Selfless Touch point two Guestsoftencomeinwithsomething inmind.AGuestExperienceStar selflessly gives ofher time bypaying attentiontowhattheguestreally wants! C ontinuetothenextpartofyourGuestExperienceStar training bygoingto building block 15! Think aboutit Whenyousay,“I’mjustlooking?” areyoureally justlooking? Think aboutatimewhen you’vedonethatbutreallywanted help.Whatcouldtheassociatehavedoneto encourageyoutobedirect? Headbackto building block 16 and test your skills! Tell usaboutit Nowthatyou’vechecked outthebuilding block training,headovertotheGuest Experience Star First Impression Survey toanswer thefollowingquestions. Whatarethreethingsguestsmightdo withtheirbody languagewhenthey wantyour help? GuestStarExperience First Impression 46 How would you respond to each of those things?
You did it! Time to move onto your next touchpoint! Touch point twoSelfless GuestStarExperience First Impression Timeto findyourleader. Wecan’twaitforyou to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practicewhat you learned. How’d it go? How did you do on your challenge? What did you learn? Timeto Grabapartner todiscussyourlearningandshowthemwhatyou learned!Completethe2nd partofthe TryitOutCard. I’m sure you rocked it! Whatwas theirfeed backto you? 47