The Messenger, January 2018

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January 2018

From the Rector’s desk; What does it mean to begin again? by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II

January 1st. New beginnings… What does it mean to begin again? And why now? I mean, really, the first of the New Year, while traditional, is an arbitrary time to begin again. Why not on August 10th, or September 5th, or January 3rd? Now, if you were in my family, or knew personal information about us, you’d know exactly what I just did, because, those dates aren’t random. Those are Elizabeth’s, Trey’s and Ruby’s birthdays. My point here is that every day has significance to someone. May 16th was my parent’s anniversary. November 25th, my mother’s birthday. May 2nd is the anniversary of my priestly ordination. Those are all “random” days, but they sure mean something to me. Every day has meaning. It’s just that that meaning is not always shared by everyone, except for this one; January 1st. It means something, doesn’t it? Well, it does to everyone that shares our calendar. For those who do, it means something special. It means we have an opportunity for new life, a new beginning. The fact that it is in the dead of winter is significant to me for multiple reasons. I think that that is when we need the hope of a new beginning. When it is darkest and bleakest and coldest, we choose a new beginning and look to the future. We close the door on the past. We move on with our lives. We embrace change. We embolden ourselves and steal ourselves with courage. And we do so as a group. Yes, it starts with each of us individually, but then it grows into a movement. It starts small, but then grows to encompass the whole world. Like a little baby in a manger, with just his mother and father and a few animals in a stable, with some tender care and determination, we can grow into new people. We can

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Susan Early, Margaree Mills-Fitchett Dora Giles, Beth Woods & Jim Warner Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

become the people that we believe we are destined to be. With a little help from our friends, with a lot of help from God, and with a newfound faith in ourselves, this day, this year, this time we can make a new beginning. Every day has meaning. What do you need to do to begin again? Today is your day. Anthony+

Sunday, January 7

After church in the Parish Hall

All women of the church are invited to join us for our monthly meeting. This month we will be inducting our officers and discussing the annual calendar.

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Daughters of the King prayer requests

Annual Meeting recap

Beginning January 28, St. Monica’s will have a chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK). The daughters will be Julie Hart, Danise Beadle, Margaree Fitchett, and Elizabeth MacWhinnie. As part of the Daughters’ vow to daily prayer, they would like to encourage prayer requests be sent to them from the congregation. All prayer requests sent to the Daughters are kept confidential. You can either email or call Elizabeth with your requests at or 850-736-6126. Please put “prayer request” as the subject of your email. The prayer requests will be an ongoing ministry of the DOK, so please reach out to these ladies as often as needed. They are dedicated to praying for this church, its members, and the concerns of its members. If you have questions about the DOK, please speak to anyone of these ladies. They will be happy to tell you about the order.

Our annual Parish Meeting was held on Sunday, December 17. Elections were scheduled to elect new vestry members to replace retiring members Chuck Barnett and John Velaski. Since only two candidates were nominated, Margaree Mills-Fitchett and Dora Giles, both were unanimously serve three-year terms. Margaree attended public school in Cairo, GA, then attended Albany State University, New York University, Indiana University and the University of Delaware receiving various degrees including an AB in Sociology and a MS in Secondary Guidance Education, and minored in Political Science and Psychology. She has one daughter, eight grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and one greatgreat grandchild. Margaree, a business woman who came to St Monica’s in 2004, is the Episcopal Church Women President-elect, and has served various outreach ministries such as Meals on Wheels, United Thank Offering, and the Salvation Army. Dora was baptized in the Baptist tradition at the age of eight or nine. She and Ron married in 1959 and attended Baptist and Methodist churches before they began attending St. Monica’s on Watson Avenue with their daughter and her husband. Dora was confirmed by Bishop Charles Duvall at the last Confirmation held at the old church. Dora is retired from the medical profession and is currently the Parish Treasurer having served in that capacity once before. Dora has also served as Vestry Clerk twice. Margaree and Dora join Susan Early, Jim Warner and Beth Woods on your 2018 Parish Vestry. Bill and Julie Hart and Viv Welch were elected delegates to represent you at the Diocesan Convention. Alternates are Margaree Mills-Fitchett and Twinette McDonald. The 2018 Convention will be held February 22 through 24 at St. Andrew’s by the Sea, Destin. The Finance Committee presented the proposed budget of $148,671 for 2018 based on 2017 fixed expenses and the expected pledged income. Representing the Finance Committee, John Nicholls explained that this is a bare bones budget and does not include allowances for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Episcopal Youth Corps, outreach, or other such programs. It also does not include building or equipment repair and replacement meaning in those instances, funds will need to come from other sources. John also stated that sacrificial giving from every member is needed for St. Monica’s to move beyond the status quo.


