The Messenger Newsletter, November 2016

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November 2016

From the Rector’s desk by Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II

It’s been a busy summer here at St. Monica’s. It seems our little church is always doing something, moving from one project to the next. And we’ve had more than our share of funerals this year! We really have. Some really good folks, long time and active members, have gone on to that better place, where there is no sorrow, and there is no sighing. Rest in peace and may God bless their families and ours. We’re still here, though, and we’ve got work to do. We have ministry to live into. And we have a gospel to spread. The thrift store is off to a roaring start! The grand opening was just last week and no surprise, we had our best week ever at the store. The word is really getting out there about Monica’s Attic. Bishop Kendrick was really, really impressed with the store. He said it rivalled the best in the diocese! And that’s saying something. We just need to keep spreading the word. It’s already helped a lot of people and will continue to do so. Praise God. The stewardship campaign for this year has been a low key affair. Hopefully you’ve noticed the “Looking for Love?” signs out front and on Highway 29. Fred Woods did a really good job with that and pointed us towards another form of stewardship, that of inviting. Yes, pledge cards are out and we will have an ingathering and blessing of the pledges on November 20th, but there is more to it than that. Many of the members of our church would not have become members if someone hadn’t invited them! It’s a simple thing really. You know a person. You invite that person. Your friends, families, neighbors, heck even your mail carrier… Anyone! It just takes a moment of forethought. Put it into your head, “I’m going to invite someone to church this week.” It doesn’t cost you anything and hey… They might actually take you up on it! Embrace your ministry of inviting!

Our Staff & Vestry Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Jim Warner- Junior Warden Beth Woods, Susan Early, Ann Philen & John Velaski Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

As we end our liturgical year and begin another, I want to leave you with this. It’s a line from a song by the band Semisonic. The song is called “Closing Time”, and no it’s not about what you think… The line is “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” This line reminds me that for there to be positive growth and change, sometimes we have to put the past behind us. In 2 Corinthians is says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” New beginnings… The end of one year, and the beginning of another… There is promise and hope in that. In Isaiah it says “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” I perceive it. Peace, Anthony+

Ingathering & Blessing of Pledges November 20 Please pick up your pledge card in the narthex and return it by November 20

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Flu shots and diabetes focus of November health topics by Nurse Sally Putters Before we enter the many activities that fall brings us, I want to mention that we were all saddened by Dave Somerville’s death and we all extend our condolences and love to Pauline and family. He will be missed. So much is going on and it is such a beautiful time of year. The colored landscape and the nip in the air are so refreshing. I grew up in Nebraska and it could be downright cold by now. Several years ago we went back to celebrate my parents 70th wedding anniversary and a blizzard swept across the plains. The interstates were closed and we were all stranded for two days. Wouldn’t you know our luggage got lost and we were stranded in Nebraska in our Florida clothes! Holidays are precious times to spend with family and friends. Those relationships are so special. Mr. Bill appreciates the wonderful foods we partake of during the seasons. To ensure you enjoy your holidays and are not taken down by the dreaded flu virus, we will be providing a Flu Shot Clinic on November 5th from 9 until 11:30 am. Sacred Heart Health Systems’ Mission in Motion will be giving FREE flu shots to anyone over 18 years of age. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to take advantage of this great opportunity. As mentioned earlier it is a time we partake of lots of delicious food, so a word or two of caution. November is American Diabetes Month. Today, nearly 30 million children and adults have diabetes. Every 23 seconds, another individual is diagnosed, making diabetes one of the fastest growing diseases in America. Not only is it one of our nation’s greatest public health challenges, but almost 86 million adults have pre-diabetes, a number likely to lead to diabetes if not addressed. American Diabetes Month focuses the nation’s attention on the disease and the tens of millions of people affected by it. The 2016 theme is “This Is Diabetes” (American Diabetes Association). So enjoy those holiday goodies, but don’t over indulge and remember those who are dealing with diabetes.

Outreach: Recently, Dodie Matlock delivered 40 chemotherapy caps crafted by Audrey Westbrook to the Sacred Heart Cancer Center. Pictured here are receptionists Lisa Halford and Paula Carlisle.

