25 pledges taps.
Halo Photo Editor 3 , 4 GSA3
Diversity I , 2 , 3 , 4
Football I ,2,3,4(captai n)
Diversity Club I I ,2(p res ident),3(p re sident) ,4(president)
Student Council l ,2,3,4(VP)
Key Club 1,2,3,4
Track 1,2,4
Soccer 3,4
Curry Cappel
Spikeball...Dark Horse ulti the couch fire extinguisher. Dillon? furbies pray for Barrett .I'm In For Glenn Powershares!. Airline traffic the dice tree pron he gone pray for Tyler's arrn honor council...geogebra waffles Coach Mason
Jakob Castaneda
"Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges make life worth living." -Mary
Tyler MooreDem Bioz Dylan's death Dylan's resurrection house on SB Boat launch .Ice cream Baby Jake First night of SB 2kl6 Plowmen Rowdy Beat CD The roast tapes Soccer playoffs Bearded dragon Spike ball. Ruby cup Amelia wall HC record Red cards .44 A-frame and inchworrns Mostly love Panama City
Rickeia Coleman
" I dream of a world w here ch ickens can cross the road w ith out their motives being questioned. " -The [ntemet
"Eve rybody dies , but not everybody lives. " -Drake
Fake it till you make it Spicy Curry Where are the party meatba ll s? Santa Santa Humanitie s' Study Sesh The Theater Couch Mealworm
Cookies Tritico 's F ire Extinguisher D.C. Trip G irl Scouts .lt ' s Spanish Time Song Peaches the Cat...Taco Tico Battle Ball...Ka-Ka-Ka-Keia Ms Rivlin ' s C la ss Mr.Snitch LaKe isha Bloody Toga C upcakes ClubPenguin Skittles
Sprin g-Operated Center Punch Geogebra Finis Ecce Laborum
Austin Chamorro
" lt ' s not. " -M e
DemBoiz avocago/MD candacemaro losingwithoutclass 559daystreak L. thes tepover. Op 2 .ARinthetrunk rubycup 1td 1goa l NMDs HotBoyz defense$q ua d 2-0 wholesquadal ldi strict. taps bigles foamrol lin g
dylansdeath throwin gyallabo ne mg2kl4 buku ch ipot le devilery facts day3v oodoo sandstorm mich igangirl ssb2k 14 up set hotlin e Saturdays4theboys rowdy elfridpaytonatjazzfest. lowkeyatthenightshow e urop etrip theteam ericis38 the boomcup co hencomeback swagsurfi n l 5ydflags 44/14/3 blackeye muck lig htning asu th xa ll
Cum Laude Society: 3
National Honor Society: 3,4
Lyre: 1,2 (Member), 3 ,4 (President)
Shield: 2,3,4
Key Club: 3 ,4
Asian Culture C lub: 3
French C lub: 3
Performing Arts Club : 2,3 ,4
Jose Contreras
In a world filled with fake people, get a Honduran amigo! -Jose Contreras
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
1 Peter 4:8
AP chem memes tunga .Profiler .Fake it till u make it Mardi Gras el Pison .Jaulet & Julias deadline dogs .Honduras lit voodoo rain drop drop top *dabs making the cross sign* da deck MUN. "do u speak Mexican?" .Brooke's laugh Laika .l guess /'m bulking Senora Stel/y .fake news.pen pineapple last period study ha/1 Gabby mami rica 610 Stompers minority table Maansi is Mia dr Vaccaro .Bruce da ///. Can I u se the bathroom? .Brandy & Josie A Pirlo "why r u always smiling?" .juju on dat beat hostfamily .PBS .Late start Wed QASP u only dot-dot once
Volleyball Manager 4
The Halo (Photographer) 4
Spanish Club 4
Cross Country 4
Science O lympiads 4
Jonathan Davis
"Alternative facts" -Kellyanne Conway
FITYMIMCDJZ Stop, drop, and roll. GET SCAMMEDYN Ms.Jane t. Officer Wright...Divine Innovation Bu s RIPMike CH Lovisa's P Corner#Oppressed Iconi c Trio Demo Di va Voodoo2kl6 Al'sSuiAtt .Jeff's brain Closer. Harambe Lovisa 's wasps Kevin=Gilbert Huph .Jeff 's KFC order. The Lion King Dream Brooke's L's GRRRRR .l ' m Vega n .! NEED SOME CHANGE GA Boostrnobile Colonial Drive Donut concussion French Press Dem Lips TRIGGERED Rosa The Noble Savage Fire extinguisher. Lester. U-Turn The Internet Ottomans .! got next
The Halo 3,4 (Web Content Editor) Honor Council 4
Jaulet Ebrahimpour
"Goodbye? Oh no , please. Can't we just go back to page one and start a ll over again? "-Winnie the Pooh
" Jaulet, stop asking for expens ive things. Our last nam e is eh-bruh -heem-POOR "my dad
Ms. Janet's skirt we were right about C hri stmas chicken whatc hu wan t baaybay Mrs.McCormick's adviso ry family fes t... J CC sock hops PT Running to lun ch in middle sc hoo l...Bro oke 's laugh Skype sweet 16 w ith Daisha That doesn't mean you can read!!!. eoj sonaj YahbrisXpers ianpri ncesss .l'll give you my kidney!!. bloody Mary popcom shrimp in DC with heav Ms.Hyatt's boyfriend Daisha's loaner..eating Vase lin e .! ca ll him daddy cause he's lik e a father figure to me the Heaven and Jaulet thing Mr. Rivet is right there .The squirrel go in g up Jeffs dress Mrs. Trotter.. Reading the n otes we pass aloud to the class Let's just sign out.Lunc h with ms.daboval..SQUA My Fuzzy ltalian<3 Thanks Mom and Dad Love y'a ll!! Roll wave!!!
