Season 2019/20 | Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballet

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3 Dear Audience With excitement we are looking forward to a season as rich and multifaceted as hardly any before. No less than five guest choreographers (a new record!) will enrich our reper­ toire with their characteristic signatures: After his highly acclaimed “Minus 16” the much val­ ued master choreographer Ohad Naharin returns to the Nuremberg ballet fans with his choreography “Secus”. Our ballet friends may further look forward to Edward Clug, one of the internationally much asked for choreog­ raphers of his generation. Finally the impressive lineup of our guests is completed by Bryan Arias and Joseph Her­ nandéz, exciting young artists who already work for the grand companies such as NDT and Les Ballets de Monte Carlo and who will bestow our ballet ensemble with tailor made choreographies. We follow the central idea of an intensified investment in our repertoire also in respect to our orchestra premiere. For the first time after “Monade” we again prepare a dou­ ble evening, focusing on one of the main personalities in ballet composition: Igor Stravinsky. After his Nuremberg Debut within our series “Made for us” Douglas Lee now creates for the first time a new work for the stage of the opera house: his perspective on “Petrushka”. And within my evolution as choreographer the examination of Stravin­ sky’s “Sacre du printemps” is without doubt a personal challenge. Last but not least I will restage with my dancers a new version of my dance piece “Submerge”, premiered last year with Ballet Zurich with a new score by Owen Belton. We all in all aim to add some highlights to our repertoire and gleam with anticipation! Come celebrate this season with us! Goyo Montero Ballet Director and Main Choreographer






5 Premiere: Performance Days: 21, 25, 28 December 2019; 11, 17, 26 January; 3, 5, 8, 29 Febru­ ary; 6 March 2020

Musical Director: Joana Mallwitz PETRUSCHKA Stage design / Costume design: Douglas Lee SACRE Stage design: Eva Adler, Goyo Montero Costume design: Angelo Alberto Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg

21 December 2019, Opera

STRAWINSKY A world famos rite of spring and ecstatic puppets: the new ballet evening is complete­ ly shaped by the pathbreaking music by Igor Stravinsky. Within Petrushka puppets arouse to sinistre activity. A Russian Vanity Fair forms the background to a story of jealousy and furor, real­ ity and demonic fantasy. After “Doll Songs” the internationally acclaimed choreographer Douglas Lee stages for the sec­ ond time a tailor made piece with the Nurem­ berg Company. Le Sacre du printemps provo­ ces with the presentation of an archaic ritual, wherein a woman gets sacrified to the god of fertility, in order to propitiate the forces of na­ ture. Goyo Montero now meets the challenge to dedicate his own interpretation to this singular ballet classic. “Petrushka” by Douglas Lee “Sacre” by Goyo Montero Music by Igor Strawinsky World Premiere






7 Premiere: Performance days: 24, 26, 29 April; 8, 15, 19, 24, 30 May 2020

SECUS Costume design: Rakefet Levy Lighting design: Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi) Sound design / Editing: Ohad Fishof HANDMAN Composer: Milko Lazar Costume design: Edward Clug Lighting design/ Installation: Tom Visser SUBMERGE Composer: Owen Belton

Photo: Gadi Dagon, Simen Zupancic, Alice Blangero

Costume design: Goyo Montero, Maude Vuilleumier Lighting design: Martin Gebhardt, Goyo Montero

24 April 2020, Opera

NAHARIN/ CLUG/ MONTERO Within our series of triple bills one of the cele­ brated master choreographers of our times returns to Nuremberg: Ohad Naharin. 2015 he bestowed us with his successful production “Minus 16”, now we proudly present another of his fabulous creations - “Secus“, initially created for Batsheva Dance Company and lastly per­ formed by State Ballet Berlin. Rumanian Edward Clug, artistic director of Mari­ bor Ballet, co-operates with the first companies worldwide, among them NDT, Bolshoi Ballet, Royal Ballet Flanders and Zurich Ballet. Within this season Ballet Nuremberg has the privilege to perform his creation “Handman”. Goyo Montero’s creation set to the music by Owen Belton carries the audience to the world of diving and evokes the fascination of the deep sea. The dance piece is an advancement of his choreography “Submerge”, created in 2018 for the Young Company of Zurich Ballet. Choreographies by Ohad Naharin (SECUS), Edward Clug (HANDMAN) and Goyo Montero (SUBMERGE) Music by Chari Chari, Kid 606 + Rayon, AGF, Chronomad, Fennesz, Kaho Naa...Pyar Hai, Seefeel, The Beach Boys, Milko Lazar, Owen Belton et al.






9 Premiere: Performance days: 20, 21, 26, 28 June; 4, 5 July 2020

Stage design / Costume design: Joseph Hernandez, Bryan Arias

20 June 2020, Schauspielhaus


Photo: Alice Bangero, Joris Jan Bos

Once again two relevant representatives of the newcomer generation present dance in step with the times – and custom-fitted for the dancers of Ballet Nuremberg. Joseph Hernandez’ choreographies (amongst others for Semperoper Dresden Ballett and Les Ballet de Monte Carlo) often derive from a the­ atrical context. With a precise instinct for emo­ tional nuances he uses scenes from everyday life for the artful interpretation through dance. Bryan Arias performed as soloist within sig­ nificant companies such as Nederlands Dans Theater and Crystal Pite’s Kidd Pivot. His cho­ reographic signature is the sensitive and playful exploration of sources of energies. He presently works for Ballet Basel, Nederlands Dans Theater or Juilliard School N. Y., amongst others. Choreographies by Joseph Hernandez and Bryan Arias World Premiere







MARCH 13 AND 14, 2020

IV INTERNATIONAL BALLET GALA On the initiative of „Friends of the Nuremberg Ballet”

For the fourth time the „Friends of the Nurem­ berg Ballet” present our International Ballet Gala in March 2020. Alongside highlights from our own productions we will again welcome acclai­ med star soloists from international companies to Nuremberg.

Photo: Ludwig Olah








KYLIÁN / GOECKE / MONTERO “A high-speed evening that touches on the innermost. (…) Montero’s incredibly flexible company proves once more its first-rate quality” Nürnberger Nachrichten “The Ballet evening ‘Kylian/Goecke/Montero’ gets under the skin in many ways. Thundering applause after each piece.” Süddeutsche Zeitung “(…) An almost breathtaking, modern perspective on the possibil­ ities of body, dance and highly concentrated expression.” Nürnberger Zeitung Photo: Jesús Vallinas

Choreographies by Jiří Kylián, Marco Goecke and Goyo Montero Revival: 11 October 2019, Opera Performances: 11, 14, 19, 27, 29 October; 2, 16 November 2019 Music by S. Reich, P. Smith, O. Belton, Jethro Tull, L. Reed, M. Poveda et al.







A MIDSUMMERNIGHT’S DREAM “Montero achieved great success with „A Midsummernight’s Dream.“ His darkly existential dance - and stage aesthetics match wonderfully with the Shakespeare topic, you shouldn’t miss this dreamlike pairing.” Nürnberger Zeitung “An impressively coherent, visually stunning production that discovers new facets within Shakespeare‘s seemingly all familiar piece.” Süddeutsche Zeitung “The Nuremberg Opera House once again celebrated a great, virtuoso dance company. Certainly, this breathes a lot virtuosity and perfection in dance.” Nürnberger Nachrichten

Photo: Jesús Vallinas

Dance piece by Goyo Montero Musical director: Lutz de Veer Music by O. Belton, F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy et al. Revival: 15 February 2020 Performances: 15, 18, 23, 25 February, 17, 21, 27 March; 6, 12 April 2020




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