archival snapshots
>From the National Philatelic Collection
Pre-Stamped Envelopes Mary MacKillop Between 1992 and 1994 Australia Post issued three Pre-Stamped Envelopes (PSE) honouring Mary MacKillop (1842–1909)
Designer: David Nelson, Melbourne
archival snapshots
>From the National Philatelic Collection
1992 Pre-Stamped Envelope 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mary MacKillop
c1866 photographer unknown
A Pre-Stamped Envelope (PSE) was issued in January 1992 to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Mary MacKillop (1842–1909). The stamp area on the PSE featured a photograph of Mary MacKillop taken shortly before 1866 when she founded the Josephite Order of nuns at Penola in South Australia. The illustration area at the left of the PSE depicts an impression of the “logo” of the Josephite Order, together with a nun involved in child care.
Designer: David Nelson, Melbourne
Technical details: Issue date: 15 January 1992 Stamp denomination: 45c Selling price: 55c Designer: David Nelson, Melbourne Printer: Mercury Walch, Hobart Printing process: Photolithography Envelope size: 190 x 110 mm National postmark: Penola SA 5277
archival snapshots
>From the national philatelic collection
1994 Pre-Stamped Envelopes Beatification of Mary MacKillop
In November 1994 two Pre-Stamped Envelopes (PSE) were issued to commemorate the beatification of Mary MacKillop (1842–1909). Pope John-Paul II conducted the beatification ceremony in Sydney on 19 January 1995. The two PSEs features the same general design as the 1992 PSE for the 150th anniversary of Mary MacKillop’s birth, but with additional gold printing of a Mitre and an inscription relating to the Pope’s visit. The first PSE is of standard size (the same as the 1992 PSE) and the second is a rescaled DL-size version.
archival snapshots
>From the National Philatelic Collection
The DL-size PSE was produced to meet requests for a PSE that accommodated an A4-size business letter. The DL-size PSE has the same design attributes as the standard PSE but it did not feature the Beatification Memento Card. Unlike the standard PSE, which was sold through the usual outlets, the DL-size PSE was available only by mail order. Technical details: Issue date: 3 November 1994 Stamp denomination: 45c Selling prices: 80c (Standard PSE with Beatification Memento Card); 55c (DL-size PSE) Designer: David Nelson, Melbourne Printer: Mercury Walch, Hobart Printing process: Photolithography Envelope sizes:190 x 110 mm (Standard PSE); 220 x 110 mm (DL-size PSE) National postmark: Sydney NSW 2000
Beatification Momento Card
1994 designer unknown
A Beatification Memento Card was included with the standard PSE. The memento depicted an early colour painting of Mary MacKillop along with an inscription relating to the beatification on one side, and text on the reverse paying tribute to the future saint.
archival snapshots
>From the National Philatelic Collection
The artist - David Nelson The 1992–94 Mary Mackillop Pre-Stamped Envelopes were designed by David Nelson of Melbourne, who also designed the 1991 Australian Insects stamp issue. A versatile illustrator, David Nelson has been involved “in many different fields – advertising, films, publishing, video clips, computer graphics development and philately”.
Note: The 1992–94 Pre-Stamped Envelopes are no longer on sale at Australia Post outlets. Collectors who wish to purchase these items must search for a stamp dealer offering them for sale. For details of stamp dealers and stamp fairs in your local area see: (Australasian Philatelic Traders’ Association website) /State/Stamp Fairs and Events (Australian Philatelic Federation website)
archival snapshots
>From the National Philatelic Collection
2010 Pre-Paid Envelope (PPE) Mary Mackillop
Mary MacKillop became the first Australian to become a saint when her canonisation ceremony took place in the Vatican on 17 October 2010. Prior to the canonisation, Australia Post issued a Pre-Paid Envelope on 6 April 2010 to commemorate the event. Technical details: Denomination: 65c Design: Adam Crapp, Australia Post Design Studio Printer: GEON, Tasmania Process: Lithography