Nicholas DellaCroct
Dem Boizzz Toad Golf to State Dylan's Death and Resurrection Voodoo
Fest...Mardi Gras Spring Break Wanda:) Yik Yak Ruby Cup River's
Land Easter Weekend Hypotherrnia The Bridge Shot the Frog Oopps Uh h
Ohh Back House My Party Part I Cops Part 2 Cops l'm Batman Wing
Night...DUUHHH! Death Breath but
Tyler Falk
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3: 16
" How can the sky be the limit when there are footprints on the moon?" Sir
Robert Bryson Hall TI AKA LogicHE ' S GOT IT! coach les sweet loumeathead 2014 football season hamilton chives grieves polk cazeaux throwing us a bone freshman year the don ' s key players freshman year of the year. best generation of cars STM ' s ever seen DC nip surnmer conditioning .lacrosse coach larry anything related to Honors Civics in 2015-2016 addie lavisha long hair, red bottoms 7 on 7 the screamer...the duke academy and levee drill...ship flow young , everything is young lowkey Don
Tiago patron iconictrio snapchat stickers raindropdrop top The Fitness Gram
Pacer Test...You Like Jazz? sea bluff seaside Sb2k16 get your rap snacks w/ a dab ofranch hey, that ' s mildly adequate MG2kl4-l7 lax gains wing n ight hi, my names haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah too much sauce Jon ' s Twin Jeff you know people can hear you , right? the "I know what you did" face
Football 1,2,3 ,4 Captain (4)
Basketball 2
Lacrosse 2,3
Class Vice President 1,2,3
Class President 4
Student Council Representative 3,4
Honor Council Representative 1,2 ,3
Key Club 1,2,3 Sergeant of Arms
Spanish Club 2,3 ,4 President (4)
Diversity Club 2 ,3,4
Treasurer 2,3,4
"It's I am and I can't stop thinking about myself." -Kanye West
Johnathan Glenn
"Character matters; leadership descends from character." -Rush Limbaugh
Condiment castle .DRAM rants .Jeff and the squirrel taps ulti WOW
54 1 "2.0" .He Gone God Dang queen .L-studies .Pray for Tyler ' s arm the Ferris wheel .protractor "you're all idiots" spikeba/1 quad squad .Norwegia .Fletcher Mackel .Pie in the Face Mega Dark Horse(BrodieSmith21 ) honor council...UTube dodgeba/1 Titans Empire Trivia Crack Willy Don Scuba Steve M-Grem .Jreeves .Jjone s edmundo Nope Gene .Zs Games wasp s/ayer Glenn4president yesl
Jeffrey Ganucheau
"Yo u can ca tch flies with honey , but you catch more hon ey's bein fly. "
Wyprad G day Two L's make a dubya RipMike .lm Yegan 1'11 get a numba 46 , two 49's hey guys this is ethan .lconic trio Fake it till ya make it...I NEED SOME CHANGE Peanut butter. Land down unde r Get
Scammed babyshampoo Dab of Ranch GA Taco bell worker. boost mobile Colonial Drive the spot. Baseball head JENJENJENJEN Election Day Huge Lavisha Y tho No Lax gains Golf on a Sunday mornin g Noble Savage Li l Uzi Jag Seabluff...Outbursts at the bakery bar. IO digits Like a so mbodi
Halo Senior Copy Editor 2,3,4 Varsity Lacrosse 2,3,4 Key Club 3 ,4 National Honor Society 3,4
Maxwell Gremillion
" Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." -William Jennings Bryan
"/' d rather suffer consequence than cowardice." -Morley
Jeff and the squirrel Curry & Lindsey Club Penguin Wow! 54 the wheel chair joke you can lead a horse to water .Edmundo atrusken handbells freshmen Chinese class Snibetti Scub china trip *finger guns* .L Studies (Shuff/e) .La Cubanita .frappie fluttermemes ice cream Sweet Luctose awkward or cringey? .2kl 78 dabbing spikeba/1 ayyyyy M"2 rich kid green jacket
Golf Team 1,2
Science Olympiad 1,2,3,4
Tennis 4 Theatre 3,4
Ultimate Frisbee Club 1,2,3
ChenLang Hu
"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak " Rachel Zoe
" Attitude is everything. "
Cooking Club 11
Badminton Club 11
Excellence in Art 11
Choir 11 , 12
National Honor Society 12
ZhiMing Jin
" You are just a Human calculator. " Hakeem Blackstone
You GOT IT...You are CORRECT!!!!!! Sweet Luketose Soccer Stat e Champ .How to do this question Sam , Marc , which is which .He is good at this because he is Chinese
Luke J eanfreau
"Most people would say 'the deets', but I say 'the tails ' Just another example of innovation + design." -Tom Haverford
"Father Millican , can you sign my planned absence form?" -Luke Jeanfreau Dank memes China NML. .. hearthstone easy Lisa me_irl... me too thanks dat boi irony ice cream frisbee cringe IGL... just say it... demo diva the sock LoL. pie in the FACE Mexico en la piel. chad u/aalewis Catan senior cringe day Tony Angelo ' s Holiday by Madonna hydrophobic leaves St. James Cheese Company br ie frappie DP doggie T Dog Luctose daddy voodoo neckbeards nice guys ribbon Reddit... Hamilton The Odd Couple Life is Strange Homer Plessi Peaches Records cringe selfies the Ha lo self- loathing spikeball. fake news alternative facts Feel the Bern vape naysh My Type YR alphazeroes Bay St. Louis BP mud umim y tumim HamLIT I am slain Tuneca bott le flipping dabbing A lex Gershanik Kevin's dabs Chuck dinosaurs in China July 4th 2016 Cat Is land Coffee Pokemon Go Laketown unkempt jeans frockets cooking with grandma Lebanon Au Pair. the Big Dipper. Orion's Belt... Senior Shots
Halo 1,2 ,3,4 Managing Editor Spanish Club 3 ,4 (Vice President)
Dr. W. Brooks Emory Scholarship
Be lle Johnson Scholar 1,2,3,4 Theater 1,2,3,4
Math C lub 3 , 4 Cooking Club (president) 3
Asian Culture Club 3 Badminton Club 3 Tennis 3, 4 Soccer 4 Ultimate Frisbee 3
Jonathan Jones
The dab triple j squad chick it up religion class ceramics class tech class the whip baseba/1 bottle
flips Jrisbee spikeba/1 undefeated swag clutch buddy tu tu baby feff. man of the year wot .JJ's diner erupting AD boogie .Jake it .Jesse's house savage
Baseball l, 2, 3, 4
Philip Lazich
"The happiest person doesn't have the best everything but makes the best of everything"
Warriors blew a 3-1...lead
Lyre 1,2,3,4
National Honor Society 3,4
Ultimate Frisbee Club 1,2,3,4
Jinlin Li
"Tough times don ' I last, tough people do." -R obert H. Schulle r
"Do not read, as children do to amuse themselves, or like the amb itious.for the purpose of instruct ion. No, read to live." -Gustave Flaubert
Jingyi Li
"The more o ne jud ges, th e less one loves." -H o n o re de Ba lzac
" Wh e n the hea rt speaks, th e mind fin ds it ind ece nt to o bj ect." -Mi lan K un dera
Qu a ntum Mec h a ni cs L un c h AP Ph ys ics s il a roun d, burn ed , no sc h oo l. maki ng dum p lin gs midni g ht hun t in g trip s .su shi eve ry Fri day .summ e r a t Ga lapagos
Is la nd s Ultra E urop e in Croat ia n o s leep . a lways w innin g at pi n g po n g
Ma th C lu b 11 , 12
C horus 11
M od e l U nited Na ti o ns 12
As ia n Cu ltu re C lub I I , 12
Na ti o na l H onor S oc ie ty 12
St. P a ul 's Ma th T o urn a me nt A ward 11 , 12
Adva nced Ma th I st Indi vid ua l 11
Potp o urri 1st In d iv id ua l 12
P otp o urri 2 nd Tea m 12
Ho nora bl e Me nti o n in AP Ca lculu s 11
Exce ll e nce in C he mi str y 11
Bro th e r Ma rtin M at h To urn a me nt Awa rd
1 1 (1st P lace Ca lculu s Tea m Test)
Math C lub 1,2,3,4
Cook in g C lub 1,2,3,4
S w immin g I , 2
C h ee rl eadi ng 3
Joseph Martin
"Saucy Joe and Jesse Ribs makes Saucy Ribs" Sam Jin
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. " -The Beatles
610 Stampers /Senior Cringe Day. .Library snitch .Fake it till you make it hydrophobic /eaves Jmart Smokey Joe .J-Smart .Not Your Average Joe .Eat at Joe ' s Cup of Joe Six Pack of Crabs: Courtesy of Joe' s .f'm The Big Dipper .JNNOVATION! Pie in the face! .Hey , That ' s pretty good! Tunica Humanities study sessions incest motifs santa santa Don ' t you just love wakin g up to " Holiday" by Madonna? Mexico en la piel! Urim y Tumim Quad Squad .BP mud .Bay St. Louis .He' s got it! *leans back in chair* unkempt jeans frockets .party meatballs spikeball geogebra .Luke D's cousin Eku/ roast GM' s why do I have to edit all the dot dots?
