Saint Monica's Messenger, May 2016

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Saint Monica's Episcopal Church


May 2016

From the Rector’s desk by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II

The bishop is coming! The bishop is coming! THE BISHOP IS COMING! FYI, I wrote the above sentences while imagining that scene in Bambi when the hunters are in the forest. Ack! Truthfully, the bishop’s visit CAN cause some trepidation, what with all the preparation we have to do, but honestly, it shouldn’t. The bishop’s visit should be like a homecoming, every time. I get excited about the bishop coming to visit for multiple reasons. First, I just like the guy. He’s genuinely a nice person, someone that I want to hang around with. I hope you get some “bishop time” when he’s here. You may find him to your liking as well. And you should know that I’ve had multiple good reports from parishioners who’ve had dealing with him or heard him preach. I imagine I’ll get more of those after this visit. Second, this is his first “official” visitation to St. Monica’s, which means I get to see how he does things. New is good. We get to be shaken up a little, moved out of our ruts. Just because things were done a certain way in the past, that doesn’t mean they have to be that way now. We human beings do that all the time. We assume the way we do things NOW is the only way to do them. It’s just lazy thinking, really. The bishop’s visit, especially a new bishop can encourage us down new and fruitful paths. Third, the bishop’s visitation is a reminder that we are a bigger church than we often imagine. The Episcopal Church is bigger than just our walls, than just our property, than just our church. We’re a global church! And the bishop is a reminder of that. We are a diocese and we are led by a bishop. Sixty three churches, almost 20,000 people

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Dan Ferguson- Junior Warden/Co-Treasurer Linda Aligood —Treasurer Beth Woods, Susan Early, Ann Philen & John Velaski Brenda Ferguson—Church Secretary Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

call this particular bishop “their pastor.” His presence reminds me that Apalachicola is our church, that Coden is our church, that Wewahitchka is our church, that all those little places from South Alabama and Northwest Florida are our church. They are our parishioners too. We are bigger than we often remember, which means we have much more power in the world that we often give ourselves credit. And the bishop’s presence amongst us is a reminder of that wider authority and influence. And finally, I love having the bishop here because I’m proud of you! St. Monica’s is a great place. It deserves to be shared with all our friends and neighbors. And we’re going places! Our many ministries are prideworthy, and our latest project, the thrift store, is going to be amazing! I love this congregation and I want our bishop to see that and you. So, make sure you are here on May 4th at 6:00 pm. It’ll be a homecoming and an introduction to our new family member at the same time. Peace, Anthony+

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

May is for mothers and more

About Camp Happy Sands

By Nurse Sally

From the agency’s website

Is it really May already? Trees have burst into bloom and beautiful flowers as well. Unfortunately, with things that bloom, their pollen comes along too! (Source, Pollen doesn’t mean to bug you. It’s there to help plants reproduce. But if you inhale it, it can cause allergy symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy throat, cough, sore throat and hoarse voice. If you have to be outside, try these tips:  Check pollen counts before you plan outdoor activities.  Limit how much time you spend outside during the morning or midday, when pollen counts are at their highest.  Wear sunglasses to keep it out of your eyes.  Have someone else mow your grass. Don’t rake leaves during pollen season. And if you must do yard work, wear a mask.  Going on vacation? Look for a place where pollen is low, such as the beach.  Change your clothing when you come indoors. Shower and wash your hair first. We have so much to celebrate and be thankful for in the Merry Ole Month of May; the Bishop’s visit, St. Monica’s Day, Memorial Day, and of course, Mothers. I remember this phrase which is a favorite of mine: “I know how special mothers can be. But you know what I have discovered? I see my mother every day when I look in the mirror, and it is up to me to make her smile. I like that, so I always try to make her smile by doing the best I can each day. I hope she is proud. I know she must be, she always smiles back.” Author unknown With so many activities to look forward to here at St. Monica’s and our monthly pot lucks and Band of Brothers and Sisters Breakfasts, I want to issue a word of caution to our food handlers. If you are going to be handling food, remember your “cleanliness is next to Godliness” manners. This means washing your hands often and wearing the gloves provided in the kitchen and Parish Hall. If you are handling other things such as money, remember to change gloves as well. Do not cough or sneeze around food and use the hand sanitizer that is available. Diners as well as food handlers should use the hand sanitizer before entering the buffet line. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day! Nurse Sally

