St. Monica's Messenger Newsletter, December 2016

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December 2016

From the Rector’s desk by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II

Happy New Year! The last Sunday of November was our liturgical new year with the start of Advent. This year I’m looking at Advent themes with a new set of eyes. What does it mean to be watchful? What does it mean to be prepared? What does it mean to be filled with hopeful anticipation? What does it mean to be faithful and obedient? And more specifically, if life isn’t matching up with these themes, say medically, or familially, or financially, how can we BE the things that Advent asks us to be? The worries of this life don’t always fit in with the liturgical calendar, do they? Oh yes, sometimes the gospel message is right on point and the priest hits the nail on the head with his sermon and it’s just like it was all providentially tailored to us as individuals. Those are great days. But what happens when the priest is talking about hopeful anticipation, and our bills are just too much for us? Or we have medical problems? Or work is just so crazy we’re not sure what’s going to happen next? Or family problems are mounting and the stress is just too much to bear? Well, I think that’s when we need to listen and pray even harder. Problems come and go. That’s the way life is. But maybe, when we’re having those problems, maybe something like hopeful anticipation is something that we need to try to actively cultivate. Sometimes problems are out of our control, and we all hate that. There’s nothing we can do but trust in the one that made us. The Advent themes of faith and obedience come to mind. But then some problems are within our control and the Advent theme of preparation comes to mind. Suddenly, Advent seems like just the thing we need in our lives, when we spend a few minutes examining those themes. It’s not so far removed from our daily lives as we thought upon first examination. So, when the Gospel calls you to be watchful, what does that mean for YOUR life? When Isaiah and John the Baptist say “Make straight the way of the Lord”, what does that mean for YOUR life? When Mary tells the angel, “I believe you. I obey.” What does that mean for YOUR life?

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Jim Warner- Junior Warden Beth Woods, Susan Early, Ann Philen & John Velaski Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

These themes don’t come to us from a vacuum. They mean something even today. They are applicable even today, even though we’ve heard them so many times before. They’re helpful, even now. So take some time this Advent to think about what they mean for you. It may make all the difference. Peace, Anthony+


& Greening the Church Sunday, December 18 4 pm until

Come help us make flower arrangements for the windows and altar, decorate the tree and hang the evergreen boughs! Then stay for our Annual Christmas Party after. Don't forget to bring a covered dish for the Christmas Party!

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

How to beat holiday stress by Nurse Sally Putters The holiday season has arrived and we find ourselves busier than ever. We are dealing with our normal activities plus added holiday activity. We feel ourselves getting stressed. Stress occurs when the demand in your live exceed your ability to cope with them. Many things can cause stress, from simple things such as having to stand in line at the checkout counter to more serious challenges such as caring for an ailing family member or dealing with life style changes. Whatever the cause of your stress, if it is overwhelming you, you need to address it. Stress is a serious health risk. When you experience stress, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises and your breathing becomes rapid. After a stressful moment (threat) passes, your body relaxes again. The problem is we have similar responses to various situations and if these continue to pile up with no chance to recover, it makes you more vulnerable to long term health problems. Stress may contribute to development of an illness. It may aggravate an existing health problem or trigger an illness if you are at risk. Cardiovascular disease: Increases in heart rate and blood pressure in response to daily stress may add to your risk of a heart attack. Gastrointestinal problems: It is common to have a stomach ache when stresses and increased stress worsen symptoms. Mental health stresses such as a death of a loved one may trigger depression and anxiety. Stress may worsen conditions such as asthma and arthritis. Treatment: Find ways to relax to calm your mind and body. Find a comfortable position lying down or sitting. Inhale slowly

Save the Date!

and deeply with your mouth closed and shoulders relaxed, hold for a count of six, pause for a second, exhale through your mouth as you count to six, pause and repeat several times. Other methods involve techniques relaxing a series of muscles one at a time. Begin by lying or sitting in a comfortable position, loosen tight clothing and close your eyes. Tense each muscle group (head to toe) for five seconds then relax for at least 30 seconds. Repeat once before moving the next muscle group. Lying quietly, picture yourself in a pleasant, peaceful setting, allow thought to flow through your mind. Don’t focus on any of them. Tell yourself you are relaxed, that your hands and arms are heavy and warm and your heart is beating calmly, breathe slowly and regularly and deeply. Imagine yourself in a favorite place and just relax. Let go for about 10 minutes ten gradually get yourself up. Your entire body and mind will feel relaxed and you can take on your busy tasks. See if this helps getting through those hectic times.