NHS 3,4 (President 4)
Mystery Science Theater 2
Ultimate Frisbee 2,3 ,4
Spanish Club 4
Shield 3,4
Soccer 1,2,3,4 (Honorable Mention All-District)
Adam Pendleton
"What , so everyone ' s supposed to sleep every single night now? You realize night time makes up half of all time?" -Rick Sanchez
" Well , I don ' t know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it." -Frank Reynolds
Lizard men Am I a man or machine? Monster incarnate of Horatio Alger. Would you like a side of turquoise with that photograph? I+ 3=street signs this ship in a bottle tastes like me tallic sunshine Yellow is the unluckiest number. Get on down to the bank for a face transplant... Buy two get five free lalalalala .I married captain crunch and all I got was three chopsticks
When where why what... who how yes no perhaps
Julia Reggio
" According to all known laws of aviation , there is no way a bee should be able to fly. It ' s wings are too small to get its fat, little body off the ground. The bee , of course, flies anyway because bees don ' t care what humans think is impossible " The Bee Movie
" Crushed it"- Fat Amy
DC Ring only freshman cheerleader Julia's Happy Fun Vocab Madame's minuette DC tv arctic monkeys going to prom with Stephen Sandal Christmas ch icken confirmed "Mom? Dad?" Yes Khaja/Hannah/Everyone car alarm STUCO Rivga l... a ll- state goa li e wank 2nd home year round concussion Bennett ' s emotional support driving Co le home DAH-Cool Blue LAGS Madame guacamole please Gershom and Austin bromance bruised constantly KMP PTSD Leopold camp princess club like a river flows Surprise! You're 18 .love you Mom and Dad Cya later 2017
Jesse Reeves
" Mistah Kurtzhe dead. " -Conrad
Let 's Go Champ!..Vamos campeon aller champion my ex-gir lfriend went to countfy day fake it till ya make it...DROAF stop tasing me!. NML...Kramer. AT NATON V AP NAT. let me insult your intelligence you are not lying to me yet...L Studies sh uffl e OG Flutter. awkward or cringey Big Les Vern do you even calc bro Ulti=life Tu Tu Tea spark it up three cups oftea RIP club penguin A nation's outp ut is its income no crying in AP Chem neuf...Triple J Squad QUAD SQUAD 0$ Krispy Squad VARSITY PE American Idol. .first day of high schoo l fire extinguisher. Leaming Less with Moore Edmodo Boogie dress up days and lunch duty 3-1
River Relan
"If it hops it drops, if it flies it dies." -Anonymous
HunterDem Boiz .Rivdog .Stm>cd #2-0 The Wank .2 deer in /0 seconds .Dylan 's death .Dylan's resurrection Where's the Church Carbs Make America Great Again .Playoffs Spike ba/1 Taps .Voodoo 2k15 Mardi Gras .Rip Gus The Golf Course .Europe Tank .Rivdog_o utdoorsoccer6 .40 chickens .Famseggfarm
My little boxer sp rin gwood Gerald .PAC Lightning State Champ The end of an era
Soccer 1,2 ,3 ,4
Football 1,2,3,4
Golf 1,2,3,4
Christian Rice
"I went from being the terminator to being the governor." -Arnold Schwarzenegger
DernBoiz Plowmen HotBoy$ 69Bros 22cases LetsGoChamp ma ddie0000 RubyCup2k 17 LovePotion BigDaddyLes DylansDeath
Jacjacsmurph RoastofJakob RoastofNick DukeAcademy MG Spr angggBreak FatJakob .Ze JeepGang False .Identification FamChi ckenFarm MushroomPizza Girlfriends haha WingNight. GolfCour seHunting LE Seaside crazygirls Pedicures CalfRaises
Football 2, 3, 4 (3x all district)
Soccer 2, 3 Won District (Beat Country Day)
Golf I , 4 (MIP Award)
5th Grade Handbells Award (don't sleep on handbells)
Diversity Club 1,2,3 ,4
Student Council 2,4
Julia Scofield
Ham/it ./ am slain .Discontinuousfunction s .Do it for the aesthetic...ft's a rob in You'rejust a lillle b it conceited Spri ng operated center punch Tuneca .Dp or DPPC .lce cream 4th of July Chuck .Dinosaurs in China J oe puns Ca t island coffee .VA caught 'em all ./ think about Project AT Oedipus incest is the best .Fash ion Krewe 2kl2 this wouldn't have happened if Veronica were here baby RuPaul Catholic Amanda
Stephen Richards
" You co me to work, clock in , yo u put s uga r in yo ur coffee, an d wa tch it slow ly disappear into nothin gness But the suga r doesn ' t know w hy. Sugar didn't ask to be born. " -Boja ck Horseman
" Fake it 't il yo u make it. " Simone Bruni
MSBJ Handbells Senior C rin ge Day mup Fake it 'ti ll yo u make it Bob Ross CID d ivin e ly inspired The Tec h Office mh&cp BNC Greg Mortenson Spikebal I Ham iIto n Ultimate B rodieSm ith2 I N orwegia quad sq uad getti ng dumped by a co untr y day g irl over text message eve ry year(F le tcher Mack le) I st grade ham ster Katie .Ice Crea m *finger g un s* ,,,C ringe dab
Adventure Quest...Club Penguin BOI... Pokemon Go Boat Launch No More L's River to uc hin g that dead g uy in Paris The Hotel in Pari s do mes ti c
Halo 3, 4
Te nni s 2,3,4
Science O lymp iad 1,2, 3 ,4
International Student Ambassador 4
Ult im a te Fri sbee 2,3,4
Sarah Jane Spell
"Have some fire. Be unstoppable Be a force of nature " -Christina Yang
"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a persons conscience" -Atticus Finch
Brooke's Laugh Sausages opera in English moore method ostrich races .joumalism coffee ciub penguin reunion fake it till you make it spring operated center punch
Halo 3,4
STM Squad4
Diversity 3,4
Art Club 3,4
Bailey Taylor
Humanities santa santa fake it till you make it...Christmas chicken hamLIT. bubbas spring operated center punch Moore method SB2kl6 voodoo day 3? cheer camp 2kl5 cheer sleepover voodoo 2kl6 Christian Skype scandal...DC trip and Julia 's ring we broke the tv discontinuous functions dance .! am slain lind's ladies " it's a robin! " .Julia's happy fun vocab Oreo cheesecake pterodactyl. .JCC sock hops nunca humanities study sesh party meatballs dab lunch with daboval. river-bank .l think about... oedipus
Key club 1,2,3, 4
Cheerleading 2,3,4
Savannah W atermeier
"Frankly , my dear, I don't give a damn." -Rhett Butler
We were right about Christmas chicken .Ekul the Brazilian ice fisher Demo diva fake it till you make it spring operated center punch Coach Coleman .project lessons with Dr. Ramos trashcan cookies Queen' s basketball announcements .Julia' scar alann .l am slain Mardi Gras 201 ? humanities meatball parties ... discontinuousfun.ctions dance ... BP mudpuns .. .Luketose ... voodoo day 3!!! the table picnic pictures .Bubba's we got steamed juicy crab legs .River-Bank .pterodactyl .DC roomfight what even was our senior weird day middle school dodgeball hydrophobic leaves .JCC sockhops senior shots that Tuesday .Europe trip my facebook is a goldmine sav in g people's lives in the bathroom .5th grade history class nap gang .falling all the time salt battle ball...Ms Richard's cat...dabbing out
Key Club 1,2,3,4 (President)
STM Squad 4 (Soc ial Media Head)
Halo 1,2,3,4 (Sports Editor)
Diversity 1,2,3,4
C lass Treasurer 2,3
Class Vice President 4
Basketball 1,2,3,4 (Captain)
Cheerleading 2,3,4 (Spirit Coordinator)
Vo ll eyball I
Bio logy District Rally !st place 3,4 AP Chemistry Honorable Mention 3
Gershom Thompson
"Life ain't fair." -Playboi Carti
Icy"ok?" "ho ld me back!"MG2kl4#grindGershdaddy#futurehivelght betWetsLil
BoatSB2k16Love Potionyea dat way"Wait, what kind Rari?
