BR FI Update

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Youhavefinishedlearningaboutwhoweare,now et’sfocusononeofourWHY’s.....theGUEST.

OurGuestisthereasonthatweareallhere,itisbecauseofherthatwehavetheSOFGfamilytobegin with.Wewanttoprovideourguestwiththebestexperienceimaginabe.Onewaythatwedothatisby listeningtoherthroughoutVoiceoftheGuestShops.

Listeningtothevoiceoftheguestisanessentialpracticeincreatingawelcomingandinclusiveenvironment, fosteringgenuineconnections,andensuringamemorableandmeaningfulexperiencefora.Everyguestbringswith themauniqueperspective,aweathofknowedge,andasetofexpectations. byactiveylisteningtotheir thoughts,desires,andconcerns,wenotonlymeettheirneedsbutalsoenrichourownunderstanding.

Guestsarethelifebloodofanycommunity,business,orgathering,andtheirvoicesarevaluabecompassesthat guideustowardimprovement.Theyofferinsightsthatcaninspireinnovation,shapeourdecisions,and eadto unparalleedgrowth Whenwe endanattentiveeartoourguests,weshowthemrespect,empathy,anda commitmenttotheirsatisfaction.

Theguest'svoiceholdsthepowertocreateasenseofbelonging,asitvalidatestheirpresenceandvaidates theirexperiences.Byhearingandacknowledgingtheirperspectives,wedemonstratethatwevauetheirinputand prioritizetheircomfortandwe-being.

Inaworldwherereationshipsandexperiencesareparamount,listeningtothevoiceoftheguestisnotjusta courtesy;it'sastrategicadvantage. tbuildstrust,loyaty,andareputationforbeingaplacewhereeveryone's voiceisheardandvaued.So,let'srecognizetheimportanceoftheguest'svoiceandmakeitanintegralpartof ourjourneytowardsexcelence,understanding,andsuccess.



This is the first impression that our guest wi receive of the brand. she may be your oyal friend that shops with you reguary but more than ikey she is new to the brand . This zone sets the tone for the entire experience and can determine whether or not your guest continues on throughout the store. This zone is aso one that can be very overwhelming to the shy associate on those busier days. You must ensure that you welcome everyone in with a sincere and genuine greeting that will capture a of their hearts

A few steps that you want to ensure that you nai are:

Did the associate greet the guest within 30 seconds of entering the store?

Did the associate make eye contact, provide a friendy greeting, and state their name?

Partner with your Leader to read our most recent VOG shop and see how we did in the First Impression.

What coud we have done better? What woud you have done differently? How did we make her fee?

Now et’s practice, Your Leader wi demonstrate the greeting on the next few guests then let’s see how you can do. The rest of your shift will be spent in the First mpression, Your Leader will check on you reguary, pease use the headset if you need assistance. You will regroup at the end to compete a quick survey to tell us all about the guest in the first impression.

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