Supply Order Guide
As we transition to FedEx for all of our shipping needs, we will also start the transition of supply ordering as well. Going forward you WILLNOTneed to order shipping labels from store supplies. Effective immediately, you will be able to order rolls of shipping labels from your store’s FedEx account with the instructions included.As always if you come across any issues with the ordering process please reach out to traffic@altardstate.com.
1. Go to https://www.fedex.com

2. Key in the username and password associated with your store account

5. To filter the supply list, click Electronic Shipping Labels, Find Supplies.

6. Choose the Non-DocTab Outer-wound Labels (Zebra 2844 and ZP500 Printers) QTY. 10200
7. ClickAdd to Cart

9. Click Proceed with Order

11. Key in your Store Location in the Company Name box ex. 101Turkey Creek 12. Click ConfirmYourAddress and Complete

13. Name the order if you choose then click Submit Order

Troubleshooting Guide
1. There is a known glitch with the program. If you get the error message “no supplies found” , log out of your FedEx account, clear all cookies and log back in.
2. The supply will take 2-5 business days to arrive.You should place an order when you are down toTWO rolls on hand.
3. Each roll contains a quantity of 925. Please keep the maximum order at 11100.This will give you 12 rolls at a time.
4. Please reach out to traffic@altardstate.com with any questions or issues.