458 "Wop"b utt." " hands."Carti2-0 vs Country Daynew laugh "let's build"
Halo Club Photographer
Diversity Club Vice President
Varsity Football A ll -District
Offensive First Team
Varsity Football All-District
Defensive First Team
Varsity Football All-District
Defensive Second Team
Varsity Football Offensive All-State
Honorab le Mention
Varsity Soccer All-District Team
Brooke Williamson
"If yo u can' t say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." -Thumper, Bambi :)) .puns for days .BA3 always saying y'all " I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt" .French Press Coach McCeehan .Julia ' s ring in DC. sea camp bubbas we got steamed juicy crab legs we were right about Christmas chicken eoj sonaj. you' re the Spongebob to my Patrick Ms. Janet' s skirt .JD snapchat music vids ... senior retreat: l ... state swim meet .. whatchu want baaaaby Jamily fest Spain 2015 .FBHS .Bloody Mary .Daisha & Jaulet at sweet 16 .DC roomfight oreo cheesecake .Ekul skype fake it till ya make it .Julia ' s happy fun vocab ice cream .JCC sockhops journalism shenanigans junior year struggles dabbing in assembly Ms. Hyall' s boyfriend lunch with Ms. Daboval .Lind' s ladies .Europe 2016 " let's just sign out'' Mrs. McCormick's advisory Netflix binges LACS .HB & BW handshake since 6th grade " I call him daddy because he's like a father figure to me" .pterodactyl it' s a love hate relationship but mostly hate SQUA&MC Mom & Dad thanksfor every thing forever & always Class o/2017 .Hotty Toddy ' 21 !
The Halo 2,3,4 (Editor in Chief)
Diversity Club 1,2,3,4 (Workshops President)
Ke y Club 1,2,3,4 (Secretary)
SIM Squad Spirit Club 4 (President)
National Honor Society 3,4 (Secretary)
Girls' State Representative 3
Swimming 1,2,3 ,4 (Captain)
Soccer 3,4 (Ma nager)
Softball 8, 1,2,3
Zhilei Zhao
" So we beat on , boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the pa st." -F.
Scott Fit zgerald
"A ll things come to those who wait." -Violet Fane
National Honor Society 12
Food and Culture Club 11
Math Club 11 , 12
Badminton Club 11 Choir 11 , 12
Yiwei Zheng
"Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy , enjoy life." -Avril Lavigne
"Our passion is our strength." -Billie Joe Armstrong
Cooking Club 11
Food and Cu lture Club 12
Soccer 12
Math Club II, 12
Badminton Club 11, 12
Upper School
National Honor Society
, Julia Scofield , Diego Ortega, Jules France , Jeffrey Ganucheau , Curry Cappel
3rd row from bottom : Tyler Falk, Dylan Bryan , Jun Choi, Alexandra Bartholomew, Chloe Bartholomew, Maansi Solanky, Bruce Miller, Luke Jeanfreau, Collin Shannon, Philip Lazich, Joseph Martin
2nd row from bottom: Karly Bruss, Kolby McWilliams, Steven Zhao, Sam Jin , Samuel Kellum, Bennett Kahn, Mollye Varon , Michael Gandolfi, Jesse Reeves , Pierce Gremillion , Teacher Teresa York
front row: Rimi Manda! , Teacher Mary Bond , Richard Whitney, Iris Hu , Ophelia Li, Jenni Li, Lainey Pickens, Head of School Merry Sorrells, Natalia Bourg, Jessica Pickens, Annabeth Talbot, Gabriella Killett, Julia Reggio, Head of Upper School Kevin Weatherill
Top row from left to right: Garrett Kalogiratos , Evan McCollum, Caitlin Bagnetto, Bryce Monier, Savannah Watermeie'r, Brooke Williamson, Elizabeth Kuehnefop: New inductees pose with faculty.
11\.iddle left: Seniors Sam Jin and Tyler Falk walk into the ceremony. 3ottom left: Junior Karly Bruss inducts senior Jesse Reeves. Middle right: Juniors Samuel Kellum and Bryce Monier walk into the ceremony.Ring Day 2017
Caitlin Bagnetto Ally Bartholomew Chloe Bartholomew Ben Benton Bethany Bl::; k Khaja Bradley Karly Bruss Zoe Carter Jun Choi Chase DescantSOPBOIVIOBES
Ishmael Blackstone Benjamin Bone Natalia Bourg Rico Coleman Madalyn Cranford ' . Mikki Dennies Olivia Ernst Ethan Everitt Jack Fleishmann Isis Greer Pierce Gremillion Ellie Hurley Anabella Imbomone Bennett Kahn Charlie KaliszeskiFRESHMEN
Christopher Adams Mirko Bezmalinovic Deuce Bohannan Braden Bourgeois Avery Boutchard Sara Brechtel Zachery Day Tala Essa Rafael Figueroa Emmanuel F leischer Djo leto Alan Gardner Alyssa Garrido Andrew Ga ry Thomas Hamrick Sophia James Macy Johnson Elise KannMIDDLE SCHOOL
Sea Camp
Maiyan Barnes Jackson Boelte Bryce Bohannan Lauren Bone Halle Bryan Kyler Coleman Kate Corcoran Layne Corcoran Allie Grace Ducote Daniel Garrido James Garvey Charley Halpern Ryan Johnson Barklie Livingston Sofia Lovera Katie Ma in Colby MayeuxAsia Day
Luke Alvend ia Micah Barcelona Justin Hall Westley James Jesse KlineLOWER SCHOOL
Ship Island
Maypole Day
]our de France
Cowboy Day
Mardi Gras
Community Day
Sawyer Adriance Cole Angerer Emerson Arensman Erny Farber Zachary GaryFOUBTHG
Isabella Arizola Tristen Bartholomew Briley Blake Ella Bozeman Sophie Chailland Miles Chancelor Chandler Chatagnier Lenny Cline Ava Collier Leland Crawford Ruby Crawford Bellen Davis Ali Deutcsh Angelo Fassbender Isabella Figueroa Danie l FinkTRIBDG
Nora Abi Rafeh Will Adriance Frankie Blazek Ethan Cabos Harrison Chatagnier Jude Clayton Leo Davis Claire Deroche Eliza Didriksen Noah Dunn Grant Heytens Noah Hinge! Katie Kirchner DJLaVie Christopher LawlerSECONDG
Corrine Andrews Connor Becnel Jake Bell Ashton Breaux Destin Brooks Juan Pablo Caballero James Campo Colleen Collins Erin Collins Mary Alice Comer Evan Crawford Arthur Deutcsh Alex D iaz Christopher Fein Lilly Huwe Alexandra Livingston Curtis McAll ister Devyn McManusFIBSTG
Brittan Comer Piper Dav is Trey Dieth Aubree Flores Jessie Gaspard Gabe HendersonKINDERGARTEN
Cooper Andrews Carter Breaux Patrick Briand Robin Clotworthy Liza Dashkovskaya Evie Dicasali Molly Dunn George Fyssas -Lear Adam Hawawini Jonah Kulp Christian LaCoste Mark Lamb Elise La Vie Henry Mancuso Zoya Mohiuddin Alexandra Nunez Dalton RivasPREKINDERGARTEN
Jenna Abi Rafeh Bennet Blake Liam Coleman Vivienne Comer Olive Diaz Gregory Diebold Colton Dini William Feibleman Josephine Flanagan Michael Hamide Meredith Huber Curtis L'Hoste Claiborne Molaison Elle MuellerBuds & Sprigs
Anderson Aguayo Jack Alread Carter L'Hoste Persephone Marshall Leon McGovern Jonathan Powers Maida Riess E li zabeth Robertson Vivi Kate RodrigueSprouts & Acorns
Hana Kate Adair Winston Aucoin Calvin Biven Wheeler Graf Elliot Harvey Ava Hintzke Langston Love Giuseppe Lovisa Crosby Segar William Thomas Caroline Weaver Olivia Dini Emma Dunn Heath Payne John Michael PhilippovicSunflowers & Seedlings--fti-
Drew Ballinger David Bridgeforth Roman Chaddock Fin ley Coleman Cicely Davis Hylton Flowers Gracin Humphrey Tenzin Lee Richard Maness Camryn Mitchell William Morris Camille Reed Rowan Reiss Gio Scala Charles Shahlaei Fin n Shipman Ethan Slim Eden StefaniTrees
Carrie Briand Marin Castaing Luis Castillo Adan Chan Kelly Dieth Lee Dieth William Fein Hudson Flowers Isaac Heytens Audrey Huwe Fahad Khan Lillian Markey Jacob Parsons Hayden Riess Luke Rodriguez Gian RutherfordAthletics
Cross Country
Boys back to back State Champions! Girls back to back State Runner-Up!
