Saint Monica's Episcopal Church
February 2016
From the Rector’s desk
by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II
Lent… The final frontier… These are the voyages of the Episcopal Church, St. Monica’s. I’ve always wanted to start a newsletter that way! As silly as it sounds, there’s actually something to the idea that this is a voyage, or a journey. We’re on it together, but ultimately it’s an individual journey isn’t it? That’s a fair metaphor for life in general, but especially for a season like Lent. Or is it actually a fair metaphor? Individuality, or individualism, the idea that we are alone is really a lie we tell ourselves. Why? I don’t know. But how many of us are really alone? It may feel that way at times but it doesn’t take much effort to find another’s input. If we reach out, it’s the rare person that won’t find someone reaching back. If we but reach out… And that’s my real point. Lent may seem like an individual journey, but that’s only if we allow it to be. Most of us will take on some discipline for Lent, or maybe we’ll give something up. And we’ll have varying success in achieving those goals. But do you know who will do better at achieving their goals? It will be the ones who share their goals with other people. It will be the ones who reach out and make this journey through Lent with at least one other person. So, I want to charge you this Lent. Do something. And do it with someone else. Take on a discipline. Give something up. Be penitential. Be prayerful. Fast. Do those things that this season is known for. And not only that, but rely on someone else. Be accountable to them. In short, share this journey with someone. On Wednesdays in Lent (not including Ash Wednesday) we’ll be having Soup Suppers at St. Monica’s. We’ll share this journey together. We’ll learn some things, about Lent, and about ourselves, and about each other. Join us. Peace, Anthony+
Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Dan Ferguson- Junior Warden/Co-Treasurer Linda Aligood —Treasurer Susan Early, Ann Philen, John Velaski & Beth Woods Viv Welch—Clerk of the Vestry Brenda Ferguson—Church Secretary Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse
How can you help?
Donate Cash or $25 gift cards from Walmart or Target Individually wrapped snacks and juice boxes Diapers NEW socks and underwear - all sizes for girls and boys Gently used items: Size 2 and 4 boys' winter clothes Boys/adults jackets/sweatshirts sizes 12-18; adult sizes S-XL Teen boys' pants waist 31" Long sleeved shirts size 18-24 months and children's' through size 12 for boys and girls Winter outfits or warm sleeping garments Newborn through 3 months Thanks to everyone for supporting our Charities of the Month.