Our Charity of the Month for May is Camp Happy Sands. The mission of Camp Happy Sands is “to provide a cost-free day-camp experience and learning opportunities for children of lower income families, conducted in a faith based environment among a natural setting of God's creation.” Camp Happy Sands, a free summer day camp supporting children of low income and disadvantaged families within the greater Pensacola area, was founded in 1967. It was the “dream project” of two remarkable ladies, Corinne Jones & Ila Roose. Mrs. Roose who died in 2010 was the director of Camp Happy Sands for over 20 years. Mrs. Jones retired from the camp in 1984 and died in 1994. She dedicated her life to the children of the Pensacola Community. For more on the history of Camp Happy Sands, visit the website at The legacy of these two great women is stilled carried on today. In 2014, over 264 campers ranging in ages from 6 to 11 participated. During a typical day, the children participate in craft activities, guided nature walks, swimming, games and music. Guest speakers are invited to provide talks and demonstrations with child interaction on topics such as environmental stewardship, natural resources and the protection and understanding of wildlife and plants. You can help further the ministry of Camp Happy Sands by donating funds or items from the list below. Wish List in order of priority:  Good Beach Towels (running very low)  Bathing Suits: Girls -5t to 7/8 (completely out)  Sunscreen SPF 50 only (no sports spray please) (very low)  Gas Cards (Wal-Mart/Sam's)  Lowes gift cards (for replacing boards on the board walk)  Magic Pony Beads (uv beads that change color in the sun)  Bag Stuffers– prizes (goggles, small stuffed animals, small craft kits from dollar store)  Children’s nature or animal books (for the kids to read in the vans)  Foam Crafting Sheets  Foam sea life stickers  CD’s (used or new) for crafting  Medium boogie boards  Medium storage totes For more information, please contact Allison Sanchez, Operations Director.

Saint Monica’s Messenger

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Diocesan Acolyte Festival

Godly Play training at St. Simon’s

Make plans to attend the first annual Diocesan Acolyte Festival on Saturday, August 20th at Christ Church Cathedral in Mobile. Registration begins at 8:30 am, Eucharist begins at 10:00 am with the dedication of acolytes, followed by lunch and workshops to train acolytes. Learn why we do what we do, learn how to use a thurible, learn about the Cathedral, and much more. Acolytes should come with “holy hardware” from their church, including robes, crosses, torches, banners, and thuribles. The event will be led by Mike Harding, Acolyte Master at Holy Nativity, Panama City; Bishop Russell Kendrick and the Rev. Dan Wagner, Canon Pastor at Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile and hosted by the Commission on Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Acolytes should come with their adult acolyte leaders who are invited to vest and process with their acolytes. Rectors and clergy are also invited to join us. Vesting color is green. The event will conclude at 3:45 pm. Any group coming from a distance can stay at Beckwith Camp and Retreat Center on Friday, August 19th at a reduced rate. Please contact James Lawrence, Diocesan Youth Coordinator at or (251) 616-2162 to reserve lodging space. Register online at

St. Simon's on the Sound, Fort Walton Beach, will host “Godly Play Commuter Core Training” from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, on three Saturdays this year. The three sessions will take place on May 14, August 13, and November 12. The trainer will be Barbara Sears and the host Ansley Walker, Director of Children's and Youth Ministry at St. Simon's. Module 1, Saturday, May 14, is entitled “Growing as God's People: Sacred Stories & Supporting the Circle of Children.” Module 2, Saturday, August 13, will be “Engaging God's Playful Word: Parables & Honoring the Spirituality of the Child.” Module 3, Saturday, November 12, is called “Building Holy Rituals & Spaces: Liturgical Action & Creating Sacred Environments.” Standard registration, received three or more weeks in advance of the training date, is $125.00 per module. Late registration is $155.00 per module. Registration is limited to fifteen participants per module. Lunch will be included in the registration fee. Participants will be expected to read Teaching Godly Play: How to Mentor the Spiritual Development of Children by Jerome W. Berryman before attending training. A Kindle edition is now available. Participants are asked to be present for the entire training session. Register online at

St. Christopher's Concerts in full swing The concerts take place on the church lawn and begin at 6:00 pm. The public is invited and admission is free. Bring lawn chairs and snacks if desired. A concession stand will feature weekly specials from local restaurants, hot dogs, ice cream, and soft drinks. The full 2016 schedule is as follows: May 5 - Mass Konfuzion (classic rock, R&B, Pop) May 12 - Bay Bridge Band (pop/rock from 60's, 70's, 80's) May 19 - Cross Town Band In case of rain or adverse weather, cancellation will be announced by 4:00 pm on day of concert. Tune in WEARTV 3 for four o'clock news or call Ron Quillen at (850) 292-3254 or St. Christopher's Church at (850) 433-0074.

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

What is Cursillo?