Members of the cross country team: Benjamin Bone, Samuel Kellum, Rico Coleman, Bryce Monier, Evan McColl um , Andrew Devall, Thomas Devall, Pryce Anthony, Enzo Marcello, Nate Ma, Anabella Imbomone, Chloe Bartholomew , Ally Bartholmew, Isabella Bartholomew, Elise LaFleur , Sophia Warren, Clara Conaster. Coach: Warren LindBoys Soccer
Girls Soccer
:iirls Basketball
Track and Field
Indoor Track
Cheerleading •
Girls Te nn1s
Boys Tennis
Middle School Football
Middle School Swimming
Members of the middle school football team: Bryce Bohannan , Romell Foster , Christian Pevey , Gavin Sperandeo, Frod Millican , William Salvaggio , Michael Talbot , Grant Gendusa, Daniel Garrido, Wyatt Powell, Timothy Roberts, Ashton Shepherd, Peyton Miller , Manny Bejeran , Colin Saucier, Patrick Laforge , Jesse Kline , Maiyan Barnes , Matthew Varon , Dominic Hogan , Ben Hoppe, Cooper Odom , Micha Barcelona. Coaches: Mike Odom , Kit LairdMiddle School Cross Countr
Middle School Volleyball
[embers of the middle school cross country team: Tristen Bartholomew, Arthur Schott, James Garvey, Thomas Devall, Daniel Thompson, Shep irchner, Justin Hall, Carter Corsetti, Carter Scheuermann, Clara Conatser, Kiley Salge , Izzy Bartholomew, Adriana Paz, Samantha Thompson, Rian [cManus , Kaitlyn Hall. Coach: Warren LindMiddle School Girls Basketball
Middle School Girls Basketball
Members of the middle school girls basketball team: Allie Grace Ducote, Lauren Bone , Katie Laforge , Colby Mayeaux, Brooke Whelan , Kyler Coleman , Halle Bryan , Lilly Rabe, Charley Halpern, Katie Main. Coach: Rebecca LovisaMiddle School Bo s Baseball
Middle Schoool Track and Field
[embers of the middle school baseball team: Wyatt Powell , Michael Ta lbot, Ashton Shepherd, Grant Gendusa, Colin Saucier, Timothy Roberts, Gavin imeon, Bryce Bohannan , Matthew Varon , Ricky Pickens , Jesse Kline, Ethan Hodges. Coach: Keith StantonMiddle School
Lower School Cheerleading
, Lexi Houghtaling , Kaitlyn Tillery , Gabby Rubin, Allie Deutcsh, Ruby Crawford, Eliza Didriksen, Ava Schott, Katie Kirchner, Marigny Molaison, Emmy Rabalais, Alexandra Nunez, Juliet Whitaker, Lily Huwe , Isabella James , Piper Davis, Claire Deroche , Katie Sims , Erin Collins , Colleen Collins, Sophia Yatsko , Evie Dicasali , Molly Dunn, Jessie Gaspard, Corinne Andrews, Olivia Samuels, Giuliana Sperandeo, Claire Slim , Riyah Shah, Mary Alice Comer , Mia Zenker , Aubree Flores, Marley Shepherd, Ivana Lopez , Faith Tran. Coaches: Leah Robert , Rachel Eustis
Student Council
Back Row from Left to Right: Nicholas Manning, Austin Chamarro, Jonathan Glenn, Bryce Monier, Ishmael Blackstone, Christian Rice, Alan Gardner, Blake Makofsky•reshman class officers:
'resident: Nicholas Manning
/ice President: Jake Thomas
['reasurer: Blake Makofsky
,ecretary: Alan Gardner
:lass Representative : Katie Williams
Class Officers
Junior class officers :
President: Bruce Miller
Vice President: Maansi Solanky
Treasurer: John Hurley
Secretary: Alexandra Bartholomew
Sophomore class officers:
President: Ishmael Blackstone
Vice President: Kyle Winkler
Treasurer: Brenan Kronenberg
Secretary: Anna Beth Talbot
Senior class officers:
President: Tyler Falk
Vice President: Savannah Watermeier
Treasurer: Heaven Barriere
Secretary: Jaulet Ebrahimpour
Spanish Club
W oodshop Club
Model United Nations
'rom Left to Right: Nate Ma, Luke Giordano, Hakeem Blackstone, Grayson Doyle, Will Leopold, Ethan Everitt, Kyle Winkler, Kolby McWilliamsMath Club
Art Club
Diversity Club
Zoe Carter , Katie Williams , Hannah LeJeune, Zelia Wolf, Charley Leopold , Chase Descant, Bethany Black, Karly Bruss , Elizabeth Kuehne, Sara Brechtel, Sopha Warren , Eleanor Parker, Heaven Barriere, Olivia Ernst, Jaulet Ebrahimpour, Sarah Spell, Tala Essa, Macy JohnsonThe Halo
The Lyre
se Contreras, Sophia Musso, Macy Johnson, Bree Milioto , Rafael Figueroa , Hakeem Blackstone, Diego Ortega, Jeff Ganucheau, Philip Lazich, nathan Davis , Elyse Kann , Farah Wells , Ritchie Whitney , Savannah Watermeier, Lainey Pickens, Gabby Killett, Luke Jeanfreau , Booke Williamson, 1ylor Bui , Sarah Spell , Jaulet Ebrahimpour, Katie Williams, Sophia Warren , Sara Brechtel , Eleanor Parker, Anabella Imbomone, Heaven Barriere , arry La , Benjamin BoneAncient Arcade Club
Invention Club
Members of Ancient Arcade Games; Luke Alvendia , Nathan Chatagnier, James Garvey, Harris Huber, Ricky Pickens , Conner Nicoladis , Elliot Schmedtje, Will Scofield, Steven Xu, Andy Zhou.3D Design Club
Board Games
,1embers of 3D Design Club: Renee Angerer , Micah Barcelona , Sophia Dworak , Jordan McElveen, Alex Tranchina , Hayes Whitney.Model Building Club
Looney Tune Cartoons Club
Middle School Book Club
Middle School Sports Club
Member of Middle School Book Club: Izzy Bartholomew , Renee Angerer , Abby Beck, Jackson Nettles, Alex Tranchina, Clara Conatser.Board of Trustees
Head of School
Merry Sorrells
Board of Trustees: Top row: Treasurer- JeffMeckstroth '77, The Rev. Fred Devall IV '87, Bart Cranford , Bruce Parkerson '75, Board Chair-Stephen Huber '89 Middle row: Walker Saik ' 02, Past Chair-Michael Nicoladis ' 78 , Anne Honeywell ' 83, Perry Eastman '62, The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson Front row: Ana Ortega '85, Merry Sorrells , Secretary-Heidi Gremillion Not pictured: Patrick ComerHead of Upper School
Kevin Weatherill
Head of Lower School
Ford Dieth, Jr. '89
Head of Middle School
Jenny Velasquez
Director of The Cottage
Holly Dalferes
Faculty and Staff
Peter Adair Muffiin Adriance Annabelle Allen Hillary Alread Devi Anderson Jay Angerer Shawn Aucoin Mary Kay Beck Laura Blazek Mary Bond Sue Bower Pam Brierre Sarah Broussard Mary Brown Danielle Calamia Denise Callahan Toni Caserta Athanasios Chalastaras Barat ChisesiJoseph Martin
Congratulations Joseph!
We have all had so much fun watching you grow up and become the incredible person that you are today. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments.
We love you more!
Mom, Dad, James, Jenny & Jason
Tyler Falk
Congratulations Tyler!
We are so proud of you and love you very much. Geaux Tigers!
Love, Mom, Gerard, and Austin M
Dylan Bryan
We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! We look forward to a blessed future for you and much success at UGA!
Much love, Mom, Dad, Emily and Halle
Nick DellaCroce
Congratulations Nicholas!
You have so many opportunities ahead of you. Always reach for your greatest potential and Success will follow.
