St. Monica's Messenger Newsletter - September 2015

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Saint Monica's Episcopal Church


September 2015

From the Rector’s desk—the value of volunteers by The Rev. Anthony MacWhinnie, II An article was posted on your St. Monica’s Facebook page, just this week that was singing the praises of volunteers in the church. And, by the way, that article was posted by another volunteer. So much of what is accomplished at St. Monica’s is done by unsung, volunteer heroes. The bulletins every Sunday are done by Brenda, who volunteers most of her time as church secretary. And this last week the copier was out of commission, so she took it upon herself to get the bulletin done, then to take it to a copier place to be copied. She really goes out of her way on a weekly basis, but even more so this week. Dan is your Jr. Warden, which means he has a lot of responsibilities with regards to maintenance here. He could just “call someone”, but he doesn’t. He spends a tremendous amount of his own time working at the church, fixing and improving things. And Viv, wow! The newsletter you are reading right now, the website, the Facebook page, all that communication, the face of St. Monica’s to the electronic world… That’s all Viv! And that’s all volunteered time on her part. John makes the monthly server schedule and trains acolytes and servers. Dave keeps the altar guild scheduled and trained and both John and Dave cover any gaps when folks can’t make it. And then there is the whole host of folks who serve on the altar and acolyte and read and the choir who sing in services. And the crew that mows the major portion of our lawn with the tractor and bush hog, Dan, Ray, and Gary. And the ladies that coordinate the Beans and Rice ministry, Connie and Ann. And all those quilters wrangled by Texann. And do you know what Pauline did this week? She came in and literally wiped out a mold problem we were having in Thee House! And who else? BoBS cooks, Fred and Tom and Mike. And Susan who coordinates all of our yard sales! And the vestry who volunteers their time

as well! And Linda our treasurer and bookkeeper! We couldn’t keep the lights on without her! And Beth with the beautiful flowers! And Jim and Jackie who seem to do a bit of all of the above! And the list goes on! And here’s the thing… I’m sure I missed some people! And I’m sorry if I missed you. You are valued too! So much of what is right about the church is in that little list. People go out of their way to help and to serve, and none of them do it for the recognition, although a little recognition is nice once in a while. It’s nice to be appreciated, surely. But mostly, I think they do it because they want to serve. They see needs and they fill them. They have skills and they use them. They have time and they give it. They have gifts given by God and they freely give them back to this community. That’s good stuff, right there. And I’m glad to be a part of this Christian community. Now, just because there is already a list of people doing things, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for you. There is always room! Let someone know if you have a desire to volunteer. Not only do we need you, but we crave your presence. Come and be a blessing to us! All are welcome. Anthony+

Our Staff & Vestry The Rev, Anthony MacWhinnie, II, Rector Vestry: Chuck Barnett - Senior Warden Dan Ferguson- Junior Warden/Co-Treasurer Linda Aligood —Treasurer Susan Early, Frank Murphy, Ann Philen & John Velaski Viv Welch—Clerk of the Vestry Brenda Ferguson—Church Secretary Twinette McDonald - Music Director Sally Putters - Parish Nurse

This is a non-profit organization that provides care for injured or orphaned wildlife. Please help by bringing any of the supplies that are on the list in the Narthex.

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