Election engagement “If we who are Christians participate in the political process and in the public discourse as we are called to do — the New Testament tells us that we are to participate in the life of the polis, in the life of our society — the principle on which Christians must vote is the principle, Does this look like love of neighbor?" – Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, March 2016 Episcopalians can live out our call to care for our neighbors as ourselves by engaging in the public square. This November 8, our nation will head to the polls to decide a number of important elections, and there are many opportunities for Episcopalians to engage in this electoral process. Official Episcopal policy recognizes voting and political participation as acts of Christian stewardship, calling upon congregations to engage in conversation on public policy issues, to develop voter registration and issue education campaigns, and to advocate for protection of voting rights. A faithful commitment to political participation aligns with our Baptismal Covenant’s promise to “strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being.” Encourage voting: #EpiscopaliansVote Collect For an Election (BCP pg. 822) Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States (or of this community) in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. A men.

Saint Monica’s Messenger

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November Charity of the Month

Saint Monica's Parish Choir Need You!

For our charity of the month for November we will be providing a Thanksgiving meal for a needy family. This family of two adults and six children was recommended to us by the guidance counselors at Jim Allen Elementary School. How can you contribute? Suggested items you can contribute are listed below: Corn Meal Sugar Flour Large bag of potatoes Large bag of sweet potatoes Canned vegetables Canned fruit Jellied Cranberry Sauce Dry mixes for Turkey Gravy Eggs Butter/Oleo Frozen pie crusts Donations for the Charity of the Month can be dropped off in the Narthex on Sunday Mornings. Thank you for your generosity. If you would like to donate cash toward the purchase of a turkey or other frozen items, contact Ann Philen.

Special Potluck Lunch After church,

Sunday, November 6 In celebration of the blessing of Chris & Rachel Palma’s marriage.

Rehearsals Thursdays, 4:00 to 5:15 pm & Sunday mornings, 8:30 to 9:15 am. We are working on Advent & Christmas Music No Experience Necessary and there are no auditions! All you need is a willingness to try. We would love for you to join us! Please talk to any choir member or call Twinette McDonald at 850-748-0335 or email

Youth Praise Singers—Ages 6-15 Sunday Mornings, 9:15 to 9:45 am

We meet in the children's classroom and we are working on Thanksgiving and Christmas music! We will sing at Christmas Eve Service Saturday, December 24.

Taco sol la Night Friday, November 25, 4:00 to 9:00 PM. The menu includes Singing, Tacos and Games!

For more information and to sign up, please contact Ms. Twinette McDonald at 850-748-0335 or

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Saint Monica’s Messenger

Monica’s Attic opens to enthusiastic crowd

A crowd of volunteers and shoppers listen to words of prayer and encouragement from Bishop Kendrick and Father Anthony.

On October 25, our dream came true as we officially embarked on a new ministry with the Grand Opening Celebration of Monica’s Attic Thrift Store. An enthusiastic crowd of volunteers and shoppers gathered around the front entrance as Father Anthony thanked all those who helped to bring the dream to reality. Before Father Anthony cut the ribbon, Bishop Russell offered words of encouragement and prayer. In the Episcopal tradition, Bishop Russell struck the front door three times with his crosier blessing the store and its mission in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Bishop Russell’s prayer: Almighty God, all we have and all we are is from you; As we gather here today, we entrust this place of ministry and service to you. Thank you for your presence, strength & wisdom that have guided the people of St. Monica’s in the discussions and decisions that have brought about this place.

Save the date!

Caroling and Bonfire

With hotdogs and hot cocoa!