We Love You, Mom, Dad, Hannah, and Holley
Austin Christopher Chamorro #3
(Baby Boy, Odie, Otis Magee)
WOW, it seems like just yesterday you started pre-k at STM & now your graduation is here. It' been 14 years since this journey began & now it's time to start a new chapter so cherish your STM memories & embrace your future at ASU with optimism. You have a bright future ahead .5 enjoy every opportunity that comes your way. Meet new people, experience new things and lea your footprints where you walk with your AC swag.
You are a one of a kind son, brother and grandson.
We love you very much & you will be missed every day!
! Congratulations & Good Luck at ASU !
We are so proud of you, With Love, xoxoxo Mom and Dad
As always I'm so proud of you. You are capable and strong, go off to college knowing you ha\/ what it takes to be a success. Believe in yourself and always remember you are never alone. Lo & Lots of Love, Me xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Enjoy ASU! Love, Vanessa
"Way to go, 0 11 love, Your Brother
Johnathan Glenn
You have become a wonderful young man. You have such a bright and exciting future ahead of you.
We are so very proud of you.
Much Love,
Mom, Dad, Robbie, Grandma, Paw Paw Don, Lady and KitKat
Christian Rice
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and wish you the best at LSU! Can't wait to see all the amazing things that lie ahead.
Max Gremillion
Behind you, all your memories .
Before you, all you dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.
Love, Mom, Dad & Pierce
Farah Wells
Clara Rabe
Curry Cappel
Joseph Martin
Rckeia Coleman
Alec Ricci
Ben Bone
Rafael Figueroa
Harry La
Anna Beth Talbot
Special Thanks to:
Leslie Gamble
Stacy Richards
Wally Porter, Parker Waters, Ford Dieth, Sr.ustis, Rachel I 34
~veritt , Ethan 58 , 114 , I 18 , 122 , 141
acuity 154 , 155
alati , Mike 117 , 130, 155
alk , Tyler 21 , 26 , 35 , 52, 53 , I 14 , 139 , 140 , 144 , 159
Fane , Violet 4 7
Farber , Emory 13
Farber , Erny 94 , 131 , I 32 , I 34
Fassbender , Angelo 96
Faught , Katie 155
Favorites , 18
Feibleman , William 5 , 106
Fein, Christopher I 00
Fein, Hudson 102
Fein , William 111
Figueroa , Camila 10 , 68, 134 , 149
Figueroa , Isabella 96
Figueroa , Rafael 60 , 129 , 145, 175
Finch , Atticus 45
Fink , Daniel 96
Fitzgerald , Heather 119 , 155
Flanagan , Debbie 155
Flanagan , Jack 96
Flanagan , Josephine 106
Flaubert , Gustave 40
Fleischer , Emmanuel 60 , 118 , 124
Fleishmann , Jack 58, 114, 127
Fletcher , Will 155
Flore s, Aubree 102 , I 34
Flowers, Hudson 111
Flowers, Hylton 110
Football 114
Foster , Romell 72 , 130, 133
France , Jules 52 , 56, 142
Franzen , Peggy 155
Freshman 60, 61
Frisbee , Ultimate 38 , 41 , 44
Fyssas-Lear, George I 04
Gamble , Leslie 155, 175
Gandolfi , Michael 19, 35 , 52 , 144
Ganucheau , Jeffrey 36, 52 , 140 , 145
Gardner , Alan 60 , 114 , 138 , 139
Gardner , Alijha 96
Garrido, Alyssa 60 , 126
Garrido, Daniel 72 , 130, 149
Garvey,James 72 , 131,133,146
Gary , Andrew 60 , 117
Gary, Zachary 94
Gaspard , Ashley 94
Gaspard , Jessie 102 , 134
Gaspard, Josie 96
Gaspard , Stephanie 155
Gendusa , Grant 76 , 130 , 133 , 150
Giordano, Luke 56, 118, 129 , 141
Girls Basketball 121
Girls Soccer 119
Glenn, Johnathan 19 , 20, 28, 36 , 122, 138 , 163
Golf 127
Graben , Kimberly 155
Graf, Wheeler 109
Greer , Isis 10 , 58 , 145
Gremillion, Max 21 , 22, 129, 165
Gremillion , Maxwell 37
Gremillion , Pierce 52, 58, 114, 118
Gremillion , Secretary-Heidi 152
Gsell , Gigi 102
Hall , Ju stin 76, 131, 148
Hall , Kaitlyn 94 , 131
Hall II, Sir Robert 35
Halo , The 33 , 47 , 145
Halpern, Charley 72, 131, 132
Hamide, Michael 106
Hamilton , Anita 155
Hamrick , Thomas 60, 114, 122
Harris , Andrew 155
Harvey , Elliot 109
Hawawini, Adam 104
Head of School 152
Helwig , David 5 , 94
Henderson, Gabe 5, 102
Henderson, William 102
Heytens , Caleb 102
Heytens, Grant 98
Heytens , Isaac 111
Hill, Cynthia 155
Hinge!, Noah 98
Hintzke , Ava 109
Hodges, Ethan 76 , 133 , 148
Hogan , Dominic 94 , 130
Homecoming Court 8 , 9
Homecoming Week 6, 7
Honeywell , Anne 152
Hoppe , Ben 68 , 130 , 150
Houghtaling, Finn 106
Houghtaling , Lexi 94 , 134
Hu , ChenLang 37
Hu , Iris 19, 52
Hua , Bo Fan 76
Huber , Harris 76 , 146
Huber, Meredith 106
Huber, Russel 98
Hugg , Campbell Jane 109
Hugg , Paige 155
Humphrey , Gracin 110
Hunter, Anonymous 43
Huph , Gilbert 33
Hurley , Ellie 58, 115, 140, 144
Hurley, John 56, 114, 120, 139
Huval , James 155
Huwe , Audrey 111
Huwe, Bohden 76, 148
Huwe , Lilly 100
Huwe , Lily 134
Huwe , Melissa 155
Huwe, Mike 118, 123, 155
Hyatt , Aimee 155
Hyatt, Nan 155
Hyman, Chris 22
IIbiwoye , Israel 4, 56 , 114, I I 8
Imbomone, Anabella 58 , 116 , 124,140,145
James , Westly 10
Jeanfreau , Luke 11 , 22, 38 , 52 , 143 , 145
Jeanfreu , Luke 5
Jin , Sam 41 , 52, 143
Jin , ZhiMing 38
Johnson, Erin 97
Johnson, Macy 60 , 144 , 145
Johnson , Ryan 72 , 148
Jones , Jonathan 23 , 39 , 122
Joseph, Conchetta I 55
Joseph, Congratulations 158
Jouet, Linda 155
Jour de France 88 , 89
Juniors 56 , 57
Jurisich, Alexis 68 , 119 , 134
Jurisich, Rachel 126, 134, 155
Kahn, Bennet 125
Kahn , Bennett 52, 58 , 114 , 124
Kaliszeski, Charlie 58
Kalogiratos , Garrett 52 , 56 , 114 , 143
Kann, Elise 15, 60, 119, 121 , 145
Kann, Ethan 14, 94
Kanuga 66 , 67
Karl , Megan 155
Kellum, Charlie 56, 114, 124, 140
Kellum , Samuel 52 , 58, I 16 , 124 , 125