Band of Brothers & Sisters Returns Saturday, Jan.27 @ 8 am

Saint Monica’s Messenger

Souper Bowl of Caring There’s a special sporting event happening on Sunday February 4. But there’s another special event that happens the same Sunday. It is called the Souper Bowl of Caring. The Souper Bowl of Caring is very special for two reasons. Number one-it helps people who are hungry. Jesus calls us to help people in need. Number two is that Souper Bowl of Caring was started by and is often led by youth. Every year at this time youth and adults across the entire country ask people in their church to bring canned goods to church to give to people who are hungry. Throughout the month of January leading up to Souper Bowl Sunday, we are asking everyone in our church to bring at least one dollar and/or one canned good for our soup pot. Last year, over $10 million worth of food and money was collected to help people in need. When we all come together to help people, we can make really good things happen. Please remember to bring money and/or canned goods to church each Sunday through February 4. We will collect all the donations and divide them between Manna Food Pantry and our own Emergency Food to help people who are in need in our community. Remember, we can make a big difference when we all come together to help. Souper Bowl Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for the food we have to eat. Help us remember that there are people in our community and around the world who do not have enough to eat. Help us remember that when we come together as a community in Christ we can truly make a difference in the lives of others. We pray for Souper Bowl of Caring and all the youth across the country that will be leading this effort next week. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

It was a packed house as over 100 people turned out for our presentation of Forever God is With Us on Dec. 10. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this beautiful program a success.

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Charity of the Month


& St. Monica’s Food Pantry

January 6 Epiphany recalls the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing “reveal” Jesus to the world as Lord and King. The winter solstice was kept on

Jan. 6 at some places during the first centuries of the Christian Era. In opposition to pagan festivals, Christians chose this day to celebrate the various manifestations, or “epiphanies,” of Jesus’ divinity. These showings of his divinity included his birth, the coming of the Magi, his baptism, and the Wedding at Cana where he miraculously changed water into wine. The day was called “The Feast of Lights.” Celebration of the Son of God replaced celebration of the sun. Baptisms were done, and a season of preparation was instituted. It was later called Advent. The solstice was kept on Dec. 25 by the fourth century. Jesus’ birth was celebrated on this day in both eastern and western churches. The western church commemorated the coming of the Magi on Jan. 6. The eastern church continued to celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and the Wedding at Cana on Jan. 6. In the east the day was called “Theophany” (manifestation of God). The coming of the Magi is celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, in the Book of Common Prayer. The Baptism of our Lord is celebrated on the First Sunday after the Epiphany.

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

New year. New you? By Nurse Sally Putters

Happy New Year! 2017 was so eventful. We had so much going on and such wonderful teams planning, doing and working so hard. Thanks to you all! The challenge for 2018 is upon us and excitement is in the air. Our first order of business might be to make some new year’s resolutions. The thing to keep in mind is to make your resolutions attainable with realistic goals. One of the most common resolutions is to lose weight. It is a very serious one and it is a big factor in living well, happy and healthy. So where do you start? First, talk to your healthcare provider to determine your guidelines; how much you currently weigh and what you specifically need to do to get started. Here are some general guidelines: 1. Eat healthy foods such as vegetables (limit high starches, especially potatoes and the like). Proteins such as lean meats, especially fish and chicken and dairy products are good for you. For long lasting weight loss, eliminate fats. Most of us have a real taste for carbohydrates, particularly during the holiday season. There are also lots of good weight loss programs one can join that offer good information and support. 2. Along with dietary changes, become more active. There are so many options to choose from. Take short and frequent walks. Fresh air aerates the lungs and boosts energy. 3. Boost your social activities as well. This broadens your interests and is good for your mental health. If you have the time, do some volunteer work. I know St. Monica’s would appreciate your volunteer efforts! Our next health event at St. Monica’s will be in February during Heart Health Month. Sacred Heart Health System’s Mission in Motion will be doing Heart Health Screenings. Watch for exact dates and times in announcements soon. As always, if you have any health questions or concerns, please call me. My number is in the church directory. If I don’t know the answer, I will be happy to research it for you. God bless, Nurse Sally

Want to sponsor Altar Flowers in 2018? Sign up on the chart in the Narthex or contact Beth Woods. Interested in arranging? Join the Flower Guild!