Caroling and Bonfire With hotdogs and hot cocoa!

Sunday, December 11, 4:00 to 6:30 PM

During December we will be accepting cash donations to purchase Christmas gifts for a family of six children who attend Jim Allen Elementary School.

Please give generously. See Ann Philen for more information.

Saint Monica’s Messenger

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Click and share, social media as evangelism At our Annual Meeting in November, Fr. Anthony spoke about our future and what we as members of the Body of Christ can do to spread the Gospel and invite people in. If you own a computer and are on a social media site, you have an enormous opportunity to evangelize from the comfort of your easy chair! If you see a great movie, you probably don’t have any problem telling people about it on your Facebook page. So why not share what you love about your church? Most people on Facebook find out about events through posts they see in their News Feed. This is a continually updated stream of all the things your confirmed friends are doing on Facebook. Generally speaking, you’ll see more recent developments at the top of the News Feed and older posts further down, however Facebook’s algorithm tends to push stories to the top of the News Feed that it thinks you will find interesting. When shared on your own timeline, you are increasing the probability that more people will discover an event, post or photograph. Facebook’s algorithm takes the number of comments into consideration when determining if something is interesting, so by commenting on or liking something, you are helping promote it. To date, 190 people “Like” St. Monica’s Facebook page. At any given time, a single Facebook post organically (without promotion) appears on the News Feed of 5 to 20 people depending on how many people who subscribe

It took just over two years, but the Four Gospels tile medallion project is complete. The team of Dan and Brenda Ferguson, Dodie Matlock and Viv Welch took on the project in September 2014. Working mostly only Saturdays, the team grouted the final mosaic St. Mark, on November 11, 2016.

to our page are logged on to Facebook. When you “Like” or “Comment” on a post, that number goes up because your friends are seeing it too. When you “Share” one of those posts on your own timeline, the number of people reached increases even more. For example, a post of Fr. Anthony’s sermon for the First Sunday in Advent organically reached the News Feed of 11 people. However, the sermon for the previous Sunday reached 65 people because just one person shared it to his own time line. That is a 15% increase with just one Share! A post of Ms. Kathy’s children’s sermon that was shared was seen by 80 people! With just one click of the mouse, we can “Share” a post about something happening in our congregation, which will then show up on our friends’ news feeds, hopefully to give them a sense of the joy we have found. The same is true for our web site. Each page of has a social share link which enables social media users to promote that page to their personal news feed. Have you shared a post with your friends about the Beans and Rice Ministry? Did you tell people where they could get free flu shots by “Liking” our ad? Did you find something meaningful in Fr. Anthony’s sermon and did you share the link on your page so that others might find it meaningful too? If not, you are missing an opportunity to spread the Good News and the good work we are doing in the name of Christ. Spreading the Gospel through social media is only a click away. So if you haven’t “Liked our page, log on and Share some Good News! You will find us at

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Invitation to a Holy Advent

by Linda Buskirk, ECFVP on November 27, 2016 As sure as Santa Claus directed the crowds into Macy’s at the end of the Thanksgiving Day parade, we can expect to be swept up into the rush of the “the holidays.” On Ash Wednesday, we are invited, “to the observance of a holy Lent, by selfexamination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and selfdenial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word.” (BCP) The invitation is just as real at Advent. Well, except for the fasting and self-denial. But let’s not simply surrender to the forces pulling us away from a holy observance. We are invited to journey with Joseph and Mary, considering their amazing calls to serve and how they responded in faith and obedience. We are invited to expect a great light and to find it lying in a manger. From today onwards, let’s each RSVP in the affirmative to the invitation for a holy Advent. Resolve to make time for prayer, wonder, and contemplation. Invite your children to join you in lighting an Advent wreath at home. Seek new understanding through spiritual Advent resources available at Vital Practices or Forward Movement. Consider how you can bring the Light of Christ into the world of an aging neighbor, a grieving friend, or a Santa Claus ringing a bell. The invitation of Advent is not about giving up merriment, but it does require intentionality to push back the crowds, catalogs and spiked eggnog. Create space for holiness and reverent attention. Accept the invitation to light and love.