Kershenstine , Pepper I 09
Kettenring, Tim 114
Khan, Fahad 111
Killet , Gabby 58
Killett, Gabby 11 , 15, 121 , 140 , 145
Killett , Gabriella 9 , 52
Kindergarten 104, 105
King , Megan 155
Kirchner , Katie 98 , 134
Kirchner, Shep 94, 131, 133
Kirkpatrick , Jason 155
Klebba, Lee 155
Kline, Jesse 76 , 130 , 133 , 150
Knight , Kate 97
Kopp , Chris 155
Kronenberg , Brenan 5, 58 , 114, 129 , 139,140 , 144
Kuehne, Elizabeth 52 , 57 , 117 , 143, 144 , 145
Kuhn, Michael 155
Kulp , Jonah 104
Kundera , Milan 40
La , Harry 60 , 129 , 143 , 145, 175
LaBruyere , Louise 155
LaCoste , Christian 104
LaCoste , Cole 97
Lafleur , Elise 58 , I 16 , 124 , 142 , 143
LaForge , Katie 68, I 15, 132 , 147
Laforge , Lindsey 9, 60, 115 , 121, 123, 128, 140
LaForge , Max 102
LaForge,Pat 128 , 150 , 155
Laforge, Patrick 5, 94 , 130
Laird , Kit 114, 122 , 130 , 155
Laird , Tiffany 115 , 119 , 123 , 155
Lamb, Maril 102
Lamb, Mark I 04
Laskay , Julie 156
La Vie , DJ 98
La Vie , Elise 104
Lavigne , Avril 48
Lawler , Christopher 98
Lawler, Colin 102
Lawrence, Beau 60
Lawrence, Kyle 94
Lazich , Philip 39, 52 , 127 , 145
LeCoq , Joe 156
Lee, Tenzin 110
LeJeune , Hannah 9, 57, 115, 119, 140, 144
LeJeune , Shannan 156
Leopold , Charley 58, 119, 123, 144
Leopold , Sydney 60 , 121 , 126
Leopold, Will 57, 114, 118, 124, 141
Lesser, Gabriel 59 , 145
Lewi s, Dionne 5, 57 , 121 , 126 , 144
L'Hoste , Carter 108
L'Hoste , Curtis I 06
L'Hoste , Jeanie 156
Li, Jenni 52, I 43
Li , Jingyi 40
Li, JinJin 40
Li, Ophelia 52 , 143
Li, Sunni 141
Lind , Warren 116 , 124, 125 , 131 , 133 , 156
Linden, Ian 76 , 146
Livingston , Alexandra 100 , 134
Livingston , Bark:lie 72 , 150
Lobrano, Nicholas 12 , 15, 60
Lobrano, Nick 143
Lope z, I van a 102, 134
Lopez , Tristan 98
Love , Langston 109
Love , Much 163
Love, With 162
Lovera , Isabel 97
Lovera, Sofia 72
Lovisa , Giuseppe 109
Lovisa, Rebecca 132 , 156
LowerSchool 80 , 81
Loyd, Barnette 11
LS Play 13
Lucia , Philip 111
Luck , Good 162
Luctose, Sweet 37
Luketose , Sweet 38
Luncheon, Awards 159
Lunsford, Robin 156
Lynn , Jane 156
Ma , Nate 57, 116, 141
Madden , Eth e l 156
Magee , Otis I 62
Main , Katie 72 , 123, 132, 134
Makofsky, Blake 61, 138, 139
Malbrough , Brycen 61
Mancu so, Henry 104
Manda! , Rimi 52 , 57 , 143
Manes s , Richard 110
Manning , Nicholas 61, 122, 138 , 139 , 140
Manning, Tucker 97
Manzella, Tony 57 , 114 , 120
Marcello , Enzo 59 , 116 , 118, 124 , 143
Markey, Lillian 11 I
Markey , Morgan I 02
Marshall , Persephone 108
Martin , Joseph 5, 19, 22, 26 , 41, 52, 118, 158 , 175
Martinez , Jocelyn 13 , 97
Martinez , Stephen 156
Mason , Garret 156
Mayeux , Colby 72, 131, 132 , 149
Mayeux, Seth 94
Maypole Day 86 , 87
McAllister , Curtis JOO
McClellan , Samantha 68 , 119 , 148
McCollum, Evan 52 , 57 , 116 , 143
McElveen , Jack 57, 114, 127, 140 , 141
McElveen, Jordan 69, 140, 147
McGovern, Leon 108
McGowan , Katie 156
McManus , Devyn 100
McManus , Ezra I 09
McManus , Rian 76 , 131
McMyne, DJ 98
McWilliams, Kolby 52 , 59 , 122 , 141
Meka , Apurva 106
Meka, Narnratha 97 , 132
Middle School 64, 65
Milam , Jace 102
Milioto , Bree 10, 11, 14, 57 , 145
Miller , Bruce 52, 57, 122 , 139 , 141, 142
Miller, Peyton 76 , 130 ,
Odom, Jacob 99
Odom , Mike 114, 120, 130, 156
O'Flynn, Edwina 156
O'Flynn, Julie 156
Ohmes , Zoe 61 , 117 , 123
Oliver 14 , 15
Ortega , Ana 152
Ortega, Diego 52, 57 , 117, 118, 124,140,145
Ortega, Sofia 69, 119 , 147
Ortiz, Nathan 102
Ott , Natalie 156
Ouyang, Chelsea 69 p
Palmisano, Reed 106
Palmisano, Wrex 99
Parker , Eleanor 61, 119, 144 , 145
Parkerson , Bruce 152
Parmalon, Kailee 103
Parr, Stephanie 156
Paz , Adriana 69, 119, 131, 134
Pendleton , Adam 18 , 23, 41
Pendleton, Susan 156
Perdomo, Andrew 94
Peters, John 61
Pevey, Alex 4, 13, 14 , 94, 132, 134
Pevey , Christian 69, 114, 122, 130 , 149
Peyton , Elliot 61
Peyton , Georgia 106
Pfefferle , Brett 57, 114, 120
Philippovic , John Michael 109
Phillips , Charlie 156
Phillips, Lola 156
Pickens , Jessie 52, 59 , 117 , 142, 143
Pickens, Lainey 52 , 59, 117, 142 , 143 , 145
Pickens, Ricky 76 , 133 , 146
Pilgrim , Alaina 61, 115
Pippin , Carden 72 , 147
Porche , Celeste 156
Porche, Violet 95
Porter , Mya 69
Porter , Mycha 73
Porter, Wally 156 , 175
Poulis , Andreas 61 , 118 , 141
Powell , Gavin 61, 114
Powell , Wyatt 76, 130 , 133 , 150
Powers , Jonathan 108
Preen, Derek I 06
Pre-K 106 , 107
Punch, Blade 99 Q
Quinet, Mary 156 R
Reiss, Avery 108
Reiss , Rowan 110
Representative , Class 139
Ricard, Trey 108
Ricci , Alec 59 , 145 , 175
Rice, Christian 21, 23, 43, 114, 118,127 , 138 , 144,164
Richards, Stacy 156, 175
Richards , Stephen 21 , 44, 129, 143
Ricourad , Logan 103
Riess, Hayden 111
Riess, Maida 108
Rigney , Carter 97
Ring , DC 42
Ring Day 54 , 55
Rivas, Dalton 104
Rivas , Drew 104
Rivas, Molly 77
Rivet , Chuck 157
Rizer, Dax 99
Roaf, Carrington 6 I
Robarts, Leah 134, 157
Roberts , Gregory 6 I
Roberts, Paige I 57
Roberts , Timothy 77 , 130, 133 , 150
Robertson, Elizabeth 108
Rodrigue , Mindy 157
Rodrigue, Vivi Kate 108
Rodriguez , Luke 111
Rome , Caleb 111
Roohi , Alma 157
Ross, Bob 44
Ross , Emily 157
Roth, Brandon 59, 117 , 120 , 122 , 140
Rouse, Annika 110
Rouse, Orri 104
Row , Bottom 138
Rowland , Jack 73, 149
Rowley , Cissy 157
Rubin, Gabby 95 , 130, 131, 132, 134
Russell, Cole 59, 118, 140
Rutherford , Gian 111
Rutherford , Jonathan 111 s
Sadhwani, Sakshi 61, 126
Saik , Walker 152
Salge , Kiley 77, 131 , 133, 149
