No one likes a cold, one-size-fits-all shopping experience. A Guest Experience Star empowersher guest by personalizing her experience, just for her! Continueto thenextpartofyour Guest ExperienceStartrainingbygoing tobuilding block 19! Think about it Thinkofatimewhenyoufeltlikeanassociatereally cared aboutyou Whatdid theassociatedotomake you feelspecial? Headbacktobuilding block 20 andtestyour skills! Tell usaboutit Nowthatyou’vechecked outthebuildingblocktraining, head over to the Guest Experience Star survey to answer the following questions. Why do youthink personalization matterstoguests? Why isguestloyalty important? Touch point fourEmpowers GuestStarExperience Lasting Impressions 58

Touch point fourEmpowers GuestStarExperience Lasting Impressions Time to find your leader. We can’t wait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned How’d it go? How did you do on your challenge? What did you learn? Timeto Grabapartner,discussyourlearningsandshowthemwhat you learned!Completethe2nd partofthe TryitOutCard. I’m sure you rocked it! Whatwas theirfeed backto you? You finished! Now you can personalize your certificatefoundonMILO& get your leader’s sign off. Afteryou have celebrated you can move onto Style C onsultant. Way to go! 59

Congratulations! Your Signature Your Store Leader Your District Leader Your V.P. Share your success !!! You’re a Service Star Take this page illustrate it, hold it up, selfie time, post ! We want to celebrate with you!!! #altardstatestar 62