St. Monica's Messenger Newsletter for March 2017

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March 2017

From the Rector’s desk by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II

It seems like every Lent I find myself composing something about whether to give things up or take things on and why we should do, or not do, any of those things. Every year I find myself in a struggle as to what to do for my own personal observance of Lent. It’s like I’m in a competition with some past me about the best way to be holy. Do I do the same thing? Do I change it up? Was I good about it last year? Was I “successful?” Did I learn anything from it? Did I say the right things about this yearly observance? Was it good enough? Was I good enough? Honestly, sometimes I just want to give up Lent for Lent… I don’t want to change my routine. I don’t want to deprive myself. I don’t want to fail at this thing. I don’t want the extra stress. I don’t want to compete with myself or anyone else. I don’t want to have to figure out the “perfect” Lenten observance. I just don’t wanna. What I want to do is to give myself permission to skip it, but I can’t. I can’t, because I know it’s good for me. I can’t, because a lot wiser people than me have been doing it for thousands of years and if it’s good enough for them it should be good enough for me too. I can’t, because I know that God blesses intentions and not necessarily outcomes. I can’t, because I’m not in this alone, even in my reluctance to jump on board with this whole Lent thing. I’m not in this alone and no amount of bellyaching on my part can make that true. I can’t, because I know that God works through my sacrifices, be it for me or for those around me. So, I’m not going to give up Lent for Lent. I’m going to get on board and I’m going to give it my all. And no matter how I perform I know that God is with me in this. And guess what? He’s in it with you as well. Try something. Anything. You’ll be blessed and you will grow. Peace, Anthony+

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Jim Warner- Junior Warden Beth Woods, Susan Early & John Velaski Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

ECW Spring Day Away The Episcopal Church Women’s Spring Day Away will be Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Beckwith Camp & Conference Center. Living in View of the Resurrection is the theme of this year’s event. What do we really mean when we say that we believe in the resurrection? What difference does such belief make in how we live out this life? Is there a way in which our belief in the resurrection can grow and deepen? Reverend Marshall Craver will provide some insight into these and other questions. Fr. Craver has led numerous retreats during his thirty-two years of ordained ministry. He has recently retired from full-time ministry and is currently serving on the Diocesan Staff as Spiritual Director to the clergy of the diocese. He is an adjunct faculty member of the Selah Institute of Spiritual Formation in Nashville, TN and has a certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Jesuits of Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL There will be four topic sessions; Session 1, The Paschal Mystery; Session 2, Our New Life in Christ; Session 3, Letting Go, Dying, Surrendering; Session 4, Belonging to believe. The registration fee for this special event is $20 per person, payable to the ECW Commission. Deadline to register is March 25. Check in is at 8 am on April 1. If you wish to attend with the St. Monica’s ECW, please see Twinette McDonald or Connie Chamberlin

Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.

Ash Wednesday

Services with Imposition of Ashes

March 1 Noon & 6 pm

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Exercise to extend your life Friday, March 17 4 until 7 pm

Featuring Fried Mullet, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Hushpuppies & Tea $8 per plate — Dine-in or Carry Out Sodas or bottled water $1 extra

ECW Bake Sale too! Tickets go on sale Sunday, March 5 See Twinette McDonald or Ann Philen Or call 850-748-0335 Volunteers are still needed for prep and cleanup. Donations appreciated for purchasing supplies and ingredients. All proceeds benefit St. Monica’s charities

Support Gulf Coast Kid’s House St. Monica’s Charity of the Month for March is Gulf Coast Kid’s House. Gulf Coast Kid's House is a private, not-for-profit which provides services to victims of child abuse in Escambia County. Every year in Escambia County over 4300 reports of suspected child abuse are received by the Department of Children and Families. Child abuse comes in many forms – physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect – and recognizing child abuse isn't easy. Gulf Coast Kid's House is a children's advocacy center serving Pensacola and Escambia County. As a children's advocacy center, they combine all of the professionals and resources needed for the intervention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases under one child-friendly facility. Child victims and their families also receive mental health counseling at the center on 12th Avenue. The goal of Gulf Coast Kid's House is to form a more collaborative response to child abuse cases so that they can improve case outcomes and minimize trauma to the children and families they serve. Because the only hope to end child abuse is education, Gulf Coast Kid's House also offers a variety of child abuse prevention education. Donations are vital to the organization. Your generous donations will be put to good use and benefit children from our local community. Most needed items are new or gently used boys clothes sizes 2T and up, teen boys jeans (larger boys sizes and small adult sizes), cash donations, or $25 gift cards from Walmart or Target.