Salvaggio , William 69 , 130
Samuel, Olivia 100
Samuels , Olivia 134
Sanchez , Rick 41
Sandal , Stephen 42
Sartin, Barry 110
Saucier, Brandon IO 1
Saucier, Colin 73 , 130, 133 , 150
Nekoz , Anastasia 156
Nettles , Bennett 97, 130
Nettles, Jackson 69 , 117, 150
Nicoladis , Conner 76 , 146
Nicoladis , Corbin 99
Nowalsky, Zachary 61 , 140
Nunez, Alexandra 104, 134
Nunez , Isabella 76 , 131 , 148
O'Connor, Donna 156
Odom, Cooper 94 , 130
Odom , Holly 156
Rabalais , Emmy 99 , 134
Rabe , Clara 59, 175
Rabe , Lilly 5, 73, 132
Raines , Noah 107
Rally, Biology 46
Ramos , Charlie 156
Ramos , Dr. 14 , 46
Rau, Charlie 108
Reed, Camille 110
Reeves , David 129
Reeves, Jack 61, 114
Reeves , Jesse 19, 42 , 52 , 53, 129
Reeves, Ruby 59, 115 , 128 , 144
Reggio , Julia 4 , 8 , 19, 42 , 52, 53, 119, 126, 138
Saucier, Malorie 61, 121, 123, 140
Saucier, Mary Lee 157
Scheuermann , Alex 99
Scheuermann, Carter 95 , 131
Schieffelin , Anna 59, 128
Schieffelin , Caroline 69, 148
Schmedtje , August 77 , 146
Schmedtje, Elliot 73, 133, 146
Schott , Arthur 95 , 131 , 133
Schott, Ava 99, 134
Schulte, Adeline 108
Schurke , Clara 111
Schwarz, Keith 157
Scioneaux, Ray 115, 157
cofield, Julia 44, 52 , 119, 123 , 126 , 144
cofield, Will 77 , 146
cott, Margot 10 , 11, 57
couts , Girl 32
ea Camp 70 , 71
eamster, Abby 105
egar , Crosby I 09
egar , Fiona I 03
enior Ads 156, 157, 158, 159,
160,161,162 , 163 , 164 , 165 ,
166, 167, 174, 175
enior Chapel 26 , 27
enior Favorites 18, 19
enior Leadership 24, 25
eniors 28 , 29 , 30 , 3 J, 32, 33,
34 , 35 , 36,37,38,39 , 40,4],
42,43 , 44,45 , 46,47,48,49 , 188 , 189
enior Weird Day 22 , 23
ema, Flor 157
hah, Riyah 134
,hahlaei, Charles 110
,hannon , Colby 61
:hannon , Colin 52, 57, 141, 142 , 143
:hannon, Kolby 129
:hepherd , Ashton 73 , J30, 133
:hepherd , Barret 59, 114, 122
,hepherd , Marley I 03 , J34
,hieffelin, Anna 119
,hieffelin, Caroline J 19 ,hip Island 84
,hipman, Christopher 145
,hipman, Finn 110
,imeon, FJ 111
,imeon , Gavin 77 , 133
,impson , Scott 114, 157
,ims , Andrew 101 ,ims , Katie 105 , 134
,Iim , Bradford 97
,lim , Claire 101, 134
>lim , Ethan 11 O
mm , Liam 103
;milari , Elleen 157
;mith , Darrel 105
'>mith , Jaden 30
'>mith, Mayson 111
'>muck , Beau 105
'>muck, Beckett 101
'>oftball 123
'>oh, Jared 105
Solanky , Bharat 61 , 120 , 141
5olanky, Maansi 52 , 57, 119, 138 , 139 , 141,142 , 144
Solomon , Jr. , Gary 26
Sophomores 58 , 59
Sorrells, Gabe 108
Sorrells, Merry 4, 152
Sossaman , Kate 97, J32
Sossaman , Will 95
Soyka, Jordan 157
Spako, Christina 157
Spell, Sarah 45, 126, 144, 145
Sperandeo, Gavin 69 , 130 , 150
Sperandeo , Giuliana 1o1 134
Spiers , Caroline 77, 146'
Spiers, Catherine 107
Stanton, Keith 133
Stefani, Eden 110
Stefani , Eliza 110
Stelly , Kiki 157
Stewart , Jack 12, 69, 147
Stewart, Laurie 157
Stewart , Molly 95
Stokes, Brandon 61
Stokes , Taylor 73, 134
Stuart, Molly 131
Student Council 138 , 139
Swimming 117
Sykes , Tanner 61
Talbot , Anna Beth s, JO, 11, 15 ,
52 , 53 , 59 , 139 , 145,175
Talbot , Julie 157
Talbot , Michael 73, 130, 133 150 '
Tatum , Nigel 5 , 59 , J 18
Tatum , Zoe 77 , 132
Taylor , Bailey 21, 45, 126 140
144 ' '
Tennis 125, 128 , 129
Thanks , Special 175
Thomas , Allison 157
Thomas , Griff 59 , 120, 122, 140
Thomas, Jake 61 , 120, 122 , 139
Thomas, William 109
Thompson , Ben 103
Thompson , Daniel 73, 131, 133
149 '
Thompson , Gershom 23 46
114, 118, 144 , '
Thompson, Morris 152
Thompson, Samantha 77 , 131 ,
132, 133, 148
Thompson, Vashed 73 131
Tillery , Kaitlyn 5 , 95, 130, 131, 134
Todd , Ian 95
Tolar , Cameron 61
Track & Field 124
Trahant , Elodie 109
Tran , Faith 103 , 134
Tranchina , Alex 73, 147, 150
Tranchina, Tanya 157
Tranchina, Zoe 13, 97
Tritico , Al 157
Troyer, Jadon 97
Troyer, Saje 69, 147
Tuleu , Nick 57 , 118 u
Upper School 50 , 51, 62, 63
Urrego , Lucas 109
Urrego, Sofia 13 , 95
Urrego , Sophia 134 V
Vaccaro, Joe 157
Vaccaro, KV 107
Van der Plas , Klaas 103
Van Geffen, Missy 157
Varon, Matthew 73 , 130, 133
150 '
Varon, Mollye 52 , 59, 128
Velasquez, Eamon 97
Velasquez, Jenny 153
Velasquez, Reilly 95
Vignes , Fleur 77
Vignes, Vico 103
Villarubia , Lily 99
Volleyball 115
Walker , Meredith 101
Wang , Jennifer 157
Wang , Wendy 57
Ward , Coach Courtney 121
Ward, Courtney 157
Warren , Julie 157
Warren , Phillip 157
Warren, Sophia 61 , 116, 126 , 140, 144, 145
Washecheck, Emily 108
Waterrneier, Savannah 21 , 46, 52,121,124,126,139 , 140, 144,145
Waters, Parker 17 s
Watkins , Colby 69 , 117 , 130 150 '
Watts, Penny 157
Watts , Rachel 157
Weatherill, Christy 131, 157
Weatherill, Kevin 153
Weaver , Barbara 157
Weaver, Caroline ]09
Weaver, Meghan 157
Wells , Farah 4,59, 119,126, 145 , 175
Wells, Gideon 108
Whelan, Brooke 73 , 123 , 132, 148
Whitaker , Juliet 99, 134
Whitney, Hayes 69, 117, 130, 147
Whitney, Richard 52, 59, 117, 138, 140, 145
Williams , Katie 61 , 117, 139 , 140, 143, 144 , 145
Williamson, Brooke 8, 18, 21, 47,52, 117,140 , 144 , 145
Winkler, Kyle 59, 114 , 138, 139, 140 , 141
Winstead, Andrew 157
Wolf, Zelia 10 , 12 , 57, 144
Womack, Bishop 97
Womack, Stanley JOI
Xu , Steven 69, 146
Xu , Sunny 57, 143
Yang , Christina 45
Yatsko, Sophia 105, 134
Yordnov , Viktor 101
York, Harlan 11 O
York , Izzy 108
York , Teresa 157
Zao, Steven 129
Zeitoun , Layla 105
Zenker , Mia 103, 134
Zhao, Steven 52, 143
Zhao, Zhilei 47
Zheng, Anthony 97
Zheng, Yiwei 48
Zhou , Andy 69, 133, 146