St. Monica's Messenger, April 2015

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Saint Monica's Episcopal Church


April 2015

From the priest’s desk by The Reverend Anthony MacWhinnie, II Happy Easter! Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the remembrance of the very thing that saved us, Christ’s sacrificial action and subsequent overcoming of death once for all of us. Easter, or in the Latin “pascha”, or earlier even than that, from the early German “austron”, means “dawn”. It’s taken from the name of a pagan goddess whose dawn festival was celebrated around this time. The word “aurora” comes from this root as well. So, light, dawn, new day, change, fresh start, rebirth, NEW BEGINNINGS… That’s what Easter has been about from the very beginning. We are celebrating a time of new birth and new beginnings, just like our ancestors did and just like our children will in the future. “Spring is in the air,” means something more than just pollen and warmer temperatures. It means a fresh start to life for all of us, starting with the most important celebration of all for us, Easter. Our theology of death and resurrection is a reminder that sometimes, for great things to happen, great sacrifices must be made. To actively improve our lives and situations we must work for that change. To save ourselves, we must die to our old selves, and then be reborn. Like the phoenix from the ashes, we spread our wings and fly out of the aftermath of the inferno. At this time of the year, I can’t help but be drawn to the earth, to plant seeds and tend them and watch them grow. But every gardener and farmer knows that it’s more than just putting a little seed in the ground. That’s the easy part. The grower must make the soil ready. They must till under the weeds and use the nutrients from them to fertilize the next generation of garden plants. To be productive and sustain that productivity, great amounts of preparation must be done and continued.

Our Staff & Vestry The Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Priest in Charge Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden, Dan Ferguson- Junior Warden/Co-Treasurer Linda Aligood —Treasurer Susan Early, Frank Murphy, Ann Philen & John Velaski Viv Welch—Clerk of the Vestry Brenda Ferguson—Church Secretary Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

St. Monica’s, too, is in just such a place. We are at our NEW BEGINNING. For us to continue the amazing work we’ve begun, we need everyone to pitch in. The “garden” that is St. Monica’s is poised to grow, and we’ve already begun that growth! By now, you’ve heard of the proposed thrift store, and by now you should have received a letter from the vestry letting you know that St. Monica’s needs your financial support. In the future, should we go ahead with the thrift store idea, not only will we be taking care of the church’s financial needs, but we’ll be doing what Jesus Christ called us to do… Serve the poor. “When you did it to the least of these, you did it to me also.” Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Right now, St. Monica’s is poised to take off. We just need a little help from you. At stewardship time we always here about “time, talent, and treasure”, and right now we need all three. Join in and grow with us. Peace, Anthony+

St. Monica’s Beans & Rice Ministry

Our April Charity of the Month! Monetary donations greatly appreciated. In addition, we would like to have extra food on hand in our Emergency Food Pantry for the summer months when children will not be receiving school lunches. Suggested items: Canned tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and/or tomato paste, peanut butter & jelly, breakfast items. Thank you for your support.

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