February was Heart Health Month. I’m happy to report that nine people attended our Heart Health Screening. Five of those were St. Monica’s members and four were from the community. The Sacred Heart team referred two to a physician for further evaluation. It’s beginning to look a lot like springtime! Isn’t it beautiful living here in the Deep South? The landscape is especially beautiful. The grass is starting to turn green. Trees and flowers are blooming. Easter will be here before we know it! Looking back on Easter preparations and celebrations when I was growing up in Nebraska, most Easters there was snow on the ground, so we tried to carry the Lenten season and its discipline over into spring and summer. Each Easter, I would get up early in anticipation that the Easter Bunny had been by our house. My Dad would direct me to the door to see if his tracks were there in the snow. Of course many nocturnal animals had been there overnight and the hunt would begin before we got ready for church. A more recent precious memory is when we hid Easter Eggs for our own children. Bill would make a nest for the eggs and we often had more straw than eggs! As we begin to think about warmer weather, does your summer wardrobe still fit? Or is it a little tighter in some places than it was last year? I ran across some new research about exercise, everyone’s favorite topic. We all should know how important exercise is for good health. The research states that 15 minutes of brisk exercise extends our lives by three years over comparable inactive people. Those who exercised 30 minutes per day added approximately four years to their life expectancy! Your first health assignment for the spring is to devote at least 15 minutes per day to exercise. Walk with a friend, a neighbor or your spouse. Or better yet, you and your friend, neighbor or spouse can participate together in the Christ Walk Lenten Discipline program at St. Monica’s. For more information on that program, see the article in this newsletter titled “Christ Walk – A Lenten Discipline.” Be sure to refer to the bulletin boards in the rest rooms for more health related information and activities. Nurse Sally

Sacred Heart Health Team at Heart Health Screening. Photo by Dodie Matlock

Saint Monica’s Messenger

Open Tues.—Sat. Wednesday—55+ 20% OFF Thursday—99 cents Kids Clothes & Shoes Fridays Pants & Jeans—$1.89 Visit Monica’s Attic All proceeds benefit church charities Volunteers Needed—See Dawn Donations accepted during business hours

At Monica’s Attic, we’ve got it!

Christ Walk – A Lenten Discipline Many Christians like to take on a spiritual discipline during the time of Lent in order to deepen their relationship with Christ and to prepare themselves for the joy of Easter. A few common examples of discipline are fasting, praying, reading the Bible, attending Lenten church programs, and abstaining from sweets, alcohol, or social media. But, your discipline does not have to be limited to these. I once went all of Lent without looking in the mirror. Because of this, I did not focus on the way I look, and I could not put on make-up or do much with my hair! One thing I have never really done is a group Lenten discipline, but that is exactly what Twinette McDonald proposed this year. We will be reading devotionals from the book Christ Walk: A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program. The book suggests several routes to walk, which are actually just mileage that coincide with several paths from the Bible. First instance, the first individual-beginner route in the book is called the Nazareth Challenge—the route between Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth and Jerusalem. It is 65 miles long, and would take 1.6 miles or 4,000 steps a day throughout Lent. There are several routes to choose from, including group challenges, in which each individual’s miles are added together for a group goal. Most of the exercise and devotional reading will be done individually, but there will be some group elements as well. The group still needs to work out the details of when we will meet (for prayer, accountability, and occasionally walking together) and it is not too late to join us. You can order the book online or reach out to Elizabeth MacWhinnie at and she will order one for you. Please contact either Elizabeth or Twinette at if you would like to know more about the group. Blessings, Elizabeth MacWhinnie