From the Coastal Pilgrims website

Cursillo (“Cur see yo”) is a three-day weekend that introduces people to simple methods for nurturing and growing their relationships with Christ. It provides an experience of living in a Christian community centered in worship, prayer, study of scripture, and interaction with other Christians. Its mission is to build up our parish churches by encouraging and empowering its members to prepare for doing the work of the church- the spreading of the Gospel. Why go? The cost is covered by generous donations from the members of the Cursillo family. It is relaxing. It is fun. It is a rare opportunity to spend three days of undistracted attention to what God has to say to us. All your needs will be take care of. The food is delicious. If you ask people who have been, most will tell you that it was a very positive and valuable experience. Many will tell you that it was a starting point for important changes in their relationships with Christ How do I register? Talk to Kathy Vail, your Cursillo Liaison. Where is it located? Camp Beckwith 10400 Beckwith Lane, Fairhope, AL 36532 Rooms have a private bath and 2 beds. What do I need for the weekend? Casual clothes No alcohol Personal care items, including shampoo/conditioner. An attitude of adventure Your favorite pillow if you are particular about those things What’s expected of participants? To be open and willing to respond to what you experience, to share your feelings with others, and allow them to share theirs with you. To make a genuine effort to discover where you are and where or how you can grow in your Christian life. To feel secure in the knowledge that you are accepted where you are and as you are, and to know that a specific response is not expected of you.

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves. May 1, 2016 Santa Rosa Correctional Institution, Milton, Florida May 8, 2016 Walton Correctional Institution, De Funiak Springs, Florida May 15, 2016 Atmore Community Work Center, Atmore, Alabama May 22, 2016 Camden Work Release, Camden, Alabama May 29, 2016 Easterling Correctional Facility, Clio, Alabama

Upcoming Youth Events

Summer Camps at Beckwith - May 29-August 2 Episcopal Night at the Ballpark - Friday, June 17th at 5:30 pm (Maritime Park, Pensacola) Diocesan Acolyte Festival - Saturday, August 20th (Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile) EYC Kickoff - Sunday, August 28th (Beckwith) Baylights Weekend - September 30th - October 2nd (Beckwith) National Acolyte Festival - October 8th (Washington National Cathedral) Province IV Leadership Gathering - December 1-3 (Lake Logan Episcopal Center, Canton, NC) Happening #53 - February 3-5, 2017 (Holy Nativity, Panama City)

Sunday, May 8

John Velaski

Lector Epistle reading

Beth Woods Connie Chamberlin

Ann Philen

Pauline Somerville Brenda Ferguson


Coffee Hour

Carol Farrel

Susan Early

Eucharistic Visitor

Vestry of the Day

Ann Philen

John Velaski

Pauline Somerville

May 22

Potluck Lunch

Jeanine Black Jeni Zayas Susan Early: In loving memory of her parents, Sidney and Joyce Bass

Audrey Westbrook Dodie Matlock Pauline Somerville: In honor of Vivine Knapp

Chuck Barnett

Ray Farrel

Dan Ferguson

Carol Farrel

Beth Woods

John Velaski

Valerie Smith

Beth Woods Ann Philen

Carol Farrel

Jackie Wright

Jim Morningstar & Ray Farrel Ray Farrel & Jim Warner

Beth Woods

Dave Somerville

Trey MacWhinnie. Katherine Chaapel

Valerie Smith

Katherine Chaapel

John Velaski

Beth Woods

Fred Woods

John Velaski

May 29

Trey MacWhinnie & Bailee McGuffin John Velaski & Dave Somerville Jeff Woods Dan Ferguson

Ray Farrel

Carol Farrel

Ron Philen

Connie Chamberlin

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.

Jeanine Black




Dora Giles

Tom Chaapel & Dave Somerville Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner


Katherine Chaapel

Trey MacWhinnie. Katherine Chaapel Chuck Barnett & Connie Chamberlain Jim Morningstar & Ray Farrel


Tom Chaapel

Dan Ferguson

Chuck Barnett

Beth Woods

Psalm Pauline Somerville

Dan Ferguson

Connie Chamberlin

Fred Woods

Dave Somerville

Lector 1st Lesson

Ron Philen

May 15

John Velaski

May 8

Eucharistic Minister

May 1

Service Schedule for May 2016

May Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Linda Aligood Gayle Bass Melanie Branch Bill Cross Zoey Dickenson Ashton Gaff Benjamin Gaff Kari K. Garcia Julianna Horn Dave Lambert Julian Lewis Myron Lewis Bob Matlock Mike McElliot

Connor Aligood Adam Blankenship Josh Braymen Daryl Coy Field Cross Mark Feely Patrick Ferguson Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Tim Heartford Mark Hill Johnny Hurd James Klinginsmith

Frank Murphy Ashton Resmondo Maggie Rose Rodak Becky Scott Rusty Sellers Dee Dee Slettahaugh Rick Thompson Audrey Westbrook Brennis Whaley Trey Whaley Roy Whaley Jr. David Wolfe Melanie Velaski

William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott Jeremy Wright


14, Dave Somerville

Anniversaries …

22, Ray & Carol Farrel If your birthday or anniversary is not listed or not listed correctly, please let Brenda Ferguson or Viv Welch know.

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

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