Saint Monica's Episcopal Church
February 2015
From the priest’s desk by The Reverend Anthony MacWhinnie, II Change is in the air at St. Monica’s. And, you know what? It started long before I came here. There is definitely something positive in the works here, and I am excited about it. And like many here at St. Monica’s, I believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in this place, changing it for the better, reinforcing the good, and strengthening an already strong foundation. I’ve personally observed changes since I’ve been here. Where there once was a bit of fear about the future, now I see hope. Where there once was a sense of relief on people’s faces that the priest is the same from week to week, now I see surety. Where there was once a sense of trepidation, now I’m seeing confidence. And I have to tell you, it feels good. It feels good to be in a place where people aren’t afraid to be led by the Spirit, where they’re confident about what we’re doing and how we’re going about it. Not only are they not afraid, but they are looking for it. It feels good to be in a place that is excited about their prospects for the future. In 1 John 4:18 it says that ―perfect love casts out all fear.‖ And there is no better example of that than St. Monica’s right now.
Saturday, February 14 6 pm
If you are new to St. Monica’s, this is for you!
Our Staff & Vestry The Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Priest in Charge Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden, Dan Ferguson- Junior Warden, Linda Aligood —Treasurer Susan Early, Frank Murphy, Ann Philen & John Velaski Viv Welch—Clerk of the Vestry Brenda Ferguson—Church Secretary Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse
On January 16-18 we participated in the New Beginnings Retreat-A Hospitality Workshop here at St. Monica’s. It was very well attended and rightfully so. The participants left with a sense of the fact that the hospitality that we show, in a very Lukan way, is a direct result of the loving relationship that we share with God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And when we DO that, hospitality, people are attracted to it and us! The first step to church growth is cultivating our own relationships with God and accepting God’s love and forgiveness. When we do that, it just naturally flows forth from deep inside us, and who can resist that? Look for more changes coming soon, good changes. Ash Wednesday is on February 18. We’ll have two services of Imposition of Ashes, Noon and 6pm. The next Wednesday after that, Feb. 25, we’ll begin our Lenten series of simple soup and salad suppers with discussions each week on hospitality as set out in the Gospel of Luke. Look for a schedule of services for Holy Week soon. I intend to pack that week with services every day, and sometimes two a day. If you can attend all week, I promise, you will feel the power of Easter morning in a new way. And, speaking of Easter… There will be baptisms that day! There is no more positive sign in the church than baptisms! Thanks be to God! Peace, Anthony+
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 17 5 pm until in the Parish Hall
Enjoy all you can eat, cooked to order pancakes, sausage, bacon & more! Donations accepted, but not required.