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2017 Men’s Conference The 36th Annual Men’s Conference and Retreat, “Peter, A Man for All Seasons,” will be held March 3 through 5, 2017 at Beckwith Camp and Conference Center. The conference will offer faith, direction and encouragement to those wishing a closer relationship with the Lord in the company of other men from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Featured theme will be “Peter: A Man for All Seasons. How His Life, Struggles, Ministry and Witness are a Witness for Us Today.” The presenter will be Reverend Dr. Russell Levenson, Jr., rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, TX. With a membership of over 9,000 parishioners, St. Martin’s is one of the largest parishes in the Episcopal Church. Not only is Dr. Levenson a gifted preacher, he has also led numerous retreats, including the Central Gulf Coast’s Men’s Conference in 2003. No stranger to the Central Gulf Coast, he grew up in Birmingham, AL and was a youth minister at St. Luke’s, Birmingham under the tutelage of the legendary Dr. John Claypool before he went to seminary. Later, Russell was the Rector of Christ Church Pensacola before taking the call to St. Martin’s. Always both insightful and entertaining, he has inherited Dr. Claypool’s gift of making the Bible tell us its stories for modern ears. Music will be led by Sam Richardson. Volunteer musicians are welcome. Please bring your own instrument. There will be Oyster Shucking on Friday and a Fish Fry on Saturday. Registration fees for the three day conference vary from $150 for commuters to $235 for Single Occupancy Lodging. All fees include conference registration, all meals and a copy of Russell’s book “Provoking Thoughts.” You can register on line here.

Your delegates at the 46th Annual Diocesan Convention, Beth Woods, John Velaski, Twinette McDonald and Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II.

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Make plans to attend Discipleship Day in Niceville March 25 The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast will be hosting a day of workshops offering resources and training designed to support and strengthen congregational vitality. The nocost workshops will be held at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Niceville on Saturday, March 25 from 9:30 am until 4 pm. Can These Bones Live? Is a Music Wor kshop for musicians, choir members, clergy, worship leaders, and worship participants presented by Dent Davidson from the Diocese of Chicago. Just as the Breath of God awakened, enlivened and inspired the Valley of Dry Bones, so the Gift of Song has the capacity to form, connect, unite, and liberate the People of God in our Church today. We will explore the power of song and its deep connection to Congregational Vitality, using resources that range from The Hymnal 1982 to "Paperless Music" to Improvisation. The material is useful for congregations small and large, and very adaptable to unique situations. We will also look at liturgy as a whole, making this workshop useful (and fun!) for anyone who leads and participates in worship. Home: From the Front Door to the Kitchen pr esented by Mike Orr from the Diocese of Colorado, is an intersection of communications strategy, formation, and membership growth. Participants will discover the strategies employed by healthy, growing churches to create intentional

Youth Praise Singers (5th Gr ade and up) 9:20 - 9:45 in the children's classroom. We will be singing on Palm Sunday. Little Light Singers (Up thr ough 4th gr ade) Practice during children’s church. We will be singing on Easter. Saint Monica’s Choir (all ages) 8:30 - 9:15 Rehearsals are upstairs. We are rehearsing for Holy Week and Easter. We welcome any new members. Hope to see all your energetic faces on Sundays. For more information and to sign up, please contact Ms. Twinette McDonald at 850-748-0335 or email Upstairs Meets Downstairs Do you love to sing, but have trouble navigating the stairs to the choir loft? Have no fear! On the first Sunday of the month at 9:20, we will meet to go over new hymns and communion music. You will learn the new music and make a joyful noise!

