The Messenger Newsletter, June 2017

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June 2017

From the Rector’s desk by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II It is with sadness that I report that we have decided to close our thrift store, Monica’s Attic. We just simply could not afford to subsidize its operations from the church’s budget anymore. It did buy us more time when the landlord agreed to reduce our lease for a time, but even after that, it just couldn’t support itself. I say this with sadness because I still believe that something like this is needed for our area and I believe it could have been good for our church. I’m sad because this season in the church called St. Monica’s has passed. It was a season in which we helped a whole lot of people, at least 25 people and families a day for the whole time that the Attic was open. And that is just in sales to people who could afford it. Some people couldn’t and they still got help. That’s a lot of help for a lot of people. I, for one, will grieve the loss of this ministry to our community. As with all things, change happens. It is a new season in the life of St. Monica’s. What does that mean for us? Well, there is a renewed and renewing spirit in the St. Monica’s universe. You will have noticed by now that there are new opportunities to get involved. Each of these involves outreach to the community in some way. Some are fund raisers, which are always fun, like the super successful fish fry we had. We got to meet a lot of our neighbors on that day. We must remember that these are opportunities for growth. Our next fundraiser will be the spaghetti dinner on June

30th. Meeting our neighbors is great but also the camaraderie of the folks working these events is through the roof! Even before that, though, is what is becoming a tradition at St. Monica’s; the Southland Singers will be here for a gospel concert on June 17th. Last year this concert was well attended by area residents and by our congregation. And man! Can they ever sing! Come on out for that and bring your friends and neighbors. It’s a new season at St. Monica’s. And our future is filled with opportunities for life and growth and outreach and ministry. I give thanks for the lessons of the past and I look forward to the future ministry opportunities that God will give us in this beautiful church! Peace, Anthony+

Saint Monica’s presents

A Free Gospel Concert featuring

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Jim Warner- Junior Warden Beth Woods, Susan Early & John Velaski Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

Saturday, June 17 at 6 pm

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