The Little Free Library By Elizabeth MacWhinnie

We are excited to announce that St. Monica’s is now hosting the first Little Free Library in Cantonment. The library is contained in the old newspaper stand that we’ve painted bright red. It sits directly in front of the church next to and facing Highway 95A. Anyone from the community may borrow a book or keep a book or add a book to the library. The library is currently supplied with mostly children’s books, but we would love to have more books for adults donated as well. The library is never locked, so people can access it at any time. The purpose of the Little Free Library is to inspire a love of reading, build community, and spark creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges. Through Little Free Libraries, millions of books are exchanged each year around the world, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Anyone may contribute or take books. If you take a book (or two) from a Library, you do not need to return that exact book. You can keep up to date on our Little Library on its own Facebook page - @stmonicaslittlefreelibrary. There will be regular posts with pictures of some of the latest books found in our library. Also, you can learn more about the Little Free Library movement at their website . If you have any questions or concerns about the library at St. Monica’s, please contact Elizabeth MacWhinnie at or 736-6126.

Jim Morningstar

Valerie Smith

Beth Woods Dora Giles & Dodie Matlock To the glory of God Beth Woods

Carol Farrel

Beth Woods & Twinette McDonald

To the glory of God

Jim Morningstar

John Velaski


Coffee Hour



Eucharistic Visitor

John Velaski


Margaree Fitchett & Ann Philen

Ray Farrel

Carol Farrel

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel, Rachel Ludwig & Gabe Hernandez John Velaski & Tom Chappel Ray Farrel & Jim Warner

Ann Philen

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel, Rachel Ludwig & Gabe Hernandez Valarie Smith & Carol Farrel Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett

Ray Farrel

Bill Hart

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.



Carol Farrel

To the glory of God

To the glory of God

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel, Rachel Ludwig & Gabe Hernandez Connie Chamberlin & Chuck Barnett Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel, Rachel Ludwig & Gabe Hernandez John Velaski & Carol Farrel Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles


Fred Woods

Beth Woods

Lector Epistle reading John Velaski

Beth Woods

John Velaski

Trey MacWhinnie


Carol Farrel

Chuck Barnett

Bill Hart

Ron Philen

Kathy Vail

John Velaski

January 28

Lector 1st Lesson

Connie Chamberlin

January 21

Ray Farrel

January 14

Eucharistic Minister

January 7

Service Schedule for January 2018


Beth Woods

To the glory of God

Audrey Westbrook & Rowena Chaapel

Beth Woods



Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel, Rachel Ludwig & Gabe Hernandez





February 4

January Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Ruth Bates Leroy Bell Kenny Cannon Myrna Claywell Bill Cross Brocky Davis Tierra Demby Ken Dyson Tammy Edwards Elmer Fitchett Paul Giles Ron Giles Missionary James Helen Johnson

Adam Blankenship Brian Condon Field Cross Patrick Ferguson Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Justin Hanson Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott

Sherry Johnston James Klinginsmith Charlene Lee Daniel Lynch Diana Lynch Bob Matlock Travis Morne Frank Murphy Chris Palma Maggie Rose Rodak Paul Royer Mickey Sams & Family Rusty Sellers Texann Stephens

Birthdays in January

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer

3, Ruby MacWhinnie; 5, Twyla Hinton; 6, Carol Farrel & Jeff Woods

Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves.

Anniversaries in January

Jan. 7— Holmes County Jail, Bonifay, Florida Jan. 14—Okaloosa County Jail, Crestview, Florida Jan. 21—Santa Rosa County Jail, Milton, Florida Jan. 28—Walton County Jail, DeFuniak Springs, Florida

3, Bill & Sally Putters; 18, Michael & Fay Scordato If your birthday or anniversary is not listed or not listed correctly, please let the office or Viv Welch know.

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

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