environments where relationships grow deeper with God and with one another. Explore how hospitality can move guests to engage and explore life in a church community and eventually become members of the family, themselves inviting new friends and neighbors to come for dinner and stay for the nurture and nourishment of community. Digital Disciples: Following Jesus, Today, pr esented by Jenn Johnson, Missioner for Communications for our own diocese, is for Church Communicators and Evangelists. This workshop will lead you through various communication methods, and how to tell your story beyond print. We will talk about why print is still relevant, and learn why the internet and social media are changing the way people share their faith with others, and how we can engage our communities outside our churches by sharing our walk with Jesus. Equipped is a Vestr y Wor kshop for chur ch leader s, senior wardens, and vestry members presented by Bishop Russell, Dwight Babcock, and the Church Pension Group (CPG). This workshop will take a look at the unique dynamics of congregational leadership, explore the concept of vestry as ministry, and review practical ways to enrich the experience of being on the vestry. Learn how your church may save on church property insurance and health insurance, including the use of Health Saving Accounts. Information will be shared on grants and scholarships available for churches plus resources to help you learn more about your church and local community. Church Pension Group (CPG) will provide an overview on the recent changes to clergy pensions and other related plans that are administered by CPG. Going Out the Front Red Door in Community Into the World is a Pastor al Car e wor kshop open to anyone interested in Pastoral Care and is presented by the Rev. Deacon Joanna Seibert from St. Mark’s, Little Rock. This workshop will give an overview of pastoral care ministries and programs with an emphasis on specific practical ways to implement these ministries depending on the congregation size and experience. The importance of pastoral care as a shared ministry will be emphasized. In depth details of specific ministries such as Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church, Walking the Mourner's Path, and Community of Hope will be highlighted. Lunch will be provided. There is no cost to attend. Donations will be accepted. In order for each church to have representation at Discipleship Day, churches are asked to organize a group to attend of no more than six people. Registration is available on line here or by contacting Jenn Johnson at 850-434-7337 or

Carol Farrel

Chuck Barnett Trey MacWhinnie Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig Chuck Barnett & Connie Chamberlin Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett

John Velaski

Pauline Somerville

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig John Velaski & Tom Chaapel

Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner

Ann Philen


Lector Epistle Reading



Coffee Hour

To the glory of God Valerie Smith

To the glory of God Jeanine Black

To the glory of God

Pauline Somerville

Ray Farrel



Eucharistic Visitor

Ray Farrel

Beth Woods

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.

John Velaski


Carol Farrel & Kathy Vail

Connie Chamberlin & Darby O’Brien

Audrey Westbrook & Bernice Warner

Carol Farrel

Ann Philen

Carol Farrel

Beth Woods

To the glory of God


Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles

Ray Farrel & Jim Warner


Pauline Somerville





Valarie Smith

John Velaski



Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig





April 2

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig

Beth Woods

Tom Chaapel

Kathy Vail

Connie Chamberlin

March 26

Trey MacWhinnie, Katherine Chaapel Rachael Ludwig

Ray Farrel

Ron Philen

Connie Chamberlin

Fred Woods

Ron Philen

Lector 1st Lesson

John Velaski

March 19

Ray Farrel

March 12

Eucharistic Minister

March 5

Service Schedule for March2017

March Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Dave Alverson Janice Courson Bill Cross Darla Crowder Maurice Currie Ashton Gaff Marie Gibbs Tom Giles Tammy Hand & family Julianna Horn

Connor Aligood Adam Blankenship Daryl Coy Field Cross Mark Feely Patrick Ferguson Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff

Bob Matlock Jean Moss The Quilters Sarah Rivera & her boys Rusty Sellers Dee Dee Slattahaugh Texann Stephens Gloria Williamson Heidi Woods

Tim Heartford Johnny Hurd James Klinginsmith William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott Jeremy Wright

Birthdays in March

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer

Anniversaries in March

Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves.

26, Bill Vail

18, Tom & Rowena Chaapel; 30, Waymon & Deb Fulgham

Mar. 5, 2017— Calhoun Correctional Institution, Blountstown, Florida Mar. 12, 2017— Century Correctional Institution, Century, Florida Mar. 19, 2017— Graceville Correctional Facility, Graceville, Florida Mar. 26, 2017— Gulf Correctional Institution, Wewahitchka, Florida

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

We invite you to share in the 2017 Lenten email series from Episcopal Relief & Development. Each day during Lent you will receive a daily reflection, co-authored by a group of Anglican Communion and other faith leaders. During this season of reflection on our Christian faith, their writings will enhance your spiritual journey as they both inspire and challenge you. Each daily meditation is presented in both English and Spanish. You may pick up a copy of Lenten Meditations 2017 in the Narthex

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