A Global Advent Calendar Join the Facebook Advent Calendar! Each day during Advent, we are posting Advent word photos and we invite you to participate. Help create a global Advent Calendar by posting your daily Advent photos to our Facebook Page and on your own Facebook, Twitter account or Instagram feed. Just be sure to hashtag your photos with #AdventWord and whatever the daily word is. (So for example if the word is “shine,” to participate, you will post the photo that represents “Shine” to you along with the hashtags #AdventWord #Shine.) Then visit to see your photos each day along with thousands of others from around the world. The program is offered in nine languages which you can see at adventword.#AdventWord#2016News. So start posting your photos and be sure to share them here!

Taking Advent to the streets It’s not too late to start an Advent Discipline. Below are suggestions for ways to pay it forward this Advent Season. 1. Call a friend or family member that you have not talked with in awhile 2. 1st Sunday HOPE Candle. Be thankful! 3. Meet someone for lunch or have a play date 4. Take food to a Food Bank 5. Let someone in line get in front of you 6. Clean out and donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, etc. 7. Make a homemade gift for someone 8. Put change in the Salvation Army pot 9. 2nd Sunday JOY Candle. Smile! 10. Visit nursing home or a shut in or an older neighbor 11. Drop off a new toy at Toys for Tots 12. Make a card for someone 13. Take a ‘like new’ or gently used toy to the Clinic 14. Be nice to someone you do not like, or pray for them! 15. Bake and share with neighbors 16. 3rd Sunday PEACE Candle. Be Grateful 17. Practice less complaining 18. Pick up litter 19. Forgive someone 20. Give compliments…make them sincere 21. Tell a friend “Thank You” for their friendship ! 22. Say something nice. . . with enthusiasm . . . to others 23. 4th Sunday LOVE Candle. Hug your friends 24. Be kind to others…ALL DAY ! 25. Christmas Day ! CHRIST Candle. Wish everyone “MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!””

Evening Prayer Followed by Potluck Dinner

Wednesdays at 6 pm Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give thine angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for thy love's sake. Amen.

Carol Farrel

Chuck Barnett Trey MacWhinnie Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel

Valarie Smith Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett

Beth Woods

Pauline Somerville

Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel

John Velaski

Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner

Beth Woods


Lector Epistle Reading





Coffee Hour To the glory of God Valerie Smith

To the glory of God

Jeanine Black

Ray Farrel



Eucharistic Visitor

Carol Farrel

Jackie Wright

Ray Farrel

Beth Woods

To the glory of God

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.

John Velaski

Connie Chamberlin & Darby O'brien

Jackie Wright & Bernice Warner

Audrey Westbrook & Rowena Chaapel

To the glory of God


Carol Farrel

Ann Philen

No Potluck (All Bring Snacks Instead)

Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles

Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel Chuck Barnett & Connie Chamberlin

Beth Woods

Tom Chaapel

Kathy Vail

Ron Philen

December 25

Ray Farrel & Jim Warner

Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel John Velaski and Tom Chaapel

Ray Farrel

Ron Philen

Connie Chamberlin

Fred Woods

Connie Chamberlin

Lector 1st Lesson

John Velaski

December 18

John Velaski

December 11

Eucharistic Minister

December 4

Service Schedule for December


Pauline Somerville


Carol Farrel & Kathy Vail









January 1

December Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Janice Courson Bill Cross Shanna Earl Ashton & Tracie Ferguson Gabriel Ferguson Ashton Gaff Marie Gibbs Kim Hartford Julianna Horn Bob Matlock Jean Moss The Quilters Maggie Rose Rodak

Connor Aligood Adam Blankenship Daryl Coy Field Cross Mark Feely Patrick Ferguson Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Tim Heartford

Rusty Sellers Dee Dee Slettahaugh Texan Stephens Eddie Velaski Melanie Velaski Heidi Woods Jackie Wright

Johnny Hurd James Klinginsmith William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott Jeremy Wright

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer Birthdays in December

8, Bill Holland; 12, Susan Early; 23, Dodie Matlock;

Anniversaries in December 16, Bob & Dodie Matlock

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves. Dec. 4, Bay County Jail, Panama City, Florida Dec. 11, Calhoun County Jail, Blountstown, Florida Dec 18, Gulf County Jail, Port St. Joe, Florida Dec. 25, Escambia County Jail, Pensacola, Florida Escambia County Jail, Brewton, Alabama

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