Virtus SJC Yearbook 2013

Page 11

Josephines We’ve had another wonderful year with our Josephines and two annual gatherings. The first at Lyndon Grove on Wednesday 27 May for dinner. The room was abuzz with friends old and new catching up and sharing stories with 78 guests attending. We were warmly welcomed and were treated to a delicious meal. Principal, Paul Tobias commenced proceedings by thanking us for our ongoing support of the College. Mark Turner, Educational Support Coordinator, reiterated introduced Jess Crucitti, a past student, who spoke of his life’s journey as a student with autism at St Joseph’s. He told of his hard work and the great support given to him from College staff and of course his family. Jess spoke of his ambition to get a full time job possibly working in the electrical industry, as well as being a Geelong Football League boundary umpire being selected to umpire in the finals for that competition. Jess’ final remark was that his life is great and he looks forward to everyday. His autism has never held him back but instead, has made him and those around him better people. Jess thanked our Josephine’s for attending and in turn helping boys like himself. All present were moved by Jess’ story, determination and positive outcome. The roving microphone was passed around the room with guests telling us news from their families. Sharryn Shaw had a particularly interesting story about her daughter’s amazing wedding in America. It was lovely to have Pat Bourke attend. Pat is a past parent, long-serving staff member and volunteered in our College Uniform Shop. Pat has been coping with health issues, so it was extra special to welcome her and daughter Julie. As it was around Easter time, we managed a short Easter egg hunt and spot prizes for the ladies, it was a fun filled evening. Our Spring Lunch held on 9 October saw us travel to Terindah Estate. First, we enjoyed a catch up drink in the Barry McFarlane pavilion, where David Formosa, Development Manager welcomed guests, Mark Turner thanked the Josephines once again for supporting of the Educational Support Program. Kylie Pretty, English and Religious Education Teacher, outlined a Skills for Life Program that has been running for 3 years. Students work with Kylie one period a week and use iPads purchased for this program to assist

boys with spelling, writing and oral language. This equipment was funded by our Josephines’. Kylie gave some great feedback from her students.Three funded students have been volunteering once a week at a not for profit fruit and vegie shop in Norlane called 2 & 5. Our goal for these boys is for them to gain experience in a supported work environment so they can apply for part time jobs. On our bus trip to Terindah Estate, the ladies played bingo, which was a lot of fun. Marj McElligott and Glenys Bath were both winners. Before long we reached our destination set amongst rolling hills and vineyards overlooking Corio Bay, a truly beautiful setting. Following our yummy lunch, Paul Tobias gave an overview of what has taken place in our College over the year and of the new and exciting developments that are underway. Kate announced two special celebrations for some Josephines, the 80th birthday of Kath O’Brien and the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Elaine and Jim Machar recently. Our 62 guests shared news including Sharryn Shaw who gave an update from her earlier story and is now looking forward to being a grandma! There were some lucky prize draws, thanks to Terindah who generously donated a $100 dinner voucher and 2 wine packs. This year our Josephine’s Group has raised just over $1000 towards our Educational Support Program for students with special needs helping many young boys at St Joseph’s College. Thank you, past and present mums, staff and friends, for your continued support and friendship. Thank you to Natasha Solczaniuk - Events Coordinator and David Formosa Development Manager for their invaluable assistance in organising our events this year and for monitoring our ever growing data base. Special thanks are also extended to Lauren Salcombe, for creatively preparing all our correspondence and constantly supporting us in all we do. For those in our community who have experienced difficult times, illness and loss throughout the year please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and we are all just a phone call away.We will continue this tradition of gathering twice a year and warmly welcome past mums, staff and friends to join us. Thank you all for being a part of our Josephines in 2013.

“This year our Josephine’s Group has raised just over $1000 towards our Educational Support Program for students with special needs helping many young boys at St Joseph’s College. Thank you, past and present mums, staff and friends, for your continued support and friendship.” - SJC Josephines

Jess Crucitti speaking to the Josephines

Kate Parke, Jane Rodgers & Maureen Bryant – Coordinators


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Articles inside

Roll Call _____________________________Pages

pages 132-134

Debating & Public Speaking Groups __________Pages

pages 121-123

Cast of Arturo Ui & Cyber Cats ________________Page

page 119

Valete _______________________________Pages

pages 129-131

Blood Bank & Breakfast Program _______________Page

page 117

T-Experts & Sustainability _____________________Page

page 118

ACC Athletics, Cycling & Chess ________________Page

page 116

Basketball ________________________________Page

page 115

Cross Country ________________________Pages

pages 113-114

Health & Physical Education ___________________Page

page 105

Football _____________________________Pages

pages 106-108

College Sports Results ______________________Page

page 104

Edmund Rice Day ____________________________Page

page 101

Project Kiziba _____________________________Page

page 102

College Houses ___________________________Page

page 103

Uganda Trip 2012 ____________________________Page

page 100

Kokoda Trip ________________________________Page

page 99

Systems Engineering __________________________Page

page 97

Production Design & Technology ________________Page

page 98

Information Technology _______________________Page

page 96

Sustainability _______________________________Page

page 94

Food Technology ____________________________Page

page 95

Science ___________________________________Page

page 93

Music _________________________________Pages

pages 88-92

Arts Faculty ____________________________Pages

pages 80-85

Creative Writing ____________________________Page

page 78

LOTE ____________________________________Page

page 79

English ________________________________Pages

pages 76-77

Humanities ________________________________Page

page 74

LitFest 2013 _______________________________Page

page 75

Educational Learning Support __________________Page

page 73

Careers __________________________________Page

page 72

VET _____________________________________Page

page 70

From the Archives ___________________________Page

page 15

VCAL _________________________________Pages

pages 68-69

Mission ___________________________________Page

page 63

Curriculum ________________________________Page

page 66

Student Leaders ____________________________Page

page 67

Community Service __________________________Page

page 64

ATSI Partnerships ___________________________Page

page 65

Principal’s Report ___________________________Pages

pages 4-6

College Board Report _________________________Page

page 7

Foundation Report ____________________________Page

page 10

Josephines __________________________________Page

page 11

Old Collegians’ Association ____________________Page

page 13

College Captains Report _______________________Page

page 8

Parents & Friends ___________________________Page

page 12

Major Building Works __________________________Page

page 9
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