Virtus SJC Yearbook 2013

Page 76

English “We did hip-hop and he showed us how to do ‘b boy/b girl’ moves and it was really interesting to find out what he does as a job. I learnt that there is a lot of good moves out there and many different styles of dancing that look great. At the end of the day we had a good time and we learnt a few tricks.” - Mitchell Wharmby, Year 8

LITFEST REVIEWS Students were asked to write a review on the presenters from this year’s LitFest as part of their english classes, here are some of the responses from the Year 8 class that visited break dancer Arch Illias. My English class and I went to the library to watch a hip hop dancer called Arch Ilias. However, I arrived at school late so I missed out on the first part of the hip hop dance, but it didn’t worry me because I learnt two cool moves.The first is when you get in a bridge position and then kick your feet out and land back in the starting position and then do it again, the second is when you do a headstand and make a picture with your legs like a 4. It was cool. Harry Bateman I saw a guy called Arch Illias; he break dances and does pop style hip hopping and he does all these cool moves. We got up and learned some moves and he showed us step by step how to do some sick moves. It was pretty easy but we looked pretty bad. I learnt not to fall on my face when dancing and to make it look good when you do fall. Dancing is a life skill that when you do meet the ladies you will need. Callum Cruchley During LitFest our class met a special guy named Arch Illias. He was very popular because he has won lots of break dancing competitions. We went to the library to meet Arch, he was very polite and cool and he taught us some dance routines. He even showed us his dance moves he used to win the competition. We attempted it but we couldn’t do it very well! I really enjoyed this experience because it showed me how hard it can be to be a professional breakdancer. Christopher Jurkovic Our class went to see Arch Illias in the library. Arch is a breakdancer and he taught us some of the basic moves he knew. As an audience member we had to participate in some of the activities which included doing basic moves such as stepping in and out and then to the more complex of kicking our legs out while balancing on two arms and doing a different version of the hand stand. From watching and participating in the presentation I learnt how to do some basic dance moves. The highlights were the hand stand moves. It was the most fun because I could actually do it! Hugh Stocks

Learning some dance moves from Arch Ilias


As a part of St Joseph’s College Literature Festival a variety of authors, musicians, artists and comedians came to the college to talk about their work. My Year 9 English class was fortunate enough to be recipients of Archimede Fusillo’s experience as an author. Archie came into the class and immediately had our attention with his interesting teaching methods. He started off by giving us 9 words that barely anyone knew the meaning of and asked us to create a sentence with them. When we finished he told us a sentence that included all the complex words, but no-one understood what the sentence meant. He then repeated the sentence using simple words and managed to get the meaning of the sentence across to us and made us laugh in the process. Through this he taught us to Keep It Simple Stupid or KISS for short and to always choose a simple word over a complex one. Matthew Graham -Year 9 FOUNDATION ENGLISH This year as part of Litfest the Year 9 foundation English class listened to award winning author Archimede Fusillo. The class read the novel “The Dons” in Term 3. In this novel Archie captures the voices, cultures and the pain and joy of being young and old. After reading the novel the boys made their own board games about the novel. Congratulations to all the boys for the work they completed. Kylie Pretty DERMOTT Honest, generous, sporty and competitive. Brother of Jimmy, Elly and Josh. Lover of the technicality of cricket, Heat of summer, and the crashing sound of waves. Who feels happiness, excitement, and sadness. Who needs family friends and laughter. Who gives kindness happiness and friendship. Who fears dying by being trapped under ground, being impaled by something. And zombie apocalypse. Who would like to see Collingwood crash and burn as a football club, go to Italy and see the Eiffel tower. Who lives in a small house in Torquay. Dermott Cooney - Year 7

Foundation English students meeting Author Archimede Fusillo

Board games based on the book “The Dons”

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Articles inside

Roll Call _____________________________Pages

pages 132-134

Debating & Public Speaking Groups __________Pages

pages 121-123

Cast of Arturo Ui & Cyber Cats ________________Page

page 119

Valete _______________________________Pages

pages 129-131

Blood Bank & Breakfast Program _______________Page

page 117

T-Experts & Sustainability _____________________Page

page 118

ACC Athletics, Cycling & Chess ________________Page

page 116

Basketball ________________________________Page

page 115

Cross Country ________________________Pages

pages 113-114

Health & Physical Education ___________________Page

page 105

Football _____________________________Pages

pages 106-108

College Sports Results ______________________Page

page 104

Edmund Rice Day ____________________________Page

page 101

Project Kiziba _____________________________Page

page 102

College Houses ___________________________Page

page 103

Uganda Trip 2012 ____________________________Page

page 100

Kokoda Trip ________________________________Page

page 99

Systems Engineering __________________________Page

page 97

Production Design & Technology ________________Page

page 98

Information Technology _______________________Page

page 96

Sustainability _______________________________Page

page 94

Food Technology ____________________________Page

page 95

Science ___________________________________Page

page 93

Music _________________________________Pages

pages 88-92

Arts Faculty ____________________________Pages

pages 80-85

Creative Writing ____________________________Page

page 78

LOTE ____________________________________Page

page 79

English ________________________________Pages

pages 76-77

Humanities ________________________________Page

page 74

LitFest 2013 _______________________________Page

page 75

Educational Learning Support __________________Page

page 73

Careers __________________________________Page

page 72

VET _____________________________________Page

page 70

From the Archives ___________________________Page

page 15

VCAL _________________________________Pages

pages 68-69

Mission ___________________________________Page

page 63

Curriculum ________________________________Page

page 66

Student Leaders ____________________________Page

page 67

Community Service __________________________Page

page 64

ATSI Partnerships ___________________________Page

page 65

Principal’s Report ___________________________Pages

pages 4-6

College Board Report _________________________Page

page 7

Foundation Report ____________________________Page

page 10

Josephines __________________________________Page

page 11

Old Collegians’ Association ____________________Page

page 13

College Captains Report _______________________Page

page 8

Parents & Friends ___________________________Page

page 12

Major Building Works __________________________Page

page 9
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