Sunday, December 11, 4:00 to 6:30 PM

As the doors of this store are opened – bless all who work here with wisdom and compassion. Give them a generous and gracious heart as they welcome strangers, for we never know when a stranger who enters this place might just be an angel. Bless those who enter these doors to shop and to be served. May they find in this place and in these people the dignity and respect they deserve as children of God. Guide the people of St. Monica’s to be faithful stewards Bishop Russell marks the of the money given to them, threshold and blesses and may what they are given Monica’s Attic always be used to the furthering of your kingdom. And as a sign of our common faith, let us pray the Lord’s Prayer together. (recited The Lord’s Prayer) May the Spirit of God who went before the people of Israel into a new land be your guide as you begin this new journey. May the presence of Jesus who called us to serve the least of all be your inspiration in all that you do. May the power of the Holy Spirit prosper the work of your hands. And may the peace of God be upon this place and all who enter here. In the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen Dawn and the volunteers have done an amazing job getting Monica’s Attic up and running, but there is a lot more to operating a thrift store than just opening the doors. Like any business, inventory must be sorted and priced, the shelves need to be stocked and restocked, the bathrooms need to be cleaned, the floors need to be swept and mopped, trash needs to be taken out and customers need assistance. To coin an all too familiar phrase, it takes a village. You are that village. Your help is needed. Volunteer shifts are from two to four hours and even for those with limited physical ability. If all you can do is just sit, then maybe you can be on the register. If you are not comfortable around strangers, then maybe you can be in the storeroom sorting clothes. Are you good at decorating? Maybe you can stage the merchandise. Do you work during the week? Maybe Saturday is the day for you. Can you build things? There’s a list of things that you can do. We’ve dreamed of this ministry for a long time. The profits Monica’s Attic generates will benefit our growing Beans and Rice Distribution and our other outreach ministries. With all of us working together, we can make Monica’s Attic a success. Volunteer today!

Ray Farrel Katherine Chaapel & Ballie McGuffin John Velaski and Tom Chaapel

Ann Philen Jeni Zayas & Dora Giles

Trey MacWhinnie Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel

Valarie Smith Jeff Woods & Chuck Barnett Beth Woods Danise Beadle & Jeanine Black To the glory of God Jackie Wright

Pauline Somerville

Katherine Chaapel & Ballie McGuffin

John Velaski

Bill Ramsey & Jim Warner

Carol Farrel


To the glory of God

Valerie Smith

John Velaski

Lector Epistle Reading





Coffee Hour



Eucharistic Visitor

Carol Farrel

Beth Woods

To the glory of God


Jeanine Black Pauline Somerville John Velaski



Beth Woods








December 4

To the glory of God


Carol Farrel

Jim Morningstar & Ron Giles

Trey MacWhinnie & Katherine Chaapel Chuck Barnett and Connie Chamberlin

Beth Woods

Tom Chaapel

Kathy Vail

John Velaski

November 27

* If you are unable to meet your obligation, please call a replacement, or swap with someone.

Ray Farrel

Carol Farrel

Chuck Barnett

Beth Woods


Ray Farrel & Jim Warner

Ron Philen

Connie Chamberlin

Fred Woods

Connie Chamberlin

Lector 1st Lesson

John Velaski

November 20

Ron Philen

November 13

Eucharistic Minister

November 6

Service Schedule for November

November Prayer Requests

Military and First Responders Prayer List

Janice Courson Bill Cross Ashton & Tracie Ferguson Gabriel Ferguson Ashton Gaff Marie Gibbs Julianna Horn Bob Matlock Jean Moss The Quilters Maggie Rose Rodak Rusty Sellers Dee Dee Slettahaugh

Connor Aligood Adam Blankenship Daryl Coy Field Cross Mark Feely Patrick Ferguson Aaron Gaff Adrian Gaff Benjamin Gaff Tim Heartford

Texan Stephens Eddie Velaski Melanie Velaski Heidi Woods Jackie Wright

Johnny Hurd James Klinginsmith William Knapp Andrew Kuntz Cody Melancon Chase Scott Jeremy Wright

Prison Ministry Cycle of Prayer Birthdays in November

Please make your prayers for the inmates, staff, victims of crime everywhere, and their families at each of these institutions rather than for the institutions themselves.

Anniversaries in November

Nov. 6, Monroe County Jail, Monroeville, Alabama Nov. 13, Mobile County Metro Jail, Mobile, Alabama Nov. 20, Washington County Jail Chatom, Alabama Nov. 27, Wilcox County Detention Center, Camden Alabama

13, Shelby Kizer; 14, Fred Woods; 17, Ann Philen, Viv Welch; 24, Anthony MacWhinnie

None on record

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church 699 South Highway 95-A Cantonment, Florida 32533 We’re on the web at

Phone: 850-937-0001 E-mail: All are welcome!

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