
We need to get you in the system,so you and your leader will complete all your newhire paperwork.You will get an associate numberand get yourselfput into our training system.
The very first thing you should do after yourpaperwork is watch theWelcome Video!
This is the first touchpointof the store! Learn more about our beautiful windows.
This is thesecond touchpointof the store. Learn more about how we greet guests that are walking intothe store andhow we interact with them as while they shop.
This is thethird touchpointof the store! Learn more about how to give our guests the best experience imaginablein the fitting, also known as the“The Sanctuary”.
This is the fourthtouchpointof the store! Learn how to send our guest off with a big smile! You will learn to run the register and also how to make our guest feelspecial and appreciated.
This is the first level ofyour Guest Experience Training! You must complete this level in order to workon the sales floor.You will complete training on the 4 touchpoints of the store over thenext 4 days.
You will start using these cards on day 2. They will give you a chance to take what you learned and go try it out!Make sure youcomplete atleast 2 try it out cards before moving on to thenext touch point.
Total Time:5 hours
Welcome Video.
Total Time:15minutes
Read & review
Pages 1- 22
Total Time:1 hour
Pages 1- 22
Total Time:1 hour
As prompted pages 1- 22
Total Time:1 hour
Review with your Leaderwhat you have learned and pages 21- 22
Review with your Leader “How to Bloom”
Time with Leader
Total Time:1 hour45minutes 2
Pages 23 -29
Read & review
Complete Surveys
Total Time:15minutes
Pages 26 - 27
Total Time:30 minutes
Page 26
Total Time:30 minutes
Tryit Out Try it out! Page 27
Total Time: 1 hour15minutes
Day 3
First Impression
Total Time:3 hours
Pages 30 -35
Read & review
Complete Surveys
Total Time:15minutes
Pages 32 - 33
Total Time:30 minutes
Page 32
Total Time:30 minutes
Tryit Out Try it out! Page 33
Total Time: 1 hour15minutes
Total Time:4 hours
Pages 35 - 41
Read & review
Complete Surveys
Total Time:15minutes
Pages 38 - 39
Total Time:30 minutes
Page 38
Total Time:1 hour
Tryit Out Try it out! Page 39
Total Time: 2 hour15minutes
Read & review
Pages 42 - 47
Total Time:15minutes
Complete Surveys
Pages 44- 45
Total Time:1 hour
Page 44
Total Time:1 hour
Tryit Out Try it out! Page 45
Total Time:2 hour 45minutes
First of all, we would liketo thank you for being part of theStand Out For Good Inc. family. Our growth so far has been a journey of successes and life lessons. We are very excited for the promising road ahead and the opportunity to continue our mission of changing the world through giving. We are determined to make a difference and can only do this with excellent people like you. We sincerely appreciate your role in our effort to make the world a better place
As we mentioned,we have big plans to dogreat things and you are an essential part of that plan
You represent the brand and our family to our guest each day. Through your individual efforts, you create a memorable experience for her. What makes you unique individually makes us great collectively and we welcome your ideas and insights. It is our hope that Stand Out For Good Inc. will continue to be a place we can all be proud of and we want youto know that you are part of our family and team.
We cannot say enough how important your role is in making Stand Out For Good Inc. a leader in retail and a driving force in giving back to those in need
Stand Out For Good Inc is more than a store, it’s a movement! Thank you for being a part of it!
Aaron Walters Brian Mason Chairman & CEO PresidentBecause we are a faith-based company, we really liked the idea of the transformationa person goes through when they receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. We went through the synonyms for transform and the first word was “alter ” We thought it would be cool to do a play on words and call our company Altar’d State, to symbolize the transformation in a Christian’s life.
The D was suggested to be backwards because we are different or set a part.
The butterf ly is a symbol of transformation .
The goal is to transform every guest that walks through the door. If purchases she will transform her look. If she visits without purchasing, we want her to leave happier than when she arrived.
Even our company if transforming! The future holds many exciting steps for our company. Our store designs have changed and will continue to evolve. This will keep our concept fresh and unique in the retail industry.
Along with the change in new store designs, we have transformed our logo! We officially launched our new logo in the spring of 2022.
Welcome to your first day!!!
We are so glad you are here!!!
Today you will find out what makes Stand Out For Good Inc. so special. You will see our mission statem learn about who we are;including our Lastly,you will find out how you can Stand Out For Good Inc. Have Fun!!!
You'll switch back and forth between this booklet and the corresponding surveys. This will be your online training central. The Workday courses will show you tons of great stuff and you'll write about it in the surveys. You'll also do in-store activities called try it out and grab a partner challenges to give you a chance to practice what you learned! Find your leader if you need help.
Our goal is to provide the best guest experience imaginable. Your journey will enrich many lives. Set your personal and professional goals high. We have great confidence in your ability to achieve them. Use your best judgment in all situations.
stand out.forgood. always.
Go to the Stand out For Good Survey to answer the following questions:
What does it mean to stand out for good?
How can you, along with your Stand Out For Good Inc. family stand out for good?